
feather chair

Le retour de l'héritière milliardaire de la chair à canon

Le retour de l'héritière milliardaire de la chair à canon

Héra Avery travaille à plusieurs emplois à temps partiel pour payer sa scolarité universitaire. Elle gère simultanément son travail et sa vie amoureuse. Son petit ami, qui est une célébrité en devenir, l'a fait payer pour leur appartement luxueux situé dans un immeuble bien connu. L'immeuble est aussi le domicile de riches héritiers et héritières. Pour l'anniversaire de son petit ami et leur troisième anniversaire de relation, elle est rentrée chez eux seulement pour le trouver avec une autre femme. Mais qu'a-t-elle reçu en retour ? Une gifle, une rupture et elle a été expulsée de l'appartement qu'elle payait avec son propre argent. Après avoir été expulsée et devenue sans-abri, elle pensait que les choses ne pouvaient pas empirer. Cependant, la nouvelle petite amie riche de son ex-petit ami infidèle est allée plus loin en contactant chaque établissement et en les persuadant de la mettre sur liste noire. Cela l'a conduite à perdre ses moyens de subsistance et ils ont même répandu des rumeurs selon lesquelles elle était obsédée par son ancien petit ami célébrité et avait été attaquée par ses fans. N'ayant pas d'autre issue, elle serra les dents. « Grand-père, je suis prête à hériter du consortium. » Ancien Maître Avery a ri de bon cœur après avoir entendu sa conviction et a fait un virement bancaire à Héra. [Vous avez reçu un virement de $100,000,000,000 sur votre compte se terminant par ####] [Note : Ma chère petite-fille, utilise cet argent de poche pour te faire plaisir à tout ce que tu désires. Ne sois pas économe, et si tu dépenses tout, n'hésite pas à me demander plus.] Héra était stupéfaite. Lorsque son identité a été révélée, son ex-petit ami s'est mis à genoux et a pleuré devant elle, pour qu'elle le reprenne. Le sarcastique Premier rôle masculin 1 : Tu penses que c'est ton tour ? Regarde derrière. Quand son ex-petit ami a regardé derrière lui, il a vu des hommes influents alignés avec des bouquets de roses pour courtiser Héra. Le froid Premier rôle masculin 2 : C'est de ta faute si tu as été aveugle. Pleure et supplie mais tu n'auras aucune chance tant que nous sommes là. Le brutal et impatient Premier rôle masculin 3 : Tu veux que je te casse les jambes ?! Le roi du divertissement Premier rôle masculin 4 : Tu n'es qu'une petite étoile mais tu veux me dépasser ? Le colérique Premier rôle masculin 5 : Je vais m'assurer que tu sois mis de côté. Le séducteur Premier rôle masculin 6 : Chérie, ils essaient de te voler de moi ! Voyant les problématiques Premiers rôles masculins, Héra sentait un mal de tête arriver sans savoir quoi faire. « Allons-y au fil de l'eau alors ! »
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660 Chs
Monde Éthéré : La Route de l'Immortalité du Chair à Canon Vicieux

