Los Angeles Lovers "
یہ Los Angeles تھا جہاں رات گیے تک public tran
یہ Los Angeles تھا جہاں رات گیے تک public transportation چلتی تھی ۔ آج ایک الگ دن تھا Suzi اپنی job سے واپس گھر نہیں جانا چاھتی تھی ۔ وہ اکیلی اور خاموش لڑکی تھی بلکل novel stories میں بتاۓ جانے والی لڑکیوں جیسی پر Suzi بہت حسین تھی ۔
وہ چاند کی طرف دیکھتے ہوۓ سڑک پر کافی دلیری سے قدم اُٹھا رہی تھی شاید اُس نے پی رکھی تھی ۔ اب وہ ایک بس سٹاپ پر آ کر روک گئ اور یہ وہی بس تھی جو اُس کو اُس کے گھر لے جاتی ۔
وہ بس میں چڑھی اور سب سے آخری سیٹ پر نظر دوڑائی اور وہاں جا کر بیٹھ گئ ۔
کیا میں خوبصورت نہیں ہوں ؟ Suzi نے دریافت کیا اپنے ساتھ بیٹھے ایک اجنبی شخص سے وہ دیکھنے میں 35 سال کا لگتا ہے اور اچھی شکل و صورت کا ہے ۔
میں نے ایسا کب کہا ۔ martin نے جواب دیا ۔
تو تم میری طرف کیوں نہیں دیکھتے ؟ Suzi نے پھر سوال کیا ۔ Martin نے گلے کو صاف کرتا ہوۓ کہا ۔ آپ میرے لیے ابھی بلکل اجنبی ہیں میں آپ سے پہلی بار مل رہا ہوں جہاں تک مجھے لگتا ہے ۔
اور اُس نے اِس بار اپنی نظر اُٹھا کر جب Suzi کی آنکھوں میں دیکھا تو وہ اُن آنکھوں میں تیرتے ہوئے درد سے کچھ دیر خاموش ہو گیا ۔ جب کہ Suzi اب بھی اُسکی جانب دیکھ رہی تھی ۔ کافی دیر کی خاموشی کو پاؤں سے روند کر martin نے سوالیہ انداز میں پوچھا کیا میں آپکا نام جان سکتا ہوں ؟
جی ضرور ۔ میرا نام Suzi ہے ۔ اور آپکا ؟
جی martin martin نام ہے میرا اُس نے دو مرتبہ اپنا نام دہرایا ۔
نا جانے کیا ہوا کہ Suzi یکدم رونے لگی ۔لیکن بغیر آواز کہ martin اُسکی آنکھوں سے جاری ہونے والے آنسوں سے زیادہ پریشان نہیں ہوا کیونکہ یہ پہلی مرتبہ نہیں تھا جب وہ سیاہ کالے لباس میں ملبوس چاند سی لڑکی کو روتا دیکھ رہا تھا ۔ ایسا پہلے بھی ہو چکا تھا ۔ وہ اکثر خواتین کی بےبسی پر شرمندہ ہو جاتا تھا۔ خود کو اِس آزاد معاشرے کا باشندہ کہنا آسان تھا مگر یہاں کہ اصولوں پر عمل درآمد ہونا مشکل تھا ۔یہ بےبس خواتین جن کی آنکھوں میں درد نظر آتا تھا جو بہت سنجیدہ اور بہت اچھے گھروں سے تعلق رکھتی تھیں اب تنہائی کہ سبب روتی تھی یا پھر اُنکا کوئی اپنا جو اُنکا سرپرست تھا دنیا سے جا چکا تھا ۔ اچانک بس کی بریک لگی
اور martin اپنی خیالی دنیا سے باہر آگیا اُس نے اِیک لمبا سانس لیا جیسے وہ یہ کہنا چاہتا ہو کہ اگر میں کچھ دیر اور اپنے خیالات میں رہتا تو شاید مر جاتا اور میری دماغ کی رگ پھٹ جاتی ۔
اُس نے Suzi کی جانب دیکھا ۔ وہ اب اپنی آنکھیں صاف کر رہی تھی ۔ لیکن وہ ایسا کیوں کر رہی تھی ؟ martin نے جو سے ایک بےتُکہ سوال کیا ۔ پھر اُس نے خودی خود کو جواب دیا ۔ شاید وہ دنیا کے سامنے اپنی یہ تصویر نہیں لانا چاہتی تھی ۔
Excuse me ... Martin said
اور جیسے Suzi چاہتی تھی کہ martin اُسے مخاطب کرے ۔
کیا آپ ٹھیک ہو ؟
اُس نے پانی کی بوتل آگے کرتے ہوئے پوچھا ۔
اُس وقت Suzi نے پانی کی بوتل کو اپنے لبوں سے لگاتے ہوئے ہاں میں سر ہلایا ۔
کیا میں جان سکتا ہوں آپ اُداس کیوں ہو ؟ martin نے دریافت کیا ۔
پر روز کی طرح اُسکا سٹاپ آگیا تھا اور وہ الوداع نا کہہ کر وہاں سے اُٹھ گئی اور اُترتے وقت اُس نے آخری بار martin کی جانب دیکھا وہ مُسکرایا جیسے وہ Suzi کا حوصلہ بڑھانا چاہتا تھا ۔
اگلے ہی لمحے وہ اپنے گھر تھی جہاں اُسکا دم گھٹتا تھا اب وہ اُس دیوار کی جانب دیکھ رہی تھی جہاں اُسکی اور اُسکے خاوند کی بہت ساری تصویریں تھیں وہ " Martin John تھا جس کو اِس دنیا سے گیے تین برس ہو چکے تھے مگر وہ آج بھی Suzi کی یادوں میں زندہ تھا جس کی محبت میں Suzi پل پل گُزار رہی تھی ۔
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2 Chs
