The story of the Oppenheimer movie mainly focuses on Oppenheimer's life and his role in the creation of the atomic bomb. It delves into his relationships, his inner conflicts, and the consequences of his work on the world.
Well, Oppenheimer was a key figure in the history of science and warfare. He led the Manhattan Project. The project was full of challenges, from theoretical physics problems to engineering feats. Once the bombs were made and used, Oppenheimer was haunted by what he had created. He saw the destruction and the new power dynamic in the world. He tried to use his influence to promote peace and limit the spread of nuclear weapons. But the political climate in the US at the time was against him. His story shows how science and politics can be intertwined, and how a great scientific achievement can also bring great moral and ethical dilemmas.
I'm not sure if 'Oppenheimer A Horror Story' is specifically a book or a movie. It could potentially be a creative work in either form, or perhaps it's a title used in a more general sense like a blog post or short story that hasn't been widely known in a mainstream book or movie format yet.
Partly. The movie takes inspiration from actual history and Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb, but it also incorporates fictional elements for dramatic effect.