Shen Fanxing sangat dibenci oleh keluarganya sendiri hingga mereka mengusirnya ke luar negeri selama bertahun-tahun. Keluarga Shen justru sangat menyayangi adik tirinya, Shen Qianrou, yang juga membenci Shen Fanxing setengah mati dan selalu berakting dengan licik untuk membuat keluarga Shen semakin membencinya. Saat mereka berdua menghadiri sebuah perjamuan di kapal pesiar dan sama-sama tenggelam di laut, tunangan Shen Fanxing yang bernama Su Heng malah lebih memilih untuk menyelamatkan Shen Qianrou. Saat Shen Fanxing terbangun di rumah sakit, ia harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa Su Heng berselingkuh dengan Shen Qianrou dan akhirnya memutuskan pertunangan mereka. Kemudian, di rumah sakit itu ia bertemu dengan seorang nenek yang begitu baik padanya. Nenek itu memiliki cucu yang bernama Bo Jingchuan dan tiba-tiba saja ia memutuskan untuk mengejar Shen Fanxing sejak saat itu.
2002 Chs
Seni Memasak dari Dunia Lain
Dalam dunia fantasi di mana para pendekar dapat membelah gunung dan sungai kecil hanya dengan melambaikan tangan mereka dan memecahkan sungai dengan tendangan, terdapat sebuah restoran kecil yang berkarakter seperti ini.
Restoran itu tidaklah besar, namun disanalah tempat di mana orang-orang hebat akan datang.
Di sana, kamu dapat mencicipi nasi goreng telur yang terbuat dari telur burung pheonix dan nasi darah naga.
Di sana, kamu dapat minum arak kuat yang difermentasi dari buah jeruk dan air dari mata air kehidupan.
Di sana, kamu dapat mencicipi daging barbercue dari hewan buas roh tertinggi tingkat sembilan bertabur lada hitam.
Apa? Kamu ingin menculik sang koki? Hal itu tidak akan terjadi, karena ada seekor dewa hewan buas roh tingkat sepuluh, Tuan Anjing, yang berbaring di pintu masuk.
Oh, sang koki juga memiliki asisten robot yang pernah membunuh manusia dewa tingkat sembilan dengan satu tangan dan kelompok wanita gila yang perutnya telah ditaklukkan.
1025 Chs
Pakar Makanan Dunia Lain
Dalam dunia fantasi di mana ahli seni mempertahankan diri berupaya membelah gunung dan anak sungai dengan hayunan tangan dan memecahkan sungai dengan tendangan, terdapat satu restoran yang sama hebat.
Restorannya kecil tapi di situ, anda boleh merasai pelbagai kewujudan puncak.
Di situ, anda dapat menikmati rasa nasi goreng telur yang diperbuat daripada telur burung phoenix dan beras darah naga. Di situ, anda boleh menikmati wain kuat diperbuat daripada buah merah merona dan air dari air terjun kehidupan.
Di situ, anda dapat menikmati daging barbeku yang diambil daripada Binatang Teragung Kelas Kesembilan dan ditabur lada hitam.
Apa? Anda nak culik cef? Itu tak akan berlaku kerana Binatang Kudus Kelas Kesepuluh, sedang berbaring di pintu masuk.
Oh, cef itu pun ada pembantu robotik yang membunuh Daulat Pertempuran Kelas Kesembilan dengan sebelah tangan dan selera sekumpulan wanita yang sudah tertawan.
955 Chs
Pernikahan Tidak Diinginkan: Sayang, Tidak Ada Cerai Lagi!
Setelah tiga tahun menikah, Wendy Stewart sudah terbiasa dengan sindiran sinis Michael Lucas, ancamannya yang sering tentang bercerai, dan bahkan membiarkan dirinya memiliki selingkuhan. Dia pikir dia bisa tahan dengan semua ini sepanjang hidupnya, sampai dia tidak sengaja hamil dengan anak yang tidak diinginkan Michael. Akhirnya putus asa, Wendy menandatangani perjanjian cerai dan pergi. Dia kira mereka bisa berpisah selamanya, tetapi Michael tidak mau berhenti mencarinya setelah perceraian. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia adalah perancang top dunia. Tersenyum manis pada mantan suaminya, dia berkata, "Sayangku, kita sudah bercerai." Michael hanya menatapnya dingin, "Katakan padaku, apa yang harus dilakukan agar kita bisa rujuk?"
