
bless 5e

Sra. e Sr. Smith

Sra. e Sr. Smith

Ethan Smith caminhou pela rua vazia, cigarro na boca, balançando a cabeça e forçando um sorriso amargo. Quem poderia imaginar que, após três anos de casamento, tudo o que restava era traição? Ele jurou fazer aquela mulher se arrepender do que havia feito e prometeu fazer todos que tinham sido bons para ele viverem uma vida boa. Sim, era Emily Taylor, a mulher que o havia ajudado a sair do abismo do desespero quando ele atingiu o ponto mais baixo de sua vida. "Emily, é hora de eu cuidar de você."
1626 Chs
O Médico Mais Sortudo e Burro

O Médico Mais Sortudo e Burro

[Uma história explosiva e emocionante, altamente recomendada pelo próprio Chefe Editor. Um livro divino que é leitura obrigatória, você se arrependerá de não ter lido.] Aos olhos dos outros, ele poderia parecer um tolo sem valor, mas era reverenciado como o mestre da avaliação, o curandeiro milagroso, o encantador feiticeiro, o senhor do Palácio do Dragão, o invencível deus da guerra... Com uma mão que empunhava agulhas douradas contra a própria morte, e outra que brandia uma espada longa, forçando nações a se submeterem, ele possuía uma destreza sem igual. Seu olhar divino vasculhava os céus e a terra, enquanto sua visão demoníaca penetrava através dos véus do yin e yang. Ele era incomparável em todo o mundo!
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949 Chs
Biblioteca de Ciência e Tecnologia

Biblioteca de Ciência e Tecnologia

Sou apenas um tradutor deste romance de que gosto. TRADUZIDO VIA IA. O domínio supremo da ciência é a teologia; imortalidade, voando no céu e recuando, chamando o vento e chamando a chuva, movendo montanhas e enchendo o mar. Esses mitos e lendas podem ser realizados pela ciência. Se você quiser usar essas tecnologias, você deve ter a autoridade máxima da biblioteca de ciência e tecnologia. Um salvamento acidental de pessoas permitiu que Chen Mo colhesse amor e uma biblioteca de ciência e tecnologia com tecnologia infinita. A história começa...
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739 Chs
Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!

Eu transmigrei e ganhei um marido e um filho!

``` Ela era conhecida por muitos nomes: Demônia, uma bruxa perversa, uma herdeira nascida para governar o inferno, a mais cruel, e a mais venenosa flor no mundo subterrâneo. Poucos sabiam, a herdeira da mais misteriosa organização de assassinatos tinha um sonho simples. Um sonho que muitas garotas tinham: ter uma vida tranquila com um marido e um filho. Foi por isso que, quando esta infame líder da organização de assassinos acordou no corpo de Heaven Liu, ela pensou que seu sonho de vida finalmente tinha se tornado realidade. Mas a realidade estava longe do que ela esperava. Heaven Liu era uma atriz decadente; ela desapareceu dos holofotes no auge da fama. A razão? Uma gravidez indesejada. Forçada a se casar com um homem que não amava, o casamento desmoronou facilmente — quase à beira de sem reparo. Com essa realidade que ela tinha que enfrentar, será que ela seria capaz de consertar os corações partidos de seu marido e filho? Ou a distância entre eles continuaria a aumentar? Com esse casamento sem amor desde o início, haveria uma chance de eles viverem felizes como uma família? Ou seria tarde demais? O mais importante, será que ela realmente escaparia das correntes que pensava ter rompido? Ou seu próprio inferno a alcançaria para arrastá-la de volta aos fossos do inferno aonde ela pertence? ***** O EBOOK ESTÁ DISPONÍVEL NA AMAZON. LINK: https://a.co/d/bTeyr0B A tradução para Espanhol também está disponível na Webnovel. Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/transmigr%C3%A9-y-consegu%C3%AD-un-esposo-y-un-hijo!_29071013600828005 Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é de minha autoria. Todos os créditos vão para o artista. Esta é uma parte da série Wild da autora. Wild Miss Heiress: Eu reencarnei e consegui um marido e um filho! ```
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716 Chs
Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Ele se apaixonou pelos raros olhos roxos dela. Então, pensou em tê-la por inteiro. ------ Naquela noite, a delicada mulher de olhos roxos e vestido de noiva sentou-se em sua cama enquanto o marido a observava com um sorriso. "Então,” ele arrastou as palavras, sua voz perversa e magnética, “eu não posso ver o rosto da minha esposa nem na noite de nosso casamento?" "Vossa Majestade prometeu cumprir meu único desejo," comentou a mulher, fixando o véu que cobria a metade inferior do seu rosto com as mãos ligeiramente trêmulas. Ele fitou seus misteriosos e raros olhos roxos. "Posso perguntar, por que tal desejo?" Ela o encarou de volta. "Vossa Majestade pode não gostar de ver coisas feias." Ele sorriu de canto e se aproximou dela. "Mas, eu nunca gostei de coisas bonitas." ------ Seren, a infame filha da bruxa, e Drayce, o impiedoso e cruel filho do Diabo. Ninguém jamais havia visto seu rosto, pois as bruxas devem ser feias, mas ele era o único que nunca procurou pela beleza. Ela foi amaldiçoada para nunca se apaixonar, mas ele desejou ser o único homem que ela amaria. Uma princesa amaldiçoada casada com o filho do Diabo para destruir seu reino, mas o filho do Diabo tinha um plano diferente para ela. O segredo de seu nascimento será revelado apenas para guiar o caminho até liberar os poderes ocultos dentro dela, os quais ninguém pode controlar. Com os perigos ocultos desejando seus poderes, Drayce e Seren poderão proteger um ao outro ou serão completamente engolidos pelas trevas? ------ Este é o primeiro livro da série "Diabo e Bruxa". Livro um - Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo. Livro dois - A Bruxa Amaldiçoada pelo Diabo. Livro Três - A Noiva do Diabo. Ambos os livros são conectados, mas você pode lê-los de forma independente. ------ Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - https://discord.gg/p3Xrs8VbS3 Grupo do FB- romances de mynovel20
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716 Chs
A Bela e as Feras

A Bela e as Feras

Após se encontrar no mundo dos homens-feras, um leopardo a resgata e mais tarde a rapta. Bai Qingqing sofre um grande colapso mental, porque os machos neste mundo são tão deslumbrantes e bonitos quanto pavões pavoneando-se. Por outro lado, as fêmeas são ridiculamente feias, mas ainda assim altamente valorizadas pelos machos. Como uma linda estudante do ensino médio, ela de alguma forma se tornou a beleza mais hipnotizante deste mundo. O pior de tudo, este mundo é uma sociedade matriarcal. Ela não quer três ou quatro maridos a sua espera! Sua vida se torna em provocar um leopardo, fazer cócegas num tigre, seduzir uma serpente venenosa e capturar uma águia. Bai Qingqing, com um harém completo, está profundamente em lágrimas. Ela realmente não queria nada disso. "Ei, ei, Irmão Leopardo, Irmão Tigre, Irmão Serpente, Irmão Águia, o que vocês estão fazendo? Fiquem longe!" Há quatro protagonistas masculinos: O jovem e forte leopardo, a emo e silenciosa serpente, o poderoso tigre e a águia solitária e distante.
