"Je t’aime, malgré les signes de danger."
Abigail, protégée et innocente, est gravement malade. Elle sait qu'elle va bientôt mourir alors avant de mourir, elle veut réaliser son unique souhait - tomber amoureuse. Elle veut expérimenter le fait d'aimer quelqu'un romantiquement. Mais à une étrange condition - elle veut un homme qui ne tombera pas amoureux d'elle parce qu'elle ne veut pas qu'il souffre quand elle ne sera plus là. Elle rencontre Alexandre Qinn, l'homme sans cœur et mystérieux. Il la prévient dès le départ qu'il ne fait pas dans l'amour et qu'il est dangereux. Mais cela en fait l'homme parfait pour Abigail. Il correspond exactement au type d'homme qu'elle recherchait.
Alexandre enseignera à l'innocente Abigail sa manière de prendre du plaisir tandis qu'Abigail lui montrera la joie de faire les choses simples de la vie. Leurs mondes totalement différents se heurtent, la maladie d'Abigail et les mystères autour d'Alexandre seront peu à peu révélés. Abigail pourra-t-elle supporter son propre enfer ? Alexandre pourra-t-il supporter sa lumière ?
Une histoire d'une fille gravement malade et d'un homme sans cœur.
Une histoire d'un prince vampire et d'une fille humaine fougueuse et riche.
Une histoire d'un amour non partagé d'une sorcière ancienne.
Une histoire d'un fantôme et d'un prince vampire.
La couverture est la mienne alors ne l'utilisez pas.
Compte Instagram : kazzenlx.x
Page Facebook : author_kazzenlx
Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4
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930 Chs
Général, Votre Femme Vous Demande de Revenir à la Maison Pour l'Agriculture
Su Xiaoxiao faisait la sieste mais a ouvert les yeux pour découvrir qu'elle avait été transmigrée et se trouvait maintenant dans le corps d'une fille bien en chair. D'une docteure militaire distinguée, elle était devenue une gourmande et une paresseuse. De plus, elle terrorisait souvent les gens du village en compagnie de son père et de son frère. C'était pourquoi personne aux alentours ne voulait l'épouser. Bien que sa famille soit parvenue à arranger un mariage avec une famille illustre, le marié s'est enfui le jour du mariage.
Quand son père a dit qu'il lui attraperait un mari, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qu'il le fasse littéralement en capturant Wei Ting avec un sac après qu'il eut été épuisé de combattre des brigands. Su Cheng souriait mystérieusement à sa fille. "Papa a une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle. Laquelle veux-tu entendre en premier ?"
"L'une ou l'autre."
"J'ai capturé un mari pour toi. Il est cent fois plus beau que He Tongsheng ! Tu vas définitivement l'aimer !"
"Alors, c'est quoi la bonne nouvelle ?" demanda-t-elle dans un état second.
Su Cheng décida de se laisser porter par le courant et changea ses mots.
"La bonne nouvelle c'est que tu n'as plus besoin de donner naissance ! Mon gendre nous a déjà donné des enfants !"
Après s'être mariée, Su Xiaoxiao menait une vie trépidante à réformer son père gangster et son frère cadet pour le mieux, à sauver la vie de son époux magnifique, et à élever ses trois canailles... En outre, elle devint inopinément l'une des dames les plus puissantes de la dynastie Yan !
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694 Chs
Nouvel Eden : Vivre pour Jouer, Jouer pour Vivre
Dans un monde de compétition constante, un homme vise le sommet. Dans ce nouveau genre de VRMMORPG, il compte devenir le plus fort à tout prix.
Les classes, les races, les zones de départ, tout est un mystère dans 'Nouvel Eden'. Ce jeu sort sans le moindre détail dévoilé. La seule chose qui a été promue, c'est la liberté de choix des compétences.
Notre protagoniste Alexandre, pseudonyme Astaroth, a toujours rêvé de devenir un athlète d'e-sport. Ses parents soutenaient son rêve, mais ils ne sont plus de ce monde. Il est pleinement déterminé à réussir dans ce nouveau jeu, sinon pour lui, du moins pour honorer leur mémoire.
Sans idée précise de la façon dont il veut jouer son personnage, Alexandre choisit la race de départ la plus mystérieuse. Cela sera-t-il son chemin vers le succès ou sa perte? L'assistant de jeu semblait croire à la seconde option.
"Faites comme bon vous semble, jeune aventurier. Je tiens simplement à ajouter ceci. Ne revenez pas avec des plaintes lorsque vous réaliserez que vous avez fait le mauvais choix," dit l'elfe, le regardant avec une haine manifeste.
"Nous verrons bien," répondit froidement Alexandre. "J'aime les défis," ajouta-t-il.
"Très bien !" s'exclama l'elfe avec un reniflement. "Vivez l'aventure de votre vie, aussi courte soit-elle," il ajouta sarcastiquement.
Devant lui se trouve un chemin incertain, jonché d'épreuves et de difficultés.
Mais une chose est claire dans ses yeux. Il deviendra le joueur le plus fort du jeu, même s'il doit pour cela piétiner des montagnes de cadavres.
Finis les jours de travailler dur pour rien, c'est le moment de réussir ou d'échouer !
J'ai maintenant un discord où vous pouvez discuter avec d'autres lecteurs et moi-même. Il y a aussi des canaux pour discuter des nouvelles armes ; personnages ; classes ; ou monstres que vous pourriez vouloir concevoir et voir intégrés dans l'histoire. Je donnerai toujours crédit à la personne ayant créé ledit élément, soyez-en assuré.
Le lien est
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630 Chs
Papa ! Rentre à la maison pour le dîner !
Le jeune maître de la famille Zhekova s'est approché de Cindy Clarke avec un vieux téléphone et a dit, "Tu as laissé tomber ceci il y a cinq ans, et je l'ai ramassé. Tu le nies encore ?"
