
top chef restaurant nyc

A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World

A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World

In Chaos City on the Norland Continent, there is a strange restaurant. Here, elves and dwarves share tables. Beastmen are prohibited from making a din, and giant dragons can only seat around the tiny square in front of the restaurant. Even demons have to bring their own stools… But it is such a strange restaurant that has long lines outside every day. Elves are stuffing kebabs, paying no mind to their manners; giant dragons are sitting around a hot pot, strainers in their hands; demons are eating nice-looking dango… "There's no other place on this continent where you can find food like that! The boss here is a genius!" a customer provides such a review. Then, he gives a furtive look at the door. "Also, don't you think of kidnapping the boss away or dine-and-dashing, or you will suffer a tragic death." "Eat, pay, or you will be beaten to death." says a cute little girl in her childish voice as she trots forward. A five-meter tall dragon shivers when it meets her eyes.
2489 Chs
Transmigration: The Little Chef Calls The Shots

Transmigration: The Little Chef Calls The Shots

New novel "Tremble, Universe's Great Beings" is currently being serialized~ Overnight, a beautiful culinary goddess turned into the despised Little Disaster Star A rundown house with three rooms, a disabled father, a weak mother, and two skinny younger sisters to take care of What?! Her mother gave birth to three daughters just because she was hard on her brothers' lives? Her father fell off the roof and has been bedridden for half a year, just because she was playing with mud nearby? She calls her grandparents once, and instantly one falls ill and the other has an accident; even the beloved sons of her Uncle's family choke on their food because that day happens to be her birthday Humph! Uncle might tolerate it, but Aunt cannot! If I don't show my power, will they all treat me like Garfield the cat?! They think for five taels of silver, they can sell me to a sick weakling for good luck? Fine, since I'm the Little Disaster Star, let's turn your house into a disaster zone! They want to sell her sister into a wealthy household to become a slave or maidservant? She shouts, grabs a cleaver, fights the demons she meets, and slays the ghosts she encounters. From then onwards, her reputation as a wild shrew spreads throughout the village So be it if I'm wild. For the sake of loved ones, I gladly become the wild Kitchen Lady. With my superb cooking skills, I open a restaurant, become a top chef, develop new recipes, capture the hearts of food lovers, and even come up with new ways to make a big fortune, leading my whole family to wealth and a better standard of living! As for those shameless relatives licking their faces and coming back to recognize kinship, she gives a sweet smile, waves them farewell: Have a good trip. The disownment paper is already framed and hanging on the wall! As for men, well, even my little sister knows: Being handsome can't fill your stomach. A man who earns money, spoils his wife, and follows the three obediences and four virtues is a top-quality brother-in-law. Serious statement: This article is purely fictional. Please do not imitate any plots, behaviors, actions, etc. Cherish your life and live well~
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1325 Chs
Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Magic Chef of Ice and Fire

Seven unparalleled divine blades. The Ice-Snow Goddess's sigh - Morning Dew Knife. The Roar of the Fire God - Righteous Sun Knife. The Song of the Freedom Wind - Ao Tian's Knife. The melody of Earth's awakening - Longevity Knife. The Hexagonal of God's Hundred Changes - Xuánjī Knife. Dawn penetrating Heaven and Earth - Holy Radiance Knife. The Curse of Eternal Hell - Devouring Demon Knife. These are the seven divine swords, and also seven magic wands imbued with ice, fire, wind, earth, space, light, and darkness. Most importantly, they are also the main character's—kitchen knives.
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1090 Chs
Le Grand Chef et Son Épouse Délicate

Le Grand Chef et Son Épouse Délicate

"Viens ici, petite !" "Pas question !" Que faire quand l'épouse est en colère ? Le grand PDG est super riche, la couvrant de démonstrations extravagantes d'amour chaque jour ! Aujourd’hui une voiture de luxe, demain un manoir, le jour d’après un jet privé... Lors d'une interview médiatique : "Quel a été le cadeau le plus cher que vous ayez offert à votre épouse ?" "Jusqu'à présent, notre fils !" "Vous traitez si bien votre épouse, elle doit sûrement vous aimer !" Le PDG rit avec confiance, "Sans aucun doute !" En arrivant à la maison, sa délicate épouse lui lance un contrat de divorce, "Dongfang Yu, signe ça !" "Hai Xiaotang, tu ne penses qu'au divorce. Ne crois pas que je ne sais pas comment te gérer !" Le PDG, plein de fureur, fait craquer ses jointures, "Une planche à laver, un boulier, un clavier, un durian... choisis-en un !" "Durian !" Le PDG finit par s'agenouiller sur le durian avec un bruit sourd !
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859 Chs
Wiedergeburt einer Militär-Ehe: Guten Morgen Chef