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701 Chs
Casamento Oculto com Nota Máxima: Adote um Filho e Ganhe um Marido de Graça

Casamento Oculto com Nota Máxima: Adote um Filho e Ganhe um Marido de Graça

Depois de cinco anos, Ning Xi voltou para o lugar que a repeliu — o lar. Com uma irmã que a virou contra seus pais e fez seu amor de infância traí-la, as chances pareciam sombrias. Entretanto, cinco anos no exterior a mudaram, e ela voltou para casa para realizar seu sonho de infância de se tornar atriz. Apesar de sua irmã malvada ainda estar atrás dela, os papéis seriam invertidos. Um dia, após cair em uma das armadilhas de sua irmã, ela salvou um garoto adorável e acabou ficando em sua casa para ajudá-lo a sair de sua concha. Lentamente, seu pai Lu Tingxiao começou a se apaixonar por ela. Isso foi antes deles perceberem como suas vidas estavam entrelaçadas todo esse tempo sem o conhecimento deles.
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707 Chs
Médico Imortal Pequeno e Ousado

Médico Imortal Pequeno e Ousado

Pergunta: "Quando em um dia de verão, você encontra um pepino aparecendo inexplicavelmente na vagina de uma mulher bonita na sala de estar, como você deve salvá-la?" ”A. Puxe para fora“ ”B. Sugue para fora“ ”C.**********“ Anos depois, quando Li lembrou-se novamente dessa cena, ele se odiou por não ter escolhido C... --------- "Credo, o que está me pressionando?" Meng Lin exclamou instintivamente, olhou para baixo imediatamente, e ao ver o contorno alarmante, ela exclamou surpresa, "Qianfan, por que você colocou sua bengala branca dentro da sua calça? Está com medo que alguém a roube? Deixa a cunhada te ajudar a tirar!" Com isso, Meng Lin estendeu a mão... ------ "Cunhada, você estava se masturbando?" Li Qianfan fingiu estar chocado. "Um pepino caiu dentro da minha vagina, você pode me ajudar a tirá-lo?" Não é à toa que sua cunhada parecia tão sedenta; era porque ela estava frequentemente insatisfeita. "Cunhada, não chore, eu vou te ajudar a tirar agora mesmo!" Após oferecer consolo, Li Qianfan colocou sua palma na coxa de Meng Lin e começou a mover-se lentamente em direção ao local onde o pepino estava submerso……
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591 Chs
Eu Reencarnei em um Romance e Me Tornei a Mádrasta Vilã de Cinco Bebês Fofos

Eu Reencarnei em um Romance e Me Tornei a Mádrasta Vilã de Cinco Bebês Fofos

# ACONCHEGANTE # ONIPOTENTE # PRIMEIROASSISTENTE Em sua vida passada, Mo Ruyue era uma assassina de primeira. Ela era indiferente como um abismo e tinha matado mais pessoas do que tinha dedos para contar. Em sua nova vida, tornou-se a madrasta malvada de cinco pestinhas num vale montanhoso remoto, e eles tinham terror dela. Nesta vida, decidiu mudar sua maneira de viver. Só tinha quatro paredes nuas para uma casa? Seus filhos passavam fome ao ponto de ficarem só pele e osso? Sem problema. Ela podia matar javalis com as próprias mãos, então comida não era questão. Também era proficiente em tabuadas, e seus filhos instantaneamente se tornaram seus grandes fãs. Havia sido uma jornada difícil mudar de uma madrasta cruel para uma calorosa. Então, seu suposto marido morto de repente retornou, agora o primeiro ministro da dinastia. "Vamos nos divorciar. Me dê as crianças, e eu devolverei o dinheiro para você." "Não me falta nada, só você e as crianças."
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599 Chs
Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

Recuperei Minhas Memórias e Fiquei Rica Após o Divórcio

"Gu Dai, só me casei contigo para fazer o Vovô feliz. Se outra pessoa tivesse salvo o Vovô, eu teria me casado com ela do mesmo jeito! Não se ache tão importante!" Ao longo dos três anos de casamento, o marido de Gu Dai insultou-a em muitas ocasiões. Ela não teria acreditado que um dia foi mimada e rica se não tivesse de repente recuperado a memória. Por que ela serviu voluntariamente a esse homem por três anos? Esse homem era até desprezível o suficiente para se apaixonar por outra mulher! A primeira coisa que Gu Dai fez após recuperar sua memória foi se divorciar! Rumores se espalharam pela capital que a menina das favelas estava se divorciando do Sr. Song! "Sério? Ela não é uma caça-fortunas?" Todos perguntavam. "Ela está só se fazendo de difícil. Você acha que ela algum dia vai seguir em frente?" Sr. Song perguntou. Logo em seguida, todos descobriram que Gu Dai tinha voltado para a família Gu na capital. Agora ela era a jovem senhora da família mais rica da cidade. Acontece que ela era a jovem senhora da família Gu que tinha desaparecido após um acidente de navio de cruzeiro três anos atrás! "Sr. Song, a Srta. Gu é muito acima do seu nível," todos diziam. "E daí? Ela não sabe planejar o futuro. Tirando dinheiro, ela não tem mais nada," Sr. Song disse. Não muito tempo depois, as pessoas começaram a descobrir as múltiplas identidades de Gu Dai. Ela era uma hacker de grande importância, uma médica milagrosa, a melhor designer do país... Ela era tudo o que Song Ling estava procurando. Quando eles se encontraram novamente, ele a agarrou e implorou com lágrimas nos olhos. "Dai, não me importo se você tem sentimentos por outros. Você pode me deixar ficar ao seu lado mesmo assim?"