Viviane a normal girl, who just want to share the story of her life to the readers
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2 Chs
Living Unliving
Note: At least read some 3 or 4 chapters, please? After that, it's up to you. Thank you.
Lack of interest in things. Love? Passion? Goal? What about them? They are just nothing in his mind, not even a single wondering moment about his future. Everything just seems average for him. "Normal" grades, "normal" family, "normal" looks, "normal" life. Everything just seems... normal, that’s it- is what he usually tapes himself with as he walks on the street towards the school. He seems fine with it though, not even asking for something fun.
A Diety, Vessel, and friend of god of Earth, coincidentally looks upon him below, sighed as he finally figured out that the boy is another one that wasn’t given a proper storyline in life by his friend. Feeling interested but somehow sorry for the boy, he then granted the boy something that will give him a story that he hadn’t even wished to have. Something fun, something great, and something worth living for. The thing, the key to unlocking the story, the power to see anything beyond what humans thought was a limited reality. This is the story of a boy that can see the other side of the world already. Gifted by an unknown being passing through the cosmos faster than the speed of light, the gift… is none other than the Unliving Eyes.
Vol 1- It was the first day of the third-year high school student Valentin Nobez, but for him, is just a standard, typical, passionless day. Little did he know, that on this specific day, it would be the most "normal" day he could ever think of.
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9 Chs
When Terry and Kel Coleman run from their abusive father, they end up in Denver. The day they arrive, they meet three street kids named Rudy, Snap, and Josie. The brothers move into the trio's squat where Rudy and the others teach Terry and Kel the ins-and-outs of survival on the streets. While that happens, Terry and Rudy are drawn to each other and begin a tentative relationship.<br><br>Then Kel is almost kidnapped by a man sent by his father to bring him home. Forced to leave their squat to keep Kel safe, they turn to a local pastor for help. Thanks to the pastor, the five young people may find hope for their future -- if they can survive the present. In the process, can the budding relationship between Terry and Rudy survive, or will it be torn apart by the life they're forced to live?
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60 Chs
En un mundo donde las naciones se han convertido en 54 islas continentales, el fútbol ha renacido como algo mucho más que el deporte rey. En este nuevo orden, Numinosa, una IA mítica, evalúa el potencial de los jugadores, mientras los continentes compiten, Bajje Marasilia, un joven de Italobria, aspira a convertirse en el mejor futbolista del mundo.
¿Logrará llevar a su continente a la gloria en el Mundial Continental y convertirse en una leyenda del nuevo fútbol?
