"Prenez-moi, je ferai tout ce que vous voudrez !"
Dans sa vie antérieure, Lu Man est envoyée en prison après avoir été piégée par sa demi-sœur et un salaud. À sa sortie de prison, la seule chose qui l'accueille est la pierre tombale de sa mère. Voyant le salaud et la garce vivre heureux ensemble comme une grande famille avec son père biologique et sa belle-mère, elle décide de mourir avec le salaud et sa demi-sœur dans des flammes ardentes.
Au moment où elle ouvre à nouveau les yeux, elle se retrouve exactement le jour où elle a été piégée. Résolument, elle saute par la fenêtre et grimpe à côté, cherchant refuge auprès de l'homme occupant la chambre là-bas. Mais qui aurait pu deviner que cet homme est le beau génie qu'elle a toujours admiré de loin dans sa vie passée ?
Elle jure de se frotter les yeux pour y voir plus clair et être plus perspicace envers les gens. Elle veut que tous ceux qui lui sont redevables dans le passé lui rendent ce qu'ils lui doivent !
"Jeune Maître Han, puis-je aussi étreindre votre autre bras ?"
"En fait, j'en ai un autre, le voulez-vous ?"
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631 Chs
Arrêtez de faire n'importe quoi, M. Bo !
Mme Shen vaque à ses occupations habituelles tandis que M. Bo flirte avec elle sans relâche.
"Le PDG Bo n'est-il pas un gentleman pur et modeste qui ne s'associe pas aux femmes ?"
Les paupières alourdies, M. Bo est allongé nonchalamment sur le canapé avec une posture élégante, son visage dévoilant un sourire satisfait.
En jetant un coup d'œil à ce visage, Madame Bo se rappelle soudain de l'incident plus tôt—
"Chère, appelle-moi ton mari."
Sous son apparence froide se cache un homme qui ne peut pas la perdre. Quand elle est face à lui, elle est irrémédiablement charmée.
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622 Chs
La Femme Audacieuse de M. Tycoon
"Reste avec moi et je te donnerai tout ce que ton cœur désire. Pour toi, ma chérie, je séparerais les montagnes, fendrais la mer, et provoquerais le chaos sur Terre juste pour t'avoir."
- - - - -
Dans chaque histoire d'amour, il y a toujours une fiancée vengeresse et venimeuse qui était engagée avec le riche et beau PDG qui est tombé pour la pauvre, mais douce et innocente actrice principale. Dans sa soif de son amour, il a brisé sa pauvre fiancée dont l'amour l'a conduite au bord de la folie.
Personne ne se souciait jamais de ce que la fiancée ressentait.
Zhao Lifei a été préparée toute sa vie pour épouser un homme, mais soudainement, son cœur a été capturé par une autre femme. Elle a été giflée, détruite, et repoussée pour avoir aimé Zheng Tianyi. Elle était prête à sacrifier sa jeunesse, son temps, et son cœur pour cet homme, mais tout ce qu'elle a reçu en retour était de la douleur et du désespoir.
Il a fallu deux années dures, mais éveillantes pour que Zhao Lifei comprenne enfin les erreurs qu'elle a commises dans le passé.
Après sa rédemption, c'était maintenant à Zhao Lifei de vivre un amour plus grand que celui de l'actrice principale.
Plus intelligente, plus battante, et plus spirituelle, Zhao Lifei savait comment survivre dans la cruelle, traîtresse, et dure haute société.
"Un fiancé infidèle qui a brisé mon cœur ? Qu'il aille au diable, je trouverai quelqu'un de plus riche !"
"Tous mes amis m'ont abandonnée ? Peu importe, je trouverai de meilleurs amis !"
"Mes parents me renient ? C'est très bien, mon grand-père est plus riche et plus puissant qu'eux deux réunis !"
A l'opposé de la sarcastique Zhao Lifei, se trouvait le très riche et puissant, mais impitoyablement froid, Yang Feng.
Yang Feng, le Roi de l'Empire des Affaires, était un homme à craindre. Un cœur de glace, des yeux de pierre, impitoyable mais séduisant, il n'y avait pas une seule personne en ce monde qui osait l'offenser.
