Yu Holea war eine geniale Geisterbeschwörerin. Verflucht, weil sie eine Einzelgängerin war, schlug sie den Weg des Exorzismus ein. Im Alter von 26 Jahren starb sie.
Als sie die Augen öffnete, stellte sie fest, dass sie in eine Figur mit demselben Namen wie sie verwandelt worden war. Yu Holea war das neue junge Fräulein der Yu-Familie. Doch alle mochten sie nicht, denn für sie ist Yu Mei das wahre junge Fräulein. Alle schauen auf sie herab, sogar ihre leiblichen Brüder.
Ihr ältester Bruder: "Versuch nicht einmal, mir nahe zu kommen. Ich hasse Goldgräber wie dich. Yu Mei, komm, ich bringe dich zum Einkaufen."
Ihr sanfter zweiter Bruder: "Die Tür, durch die man hier rauskommt, ist links. Denk daran, Yu Mei nicht zu schikanieren."
Ihr dritter Bruder: "Äh, lass mich nicht dein ekelhaftes Gesicht sehen. Lass mich das Gesicht meiner süßen Yu Mei sehen"
Doch Yu Holea ignorierte sie. Sie war an all das gewöhnt.
Sie konzentrierte sich auf ihre Karriere und das Geldverdienen statt auf die Liebe.
Sie war mittellos? Hm, sie hat eine lange Schlange von hohen Tieren, die sie anbetteln, ihr Geld zu geben. Ihr Geschäftsimperium dehnt sich von City S bis Capital aus.
Sie war unbegabt? Sie kann sogar Donner beschwören!!
Als einer der Verwandten der Familie Yu Yu Holea auf einer hochkarätigen Party inmitten von Größen aus verschiedenen Bereichen sah, war er zutiefst schockiert.
Gerade als alle verwirrt waren, kamen ihre drei Brüder und begannen, sie zu verwöhnen.
"Lea'er, möchtest du Erdbeerkuchen essen? Nenn mich Großer Bruder und ich werde dich mit dem Kuchen füttern."
"Lea, hier, trink diesen Saft. Übrigens, warum nennst du mich nicht Zweiter Bruder?"
"Kleine Schwester, hör nicht auf sie, ich werde dich vor allen beschützen, du musst mich nur Dritter Bruder nennen."
Ein gewisser Handsome, Vorstandsvorsitzender eines Top-10-Unternehmens, "Lea Baby, wann sagst du Ja zu meinem Antrag?"
Yu Holea: Warum sehen alle sie mit einem vernarrten Blick an?
Begleiten Sie Yu Holea bei ihrem Abenteuer voller Thriller, Spannung und Verwöhnung.
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589 Chs
Il m'a volée à mon mari minable
[Contenu Mature.]
“Ce bébé est le mien, et toi aussi,” a-t-il déclaré, pointant le ventre de Kate tandis que ses yeux verts profonds fixaient Kate, comme un viper prêt à frapper.
Kate ne pouvait pas croire que lui - Henry Grant, son nouveau patron de huit ans son cadet, était le père de son enfant à naître.
"Nous devrions être ensemble par défaut. Mais je te donnerai le choix. Va et souffre avec ton mari no-life, ou viens avec moi, je te montrerai tous les plaisirs que tu as manqués."
Pendant les cinq dernières années de son mariage, Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32 ans, avait toujours cru qu'elle était stérile. Elle ne pouvait pas concevoir d'enfant et son mari no-life Matt l'insultait toujours à cause de cela, la traitant de femme inutile alors même qu'il ne trouvait jamais de travail lui-même, forçant Kate à être le seul soutien de famille.
Pourtant, il avait encore le culot de la tromper avec sa propre soeur !
Le cœur brisé, Kate s'est réfugiée dans son bureau tard dans la nuit avec quatre bouteilles de vin rouge fort. A sa surprise, elle n'était pas seule.
Un beau jeune homme se tenait dans son bureau, en train de la regarder.
Il a refusé de donner son nom, mais a proposé de lui tenir compagnie pour la nuit. Avec le désir et l'alcool courant dans ses veines, Kate s'est volontiers abandonnée à ses instincts les plus bas, les plus refoulés, séduisant le visiteur anonyme mais consentant.