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2 Chs
this is a past dairy from a 20+ year old female that is going to be a boring one. so, you may skip this story.
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4 Chs
Gautam was blinking again and again but the thing in front of his face doesn't disappear.
"I know you are not real but why , I don't understand? "
"Will your stop shouting This is a classroom not you bedroom "
"But ma'am that thing Aaaaa! "
"What is it again Gautam? "
"Gautam ! Gautam! Is he dead?? "
After some time Gautam woke up after the incident that had happened , thankfully it was night mare and he will go to school today happily will he?
"Gosh! Just a nightmare "
Until the promised day he had to suffer through this problem but the promised day will solve all the trouble and will make him forward on the path of salivation.
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3 Chs
Divine Living Beasts
This story follows the life of Relic Vladren, a young lord of the Legendary Vampire clan, Son of the previous Vampire Lord, his life has many dark tales, his past is something he wouldn't want to relive, at the age of 8 he goes participate in an entrance exam for one of the worlds best academy.
This world has many different races (Humans, Elves, beastmen, zombies, ect) with elemental powers (Fire, Ice, Storm, ect)
He"ll meet teachers, those who he would call brothers (sworn brothers, not related) and even find love... but can he keep all of this safe or fall into despair like before?
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2 Chs
A notecard mysteriously appears and sends messages to Jade during school. Who are they from? What is the senders intention? Will they stop being sent or will something happen? A person follows her till she submits to his message and till then she is left clueless.
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10 Chs
Saat itu terjadi begitu saja. Aku menyaksikan semua awal mula bencana ini terjadi. Bencana yang telah merubah seluruh hidup ku dan kota ini hanya dalam waktu sekejap.
Saat itu sebuah kecelakaan beruntun terjadi di depan aparment ku.
Kecelakaan tersebut merubah siang hari yang normal menjadi sangat kacau. Jalanan macet seketika. para pejalan kaki dan pengendara turun ke jalan hanya untuk melihat apa yang terjadi, beberapa dari mereka berhamburan menolong korban yang tergeletak di jalan maupun yang terjepit di dalam kendaraannya sendiri.
Namun itu semua bukanlah bencana yang ku maksudkan tadi. Bencana itu bermula saat orang-orang teralihkan oleh para korban kecelakaan. Mereka mengabaikan truk box yang terguling itu tergeletak dengan pintu boxnya yang terbuka. Tanpa menyadari kita semua sudah membiarkan monster itu keluar dari sana. Membiarkan seorang bocah laki-laki berkulit pucat dengan darah berlumuran pada mulut dan badannya memulai semua bencana ini.
Nguyen Tan En Jeong was a modern romance novel about Nguyen Tan En Jeong, a smart, independent and beautiful girl. She had a seemingly ordinary family, but she always dreamed of becoming a successful one. When she met the male lead, her world completely changed. The male lead was a rich, handsome, and talented man. He attracted the attention of Nguyen Tran En Kyung and gradually made her fall in love with him. They experienced many challenges and difficulties, but in the end, they realized their dreams and goals together. Their love story not only described the beauty of love, but also reflected the modern women's pursuit of self-awareness and success.
"Vivian" is a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Shi Guan. The general plot of this novel is as follows:
In the vast Sacred Light Continent, magical beasts ran amok, races stood in great numbers, and wars broke out between countries. Strength was the only constant truth. Vivian, a 10-year-old girl with no parents, was on her way to becoming the strongest exorcist on the continent with her monstrous talent in cultivation and her identity as a pharmacist. [Don't try to challenge her bottom line, because she's very protective of her own people. You hurt my family. Even if you have the most powerful force in the entire continent, one day, I'll still trample you under my feet!] PS~ Female Lead's Upgrade in the Other World. If you like it, please come in.
The Witch's Ring was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Young Master Sun's Sword. The general plot of the novel was:
Vivian came to a strange world because of a car accident. As an apprentice of a necromancer, Vivian obtained a human body at the expense of her teacher. In order to save her teacher's life and find a way to return to her original world, Vivian decided to go to the silver city to learn more magic and become a great warlock.