Beaucoup ont essayé, mais aucun n'a réussi à attirer son attention. Du moins, jusqu'à ce que son chemin croise inopinément celui de Zhao Lifei.
Des défis se présenteront, le chaos commencera, et le drame s'ensuivra. Mais après tout, qu'est-ce qu'une histoire d'amour sans perturbation ? Ils disent que l'amour sans conflit n'est qu'un simple béguin et l'histoire de Zhao Lifei et Yang Feng était bien plus que cela.
- - - - -
Statut du roman : Terminé.
Note : Ceci est une histoire originale de moi (xincerely) et non une traduction :) Ce livre se trouve exclusivement sur webnovel.com. Veuillez NE PAS le reposter ailleurs.
Discord de l'histoire : https://discord.gg/N5zzn6t
Instagram de l'auteur : xincerely_author
Editeurs et Correcteurs : Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, and littlebakergirl
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428 Chs
"Raina gue suka sama lo, tapi apa lo mau nerima perasaan gue?" Haidar menatap kepergian Raina sendu "Tapi gue akan selalu berusaha buat dapetin hati lo meskipun gue yakin lo nggak akan bisa nerima perasaan gue"
"Rain, aku cinta sama kamu" Gamma segera menempelkan jari telunjuk pada bibirnya bermaksud menyuruh Raina untuk tidak memotong perkataannya "Aku tahu ini salah, tapi aku jatuh cinta sama kamu saat pertama kali kamu dateng ke fakultas aku buat ngasihin surat ijinnya Haidar. Aku jatuh cinta sama tutur kata kamu yang lemah lembut terus aku juga jatuh cinta sama bacaan surah Al-Mulk-eh iya kan. Sebelum aku kenal sama kamu, baru pertama kali ini aku bicara sama cewek pakek aku-kamuan dan itu cuma sama kamu Raina"
"Raina, tolong jangan pergi. Gue mohon sama lo pilih satu diantara mereka bertiga, gue nggak mau setelah kepergian lo mereka bertiga jadi berantem karena lo nggak ngasih kepastian. Tolong jangan bikin Raden gue sakit hati, gue nggak papa deh sakit hati ngeliat Raden bahagia sama lo asalkan hikss" Raina segera memeluk Carissa yang kini tengah menangis "Asalkan Raden sama cewek baik kayak lo, Rain"
Apa yang harus RAINA lakukan saat dia sudah yakin untuk tidak ada komitmen dengan seseorang diluar pernikahan sedangkan banyak lelaki yang menaruh hati padanya?
"Yaallah, apa yang harus aku lakukan aku tidak ingin membuat mereka sakit hati"-Raina
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391 Chs
Après avoir appris à lire dans les pensées, M. Huo m'emmène au lit chaque nuit !
Choquant ! La célèbre famille Lin à Jinchuan a fait faillite.
Le public : Qui en est responsable ?
Initié : Le descendant indigne, Lin Wanli !
Choquant ! Le souverain de Jinchuan, Huo Guixiao, se marie !
Le public : Qui est la mariée ?
Initié : La dominatrice et arrogante Lin Wanli !
Choquant ! L'identité de la personne en charge de la Biologie Taixi a été révélée.
Le public : Qui est le PDG ?
Initié : Est-ce toujours... Lin Wanli ?
Ce perdant ?!
Dans sa vie antérieure, Lin Wanli avait été trompée par sa meilleure amie, manipulée par son père vaurien et rejetée par sa grand-mère. Elle ne pouvait même pas protéger sa fille de huit mois, qui avait été jetée à la poubelle par sa nounou.
Après s'être réincarnée, Lin Wanli a désespérément saisi l'opportunité de prendre sa revanche. Elle a également conquis l'homme qui l'a aidée à se venger. C'est juste... Elle a toujours pensé que cet homme s'était aussi réincarné. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle réalise qu'il pouvait facilement lire dans ses pensées.