Monde Éthéré : La Route de l'Immortalité du Chair à Canon Vicieux

Bei YueYue était une personne généreuse et douce. Par la suite, elle a transmigré et est devenue 'Huang Ying Yue', un personnage secondaire féminin qui est tristement célèbre pour sa méchanceté, son impitoyabilité, son insatiabilité charnelle, son inhumanité et sa personnalité nymphomane dans le roman sur les immortels qu'elle venait de lire. Dans le roman, l'originale 'Huang Ying Yue' a commis d'innombrables actes maléfiques pour offenser bon nombre de personnages puissants à l'intérieur. Non seulement l'héroïne du roman, mais aussi tous les hommes de son harem ont été harcelés et abusés physiquement et mentalement par 'elle' de différentes manières. La route vers l'immortalité est pleine d'épines, de dangers et de menaces imprévisibles. Des cultivateurs maléfiques, des monstres et des démons font rage partout. Tout en poursuivant la voie de l'immortalité, tous les cultivateurs doivent unir leurs forces pour éliminer ces êtres maléfiques. Tout en essayant d'atteindre son objectif, YueYue doit faire face à d'innombrables ennemis puissants que 'Huang Ying Yue' a offensés dans le passé ainsi qu'aux dettes que 'Huang Ying Yue' a commises. Simultanément, elle doit affronter l'héroïne d'une beauté glaciaire, Huang Bai Xing, qui est entourée d'une multitude d'hommes séduisants et de fortunes défiant les cieux. Avec un avantage providentiel et l'amour du ciel, Huang Bai Xing a reçu des aides surnaturelles. Grâce à ces aides, elle devint de plus en plus forte jour après jour et attendit le meilleur moment pour tuer 'Huang Ying Yue'. Des gens puissants, les hommes de Huang Bai Xing, un par un, sortent leurs armes, dans l'intention de tuer et de lui donner une leçon terrifiante parce qu''elle' a blessé leur femme bien-aimée. Heureusement, avec le monde éthéré incroyablement avantageux qu'elle a reçu, elle pouvait planter les plantes spirituelles, récolter les fruits spirituels, cultiver avec le pouvoir spirituel abondant et tricher avec le temps, se baignant dans la cascade spirituelle à l'intérieur de l'espace, tout en conservant sa vie 'paisible' à la poursuite de la route de l'immortalité. Avec son armée de bêtes loyales, elle s'est lancée sur la voie de la cultivation pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, l'amour, l'amitié, les épreuves, l'excitation et un passé mystérieux tout en changeant son destin et celui des autres autour d'elle pour un meilleur avenir. Inconsciemment, elle ne se rendait même pas compte que, de par sa personnalité, elle attire d'innombrables fleurs de pêcher qui ont changé son existence monotone pour toujours. Avertissement : Fin 1VN, une femme qui finit avec plusieurs hommes. Il y a des amours tabous (mais pas sans réflexion) Veuillez lire les étiquettes avant de vous plonger dans mon monde. Image de couverture de : Pinterest, les crédits reviennent à leur légitime propriétaire. Mon compte Instagram : Littlecarrot006_ Mon nom d'utilisateur DISCORD : littlecarrot6510 https://discord.gg/8tn2JkKs Mon deuxième livre : Mythe du Miracle : Renaître pour défier mon destin Ce livre participe à la WSA 2024 (En progression) #Portalspace #Harem inversé #Tabou #RomanceNoire #ProtagonisteFéminineXianxia #Xianxia #Np #Cultivation #Aventure #Immortalité #Polyandrie #Beaucoupd'hommesbeaux #Transmigrée #Chairàcanon #Romance #Combat #Bête #Multicontinents #PasséMystérieux #ProtagonisteFémininedouceetgentillemaispassansforce #Pardonnemaisn'oubliepas #ProtagonisteFéminineIntelligente
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624 Chs
Le chair à canon dans le jeu de l'apocalypse mondiale mène une vie tranquille

Le chair à canon dans le jeu de l'apocalypse mondiale mène une vie tranquille

#hérosattentionné #infrastructure #RPG #OPMc (Attention : Ne lisez pas en buvant. L'auteur décline toute responsabilité pour tout incident d'étouffement dû à un bonheur excessif. XD Je partage juste de bonnes ondes. Si vous vous sentez déprimé, lisez mon roman !) Li Chunhua ne s'attendait jamais à être transportée dans un autre monde après avoir lu un livre étrange qu'elle avait trouvé dans la Bibliothèque de la Secte. Quand elle ouvrit les yeux, son esprit était imprégné des souvenirs d'une autre fille dont l'apparence et le nom lui ressemblaient. Elle était devenue le canon fodder vicieux dans ce roman de tourment du héros masculin qu'elle avait lu. Face à un avenir de mort misérable, Chunhua décida de rester loin du héros masculin et des personnages secondaires et de vivre discrètement. Grâce à sa constitution de carpe koi, sa route vers une vie confortable fut toute tracée. Tandis que d'autres mouraient encore de faim à cause du manque de nourriture, Chunhua avait déjà commencé à cultiver et à élever du bétail. Quand d'autres étaient encore sans abri décent, elle construisait déjà des routes. Bien qu'elle ne mangeait que sa propre cuisine déplorable, sa vie était déjà bien ! [Félicitations pour avoir amélioré votre chaumière en cabane en bois de Niveau 1.] [Félicitations pour avoir amélioré votre cabane en bois de Niveau 1 en maison en pierre de Niveau 2.] [Félicitations...] Tout se passait bien jusqu'à ce qu'elle trouve un homme inconscient, couvert de saleté dans la forêt. Elle a toujours cru au conditionnement karmique et a donc pris soin de lui jusqu'à ce qu'il se remette sur pied. Jusqu'au jour où il lui dit son vrai nom. Li Chunhua était stupéfaite. Pas possible, l'homme que j'ai sauvé était en fait le héros masculin ! Est-il trop tard pour le relancer dans la forêt ? L'expression de quelqu'un se durcit et il la jeta sur le lit. "Tu oses !"
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453 Chs
【Birds Of A Feather】

