
hantu lemari

Dokter Hantu yang Mempesona

Dokter Hantu yang Mempesona

Dia adalah pemimpin misterius modern dari sebuah organisasi. Organisasi ini mengumpulkan banyak orang berbakat agar menguasai berbagai keterampilan. Dia sangat ahli dalam hal kedokteran dan pengobatan racun, dia dianggap gila dan jahat oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Dia tewas dalam kecelakaan dan terlahir kembali dalam tubuh seorang gadis muda yang cacat. Apa? Wajah yang cacat dan identitas yang dicuri? Kembali ke keluarganya akan menjadi hal yang tidak mungkin dan tidak ada harapan? Identitasnya bisa ditinggalkan, keluarganya bisa dilupakan, tetapi untuk orang yang telah menyakiti pemilik tubuh itu sebelumnya, jika dia tidak bisa membuat mereka merasakan kesakitan dan membuat mereka celaka, bagaimana dia bisa mempertahankan reputasinya? Kekacauan yang tidak berujung pun terjadi dan ini adalah pertempuran untuk menguasai semuanya! Lihatlah bagaimana dia mengguncang dunia dengan pakaiannya yang serba merah, pedangnya melawan kekuasaan dominan yang mengguncang surga! Namanya tersebar di berbagai penjuru, mengguncang bumi!
2529 Chs
Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Pesolek

Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Pesolek

Yun Luofeng, si jenius dari Sekolah Medis Huaxia, meninggal karena suatu kecelakaan, dan jiwanya menempel pada Nona Sulung yang tidak berguna dari Kediaman Jenderal di Benua Longxia. Tidak hanya si sampah yang tidak mempunyai bakat di bidang seni sastra maupun seni bela diri, tetapi Yun Luofeng juga berdada besar tanpa mempunyai otak, angkuh dan egois. Tidak cukup bagi Yun Luofeng dengan hanya memiliki tunangan yang sempurna seperti Putra Mahkota. Dia juga menarik paksa seorang pria tampan di depan umum, menyebabkan Putra Mahkota membatalkan pertunangannya. Namun, si sampah Yun Luofeng tidak bisa menahan pukulan ini, jadi dia gantung diri untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Ketika membuka matanya kembali, dia bukanlah nona sulung yang tidak berguna seperti sebelumnya. Dengan kontrak Kode Dewa Medis, kepemilikan ladang herbal spiritual, dan tangan ajaib yang dapat menghidupkan kembali orang mati, keahlian medisnya akan mengejutkan dunia! Mulai dari keluarga kerajaan, bangsawan di atas pedagang dan keluarga yang tua dan berpengaruh, semua akan bersaing untuk menjilatnya. Bahkan Yang Mulia Putra Mahkota, yang sebelumnya membatalkan pertunangannya, datang kembali mengetuk pintu Yun Luofeng dengan keinginan untuk kembali? Dalam hal ini, seorang pria misterius akhirnya tidak bisa menahan lagi dan menyatakan, “Siapapun yang berani datang dan mengganggu wanitaku, biarkan mereka datang tetapi mereka tidak akan pernah kembali!"
2262 Chs
Isteri Liar Maharaja Hantu - Puan Muda Sulung Bergaya

