The story of 'Hunter x Hunter' follows Gon Freecss, a young boy who discovers that his father, whom he thought was dead, is actually a world - renowned Hunter. Gon decides to become a Hunter himself to find his father. Along the way, he meets other Hunters - in - training like Killua Zoldyck. They face various challenges, from the deadly Hunter Exam to battles against powerful foes like the Chimera Ants. The story is filled with complex characters, intense battles, and a unique power system.
One way to incorporate an OC into the plot of a Hunter x Hunter fanfic is to make them a part of an existing story arc. For example, if the fanfic is set during the Chimera Ant arc, the OC could be a new Hunter sent to help fight the Chimera Ants. They could have a special skill or knowledge that is crucial in the battle. Another way is to create a new story arc centered around the OC. Maybe they discover a hidden danger in the Hunter x Hunter world that the other characters are unaware of, and they have to convince Gon, Killua, and the others to join them in facing this threat.
The Hunter x Hunter manga is unfortunately not complete. The author has faced various issues that have led to intermittent breaks and an unresolved storyline.
The Hunter x Hunter manga has indeed concluded. However, the ending might have left some fans wanting more or with mixed feelings depending on their expectations.