Wiedergeburt einer Militär-Ehe: Guten Morgen Chef

Qiao Nan: Verdammt! Ich bin deine leibliche Tochter, aber ich werde behandelt, als hätte man mich von der Straße aufgelesen. In Wirklichkeit behandelst du mich noch schlimmer! Mutter Qiao: Qiao Nan, du bist nicht so hübsch oder klug wie deine ältere Schwester. Du bist nicht so gesegnet wie sie. Du hast kein Recht zu studieren, zu heiraten oder dein Glück zu finden! Qiao Nan: Warum darf ich nicht studieren, heiraten oder mein Glück suchen? Ich werde auf der Stelle einen Mann finden und ihn heiraten! Qiao Nan ist verblüfft, als sie feststellt, dass der Mann neben ihr eine mächtige Figur im Hof ist - die Person, die die besten Aussichten auf den Posten des zukünftigen Chefs hat. Qiao Nan starrt auf den gut gebauten Mann vor ihr. Er hat kräftige Bauchmuskeln und kalte, kühlende Augen. Sie schluckt den Kloß im Hals hinunter, als sie ihn begrüßt: "Guten Morgen, Chef!"
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623 Chs
Renaissance à un mariage militaire: Bonjour Chef

Renaissance à un mariage militaire: Bonjour Chef

Qiao Nan : Mince ! Je suis ta fille biologique, pourtant on dirait que j'ai été ramassée dans la rue. En fait, tu me traites encore pire que ça ! Mère Qiao : Qiao Nan, tu n'es ni aussi jolie ni aussi intelligente que ta grande sœur. Tu n'es pas aussi bénie qu'elle. Tu n'as pas le droit d'étudier, de te marier ou d'avoir ton bonheur ! Qiao Nan : Pourquoi n'ai-je pas le droit d'étudier, de me marier ou de chercher mon bonheur ? Je vais trouver un homme tout de suite et l'épouser ! Qiao Nan est sidérée en découvrant que l'homme juste à côté d'elle est une figure puissante du quad—la personne qui a les perspectives les plus prometteuses pour devenir le futur Chef. Qiao Nan fixe l'homme bien bâti devant elle. Il a des abdos solides et des yeux froids, glacials. Elle avale sa salive en prononçant ses salutations, "Bonjour, Chef !"
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622 Chs
Transmigration: La Petite Chef Mène la Danse