Isteri Liar Maharaja Hantu - Puan Muda Sulung Bergaya

Yun Luofeng, orang bijak dari Sekolah Perubatan Huaxia, telah mati kerana satu kemalangan, dan rohnya dipiindahkan ke dalam jasad Cik Sulung yang tidak berguna dari Kediaman General di Benua Longxia. Bukan sahaja sampah ini tidak berbakat dalam seni sastera dan seni pertahanan diri, tapi dia jenis orang yang cantik tapi tidak berotak, angkuh, dan keras kepala. Dia tidak rasa cukup walaupun dengan tunang yang sempurna seperti Putera Mahkota. Dia telah mencabul seorang lelaki secara paksa di tempat awam, membuatkan Putera Mahkota memutuskan pertunangan mereka. Namun, sampah itu tidak boleh menanggung kejutan itu lalu menggantung diri untuk menamatkan nyawanya. Setelah membuka matanya semula, dia bukan lagi Cik Sulung yang tidak berguna. Dengan perjanjian Kod Dewa Perubatan, dengan memiliki ruangan tumbuhan rohani, dan tangan ajaib yang mampu menghidupkan semula orang yang mati, kebolehan perubatannya pasti akan mengejutkan dunia! Dari keluarga Diraja dan bangsawan kepada pedagang dan keluarga lama yang berpengaruh, mereka semua akan bersaing untuk mengambil hatinya. Hinggakan Putera Mahkota,yang telah memutuskan pertunangan mereka, datang untuk merujuk semula hubungan mereka? Oleh kerana itu, seorang lelaki misteri yang akhirnya tidak dapat menahan lagi lalu menyatakan, "Siapa sahaja yang berani datang dan menyakiti wanita saya, silakan datang tapi tidak akan pulang!"
1241 Chs
Teror Rumah Hantu

Teror Rumah Hantu

Mobil jenazah dengan bau aneh melambat saat mendekati gerbang. Suara kerikil terdengar memantul di langit-langit bersamaan dengan munculnya langkah kaki dari koridor. Sepertinya, ada seseorang yang mengintip di ruangan sebelah. Di sisi lain, gagang pintu sedikit bergetar, dan keran di kamar mandi terus menetes meskipun sudah ditutup. Terlihat bola karet yang terguling sendiri di bawah tempat tidur. Lalu, Langkah kaki yang tampak basah tengah menyusuri koridor. Pada pukul 3 pagi, Chen Ge mencengkeram parang di tangannya saat bersembunyi di samping pemanas ruangan. Panggilan yang ia coba lakukan akhirnya dijawab. "Tuan, apakah ini yang kau maksud dengan 'rumah akan sedikit ramai di malam hari'?"
955 Chs
Istriku Adalah Pengusir Hantu

Istriku Adalah Pengusir Hantu

Song Yan menjalani hidup yang menyedihkan. Ia lahir dengan keberuntungan besar tetapi 'keberuntungan' nya 'direnggut' oleh saudara tirinya. Adalah takdirnya untuk menikah dengan Fu Yusheng, CEO dan pemilik Fu corporations. Namun, saudara tirinya yang cemburu, mengganggu takdirnya dan merebut 'keberuntungan' baiknya, sejak itu Song Yan menghadapi masalah tak terhitung, dia mengalami kecelakaan, kehilangan naskahnya dan akhirnya meninggal setelah mengalami kecelakaan di jalan. Namun, ia tidak mau menyerah, tidak mau karena ia mencintai Fu Yusheng dan anaknya yang ditinggalkannya di keluarga Fu. Jiwanya yang seharusnya berpencar dan dibawa ke Neraka di hadapan Raja Yama, berubah menjadi hantu yang kejam. Hanya setelah menjadi hantu, ia menyadari jenis penipuan sempurna yang telah direncanakan saudara tirinya untuknya. Beruntung sebelum jiwanya semakin gelap dan menjadi roh jahat, ia bertemu dengan seorang master Surgawi yang menjanjikan kesempatan baru selama ia bersamanya dan belajar tentang supranatural. Maka, Song Yan menjadi murid master Surgawi dan terus melayani master Surgawi dan keluarganya sebagai Hantu. Setelah lima ratus tahun mengabdi, ia dibebaskan oleh masternya dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bereinkarnasi. Ia bereinkarnasi pada hari ia mengalami kecelakaan mobil. Dalam kehidupan ini, ia dianugerahi kekuatan supranatural untuk melihat kebenaran surgawi. Ia bersumpah untuk membalas dendam atas dirinya dan anaknya yang mengalami kematian yang tidak menguntungkan karena saudara tirinya. Namun, mengapa suaminya yang apatis yang tidak pernah peduli terhadapnya, datang mengejarnya?
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471 Chs
Pacarku Hantu (ver.)