"Monsieur Huo, n'est-ce pas un peu impoli de votre part de vous être réincarné avec des compétences spéciales ?" demanda Lin Wanli.
"Quand ai-je jamais dit que je m'étais réincarné ?" demanda-t-il.
"Ai-je mal compris ?"
"Pas exactement. J'ai bien une compétence spéciale. Par exemple, j'ai pu vous entendre vous plaindre que le lit était trop petit hier soir," répondit-il.
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381 Chs
Se Libérer, Aimer de Nouveau - Le Mariage Éclair avec M. le PDG
Arwen Quinn, héritière de la prestigieuse famille Quinn, réalise trop tardivement que, quoi qu'elle fasse, elle ne gagnera jamais l'amour de Ryan. Le futur qui l'attend est une vie emprisonnée dans une union sans amour.
Alors, de manière décisive, elle met fin à leur relation et s'éloigne. Ce qu'elle n'attendait pas, c'était qu'en se libérant de Ryan, elle avait ouvert la porte pour qu'Aiden entre dans sa vie — une chance qu'il attendait depuis longtemps.
Aiden Winslow, PDG énigmatique, n'est pas juste mystérieux — il est déterminé et ne permettra pas qu'Arwen lui échappe de nouveau.
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316 Chs
L'ex-femme enceinte de M. Ceo
Ace Carter Greyson, son mari depuis cinq longues années, a demandé le divorce la nuit de leur cinquième anniversaire de mariage. La raison ? Tout simplement parce qu'elle ne peut pas avoir de fils.
Phoenix l'a supplié de rester mais sa décision ferme était inébranlable alors elle a finalement accepté de le laisser partir. Sa vie a été encore plus détruite après qu'elle a découvert sa longue liaison avec sa secrétaire, et maintenant, la maîtresse était enceinte. Quelques mois après leur divorce, il a épousé la secrétaire enceinte.
Le monde de Phoenix bascule soudainement lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle est enceinte de quatre mois.
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264 Chs
A man who had lost everything.An almighty power, the [Zero Code] held within his hand.“Player Kim Su Hyun, do you truly wish to revert the time of Hall Plain?”“I want to go back 10 years. To that period when I first came here.”
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125 Chs
I´m the strongest Cheat Lord in the whole world!
Kurono Ichiru is a student who died tragically in a traffic accident.
A god appeared before him and fulfilled his wish to be reincarnated into his favorite game, the only problem is...
"Huhh! That idiot god reincarnated me into a magic stone!"
To make his life more sufferable, the tutorial villain finds him, and now the two of them must work together to stop their enemies from destroying the kingdom.
A story of misunderstanding with the protagonist and the villain has just begun!
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108 Chs
Vows Of Love (L&M #1)
"Shravan. You are here" she asked cheerfully
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Relaxing! This is amazing. Like having your own shower in a swimming pool. So cool."
"Get out of there right now." His icy tone slid off her, his unconcealed disapproval having no apparent effect on her exuberance.
"Are you listening to me?" He asked again
"I’m just cooling down. Why are you wearing a suit? Why did you change? Aren’t you slightly overdressed for the weather? It’s boiling."
"I had a video conference. I was working. Get out of the fountain. Now."
"Why? I like it here. And you’re very bad-tempered today. You should cool down"
"I’m not asking you again."
"Good, because I can’t stand nagging. If you want me out, you’ll have to come and get me."
"Drishti" He called out in a warning tone
Her fingers skimmed the surface of the water and her eyes met his. Something wicked gleamed there.
Reading her mind he breathed in sharply. "Don’t you dare."
"Are you going to come in and stop me?"
The shower of cold water splattered his hair, his jacket and the front of his shirt, which promptly welded itself to his skin.
"Are you crazy? This suit is silk."
"Better take it off then, before it’s ruined."
He did just that, shrugging the
shrugging the jacket from his shoulders in a violent movement and saw her gaze slide to his damp shirt.
Drishti let out a low whistle
"Nice body hubby. Now why don't you get into the fountain with me" Drishti asked with a wink.