【Birds Of A Feather】

Mark is happy with his girlfriend— Elizabeth when his first love whom he had a bitter past with came back to town. Elizabeth is threatened by her mere presence. And to make things WORSE, she just have to be in his class. And to make things WORST, her relationship with her boyfriend is crumbling. Now Elizabeth is even more threatened and Mark has to deal with all the consequences along with the other stuffs that will follow.
105 Chs
Sleuth LLC: Birds of a Feather

Sleuth LLC: Birds of a Feather

Quentin Quasar has found that being a telepath is a mixed bag: it's great when he's catching an unfaithful spouse or tracking down a thief, but it's horrible when his bedmate is thinking unflattering thoughts during sex. It's no wonder that instead of saying his prayers every night, Quentin sends tendrils of thought out into the world, looking for another telepath to ease the loneliness.<br><br>Imagine his surprise when he finds one-and the young man needs help!<br><br>Nate Braddock was plenty panicked at being kidnapped by fanatics who planned to "beat the devil" out of him. With Quentin's help, and then his partnership, Nate finds the courage to take a stand against his mother's religious intolerance. Together they'll confront an uncomfortable truth: telepaths may not be devils, but not all of them are angels, either. Quentin and Nate will need their combined gifts to tell the difference.
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89 Chs
Red Feather: Retribution

Red Feather: Retribution

From the Retribution Series; Kelly is killed but cannot cross over. When she learns of her family history she begins to realize she is not normal and secrets have been kept for centuries.
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82 Chs


The continent of Teleth is burdened by war. Fooled and dying, a downtrodden man in the last moments of his life is given another chance: To become a spirit watching over his young "daughter." A crime lord with a powerful patron finds himself falling deeper and deeper into a pit of evil he has no way out of. And in the capital, the crown princess and bastard prince struggle with the hatred and conspiracies of their own family. The future has been written, but nothing is set in stone. https://discord.gg/Q2WH9vX6QA
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73 Chs
feather of love

feather of love

They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you..' What happens when a sweet and gentle girl meets a cold hearted and overly possessive man ? While his distant and disdainful nature pushes everyone away, her warm and determined demeanor unconsciously make people feel comfortable. Two people, different from each other and yet quite similar. Unique and still, strangely too compatible. Special on their own, but somehow fate mysteriously aligns them together our life and Faith have another plan to change and play Like a board of chess the winner of the heart will keep it forever. Mia used to a normal noble girl with her loving family always beside her. Untill one fateful night of her 16th anniversary everything changed ... Her mother mysteriously passed away by an unknown cause. Rumours speculate it to be some sort of illness while others say she was poisoned! What seemed to be the happy family transformed into a prison.. a once free bird, now caged due to her father's controlling nature. However Mia is not your usual girl. She is smart and knows how to lie while her true goals hidden locked inside a box. While he knew, he chose not to ask anything untill she revealed it....
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56 Chs
Crystal Feather

Crystal Feather

This is an Adventure of powerless chicken. Caught in grueling competition and survival of the fittest. Every monster wants a piece of it.!!! Every demon Hunt, its soul!!! All witches want it!!! Join me, on a journey where a Super Delicious Chicken, against all odds. Built its Kingdom. ...............................
22 Chs
Bright Feather