Pacarku Hantu (ver.)

Di awali dari rumah tua yang kumuh tetapi masih terlihat kokoh di pinggiran kota. Reyna yang saat itu ingin berteduh karena hujan lebat terpaksa melangkah menuju rumah tua tersebut. Tidak ada yang menyangka, ternyata rumah kumuh itu masih mempunyai sang pemilik dimana disana ada seorang pemuda yang memiliki wajah tampan hingga Reyna sendiri bingung untuk percaya apakah dia manusia atau ... hantu? Reyna bingung dan tidak bisa lagi berpikir atau takut dia salah menilai, setelah beberapa kali bertemu dengan si pemiliknya, saat itu juga dia tidak menyadari jika dirinya mulai sampai dekat dengan pemuda tersebut. Haruskah Reyna percaya jika pemuda itu memang bukan hantu yang menyamar? ........ “Loh. Bukan kah kamu anak laki-laki yang hampir saya tabrak, ya?” Dia hanya tersenyum menampilkan deretan giginya. Tidak ada niat atau hanya ingin berbasa-basi dengan pria di hadapannya saat ini. “Nama kamu siapa? Dari mana kenal puteri saya, Reyna?” Bas menjeda sejenak, “sepertinya kamu bukan asli dari perkotaan sini. Di mana tempat tinggal kamu?” >>>> @carrellandeous
390 Chs
kalau hantu melakukan siaran langsung

kalau hantu melakukan siaran langsung

Jiang Lin adalah seorang Bai Wuchang, yang menarik jiwa orang mati dan mempercayakan mereka mimpi setiap hari. Suatu hari nanti, jika Anda mendapatkan sistem siaran langsung dunia bawah, Anda akan diberi imbalan karena mempromosikan budaya dunia bawah. Sejak saat itu, ada ruang siaran langsung ajaib di dunia, yang menghubungkan dunia manusia dan dunia bawah. Kehidupan sehari-hari di ruang siaran langsung: "Hantu: Jangan datang!" "Ini benar-benar kehidupan sehari-hari yang menyedihkan!" "Penyiar, bantu saya bertanya kepada nenek saya apakah masih ada ratusan juta aset keluarga yang tersisa untuk saya?" "Tuan Ketidakkekalan, seseorang datang lagi. Dia mencari kematian, tolong beri dia pengetahuan tentang neraka." ... Mencari kematian? Membuat masalah? Apakah Anda ingin tahu tentang delapan belas tingkat neraka? ...
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287 Chs
Aku Bukan Hantu

Aku Bukan Hantu

Farel mengalami koma dan ruhnya berkelana hingga akhirnya bertemu dengan seorang gadis Indigo bernama Nirmala yang bisa melihatnya dan berusaha membantunya agar bisa kembali ke dalam tubuhnya, tetapi sayangnya saat mereka hampir saja menemukan tubuh Farel, Nirmala mengalami kecelakaan yang malah membawa mereka terdampar di masa lalu. Keduanya bertemu tetapi Farel tidak mengenali Nirmala. Keduanya akhirnya saling jatuh cinta dan saat perasaan cinta mereka memuncak, Nirmala dan Farel harus terpisah karena orangtua Farel di masa lampau tidak merestui hubungan keduanya dan membuat Farel nekat membawa Nirmala pergi. Farel dan Nirmala akhirnya memutuskan untuk mengakhiri hidup mereka dengan terjun ke laut bersama. Farel dan Nirmala akhirnya kembali ke masa dimana seharusnya berada. Keduanya di rawat di rumah sakit yang sama. Apakah keduanya akan kembali bersama? ikuti kisahnya di AKU BUKAN HANTU
156 Chs
Suamiku Hantu