Il y a cinq ans, elle a été piégée et est tombée enceinte.
Cindy Clarke n'aurait jamais imaginé que le père de son fils s'avérerait être le Prince Charmant que toute la nation adorait.
Elle avait un père faible, une mère calculatrice, et une sœur qui complotait pour lui nuire ?
Tout cela n'avait pas d'importance !
Adrian Zhekova a dit, "Tout ce qu'ils veulent, je te le donnerai. Qu'ils soient jaloux."
Si ses adversaires diffamaient Cindy Clarke ?
Adrian Zhekova a dit, "Je fermerai leur compte."
Tu n'aimes pas ça ? Supporte-le !
Morgan Clarke a dit, "Sanglot, sanglot... Arthur Woods dit que je suis un enfant illégitime sans papa."
Après la faillite de la famille Woods, Adrian Zhekova s'est tourné vers Cindy Clarke et a demandé, "Quand vas-tu officialiser notre relation ?"
Cindy Clarke a répondu, "Depuis que je t'ai rencontré, c'est comme si j'avais un code de triche. Tout se passe comme je veux."
Adrian Zhekova a répondu, "C'est exact, je suis ce code de triche."
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606 Chs
Aimé par un homme plus âgé
La dote est de deux millions de dollars, pas un centime de moins. Jiang Yu a déjà dix-huit ans et peut se marier maintenant. Envoyez l'argent sur ma carte, et cette affaire est réglée !" Jiang Yu regardait sa mère, qui parlait sans arrêt à la table des négociations. Elle la regardait fixer son prix pendant qu'elle vendait Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu n'en revenait pas. Il y a dix-huit ans, ils ont ramené à la maison le mauvais bébé de l'hôpital, et Jiang Yu, la véritable fille d'une famille aisée, s'est retrouvée dans un orphelinat jusqu'à l'année dernière. Jiang Ran, la fausse fille de la famille Jiang, a grandi avec une cuillère en argent dans la bouche. Avec des ressources supérieures depuis qu'elle était jeune, elle était plus remarquable que Jiang Yu à tous égards et était devenue la fierté de la famille Jiang. Jiang Yu, qui errait la plupart du temps dans le monde extérieur, n'était rien d'autre qu'une péquenaude qui rendait sa mère risée du cercle mondain. Cependant, Jiang Yu ne se doutait pas de la haine immense de sa mère envers elle. Le jour de ses dix-huit ans, sa mère la 'vendit' pour une somme nommée. Jiang Yu dit, "Si vous voulez marier votre fille à quelqu'un d'autre, ça devrait être Jiang Ran. Je suis votre véritable fille. C'est vous qui avez pris Jiang Ran par erreur à la maison !" Sa mère répliqua, "Tais-toi. J'aurais souhaité ne jamais t'avoir donné naissance. Tu n'as apporté que honte à moi !" Jiang Ran dit, "Grande Sœur, tout ce que Maman fait est pour ton bien. Ne blâme pas Maman." Sa mère dit, "Je suis convaincue qu'elle n'est rien d'autre qu'un percepteur de dettes qui est venu me réclamer son dû ! Ou tu me donnes deux millions de dollars, ou tu te maries sagement !" Jiang Yu a quitté la maison dans le désespoir. Par un concours de circonstances étrange, elle s'est retrouvée à épouser accidentellement un PDG. Dès lors, l'homme de trente ans choyait sa femme de dix-huit ans jusqu'aux cieux. La petite fille disait, "Monsieur, quelqu'un a maltraité ta femme !" L'homme dit, "Quel incapable aveugle ose donc te maltraiter ?"
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607 Chs
Guide pour apprivoiser mes maris vilains
Suite du guide pour élever mes adorables maris.
Mo Qiang, une architecte a été choisie par la fée de la nature qui l'a amenée dans le monde interstellaire où elle a été punie pour faire revivre la nature qu'elle a détruite de ses propres mains en créant une architecture qu'elle pensait ouvrir la voie vers le futur.
Maintenant, coincée avec un système de revivification de la nature dans un monde plein de gaz toxiques et de trucs intergalactiques où elle doit tout recommencer à zéro et planter plus de forêts et de récoltes tout en créant un monde vivable pour les humains, Mo Qiang souffrait. Mais ça a l'air facile, non ?
Non !
Sur son chemin, elle a trois maris méchants, tous les trois veulent la tuer pour pouvoir épouser sa sœur capable après l'avoir rejetée, elle qui était nulle et bonne à rien. Mo Qiang n'a rien contre eux, en fait, elle est plus que prête à divorcer d'eux après avoir sécurisé sa vie et augmenté sa faveur dans leurs cœurs de sorte qu'ils ne la tueront pas mais ——
Pourquoi viennent-ils pour elle maintenant ? Allô, vous vouliez tous épouser sa sœur, non ?
Extrait :
« Voilà, » dit Mo Qiang en poussant l'accord de divorce en regardant son premier mari qui était doux mais venimeux comme un serpent. « J'ai déjà signé le document de notre divorce, tu peux y jeter un œil — attend, pourquoi est-ce que tu enlèves tes vêtements ? »
La sirène la regarda et sourit doucement en retirant ses lunettes et dit, « On dirait que mon épouse n'est pas contente que je ne lui ai pas donné d'enfant, ne t'inquiète pas, je vais travailler dur ce soir. »
Mo Qiang : « ….. » Je ne veux pas que tu travailles dur !
Prends le deuxième !
« Prends ça et signe-le, » dit Mo Qiang, cette fois plus fermement en regardant son deuxième mari qui lisait un scénario pour son film. « Je suis sûre que tu veux divorcer de moi, n'est-ce pas ? J'ai déjà signé — ouah ! Pourquoi tu me mets sur le lit ? » Demanda-t-elle en regardant le visage magnifique.