Bright Feather

------------------------------------------ !!!Sorry, it so happened that I'll be on hiatus for some time. I'll update as soon as chapters are written, but I can't make it regular for now. ------------------------------------------ I'd like to say something like this is a unique story, blah-blah, but it's not. The story itself is your typical fantasy story with magic, fightings, plot armors, good friends, beautiful ladies and whatever there always is in such stories. I pretty much enjoy typical stories. So I've decided to write one myself. The only thing is the story isn't going to be centered about the Main Character. So let's leave all of the above to him, we'll meet him eventually anyway. This is the story of MC's counterpart. While our greatest Main Character conquers the world, cultivates, and whatever else, what does his destined other half do? Sit and stoically wait for him to come out of the closed door cultivation? Really now... Just thought it might be interesting to write such a story. Let's see if I manage. I'm new to this so, dear readers, please, don't be harsh on me. But if you have some words for me, so I can improve, don't keep them to yourselves, all help is deeply appreciated. And I officially promise to be very slow and inconsistent with releases (myriads reasons for this.) But I'll still do my best to finish the story someday. WARNINGS! (I thought a lot, and in the end, I'm putting it here. Better safe than sorry.) First of all, you can probably easily guess, but English is not my native language. And everything that comes with it. I don't think that it excuses me though, so I will improve with time, but warning you nevertheless. Secondo: No harem, no BL, no Romance And the last but not least: Beware of psychological pressure on characters and characters' deaths. Not much, in my opinion, but still, if you're overly sensitive to violence or mind games, better drop before starting. In any case, you've been warned. With all the above said, welcome, and enjoy.
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19 Chs
Octopus chair, Hehuan chair, how to use it
1 answer
2024-12-22 20:44
The Joyous Union chair, also known as the Octopus chair, was a chair that could adjust one's sitting posture. There were several common sitting positions to use the Joyous Union chair: 1. Sitting upright: Keep your back upright and your feet flat on the ground so that your body weight is evenly distributed. 2. Half-reclining position: Place your feet on the chair to relax your body. 3. Lying position: Place your feet on the chair frame to relax your entire body. In addition, the usage of the couple's chair also included the following points: 1. Place the couple's chair on a flat and stable ground to ensure that the chair will not shake or tilt. 2. Couples could choose suitable seats according to their preferences. 3. The seats of the couple octopuses could be adjusted freely. They could try to sit face to face, back to back, or lean against each other. They could adjust according to their own preferences. 4. A cushion or cushion could be added to the chair to increase the comfort of sitting. 5. After sitting down, you can relax your body and enjoy the space and comfort with your partner. In summary, the use of the Joyous Union chair included common sitting postures such as straight sitting posture, semi-lying posture, lying posture, etc. The use of the couple's eight-clawed chair also included seat adjustment and increased comfort.
Joyous Union chair play spring breeze phoenix phoenix chair
1 answer
2025-01-15 12:22
It was a TV series about adventure and horror. It came from France and was released in 2017. The leading actors included Shin Dongye, Lee Hye-ri, Jeong Han-hai, Park Nalai, Kim Ki-hwan, Pham Van Se-yoon, Woo Chi-ho, etc. The plot summary of the play has not been provided yet.
Is there a better novel than "Ink Feather Cleansing Feather"?
1 answer
2025-01-27 10:20
There were novels similar to "Ink Feather Cleansing Feather" Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2."Spirit Walker":"Spirit Walker" was a work of a newspaper seller, Little Langjun (Platinum). It was an interesting soft science fiction story. During the period of its publication, this book could break through the 100,000-order mark and become a new benchmark in the industry. The story was fascinating and exciting. The author described it with exquisite language, showing a passionate plot that made the readers unable to stop. The success of this book also benefited from the author's description of the relationship between men and women. He expressed it in a unique language, allowing the readers to fully feel the charm of the story. All in all,"Spirit Realm Walker" was a good book worth collecting and recommending. 3."The Tang's Table":"The Tang's Table" is an amazing novel. The author, Jie and 2, with her usual talent and unique perspective, led the readers into a world in the early years of the Tang Dynasty. The plot was compact, fascinating, and irresistible. The author's description of delicacies was even more mouth-watering, making people yearn for the delicacies of the Tang Dynasty. His writing style was unique, full of emotions and thoughts, making people feel as if they were in that era. Although the update speed was relatively slow, this book was definitely worth reading. This book was a rare gift for both history lovers and food lovers. I strongly recommend it for everyone to read. 4."King of the Familiar": Familiar, Beast Speaker, Familiar Awakening The quality of Er Quan's new book is still guaranteed. I think the current twelve chapters are okay. This world view is the early stages of the descent of familiars. The male lead has the ability to communicate with all things and a antler pendant with healing abilities. He would take care of it first. There were still too few at the moment. 