Soon, the demons that had been sealed in the Abyss for more than 10,000 years were about to break through the seal. Just as humans and other races were about to be enslaved by the demons again, the young people picked up their weapons and rushed to the battlefield. On the battlefield, the secrets of thousands of years ago would be unraveled…
As an undead, what identity would I use to walk in this world filled with the unknown?
As a human, in this fantasy world, angels and demons, magic and battle aura, technology and nature, farming and war... What kind of legendary story will I write in the midst of all the oppositions?
"Young Demon Emperor, Don't Touch Me" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Angel Wei Wei. The general plot of this novel was:
With a contract, she became his pet.
She had thought that as long as she kept her true heart, she would be able to escape from him one day. But one day, when she saw only her own shadow in the man's eyes, she completely panicked!
From then on, she began to escape again and again!
"Vayne's Attack" was a game novel written by the author, Confused Bug. The general plot of the novel was:
The sacred crossbow bolt pierced through the demon's huge body, and the valiant and heroic figure shuttled through death and flames. Steam spewed out, guns fired, demon blood boiled, and the blood-devouring demons roared on the ground! This was an oppressive world. Horrifying and savage demons occupied the land, and their stomachs were rumbling with hunger! This was a world of humiliation. Humans were bound to high walls because of fear, and they could not be free! Vayne, the transmigrator, brought the League of Legends vn hero template to this world. He held a silver crossbow and was covered in shadows. Grip of the Undying, Three Sacred Silver Rings, Demon's Judgment! Vayne wanted to use her crossbow to shatter all the pressure and terror in front of her.
"Leah the Witch" was a fantasy romance novel written by the author Fan Ye. The general plot of the novel was:
The drastic change in fate could be said to be a fortuitous encounter, but it could also be said to be unfortunate. For the person involved, it was a mixed feeling. Would past friends become future enemies, and would past strangers become future loved ones? The so-called truth was actually a tower built up by feelings, choices, kinship, and bonds.
When you enter the tower, can you really find the truth you want to know?
Robbie had a warm and straightforward personality, Riven was cold but unexpectedly shy, Lisa was very persistent towards nobles, Dan was ordinary but very smart, and Joan liked to smile and be gentle and kind. If one day in the future, he met a friend from the past, what kind of expression should he use to face it?
"Sia in the World of D.C." was a light novel by the author, Xiang Jinghe. It was a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of the novel was:
Sia. Quinn had accidentally obtained the memories of a transmigrator and knew his future fate.
She courageously overcame all obstacles, learned martial arts and mastered magic, determined to reach the highest peak.
The Flash: What is your superpower again?
Superman: What did you hit me with?
Wonder Woman: Honey, where are you going for dinner today?
Sia: My house.
In short, this was the story of a cute girl who caused trouble in the world of D.C. and reached the peak.
Group ID: 639,265,715
"Miss Misfortune of a Certain American Manga" was a light novel written by Ai Mangmang. It was a derivative Doujinshi novel. The general plot of the novel was as follows:
Sarah, who had crossed over to Marvel and became a female gun, only wanted to stick to him after failing to punish him. However, the governor who descended from the sky shattered her dream. The Umbrella Corporation, Transformers, Flower-Opening Beasts, the Emperor Organization…This world was a mess of stitched monsters! Sarah, who still wanted to live on Earth, couldn't sit still anymore when she faced the possibility of the day after tomorrow, 2012, the fall of the moon, or even wandering on Earth. Fortunately, there were many risks and rewards. According to the Alliance System, not only could she obtain the Legacy of other heroes, but she could also give the Legacy to others. Spider Queen Gwen, Widow Creator Natasha, Arcane Enchantress Lorraine, Dark Head Walter, Ice Crystal Phoenix Ginger... Sarah suddenly turned around and found that she had assembled a brand new Women's Federation! Hence, he decided to do it. Captain America 3 civil war, when Captain America and Iron Man argued endlessly, Sarah slammed the table and stood up. "Everyone, look at me. I have an announcement to make." "From today onwards, Fulian will officially change its name to the Women's Federation!" "Who agrees? Who objects?"