Dans son ivresse, elle a déclaré avec audace: "Si mon mari veut coucher avec toutes les femmes de la terre, alors deux peuvent jouer à ce jeu."
Elle ne se souciait pas qu'ils le fassent à cru, car elle pensait toujours qu'elle était stérile. Seulement pour se retrouver à regarder un test de grossesse positif un mois plus tard.
Kate Woods, la prétendument 'femme stérile', était enceinte.
L'inconnu avait accompli en une nuit ce que Matt n'avait pas pu faire en cinq ans.
Maintenant que Henry lui a donné le choix, Kate va-t-elle quitter son mari no-life et se jeter dans la mer d'incertitude avec ce jeune homme ?
Ou va-t-elle rester avec Matt, son mari qui l'a trompée pour le bien de leurs familles ?
Couverture Commandée Officielle.
Contactez moi :
Instagram : @ForeverPupa
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524 Chs
Il n'y a pas d'amour dans la Zone de la Mort (BL)
Zein était un Guide renégat vivant dans la terre abandonnée de la zone rouge, guidant pour de l'argent et la survie. Jusqu'à ce que la guilde avec laquelle il travaillait ait causé une tragédie. Animé par le chagrin et la culpabilité, Zein est devenu un guide mercenaire à la frontière de la Deathzone interdite, travaillant comme un moine suicidaire. Un jour, un Esper arrogant est soudainement apparu et lui a dit, « Si tu es tellement acharné à mourir, pourquoi ne viendrais-tu pas avec moi dans la Zone de la Mort ? »
Une proposition étrange, un sourire nostalgique. Avait-il réellement déjà rencontré cet homme auparavant ?
En suivant cet homme dans la zone mortelle, Zein trouvera-t-il le répit qu'il cherche, ou sera-t-il englouti dans une tempête ?
Mais il n'y a pas de place pour l'amour dans la Zone de la Mort... n'est-ce pas ?
* * *
L'histoire se déroule dans un univers de Sentinelle, donc il y aura :
- Sentinelle (Esper) et Guide
- Donjon !
- Romance
- Action
- ...de l'érotisme ? ;)
C'est une histoire d'amour (en quelque sorte) enrobée de péripéties du système de donjon, avec des capacités, de l'action et tout ce qui s'ensuit
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396 Chs
Réincarnée en Succube : Il est temps de vivre ma meilleure vie !
Alice est une développeuse logicielle de 28 ans. Elle gagne de l'argent, fait des dons à des œuvres de charité, et donne même à manger aux sans-abris.
Mais, en vérité, elle n'a jamais été aussi triste.
Elle n'a pas d'amis et sa famille et elle sont brouillés depuis qu'elle leur a annoncé son homosexualité. Elle essaie de se distraire de ses problèmes, jusqu'au moment où elle meurt soudainement.
Ce n'est cependant pas la fin. On demande à Alice de faire 3 vœux, 3 choses qu'elle désirerait si elle avait l'opportunité de renaître.
Alice souhaite avoir autant d'amants que possible, un rôle dans le monde qui a du sens, et une famille qui l'accepte.
Et ainsi, Alice se réveille dans un autre monde sous le nom de Melisa Blackflame, la fille aînée d'une famille de succubes. Elle décide d'essayer de vivre sa vie pleinement ici, en se jurant que, par-dessus tout, elle mènera une vie significative et, finalement, ENFIN, trouvera l'amour!
Ce qu'elle ne sait pas, cependant, c'est qu'elle est sur le point de trouver bien plus que ce qu'elle peut gérer.
Harem GL/Futa !
Mises à jour quotidiennes à 12 h heure de l'Est.
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270 Chs
Il s'avère que je proviens d'une vraie famille aristocratique !
Après avoir vécu avec la famille Fang pendant dix-huit ans, Fang Yuan découvrit qu'elle était une fausse héritière.
Quand la véritable héritière réapparut, elle fut abandonnée et était sur le point d'être renvoyée dans une zone pauvre et isolée... Mais ce qu'elle ignorait, c'était que cette soi-disant zone pauvre et isolée s'avérait être le quartier de villas le plus cher du pays !