Suamiku Hantu

Yu Dai tidak pernah menduga bahwa ia akan dicampakkan oleh kekasihnya, dan dikhianati oleh sahabatnya sendiri, di saat ia ingin memberikan kejutan terindah. Di saat ia merasa terpuruk, ia memilih untuk mencari hiburan. Tapi ia justru mengalami hal mengejutkan lain di dalam hidupnya. Ia tak menyangka bahwa malam itu, akan membuatnya berurusan dengan hal-hal gaib di dunia ini. Ia yang selama ini hidup tenang tanpa memedulikan adanya ‘makhluk lain’ di dunia ini, tiba-tiba harus berurusan dengan mereka. Seorang hantu tampan, datang dan membantunya, tapi hantu itu juga meminta timbal balik untuk mencari tahu penyebab kematiannya. Akankah Yu Dai berhasil membantu hantu tampan itu? Apakah hantu dan manusia bisa hidup berdampingan dan saling membantu?
60 Chs
Malam Hantu

Malam Hantu

Tepat di hari kedua putri dari Tuan Ning menikah, suasana jalanan kota sangat ramai. Di jalan tergantung banyak lentera, tapi anehnya lentera yang tergantung ada dua warna, lentera merah dan lentera putih. Lentera merah menandakan kebahagiaan, namun lentera putih menandakan kesedihan. Semua ini karena putri pertama keluarga Ning yang bernama Ning Mojian, menjalani sebuah pernikahan yang tidak umum, yaitu pernikahan hantu!?
60 Chs
What are the characteristics of the ghosts in Hantu Malaysian Ghost Story?
2 answers
2024-11-30 11:43
One characteristic is that many of the ghosts have a strong connection to nature. For example, some are associated with specific trees or bodies of water. Another is their appearance. The Pontianak often has long flowing hair and a pale complexion. And they usually have a certain behavior pattern, like the Toyol being mischievous and stealing things.
Tell me about Hantu Malaysian Ghost Story.
3 answers
2024-11-30 07:35
Malaysian ghost stories, or 'Hantu' stories, are often deeply rooted in local culture and superstition. There are various types of 'Hantu' like the Pontianak, a female vampire - like ghost. These stories are passed down through generations and are used to both scare and educate. For example, they might teach children to be home before dark or not to wander into certain areas.
MP4 reading novels or videos, which one consumes electricity?
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:46
Generally speaking, reading novels was more energy-consuming than watching videos because novels usually required a lot of reading and understanding, while videos only needed simple browsing and watching. However, it depends on the reader's reading habits and the way the video is played. For example, if the reader reads fast or the video is played fast, reading a novel may consume more electricity than watching a video.
Please recommend some StarCraft doujinshi novels with Star Elves as the main characters.
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:45
The main character of StarCraft: Glory of the Starsoul was a fake gamer who didn't know much about StarCraft 2. He had transmigrated into the Archbishop of Starsoul, Attannis. He wanted to see if he could lead Starsoul to defeat Eron, turn the tide of the battle, and lead the revival of Starsoul. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
Why did Mo Yan win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:45
Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature because his novels had profound social significance and human values. They showed the lives, emotions, and thoughts of people in China's unique cultural and historical background. Mo Yan's representative works included Red Soroliang Family and Big Breasts and Buttocks. These works deeply reflected the changes in Chinese society and the sufferings of the people, which were deeply loved and praised by readers. In addition, Mo Yan had also become one of the important representatives of contemporary Chinese literature because of his outstanding literary talent and unique writing style.
An urban romance hour where the male protagonist is adopted by the female protagonist's grandfather
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:45
Okay, what kind of books do you want me to answer?
Do you have the full text of Lord Empty Dream's Xia Lu and any recommendations? I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't find it. I hope I can help.
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:44