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714 Chs
Pengrajin Ulung Serbabisa dari Dunia Lain
Lin Li secara tidak sengaja masuk ke dunia lain saat dia sedang memainkan akun smurf ahli sihirnya yang segala macam skil kerajinannya baru saja dimaksimalkan, dimana dia juga membawa berbagai macam material tingkat-atas. Walaupun karakternya pada dasarnya tidak memiliki kekuatan, apa yang di dapatnya sebagai gantinya adalah talenta sihir yang tidak pernah ada sebelumnya! Dapatkah dia bertahan seorang diri setelah dilemparkan ke dunia lain?
688 Chs
Aku Percaya Padamu... Ups, Bercanda!
Hani baru saja mati dengan tragis. Apakah dia langsung ke akhirat? Tidak, dia justru terbangun tujuh tahun sebelum kematiannya.
“Kenapa aku harus bersama dengan iblis ini lagi!?”
Apakah Tuhan sedang mengajaknya bercanda dengan mempertemukannya kembali dengan orang-orang yang telah menyebabkan kematiannya dulu? Kenapa dia harus mengulang lagi masa-masa hidup penuh trauma itu? Wajar saja jika Hani tidak mau semua hal itu terulang kembali... Hani harus mencari cara untuk kabur dan balas dendam pada semua cecunguk itu!
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420 Chs
Kehidupan Mistik: Ladang Dimensi Lain Pengubah Nasib
Fitri yang sedang mencari kayu bakar mengingat kematiannya sebelumnya. Tiga hari sebelumnya dia didorong oleh kakak iparnya dan terbentur pintu, kemudian ketika dia bangun, dia sudah terlahir lagi dan kembali ke masa lalunya.
Satu hal yang menarik dari Fitri adalah, dia mempunyai sebuah ruang rahasia yang terhubung ke dimensi lain. Ruang tersebut sangat menarik, seperti sebuah ladang pertanian yang terhampar di luar angkasa. Tugas Fitri adalah bertani dan beternak di ladang tersebut hingga mencapai suatu level tertentu. Setiap naik level dia akan mendapat suatu keuntungan dari pertanian tersebut.
Di Kehidupan sebelumnya pun nasib Fitri sangat buruk: ayah, ibu, adik - adik tirinya serta dirinya mendapat perlakukan buruk dari neneknya hingga mereka menderita kelaparan. Tak lupa, orang yang dia cintai pun menderita kelumpuhan. Maka saat ini, di kelahirannya yang baru, Fitri akan berjuang merubah nasib kehidupan keluarga angkatnya dan orang yang dicintainya dengan bantuan ruang ajaibnya.
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420 Chs
Jangan Rebut Suamiku
Volume 1
Sabila Hanum harus menerima kenyataan jika suami yang ia cintai dengan tega menghianatinya secara terang-terangan. Kondisi Sabila yang semakin memburuk pasca penyakit stroke yang di deritanya memaksanya harus menghabiskan waktu di atas tempat tidur.
Tommy Permana suami Sabila yang telah mengikrarkan janji akan merawat Sabila sampai sembuh, kini telah mengingkari janjinya tersebut. Tanpa dosa Tommy telah menarik penghianatan masuk kedalam istana indah yang telah dibangun oleh dirinya bersama Sabila.
Dengan tekad yang kuat dan doa-doa yang tak pernah putus Sabila panjatkan, mukjizat datang untuk Sabila. Sabila dinyatakan sembuh total dari penyakit stroke yang di deritanya, sampai pada akhirnya karma membalas perbuatan Tommy dan hal itu tak membuat Sabila dendam. Sabila justru merawat Tommy dengan tangan penuh kasih sayang, hingga akhirnya Tommy menyesali semua perbuatannya.
Volume 2
Santi tidak menyangka jika hubungan percintaannya dengan Rahman Permana harus menghadapi kerikil tajam. Santi terpaksa menjauhi Rahman atas perintah Ibunda Diana yang merupakan istri dari koleganya Rahman. Beliau mengancam Santi dengan cara akan memutus hubungan kerja antara suaminya dan Rahman, jika Santi masih berhubungan dengan Rahman.