5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": 8.7 points Heaven did not give birth to me, Xu Changtian, and the villain's eternal night. Only fake villains relied on their golden fingers to make a fortune. Real villains dared to face their bleak lives! Hmm…this villain was more suited to be a philosopher. 6."National Forensic Science": Bird and Pig's new book, the beginning of forensic science. The system can obtain various skills, such as gourmet food, trace examination, spot investigation, ranking…The author is a professional writer. He writes like what he writes. The description of daily life is very detailed, and he even occasionally popularizes some strange and cold knowledge. Every day, he would update two times, one on progress, and the other on water. It looked very comfortable and reflected the unique human touch and sense of immersion of the city. Tagged with: Criminal Investigation, Food, Daily Life, Demolition of the Second Generation, Hanging Orchid 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" was a very cool wuxia novel. The plot was stable, but the author used delicate emotional descriptions and smooth writing, especially the description of the fighting scenes, to make the whole story very attractive. The emotional descriptions in the book were delicate and touching, making people deeply attracted. Moreover, the author's description of daily life was also very accurate, allowing the readers to truly feel the emotions in the story. In addition, the main character's semi-invincible setting made the story more interesting, so that people would not feel heavy and depressed. Overall, this book was a very good source of fodder. To the friends of the book famine, it was definitely worth reading. 8.<Full Tang Colorful Scenery>: I can only say that it's amazing! When he first saw the name, he didn't really care. After clicking on it, he couldn't stop. Now, I can only hold back from reading it. I'll save a little before reading it. It's too torturous to read chapter by chapter! A book of immortal herbs! 9:"Hidden Dead Corner": Get Lost New Book Fast forward to why you forced me. [Final Divine Title: Pugilist, Stats Added, Bloodline Fusion in the Later Stage] 4-star expectation️️️️ 11."Beyond Time": Er Gen's new book, guaranteed quality in the early stages. He abandoned his cheerful and relaxed style and leaned towards a heavy one. In the later stages... I'll see for myself. "This Game Is Too Realistic" Status: New [Short comment: Chen Xing became popular after the apocalypse, so this book should be back to square one.] The content was about the behind-the-scenes construction of the wasteland. The current level was getting better, and the plot was getting more and more creative as the construction started. The progress was relatively slow, but the unique desolate and barbaric taste of the apocalyptic wasteland was indeed felt. However, the problem was that the layout was too vast, and there were too many characters to focus on. As a result, most of the time, the book felt very scattered and watery. This might be a common problem of the behind-the-scenes style, and it was difficult to achieve perfection. Rating: "Red Heart Sky Patrol": The writing style of a physical book may not be that cool, but it's really a very flesh-and-blood story. The protagonist is really worth it. Ring of Destiny: Ring of Destiny is an incredible work. Squid's second novel continued his usual style and left a deep impression. The main character of the story, Lee, was a provocative person with good looks. He worked hard to survive Chapter 209, but at the same time, he faced an eternal reincarnation and a destined fate. The relationship between dreams and reality was puzzling, and the Ring of Destiny seemed to be an endless cycle, but it finally ushered in its end. The Lord of the Mysteries is my favorite. Every time it updates, I will watch it in time. I don't skip chapters and sentences, and I carefully savor every word. Looking forward to the return of the squid king. The new book had just been released and had not even updated a single chapter, but it had already received the support of the Hundred Alliances. The monthly votes had also reached more than 7,000. This made people full of anticipation for this book. Overall, Ring of Destiny was a good book that made people unable to extricate themselves. It was definitely worth reading. "The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" was an amazing work. The author used modern theories to change the world of transmigrators as the background and told an impressive story. The author's writing style was excellent. The unique charm between the lines was easily accepted by the readers. Every lesson was refreshing. Whether it was the protagonist's lecture or Zhu Di's eavesdropping, it was a deep impression. Especially when the main character was giving a lecture in prison, the hair-raising piercing feeling was even more shocking. This book was not only outstanding among historical works, but it was also a thought-provoking work. The author's idea was really amazing. It made people realize how powerful the power of thought was. This book was not only a historical novel, but also a work that made people think. Whether it was the main character's lecture or Zhu Di's eavesdropping, it was all amazing. This was an unforgettable work. It was a good book to read for both history lovers and those who were thinking about the meaning of life. "Ascending on a Better Day":"Ascending on a Better Day" was a new book that people looked forward to. The author, Otaku Pig, presented a lively and interesting world of cultivation to the readers with his unique creativity and excellent writing style. The story revolved around the emotional entanglement between Xu Ying