Transmigration: La Petite Chef Mène la Danse

Le nouveau roman "Tremble, Grands Êtres de l'Univers" est actuellement en cours de publication~ Du jour au lendemain, une magnifique déesse de la cuisine se transforme en la méprisée Petite Étoile du Désastre Une maison délabrée de trois pièces, un père handicapé, une mère fragile et deux jeunes soeurs maigrichonnes à s'occuper Comment ?! Sa mère a donné naissance à trois filles juste parce qu'elle portait la poisse à la vie de ses oncles ? Son père est tombé du toit et est alité depuis six mois, juste parce qu'elle jouait avec de la boue à proximité ? Un seul coup de fil à ses grands-parents et l'un tombe malade tandis que l'autre a un accident ; même les fils chéris de la famille de son Oncle s'étouffent avec leur nourriture parce que, par hasard, c'est le jour de son anniversaire Humph ! L'Oncle pourrait le tolérer, mais pas la Tante ! Si je ne montre pas ma puissance, vont-ils tous me traiter comme le chat Garfield ?! Ils pensent qu'avec cinq taels d'argent, ils peuvent me vendre à un faible maladif pour porter bonheur ? Bien, puisque je suis la Petite Étoile du Désastre, transformons leur maison en zone de désastre ! Ils veulent vendre ma petite soeur dans une famille riche pour qu'elle devienne esclave ou servante ? Elle crie, saisit un hachoir, combat les démons qu'elle rencontre et pourfend les fantômes sur son passage. Dès lors, sa réputation de mégère sauvage se répand dans tout le village Tant pis si je suis sauvage. Pour l'amour des miens, je deviens avec joie la Dame de Cuisine peu commune. Avec mes talents culinaires exceptionnels, j'ouvre un restaurant, deviens une chef renommée, invente de nouvelles recettes, conquiers le cœur des gourmands, et même découvre de nouvelles façons d'amasser une grande fortune, menant ainsi ma famille toute entière vers la richesse et un meilleur niveau de vie ! Quant à ces parents sans honte qui reviennent lécher leur visage et reconnaitre des liens de parenté, elle offre un sourire sucré, les salue d'un geste de la main : Bon voyage. L’acte de désaveu est déjà encadré et accroché au mur ! Et pour les hommes, eh bien, même ma petite soeur le sait : Être beau ne remplit pas l'estomac. Un homme qui gagne de l'argent, gâte sa femme et suit les trois obéissances et les quatre vertus est un beau-frère de qualité supérieure. Déclaration sérieuse : Cet article est purement fictif. Veuillez ne pas imiter les intrigues, comportements, actions, etc. Chérissez votre vie et vivez bien~
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525 Chs
Transmigración: La Pequeña Chef Toma las Decisiones

Transmigración: La Pequeña Chef Toma las Decisiones

Nueva novela "Tiembla, Grandes Seres del Universo" está siendo serializada actualmente~ De la noche a la mañana, una diosa culinaria hermosa se convierte en la despreciada Pequeña Estrella del Desastre Una casa en ruinas con tres habitaciones, un padre discapacitado, una madre débil y dos hermanas menores flacas que cuidar ¿¡Qué?! ¿Su madre tuvo tres hijas solo porque era dura con la vida de sus hermanos? ¿Su padre cayó del techo y ha estado postrado en cama durante medio año, solo porque ella estaba jugando con barro cerca? —Ella llama a sus abuelos una vez, y al instante uno cae enfermo y el otro tiene un accidente; incluso los hijos queridos de la familia de su Tío se ahogan con su comida porque ese día resulta ser su cumpleaños. —¡Humph! —El Tío podría tolerarlo, ¡pero la Tía no! —Si no muestro mi poder, ¿me tratarán todos como a Garfield el gato? —¿Creen que por cinco taeles de plata, pueden venderme a un enfermizo débil para tener buena suerte? —Bueno, ya que soy la Pequeña Estrella del Desastre, ¡convertiré vuestra casa en una zona de desastres! —¿Quieren vender a su hermana a un hogar adinerado para que se convierta en esclava o criada? —Ella grita, agarra un cuchillo carnicero, lucha contra los demonios que encuentra y mata a los fantasmas que enfrenta. Desde entonces, su reputación como una fiera salvaje se extiende por todo el pueblo. —Que así sea si soy salvaje. —Por el bien de mis seres queridos, me convierto gustosamente en la Señora Cocinera Salvaje. Con mis excelentes habilidades culinarias, abro un restaurante, me convierto en una chef de primera, desarrollo nuevas recetas, capturo los corazones de los amantes de la comida e incluso encuentro nuevas maneras de hacer una gran fortuna, llevando a toda mi familia a la riqueza y un mejor nivel de vida. —En cuanto a esos parientes descarados que lamen sus caras y regresan a reconocer el parentesco, ella les da una dulce sonrisa, les hace un adiós con la mano: Que tengan buen viaje. —El papel de desheredación ya está enmarcado y colgado en la pared. —En cuanto a los hombres, bueno, hasta mi hermanita lo sabe: —Ser guapo no llena el estómago. —Un hombre que gana dinero, mima a su esposa, y sigue las tres obediencias y las cuatro virtudes es un cuñado de primera calidad. —Declaración seria: —Este artículo es puramente ficticio. —Por favor, no imiten ningún argumento, comportamiento, acción, etc. —Valoren su vida y vivan bien~
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509 Chs