"Give Me Sweet Dreams Like Old Times" is a modern romance and urban life novel written by the author Zi Yi. The general plot of this novel is: She would always think back to that summer, which she thought was just an ordinary summer. It was like a dream, but he had never dreamt it again. She chose to seal her heart, hoping that one day she would show her true heart to others. However, after going around in circles, they missed out on each other for many years. When they met again, it was someone else's wedding, and they were chatting happily. However, she was still at the same spot. That person, those eyes. With just a glance, he caught a glimpse of fleeting years. ---------------------------- Summer Memories Like a Dream was a romantic youth-pain novel written by the author, Lonely Island. The general plot of this novel was: In the world of love letters that filled the sky, there was a world like our dreams. As love letters filled the air, they recorded our unrequited love…Work hard for love, cherish love, and weave dreams. We cannot predict the future, but Weiai has been deeply imprinted in our bones until we grow old… ---------------------------- "Dream in the Starry Sea of Summer Night" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Floating Leaf Root. The general plot of this novel was: [Chinese Romance Competition shortlisted work, super dreamy love story] Ever since Xia Meng rescued a man in strange clothes from the mountain that night in the storm, her life was full of surprises and surprises. All the good things, strange things, and bad things were coming for her. Shouldn't a hen lay eggs? How could it lay golden eggs? His father, who was in a vegetative state, had miraculously woken up? The half-mute mother and the deaf and blind grandmother had all become normal people overnight. This…this was unbelievable. Xia Meng was dazzled. What? He couldn't celebrate his 18th birthday? What kind of bullsh * t logic was this? I, Xia Meng, am still going to celebrate my eighteenth birthday. Let's see what happens to me. She died before her eighteenth birthday. Did Xia Meng really die just like that? no no no! So, the story had just begun… ---------------------------- Dream Cultivation Record was a fantasy immortal cultivation novel written by the author and Yuan Fang. The general plot of this novel was: "In my dream, how could I let you bully me?" "The Mystic Fairy's products must be top-notch!" "There are no gods in this world," Xia Fan said."I am a god!" Xia Fan: "I'm a tycoon. I can do whatever I want. You can choose whatever magic treasures and pills you want!" "Is this a dream?" Xia Fan was confused. "My dear, guess who I am," Yun Shu said to Xia Fan. "I'm smiling proudly!" I proudly…F * ck!" "Yunshu, you're my…" Chao Zhuwu said to Changkong,"Do you believe that I will kill you for Xia Fannen…" Aiyo, you're quite powerful!" ---------------------------- "A Good Time in Manasumi" was a light novel by the author, Not Far From Dreams. It was a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of the novel was as follows: Reaching out, Manatsu is the season for love! Good Times in Manatsu! ---------------------------- The book,"Fairy and Enchanting", was written by the author, Xia Fu. It was a classic Xianxia novel. The general plot of this novel was: At the end of Great Xia, the demons were in chaos. In the Hundred Thousand Demon Mountains, the Jiuli girl had just entered the path of immortality. An incomplete Nine Heavens Demon Defending Art-Great Demon, Heavenly Demon, all are invincible. A Heaven Overseer treasure that had lost its artifact spirit attracted undercurrents from all directions. Underworld Emperor, Human Emperor, Demon Lord…came one after another! * Classic xianxia style + cute xianxia romance + many immortal pets, sincerely request to read the first 3 chapters, please collect! ---------------------------- "Drizzle Summer" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Spirit Butterfly. The general plot of this novel was: A light rain fell, stirring up the scorching summer. Sisi stared blankly at him as he walked into the rain and walked further and further away. She did not dare to say a word."Nanxing, I like you." I can only let this summer take away that meager fate… Therefore, for some people, a miss was a miss. However, Sisi did not know that there was another person staring at her foolishly beside the willow tree behind her. Fortunately, some people were waiting for you to turn around like fools. However, Sisi didn't turn around, and that person didn't have the courage to stop her. Are we going to miss this drizzling summer? ---------------------------- The book,"Summer at Dawn", was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Shao Huazhang. The general plot of this novel was: Han Fu had been reborn in the Absolute Valley and lost his memories. He was sent to the palace as a chess piece by His Highness to repay his kindness, but he didn't expect to bring up the tragic events of the past. Daybreak had never prayed to anyone, but she cried to Xia Beihao."You're the only one I love in this life." However, he turned around and left. The dust had risen at dawn, and the summer was slightly cool at