
att e mail

Sra. e Sr. Smith

Sra. e Sr. Smith

Ethan Smith caminhou pela rua vazia, cigarro na boca, balançando a cabeça e forçando um sorriso amargo. Quem poderia imaginar que, após três anos de casamento, tudo o que restava era traição? Ele jurou fazer aquela mulher se arrepender do que havia feito e prometeu fazer todos que tinham sido bons para ele viverem uma vida boa. Sim, era Emily Taylor, a mulher que o havia ajudado a sair do abismo do desespero quando ele atingiu o ponto mais baixo de sua vida. "Emily, é hora de eu cuidar de você."
1635 Chs
O Médico Mais Sortudo e Burro

O Médico Mais Sortudo e Burro

[Uma história explosiva e emocionante, altamente recomendada pelo próprio Chefe Editor. Um livro divino que é leitura obrigatória, você se arrependerá de não ter lido.] Aos olhos dos outros, ele poderia parecer um tolo sem valor, mas era reverenciado como o mestre da avaliação, o curandeiro milagroso, o encantador feiticeiro, o senhor do Palácio do Dragão, o invencível deus da guerra... Com uma mão que empunhava agulhas douradas contra a própria morte, e outra que brandia uma espada longa, forçando nações a se submeterem, ele possuía uma destreza sem igual. Seu olhar divino vasculhava os céus e a terra, enquanto sua visão demoníaca penetrava através dos véus do yin e yang. Ele era incomparável em todo o mundo!
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949 Chs
Biblioteca de Ciência e Tecnologia

Biblioteca de Ciência e Tecnologia

Sou apenas um tradutor deste romance de que gosto. TRADUZIDO VIA IA. O domínio supremo da ciência é a teologia; imortalidade, voando no céu e recuando, chamando o vento e chamando a chuva, movendo montanhas e enchendo o mar. Esses mitos e lendas podem ser realizados pela ciência. Se você quiser usar essas tecnologias, você deve ter a autoridade máxima da biblioteca de ciência e tecnologia. Um salvamento acidental de pessoas permitiu que Chen Mo colhesse amor e uma biblioteca de ciência e tecnologia com tecnologia infinita. A história começa...
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739 Chs
Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!

Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!

``` Ela era conhecida por muitos nomes: Demônia, uma bruxa perversa, uma herdeira nascida para governar o inferno, a mais cruel, e a mais venenosa flor no mundo subterrâneo. Poucos sabiam, a herdeira da mais misteriosa organização de assassinatos tinha um sonho simples. Um sonho que muitas garotas tinham: ter uma vida tranquila com um marido e um filho. Foi por isso que, quando esta infame líder da organização de assassinos acordou no corpo de Heaven Liu, ela pensou que seu sonho de vida finalmente tinha se tornado realidade. Mas a realidade estava longe do que ela esperava. Heaven Liu era uma atriz decadente; ela desapareceu dos holofotes no auge da fama. A razão? Uma gravidez indesejada. Forçada a se casar com um homem que não amava, o casamento desmoronou facilmente — quase à beira de sem reparo. Com essa realidade que ela tinha que enfrentar, será que ela seria capaz de consertar os corações partidos de seu marido e filho? Ou a distância entre eles continuaria a aumentar? Com esse casamento sem amor desde o início, haveria uma chance de eles viverem felizes como uma família? Ou seria tarde demais? O mais importante, será que ela realmente escaparia das correntes que pensava ter rompido? Ou seu próprio inferno a alcançaria para arrastá-la de volta aos fossos do inferno aonde ela pertence? ***** O EBOOK ESTÁ DISPONÍVEL NA AMAZON. LINK: https://a.co/d/bTeyr0B A tradução para Espanhol também está disponível na Webnovel. Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/transmigr%C3%A9-y-consegu%C3%AD-un-esposo-y-un-hijo!_29071013600828005 Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é de minha autoria. Todos os créditos vão para o artista. Esta é uma parte da série Wild da autora. Wild Miss Heiress: Eu reencarnei e consegui um marido e um filho! ```
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722 Chs
Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Ele se apaixonou pelos raros olhos roxos dela. Então, pensou em tê-la por inteiro. ------ Naquela noite, a delicada mulher de olhos roxos e vestido de noiva sentou-se em sua cama enquanto o marido a observava com um sorriso. "Então,” ele arrastou as palavras, sua voz perversa e magnética, “eu não posso ver o rosto da minha esposa nem na noite de nosso casamento?" "Vossa Majestade prometeu cumprir meu único desejo," comentou a mulher, fixando o véu que cobria a metade inferior do seu rosto com as mãos ligeiramente trêmulas. Ele fitou seus misteriosos e raros olhos roxos. "Posso perguntar, por que tal desejo?" Ela o encarou de volta. "Vossa Majestade pode não gostar de ver coisas feias." Ele sorriu de canto e se aproximou dela. "Mas, eu nunca gostei de coisas bonitas." ------ Seren, a infame filha da bruxa, e Drayce, o impiedoso e cruel filho do Diabo. Ninguém jamais havia visto seu rosto, pois as bruxas devem ser feias, mas ele era o único que nunca procurou pela beleza. Ela foi amaldiçoada para nunca se apaixonar, mas ele desejou ser o único homem que ela amaria. Uma princesa amaldiçoada casada com o filho do Diabo para destruir seu reino, mas o filho do Diabo tinha um plano diferente para ela. O segredo de seu nascimento será revelado apenas para guiar o caminho até liberar os poderes ocultos dentro dela, os quais ninguém pode controlar. Com os perigos ocultos desejando seus poderes, Drayce e Seren poderão proteger um ao outro ou serão completamente engolidos pelas trevas? ------ Este é o primeiro livro da série "Diabo e Bruxa". Livro um - Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo. Livro dois - A Bruxa Amaldiçoada pelo Diabo. Livro Três - A Noiva do Diabo. Ambos os livros são conectados, mas você pode lê-los de forma independente. ------ Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - https://discord.gg/p3Xrs8VbS3 Grupo do FB- romances de mynovel20