Du jour au lendemain, elle est passée de simple héritière d'une famille aisée à véritable héritière d'une famille extrêmement riche! Ses parents biologiques la couvraient d'attentions excessives. D'un simple geste de la main, elle disposait de millions en argent de poche. Elle pouvait conduire n'importe quelle voiture de luxe du garage et acheter des articles de créateurs haut de gamme venant du monde entier.
Envie d'aller à l'école ? Elle pouvait choisir parmi les universités de prestige les plus célèbres !
Vous ne voulez pas étudier ? Eh bien, prenez le contrôle de l'entreprise familiale ici et amusez-vous avec !
Ce qui surprit le plus Fang Yuan, c'était qu'elle avait même un fiancé. Cependant, avant qu'ils ne puissent se rencontrer, le fiancé vint à sa porte pour rompre leurs fiançailles.
Fang Yuan ne s'en souciait pas vraiment, mais pourquoi cette personne parlait-elle de rompre leurs fiançailles, puis se retournait-elle pour se raccrocher à elle ? Il voulait toujours tenir sa main et l'embrasser.
Fang Yuan, agacée, demanda, "Excusez-moi, qui êtes-vous, monsieur ?"
L'homme sourit et dit, "Chère Yuanyuan, je suis ton futur mari !"
Fang Yuan répondit, "Monsieur, vous m'avez confondue avec quelqu'un d'autre. Je n'ai pas de mari, seulement un ancien fiancé qui veut rompre nos fiançailles."
Bao Yi, l'homme le plus riche et redouté de la ville, avait une expression embarrassée. Il pensait pour lui-même, 'J'ai vraiment envie de tuer cet idiot qui a fait une rupture spectaculaire sans même la rencontrer !'
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214 Chs
The Favored Margaret
Margaret is a perfect young lady, the fiancée of the first prince, Douglas, and the future queen. Until one day, she is abducted by Dermat, the heir to the enemy kingdom. This dangerously radiant man, like a lion, violates her in front of Douglas. Margaret, humiliated, fails to elicit any sympathy or remorse from her fiancé. In the subsequent developments, Margaret discovers that she has the ability to foresee the future. In the future, all outstanding men around her will fall in love with her, including Douglas, the fiancé's brother, and Dermat, the future powerful king of the enemy nation.
Margaret looks at her elegant and handsome fiancé in the carriage. This future supporting male lead speaks to her in a cold and arrogant tone, "Even if that happened to you, I would still marry you. I don't think you have anything to be sad about." Margaret indeed doesn't feel sad. She has decided to become a disobedient and rebellious woman.
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160 Chs
Margaret: El Origen del Caos
Aunque la Historia gira en torno a Margaret a través de ella descubriremos el origen del Rey Oscuro y como ambas vidas son guiadas por un mismo objetivo.
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28 Chs
Margaret: The Origin of Chaos
Although the story revolves around Margaret, through her we will discover the origin of the Dark King and how both lives are guided by the same objective.
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28 Chs
Il Vampiro
Personaggio terrificante di tenebrose credenze popolari, diffuse in vaste aree del mondo moderno, secondo cui il morto (spesso di morte accidentale o violenta, quindi ancora desideroso di vivere), richiamato in vita dal suo stesso spirito o da riti magici, va in giro di notte a succhiare il sangue dei vivi.
Nome com. dei pipistrelli della famiglia dei Desmodontidi, di piccola taglia, diffusi nell'America centro-merid.; ematofagi, mordono di notte i mammiferi in regioni prive di peli e con pelle sottile, succhiando dalla ferita il sangue che viene mantenuto fluido grazie a secreti salivari ricchi di anticoagulanti; possono trasmettere diverse malattie tra cui
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18 Chs
Loving you was a mistake- Steve Johnson and Margaret Smith
"Loving You Was a Mistake" is a captivating tale of love, revenge, and redemption that follows the tumultuous journey of Margaret Smith and Steve Johnson. Forced into a contract marriage orchestrated by Steve out of a misguided belief that Margaret was involved with his sister's husband, Margaret finds herself bewildered by Steve's sudden animosity towards her.