Son deuxième mari la fixa et d'une expression et d'une voix aussi froides que l'eau, dit, « Je dois répéter une scène d'amour, aide-moi, chère épouse. »
Mo Qiang : « …… » Ce film que tu tournes est basé sur l'apocalypse Zerg, ne me mens pas ! Avec qui vas-tu faire l'amour ? Un Zerg ?
Prends le troisième !
« Huff, huff... c'est l'accord de divorce, signe-le... Je sais que ta compagnie n'autorise pas les idoles à sortir avec quelqu'un, alors tiens signe-le, » dit-elle à son troisième mari qui s'entraînait à danser.
La sirène, habillée d'une chemise en soie ample et de la sueur coulant le long de son corps, jeta un œil au document qu'elle lui tendait, puis étreignit Mo Qiang.
Une seconde plus tard, elle entendit sa voix sanglotante alors qu'il parsemait son cou de baisers, « Épouse, tu ne me veux plus ? Est-ce le nouvel idole qui a attiré ton attention, je le savais ! Je vais m'occuper de lui ! »
« Pose ce couteau, veux-tu ! »
Et pourquoi le troisième prince de la famille impériale qui la détestait à mort lui court après avec des fleurs ? Elle a déjà assez à faire !
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581 Chs
Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir l'épouse du roi mécha
Il y avait trois mots dans l'empire Étoile du Soleil pour décrire Scarlet Su : inutile, déchet et stupide. Mais un jour, le compte étoile de Scarlet Su est passé d'avoir le nom d'utilisateur 'La fiancée du roi mécha' à 'Le roi mécha, c'est nul.'
Soudain, tout le monde se demandait quelle nouvelle quête d'attention elle inventait ?
Mourant sur une Terre infestée de zombies, une jeune femme plonge dans un portail qui devrait mener à un merveilleux nouveau monde mais au lieu de cela, elle se réveille dans un monde interstellaire dans le corps de Scarlet Su, l'épouse indésirable du général favori de l'empire et roi mécha.
Elle devient instantanément mère du fils du général et copropriétaire d'une planète poubelle non développée.
Heureusement, elle a transmigré avec son espace de stockage, des millions de fournitures et une volonté de travailler dur.
Malheureusement, elle est dupée en devenant un faucheur d'âmes dans ce monde interstellaire. Chaque semaine, elle doit livrer des âmes au sous-monde ou risquer de perdre sa force mentale nouvellement acquise et de redevenir la vieille Scarlet faible et inutile. Elle est passée de Scarlet l'inutile à Scarlet l'incroyable et son mari est soudainement venu la supplier désespérément d'accepter son amour.
Elle a dit, « Parle d'abord à ton fils, c'est lui qui cherche un père. »
Mais son fils a dit, « Tu veux être mon papa, rejoins la file des prétendants là-bas et remplis tes informations. »
Extrait :
« Alors le mari prodigue revient après tout ce temps et moi qui pensais que tu étais mort. » dit-elle avec sarcasme.
« Surveille ta langue Scarlet, je suis toujours ton mari. »
Scarlet a ri et a croisé les bras, « Ah donc tu es conscient d'être un mari, comment devrais-je réagir maintenant que tu as choisi d'assumer le titre que tu as si facilement voulu jeter il y a quelques mois. Devrais-je applaudir et ensuite enlever mes vêtements et te supplier de me ravager ? » elle a levé les yeux au ciel et a reniflé avec dédain.
Elle regardait son mari s'approcher lentement d'elle avec un regard concentré et furieux et elle se demandait si elle l'avait poussé à bout.
« Tu as osé m'envoyer des papiers de divorce, Scarlet, as-tu perdu la raison ? »
'Non,' pensa-t-elle, 'au contraire, c'est toi qui as perdu la tienne.'
La photo de couverture n'est pas la mienne et peut être retirée à la demande du propriétaire.
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579 Chs
Madame Gu est trop faible pour se débrouiller toute seule
On racontait que Qiao Xi avait une constitution fragile – une beauté maladive. On racontait qu'elle dépensait une fortune chaque jour en médicaments – les engloutissant comme des bonbons. On racontait que dix serviteurs l'attendaient auprès de son lit chaque jour – un fardeau pour tout le monde. Ils attendaient tous que la famille Qiao renvoie Qiao Xi à la campagne et la laisse se débrouiller toute seule.
Qiao Xi : "Ils disent tous que je suis faible et incapable de prendre soin de moi. Apparemment, je dépense de l'argent de manière inconsidérée aussi."
Elle regarda son chemisier déchiré et s’exaspéra.
Qiao Xi : "Vous voulez dire que cette famille riche laisse sa fille porter des vêtements déchirés tous les jours ?"
La fille riche de la famille Qiao ? Elle en avait assez ! Elle ne le serait plus ! Donc...
Mauvais garçon : "Sans la famille Qiao, tu n'es rien."
Qiao Xi : "Si je suis expulsée de la famille Qiao, je serai finie."
Mauvaise fille : "Sœurette, ne sois pas trop déçue. Tant que tu travailleras dur, tu seras louée un jour."
Qiao Xi : "Tais-toi, je ne connais pas une traîtresse comme toi."
Le mauvais garçon et la mauvaise fille : "???"
On racontait que le plus jeune fils de la famille Gu, Gu Zheng, avait imprudemment épousé une femme qui n'avait rien d'autre que son apparence.
Qiao Xi : "Quelqu'un me méprise-t-il ?"
Un jour, Qiao Xi vit un des employés de Gu Zheng se creuser la tête sur une série de chiffres à l'écran de l'ordinateur. Comme elle avait du temps libre, elle prêta main-forte.
Avait-elle vraiment piraté le pare-feu créé par les efforts conjoints des meilleurs hackers de l'élite ?!
Gu Zheng se rapprochait à chaque pas. "Qiao Xi, qu'est-ce que tu me caches encore ? Hmm ?"