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722 Chs
A Bela e as Feras

A Bela e as Feras

Após se encontrar no mundo dos homens-feras, um leopardo a resgata e mais tarde a rapta. Bai Qingqing sofre um grande colapso mental, porque os machos neste mundo são tão deslumbrantes e bonitos quanto pavões pavoneando-se. Por outro lado, as fêmeas são ridiculamente feias, mas ainda assim altamente valorizadas pelos machos. Como uma linda estudante do ensino médio, ela de alguma forma se tornou a beleza mais hipnotizante deste mundo. O pior de tudo, este mundo é uma sociedade matriarcal. Ela não quer três ou quatro maridos a sua espera! Sua vida se torna em provocar um leopardo, fazer cócegas num tigre, seduzir uma serpente venenosa e capturar uma águia. Bai Qingqing, com um harém completo, está profundamente em lágrimas. Ela realmente não queria nada disso. "Ei, ei, Irmão Leopardo, Irmão Tigre, Irmão Serpente, Irmão Águia, o que vocês estão fazendo? Fiquem longe!" Há quatro protagonistas masculinos: O jovem e forte leopardo, a emo e silenciosa serpente, o poderoso tigre e a águia solitária e distante.
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707 Chs
Casamento Oculto com Nota Máxima: Adote um Filho e Ganhe um Marido de Graça

Casamento Oculto com Nota Máxima: Adote um Filho e Ganhe um Marido de Graça

Depois de cinco anos, Ning Xi voltou para o lugar que a repeliu — o lar. Com uma irmã que a virou contra seus pais e fez seu amor de infância traí-la, as chances pareciam sombrias. Entretanto, cinco anos no exterior a mudaram, e ela voltou para casa para realizar seu sonho de infância de se tornar atriz. Apesar de sua irmã malvada ainda estar atrás dela, os papéis seriam invertidos. Um dia, após cair em uma das armadilhas de sua irmã, ela salvou um garoto adorável e acabou ficando em sua casa para ajudá-lo a sair de sua concha. Lentamente, seu pai Lu Tingxiao começou a se apaixonar por ela. Isso foi antes deles perceberem como suas vidas estavam entrelaçadas todo esse tempo sem o conhecimento deles.
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713 Chs
Médico Imortal Pequeno e Ousado

Médico Imortal Pequeno e Ousado

Pergunta: "Quando em um dia de verão, você encontra um pepino aparecendo inexplicavelmente na vagina de uma mulher bonita na sala de estar, como você deve salvá-la?" ”A. Puxe para fora“ ”B. Sugue para fora“ ”C.**********“ Anos depois, quando Li lembrou-se novamente dessa cena, ele se odiou por não ter escolhido C... --------- "Credo, o que está me pressionando?" Meng Lin exclamou instintivamente, olhou para baixo imediatamente, e ao ver o contorno alarmante, ela exclamou surpresa, "Qianfan, por que você colocou sua bengala branca dentro da sua calça? Está com medo que alguém a roube? Deixa a cunhada te ajudar a tirar!" Com isso, Meng Lin estendeu a mão... ------ "Cunhada, você estava se masturbando?" Li Qianfan fingiu estar chocado. "Um pepino caiu dentro da minha vagina, você pode me ajudar a tirá-lo?" Não é à toa que sua cunhada parecia tão sedenta; era porque ela estava frequentemente insatisfeita. "Cunhada, não chore, eu vou te ajudar a tirar agora mesmo!" Após oferecer consolo, Li Qianfan colocou sua palma na coxa de Meng Lin e começou a mover-se lentamente em direção ao local onde o pepino estava submerso……
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600 Chs
Eu Reencarnei em um Romance e Me Tornei a Mádrasta Vilã de Cinco Bebês Fofos

Eu Reencarnei em um Romance e Me Tornei a Mádrasta Vilã de Cinco Bebês Fofos

# ACONCHEGANTE # ONIPOTENTE # PRIMEIROASSISTENTE Em sua vida passada, Mo Ruyue era uma assassina de primeira. Ela era indiferente como um abismo e tinha matado mais pessoas do que tinha dedos para contar. Em sua nova vida, tornou-se a madrasta malvada de cinco pestinhas num vale montanhoso remoto, e eles tinham terror dela. Nesta vida, decidiu mudar sua maneira de viver. Só tinha quatro paredes nuas para uma casa? Seus filhos passavam fome ao ponto de ficarem só pele e osso? Sem problema. Ela podia matar javalis com as próprias mãos, então comida não era questão. Também era proficiente em tabuadas, e seus filhos instantaneamente se tornaram seus grandes fãs. Havia sido uma jornada difícil mudar de uma madrasta cruel para uma calorosa. Então, seu suposto marido morto de repente retornou, agora o primeiro ministro da dinastia. "Vamos nos divorciar. Me dê as crianças, e eu devolverei o dinheiro para você." "Não me falta nada, só você e as crianças."