[ENTHÄLT REIFEN INHALT! ] (Lies wenigstens die ersten fünfzehn Kapitel, bevor du es wegwirfst) . Anna Sui erwacht aus ihrem betrunkenen Zustand und sieht, wie ihr Freund sie am Vorabend ihrer Hochzeit mit ihrer besten Freundin betrügt. Anna war so untröstlich, dass sie aus dem Haus rannte, aber durch eine unglückliche Wendung des Schicksals hatte sie einen One-Night-Stand mit einem völlig Fremden. . AUSZÜGE, "Anna, wo bist du? Ich versuche schon seit Stunden dich anzurufen, warum ignorierst du meine Anrufe?" Ihr Stirnrunzeln vertiefte sich. "Lass mich in Ruhe Mack, du kannst weiter mit Nari zusammen sein, das ist mir egal." Schrie sie. "Ach bitte hör auf Anna. Du bist meine Freundin und ich verlange es zu wissen. Sag mir nicht, dass du mit einem anderen Mann zusammen bist Ann. Hast du vergessen, dass heute unsere Hochzeit ist?" Bevor Anna etwas sagen konnte, wurde ihr das Telefon entrissen. "Sie gehört jetzt mir. Wenn du von jetzt an anrufst oder störst, was mir gehört, kannst du in der Hölle schmoren." Er erhob sich und warf das Telefon zur Seite. . (IM WETTBEWERB UM DIE FEDER DES AMORS. Unterstütze das Buch, indem du es zur Bibliothek hinzufügst und mit dem Kraftstein abstimmst.)
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460 Chs
Doomsday, Let's Open A Restaurant