The narrative unfolds from their wedding day, where Steve's plan to enact revenge on Margaret begins. As Steve deliberately orchestrates circumstances to make Margaret fall for him, his initial intentions blur as he witnesses Margaret's genuine affection. However, his resolve wavers, and he decides to abandon her, only to realize his true feelings too late.
Through a series of flashbacks, the story delves into the origins of the misunderstanding, unraveling the intricate web of deceit and betrayal that led to their strained relationship. As Steve comes to terms with his mistakes, he embarks on a quest to win back Margaret's trust and affection.
The novel explores themes of fake love, revenge, drama, and forgiveness as Margaret grapples with the decision to forgive Steve or sever ties with him permanently. Ultimately, "Loving You Was a Mistake" is a poignant tale of love's power to overcome even the deepest wounds, leaving readers questioning whether love can truly conquer all.
Obituaries usually consist of the following parts:
Title: A concise summary of the deceased's identity, occupation, reason for death, etc.
Subtitle: Can contain the deceased's name, time of death, place of death, and other relevant information.
3. Introduction: A brief introduction of the deceased's life, deeds, contributions, etc. to arouse the reader's interest.
4. Main body: describe the deceased's life, deeds, contributions, etc. in detail. You can quote some relevant documents, pictures, and other materials to enhance the legibility.
5. Conviction: express condolences to the deceased's death, express thoughts and blessings to his family and friends, and put forward some hopes and suggestions.
6. Inscription: Including the deceased's name, time of death, place of death and other information, as well as the author's name, contact information, etc.
The writing of an obituary should be solemn and rigorous. It should avoid using overly fancy and exaggerated language. At the same time, it should pay attention to the appeal and legibility of the text so that the deceased's name would leave a deep impression in the readers 'hearts.
An obituary is a real story because it's about a real person who has passed away. It details their life, achievements, and relationships. It's based on facts about their existence.
There were novels similar to The Bride's Obituary:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1. Book of Troubled Times: S (Wuxia)
Ji Cha's new book was about the protagonist who was thrown into the martial arts world and shaped the martial arts world in his mind. There was also the evaluation mechanism of the Book of Chaos to evaluate outstanding people. The author did not forget to include all kinds of female protagonists in this book.
watching focus
The taste of Wuxia was very good, and the female lead was also very well shaped.
Plot: *********
The plot unfolded like a real drama. The protagonist gradually solved the mystery of the world while insisting on morality.
Setting up the settings:
Every character had a unique background and setting, and they vividly portrayed the characteristics of the martial arts world.
Character *****
The characters in the book were more in-depth, with their own personalities and charms, as well as different background stories.
2."Spirit Realm Walker": Sprout.
[Demining: The update is not good enough. It's always stuck at a critical point.]
[What to Look At: The style of writing is smooth and comfortable. It's like laughing and scolding between good friends, and they all become articles.] Although the entire article was very useful, you couldn't see the seriousness in it. It had a sense of familiarity. His worldview seemed to be very interesting. He could not tell much about the saplings, but the ambition of the newspaper seller seemed to be quite big this time. He felt that the structure was different. Coupled with his writing style and structure, it was worth looking forward to.
[Rating: 4 stars]
3.<<The Tang's Table>> The people of the world and the affairs of the world are just the dishes on the table of the Tang people.
Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people.
Steaming, braising, stir-frying, stewing... There were many cooking methods in the kitchen.
Whether it was Goguryeo, the Turks, Tubo, Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, Tiele…or even whales, tigers, sharks, and hungry wolves, the Great Tang was a furnace that could cook them all into peerless delicacies…
In addition to Li Zhi, Wu Wei, Zhangsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and other peerless seasonings, there would always be one thing that you would never forget, regardless of color, fragrance, or taste.
Yun Chu hoped that she would definitely have a seat at such a luxurious banquet!
Now, the delicious food had been cooked. Yun Chu laid out the napkin, picked up the deer knife, and closed her eyes. She was ready to enjoy an unprecedented feast to satisfy her hungry stomach.