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605 Chs
Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

"Gu Dai, só me casei contigo para fazer o Vovô feliz. Se outra pessoa tivesse salvo o Vovô, eu teria me casado com ela do mesmo jeito! Não se ache tão importante!" Ao longo dos três anos de casamento, o marido de Gu Dai insultou-a em muitas ocasiões. Ela não teria acreditado que um dia foi mimada e rica se não tivesse de repente recuperado a memória. Por que ela serviu voluntariamente a esse homem por três anos? Esse homem era até desprezível o suficiente para se apaixonar por outra mulher! A primeira coisa que Gu Dai fez após recuperar sua memória foi se divorciar! Rumores se espalharam pela capital que a menina das favelas estava se divorciando do Sr. Song! "Sério? Ela não é uma caça-fortunas?" Todos perguntavam. "Ela está só se fazendo de difícil. Você acha que ela algum dia vai seguir em frente?" Sr. Song perguntou. Logo em seguida, todos descobriram que Gu Dai tinha voltado para a família Gu na capital. Agora ela era a jovem senhora da família mais rica da cidade. Acontece que ela era a jovem senhora da família Gu que tinha desaparecido após um acidente de navio de cruzeiro três anos atrás! "Sr. Song, a Srta. Gu é muito acima do seu nível," todos diziam. "E daí? Ela não sabe planejar o futuro. Tirando dinheiro, ela não tem mais nada," Sr. Song disse. Não muito tempo depois, as pessoas começaram a descobrir as múltiplas identidades de Gu Dai. Ela era uma hacker de grande importância, uma médica milagrosa, a melhor designer do país... Ela era tudo o que Song Ling estava procurando. Quando eles se encontraram novamente, ele a agarrou e implorou com lágrimas nos olhos. "Dai, não me importo se você tem sentimentos por outros. Você pode me deixar ficar ao seu lado mesmo assim?"
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581 Chs
[Future E-mail: Tomorrow I'm Super Strong]
1 answer
2025-01-28 08:34
The characters included the male lead, Su Le. "Future E-mail: Tomorrow's Me is Super Fierce" by Nine Lanterns. It's an urban/urban supernatural novel. It's easy to play the pig to eat the tiger. It has elements of a mage. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: One day, Su Le received an email from tomorrow. [My name is Su Le. When you see this sentence, don't scold me, because scolding me is equivalent to scolding yourself.] [I'm really you, but I'm you tomorrow.] [As long as you don't die, I will never die tomorrow.] (Red line highlights) [A second-level supernatural being dares to be so mean to me. I rushed up and gave him a series of attacks.] [An old fellow actually wants me to lower my head and admit my mistake. I have never lowered my head in my entire life. One word: "Kill!"] [There's actually someone who wants me to give an explanation. Why do I need to explain my actions to anyone? I don't care about life and death. If you're not satisfied, just do it!] …… [Su Le: Fellow Daoist, please calm down!] I hope you will like this book.