and Pang Qi. The plot was compact and fascinating. Although the update speed was a little slow, the readers were still looking forward to the revelation of Xu Ying's true identity. Otaku Pig's Platinum God status also made people full of confidence in his works. This immortal cultivation themed work displayed the style of the Xianxia genre and the fierce competition. The plot, characters, scenes, and fighting were all very outstanding. The creation of the protagonist also revealed the style of the work, and the keywords about the protagonist also made the plot more substantial. In general,"Ascending on a Better Day" gave people a feeling of a divine tomb, and was undoubtedly a masterpiece. I strongly recommend this book and give it five stars. "Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was a fascinating novel. The author brings the readers into a world full of passion and emotion with delicate strokes and keen insight. The protagonist of the story, Jiang Qin, was reborn. He was determined to change his fate and pursue wealth and freedom. By describing Jiang Qin's hard work and struggle, the author showed the story of an ordinary person who kept working hard to pursue his dream. The story was compact and fascinating, making it impossible for people to stop reading. In addition, the author's writing style was elegant and smooth, giving people a gentle and poetic feeling. The whole book was filled with hope and expectation, making people feel the enthusiasm of youth and the longing for the future. Overall,"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth" was a delightful and positive book that was worth reading. "Deep Sea Ember" was an excellent novel. The author's new book was very eye-catching. It was very good. This book was based on the invincible style. In the past, he might not have been too interested in the electric waves of the big eye bead, but this new book made him feel like he had evolved. The transition between the serious and off-topic styles was extremely natural, stunning people at first glance and decisively chasing after them. This book,"Deep Sea Ember," was based on an epic sci-fi theme. It combined sci-fi, Cthulhu, and steampunk styles, giving people a brand new experience. The story told that Duncan and his crew witnessed various bizarre visions in the sea, accidentally unveiled the long-sealed truth, and opened up a new route to the new world. The male protagonist, Zhou Ming, was an ordinary middle school teacher. He was trapped in a room due to a strange fog, but he accidentally boarded a ghost ship called "Phenomenon 005" and began his adventure. This ghost ship was sailing in a world that was about to be infiltrated by subspace. Subspace belonged to the steam era and integrated all kinds of imaginable worlds, making people full of anticipation. The author's grand epic narrative style, the control of each character, and the vivid and delicate writing style with great personal charm and diverse styles made people feel the lives of believers and fully feel the lovely and charming descriptions of elves. Not only did they witness the great voyage, but they also experienced the fantasy world of the Caribbean pirates. The story was filled with the mysterious Crusoe Stream, combining fantasy and mysterious elements, making people fascinated. Every time the mystery was revealed, it gave people the feeling of peeling onions layer by layer. When you try to unravel the mystery, the author will present you with another mysterious and interesting world, allowing you to immerse yourself in it, forget time, forget your troubles, and wonder what will happen next. The overall style of Deep Sea Ember was light and almost invincible. Although the background setting was a little dark, it gave people a relaxed and pleasant reading experience. Overall, this book was a work of epic art and was worth reading. 19."Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts": Cultivation + Infinity Style. The main character was a low-level spirit farmer who had transmigrated to the world of immortal cultivation. He accidentally discovered that he had a golden finger that allowed him to transmigrate again. He could switch back and forth between the world of immortal cultivation and another chaotic world dominated by demons, blood, and martial arts. In the later stages, it would probably involve more worlds of different styles like the traditional Zhu Tian Liu. "Who told him to cultivate!" The cultivation system was the familiar classic system of Qi Cultivation, Foundation Establishment, Golden Core, and Nascent Soul. The cultivation aptitude was also the common five elements spirit root, which could easily understand the realm and environment. However, the author also wrote some of his own things, such as 'fake' single spiritual root 'x' real 'single spiritual root',' pure Yang spiritual root, and the protagonist's sword spirit root, etc. (Although she was a little girl who was afraid of heights and couldn't ride a sword, it was quite common for female channel members to be afraid of heights.) The protagonist went to a cultivation sect near his home to try his luck. On the way, he got a ride on a carriage and met a woman. The three of them discussed how to cheat, but the woman was their invigilator. Fortunately, he bought the wrong answer and did not deal with them. (I think it has something to do with their talent.) Then, they took part in the test and passed the test in an unusual way. The protagonist's journey of cultivation had officially begun. In addition, the author really liked to twist the situation. The effect was always unexpected and interesting. It was easy to read the daily cultivation literature, and it was very enjoyable to read. There were other books with similar styles, such as Pei Bubao's "I Can't Be a Sword God" and "Please Slay the Demon, Young Master." (P.S. There are still a hundred chapters left before "Please Slay the Demon, Young Master" is finished. The book farming and book famine are worth killing.) You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Basement massage chair