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575 Chs
Bless the tall Bodhisattva
1 answer
2025-01-14 14:58
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was one of the Bodhisattvas in Buddhism who was believed to be able to protect all sentient beings. Although it was not explicitly mentioned that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva could bless individuals to grow taller, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was regarded as a benevolent Bodhisattva with the ability to help all living beings free themselves from suffering. Therefore, some people might pray to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to increase their height. However, there was no conclusive evidence that Guanyin Bodhisattva could directly affect a person's height. Therefore, whether Guanyin Bodhisattva could bless a person to grow taller was still an unsolved mystery.
God bless and pray
1 answer
2024-10-18 15:57
God's blessing prayer was a religious term. Different people might have different ways of expressing it. The following are some common God's blessing prayers: 1. Lord, please bless me, protect me, guide me, give me strength and wisdom, so that I can face all the challenges in life. 2. Lord, please bless my family and friends. Let them be healthy, safe, and happy. Let us all walk toward a beautiful future under your guidance. 3. Lord, please bless this world, let the world be peaceful, let people live in harmony, let us all live in your love. 4. Lord, please bless everything I do, so that I can act in your name, so that my actions can bring help and enlightenment to others. 5. Lord, please bless me to be firm in the face of difficulties and setbacks, so that I can believe in your strength and love, so that I can walk out of my predicament under your guidance. It was important to note that God's blessing prayer was a kind of religious belief. Everyone's understanding of religion and way of belief might be different. Therefore, when praying for God's blessing, it should be carried out according to one's own belief and understanding. Hurry up and click on the link below to return to the super classic " Lord of the Mysteries "!
Who has a novel similar to "The Lord Bless the World, I Bless the Lord"
1 answer
2025-01-26 09:13
There were novels similar to "The Lord Bless the World, I Bless the Lord" 1. Peach Edict. Author: Xiaofeng Qinglu 2. Eastern Palace Palm, Author: Huatang Xiuge 3:"With You Along the Way, Lawyer Husband Is Too Dangerous", Author: Auspicious Night 4. Happy Climbing Branch, Author: Xiao Xi 5:"Don't Ask Where People Go When They Travel Through Time", Author: A Purple Doesn't Eat Coriander Little Things in the Qing Dynasty. Author: Yu Fang 7. Moon on the River Reflected on the Palace Wall by Qiao Yanyu 8."After Entering the Wrong Bridal Chamber, I Farming with a Malicious and Powerful Minister." Author: Yun Ziyan 9: Records of the Lost Case of the Crane Hall of Ming Dynasty. Author: Wang Yanchen 10:"Setting the World", Author: Zixiao Lianxi He's Like a Paranoid, Author: Lin Youqing Doomsday Zombie Research Academy, Author: Zhu Yu Serene Pool, Author: Zixiao Lianxi 14:"If You Don't Run, You'll Be Cried by the Princess." Author: Candy Eating Worm "Other than Beauty, She's Also Moldy." Author: Southern Treasure 16:"Linlang Strange Records", Author: Winning the First Prize in the Lottery After Exiled to Lingnan, the Prime Minister's Family Collapses. Author: Bei Jiuyi After the Palace Rebellion, the Little Doctor took the Prince to Farm. Author: Lingling Thirteen String Chapter 19:"My First Love Encountered in the Coloproctology Department, My Society Is Dead", Author: Gu Qingjiu 20:"Slag in the Four Seas and Eight Wastelands, Shuraba Everywhere", Author: Big Fruit The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: [1. Tao Yao Order: Tao Yao is getting married.] The matchmaker said that her name was a very beautiful name. The peach blossoms are bright and bright. When the son returns home, he will be able to live in his own house. It meant that the bride and her family lived in harmony, and her children and grandchildren were prosperous and happy. Would her future life really be as beautiful as described in the Book of Songs? How should she manage this sudden and beautiful marriage? 2.<<The Eastern Palace's Mistress>>: When she first entered the Eastern Palace, Fang Huan bore the title of a puppet who was married off as a substitute, the daughter of a traitor. She lived carefully and took every step carefully. She knew very well that she, the daughter of a concubine, was treated as an abandoned child and thrown out to fool the late emperor's posthumous edict. In order to ensure that her respected eldest sister could become the Eldest Prince's concubine, she could give the family a chance to follow the dragon and bring glory to her ancestors. His father looked at him coldly."It's your fortune to be able to enter the Eastern Palace. The family has raised you for many years. You should know how to repay their kindness." The eldest sister mocked,"You were born of a lowly concubine. It's your blessing to enter the Eastern Palace in my place." Fang Huan lowered her eyes to hide the cold light in them."Don't worry, Father. I will repay you for raising me." With just them, they wanted to step on her bones and blood to curry favor with the new aristocrats, rise step by step, and become rich and glorious? Many years later, Fang Huan lazily lay in the arms of the newly ascended Crown Prince, watching the group of people who used to be insufferably arrogant lie at her feet like pigs and dogs begging for mercy. "My beloved consort has the final say." The man in the dragon robe smiled gently. Fang Yan raised her eyes slightly and waved her hand. "Kill him, he's so noisy." They wanted to push her into the fire pit, but she had to be reborn from the fire. She wanted this group of despicable and shameless people to taste the bitter consequences! 3."With You Along the Way, My Lawyer Husband Is Too Dangerous":"Reuniting in Forgotten Times", formerly known as "Pushing Down My Husband" online, the physical version of the Chinese romance competition's champion is available on Dangdang. -------------------------- You said that the so-called Yiren was on the other side of the water. Later, the withered lotus listened to the rain, and there was no hope of longing. -------------------------- "The Three Young Masters of Beijing" 3, finale. He was the favored son of heaven, and she was the mysterious orphan. When she was sixteen and he was eighteen, she came to his side. From then on, she lived the life of a housekeeper, carrying his bag, cooking for him, reading with him, practicing calligraphy with him, washing his clothes, finding socks for him, and helping him chase after his girlfriend... She had accompanied him all the way from high school to university graduation, witnessed him fall in love countless times, and witnessed him grow from a problematic youth to an outstanding young talent and legal elite. He never knew that the reason why he had been so unyielding all this time was because he always had her by his side. As long as he turned around, he would be able to see her… It wasn't until later when she had another man by her side who bid farewell to him that he narrowed his deep eyes and said lightly,"Okay, I wish you a safe journey. I wish you a good journey. If you disappear halfway…" In three years, he had become a legend in the legal world, while she was a young lawyer who had just returned from studying abroad. He stared at her ring finger and smiled as he called her sister."I think your name is on my marriage certificate." "So what?" "There's a term in the law that I believe Lawyer Ye understands better than me…" She smiled bitterly. He seemed to be the one who didn't understand… Ever since she came to his side, he did not realize that she had never disobeyed him. However, how would you know that there were three words that she would never say out loud? Because she deeply understood that she would never be the one standing by your side… -------- Auspicious Modern Series: One of the "Three Young Masters" series,"Xia Weiwan's Good Day," tells Chen An's story. "Three Young Masters" No. 2:"Reunion in Forgotten Time" was the final winner of the 2013 Chinese romance novel competition. "One Thought Road to the North" //novel.hongxiu.com/a/356725/ runner-up in the 2012 Chinese romance competition. 