A novel recommendation like "Those Things About the E-mail"
1 answer
2025-01-23 08:02
There were novels similar to "The E-mail Story": Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times":"Book of Troubled Times" is a fantasy novel, but it's more of a martial arts novel. The author Ji Cha's writing was as excellent as ever, giving off a feeling of elegance. Compared to the bookish style of the previous books, the protagonist was more heroic and his writing strength was better than before. The plot was compact, with many foreshadowing, and the unfolding plot was fascinating. The characters in the book were drawn in three-dimensional, without facial makeup. The lofty sentiments of all kinds of characters were vividly displayed. Overall, this book was very impressive, and the recommendation index was.🌟🌟🌟🌖Whether it was from the content of the book, or from outside the book to life, emotions, psychology, society, history, they could all be inspired. 2."Spiritual Realm Walker":"Spiritual Realm Walker" was a novel that left one with endless aftertaste. The author used exquisite writing and a unique perspective to describe the plot and the psychology of the characters very vividly. The characters in the story had distinct images, unique personalities, and reasonable emotional development, making people feel worried about their fates. The author brought the readers into a world full of mystery and fantasy through delicate strokes, making them feel as if they were in it and feel the charm of the spiritual realm. Overall, this was a memorable novel, recommended for readers who liked fantasy. 3."Tang's Table": Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. 4."King of Familiar":"King of Familiar" was a fascinating spy novel. The author used a unique style to describe the characters and scenes, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in it. The plot was compact and attractive, and the character description of the main character was also excellent. The beginning of the novel was mesmerizing. The plot was complete and the thoughts were meticulous, making it impossible for people to extricate themselves. Strongly recommended to all readers who like spy stories. 5. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a refreshing book about rebirth. Unlike other similar works, this book did not let the protagonist follow the original owner's plot completely. Instead, it gave him a certain degree of freedom, making the story more rich and interesting. The beginning of the story was not repulsive, but it gave people a novel feeling. Although the protagonist's entanglement with the princess in the later stages might be disgusting, he hoped that the author could control this issue and not let the princess ascend to the throne become the ending of the story. Overall, Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation was a book worthy of recommendation, giving it a rating of 8.7. By depicting the villain, the author showed his philosophical thinking and brought a different reading experience to the readers. 6."National Forensic Science":"National Forensic Science" was an urban forensic crime solving novel. The author, Shiniao Village, used his deep writing skills and industry knowledge to skillfully integrate professional knowledge into the novel, allowing the readers to feel the illusion of becoming an expert in the light and interesting text. The author's writing style was to make the social background of the novel rational through subtle settings, so as to focus on the description of industry knowledge, using a relaxed writing style to dilute the heaviness of the industry's reality. At the same time, the plot progressed slowly, mixed with a lot of descriptions of the environment or behavior. Behind the seemingly empty words, there was actually a lot of ridicule and innuendo. Therefore, I advise the reader not to skip through, but to carefully savor each paragraph, because this may miss the essence. In addition, there were still some parts of the book that he did not understand. He could seek answers through this chapter. In general, National Forensic Medicine was a highly recommended book. It focused on forensic science and combined medical knowledge with solving cases. It was very refreshing. Moreover, the author's previous book, the Divine Text Doctor Ling, was also very good. The main character was very well portrayed. Overall, National Forensics was a very solid book. It was a good choice for both food and entertainment. 7:"Heroine Wait":(==) × × × × × × 3.5-4 stars Invincible novels had a certain martial arts aura. The author was good at daily words and plot descriptions. Although there were no ups and downs, The story is full of ups and downs, but there are still a group of solid readers who are full of praise for its emotional and daily words. This kind of novel is a first-class good writer. Those who like this kind of article can try this book and the previous books. What I have found is a novelty. The existence of pets has contracted many of the book's funny points, and it will not affect the original theme of the book. It is a successful and ingenious attempt. 8."Mantang Colorful Scenery": History, officialdom He had crossed the Great Tang and sought self-protection in the dangerous officialdom, constantly working hard to strengthen himself. In order to protect himself, the protagonist also had the goal of preventing the An Lushan Rebellion from happening… 9:<Hidden Dead Corner>: Ahhh I only knew about opening a new book after I got on Dragon. The fresh seedlings that just opened today The beginning must be chased There are only four chapters at the moment. It will be better when I have ten chapters on the weekend. 10.<<Final Divine Duty>>: In a world similar to the modern world, one starts from learning martial arts in a martial arts dojo and steps step by step into becoming extraordinary. 11:"Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" [Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 151] 2022 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 9 [Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2022-6-12] Title: Beyond Time Author: Er Gen [Author Level: Platinum] [Alliance Leader: 253] [Silver Grand Alliance: 16] Golden Sect Master: 3 Fans/10,000: 421 [Category: Xianxia·Mythological Cultivation] Total Words/Ten Thousand: 169 Date of publication: June 12, 2022 [Hundred League Time/Day: 0] Last updated: August 1, 2022 [First Order: 47,500] Average: Not counted [Completed: No] End date: × Writing time/day: × Date: January 18, 2023 12:"This Game Is Too Real" Chen Xing LL "This Game Is Too Real" [Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 147] 2022 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 5 [Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2022-5-1] Title: This Game Is Too Real Author: Chen Xing LL [Author Level: Great God] [Alliance Leader: 157] [Silver Grand Alliance: 9] Golden Sect Master: 1 Fans/10,000: 655 [Category: Light novel·Original fantasy] Total Words/Ten Thousand: 400 Date: July 20, 2021 [Hundred League Time/Day: 281] Release time: 2021-8-20 [First Order: 11850] Average: Not counted [Completed: No] End date: × Writing time/day: × Date: January 18, 2023 13."Red Heart Sky Patrol": This is the first book to be promoted! I really, really, really