Santi merasa tertekan dan bingung, di sisi lain Santi sangat mencintai Rahman dan tidak ingin berpisah dengannya. Namun di sisi lain Santi juga tidak ingin jika bisnis yang selama ini telah Rahman rintis menjadi bangkrut. Demi kebaikan bersama, Santi menyetujui perjanjian itu dan meminta Ibunda Diana untuk tidak memutus hubungan kerjasama antara suaminya dan Rahman.
Santi pun memutuskan untuk kembali ke Jogja untuk fokus dengan kuliahnya, di perjalanan pulang Santi bertemu dengan Semesta. Laki-laki yang tidak sengaja melihatnya menangis di kereta, lalu Semesta memberikan Santi selembar tisu. Kedekatan mereka pun berlanjut ketika Santi tau jika Semesta bekerja di kebun jeruk milik eyangnya.
Selama di Jogja hubungan Santi dan juga Rahman makin memanas, Rahman merasa jika Santi telah berubah dan tidak perhatian lagi padanya. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka berdua, Rahman terpaksa melibatkan Sabila yang notabene ibu angkat Santi untuk memberikan solusi. Namun sayang, Santi menjadi salah paham dengan perkataan ibu angkatnya. Santi memutuskan untuk pergi dari rumah dan menaiki bus dengan tujuan ke Surabaya.
Dan sesampainya di Surabaya, Santi bingung harus pergi kemana. Karena ia tiba di Surabaya tepat dini hari, ia terpaksa untuk berjalan menyusuri area sekitar terminal untuk mencari penginapan. Namun na'as Santi mengalami peristiwa perampokan dan para perampok tersebut mendorong Santi hingga terjatuh dan kepalanya membentur trotoar. Santi pingsan, lalu tak lama kemudian datang seseorang menolongnya dan membawa Santi ke rumah sakit.
Dan laki-laki itu bernama Bima Aksara, Bima tidak menyangka jika wanita yang di tolongnya semalam sangat mirip dengan almarhumah calon istrinya yang meninggal 1 bulan yang lalu akibat kecelakaan. Setelah Santi sadar, namun sayang Santi mengalami hilang ingatan dan akhirnya Bima memberi nama Santi dengan sebutan "Zahra" sesuai dengan nama almarhumah calon istrinya.
Mampu kah santi menjalani kenyataan setelah hilang ingatan? dan siapakah orang pertama yang Santi ingat ketika ingatannya kembali pulih?
410 Chs
Memang jodoh cerminan dari diri sendiri namun tidak ada salahnya bukan jika kita berusaha dan berubah demi mendapatkan orang tersebut.
Dilain sisi Adit saat ini sedang berada ditempat tongkrongan bersama teman-temannya. Adit merupakan salah satu penggemar motor sport. Dia mendapat julukan sebagai king of motor karena prestasi nya yang selalu menjadi juara lomba balap liar menjadikan nya dirinya dikenal banyak orang.
"Hay brother tumben Lo diam saja disini gak gabung sama teman-teman yang lainnya" seru doni teman Adit yang tiba-tiba muncul.
"Lagi gak mood gue" balas Adit sembari menghisap rokok nya.
"Ada gerangan apakah ini? Apa jangan-jangan Lo sedang patah hati? Soalnya sedari tadi gue perhatiin Lo kebanyakan melamun" Tanya Doni yang sedikit kepo.
"Apaan sih Lo" kelak Adit.
"Alah jujur ajalah bro sama gue lagian kita kan juga udah kenal lama udah dari SD malah jadi gue tu tau semua sifat Lo termasuk kalauo sedang berbohong seperti sekarang ini" ujar doni yang masih coba memancing Adit agar mah bercerita.
"Bisa aja Lo" balas Adit lalu mematikan rokoknya.
"Sini-sini cerita aja sama gue siapa tau nanti gue bisa ngasih saran dan jalan keluar buat Lo" seru doni lagi.
"Emm gue lagi tertarik sama cewek" balas Adit singkat.
"Tertarik atau jatuh cinta hayo" goda Doni.