4."Happy Climbing Branch":"Qidian Girls Group 2 Class B signed a contract." Her initial dream was to find a loving husband and live together. For this reason, she chose to embark on a path paved with thorns. Falling flowers are full of emotion, swaying in the water. Don't let bees and butterflies compete for fragrance, I only seek the weeping willows and cherish the golden thread. When he finally reached the peak, he looked back with a smile. The road he came from was deep and shallow… ================================================================= Xiao Xi has completed her works,"I came to protect you in my previous life" and "Jiuniang". Everyone is welcome to comment. Thank you, Queen Zhongxia Xuan, for providing the cover. 5."Don't Ask Where I Go Back to in Time Travel": You ask how much I love you? I'm sorry, but I'm more greedy for this great country. Flowers bloom and wither naturally, always rely on the East King. In the past, Fang Zilan had always scoffed at this phrase, until the unreliable transmigration happened to her. Before she had time to carefully understand the meaning of this sentence, she first faced the classic dilemma raised by shakespeare: survival or destruction. Wasn't this nonsense? Of course, survival. However, after risking his life to rise to the position of a high official, he experienced what it meant to fall from the clouds into the dust. What a great East Monarch. Since you are all heartless emperors who only love the country and not beauties, then don't ask where this little girl is. 6:"Little Things of the Great Qing Dynasty": ============ A rare background story, The male lead was a merchant, and the female lead was a second wife. The main character was given the most important responsibility of taking care of her sister's child. The story isn't big, but it's wonderful and beautiful. 7."The Moon on the River Reflected on the Palace Wall": To her, the inside of the vermilion wall was filled with wolves, tigers, and leopards. They ate raw meat and drank blood, tearing apart bones and entering their stomachs. But now that she was back, her appearance did not change, and she was reborn. 8."After Entering the Wrong Bridal Chamber, I Go Farming with a Malicious and Powerful Minister": On the day of the wedding, the bride entered the wrong bridal chamber. When Yan Funing saw that her newlywed husband had become someone she had offended, she thought about how he would become a ruthless and powerful official in the future. Her legs went weak. Unexpectedly, the day after their wedding, they were chased to the countryside to farm. She did not want to follow in the footsteps of the cannon fodder woman. She worked hard to earn the family business, cajoled him, and be his wife in name. -- When Fu Ciyi saw that his new wife had become a certain daughter who had once rejected his marriage, he could have divorced her immediately, but he suddenly changed his mind. It was better to keep such a woman by his side and torture her every day. Who would have thought that this woman would be so soft and alluring, and that every frown and smile of hers would be seductive… He tried his best to restrain himself, but he didn't want to torture himself. -- One day, Fu Ciyi was attacked and hit in the head. After that, he kept dreaming of a woman. He had never seen the face of the woman in his dream clearly, but he knew that there was a birthmark on her body, like a newly bloomed lotus… One night, Yan Funing was bathing in her room when he accidentally saw her lower back. A certain someone's cold phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be complicated emotions in his eyes that she could not understand. She was inexplicably flustered and wanted to escape. "Don't seduce me again!" The man tightened his grip on her waist and warned her with a frown. Yan Funing was speechless. Who was holding her waist and refusing to let go? 9."The Lost Case Record of the Crane Hall of the Ming Dynasty": The ancient style is suspense, and the study is a case. Becoming an immortal or a devil, the strange and chaotic gods of the Great Ming Immortal Ascension Rankings. [10:"Calming the World": The characters are lifelike!] The plot was touching and the writing was beautiful and smooth. It was worth reading! From the first time he saw her, Fu Yanlin had been planning one thing: How to take Wen Sheng for himself? The secrets hidden in time would eventually be revealed. <Doomsday Zombie Research Academy>: After Su Yu became a zombie, his memories of humans gradually dissipated after drinking raw meat and blood. She didn't remember anyone, and no one should remember her. On the 832nd day after she became a zombie, she was shot between her eyebrows, ending her muddleheaded zombie life. Su Yu very peacefully accepted this death, because rather than eating rats every day to live, it was better to be freed. However, when she opened her eyes again, she had returned to the human world and became a prospective university student. Going to school wasn't scary, but he was going to the Zombie Research Institute! Why? I'm researching myself? As an ex-zombie and ex-human, her life in the academy was like a fish in water. 