love this book. The author didn't originally write online novels, but physical books. In short, the writing style was excellent! Extremely logical! In the early stages, if it didn't make sense or some small details were foreshadowing, a reasonable explanation would be given. The reader had to read patiently. It was best to turn off the chapter and read it seriously to avoid being spoilt. Wouldn't it be a great sense of accomplishment if the clues and guesses that he had dug out were verified one by one in the later chapters? If there are people like me who can't dig into the details easily, they can also read the plot and the description to understand the love and hate entanglements of the characters. The author of this book had a strong foundation in writing. From the choice of words and sentences to the connection of the plot, it was amazing. The entanglement of the characters makes it even more difficult for me to describe. Destroy a region for a country, okay? Is it possible to feed the people to wild animals for a country? … Whether it was love, love, or hatred, they were all vivid. The main character, Jiang Wang, made me love him even more deeply. He was just a teenager who fought to open his meridians, to survive for his family, and to suffer for the hatred of his hometown. However, a seventeen-year-old boy had left his hometown, which had already become hell, behind his sister's back. His hair had turned white, and his hometown had been destroyed. His friends and family had been separated, and his lifespan had been reduced. The burden on his shoulders was too heavy, his sense of responsibility was too strong, his friends were too few, his enemies were too strong, and he was too persistent. He was a gentleman, a talented swordsman, An 'an's only family member, and a teenager who was only 19 years old. Recently, the plot had been reversed, reversed, and reversed again and again. It was a reversal of survival in a desperate situation. I really like this book. The author's talent and love for his own books are unbearable. If you can, please come and read this book, the world in this book! The writing style is limited, and the good books are difficult to describe, but only one or two tenths. "Ring of Destiny":"Ring of Destiny" was an excellent follow-up. It continued the style of "Lord of the Mysteries" and made people feel the unique charm of the squid as always. Although the story was relatively slow, the description and details of the squid were very accurate, making people immersed in it. Although the new book had just started to be serialized, it had already attracted a lot of attention and support. Whether it was for readers who had read the Lord of the Mysteries or new readers, this book was a masterpiece worthy of recommendation. Squid's creative ability was amazing. His works always brought new surprises and emotions to the readers. Whether it was from the content of the book or from life, emotions, psychology, society, history, and other aspects, the Ring of Destiny could give people inspiration and thought. In short, this book was worth reading. It was a valuable spiritual food for both squid fans and fantasy readers. "State Preceptor of Ming Dynasty": Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he started to teach in prison, but something seemed to be wrong... Ma Sanbao: What is the Great Voyage Era in "On Sea Power"? [Yao Guangxiao: On the Fate of a Nation is actually the legendary dragon-slaying technique!] As a snake hunter, Xu Ying had always been honest and diligent until this day when he caught a different snake... On the first day of the third month, incense was burning everywhere in the Divine Land. The statues that protected the villages, towns, cities, and counties woke up one after another to enjoy the sacrifices of the people. However, from that day onwards, the world was in chaos. 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth": It's Good listen to me into her "Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is a fascinating novel. The author's grand and mysterious worldview and serious yet relaxed style attracted the readers 'attention. The mystery in the story made people want to find out, and it made people curious about how many books Dayanzhu had to sacrifice. The author's writing style was very good. The characters in the book were all intelligent. The plot was complete and meticulous, giving people a lot to watch. The story was set in a world that had been completely overturned and fragmented, making people want to know more. All in all, this book is worth reading. I hope everyone can support the author even more. "Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is an amazing novel. The author used his unique writing style and plot to show the chaotic scene of the cultivation world. The protagonist in the alternate world displayed a different image from the cultivation world, which was refreshing. This novel combined the elements of mortals and the transportation between the two worlds, allowing the readers to feel a different world of cultivation. The protagonist's golden finger, the Celestial Mirror, was a very interesting setting. It allowed him to travel through various small worlds to earn resources, giving readers unlimited imagination. This novel didn't have a messy system or a saintly b * tch. The plot was tight and there weren't too many bad points. Although some of the plot was similar to "Official Residence," it wasn't considered plagiarism. In terms of emotional scenes, it was even better than "Official Residence," In short, this novel was a novel that made people's eyes light up. It was a book about food and grass, and it was worth recommending. "Who told him to cultivate!" [Author: The Whitest Crow (Level 5)] Tagged: Xianxia, classical Xianxia connecting to Total Words:32.22w True number of fans: 12.27 million Total Collection:37.18w Total recommendation:10.25w [Alliance Leader:15] First Order:38000 (Added on April 1, 2023) [Author: The Whitest Crow (Level 5)] [Xianxia][Xianxia] Total Words:32.22w, True Fans:12.27w Total Favorites: 37.180,000 Total Favorites: 10.250,000 Number of Leaders:15 First Orders:38000 (Added on April 1, 2023) You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
E-mail inquiry system, novel recommendation, sweet text
1 answer
2025-01-15 02:18
The following are a few system novel recommendations: 1. " Green Tea Expert Male Lead [Quick Wear]": This novel was a visual novel for the male lead. It told the story of the male lead transmigrating to various system novels. 2. Back to the Beginning of the Doomsday: This novel takes place in the beginning of the doomsday. The protagonist awakens his superpower to fight against the doomsday and save mankind. 3. " After Becoming His Little God ": This novel is a sweet story about campus and the city, with romantic elements. 4. Wind and Cloud Into the Painting Scroll: This is a sweet novel with an ancient setting. It tells a story of the early Tang Dynasty, full of romantic and growing elements. 5. << Spoiled >>: This novel was written by Miang. The male and female protagonists in the story have a childhood relationship. The love story between them is full of comedy and sweetness. I hope that the above recommendations can satisfy your needs for sweet system novels.