Qiao Xi : "Oh non ! Je me sens étourdie à nouveau ! Je suis si faible. Ce corps à moi est juste trop faible !"
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598 Chs
Guide pour élever mes maris mignons
Yu Dong, une cultivatrice de l'apocalypse zombie, s'est retrouvée transmigrée dans un autre monde après être morte en combattant une horde de zombies - dès qu'elle ouvrit les yeux, quelqu'un lui dit que sa femme était en train d'accoucher - Yu Dong était stupéfaite, elle s'empressa de toucher sa poitrine, pour vérifier si elle était toujours une femme - les deux monticules fermes lui confirmèrent qu'elle l'était - immédiatement elle regarda entre ses jambes, elle voulait vérifier si elle était une 'vraie femme', mais avant qu'elle ne puisse - on l'emporta là où sa femme accouchait - et ce qu'elle vit lui donna envie de s'évanouir de nouveau -
Parce que sa femme était un homme ! Et elle n'avait pas juste une femme, mais trois !
Yu Dong regarda l'homme qui gémissait sur le lit et faillit s'évanouir - après tout au moins elle n'avait pas à hacher des zombies pour vivre, n'est-ce pas ?
Ce n'est pas ma couverture, envoyez un email à fairy0tail072@gmail.com pour la faire enlever
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434 Chs
100 Jours pour Séduire le Diable
[Avertissement : R18+] Quand la Haine se transforme en Amour... et la Vengeance en Passion... Va-t-il choisir de recommencer avec elle ?
L'âme de Floconphantôme s'est séparée de son corps après s'être suicidée devant son ennemi, Nathan Sparks, le Chef Suprême de la Mafia de Syphiruz.
Elle se réveilla seulement pour découvrir que son corps (qui était dans un état de coma) était retenu captif par Nathan ‘le Diable !’, qui tentait de prolonger sa vie. Et quel était son motif ? La tuer de sa propre main et la torturer à mort !
Nathan éprouve un profond ressentiment envers Floconphantôme car elle a assassiné la personne la plus précieuse de sa vie. Il voulait sa revanche !
Et les choses sont devenues encore plus excitantes lorsqu'une créature magique apparut devant l'âme de Fantôme, lui donnant une mission ridicule en échange de la récupération de son corps.
« Fais-le tomber amoureux de toi en 100 jours ! » dit la créature volante, pointant ses petites pattes vers Nathan qui se tenait sans expression à côté de son lit de malade.
Avec des yeux ronds, Floconphantôme fit une tête ‘tu-plaisantes-j’espère’ à la créature volante.
Pas question ! C'était une mission impossible ! Ce type la haïssait tant. Comment allait-elle faire ??!
Extrait :
Nathan la saisit par le cou. « Ne joue pas de tours avec moi, Floconphantôme. » La voix froide de Nathan résonnait dans la pièce, ses yeux brûlant de rage.
Mais Floconphantôme se contenta de lui sourire narquoisement, appuyant ses mains contre son torse, ses doigts le narguant. « Tu ne peux pas me tuer, Nate. Admets-le simplement. Tu es déjà tombé pour moi. »
D'un mouvement rapide, Floconphantôme tira sur sa chemise, réduisant l'espace entre eux alors qu'elle écrasait ses lèvres contre les siennes. Étonnamment, Nathan se retrouva à répondre à son baiser. Il avait perdu ! Il ne pouvait pas lui résister.
Je possède la couverture du livre (=";"=)
Artiste : Bea Cortez
Rejoignez le serveur de l'Auteur pour obtenir des mises à jour et des annonces sur le livre.
Lien Discord : https://discord.gg/WymeFaeQe
In Distance, Huo Mei's ending was that she married Liu Yuntian and had children, while Lu Xiaoou returned to Yao Yuan's side. Huo Mei and Liu Yuntian's relationship developed very sweetly. The two of them quickly registered their marriage, and Huo Mei also got pregnant unexpectedly. Although Huo Mei experienced a series of setbacks and betrayals in the play, losing her career and the support of her friends, she finally chose to escape from all of this and live a plain and leisurely life. This ending showed Huo Mei's growth and choice, and at the same time, it also brought a sense of happiness to the audience.
In the distance, Huo Mei's ending was that she married Liu Yuntian and had children, while Lu Xiaoou returned to Yao Yuan's side. Huo Mei and Liu Yuntian's relationship developed very sweetly. The two of them quickly registered their marriage, and Huo Mei also got pregnant unexpectedly. However, Huo Mei experienced a series of setbacks and betrayals in the play, losing her career and the support of her friends. Although the ending was a little tragic for Huo Mei, she finally found happiness.
Josh Homme is a well - known figure, perhaps best known for his work in music. Regarding 'Josh Homme reads bedtime story', it could be an event where he reads a bedtime story. Maybe it's for a special cause like a children's charity or just a fun and unique project to engage with his fans in a different way.
The name of the female lead of Elysium was Xia Ling. In the search results, several documents mentioned Xia Ling's character, describing her performance and character settings in different plots. Although the search results had some content related to the female protagonist of Gokuraku Pure Land, it did not provide more detailed information about her. Therefore, we can only conclude that Xia Ling is the female lead of the Elysium.
The thirteen big brothers of Elysium were Ah Zui, Typhoon, Arhat, Fu Donglai, Violent Yan, Zombie Qiang, Single Blade Phoenix, Casanova, Jin Buque, Khun Sa, Fatty Wang, Shan Qiu, and Zi Long.
"To Give Up the World for Beauties (Part 1)" was a romance novel written by May Meier. The story was about the daughter of a prisoner who became the love of three princes. They all wanted to marry her, but because of the disparity in status, they could not do so. In order to survive, the female lead endured the humiliation of being sent by the Empress to the Crown Prince as a trial marriage slave. In this contest of love and power, the heroine was faced with a cold choice. In addition to love, there were two other women as smart as her who were also involved in the conspiracy of power. This novel described how she continued to move forward on the road of gaining and losing.