13:"The Serene Pond": Thank you, everyone, for your continuous support of the Serene Pond. The Serene Pond is officially finished today. Love's new book,"Seize the World," has been uploaded and is currently on the new book and PK rankings. If everyone likes Love, please save your bonus votes and recommendation votes for the new book. Thank you! There is a direct train under the introduction. Thank you, everyone! In that man's hand, I held the pain and pain of my past life. Even if I was magnificent, I couldn't escape the turmoil of the world of mortals! The Serene Pond was vast, and it was filled with the love and hate of men and women in the mortal world. I held the Soul Scroll in my hand and listened to the story of love and being loved… Here, there was the end of reincarnation and the shock of revenge. That extremely handsome Yama used the most absurd reason to imprison my soul, allowing me to see all the desolation in the world. Naturally, I also have the expectation of reincarnation… @---------@----------@ Thank you for making the cover! "If I don't run, I'll be rolled up by the princess and cry." After Su Ying 'er was rolled up, she dressed up as the sixth princess of Tian Yuan Country. It was just that his mother was not favored and did not have enough to eat or wear. From time to time, he would be bullied by his mother's colleagues and the other sisters. His life was difficult and his life was in danger. Thus, Su Ying 'er decided to open the book! He rolled it himself, his mother rolled it, and coaxed the emperor's big boss to be happy. Were good days still far away? * Su Ying 'er must be crazy, bringing Noble Ning out to practice dancing every day in the snow, wasn't she afraid of freezing her delicate and soft mother to death? However, not only did Noble Ning not freeze to death, she even became more beautiful and freezing! What kind of fairy dance was this? Everyone expressed that they wanted to learn! Su Ying 'er spread out her hands,"Help yourself." Soon, all the concubines and princesses were bedridden. If they asked, they would have caught a cold or a fever. Thus, Noble Ning, who had defeated everyone, monopolized the Sacred Favor, while Su Ying 'er saw Imperial Father every day. * The emperor opened the back door, the daughter's body is weak, learning tired, can pass, can not be too harsh. The Headmaster expressed his shock! Having just recovered from a serious illness, the little fellow happily walked into the Imperial College with two small chirps on his head and big eyes that were like black grapes, making everyone look adorable. The Headmaster decided to listen to the Emperor and be more lenient to the Little Princess, while the princes decided to treat the Sixth Sister better. * When the princesses were admiring the flowers, the moon, and the handsome men, she buried her head in writing and invented toilet paper to benefit the people. She was deeply loved by the emperor and loved by the people. While the imperial concubines were chatting, Noble Ning practiced the four arts of zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing, and dancing to cater to the boss's preferences and become his partner. Su Yin has many children, but no one has ever been as likable as Su Ying 'er, always placing him in her heart, doing so many things for Zhen at such a young age! 15:"Other than Beauty, She's Also Moldy": Good family background, good looks, but the male lead doesn't love her. Because of love, he hates her. He does many evil things, and the ending is very tragic... The evil second female lead script falls on Dong Wanwan (Xiao Yu). Dong Wanwan was an unlucky person who was easily crushed by the female protagonist. She was the most arrogant and despotic young miss of the General's manor in the capital. Her family was destroyed overnight. In order to survive in the world, she changed her name and lived in seclusion in a remote town. Unfortunately, he was plagued by bad luck, rotten peach blossoms, murder cases, getting involved in disputes, and undeserved disasters... There was never a moment of peace. What else could he do? Just make do with it and live for another few decades. Chapter 16:"Linlang Bizarre Story": Linlang, the owner of Linlang Pavilion, had a seductive face. Everyone in Shunyuan City knew that she was the owner of the flower shop, but no one knew that she was immortal, that she was not born or destroyed, and no one knew how long she had lived in the world. She knew ghosts and knew the language of ghosts. She opened a flower shop on the surface, but she secretly traded with ghosts. The story of eating ghosts and returning the wishes of ghosts. The wish that has not been fulfilled in life can be fulfilled after death. This was what Linlang did. Ghosts had to pay a price to fulfill their wishes, and this price was to use their life story and the things they had in their next life as the things they had to pay to fulfill their wishes. As for what they would lose in their next life, it depended on the importance of the story they told in this life. 17:"After Exiled to Lingnan, the Prime Minister's Family Collapses": Zhou Shitang once wore clothes made of cloud brocade, washed his face with morning dew, ate with jade plates and bowls, and went out with a carriage and sedan chair. It could be said that he was loved by thousands. The heiresses of the capital were envious and jealous. Once he was exiled to Lingnan, the daughter of a powerful official in the capital beat the drums and gongs to send off the Zhou family. Zhou Shitang looked at the tattered thatched cottage, the tattered and ugly linen clothes, and the unappetizing wild vegetables. She was dumbfounded. There were many mosquitoes and miasma in Lingnan, and the weather was hot and humid. How was she going to survive? She struggled to survive, and then she realized that everyone in her family had fallen apart! His father was originally a cunning fox, but after he was exiled, he became an old man who could not differentiate between grain and rice. His image as a big shot was broken. Her mother had changed from a noble and elegant lady to a nimble little expert who bought vegetables and bargained. His biological elder brother was originally a little fox, but after being exiled, he became a boor who did not know anything. His biological second brother was proficient in the four arts and was a famous scholar in the capital. After being exiled, he became an innocent, cute, and easy to bully pitiful little girl. Her sister had changed from a gentle and kind lady to a fierce woman who quarreled and cursed. As for herself? To learn from a master, from a weak and delicate person to a delicate person who was skilled in both literature and martial arts. Several years later, the Zhou family returned to the capital happily. Zhou Shitang rubbed his small hands. He was excited."Father, are you rebelling?" The Prime Minister pursed his lips in disdain."It's so tiring to be an emperor. We'll support the new emperor!" "After the Palace Rebellion, the Little Medical Girl Brings the Crown Prince to Farm": A coup occurred in the palace, and the Little Medical Girl, Lin Xirou, brought the Little Eunuch Li Shen and fled to a poor mountain village to avoid disaster and live in seclusion. The two of them hid their identities and pretended to be a young couple, living a life of eating each other without shame. She had been practicing medicine, farming, and teaching. She had thought that she could live a peaceful life, but it gradually happened to Lin Xirou. The little eunuch beside her was a fake eunuch! His ambition was not only for her, but also for the entire world. Hey, hey, hey, where was the little eunuch? Why did he become the real Crown Prince? But she only wanted to farm! 19:"A Coloproctologist Encountering His First Love, My Society Is Dead":"A Cold Coloproctologist VS A Beautiful Young Girl Web Author Who Has Unscheduled Hemorhoids Attack" Song Shiwei, who had returned to his hometown after graduation, was sent to the hospital with hemorrhoids. The patient was the brother next door whom he had a crush on. Song Shiwei covered his butt and shouted,"I want to change doctors!" "You're just a piece of meat in my eyes!" Xiao Yi glanced at him coldly. What he didn't know was that in Song Shiwei's eyes, he was the best piece of meat. Not long after, Xiao Yi felt helpless and ashamed."If you want to touch me, then touch me. It's not like