Doomsday, Let's Open A Restaurant

Check out patreon.com/adam_23_books - it will include collections of books and audio books In a world plagued by the relentless scourge of the undead and ferocious mutant creatures, one man finds himself at the heart of an extraordinary culinary adventure. Meet Xiao Feng, an ordinary chef who, by a twist of fate, awakens in a city overrun by zombies and bizarre mutants. Yet, amidst the chaos and devastation, he discovers a remarkable gift – the power of Culinary Mastery. Xiao Feng's restaurant, "Great Potential," becomes an oasis of safety in a city teeming with danger. Its mysterious defenses not only keep the undead hordes at bay but also shield it from the most devastating of calamities. Armed with a unique set of culinary skills, Xiao Feng embarks on a journey of survival, innovation, and flavor in a world where the distinction between life and death has blurred. As Xiao Feng ventures out into the treacherous streets of the fallen city, he encounters both the undead and living survivors, each with their own unique abilities and stories. His culinary creations not only fill empty stomachs but offer incredible attributes and power-ups to those who partake. But the challenges are enormous, and some encounters prove that not all monsters are mindless. With a growing menu of mutant ingredients and an expanding array of skills, Xiao Feng must navigate a treacherous path of survival while unlocking the secrets of his newfound abilities. He strives to complete missions issued by a mysterious system and unlock the full potential of his culinary prowess. "Doomsday, Let's Open a Restaurant" is a tale of resilience, creativity, and culinary artistry set against a backdrop of horror and uncertainty. Join Xiao Feng as he turns the art of cooking into a lifeline, serving hope on a plate and defying the apocalypse one dish at a time. Will his unique culinary skills be enough to survive in this nightmarish world?
424 Chs
Husband Is a Restaurant Chef
1 answer
2025-01-01 19:39
The following are some novel recommendations about the husband being a restaurant chef: 1. " The Man I Like Lives Opposite Me " was a short romance novel. The male protagonist was a chef, and the female protagonist lived opposite his house. The plot was light and interesting. 2. " Taste of the World ": The male protagonist of this urban life novel is a chef working in the restaurant industry. He tells the story of his life in the kitchen of a restaurant. 3. " Food supplier ": This is a food farming novel. The male protagonist is a chef. He runs a small shop and has the help of the food system. I hope you like these novels!
The restaurant of the royal chef is free to read.
1 answer
2025-01-13 16:37
The Imperial Chef's Restaurant [Delicacy] was a novel written by Mo Eryu. This novel told the story of Bai Yinuo, the female food official of the Great Wei Dynasty, as a famous God of Cooking. She was highly praised in the palace. Whether it was the emperor, the imperial concubines, the eunuchs, or the serving girls, they all praised her dishes. However, she traveled to the 21st century and became an orphan. Her family was poor and she only had a small house. In order to tide over the difficulties, she picked up the spatula again and opened a restaurant. Although not many people were willing to patronize her at first, she gradually attracted more customers through her superb culinary skills and delicious dishes. The novel was themed around food and described the cooking process and taste of various dishes. If you want to read this novel, you can find a link to the restricted reading section on the Unique Story Network or other related websites.
The Chef Visits the Restaurant, Old Tang
1 answer
2025-01-12 17:13
The chef, Old Tang, was Tang Renjie. He was a chef who was visiting restaurants in Beijing. His video conveyed the information of the store to the audience in a straightforward way, including taste, price, location, and dishes. His video content was very popular because he could explain the cooking process and characteristics of the dishes in a simple and easy way, so that the audience could match their tastes. His videos were frequent and had a wide range of materials. Almost every day, there were new videos of him visiting the shop. Although some people questioned his professionalism, his purpose was to satisfy the needs of the audience, providing entertainment and lightning protection information. Overall, Old Tang's video of the chef visiting the restaurant caused a sensation in the gourmet restaurant industry and led more professional chefs to join the field.
Imperial Chef Restaurant Delicious Cuisine
1 answer
2025-01-10 10:41
" Imperial Chef Restaurant [Gourmet]" was a novel written by Gu Huan. It was about the palace spiritual chef Bai Xiangning, who unfortunately fell off a cliff while looking for rare ingredients, and then traveled to a new world. In this world, she opened a small restaurant and displayed her unparalleled culinary skills. The novel was about food and described how Bai Xiangning changed her predicament by cooking delicious food. The details of the plot and the dishes could only be understood after reading the full text.
Imperial Chef's Restaurant Delicacy Snow Knife
1 answer
2025-01-12 20:23
" The Imperial Chef's Restaurant [Delicacy]" was a novel written by Xue Dao. The story was about the heroine, Ye Ning, who became an imperial chef in ancient times and returned to modern times. Faced with poverty, she decided to open a small restaurant to improve her life. The small restaurant was located in a remote corner. At first, people questioned whether it could survive, but as time passed, the small restaurant gradually attracted a large number of customers, and business became better and better. Not only did the story describe delicious food, but it also contained a small story of warm healing, bringing the readers an experience of delicious food and warmth.
The chef went to the restaurant to try out what dishes to cook
1 answer
2024-12-26 12:54