"Untuk saat ini kayaknya gue lagi tertarik aja lebih tepatnya sih kagum sama dia soalnya gue belum bisa bilang kalau itu cinta karna gue masih trauma sama yang dulu" balas Adit yang mengingat masa kelam nya.
"Kenapa harus trauma sih lagian gak semua cewek kayak gitu sekarang ini saat yang tepat buat Lo bangkit dari keterpurukan masa lalu Lo yang kelam itu" seru doni yang ingin sahabat nya itu bangkit dari peristiwa itu.
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397 Chs
Berpindah Ke Dunia Lain: Jenderal, Saya Bukan Cahaya Bulan Putih Anda
Seorang ilmuwan, Duan Yixin, berpindah ke dunia lain. Ia merasuki tubuh seorang gadis berusia enam belas tahun tetapi tidak mewarisi ingatan gadis tersebut. Dengan pertunangan yang batal dan tanpa uang di tangannya, dia hanya ingin mencari uang dengan damai. Sayangnya nasib selalu bermain-main dengan orang.
Ketika dia pikir dia bisa hidup dengan tenang, dia menemukan bahwa dunia ini tidak sesederhana yang dia kira. Pria yang dia selamatkan adalah jenderal yang kejam dan terkenal, dan wanita yang mencuri tunangannya adalah protagonis wanita dari dunia ini.
Dia menatap langit dan bertanya, "Tuhan, apakah Anda bercanda dengan saya?"
Beberapa tahun kemudian, pada malam pernikahan mereka, dia menatapnya dan berkata serius, "Jenderal, saya bukan cahaya bulan putih Anda."
Pria itu menundukkan kepalanya dan berbisik di telinganya, "Mhm, kamu bukan cahaya bulan putihku, kamu adalah hidupku."
Allah is the name of the one and only God in Islam. In Hindi, the understanding and perception of Allah may vary among different individuals based on their religious beliefs and studies.
Allah is the Arabic word for God in Islamic belief. In a Hindi story, it might be used to refer to the concept of the one and only God as understood in Islam. Allah is considered omnipotent, omniscient, and benevolent.
Allah is the one and only God in Islam. In Islamic belief, Allah is the creator of all things, omnipotent, and omniscient. The story of Allah is told through the Quran, which details His guidance, His mercy, and His plan for humanity. Muslims believe that Allah sent prophets like Muhammad to convey His message and lead people on the right path.
Well, not knowing the exact details, it might have a complex love story. Maybe there are characters who face various challenges in their relationships, as is often the case in many novels.
'Consider Phlebas' is also highly regarded. It's a space - opera - type novel that builds a vast and detailed universe. Banks' ability to create interesting alien species and political intrigue within this universe is really impressive.
Laning Bi Yue was a fictional character in "Battle Through the Heavens". She was a powerful young lady from the Yao clan and one of the most outstanding alchemists on the Dou Qi continent.
Lanyin Biyue's natural spiritual heritage had shown her amazing talent in alchemy since she was young. Not only was she proficient in refining all kinds of spirit herbs, but she was also well versed in the art of medicine. She could control the power of the medicine at will to maximize its effectiveness.
In the novel, Lain Biyue was extremely powerful. Not only was she proficient in all kinds of skills and techniques on the Dou Qi continent, but she was also able to manipulate drugs and turn her strength into her own. Not only did her appearance bring endless spirit herbs to the Dou Qi continent, but she also became a hero in the hearts of the people on the continent.
In the novel, Rain Biyue's image was deeply rooted in people's hearts, and her story was also deeply loved by readers. She was a character with a strong will and an indomitable spirit. Her growth and experience had become a role model for many readers.
I recommend the following novels to you:
1. "Nine Songs of the Heavenly Path": The author is Fei Wo Si Cun. It is an ancient Xianxia novel. The protagonist, Tianyin Chong Er, is a young man with extraordinary musical talent. His music can stir people's hearts and call out to heaven and earth. The story told how he grew up in adversity and eventually became a legendary singer.
2. "Langya Board": The author is Hai Yan. It is an ancient romance novel about palace fights. It tells the story of a smart and brave rich playboy who enters Langya Pavilion to further his studies with the identity of a scapegoat. Due to luck and coincidence, he begins to make extraordinary achievements.