There are many romantic novels that start with the word "Qing".
1 "Lethal"-Bufei Smoke
2 "The World"-Ink Treasure Is Not Treasure
3 "The World"-Feng Qing
4th Night-The Concubine
5 "The Phoenix of the World"-Dream of Three Lives
6 "The Legend of the World's Ink Fragrance"-Dream of Clouds
7 "The World's Overwhelming"-Electric Lines
8 "The Voice of the World"-Ziwei Liunian
9 "The Phoenix of the World"-Electric Wires
10 "The Peerless State Scholar"-Fourteen Nights
The above novels are all fictional. If there are similarities, it is purely coincidental.
There were novels similar to Homme Fatale:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1. Book of Troubled Times: S (Wuxia)
Ji Cha's new book was about the protagonist who was thrown into the martial arts world and shaped the martial arts world in his mind. There was also the evaluation mechanism of the Book of Chaos to evaluate outstanding people. The author did not forget to include all kinds of female protagonists in this book.
watching focus
The taste of Wuxia was very good, and the female lead was also very well shaped.
Plot: *********
The plot unfolded like a real drama. The protagonist gradually solved the mystery of the world while insisting on morality.
Setting up the settings:
Every character had a unique background and setting, and they vividly portrayed the characteristics of the martial arts world.
Character *****
The characters in the book were more in-depth, with their own personalities and charms, as well as different background stories.
2."Spirit Realm Traveler":"Spirit Realm Traveler" was a novel with a very interesting setting. The author's description of the instance dungeon was also very outstanding, bringing many surprises and excitement. Although the protagonist's cheat was a little too powerful, it also made the story more interesting. Even though some parts of the book were slightly exaggerated, overall, the book was worth reading. If you were in a book famine, this book might bring you some new inspiration and fun.
3."The Tang's Table": The Almighty's new work has 500,000 words. Strongly recommended.
King of Familiars: Familiar original
The light spring sounds like a new work, worth looking forward to.
5."Fairy, Please Listen to Me":"Fairy, Please Listen to Me" was a refreshing scumbag novel. The author used a unique stroke to describe the growth of the protagonist. This book was well-researched, well-written, and the plot was smooth. The two main characters handled it very well. The author's writing level far exceeded that of 99% of authors. It was admirable. The image of the female lead was also very well written, making the readers lose their minds and look forward to her appearance every day. The writing style of the entire book was excellent, the plot was handled very naturally, and the characters were full. Although the update speed was slow, it did not affect the fun of reading. All in all, Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation was an enjoyable novel that was worth reading.
6."National Forensic Medicine": Niaogun has released another new book. Its standard is still the same, and it's still a challenge in a new field, the forensic field. However, the settings are still the same as Ling Ran's. For example, the source of skills and the way to level up, but the main character will be more lively than Ling Ran. Of course, Niaogun's book has a lot of delicious food, and there's also a father who knows how to cook. Come and join us. It won't disappoint everyone!😂
7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" was a very comfortable book. The author's writing process was steady, steady, and step-by-step, making it easy and enjoyable to read. The story in the book was compact and made people immerse themselves in it. They could feel the author's foundation and knowledge. Even though there were some places that were a little over-the-top, overall, the book was worth reading. In addition, the author's writing style and character description were excellent, especially the description of the pet bird, which gave people a vivid feeling. In short, this book was a joyful novel that could make people laugh. If you like novels with multiple female protagonists, then this book is definitely not to be missed.
8."Colorful Colors of the Tang Dynasty":"Colorful Colors of the Tang Dynasty" was a historical novel that people looked forward to. The author's weird cousin used the period of Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei as the background to show a story full of novelty. The story was set in a setting where the protagonist faced the dilemma of a shaky country, accumulated abuses, and a rebellion of the Hu people. However, he insisted on making the Tang Dynasty not lose its splendor and showed his determination and courage.
The update of this book was very powerful, and the author's sincerity was evident. In the content of more than 100 chapters, the author cleverly integrated the style of trickery and a compact plot, and the characters were also vividly portrayed. If this type of novel was handled properly, it would give people the feeling of playing house, but the author had shown his strength in this aspect.
However, there were also readers who reported that the speed of the car might make some people feel uncomfortable. For lovers of history and politics, this book was undoubtedly a masterpiece. The author's new book was also highly anticipated. The image of the protagonist and the opening of the story were full of anticipation.
Overall,"Colorful Tang" was a fascinating historical novel. The author's talent and sincerity were fully reflected. Although some readers had raised some issues, the highlight of the book was still worth a try.
9:"Hidden Dead Corner": Get lost's new book. Get lost's work definitely can't be missed. Whether it collapses in the later stages or not, the early stages will definitely be good. Moreover, if this book doesn't collapse in the later stages, wouldn't it be a loss to miss it?
10."The Final Divine Duty": I'm following it. I finished reading the free chapters in one go. It's written very well. The story progressed layer by layer and the rhythm was well controlled. I couldn't stop.
It was just that it was too little and needed to be nurtured.
11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present.
The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned.
Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us?
[This Game Is Too Realistic]<strong> It was recommended by a book friend. Currently in reading.</strong>
Moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, delivering packages…The company could at most let you experience the hardships of 996, but here you could experience the super double 007. Was there a game more realistic than this?
13:"Red Heart Sky Patrol":[102] Why Do I Have to Do This "Red Heart Sky Patrol"
[Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 102]
2021 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 9
[Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2021-3-15]
Title: Red Heart Sky Patrol
Author: What's the big deal?