4."King of Familiars":"King of Familiars" is a very good novel. The author has attracted the readers 'attention with his unique creativity and wonderful plot. The beginning of the story was very fast, and the plot was also a little brain-burning. Reading it required one to use their brains. It was not a simple story, and it was suitable for readers with some reading experience. Overall, this book was very good. I recommend it to readers who like the familiar genre. The author's setting was very novel, and there were many fun points. It allowed people to read many chapters in one breath. Overall, I give this book a recommendation score of 8.7. I strongly recommend it to everyone.
5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation":[Strong Promotion] I haven't seen such a good book in a long time.
I'm Tian Yan's Pi!
I can also do big ice dunes ~
6."National Forensic Medicine":"National Forensic Medicine" is a fascinating novel. The author is supported by his profession. Through vivid storylines and fascinating descriptions, he vividly shows the profession of forensic medicine. Compared to 'The Great Physician Ling Ran,' the protagonist's personality was more realistic, and his interactions with the people in the police station were more vivid. The story was compact and fascinating, making one want to read it all in one go. The author's understanding of character design and web novels was also very impressive. He avoided the shortcomings of the protagonist pretending to be 13, like a primary school student who had lost his way in society. In addition, the cheats and system settings in the book were also very interesting, adding to the fun of the story. Overall, National Forensics was an unforgettable novel. Whether it was in terms of style, rhythm, or setting, it was eye-catching.
7."Wait, Heroine"
It was the new book of the author of the XX Ferocious series, Guan Guan.
I think the reason why it's not fierce to call her a heroine is:
In the first book, The Prince Is Fierce, the protagonist's character could be shown, and there was only one prince.
In the second part, the fairy was very fierce because the female protagonists were all fairies without exception, so this name was appropriate.
However, the third book was obviously rich in elements. It was not just the heroine. If the heroine was named after her fierceness, it would be limited to the heroine, which would not be in line with the other female protagonists.
8."Mantang Colorful Scenery"
Soul Traversing Great Tang, the opening plot was intense and exciting.
[Author's impression]
Weird Cousin's last part of the Song Dynasty was pretty good. He hoped that his new work would reach a higher level.
9:"Hidden Dead Corner": Watching~
Get lost, big boss's new article. It's not bad. It's as fascinating as ever. It still has the same taste.
There were no problems with the world setting. The protagonist had a brain too, so there were no poison points.
The plot was written in a daily manner. It did not abuse the main character. The main character's IQ was on the line. He was not too crazy or too arrogant. There was no problem with his writing. There were no poison points at the moment, so it would not make people act out.
10."Final Divine Duty": A masterpiece of sci-fi ancient martial arts mecha!
Get out of the way, another representative work of the Wind Extreme Dao Style, the city's high-level martial arts mecha monster
Ancient martial arts mecha, interstellar warfare, human body evolution, spirit qi recovery
The main character kills decisively and is not a saint.
11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Er Gen's new book, very exciting, recommended.
"This Game Is Too Realistic":"Sprout Trio""Game Otherworld""Female Lead Unknown"🐶
It was a very good article, with many interesting settings and leeks. Pei, the players gave everyone the experience of becoming capitalists! Transmigrated to the Doomsday Wasteland, obtained a 404 fallout shelter at the start, put on a game skin and shook people (tool), developed industries, climbed the technology tree, revived civilization, and became the light of dawn (not)
Old author, the previous books are all quite good.
13:"Red Heart Sky Patrol":[102] Why Do I Have to Do This "Red Heart Sky Patrol"
[Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 102]
2021 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 9
[Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2021-3-15]
Title: Red Heart Sky Patrol
Author: What's the big deal?
[Author Level: LV5]
[Alliance Leader Count: 114]
[Silver Grand Alliance: 8]
[Golden Sect Leader: 0]
Fans/10,000: 73
[Category: Xianxia·Classic Xianxia]
Total Words/Ten Thousand: 272
Date: October 8, 2019
[Hundred League Time/Day: 517]
Initial order: About 100
Average: Not counted
Last updated: December 13, 2019
[Completed: No]
End date: ×
Writing time/day: ×
Date: April 11, 2021
Ring of Fate: The Secret World Part 2
In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky.