3. "Lan Ling Princess": Author Mobai, an ancient romance novel. The protagonist is a modern woman from another dimension. In the ancient world, she has won the admiration and pursuit of many people with her extraordinary wisdom and courage.
I hope you like my recommendation. Muah ~
"Song of Orchid Moon" is a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Love of Dawn. The general plot of this novel is:
One was the God of Magic who had fallen in the Great War of the Gods 10,000 years ago, and the other was the princess of the Empire. They had met 10,000 years after the Great War of the Gods. Was this fate or coincidence?
The two women who looked exactly the same were also trapped in love. The God of Magic, Di Yue, had already sacrificed herself for love. Would the female protagonist, Qing Yue, repeat her mistake?
The four legendary maps of Artis interweaved into a hymn of love and fire. Could the female protagonist, Clear Moon, gather all four maps and let magic spread again in the Lanyue Continent?
This was a dangerous journey. Without going through the bone-chilling cold, how could one get the fragrance of plum blossoms?
"Butterfly's Dream of Three Lives" was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Pavilion Master Lanyin. The general plot of this novel was:
Who am I? Where am I from? Am I Princess Grace, the Palace Master of the Linyue Palace, or Lin Shu? Who gave me a gentle embrace, who gave me a heartless back view? Was it the mysterious extraterrestrial prince or the four guardians who had always been by his side?
Li Zhan, Young Master Qinglan, moved like an orchid, was as quiet as a bamboo, as bright as the moon, and as gentle as jade. He likes to wear green clothes, play jade flute, and is proficient in literature, politics and martial arts. Zhuge Yi, Young Master Shenji, the five elements, the eight trigrams, astronomy and geography are all in the chest. He is good at mechanisms and business. He likes to wear red clothes and is like a fox. Han Wei was a blade-less young master. His blade was like autumn water, his shadow was like a flying swan, his nature was like ice, and he liked to wear black. Hua Heng was the Jade Doctor Young Master. Once the Jade Doctor appeared, the Yama would leave people behind. His magnificence was peerless and unparalleled in the world. He liked to wear white clothes.
The mysterious purple eyes in the fog, why did they affect my heart?
Who am I?
Moonlight Tribute was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Shanzhu Yunwucha. The general plot of this novel was:
"May the Moon Goddess protect you, my true love." When you are told that you are not yourself, are you willing to step into the unknown hardships? She was originally an ordinary girl, but because of a theft case, she became the fiancée of the King of the Blood Clan. She, who had lost a thousand years of memories, chose to carry the heavy burden again and push the Wheel of Fate.
The Shocking Beauty Record was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Qing Zhi under the Moon. The general plot of the novel was:
The new book,"Cold Moon Blessing Bay" has been released. Thank you for your support (▽′).
"The Fragrance Leaves" was an ancient romance novel written by Moonlight Warmwine. The general plot of this novel was:
After half a life of wandering, she finally became his Princess Ya. He thought that he would continue to be happy, but who knew that he would be separated by Yin and Yang.
In order to seek the truth, she became his brother's favorite concubine and moved step by step in the palace.
When the truth was revealed, how should she handle her love and hate?
Who would be the one she would never find in her entire life?
PS: Thank you for the cover of the ring finger. Thank you.
Friends who like Moonlight Wenwen, please leave your comments. Moonlight thanks you for your support, whether it's throwing bricks or flowers.
"The Beauty of Daiyu" was an ancient romance novel written by the author Yue Yun. The general plot of this novel was:
"I recommend a new article, Dream of Drunken Dream of the Red Chamber, Love Painting of Frowning Eyebrows: I recommend my own ending article," Water Moon Dream of the Red Chamber ". Friends who like the Red Chamber can go and see it! The recommended month's new article,"Dream of Drunken Red Chamber, Water moistens Pearl Flowers"
The shadows of the bamboo danced in the wind, and the moon was blurred. From time to time, the joyous sound of the suona could be heard along with the wind, adding a little life to the originally silent Xiaoxiang Restaurant.
The golden and jade fate had already come true. The previous alliance between wood and stone could not compare to the true nature of wealth in the human world. A wisp of fragrant soul was about to fly away.
However, in the Great Illusionary Land, the world was about to be in chaos. Fairy Jiang Zhu needed to return to the human world and save the world from danger.