I won't give it to you…" After transmigrating to the cultivation world, Yang Rongrong worked tirelessly as a bootlicker for more than a hundred years. She had finally managed to get the Sword Saint, Monster King, Demon Lord, and Ghost Emperor's favorability to 100. He thought that he could finally go home, but the system suddenly malfunctioned! All her previous efforts were wasted and she was forced to stay in the cultivation world. Yang Rongrong: "Alright, alright. Must you play me like this?" Then don't blame me for going crazy. …… The Sword Saint asked,"Are the vows you made to me no longer valid?" Yang Rongrong: Love doesn't have to last forever. Just listen to the oath. The Demon King: You said you would love me forever! Yang Rongrong: "I did say that I love you, but I never said that I only love you." Demon Lord: How many predecessors do you have? Yang Rongrong: What ex? They are all my love mentors. The Ghost Emperor asked,"What's your relationship with them?" Yang Rongrong: "Based on the principle of being responsible for love, I never confirm a relationship easily. (The style of writing is relaxed and idiotic, 1v1 mutual favor, stable daily updates, welcome to collect ~) You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
God bless the selected couplet
1 answer
2025-01-06 11:53
There were many types of selected couplets for the blessings of the gods. Here are some examples: 1. The first couplet says: God's grace is vast and boundless, blessing the four seas; The second couplet says: Heaven's virtue is wide and the people are blessed. 2. The first couplet: kowtow to answer a little wish of God's grace; The second couplet: Pray for the emperor's praise and youth. 3. On the couplet: the people sincerely reward the emperor's virtue; The next couplet: God and man celebrate together with Yao Tian. 4. The first couplet says: Blessing will attract thousands of times more benefits; The second couplet says: Reward God and offer a furnace of incense. These couplets expressed people's prayers and gratitude to the gods. They hoped that the gods could bless people and bless their lives and families. These couplets also conveyed people's reverence and devotion to the gods.
God bless the selected couplet
1 answer
2024-12-28 04:22
The couplet was a cultural form of expressing people's gratitude to the gods. The following are some examples: 1. The first couplet: God's grace is vast and boundless, blessing the four seas; The second couplet: Heaven's virtue is wide and long. 2. The first couplet: kowtow to answer a little wish of God's grace; The second couplet: Pray for the emperor's praise and youth. 3. On the couplet: the people sincerely reward the emperor's virtue; The next couplet: God and man celebrate together with Yao Tian. 4. The first couplet says: Blessing will attract thousands of times more benefits; The second couplet says: Reward God and offer a furnace of incense. These couplets expressed people's prayers and gratitude to the gods. They hoped that the gods could bless people and bless their lives and families. These couplets also conveyed people's reverence and devotion to the gods.
Bless the Lord's name
1 answer
2024-10-19 14:30
Pray in the name of the Lord refers to praying to God in the name of Jesus. Before he died, Jesus told his disciples that whatever they asked in his name, he would do it, and the Father would be glorified. Pray in the name of the Lord means that we rely on the authority and power of Jesus, relying on the power and status he has given us to pray to God. Such prayers are effective because Jesus himself promises us that if we ask anything in his name, he will do it. Pray in the name of the Lord is to pray to the Father through the authority of Jesus according to God's will. Calling out the Lord's name in prayer with faith allows the meaning and power of the Lord's name to reach deep into our spirit. Praying in the name of the Lord was an experience of becoming one with Jesus. It was praying according to his temperament, conduct, character, power, and all other qualities and positions that belonged to him. Praying in the name of the Lord was for the glory of God, praying according to God's will, not superstition or any magical power. While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the classic original work of "Dafeng Nightwatchman"!
Is Bless Me Ultima a novel?
2 answers
2024-10-14 06:15
Yes, Bless Me Ultima is indeed a novel.
Is there a novel similar to Player Bless You?
1 answer
2025-02-05 18:38
There were novels similar to Player's Blessing: 1."The Male Lead's Self-Cultivation." Author: Wen Ruobucheng 2."If You're Not the Protagonist, What's the Matter of Being Trapped in a Shuraba?" Author: Bing Nai 3. Player Research Guide. Author: Wash your hands frequently. 4."The Strongest Samsara Boss", Author: Ying Tu 5:"This Is Not The Female Devil In My Impression." Author: Please Give Me Your Weight 6:"I'm Really Not Indescribable." Author: Merely Salty Meow 7: My Invisible Battle Mistress, Author: Jie Po 8: My Tokyo Ghost Story, Author: Just a Salty Meow 9:"Tomorrow's Ark is too real." Author: Fengfengchan 10:"I Really Want to Be Ordinary", Author: Cheese Fox 11:"Return After 100,000 Times Crossing", Author: My Little Teddy 12:"The Demon King, the Demon King, Makes a Fortune", Author: The Brain Is Empty "I'm the SSR-level character you want to draw." Author: Don't be impatient Life in the Other World Begins from MC, Author: Red Dust Banished Immortal Li 15:"My Character Setting is Definitely All Positive Images." Author: Scholar Musou 1311 "Your Infamy is Unknown to Everyone", Author: The Raven in Dreams Search for Wild Humans, Author: A Chicken Outside the Clouds Pretending to be a Boss, Author: From the Heart "What's the Experience of Having a Dumb Vampire Wife?" Author: Meng Sanwan The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."The Male Lead's Self-Cultivation": The author of the dark novel enters the dark novel, an interesting suspense novel. 2."Not the main character, what's the big deal about being trapped in the Shuraba?""Not the main character, what's the big deal about being trapped in the Shuraba?" was a novel full of creativity and interest. In the novel, the author placed the protagonist in a challenging and dangerous Shuraba, and avoided the end of the world by helping the hero deal with the female protagonists. This unique setting and the author's fancy tricks made the whole story full of freshness and excitement. Moreover, unlike traditional web novels, this work was more inclined to the Japanese style, giving people a different reading experience. Although some readers felt that they needed to bring some brains to read, overall, this was a refreshing novel. The main character transmigrated to the game world. In order to prevent women from hindering the growth of the game main character, he was willing to bear the Shuraba story himself, which made people constantly marvel in the process of reading it. All in all,"Not the protagonist, what's the big deal about being trapped in the Shuraba" was a novel full of creativity and fun, and it was worth reading. Player Research Guide: The Player Research Guide is an incredible Western fantasy novel. The author cleverly combined the protagonist of the reincarnation of the devil with the infiltrator of the church, making the readers full of surprises and interest in the reading process. Even though the beginning is slow, as a new author, I believe that he can gradually attract more readers. The setting of this book was very interesting, especially the descriptions of the game, NPCs, and the demon king. It made people feel like they were in a game set in the middle ages. I strongly recommend this book. Not only does it attract the attention of readers, but it also makes them more and more interested, and they can't help but want to read more. Whether it was from the content of the book or from the life outside the book, emotions, psychology, society, history, and other aspects, this book could give people inspiration and thinking. 