"Alliance Support in the Other World" was a game novel written by the author, Sa Yang Sa. The general plot of this novel was:
In this low-magic world where elves, dwarves, orcs, and many other races existed, he had entered a young man with the spirit of the League of Legends auxiliary system. Lin En: What kind of operation is this? Camilla: Since we've decided on a lifetime, we'll be together forever. Parniss: You're mine! No one would give in!
"Fighting Monsters, Leveling Up, and Becoming a Demonic Concubine" was a novel written by the author, An Jing. It was a novel about gaming competitions. The general plot of this novel was as follows:
The person she liked saw her as a chess piece. She wanted to be alone, but she didn't expect herself to be so fragrant. After completing a mission, she was suddenly pulled into a different world by the demon god. She relied on her cheat skills to kill monsters all the way to the demon king. However, one day, she was announced by the demon god that she was his demon concubine. F * ck, how is this possible! There was clearly only a relationship between her and him that was between using and being used.
"I Have a Date with Galen" was a game competition and online romance novel written by the author, An Liluo. The general plot of the novel was:
When Qiao Meng, the otaku girl, suddenly died from being too engrossed in playing games, she woke up to find that she had accidentally entered the world of the game. Here was the power of Demacia, which was upright but gentle to the person he loved. There was Prince Demacia, who looked serious but was actually black-bellied. There was the loyal Bond manager, and many heroes in the game were all displayed in front of Qiao Meng…What kind of crazy world was this? Nani! She was actually Katarina!
The relationships Tran has with other characters are crucial too. If Tran has an alliance with a Jedi, it might lead to a story of learning about the Force and fighting against the dark side. Or if Tran is friends with a smuggler, their adventures could involve dodging Imperial patrols and getting involved in illegal but morally justifiable activities in the name of freedom.
There are a few authors who are known for their detailed and action - packed 'Supernatural Kevin Tran fanfiction'. One such author creates scenarios where Kevin is in the middle of intense battles against demons and uses his wits and powers to survive. Their writing style is very engaging and they manage to keep the essence of the 'Supernatural' world while also highlighting Kevin's unique role. Another author is great at writing emotional arcs for Kevin, exploring his relationships with the other characters in depth.
The characters included the female lead, Vivian, with long white hair and red eyes.
[Vivian] Author: Shi Guan. It's a fantasy romance/western fantasy novel. It's finished and you can enjoy it with ease.]
User recommendation:
I hope you will like this book.
There were novels similar to Vivian:
1: Villain Boss Mother, Author: Gu Gu
2:"The Full-time Mage of Transformation", Author: Crystal Wolf
3."Alchemist's Life in Science and Technology Civilization." Author: Doudou Sprouting
4. Abomination and the Legendary Dragon King. Author: Sister Bomb is Here
5."Little Junior Sister was Born to Rebel, and the Whole Sect Was Led." Author: Ji Li
6: Genius Puppet Master, Author: Nine Pineapples
7:"Please Follow the Cultivation Script", Author: Mo Kongshan
8:"Cultivate more, become a god after hacking?" Author: The Living Man Turns Back
9: Mecha Star Battle, Author: Chen Xiaokun
10:"Otaku Witch," Author: Salted Fish Becomes Immortal
Chapter 11: Shocking! The Sword Saint, She's in the Starry Sky, Author: Feng Qi Xuan He
Building a Sect from Zero, Author: He Ranmeng
Ferocious Cute Girl, Author: Doudou Sprouts
The Future's Baby Is Hard to Raise. Author: Gu Gu
The Holy Book of Blood, Author: Gah Beng
Galactic Cannon Fodder Alliance, Author: Cat That Chews Can
Elegy of the North, by Lal Soto
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1."Villain Boss Mother": Take a look.
2."The All-Time Mage of Transformation":"The All-Time Mage of Transformation" was a game from another world. The story began with the protagonist transmigrating ten years before the game started. Although the main character was a max level mage account, his level was sealed. He needed to use the Unsealing Stone to unseal it layer by layer in order to show his strength. The main character was an all-elemental mage who could cast spells one level higher and had talent. The plot of the story was relaxed and interesting, giving people a feeling of being pretentious. The protagonist's character was also very interesting. It made people feel that she was a female character with a male soul, forming a sharp contrast with other transformation novels. The setting of the story's cheat was reasonable. It was not too exaggerated, but it could also give the protagonist an advantage along the way. Overall, this book was a good seedling and was worth recommending.