What is the story behind 'att it can wait chandler'?
3 answers
2024-11-16 02:22
I don't really know what this is about. Maybe 'att' is a misspelling? 'It can wait' is a common phrase, but the addition of 'chandler' makes it really hard to figure out without more context.
What is the story behind 'att it can wait chandler'?
3 answers
2024-11-06 22:23
I don't really know the story behind 'att it can wait chandler'. It could be a unique name or title for something that is not widely known.
Similar to Future E-mail: Tomorrow's I'm Super Strong
1 answer
2025-02-01 20:13
There were novels similar to Future Mail: Tomorrow's I'm Super Strong: 1:"You said you were going to brag, but you're serious!" Author: Winter of Falling Feathers 2."My Immortal Path Is Wrong", Author: Chrysanthemum Sword Rain Wine 3."I, the Lord of Prayers." Author: The Sea Is Water 4: Your Knowledge Is Too Taboo, Author: Flying Spaghetti Worm 5."In the End of the World, Others Cultivate Martial Arts, I Cultivate Immortal Cultivation." Author: Small Fish in the Mountain 6:"My superpower is a little torturous." Author: Xin Ting 7:"I Am Your Natural Enemy." Author: Worried About Youtiao 8:"I'm Really Not a Good Person for Ten Generations", Author: Stewed Meat Dish 9:"Strange: I Can Rewind Unlimited Deaths", Author: Lulaihuo "That Player Is Here Again", Author: Purple Gold Mie Cross-Border Pass, Author: Shadowless Thousand Swords "My autobiography can't be a tragedy." Author: Kong Changqing 13:"All Human Memories Awakening Except Me", Author: Hazy Floating "I Slay Gods in My Dreams." Author: Retreat Warrior Staring at the Ancient Gods for a Year, Author: Sanzang's Revolver I Can't Cultivate, I Choose the System to Become a Sage. Author: Miyike "I'm Cultivating to Be an Immortal in the Game Arena", Author: Black and Gray Keyboards A Random Talent Every Month, Author: Jiu Liyu Chapter 19: Man Becomes a Saint in Death Prison, Author: Scholar in White The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1:"You said you were going to brag, but you're serious!" Su Wei had transmigrated with a bragging system… Awesome 2:"I'm a martial arts expert with 80 years of internal energy." [Trust Level: 0/50,000] Awesome 3:"I have three million on my card." [Trust Level: 0/30] "I have more than three million yuan in my pocket money. Isn't this a small amount of money?" "Stop pretending. V me 50. Let's see your strength." "Tsk, I'll give you 500! Line up properly, everyone has one!" "F * ck, Brother Rich!" [Three million has been transferred.] "Finally!" Su Wei heaved a sigh of relief. What was that? You asked why there was no awesome one? "Young and immature…Forget it, forget it. Let's not talk about this." 2."Something's Wrong with My Path of Immortality": Inspiration equals electromagnetic induction? Spiritual Roots were equivalent to Light-Emitting Diode? Refining Qi was equivalent to drinking more water? I seem to have embarked on an abnormal immortal path. …… Why is your spirit root more beautiful than a rainbow! You actually have more than 700 golden cores! It was reasonable for a Jindan Stage cultivator like you to press the Immortal Hammer! Something's wrong with you! There's something wrong with you! …… Something was wrong? What was wrong? My immortal path is incomparably scientific! Xia Ming said. …… This book is also known as "The Illiterate's Immortal Cultivation Road","300 Epileptics per Day","I Continue to Live Forever with Jindan","My Body Seems to Be a Little Wrong","Eternal Respect" 3."I, the Lord of Prayers": Food + The protagonist's IQ and three views are online, the supporting roles are online, and the plot writing is good. Anticipation. 4."Your Knowledge Is Too Taboo": Chen Qing, who was suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease, found a mirror in his ancestral home one day. He realized that he seemed to be able to communicate with the person in the mirror. As the conversation deepened, Chen Qing gradually discovered that the person in the mirror was a human from two thousand years in the future. Thousands of years later, in a disaster known as the Cataclysm, a force known as pollution ran rampant in the world. The knowledge and items of the past began to possess terrifying supernatural powers as they were contaminated. They had all become taboo and extraordinary foundations that no one knew about! However, Chen Qing from two thousand years ago was not affected. "So the phrase 'Heaven and Earth are unkind' in the Tao Te Ching is a taboo knowledge that can destroy everything?" "The full text of the Hippocratic Oath can help doctors advance?" "The opening ceremony of the last Olympic Games could turn people into depraved monsters?" "Can emojis make people's spirits come alive and walk the path of the extraordinary?" Chen Qing was dumbfounded when she heard the news from the person in the mirror. Was there something wrong with this future 'corruption'? In order to get the secret that could help him cure his illness, Chen Qing began to play the role of an existence who called himself the "God of Truth." In an S-rank forbidden item called the "Invisible Mirror", there was an existence that could not be looked at directly. You can get all the information from him, whether it's the secret of advancement or ancient secrets. As long as you can afford it. "Today, what price are you willing to pay for that forbidden knowledge?" The authority of the Master of Truth fell gently, and his laughter echoed like the stars. Personal Rating:️ 5:"In the Apocalypse, Others Cultivate Martial Arts, I Cultivate Immortal Cultivation":"I shattered the setting sun. I was investigated for damaging public property, fined, and detained." Now, the defendant: Chief of the Ancient Martial Alliance, Nightmare of the Wasteland, Star Crusher, Leader of the Free Warriors, Founder of the New Martial Alliance, Terminator of the Era, Red Radiance, the Strongest Human. Lin Wei! "Your Excellency, do you have anything to say?