Meet Shravan Maheswari and Drishti Singhania
Shravan Maheswari, born with a silver spoon wanted to make a name of his own. A workaholic by nature ,his sole focus is on his company SM Groups.
What will happen when trouble maker Drishti Singhania lands in his life creating chaos all around.
Mind you, trouble follows Drishti or Drishti follows trouble? The question is still unanswered.
Fall in love with them when these total opposites fall for each other.
There were novels similar to " Reborn, I'm Really Not A Tailor "
1. The Years When the Red Flag Flapped, Author: Jiao Er 18
2:" Rebirth 84: I Want to Go to College ", Author: Lying flat youth
3:" Entertainment: Dominating Internal Entertainment from the Host Competition ", Author: Ru Yaozi
4:" Purely an accident, starting from 50 yuan for a bowl of noodles." Author: Mad God Rhapsody
5:" This Doctor Is Not Short of Money ", Author: Field Rat
6: Return to 1980 as a Matchmaker, Author: Er She
7:" My Age of Drama ", Author: Sima Baishan
8." I Hacked My Level Up in the Hospital." Author: Drunken Boxing Master
9. Entertainment Begins from Traveling. Author: Tea-picking Ji
10:" The Cheat King of the Food Circle ", Author: Chocolate Dip Candy
"Doctor Zhao, Help!" Author: Love Fried Potato
" Rebirth Begins with a Bookseller ", Author: Shrimp's Justice
13:1990: From Baojia Street, Author: Meat Governor
14:" This Top Student Just Wants to Brush Questions ", Author: Love to Drink Mature Vinegar
15:" Rebirth 88 Begins with Carpenters ", Author: The Running 80s
16:" Chinese Entertainment Starting from a Repeater ", Author: Stewed Pork Ribs in a Pressure Cooker
I Can See the Memory of Antiques, Author: Ming Lei
18: Return to 2002: Freedom Superstar, Author: Where Is the End of the World
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1." The Years When the Red Flag Flags ":" The Years When the Red Flag Flags " is a delightful book. The plot flowed smoothly. Although there were no big surprises, it was very attractive. This book was written in the 1950s and recorded the history of the struggle for a gardener. From the title of the book, one could roughly guess what it was about, but the author's creativity was very interesting. Starting from the courtyard house, he interweaved some scenes of chicken feathers flying into the sky, giving people a great sense of anticipation for the story. This book gave me a more concrete understanding of that era, and I recommend it to readers who like this kind of novel. Moreover, the protagonist in the book was very healthy and enjoyed everything he ate. He did not expect to have an unrestrained younger brother in another parallel world, which added to the fun of the story. In general, The Years of the Red Flag was an enjoyable book. The plot was smooth, and although there were no big surprises, it was very attractive. It was a good book worth reading.
2." Rebirth 84: I Want to Go to College ": After the sudden death of Yang Xingwu, the small-town question maker, he returned to the body of a high school student in the 1980s.
Although their family was poor, they were very human and respectful.
Although the neighbors had some small conflicts, they were generally friendly.
Facing the tide of the times, Yang Xingwu chose to continue being a small-town question maker and work hard to get into university!
It was the time for men to study!
3." Entertainment: Dominating Internal Entertainment from the Host Competition ": Zhang Lin traveled through parallel time and space, only to find that he had become a Central TV news anchor and was currently broadcasting live.
Faced with the high-end and serious news anchor station that could not tolerate the slightest mistake, he expressed that he was under a lot of pressure and did not want to become the main character of the Central TV host's mistake collection.
At the critical moment, the system descended from the heavens and made him the most beautiful player in the entire scene.
From then on, Zhang Lin relied on his cheat and perseverance to become a model host for the new era of Central TV.
"China in the Classics", he set off a wave of ancient prose;
World Football, he gave the country that was barren of football the best football program;
He made the movie tycoons in the film industry love and hate him for 'Projection Room 10'.
For " Common Attention," he used his talent to fill the screen and turned the news program into a place for internet celebrities to check in.
He, CTV's top rapper, Jonathan Zhang Lin
4:" It's purely an accident. Starting from a bowl of noodles that costs 50 yuan ": Everything is an accident. I have children after graduation. I have a wife and children at the age of 22!