[Author Level: LV5]
[Alliance Leader Count: 114]
[Silver Grand Alliance: 8]
[Golden Sect Leader: 0]
Fans/10,000: 73
[Category: Xianxia·Classic Xianxia]
Total Words/Ten Thousand: 272
Date: October 8, 2019
[Hundred League Time/Day: 517]
Initial order: About 100
Average: Not counted
Last updated: December 13, 2019
[Completed: No]
End date: ×
Writing time/day: ×
Date: April 11, 2021
Ring of Destiny: Ring of Destiny is an incredible work. Squid's second novel continued his usual style and left a deep impression. The main character of the story, Lee, was a provocative person with good looks. He worked hard to survive Chapter 209, but at the same time, he faced an eternal reincarnation and a destined fate. The relationship between dreams and reality was puzzling, and the Ring of Destiny seemed to be an endless cycle, but it finally ushered in its end. The Lord of the Mysteries is my favorite. Every time it updates, I will watch it in time. I don't skip chapters and sentences, and I carefully savor every word. Looking forward to the return of the squid king. The new book had just been released and had not even updated a single chapter, but it had already received the support of the Hundred Alliances. The monthly votes had also reached more than 7,000. This made people full of anticipation for this book. Overall, Ring of Destiny was a good book that made people unable to extricate themselves. It was definitely worth reading.
15:"The State Preceptor of Ming Dynasty":"Teaching in prison, Zhu Di asked me to be the state preceptor after eavesdropping."
After witnessing the end of the Battle of Jingnan, Jiang Xing Huo, who was the target of the Ten Clans Execution, finally heaved a sigh of relief.
As a veteran transmigrator, he could return to the modern world for eternal life after transmigrating for nine lifetimes.
Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he began to teach in prison, but it seemed that something was wrong...
Ma Sanbao: What is the Great Voyage Era in On Sea Power? [1]
[Yao Guangxiao: On the Fate of a Nation is actually the legendary dragon-slaying technique!]
Zhu Gaochi: I haven't finished talking about the silver standard in the History of Chinese Money.
Jiang Xing Huo: "I'm going to be beheaded tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest of the lesson in your dreams."
At this moment, the walls of the Imperial Jail collapsed and a voice sounded.
"Mr. Jiang, I am Zhu Di. Please be the state preceptor!"
"Ascending on a Better Day": Strongly recommended, not to be missed by Xianxia lovers, and recommended for readers with a wide range of tastes.
Otaku Pig's new book. In my opinion, this book should be another breakthrough for Otaku Pig. I think this book is better than the previous books.
I think it's good because he changed the style of the previous books at the beginning of the book. He started with a blockbuster scene. People who read it were excited and felt it immediately.
After reading books for so many years, I was suppressed by all kinds of books with similar styles. It was difficult for me to immerse my mind into the story in the book when I read. This was one of them.
The genre of the book is Xianxia. So far, I feel that the biggest highlight is the villain, as well as some sentences that make people relax and laugh from time to time. Villains in the hands of pigs have a lot of personality, and this book is no exception. I won't spoil the details. Anyway, when Old Ancestor Zhou "passed the Heavenly Tribulation, but the Human Tribulation", I was very sad. I had an indescribable feeling in my heart. This is a rare feeling that I can't bear to part with the villain.
17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Being Reborn": I recommend you guys to read it. The writing is experienced. This is the most surprising book of the month.
"Deep Sea Ember": Big Eye's new work. The protagonist wakes up one night and finds himself inexplicably transformed into a ghost ship, the captain of the Lost Homes. His image has also changed.
Under his uneasiness, he came to the ship and encountered the waves of the Wall of Reality. He brushed past a ship that was escorting a strange doll girl. Using the strange power of the transformation skin, he transformed into a green light superman and obtained a doll maid.
"Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts" was a novel about cultivation, the heavens, Dao, and literature. The protagonist's golden finger could travel to other worlds. As his realm increased, more and more worlds were unlocked. By transporting the resources from the other world, the main character's realm and strength increased. The protagonist was ruthless and ruthless. There was nothing he could not give up. It could be said that he only cared about benefits. Some parts of the book were a little white, but it was not bad overall. It could be used to kill time when he was bored. The author's new book was a plagiarist. He finished reading it in one go. The golden finger was the main character's ability to travel to other worlds. He already had one main world and three small worlds. The main character used the differences between different worlds and the opportunities in the cultivation world to achieve a long lifespan. He was currently in the Core Formation realm. All kinds of logic were reasonable and he was experienced. There were some small flaws that did not affect his reading. He was strongly recommended. The quality of plagiarism could be said to be quite stable, but this time, it was not bad. This time, the content was compound. There was the traditional multi-world transmigration and the Dao of Gou. There was no grievance at all, no humiliation and no emotional scenes. It could be said that his thoughts were clear and he was not afraid of being suddenly fed sh * t. Just by looking at the golden finger, it felt like it had turned into a demon tree. Below the immortal level, this lifespan golden finger was too much of a cheat. In short, this novel was a refreshing novel that was not afraid of being suddenly fed sh * t. It was highly recommended.
"Who told him to cultivate!" Very interesting. So far, it seems to be very fun. The plot isn't too surprising. The rhythm is good. It's funny and easy.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
The name 'Nuit d'Issey' likely refers to a night-time concept related to Issey Miyake. The parfum might be designed to evoke the mystery and allure of the night. It could be inspired by the idea of a special evening or a nocturnal encounter.
