Alpha Damon, o Alfa solteiro da maior alcateia da América do Norte, está enfrentando a realidade em que os Anciões estão pressionando-o para que se case com uma noiva escolhida por eles.
Um casamento por conveniência. Um casamento por poder.
Damon sabe que os Anciões querem usá-lo em seus esquemas, e está determinado a mostrar a eles que ele não é peão de ninguém.
Ninguém pode forçá-lo a se casar, nem mesmo a Deusa da Lua.
"Eu não preciso de uma mulher na minha vida para me atrapalhar. Namorada é um incômodo, esposa seria um problema e uma companheira seria um desastre."
Ele vai ceder?
Qual delas ele escolherá?
Ele terá escolha quando encontrar sua companheira?
Junte-se a Damon em sua jornada durante a qual ele ampliará seus horizontes e mudará das maneiras mais inesperadas quando a mulher certa entrar em sua vida.
Nota: a trama principal termina no capítulo 986.
Conecte-se comigo.
Eu possuo a capa.
Experimente meus outros romances!
- Amara - Reencontro
- O Alfa Supremo
- Isto é Destino?
- Propenso a Acidentes
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1072 Chs
A Noiva do Diabo
Um amor condenado desde o início, uma causa perdida, uma batalha em desvantagem - E ainda assim, nenhum dos corações deseja desistir até o final.
Arlan Cromwell, o epítome do perfeito Príncipe Herdeiro. Tudo o que ele quer é viver uma vida normal de um humano, mas a vida de um dragão está longe de ser normal. Ele tem apenas um objetivo - encontrar sua prometida fugitiva e decapitá-la. O que acontece quando ele descobre que a mulher que conquistou seu coração é aquela que ele jurou matar?
Oriana, a herbalista, se disfarçando de homem, passou a vida inteira fugindo sem saber do que está fugindo. Quando os mistérios de seu passado lentamente começam a alcançá-la, ela não tem a quem recorrer... exceto Arlan. Mas quando ela descobre que o homem a quem entregou seu coração é o mesmo que quer matá-la, como ela pode aceitar as crueldades que a vida lhe impôs?
Duas pessoas com segredos para manter, identidades para esconder e respostas para encontrar. Quando a certa escuridão ameaça levar Oriana embora, o Dragão será capaz de proteger sua companheira?
“Se eu soubesse que você era minha prometida, teria te matado no exato momento em que nos encontramos.”
“Se eu soubesse que estava prometida a você, teria me matado antes mesmo que você me matasse!”
Ele tirou uma adaga e a ofereceu a ela. “Não é tarde demais. Apenas corte sua garganta com isso e você sangrará sem dor.”
Ela aceitou a faca, seus dedos segurando firmemente o cabo. No momento seguinte, ele estava pressionado contra a parede e a faca estava no lado direito de seu pescoço. “Que tal eu tentar em você primeiro, meu prometido?”
“Sinta-se à vontade para tentar. Mas quando você falhar, esta faca provará primeiro o sangue do seu avô, depois o seu.”
A raiva subiu em seus olhos, e no momento seguinte, sangue corria pelo lado direito de seu pescoço. Ela cortou profundamente o suficiente para romper um vaso sanguíneo importante.
“Você não deveria ter me desafiado,” ela zombou e recuou, esperando que ele desabasse.
Ele apenas sorriu e passou o dedo ao longo da ferida profunda em seu pescoço. “Parece que você falhou.”
Ela observou a ferida em seu pescoço se curando sozinha e sentiu-se chocada até os ossos. “Você.. o que você é?”
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787 Chs
A Noiva Acidental do Rei Vampiro Mascarado
(Conteúdo adulto R-18+ Contém cenas de violência, sem drama de segunda mulher ou estupro.)
Meu amor não vê fim, nem certo ou errado. Porque quando amo, quero que você seja meu tanto quanto sou seu - Angelina Bhardawaj
"Eu te disse que quero te arruinar," ele segurou seu rosto enquanto a pressionava contra a parede.
"E você já fez o suficiente. Agora estou partindo," ela retrucou.