3."Alchemist's Life in Science and Technology":"Alchemist's Life in Science and Technology" was a refreshing science fiction novel. The author used his unique imagination and creativity to combine technology and magic to create an amazing fantasy world. The protagonist of the story was not only an alchemist, but also a person who lived in a civilization where technology and magic blended. This unique setting gave people a brand new reading experience, and people couldn't help but want to find out. The story was compact and fascinating, making it impossible for people to stop reading. At the same time, the author was very detailed in describing the characters and scenes, making people feel as if they were there. This book was not only a science fiction novel, but also a work that made people think about the possible impact of the collision between technology and magic. Regardless of whether you are interested in science fiction or fantasy, you will find your own enjoyment in this book.
4."Abomination and the Legendary Dragon King": The novel's advantages: The theme is very novel. It is a mix of transformation, mutated beasts, and so on. The style is more like a two-dimensional light novel. The content is more like farming and life. The characters are well-defined, and the interactions between them are interesting. The setting has its own highlights. The writing is smooth, the story rhythm is tight, and the climaxes are repeated. There is a certain degree of relaxation, relaxation, and joy. The atmosphere is rendered in place.
Synoptic: The main character travels through the fantasy world of fake DNA and becomes a young female red dragon. She came with a golden finger when she transmigrated, and she could obtain all kinds of legendary talents in advance. Because of this, she grew and rose at an abnormal speed.
"In conclusion, this is a western fantasy novel about dragons and exotic beasts based on its theme and style. This is a relatively filtered reader. Although it is unique, the quality is relatively average. It has a feeling of being imaginative and is relatively suitable for hunting novelty and relaxing. Those who are interested can try reading it.
5."Little Junior Sister was born to rebel, and the entire sect was led away": Ningning was trapped into a desolate abyss filled with corpses, only to find out that she was the NPC of the main character of the Immortal Cultivation Lady.
Wuxia Peak was the place where the female lead's "immortal encounter" was provided.
Eldest Senior Brother, who was focused on cultivation, was obsessed with the female protagonist and ended up with his soul scattered.
The slick Second Senior Brother was the female lead's bootlicker and became the female lead's stepping stone on the immortal path.
The miser's third senior sister was framed by the female protagonist and died in an unnatural death in order to find out the cause of her death.
The elusive Fourth Brother had great luck and had been guarding the Ghost Realm for ten thousand years.
Mu Qiang's fifth senior brother had a devil bloodline and was sacrificed by the female protagonist on the spot.
And her opportunities were snatched away by the female protagonist time and time again, becoming the death talisman of Wuxia Peak. Ningning, who was rebellious, decided to hide her strength and bide her time, secretly snatching away all the opportunities.
Ancestor Devil? Who was that? Hehe, it was her "thigh".
The big shot behind the scenes thought,'Damn it, when will she recover her memory and cultivation?'
6."Genius Puppet Master":[Strong Female + Inspirational + Counterattack Cool Story + Slow Hot Upgrade Style]
[Feelings are nothing. Becoming stronger is the way to go.]
[Description: Trash-]
Here, the strong were respected and strength was supreme.
Chi Yunzhi experienced the mental journey from a genius to a good-for-nothing here.
It turned out that she was born with two spiritual houses. Fire refined pills and wood made puppets.
Other people made puppets, as long as they could fight.
Chi Yunzhi's puppet: Not good-looking? No way!
What? Someone dared to provoke her? He even laughed at her puppet name?
As a walking army, how could she tolerate this?
What Cui Hua, Goudan, Er Ya…all of them!
Beat whoever is not convinced until they are convinced!
[Description: Trash-]
7:"Please Follow the Cultivation Script": No CP, First Female Lead
Ye Wuchen, male, possessed the Immortal Cultivation System. He was considered the most likely person in the Immortal Cultivation World to eliminate the Demon Lord because the Heavenly Axiom said so. There was only one problem.
It was a girl called Jiang Li.
Mistakes came one after another. Why was there nothing that was the same as what the Heavenly Dao said? Why did she become a bandit? Going into business? Why did he go to grave robbing?