Lin Daiyu's tears were gone, and her soul should have been scattered! It was only because of countless karma that he returned to the world!
Leaving the Jia family alone, what kind of colorful life awaited her?
The first time she met Yun, that orchid-like, noble, and flawless young master, he loved her dearly and doted on her! As time passed, her heart had already secretly promised! However, he had his own difficulties and helplessness. Even if his love was locked in his childhood sweetheart, it could not stop him from parting. They had agreed on a two-year promise.
It was him who accompanied Daiyu through the loneliest years of her journey! After a thousand twists and turns, they finally realized that Yue Lao's red line had already led them to one place!
Yue Yue would not write a brief introduction. This article was a little subversive of the original work. The background and characters of the original work might be quite different. There would be fewer entanglements with the Jia family. I would like to explain here, please be careful.
I'll wait for you every month. Please come in!
If you don't like this style, you can skip it.
However, Yue Yue promised that she would definitely give them a different perspective!
Support me more, vote + bookmarked + comment. If you don't have votes, then bookmarked + comment. Yue Yue bowed and thanked me.
In Yueyue's group chat, the Book Incense and the Red Chamber, the name of any character in the two articles that knocked on the door!
"Sunflower Moon Pendant of the Divine Tomb" was a light novel written by the author and Lan Ruo. It was a derivative Doujinshi novel. The general plot of this novel was:
The newcomer's new book was about a beautiful young man. After obtaining the Sunflower Moon Pendant, he traveled to the Divine Tomb World. Those who were interested could come and take a look.
"The Moon God's Tale" was a fantasy novel written by the author, Ning Xiaotang. The general plot of this novel was:
The Nine Transformations Rebirth was a legendary realm, a secret that the Nalan family had not been able to crack for thousands of years. He was the only person in the Nalan family who had reached the peak of his family's studies. Could she crack this ancient secret that had been passed down for thousands of years?
The brilliance of the moon was comparable to the sun. When this bright moon returned to the night, what kind of story would happen in the universe?
I recommend the transfiguration novel "Song of the Pipa". Book number: 101639.
I recommend the transfiguration novel, Together in This Life, Book Number 123245.
The recommended novel, The Record of Demons, Book No. 123415
The recommended novel, Floating Zero Star Records, Book Number 120719
WaterMagic helped me create a QQ group. Friends who like me can join. Group number: 30738815.
"The Moon Magician" was a fantasy romance novel written by the author Xi Rui. The general plot of the novel was:
A girl from an ordinary magical family was a rare genius, the disciple of the legendary Goddess of Moon. A young master of one of the eight great mage families was bound by the power of darkness. Who could understand his frozen heart? This was an extraordinary era. The appearance of the Goddess of Moon and the re-inheritance of the mysterious moon magic. Could this be a precursor to a thousand-year storm? When the contest between light and darkness began once again, how would the family choose between the people they cherished? The mystery of their birth, friendship and love, the heavy responsibility on their shoulders…After tempering and transforming, their youth bloomed with brilliance! Let's see how the new Moon Magician, Feng Xiyue, will open up a new world of magic!
The book "My Name is Lin Chenyi" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Dream Seeker. The general plot of this novel was:
The novel was set in the Constellation Era of Miracle World, which was a thousand years after the creation of Miracle World. It was rumored that during the Starry Moon Year, the Pearl Gentleman Xu Shiyue of the Cyan Phoenix Kingdom's Pan Love Sect and the eldest son of the City Lord of Homecoming City, Lan Muchen, both died in a life-and-death battle. The Brilliant Moon Gentleman Zhu Yue of the Pan Love Sect couldn't accept the death of her most beloved senior sister, so she secretly took the forbidden drug and came to Xu Shi Yue's next life, the Stellar Year. Unexpectedly, this method caused the originally balanced time to become chaotic. Xu Shiyue's soul was scattered into the three girls, and the people from the other world also came to this mainland.
However, at this moment, the thousand-year prophecy of Miracle World was about to come true. Soon, the people of Miracle World would face a huge catastrophe that would destroy the world.
As mentioned before, if we consider the relationship between Allah and believers as a form of 'love story', then faith is a key element. It is the believers' faith that forms the basis of their connection with Allah.