night. Reading tips: 1. The female protagonist is reborn, while the male protagonist is ruthless and cold. 2. An empty history, no need for proof. There are only a few people who set up their own models, and there is no need to match them. Two chapters and 4,000 words are updated every day. Shaohua Zhang's "Flower Moon Sheng Sheng Leng" will be released on the 16th, please pay more attention! ---------------------------- "Charlotte" was a fantasy romance novel written by the author He Zao. The general plot of this novel was: Why did the world turn into a beautiful and dreamy desktop after waking up? The green sail was a leaf, the white parachute was a dandelion, and a petal could be used as a mattress. Whoosh! The sky suddenly breathed heavily, and a gust of wind lifted my house and began to travel in the air. Sigh ~~~ I don't know if there's a dear you at the end of the journey… … QQ group: 50850033 [Knock-on-the-door: Character name in any book.] ---------------------------- The book "A Dream of Magnificence" was written by the author, a romantic carnivore. It was a romantic, youth-love novel. The general plot of the novel was as follows: It has been burning for twenty years, Why should he be afraid of turning into ashes? This book is an ideal interpretation of reality. If you can earn dream-like expectations, it will not be in vain. If you can earn a few emotions, it will not be in vain. If you can earn a sleepless night, it will be considered that you have gained a confidant in this text. A dream in summer, a leaf in autumn, Late spring is endless, Zhang Hua is waiting for the preface, Ye Zhizhang, Xia Mengwan. [The sprout of youth with flesh and blood, The unruly entanglements of love and resentment, A helpless choice between accepting and letting go, A long-lasting love dream.]
Was the female lead's life experience and background described in " Otaku Wars "?
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:44
I recommend "I'm spoiled by the big shots after I wear it back." This is an ancient romance novel. The female protagonist, Rene Su, returned to her previous world after traveling through many planes. She had turned from a daughter of the Duke's family to a poor girl. However, after returning to the country, she was doted on by the big shots, including her grandmother, who had once treated her coldly, and her father, who had turned a blind eye to her. At the same time, a man whom she had never interacted with in her previous life also appeared beside her. The plot of this novel was full of ups and downs. It described a female protagonist who was intelligent, brave, and unyielding to fate. It was full of anticipation. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
Was there a plot where the female lead transmigrated into a wuxia novel?
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:44
I can recommend "Battle Break: Interception of Hu Yun Yun, Violent Beating Xiao Yan!" This novel was a light novel, a derivative doujinshi novel. The main character became the Alchemist Association's President Fa Ma's grandson, Lin Luo. He had awakened the Goddess System and was rewarded with the Purifying Demonic Lotus Flame. He had transmigrated to the Doujinshi novel of the female protagonist of the Five Whites World View in the Central Plains. In this novel, people were fighting and writing in their diary, and the female protagonist was completely stunned. A brand new storyline, a brand new experience. Xiao Yan was also a character, described as being "violently beaten". I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
Since everyone said that " you can make a lot of money even without studying ", why did you still go to university?
1 answer
2025-03-18 04:44
This question involved many factors. Although some people may think that they can make a lot of money without studying, this kind of thinking is wrong. In fact, knowledge and skills are important factors in becoming a successful entrepreneur, and university education provides these knowledge and skills. A college education could also help people gain a wider range of career choices. Many industries need highly educated employees because a university education provides a lot of professional knowledge and skills that are needed in many industries. A university education could also provide opportunities for personal growth and development. Through university education, people can gain critical thinking and problem solving skills, which are very important in the workplace. Although some people may think that you can make a lot of money without studying, university education is still very important. It provides knowledge and skills that can help people gain a wider range of career choices and promote personal growth and development.