Can't we follow the script of cultivation!
8:"Cultivate more, become a god after hacking?" Ji Xuan was bound by the [Life is Like a Play] system to travel through the Xianxia world. From then on, he was possessed by the drama spirit and ran amok (fake).
"Fellow Daoist Shen Ying, this tail feather is very good. Why don't you exchange it for money?"
"Fellow Daoist Feathered Snake, these wings are very good. Why don't you exchange them for money?"
"Fellow Daoist Giant Whale, the scenery here is very good. Why don't you join me to make money?"
Once the party started, Ji Xuan brought people into the sea and finally saved up enough spirit stones.
All the major sects put a bounty on the Mad Taoist.
"I'm just enforcing justice on behalf of the heavens. You're all hypocrites."
"I can't use this identity anymore. I'll cut my number."
After that, Ji Xuan successfully ascended and traveled many worlds, becoming addicted to acting.
"I think they lack a god."
"As a Demon Venerable, I am duty-bound."
Believe in me, I am your god.
Below the Demon Venerable, all the races went on a pilgrimage.
9."Mecha Star Battle": This article is also known as "After transforming into a mech, I repeatedly jumped in confusion and struggle" and "The Evolution History of Steel of 35+ Young Women". It is a slow and healing pseudo-science fiction and inspirational article.
Just as Lin Fan felt that he was worthless and could only muddle through his days, someone knocked on her door and said that she was a hero who could transform into a curvaceous man.
She didn't believe it at all, so she held a dispensable attitude and was ready to be sliced up to contribute her remaining value.
In the end, she realized that she could really transform!
Flying in the sky and hiding in the ground, invulnerable to swords and spears, and even able to fight small monsters like Atuman…
The weakling who had opened up a new world view re-established his confidence and was ready to show off his skills and become a useful person.
Wait a minute…
Why wasn't she able to control her transformation?
He could only last for 10 seconds?
Hurry up!
Who could help her? Her goal was the sea of stars!
10."Witch of the Otaku": Currently in progress.
Reason for liking: Male to female. orange in the orange air. The female lead was cute, powerful, and not flamboyant.
[Weakness: The world view is too big and it feels a little messy.] The Witch's World had an oriental setting. Occasionally, there would be a tearing sensation.
The story was probably the Witch World. The protagonist's background was scary, but he didn't know it. Even if he found out later, it was only the tip of the iceberg. He was sincere but full of positive energy. Most of his daily life felt like a silver soul. Usually, there would be a short paragraph and occasionally a big chapter.
[Reason for raising books: Due to the tearing sensation caused by the Eastern Immortal, I need to wait for a while before coming back to read.] He probably wouldn't abandon the book.
Chapter 11: Shocking! The Sword Saint, She's in the Starry Sky: (Female Lead, no CP)
The sword cultivator Yan Zhou, who was about to become a Saint, arrived in the Interstellar Era after a lightning tribulation.
Yan Zhou did not take this incident to heart and just started from scratch. Just when she thought that she would slowly cultivate like her predecessor, an entrance exam book dragged her into the whirlpool of the upper echelons of the empire. After exploring further, she discovered the hidden dangers and secrets behind the interstellar era…
Federation's First Military Academy Daily:
[That exchange student from the Empire is not human!]
The Empire's five military schools 'daily newspapers:
[Guess why we voted to send him over?]
Yan Zhou was completely stunned.
Life in the military academy was wonderful, and the mecha combat specialization was also quite interesting. She had nothing to do and teased the flustered nobles, which was very satisfying.
(Cultivation + Mecha, no male lead)
1. Integration of the East and the West, grand worldview, strategic alliance between the Empire and the Federation, neutral Eldars, anti-beast race
2. The female protagonist's character belongs to those who offend me. Even if they are thousands of miles away, they will be killed.
"Building a Sect from Scratch": Xiao Ranran Transmigrated to the Cultivation Continent.