There were novels similar to The Story of Elysium:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1."Book of Troubled Times":"Book of Troubled Times" is a very good fantasy novel. It is definitely not to be missed by readers who like fantasy novels. The author's writing style was excellent, the plot was also very exciting, and the creative setting was also very innovative. The supporting characters were also very lively and interesting, leaving a deep impression on people. The Almighty's work could be said to have written the Jianghu in the hearts of some people. Even though the later stages of the game inevitably moved toward the middle and high martial arts path due to the background setting and plot development, the first and middle stages were still dominated by Jianghu and Wuxia styles. On the whole, the book brought joy and pleasure to the readers, and occasionally (often) brought some happy elements to the readers. The protagonist was controlled by the mastermind behind the scenes and led to a martial arts world with broken pieces of the secret realm. He rode a horse in the martial arts world and rebuilt the country. For the sake of some female confidantes, he also discovered the secrets of the past. In this world, every movement in the martial world, the emergence of newcomers, and the evolution of prodigies would be broadcasted in the sky in real time. This was the Book of Chaos. In addition, the description of the female characters in this book was also very good. It was full of the aura of the female protagonist and left a deep impression on people. In general, this book was more relaxing and enjoyable than the previous two books. It seemed to be alright.
2."Spirit Realm Traveler": On the first day of its release, it was ranked first on Qidian's monthly votes, bestsellers, characters, and trending works. The author, Xiao Langjun, also became the first author on the Qidian platform to collect more than 200,000 points in 24 hours.
The first 24 hours after it went on sale, 81127 copies were ordered. It broke 100,000 yuan in a week.
As a veteran newspaper reader, I'll mark five keywords for everyone: [Book Review],[Creation],[Writing Style], and [Daily Life].
The book reviews were the most attractive part of the book. The stars were shining and the great gods gathered here. Once a new word appeared, the book friends would say everything they knew and learn a lot of new knowledge. The popularity of "Da Feng The Nightwatchman" could not be separated from the reviews of netizens. However, this problem still needed to be properly guided. An anonymous operator said that after a chapter was released one night, thousands of comments were deleted.
In terms of creativity, the protagonist, Zhang Yuanqing, was a freshman in university. He accidentally received a mysterious gift from a good friend, a Spirit Realm access card, and thus began a bizarre "Spirit Realm" adventure. Spirit realm and reality were similar to a spirit realm world that combined reality and reality into reality, combining the "meta-universe" and science fiction. However, no one knew how far science fiction could go.
In terms of writing style, this book was still mixed with suspense elements and supernatural elements. This kind of crime-solving writing method was very suitable for the rhythm of web novels. The world view of this book would be unfolded in a "game" mode, and the structure of the writing would adopt a two-line approach. The plot would be richer, and the plot logic would be more exquisite and rigorous.
The description of daily life was his strength in selling newspapers. It was the foundation of his online novels and also his consistent creative feature. The group portraits in his books were vivid. Often, with a few sentences or even a sentence, the readers could quickly grasp a person's character. However, the shortcoming was that it was a little too much.
In fact, writing skills were the foundation of the newspaper seller. It was mainly about daily life and character creation. As long as this was present, no matter what book he wrote, people would read it.
He had already entered the middle stage, so he could take a look.
3."Tang People's Table":"Tang People's Table" was a very exciting novel. The author used the Tang Dynasty as the background and told the story of a young man who traveled to the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty. This young man used his modern knowledge and skills to overcome difficulties and finally returned to Chang 'an, the center of the Tang Empire. Chang 'an City was resplendent, with gold everywhere and beautiful women everywhere, making people yearn for it. This book was not only a transmigration novel, but also a food novel. The author's detailed description of the food of the Tang Dynasty made people drool. The main character, Yun Chu, used his knowledge and skills to not only establish his position in the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty, but also to save the dying and heal the wounded. He repeatedly made extraordinary achievements and received much attention. The food and character descriptions in the book were excellent, making it very enjoyable to read. Overall, this book was a highly recommended novel, especially for lovers of Tang Dynasty history and food.
4."King of Familiar": The King's Descent, Glory!
5."Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": The Emperor is critically ill, the Crown Prince is in charge of the country, the local immortal sects are entrenched, and the central power is in chaos.
When she woke up,
Xu Yuan saw the ruined temple in the mountains on a rainy night.
He saw a strange stone Buddha with a broken arm.
The woman in black beside the bonfire with a veil over her face.
6."National Forensics": It's a really good case solving story. From the first chapter onwards, the plot is especially compact. It feels very immersive when you read it. It's a rare good story. I recommend it to everyone.
7:"Heroine, Wait": My favorite Guan Guan's latest work, he's here! The genre didn't change. Whether it was the plot or the character drawing, it had clearly improved a lot. It made my reading flow smoothly. The fighting scene was off! More storylines can give us more to watch and discuss, enrich the entire novel, and let the heroine reach a higher level. My aesthetic sense is always on the line, comforting my fragile little heart. The cute bird vowed to be the strongest king. Without her, this family will fall apart sooner or later! A different style, a different character, let's get drunk together!
8.<Full Tang Colorful Scenery>: I can only say that it's amazing!
When he first saw the name, he didn't really care. After clicking on it, he couldn't stop. Now, I can only hold back from reading it. I'll save a little before reading it. It's too torturous to read chapter by chapter!
A book of immortal herbs!
9."Hidden Dead Corner": 85 points, creepy sci-fi
Get lost. The beginning of the new book feels like a mysterious journey.
From the first and second chapters, which were only a few thousand words long, the protagonist had just transmigrated. There was also his family situation and some social relationships. The explanation was clear and could make people feel as if they were there. It described the middle and bottom of the world, a kind of inner scroll era in this world. However, there was also a sense of serenity. Then, it was described in a side note. When preparing for war, I felt that there should be a small portion of the higher-ups, some secret sects, or some secret people who mastered the supernatural. It wasn't a situation where the higher-ups hid things from the lower-ups.
There were some foreshadowing that I was quite concerned about. First, the original body died, and then the main character came over. Therefore, after surviving three times, he should be able to obtain Transcendence.
Secondly, I feel that the main character's contact is still with the mysterious girl brought by the fair-skinned sister. This should be a small turning point.
10."The Final Divine Duty": I'm following it. I finished reading the free chapters in one go. It's written very well. The story progressed layer by layer. The rhythm was controlled very well. I couldn't stop.
It was just that it was too little and needed to be nurtured.