When chefs went to restaurants to try dishes, they would usually make some basic home-cooked dishes, such as stewed chicken soup, stir-fried pork with green peppers, and fried rice with eggs. These dishes could test the chef's knife skills, fire skills, seasoning, and cooking skills. In addition, the chef also needed to choose the appropriate dishes according to the restaurant's business direction and the characteristics of the dishes. For example, if the restaurant's main dish was fish, the chef should prepare a few specialty fish dishes. In the process of testing the dishes, the chef also needed to pay attention to the appearance of the dishes, the taste, and the high gross profit margin. However, the specific dishes to be tested might vary according to the restaurant's requirements, so the specific dishes to be prepared still had to be determined according to the restaurant's requirements.
Is there a novel similar to "Starting a Chef's Life from a Small Restaurant"?
1 answer
2025-01-29 18:53
There were novels similar to "Starting a Chef's Life as a Kitchen Helper in a Small Restaurant": Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1.<<Book of Troubled Times>> You have never practiced martial arts, so you can only be bullied. "The story is divided into two worlds. One is the real world, where there are superpowers. The other is the male protagonist's dream. It's a different martial arts world. In this world, the main character is constantly killed. With the help of the girl, he successfully comes to a safe point and joins the Demon Sect to show off. ️️️1 2 Work Information: [Word Count: 840,000] [Tagged: Demonic Sect, Many Female Leaders, Dual Crossing Jianghu] 3 Tweet: The first point was that the main character's imagination was very big. The main character would fall into a dream as soon as he closed his eyes. In the dream world, he would always encounter a demoness who was killed. He made an oath to kill her. [Aspect 2: After the protagonist joins the Demon Sect, he has a backer. Although the protagonist is a Demon Sect, he does justice. He has the world in his heart.] [Point 3: Heroic. Although there are superpowers, it still shows a hot-blooded Jianghu. The protagonist walks thousands of miles with a single sword, cutting all the injustice. When he encounters all kinds of things, he only depends on his mood.] 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3."The Tang's Table": -[Excellent Series-]--Top 2500 likes next time! This was the new masterpiece of the great historical god, Jie Yu 2. This time, the author had returned to the Great Tang, and this time, the author wanted to write about a different Great Tang. Jie and 2 said in the foreword of "I'm Not a Savage" that they wanted to let go of themselves and write a book that they liked the most, but that book ended up failing due to various reasons. Jie and 2 placed his dream in the Tang Empire that he was familiar with and wrote what he wanted to express in this book. As the strongest historical writer in Qidian, just by looking at the first few chapters, one could tell that this book was of a high standard. Whether it was the standard of wording or the accuracy of history, it was much better than most historical writers. Moreover, the author had written about the customs and circumstances of the nomadic people at that time, allowing the readers to follow his description and return to the most authentic ancient nomadic people. The protagonist of this book did not have a cheat. At most, he could only rely on his modern knowledge and schemes to scheme against the enemy. Interestingly enough, the book was called "The Great Tang's Table", so it naturally had a lot of descriptions of delicacies. The third chapter had a detailed description of delicacies, from how to process the ingredients to how to roast them, to the description of the ingredients after roasting. It could be said to be meticulous. It could even be said to the point where it made people drool. Overall, there was nothing wrong with the book so far. The writing was excellent, and the rhythm was well controlled. The main character's character was a little over-the-top, but it was not a big problem. The plot development was also done with a certain degree of relaxation, and the details were handled well. Most importantly, it achieved a high degree of realism. It's a very good book. I recommend it. 4."King of Familiar":"King of Familiar" was a new book that was as light as a spring, continuing his usual style of writing about beasts. This book was still a relaxed and happy pet story, making people feel happy and harmonious. Every book written by the author, Er Quan, was worth reading, and this one was no exception. The story was full of pretentious, hot-blooded, and funny elements, making people laugh. As a top-notch author of the Beast Tamer School, Er Pun's new book was definitely not to be missed. Regardless of whether it was a reader who liked familiars or a reader who was new to the genre, they would be filled with anticipation for this book. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a novel that makes people's eyes light up. Every story was brilliant, and every character had their own unique charm that made people unable to extricate themselves. The author's imagination was amazing, and the development of the plot was unpredictable, making people look forward to the following story even more. The style of this book was unique. It had a blind spot beyond imagination, but it also incorporated the warm little things around them, making people feel the beauty of life. The protagonist's personality was also very likable, making people want to keep chasing him. In short, this book made people immersed in it and unable to extricate themselves. It was a novel worthy of recommendation. 