“ "This incident made me reflect and realize the seriousness of destroying public property.“ "Why are you doing this?" "I have a friend who wants to refine pills." "Please be careful next time. Pick a sun 28 billion light-years away." 6:"My superpower is a little torturous": Many melodramatic scenes from internet celebrities But it's written with joy Your logic can't stand scrutiny, your brain can't take it 7."I'm Your Natural Enemy": When Wen Yan chose the class that he thought was the safest,"Natural Enemy," he felt that his ending would definitely not be the same as those classes that had average deaths. Until he saw the Soul-Gnawing Beast that was more than ten kilometers long and had the word "invincible", he realized that things seemed to be a little different from what he had imagined. "Bring out your strongest aura and shout 'I'm your father' at the Soul-Gnawing Beast. Activate your first fixed profession ability." [PS: Those who are too thin can finish reading the old books "First-grade Cultivation" and "The Master of Deceitful Ways" first. One is 10,000 copies, and the other is a great masterpiece.] 8:"I'm Really Not a Good Person": Compared to other works of the same genre, this book has its own advantages. The author's writing style is very good, and the structure of the world view and power system is relatively perfect. At the same time, the character shaping and the interaction between the characters are very vivid. Although the characters are more cliché, they are not annoying. The character design of the protagonist and most of the characters is also very reasonable and likable. 9."Strange: I Can Die Unlimited Rewind": My name is Pei Chuan. I accidentally entered a strange world. I knew that in ten minutes, I would be killed by a long-haired girl in a white dress. There was a dropped Bluetooth earpiece under the lounge chair 20 meters away from me. I knew that there was a body buried in the forest 120 meters away. I even knew the cause of her death. In the [Thriller Campus] dungeon. I know who is the pervert, the accomplice, the good guy, the lurker, the real murderer, and who is the evil one! In the next ten minutes, the accomplice would be killed by the pervert, the pervert would kill the good guy, the lurker would kill the pervert, and the pervert would kill the lurker. At this moment, the stadium I was in was playing a terrifying scene of the mantis stalking the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind it, unaware of the slingshot under the tree. What should I do if the evil spirits kill me next? But I wasn't panicking at all. Because I can always return to my original place after death and retain my memories before death. I had a lot of time to collect enough clues, collect all the weapons that could fight against the evil and the real murderer, and finally complete the game perfectly. When the media interviewed me, they asked me,"Why do you always pass the Strange World perfectly?" "I'm the only prophet in this strange world, after all." 10."That Player Is Here Again": New book, temporarily 3/5. The shell online game was infinite. The others transmigrated to the real world of cultivation to do missions, and the protagonist wore the online game helmet to do missions together (the protagonist had already realized that it was not a game). At present, the main characters of cultivation techniques could not be brought out of the real world. 11."Cross-Border Pass": One day, a strange thing called a "pass" appeared in the world. It could not be seen or touched. Those who possess it can travel between our world and another world. There were all kinds of strange people in that world. And every "pass" would grant the owner a special talent. …… The world always seemed to be the same, and the dull life often made people feel tired. But when the change comes, are you really ready? "My autobiography can't be a tragedy": Qidian mainly promoted sci-fi works this year. This was recommended by Qidian this month. It was quite interesting to see the idea at the beginning. On this day, people began to recall all the information sealed in their genes. Using code as an example, the DNA sequence was undoubtedly the biggest mountain of sh * t. There were countless possibilities here. All the genes that had been dormant on the path of evolution were awakened at this moment. They remembered the battle against the prehistoric beasts in ancient times, the mighty figures who rose into the sky to fight against the world-ending flood, and the things they were forced to forget in 1999… But why don't I have any impression of it? "I Slay Gods in My Dreams": Seedlings Can Be Nurtured Initially, he was too young and didn't plan to recommend it so early, but seeing that he was considered a newcomer, he had two chapters a day. If he didn't add water, he would recommend it first. It wasn't easy for a newcomer author. Just look at the title of the book. The main character cheats in his