Then, his wife picked up a piece of ore, and his son helped him recognize it as his master. He actually obtained a learning system so easily!
A small family was a source of fortune. From now on, his wife could be responsible for being as beautiful as a flower, his son could only be responsible for eating and drinking foolishly, and he could only easily earn money to support the family.
Next, it would be up to his young father to start working hard to earn money.
He had obtained the Virtual Learning System, which was suitable for a chef profession.
Chefs seemed to be able to make a lot of money, so he would join the gourmet world!
In a small square, a special food city.
Starting from 50 yuan for a bowl of noodles, he made all kinds of delicacies.
There were spicy and fragrant spicy chickens here. They sold hundreds of plates every day and earned 2,000 yuan a day!
There were handmade sausages and roasted sausages here, and there was a long queue every day!
There was also the Mapo Tofu from the Tofu Beauty. The tofu was delicious, and the Mapo was not bad either!
There were also exotic roasted whole lambs. High-end ingredients did not require complicated processing techniques. Of course, the price was also very expensive.
However, it would be a hooligan to talk about the price without considering the quantity. Anyone could afford to eat two taels.
This was a home-cooked dish, a gourmet city!
In the gourmet world, everyone had their own unique skills. If he wanted to always stand at the peak, then he could only keep up with the times every day and work hard to develop his golden finger?
5." This Doctor Doesn't Need Money ": A Traditional Chinese Medicine novel. It looks quite realistic. The writing is smooth and doesn't look awkward.
<<< recommendation index >>:
6:" Going Back to 1980 as a Matchmaker ": Food, Age
7." My Age of Drama ": Good book, seedling, worth recommending.
The main character was in his second year of university, and he was in the collaboration class of the Chinese opera and the Humanities Arts. He was able to participate in the drama of the Humanities Arts. As for the improvement of acting skills and the refinement of the characters, the growth of the characters could be seen in just tens of thousands of words.
The protagonist did not have the overly greasy and experienced foresight of a reborn person. He did not have the feeling of a teenager who did not care about anything when he encountered something. The impulsiveness, enthusiasm, and fearlessness of a young person were very good. Maintaining this feeling was the most precious thing for an actor. Don't let it end badly!
8:" I Hacked Up in the Hospital to Upgrade Those Years ": Not Bad
9." Entertainment Begins from Traveling ":" Entertainment Begins from Traveling " is an urban novel that combines a relaxed and dull daily life, a natural copy of the song, and a comfortable and leisurely travel life. The author's writing skills were profound, and the narrative style was fresh and natural. The description of travel in the novel was sincere and moving, and the description of the cultural scenery and folk culture of different regions was detailed and delicate, depicting the gorgeous natural scenery. The description of the city in the novel was very vivid. It was like a big funnel, gathering all kinds of geographical, political, spiritual, and cultural streams. It was also like a well of civilization, a ditch, filtering and settling here. Even though the number of words was not many, it was enough to immerse one in it. The author focused on describing the natural scenery and human geography, which was exactly what the readers liked. They could feel the scenery of the scenic spots in the author's book. " Entertainment Begins From Traveling " was a rare travel novel, and it was worth recommending.
10:" The Cheat King of the Food Circle ":" The Cheat King of the Food Circle " is a delightful food novel. The author used the chef as the main character. By describing the color, aroma, and cooking process of the food, it made people feel hungry. This writing method was very unique. Although the kitchen environment and the feedback points of the customers were still insufficient, overall, the book was full of fireworks. At present, there was no female lead, so people were looking forward to the follow-up development. Overall, this book was a very good food novel and worth reading.
11:" Doctor Zhao, Help!" A good book about doctors
12:" Rebirth Begins with a Bookseller ": Rebirth 94, Starting from a Bookseller, Living in an Alley, Running to Customers, Step by Step, Towards a Brilliant Life Again!