6. National Forensics: Seedlings and Food. There was a systematic forensic system. The male protagonist, Jiang Yuan, was a resident of Jiang Village. He was a large demolition family. There was a civil servant who went ashore. There was a forensic system. If the truth was found, the victim's skills could be extracted (not all victims had it). Therefore, it was more specialized and versatile. However, it did not feel like he had a golden finger. It felt good. 7:"Heroine, Wait": Work label: Wuxia original, time-traveling, multi-female lead [Status: New] Ranking index: [Combat power index: ] Reading index: Popularity index: Anticipation index: The characteristics of the work: The main story was about the protagonist transmigrating into a martial arts world. In this world, there were two dynasties, the North and the South. There were happy grudges, martial arts, swords, and wine. In this world, the protagonist revealed his true identity step by step, met his own female friend and family, and created his own martial arts legend. The main story and side story were clear, the writing was smooth, and the fighting scenes were exciting. There were almost no poison points. It was a martial arts novel that was very worth watching. Author introduction: "This isn't the author's first book. I know about the author's previous books as well. They all have their own outstanding aspects, but they also have their own major flaws. The control of the rhythm and the arrangement of the plot are all very problematic. However, this new book is completely different. The author clearly recognizes his own strengths and weaknesses. In terms of setting, worldview, character background, and so on, he has made up for his shortcomings. This has allowed the overall structure of this novel to surpass the previous books." Furthermore, the shortcomings of the previous book were completely avoided, and the improvement was very obvious. If the character description of the main character at the beginning of this book was corrected, it could be said to be a divine work. He was looking forward to the subsequent performance of this book. 8."Mantang Colorful": Fine Grain Time traveled back to the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty. Starting from Du Youlin's case, the protagonist perfected his identity card step by step to prepare for the future. The plot was smooth and comfortable to read. I like this book more than the previous one! 9:"Hidden Dead Corner": 2023/4/9 Get lost, new book... Please look forward to the details ~""-"/"-qq 10."Final Divine Duty": Martial arts plus point flow, a bit of a scram style. If you're not convinced, just do it. Great strength creates miracles. Shuang Wen, grain and grass, non-toxic, recommended. ………… 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? "This Game Is Too Real":"This Game Is Too Real" was a wasteland style novel. With the game as the background, it told the adventure story of a group of players playing games to save the world. The wasteland style of this book was very delicate, and the pace of the plot was very tight. It made people look forward to the subsequent developments. The author, Chen Xing LL, had a very high level of writing. His works did not start high and end low, which was very surprising. Every character in the story had their own story line, and the overall atmosphere was easy to heal. It was very worth recommending. Even though the book was not finished yet, the quality of the book seemed to be very good. The story did not collapse, and it became more and more interesting. Compared to the apocalyptic game novels I had read, this book brought a new experience to my taste. A large number of images depicted idiotic players and natives struggling to survive. The group characters were drawn very delicately. Overall, this book is worth reading, and I look forward to its future development. 13."Red Heart Sky Patrol": This is the first book to be promoted! I really, really, really love this book. The author didn't originally write online novels, but physical books. In short, the writing style was excellent! Extremely logical! In the early stages, if it didn't make sense or some small details were foreshadowing, a reasonable explanation would be given. The reader had to read patiently. It was best to turn off the chapter and read it seriously to avoid being spoilt. Wouldn't it be a great sense of accomplishment if the clues and guesses that he had dug out were verified one by one in the later chapters? If there are people like me who can't dig into the details easily, they can also read the plot and the description to understand the love and hate entanglements of the characters. The author of this book had a strong foundation in writing. From the choice of words and sentences to the connection of the plot, it was amazing. The entanglement of the characters makes it even more difficult for me to describe. Destroy a region for a country, okay? Is it possible to feed the people to wild animals for a country? … Whether it was love, love, or hatred, they were all vivid. The main character, Jiang Wang, made me love him even more deeply. He was just a teenager who fought to open his meridians, to survive for his family, and to suffer for the hatred of his hometown. However, a seventeen-year-old boy had left his hometown, which had already become hell, behind his sister's back. His hair had turned white, and his hometown had been destroyed. His friends and family had been separated, and his lifespan had been reduced. The burden on his shoulders was too heavy, his sense of responsibility was too strong, his friends were too few, his enemies were too strong, and he was too persistent. He was a gentleman, a talented swordsman, An 'an's only family member, and a teenager who was only 19 years old. Recently, the plot had been reversed, reversed, and reversed again and again. It was a reversal of survival in a desperate situation. I really like this book. The author's talent and love for his own books are unbearable. If you can, please come and read this book, the world in this book! The writing style is limited, and the good books are difficult to describe, but only one or two tenths. "Ring of Destiny": Those who like to be mysterious and brainless, those who don't like it are not recommended. [Author: Squid that Loves Diving (Platinum)] [Fantasy Continent] connecting to Total Word Count:45.17w True number of fans: 40.70 