4."The Strongest Reincarnation Boss":"The Strongest Reincarnation Boss" was a transmigration novel that made people laugh uncontrollably. The story was set in a mysterious world where Lu Fan was forced to become an inspirational actor. The author skillfully used nonsensical and funny elements to make readers feel fun and surprise in reading. Even though the plot at the end was a bit messy, overall, the book left a deep impression. Whether it was from the content of the book, or from the emotional, psychological, social, and historical perspectives, this book could give people inspiration and thought. In short,"The Strongest Samsara Boss" was a transmigration novel that made people laugh uncontrollably. It was worth reading. 5."This Is Not the Female Devil in My Impression": In terms of theme, it's a little nondescript. It's more like an ordinary transmigration when you transmigrate into an NPC, but there's little game content. In terms of writing style, there were many typos, the sentences were often not smooth, and the logic was not clear. It was very difficult to read. There were fewer conflicts in the plot, and the overall situation was dull and uninteresting. 6."I'm Really Not Indescribable": Japanese light novel mixed with Cthulhu style. 1. Each character's IQ is on the line;2. If you can fight, don't be silly;3. The plot is reasonable... [Rating: Grain] 7."My Invisible Battle Lady":"My Invisible Battle Lady" was a humorous and interesting broken new book. Although the background was the old-fashioned Revival of Reiki, the specific direction was also very novel. The story was about the male protagonist who was forced to starve to death by his parents 'debt. However, after he received the "treasure" sent by his parents, he drank it and successfully became invisible, including his little brother. He used this ability to sneak into a girls' school to make a living. This book should not be a harem novel. It was possible that it was alone. This book was recommended as a novel because of its unique language style, humor, and interest. Although the background was the same old story about the recuperation of reiki, the direction of the story was very novel. The male protagonist's invisibility ability and his life in the girls 'school gave people a new feeling of an unknown world. The author also ingeniously incorporated supernatural elements into the story, adding a special charm to the story. Overall, My Invisible Battle Mistress was an enjoyable new book. It inspired and entertained people. Not only did it start from the content of the book, but it also triggered readers to think about life, emotions, psychology, society, and history. Whether it was the humorous and interesting language style or the unique and novel storyline, this book was worth reading. 8."My Tokyo Ghost Tales": A Supernatural Day Light with Cthulhu and SP World View? grain seedlings 9."Tomorrow's Ark is Too Real":"Tomorrow's Ark is Too Real" is an amazing Doujin novel. The author had created a fascinating story with the game Ark of Tomorrow as the background. Xia Feng was an ordinary high school student, but he had an extraordinary identity-- He had transmigrated to the real world of Tyla and began his adventure. This book is the best Doujinshi novel I've ever read about Ark of Tomorrow because it made me very interested in Ark of Tomorrow. The author skillfully integrated the background and characters of the game into the story, allowing the readers to better understand and feel the charm of the game. Every update was a surprise, because the author could always find new inspiration from the game's background. The author's admiration for daring to write about the Ark Doujinshi also made me full of respect for him. The game's background and character introduction were vague, which was a problem for many Doujinshi writers. However, the author could find a way out and bring new perspectives and feelings to the readers. This was definitely a good book for the players of Tomorrow's Ark. In addition, the character of the main character was also very well portrayed. Although Xia Feng was a little stubborn, the descriptions of the other characters were very vivid, especially the image of Miss Wang, which left a deep impression. I couldn't help but tease Miss Wang and feel the charm of the game. In short, Tomorrow's Ark is too realistic. It was a fascinating doujinshi novel. Not only did it give people a new understanding and feeling about Tomorrow's Ark, but it also showed the author's love and dedication to the game. If you are a player of Tomorrow's Ark, I strongly recommend you to read this book. 10:"I Really Want to Be Ordinary": Category: System Style, Earning Money, Everyday Writing Ranking Index: [Protagonist: Lu Chen] [Status: Completed (650,000 words)] Author: Cheese Fox (Lv2 Author) Jian Yu: "Youth is the brightest pearl in the river of life. Like a lotus flower slowly opening, spreading beauty and fragrance to nature. In the burning bloom, the sunlight that you don't regret missing, the wind and frost that you don't fear, the brilliance is brilliant, and the fragrance doesn't wither." Description: He could get a good person card just by playing the game. He had returned to the Lu Chen of 2011. As long as he managed to conquer the target, he would be rewarded. Of course, he had to lie flat on the ground for rebirth. Girls were impossible. However, it was too good. Lu Chen had no choice but to open his business. Tweet: The author's style of writing was really good. It was gentle and powerful. His style was very unique, and he would definitely be an amazing novel artist in the future. It was indeed written well. Elegant yet charming, you are the sun in the sky, the moon in the sky, the readers are the fireflies, you are the brilliance of the sun and the moon, the readers are the light of the fire, how can the brilliance of the sun and the moon be compared with the light of the fire? "In conclusion, we often find that there are many old articles and novels from before. When we look back now, we can't continue reading them. We feel that they are too exaggerated and too naive. On the one hand, it may be because we have grown up and no longer have that feeling. On the other hand, it may be that when the author wrote this book, his own writing style might not be enough. I feel very lucky to have come across this book when there is a shortage of books, or rather, when there is a shortage of books. 