dreams. He has an alternate identity and a supernatural background. He has a combination of some unconventional scripted games. The two new accounts were ordinary people. The first account was considered a beginner, and the second account was a detective. He started to act cool, really cool. He really liked the phrase in it,'To fight against the gods as a mortal.' To be honest, he thought that it was a new book by an old author. The author's writing style was refined, the rhythm was compact, and the scenes changed very naturally. It looked very comfortable and was worth recommending. Thunder Point: If I had to say it, the main character's separation was a little too big. In reality, he was a salted fish. He had a big heart in his dreams and was too calm. The author probably wanted to write a group portrait, but the characters he created were not very distinct. Other than the main character, the other characters lacked memory points. The highlight was all on the main character. [What's interesting: The theme is novel. This isn't the first time an author has written such a game. Only the dream setting is considered innovative. However, this kind of novel requires strong control over the words. If it's not written well, it will collapse. Therefore, there aren't many outstanding works.] He was satisfied that there were no major logical flaws in the article. The connection between the front and back was in place, and the style of writing was very smooth. [Rating: 4 stars] 15:"Staring at the Ancient Gods for a Year": Rating: [Status: Series in progress] Word Count: 1.61 million words Originally written in Cthulhu. The protagonist transmigrated to the same world to complete the mission to collect the lost items. The items would be related. 16:"I Can't Cultivate, I Choose the System to Become a Sage": The Nine Provinces 'Reiki has been revived for many years. It has become a modern Reiki cultivation world. The protagonist brought the system to travel through time and is at the node of the world's change... [Evaluation: Not bad, surpassing the standards of grain. The author is a famous eunuch in Qidian. To be able to hold a high position as a eunuch, the standard of his novels can be trusted. Whether he can write long novels is often doubted, even if he swore to write at least 1.5 million words.] [Mission: Refine a Hundred Venomous Essence Forging Pill. Reward: Basic Alchemy Technique Part 1, a Wishing Star] [Mission: Prepare a perfect Purple Glow Pill. Reward: A pill refinement recipe.] [Mission: Feed this furnace until it's full. Reward: Alchemy secret technique…] Zhang Jun looked at the red coffin in front of him. [Mission: Open the coffin and reward your wife with one.] After thinking for three seconds, he silently took out a self-made bomb. "One Random Talent per Month":"May I ask Mr. Xia Yi, how did you single-handedly break the iron rule that Awakened ones are all bright and mighty people?" "I don't know, how would I know?" My awakened talent is very normal, okay?" Then, Xia Yi came to show off the talents he once had-evenly matched…team battle expert…bullying the weak… "Becoming a Saint in Death Prison" was a book that made people's eyes light up. The author cleverly used elements such as reverse karma, supernatural pathway, and big imagination to construct an amazing storyline. The main character Zheng Xiu activated the dice in prison. The nine pathways were scattered in the world, leaving only one escape [Prisoner]. The supernatural descended, and his body was outside the prison. His incarnation wandered the endless timeline. This setting was novel and exciting, giving readers a different reading experience. Even though the female characters in the book were a little retarded, the overall plot and setting were very good. Moreover, the unfolding of the story gave people an inexplicable surprise and suspense, making people unable to stop reading. The only regret was that it felt like the Zheng family had only been the main character for several generations. This might make the readers feel a little monotonous and repetitive. Overall,"Becoming a Saint in Death Prison" was a book worth recommending. Although it was a little boring halfway through, it was still quite good overall. For those readers who liked fantasy, this book could satisfy their reading needs. However, it might take some patience and persistence to chase after the updates, but I believe that readers will definitely be satisfied and happy from it. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Tell me the full story of 'att it can wait chandler'
3 answers
2024-11-15 19:47
I'm not entirely sure what 'att it can wait chandler' specifically refers to. It could be something very specific within a particular context, like a local event, a personal project, or an inside joke. Without more information, it's difficult to tell the full story.
Tell me the full story of 'att it can wait chandler'.
1 answer
2024-11-06 22:24
I'm not entirely sure specifically which 'att it can wait chandler' story you're referring to. There could be many different stories or contexts related to this. It might be something very specific within a certain community, a personal project, or a local tale. Without more information, it's difficult to tell the full story.
Can I mail comic books via Media Mail?
3 answers
2024-10-01 04:26
Yes, you can. Comic books can often be sent using Media Mail if they meet certain criteria set by the postal service.