million Total Collection:161.36w Total recommendation:185.78w [Alliance Leader Count:204+] First Order:180182 (Added on April 10, 2023) The Mysterious World, Part Two. In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky. "The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" was an amazing work. The author used modern theories to change the world of transmigrators as the background and told an impressive story. The author's writing style was excellent. The unique charm between the lines was easily accepted by the readers. Every lesson was refreshing. Whether it was the protagonist's lecture or Zhu Di's eavesdropping, it was a deep impression. Especially when the main character was giving a lecture in prison, the hair-raising piercing feeling was even more shocking. This book was not only outstanding among historical works, but it was also a thought-provoking work. The author's idea was really amazing. It made people realize how powerful the power of thought was. This book was not only a historical novel, but also a work that made people think. Whether it was the main character's lecture or Zhu Di's eavesdropping, it was all amazing. This was an unforgettable work. It was a good book to read for both history lovers and those who were thinking about the meaning of life. "Ascending on a Certain Day":"Ascending on a Certain Day" was a novel about immortal cultivation and Qi refinement. The story setting was unique and fascinating. The main character was an ordinary snake hunter, but he had extraordinary talent. In this world full of gods and demons, the protagonist's identity was not ordinary. He resisted the gods and was forced to enter the world of immortal cultivation to begin his adventure. The story was full of adventures and challenges. The protagonist grew up in the process of cultivation, broke free from control, recovered his memories, and remembered his identity. The whole story was full of ups and downs. It was thrilling and irresistible. Moreover, the author's writing was smooth, and the plot was exciting and thought-provoking. After reading it, he gained a lot. All in all,"Ascending on a Better Day" was a novel that left one with endless aftertastes. It was worth reading. 17:"Who's in Love After Being Reborn?": It was said to be written by Old Liu. The article was very exciting, but his character was not good. One had to be careful when entering a pit! Struggle until you can't afford a house at the age of thirty-eight. If you want to get married, you have to pay 300,000 yuan as a betrothal gift. You have to live frugally for most of your life. Who earned the money? Jiang Qin, who had been reborn at the age of 18 with countless grievances, opened his eyes and the only thought was to start a business and make money. The first step was to snatch back the love letter, turn it over, and write three lines under the school belle's shocked eyes: It was impossible to work now! He only wanted wealth and freedom, never to be a slave! As for love? Even dogs wouldn't talk about that! "Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is an excellent science fiction novel. The author has attracted readers with his unique creativity and fascinating storyline. The story was set in a fragmented world. The protagonist had transmigrated to this world and faced everything that was sealed by thick fog. The author cleverly constructed a world full of strange and inexplicable things, letting the readers fall into it and feel the confusion and fear of the protagonist. The plot setting in the book was also very good, such as historical pollution, mirror projection, etc., which gave people a strong sense of atmosphere. All in all, Deep Sea Ember was a highly recommended novel. Whether it was a sci-fi or story-loving reader, it would attract them. 19."Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is an unforgettable immortal cultivation novel. The author used another world as the background to describe a world full of danger and opportunities. After the protagonist transmigrated from Earth to another world, he found that he could transmigrate to other worlds indefinitely, but he only wanted to be cautious and cultivate immortality. This unique story setting brought unexpected surprises and excitement. Through the protagonist's every choice, the author presented a behind-the-scenes story full of wits and decisiveness. The readers would be attracted by the protagonist's cautiousness and steadiness, and at the same time, they would be attracted by the complementary resources he had with other worlds. This book was not only suitable for readers who liked xianxia and chivalrous, but also for readers who liked profound content. In short,'Cultivating Immortal in the Demonic Martial World' was an unforgettable novel that was worth reading. "Who told him to cultivate!" Type: Easy, Brain Hole Protagonist: Lu Yang connecting to Reward index: *****(Admissioned!) Classic: Personal BBQ: The last book, The Great Vehicle Stage, was really good. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
The Top 10 Restaurant in Suzhou
1 answer
2025-01-06 08:32
The top ten restaurants in Suzhou included: Fragrance Essence, Bashu Fragrance, Mediterranean Steakhouse of Intercontinental Hotel, Choc Gourmet, Ombra Lake·Shadow No. 56, Concord Restaurant, Shi Family Restaurant, Wu Yue Rong Ji, Grandma's Home, and Wang Fu Hotpot.
What are the nyc top stories all about?
2 answers
2024-12-02 21:04
Well, it could be about various things. Maybe it's about the latest political happenings in New York City, like new policies or elections. It could also be about big events in the city such as major concerts, festivals, or sports events. Another aspect might be stories related to the local economy, for example, new business openings or closings in NYC.
What are the top literary agents in NYC for fiction?
3 answers
2024-11-30 01:32
Some of the well - known ones include Janklow & Nesbit Associates. They have a long history of representing successful fiction authors. Another is ICM Partners which also has a strong presence in the NYC literary scene.