13:" 1990: Starting from Baojia Street ": From the perspective of composition, cut into entertainment, looking forward to more treasure songs
14:" This Top Streamer Just Wants to Brush the Questions ": Please Pay Attention, Favorite
[Another new masterpiece by Old Mature Vinegar. From the beginning of the story, where he entered the language book, to the end of the story, where he ate the Mapo Tofu, it was all very interesting and well written. Some of the story plots were ironic, while others were heartwarming.]
When Gu Yi gradually became one of the top students. The people who watched Gu Yi walk over realized that he was different from other celebrities. While everyone was chasing after fame and fortune and mocking the small town's examiners, Gu Yi was the only one who was either doing the questions or on his way. A certain young hunk made inappropriate comments and collapsed. Gu Yi got into university with the first place. The opponent who had once slandered Gu Yi had become a legal expert and was now stepping on a sewing machine. Gu Yi was admitted to the Master's degree with the first place. The show that had once treated Gu Yi unfairly was completely overturned and stopped broadcasting. Gu Yi got into the National Drama Theater with the first place. " An uncultured artiste is like duckweed. A person's appearance will age with time, their health will be taken away by accident, their wealth may be lost due to unforeseen circumstances, their status may be overturned, their reputation may be tarnished in an instant, their love may be betrayed, and their brotherhood may fall out, but knowledge will never deceive me. What I have learned is what I have learned, and what I have not learned is what I have not learned. What I know is what I know, and what I don't know is what I don't know." "Will the fans care about this?" The manager was puzzled. Gu Yi smiled." The fans might like my handsome face, but I think they like my talent more. "Then what questions are you doing now?" Gu Yi raised his head and put down his pen. He said calmly and confidently,"Postnatal care for sows."
15:" Rebirth 88 Begins with a Carpenter ": Reborn as a Carpenter, The Story Is Not Bad
16:" Entertainment from the Year Repeaters ": I had already found a book that could be added. I tried to read this one yesterday and it was very appetizing. After reading it, I added it directly.
the Chinese entertainment literature is reborn. The main character was a drama student from Rebirth 97. He started from Hongshi in the Yongzheng Dynasty. He used Tang Guoqiang's connections to contact Dragon TV to help him release a single MV and earn money to buy France's victory in the World Cup. Then, he became a millionaire. At present, Xiao Jian was investing in Suzhou Creek while acting in the second Pearl.
Why I'm reading this book: Recently, I've been looking for online novels because of my personal hobbies. I've been looking for Hong Kong, Television, and Chinese Entertainment, but there's nothing to recommend in terms of quality. This book is considered to be one of the better Chinese Entertainment novels in recent months. The writing style was not bad, and the character creation was considered vivid. It was more of a relaxed and humorous style. Many of the same genre would either write awkwardly or write in oil, or write in a very low-class loser style. This was not the case. The key was to pay attention to the degree. The female lead was chosen to be Yang Rong, who was relatively uncommon in Chinese entertainment literature. The emotional scenes were not bad. The choice of songs was more proactive and consistent with the protagonist's identity and experience. When the 98 flood plot appeared, I was really afraid of copying "for whom". It was not right for a university student to write a big song. Besides, who would adopt your work? Fortunately, there was no such thing. It was taboo to copy public works and not fit the character's image.
Why not read this book: Currently, the two dramas I'm in are both Qing Palace dramas. I personally don't mind. After all, I can't skip the braid drama in the 1990s, but many people are very fussy about this. Secondly, the Hong Kong stock market was too sensational. I skipped the next chapter anyway. Also, Lou Ye had come to Suzhou Creek for investment. It was a little inexplicable. The rationality of this was average.
In general, the grain would be evaluated according to the situation.
" I Can See the Memory of Antiques ": Treasure Appraisal + Adventure
Ancient objects have spirits.
Usually, the more ancient something was.
The deeper the memories would be.
Or the joy of birth.
Or a moment that left a deep impression in his mind.
Coincidentally, Huang Zhen had obtained the ability to read the memories of antiques.
A child who collected copper coins might be an extraordinary figure.
Behind a copper hairpin, there was a touching and unknown history.
The hidden treasures of the bandits and the pirates. The legendary lost antique.