Just as she thought that she was about to start drawing qi into her body with the female lead's script, cultivate and ascend to the peak of her life, the system told her,"Our mission is to build a sect, do more good deeds, take in disciples, and spread the mental cultivation method so that everyone can use better mental cultivation methods…"
Therefore, Xiao Ranran looked at the dilapidated house and was not surprised to hear the system say,"The houses here are too dilapidated. Host, remember to cut down the trees, dig up the soil, pull the grass, and repair them. The spiritual rice we provide is not enough for you to eat, so remember to open up wasteland and farm. The spiritual stones we give are not enough. You have to think of a way to earn money yourself."
Later, Xiao Ranran looked at the little radish head in front of her and fell into deep thought. What kind of position should she use to dig so that she would not tarnish her reputation and still appear like an immortal?
1. Farming + Construction + Cultivation, System
2. In the early stage, it was more about infrastructure + farming, and in the later stage, it was more about cultivation.
3. There's a male lead, but there's not much screen time.
4. Female Lead Wearing, Zero Foundation Immortal Cultivation, Requires Time to Catch Up to Others
13:"Ferocious Cute Girl": Sci-fi Spiritual Beast Plane Shop, Spiritual Stone Human Planet
14:"The Future's Cute Baby Is Hard to Raise": A certain immortal raped someone one day and escaped silently with a guilty conscience. He accidentally planted a little bun, but…a certain immortal looked at a certain someone in front of him with a guilty conscience. He raised the bun and said weakly,"The bun is mine!" A certain someone nodded expressionlessly,"He's yours, you're mine!"
The Canon of Blood is an interesting and innovative book. The story began with the protagonist transmigrating to another world and becoming a beautiful girl from the Blood Clan. At the beginning, she was sacrificed, but she accidentally obtained the golden finger, the "Holy Book of Blood." The protagonist relied on his cheat and his own intelligence to become stronger and show his charm. The writing was smooth, the plot development was interesting, and the protagonist's character was also very interesting. The reversal of the beginning and the subsequent developments were full of anticipation. Although the updates were slow, the setting and creativity of the story were very interesting, and the character creation was also very good. The overall pace was slow, but the way the plot progressed was very attractive. In addition, the author's previous works were also worth reading. All in all, the Canon of Blood was an interesting and innovative book that was worth recommending.
"Interstellar Cannon Fodder Alliance":"Interstellar Cannon Fodder Alliance" was a refreshing light novel. The author used a woman's unique delicate emotions to show the story of a cannon fodder captain's rebirth. Although the story didn't go back in time, the AI and his old friends, as well as his new identity and companions, filled the story with novelty and surprise. The author used the delicate emotions unique to women to describe the simple story behind a shocking conspiracy, making people feel relaxed and happy during the reading process. The entire book was inspiring and inspired. It connected the story in the book with real life, emotions, psychology, society, and history, allowing readers to resonate with it. Although there was no male lead, the book's charm was still there. For readers who liked to read easily, this book was definitely worth recommending.
17:"Elegy of the North": The dark curse of eternal night is in the north, and the scorching day is in the south.
The darkest abyss of sin and the lightest song of all things, these two completely different extremes actually coexisted.
The Canfit Continent! How do you balance this concerto of love and hate?
The young Parmar held tightly to the life she had stolen, devoutly kissing every handful of blood-soaked dust under her feet, sending off one close friend after another.
Who would play the last elegy for her?
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Vivian and Lilith were two common English names for girls. Vivian was the representative of Lady of the Lake in the British legend of King Arthur. She was talented, cute, creative, independent, sweet, resourceful, beautiful, passionate, elegant, lively, intelligent, energetic, and beautiful. Lilith was a name related to religion. It was easily controversial and did not sound good. If you like cute English names, you can consider similar names such as Vivienne, Lillian, etc.
I'm not entirely sure which specific 'Tran Star Wars Story' you're referring to. There could be many fan - made or less - known interpretations within the vast Star Wars universe. It might be a story about a character named Tran in the Star Wars setting, perhaps their journey, their battles, or their relationships with other characters.
One important element is how the author handles the tran ftm concept within the Naruto world's rules and lore. Does it make sense? Another is the emotional journey. The fanfic should explore Naruto's feelings about his transformation, whether it's confusion, acceptance, or something else. And of course, the writing style. A good writing style can make even a complex concept like this really enjoyable to read. There should also be some sort of conflict, either internal within Naruto or external, like dealing with those who don't accept his new identity.