1 answer
2025-01-10 13:11
The massage chair in the basement was a massage chair with a simple Japanese design. It was made of a combination of wood and canvas. In the traditional Japanese architectural style, it was a common decoration in shrines and temples. The main feature of the massage chair in Zhoudu's basement was that it had a wooden frame. The interior was filled with canvas and the exterior was covered with wood. It had an ancient design, and its structure was relatively simple. It was easy to carry and could be placed in the living room, bedroom, and other places, giving people a warm and comfortable feeling. The design of the massage chair in Zhoudu's basement emphasized comfort. The curves of the chair were beautiful, and it was very comfortable to sit in. It could support one's body and relax one's body and mind.
Guda rattan chair
1 answer
2025-01-09 10:22
Information about the Guda rattan chair for lunch break. According to the descriptions of documents [3] and [8], the Guda rattan chair rocking chair, recliner, leisure chair, afternoon nap chair, and lounge chair were suitable for home balcony leisure and outdoor use. However, no specific price, pictures, or brand information was provided. Therefore, he could not provide an accurate answer.
Foldable bed and chair
1 answer
2025-01-03 21:32
A foldable bed and chair was a type of furniture that could be used as a bed and a chair at the same time. There were many brands and styles of folding bed and chair products to choose from. Some of the products had already received many reviews, which meant that they were very popular in the market. However, the specific price, pictures, and brand information needed further search.
Universal chair cover
1 answer
2024-12-28 08:13
The all-purpose chair cover was a universal chair cover that could be applied to all types of chairs. There were different brands, styles, and colors to choose from. These chair covers were usually made of elastic material and could completely cover the chair, protecting the seat and the back of the chair. The function of the chair cover included dust-proof, beautification, and protection of the chair. According to the user reviews in the search results, the quality and feel of the all-purpose chair cover were very good. After using it, it could bring a new look to the chair. However, the specific price, pictures, and brand information needed to be further understood according to the links in the search results.
Round table and chair
1 answer
2024-12-28 00:20
The size and price of the round table chairs varied. There were different size and styles of round tables to choose from. For example, there was a round table with a diameter of 1.2 meters, suitable for six to eight people to eat. In addition, there were also round tables of different size, such as 1.35 meters in diameter and 1.5 meters in diameter. As for the price, according to the search results, the price of the round table chair ranged from 400 yuan to 1800 yuan. The specific price depended on the brand, material, style, and other factors. If you need to buy a round table chair, you can refer to the brand and price information in the search results to choose a product that suits your needs and budget.
Inside the sedan chair
1 answer
2024-12-24 04:10
The luxury of the interior of the ancient sedan chair varied according to the type of sedan chair and the identity of the user. The sedan that the Emperor rode in was the highest standard official sedan. The interior was spacious and stylish, and the decorations were very gorgeous. The bedding was all golden, and the dragon chair was wide, allowing one to sit or lie down. The number of people carrying the sedan chair varied according to the type of sedan chair, ranging from two to several. The sedan chairs for the high-ranking officials were carried by four to eight people. In ancient times, the palanquin used by ordinary families to get married was often carried by two people. The decoration was made of bright red colored silk, inlaid with some rich flowers or auspicious patterns, and embellished with gold or silver. If the family conditions were better, they might use a four-person sedan chair, which was not much different from a two-person sedan chair. The truly luxurious sedan chair was like the Wangong sedan chair. It was connected by a mortise and tenon structure and was composed of hundreds of disassembled flower boards. It was made of wood and carved with flowers. The bottom of the sedan chair was painted with red paint and decorated with gold foil decals. It was decorated with 250 figures, flowers, birds, insects, beasts, and other patterns. It had a moving stage and figures. It was one of the most luxurious sedan chairs in the world.
The carefree chair on the balcony
1 answer
2024-12-23 01:59
In the search results provided, there was limited information about the leisure chair on the balcony. However, based on some of the search results, some relevant information could be obtained. For example, a leisure chair was a type of comfortable furniture that could be placed on the balcony. It usually had a comfortable sitting position and an angle that could be adjusted to allow people to relax. In addition, the chair could also rotate 360 degrees, allowing people to swing and rotate easily. As for the specific brand, model, and price of the chair, the search results did not provide a clear answer. Therefore, further investigation and research were needed on the specific recommendations and purchase suggestions for the leisure chair on the balcony.