'Squid's novel is still worth recommending.'
15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor":[Ming][Science][Thought Liberation]
He had transmigrated to the Battle of Jingnan. As Fang Xiaoru's grand-disciple, he was about to receive the big gift bag of 90 casualties. However, Jiang Xinghuo did not panic at all because his mission was to die nine times before he could return to the modern world.
[Status of work: In progress, 1.24 million words.]
Points to Watch:
1. The article had a lot of popular science knowledge about politics, economics, and natural science. Instead of the same plot of making gunpowder and paper, the protagonist focused more on the transformation of the mind as the main weapon.
1. There are some differences between the characters before and after the protagonist is released from prison. Please watch carefully according to your preferences.
"Ascending on the Right Day": At the moment, it feels a bit like the feeling of looking at the divine tomb. It's undoubtedly a divine work.
Ranking index:
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?": Struggle until you can't afford a house at the age of 38. You have to pay 300,000 yuan as a betrothal gift to get married. You have to live frugally for most of your life. It's so bad that your liver is broken. But where's the money?
Who earned the money? Jiang Qin, who had been reborn at the age of 18 with countless grievances, opened his eyes and the only thought was to start a business and make money.
The first step was to snatch back the love letter that he had given out. He flipped it over and wrote three lines in the school belle's shocked eyes: "You can't work for anything. If you can get rich, get rich."
Money can be earned again, but conscience can be earned even more! The livestock of the society will never be slaves! As for love?
Even dogs wouldn't talk about that!
"Deep Sea Ember" is an unforgettable novel. The author brought the readers into a wonderful world full of horror and humor with his unique punk style. The protagonist of the story, Captain Duncan, and his crew, as well as the various strange things they encountered, made people laugh. Under the pen of the big eye, the terrifying scene became funny, and the existence of Captain Duncan also gave the reader a sense of security. Whether it was scary or funny, the author grasped it just right, making people unable to stop. This book is highly recommended!
"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World". Keyword: [Heaven Crossing],[Carefree Dao],[Decisive Killing]
Ranking index:
[A recommendation of the same kind: I, an immortal cultivator in my twilight years, will live forever.]
Reading Notes:
Wenchao's products were definitely of high quality. The main world cultivated, while the sub-world cultivated blood and martial arts. It was similar to the main world's body cultivation. They used the flesh and blood of demons and devils to make tonics to nourish themselves. The resources of the two worlds could be transferred and used. Although there were only two worlds at the moment, according to Wenchao's style, it would definitely turn to the heavens in the later stages. It was important to note that there were many debuffs on the main character in the early stages. When he entered the sub-world, he was inferior to others. When he reached the late stage of the foundation establishment stage, he failed to break through. If he read too many genius books, then this book's impression was not bad. Moreover, unlike the previous books, there was a female protagonist plot in the early stages.
Words of recommendation:
Fang Xi wore it, and it was the second time!
In the cultivation world, I was a yes-man, but in the Otherworld, I was a punching bag!
"Who told him to cultivate!" "I've repeatedly stressed that the atmosphere in the cultivation world is crooked, and I'm not the one who led it astray. It's said that history books are written by the victors, so why are there always people framing me when I win?" Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger.
The next day.
"I have repeatedly stressed that I am the one who led the cultivation world astray." Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger. I'll be reporting to you from 'Cultivation Daily.'
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Well, it could be the passing of well - known public figures. For example, recently a famous actor might be in the top obituary stories. His movies were very popular and his death made headlines.
An obituary life story should be a respectful and comprehensive account of a person's life. Begin by announcing the person's death. For example, 'We are sad to announce the passing of [name].' Then, chronologically present their life. Their childhood, the people who influenced them. As you move on to their adulthood, highlight their accomplishments. Maybe they started a successful business or volunteered a lot. Finish by expressing the love and respect the family has for them and how they'll be remembered for their kindness or their great work.
Start by introducing the character and their background. Highlight their significant contributions or events in the story. Add some personal reflections on why they were important. Keep the tone respectful and poignant.
Well, start by collecting key moments and achievements from the person's life. Focus on their passions, relationships, and significant events. Make it heartfelt and true to who they were.