11."Return after 100,000 Transmigration": Soul Shattered, Doppelganger Transmigration, Return Fusion Ability to Cause Trouble, Brain Hole Similar to Transmigrating 99 Worlds at the Same Time. "Demon King, Demon King Makes a Fortune": The atmosphere is relatively heavy. It's a hardcore revolutionary novel with a light novel title. It has a more detailed description of the masses. Some harem novel authors with revolutionary titles should reflect on what they wrote. 13:"I'm the SSR-level character you want to draw": A very interesting novel, rating (4.5/5), strongly recommended! The advantages were obvious. The main character was very well written and had a strong sense of immersion. When he read it, he couldn't stop laughing. His writing was abnormally smooth, his rhythm was superb, and his ability to stir up emotions was top-notch! It was obvious that this was the top batch of books. If it didn't collapse, it would be the first batch of books that would charge towards the direction of 10,000 copies. If there were any shortcomings, the most important one would be that it was not easy to continue reading. When reading, one's emotions would be stuck, and it would be a little uncomfortable. Of course, this could also be evaluated as a merit. After all, keeping one's appetite in suspense was also a basic skill of an author. [Dividing line, below is the immortal and I am poisonous. My personal opinion, don't spit if you don't like it.] However, to me. The background setting was a little complicated. It looked messy, and he still didn't understand what kind of background story it was. Of course, the author made it very clear that the role of a god absorbed emotional energy from ordinary people and then slowly advanced. It seemed to be a leveling up story, but the feeling of leveling up was not written. It was more like an invincible story. The main character had already come into contact with the highest combat power from the beginning, which made it difficult for people to level up. The overall combat power was a little chaotic. It gave people the feeling that he had to write about leveling up, invincibility, and plagiarism at the same time. It was a little messy and not refined. However, perhaps because it was a fun novel, these things were just background boards, and it was not that difficult to read the work. So if one ignored this, this work was indeed quite good. What he was most worried about now was how many tens of thousands of words this book could write. 14:"Life in another world starting from MC": Mc Doujinshi, use the Hell Gate to travel through various worlds, kidnap the protagonists of various worlds as tools (miners, pharmacists, farmers, ranchers, etc.), unlock various mods, and strengthen themselves in addition The author is a MC noob, don't be too picky [Number 241]:"My Character Setting is Definitely All Positive Images"... Everything is Normal (Joined: 2023/10/2 Word Count: 81,000) 16:"Your Infamy is Unknowable":"The evil and tyrannical king, the despicable and shameless prophet, the source of evil that breeds conspiracies, the sage with supreme wisdom... These are the evil names given to you by the citizens. "Because everyone is afraid of your achievements and personality, they will also avoid these titles. They are more used to calling you that Lord. "Of course, you have also gained a good reputation. Many underground associations have given you the title of savior, but these associations are currently wanted by the Empire. "Do you have any opinions on these matters?" A reporter asked Rogus. "Slander! They are slandering me! I just wanted to gain a sense of security…" Before Rogus could finish answering his questions, a few young men and women kicked open the door of the interview room. They shouted about friendship, bonds, future, and so on as they rushed towards Rogus. "Searching for Wild Humans": Student Ba Jiu traveled to Earth 30,000 years in the future. At this time on Earth, a group of races called Babel had replaced the position of humans. As for humans, they were already mythical beasts in the myths and legends of the Babel race. There were no wild domesticated animals. This was originally nothing. I was educated and knew how to survive, but being caught in the zoo was different. This…I couldn't bear it. Fortunately, a "ball" system without a manual, appearance, and manufacturer appeared. As he gradually understood it, Eight Nine realized that this ball contained the technological wisdom and productivity of the entire human civilization. The premise was that he had to slowly activate it. Thus, a single person's battle against the entire civilization began. The Eight Nine Children's shoes were extremely strong and had high intelligence. Was this an existence that could fight one-on-one? They had fallen in love. Reading this book made him feel proud of the civilization of the gardener, and at the same time, he gained a lot of knowledge about strange postures (crossed out)... grain and grass "Pretend to be a Boss": Although it is a game category, there are not many games in nature. After reading online novels for such a long time, to be honest, this book has the potential to become a god! Especially when I saw Yan Xiaoling, the fool in everyone's eyes, use her own way to save the protagonist, I almost cried as a man. I strongly request the author to resurrect Yan Xiaoling! I strongly request the author to resurrect Yan Xiaoling! I strongly request the author to resurrect Yan Xiaoling! Important things have to be said thrice, hmm…Although the author said that this character would never appear again…I still hope that she will appear one day. "What's the Experience of Having a Stupid Vampire Wife?""What's the Experience of Having a Stupid Vampire Wife?" was a very interesting novel. The story began with the encounter between the male and female protagonists. The male protagonist obtained the ability of the Blood Clan through his relationship with the female protagonist. The story was a light novel. The male lead was an actor in the entertainment industry, while the female lead was a small live streamer who got a chicken dinner. The plot and the characters in the book were excellent, making it enjoyable to read. The only problem was that there was a certain risk that the book would be incomplete. However, from the current situation, the author's creative ability should be able to be maintained. In general, this book was a highly recommended love story, especially for readers who had a single female lead. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
The Character Introduction of " God Bless Priest "
1 answer
2025-01-23 14:10
The characters in the movie included the male protagonist, Xiao Mu, an excellent physical education teacher, the female protagonist, Xia Nan, Xiao Mu's colleague, and the female protagonist, Qiao Anan, a good girl disguised as a hot girl and a sharpshooter. "Online Games: God Bless Priest" Author: Raging Rat. This is a game/virtual online game novel. A priest with a positive outlook and a relaxed element. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: The opening chapter is quite exciting. There are fewer and fewer traditional online games. It's not rare to be able to bring the assets in the game into reality ten years later. I'm looking forward to the ability to bring them into reality. I haven't read them carefully yet. I'll continue to add them after reading them. The opening chapter is very comfortable. There's no self-satisfaction... I hope you will like this book.