11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present.
The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned.
Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us?
[12: This Game Is Too Realistic] The fourth catastrophe, the players worked hard, but the pain was happy.
"Red Heart Sky Patrol"[Keyword]: Classic Xianxia
[Description: The protagonist is a young Dao College disciple who fell into a desperate situation because of his friend's betrayal. He accidentally obtained a Meridian Unlocking Pill that can solve the problem of cultivation aptitude from a big shot who died in battle, as well as a cheat that can deduce and improve cultivation techniques and sword techniques.] After completing his revenge, he embarked on the path of cultivation in this world of constant strife.
[Strengths: It's said to be the work of a physical book boss. The writing style is excellent and has a classical charm.] The character creation was also very outstanding. With just a few strokes, he could portray the delicate thoughts and complicated ways of the world of the characters. Although they were Xianxia characters, they were filled with the atmosphere of the mortal world. Every supporting role was created with flesh and blood.
[Prompt before reading: There are a lot of characters appearing at the beginning of the game, so the amount of information is a little too much. It might not be in line with the reading habits of online novels. You need to calm down and read carefully. You might miss a good book because of this and gradually enter a better state in the future.]
[Rating (based on personal taste)]:
"Ring of Destiny": Those who like to be mysterious and brainless, those who don't like it are not recommended.
[Author: Squid that Loves Diving (Platinum)]
[Fantasy Continent]
connecting to
Total Word Count:45.17w
True number of fans: 40.70 million
Total Collection:161.36w
Total recommendation:185.78w
[Alliance Leader Count:204+]
First Order:180182 (Added on April 10, 2023)
The Mysterious World, Part Two.
In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky.
"The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" was an amazing work. The author used modern theories to change the world of transmigrators as the background and told an impressive story. The author's writing style was excellent. The unique charm between the lines was easily accepted by the readers. Every lesson was refreshing. Whether it was the protagonist's lecture or Zhu Di's eavesdropping, it was a deep impression. Especially when the main character was giving a lecture in prison, the hair-raising piercing feeling was even more shocking. This book was not only outstanding among historical works, but it was also a thought-provoking work. The author's idea was really amazing. It made people realize how powerful the power of thought was. This book was not only a historical novel, but also a work that made people think. Whether it was the main character's lecture or Zhu Di's eavesdropping, it was all amazing. This was an unforgettable work. It was a good book to read for both history lovers and those who were thinking about the meaning of life.
"Ascending on a Better Day": The Platinum Pig is Here! In the first chapter, the author announced his strong return and the improvement of his physiological condition. He also made a guest appearance and personally offered sacrifices to the success of his new book. Everything showed that the situation was good and exciting.
The scholarly family's adorable pet, Niu Huaqi, lived under someone else's roof and was a doddering old man, a first-grade…This taste was very good. The book was also known as: The Appearance of the Great Demon King Xu, and the Soaring of the Inner Volume…
17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Being Reborn": The writing is not bad, the plot is exciting!
I'd like to call it "I really didn't want to be a sea king after being reborn as a bootlicker."
Struggle until you can't afford a house at the age of thirty-eight. If you want to get married, you have to pay 300,000 yuan as a betrothal gift. You have to live frugally for most of your life. Who earned the money?
Jiang Qin, who had been reborn at the age of 18 with countless grievances, opened his eyes and the only thought was to start a business and make money.
The first step was to snatch back the love letter, turn it over, and write three lines under the school belle's shocked eyes:
No matter what, he couldn't work. If he could get rich, he would get rich.
Money can be earned again, but conscience can be earned even more!
The livestock of the society will never be slaves!
As for love? Even dogs wouldn't talk about that!
"Deep Sea Ember": A new book by a great author. Currently, it's still a small seedling with a worldview similar to that of the Xyrin Empire, but it's a brand new universe and story. Those who had not read the author's old books did not stop reading this one.
Cthulhu steam, magical style of technology🤔
The protagonist was an ordinary middle school teacher. He was suddenly locked in his apartment. The apartment was floating in a fog. There was nothing around him. The only door that could leave the apartment led to a ghost ship from another world, the Lost Home.
The main character's soul had transmigrated into the ghost captain and inherited a small portion of his memories. This body was very strong, the kind of natural disaster that ranked fifth in the world. The main character did not have most of the memories, so he played the role of the captain and explored this foreign world.
The main character currently has a ghost ship with self-awareness, a talkative wooden goat head first mate, a beautiful doll with a head that often falls off, and a pigeon with an ie-like head.
Due to a natural disaster, this otherworld had become a sea world with 95% of the sea. At the same time, there were many terrifying strangeness similar to Cthulhu in the sea. The surviving humans lived on scattered islands and communicated by boat. The sun in the sky was also destroyed by the natural disaster. After 100 years of darkness, humans paid a huge price to create an artificial sun to bring light back to the world. The darkness would breed terrifying creatures, and only the fire energy could protect humans. Therefore, everyone had to be angry at night.🔥
There were no stars in this world, but there was the Spiritual Realm, subspace, and the deep sea. The author's imagination was very big, and there were many secrets in his worldview. As the protagonist explored, he slowly deciphered them. The main characters and supporting characters were all intelligent, and those who liked to decipher the code could not be missed.
He wasn't sure if there was a female lead, but there were quite a lot of girls, and they weren't ambiguous. The female character was created quite well. It was worth a look!
The protagonist has three views. I guess the follow-up should be to clear all kinds of evil cultists in the foreign world and lead the survivors to build a new world.
The article copies the new book, the fast food refreshes the article, the quantity is big, the tube is full.
It was on sale today, and the quantity was as large as before. If you like the longevity style, you can try it out. It's still satisfying to read it as a cool novel.
"Who told him to cultivate!" A new book by a Dacheng stage author! It was still the same familiar fun, at least these few chapters were quite interesting.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.