Huang Zhen used his own ability.
To acquire wealth beyond measure,
And behind the antique,
Those unknown stories.
" Return to 2002: Freedom Superstar ": Boss runs away, company goes bankrupt.
Chen Ran, who had lost his job in his middle age, returned to 2002 and was lucky enough to obtain the providence balance system.
That summer, at the age of sixteen, everything was wonderful.
The regrets of the past could be made up for, and the dreams buried deep in his heart could be pursued.
The most important thing was to become a free person. He was not bound by any restrictions. He had financial freedom, time freedom, and work freedom.
The system included tennis, daily life, love, business, entertainment, and so on.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
The Versace jeans were part of the Versace brand, which launched a jeans collection in the autumn and winter of 2020. This collection was one of Versace's iconic products, demonstrating the brand's unique approach in the field of high fashion. Versace jeans were famous for their eye-catching, fun, and unique art direction, which was designed to subvert and reinterpret the classic style of avant-garde and fashion. We are unable to provide more detailed information about Versace jeans, such as price, style, or where to buy them.
" The Tailor " was an ancient, harem, and sadomasochistic novel written by A'gu. The story was mainly about the emotional entanglement between Young Master Ruan, Song Liaozhi, and Pei Li. Mr. Ruan had the fine tradition of ordinary people and was good at tasting sweetness from bitterness. On the other hand, Ruan Xuetang was a mischievous person who always treated kindness as a donkey's liver. After the two of them met, their relationship became chaotic. This novel was set in an ancient setting. The plot was complicated, and the writing was smooth. It was very popular among readers.
I recommend The Tailor of the Republic of China to you. The female lead was a top fashion designer. After being thrown into the sea by a hired killer, she transmigrated to the Republic of China and could only become an apprentice in a tailor shop. The story is full of joys and sorrows, but the ending is all related to you.
Tang Yan often wore jeans among the flowers. She showed off different ways of dressing during the Flower Road Show, including matching sweaters and jeans. This combination was both fashionable and westernized, giving off a high-class feeling. Tang Yan's supermodel figure and elegant temperament made her look even more outstanding. The matching of a sweater and jeans seemed simple, but it contained the secret of fashion. The softness of the sweater and the toughness of the jeans formed a sharp contrast, giving people a feeling of westernization. This combination was warm and slimmer. It was a clear stream in the fashion world. Tang Yan also tried other colors and styles of sweaters with jeans, such as oatmeal sweaters and brown washed jeans. In general, Tang Yan showed a variety of ways to wear jeans in the flowers, bringing fashion inspiration.
Zhao Liying often wore jeans, and her style was very fashionable. She wore tight jeans to show off her slender long legs. At the same time, she also chose loose jeans and slightly flared pants to show off different styles. She also matched different styles of shirts, such as white short-sleeved shirts, vests, sweaters, etc., to show off different temperament and styles. Zhao Liying's jeans also reflected her personal fashion taste and charm.
The origin of jeans can be traced back to Genoa, Italy, where a similar type of durable work pants was made. However, the modern concept of jeans as we know them really began with Levi Strauss. He saw the need for strong pants among the American miners. He used denim fabric and introduced the idea of using rivets for reinforcement. Over time, jeans became not just workwear but a fashion staple around the world.
Jeans are a classic fashion item known for its durability, comfort, and stylish appearance. The fabric of jeans was usually made of high-elastic cotton and a blend of duster, which had excellent elasticity and durability. The cut and design of jeans were usually very tight, showing off the beautiful lines and figure. In terms of accessories, jeans were usually paired with a simple T-shirt or shirt, or with various jackets and shoes. Jeans were a very popular and classic piece of clothing that was loved by the majority of fashionistas.
" After Rebirth, I Became a Top Tailor " was an urban novel that recommended the male protagonist to be a tailor. This novel told the story of the male protagonist, Chen Yifan, who became a top tailor after his rebirth. The author was Liu Shanhe. The novel had elements of relaxation, entertainment, and money-making. It had been completed. This novel can be read on Qidian Chinese website.