"Você não entendeu as minhas palavras, Princesa," ele disse friamente com sarcasmo.
"Quando digo que quero te arruinar, quero te prender na minha cama e te preencher até que seu cheiro se torne um comigo e todo maldito nesta mundo saiba quem você é... Que você é porra de minha!" Ele a empurrou contra a parede, beijando-a apaixonadamente.
Eliana Heart, a filha ilegítima do Rei de Cidade do Coração da Lua com a linhagem de caçadores, só quer uma coisa em sua vida; conhecer e encontrar sua mãe biológica.
Inocente e bela, Eliana é frequentemente vítima das tramas de sua madrasta e irmã postiça.
Sebastian Marino, o infame Príncipe Vampiro mascarado, não tem recebido nada além de ódio de todos ao seu redor.
Todo mundo o teme, pois ele possui um poder imensurável.
Depois de cumprir pena na prisão por um ano no lugar de sua irmã postiça, Eliana fica surpresa por ser libertada. No entanto, sua felicidade é interrompida quando descobre que deve se casar com o príncipe vampiro no lugar de sua irmã postiça.
Eliana não sabe nada sobre os vampiros, e Sebastian odeia tudo o que vem com aqueles humanos malignos.
O que ela fará quando se casar com o monstro nomeado do mundo das trevas que toma e caça sem misericórdia?
"Você não tem curiosidade sobre como eu sou?" Ele segurou seu queixo dolorosamente.
"Revele seu rosto para mim quando confiar em mim," ela sorriu suavemente.
'Isso nunca vai acontecer,' pensou Sebastião.
Para ele, ela era nada mais do que uma ferramenta para se vingar dos humanos.
Para ela, ele era mais do que tudo que seus olhos já tinham visto, ainda mais do que a verdade de sua existência.
Há um poder ainda maior e mais poderoso do que qualquer coisa e esse poder se chama destino.
Eles serão capazes de lutar contra seus destinos para ficarem juntos ou se renderão a ele e perderão tudo?
A história da mais mortal bruxa disfarçada de humana e do príncipe prodígio mais perigoso que sobrevive no sangue de vampiros.
Aviso - O livro é construído em torno de um mundo mágico e pura fantasia. O romance fará você sentir borboletas no estômago enquanto algumas cenas podem fazer você questionar a sanidade em torno do amor.
Os primeiros 50 capítulos vão construir o mundo em torno do livro. Eu prometo, se você ficar, você vai amar o livro, a não ser que este não seja o seu gênero.
Siga-me nas minhas redes sociais.
Facebook - Autora Angelina Bhardawaj
Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj
700 Chs
A Noiva do Rei Lobisomem
Aviso: Conteúdo Adulto
Aviso de Gatilho: Abuso, Trauma, Psicológico
*Está cheio de sinais de alerta. Não digam que eu não avisei todos vocês.
Blue Learley, uma garota de dezessete anos, vivia em uma pequena cidade com seus pais e dois irmãos. Tudo estava seguindo como de costume até aquela fatídica noite quando sua vida mudou para sempre. Demétrio Easton, o impiedoso rei lobisomem, pôs seus olhos nela e a queria como sua noiva. Quando seus próprios pais a venderam para ele, ela não tinha como escapar dele e não tinha a quem recorrer por ajuda.
“Não quero me afastar por muito tempo. Às vezes temo que o pássaro possa voar para longe.”
“O pássaro não tem um lar. O mundo lá fora é perigoso para ele. E além do mais, o pássaro já encontrou sua liberdade interior," eu disse. "O pássaro não vai voar para longe."
‘Então você não precisa cortar suas asas já que ele não as desenvolveu desde o começo. Tudo bem. O pássaro gosta da gaiola de qualquer maneira.’
Apoie meus outros trabalhos:
*Silêncio*- É um romance cheio de crimes com um romance florescente entre dois adolescentes. É sobre amor, amizade e traição. Confie em mim, as reviravoltas vão mantê-lo em suspense.
A Máscara Do Monstro onde você pode ler o romance florescendo entre uma garota humana e um monstro de aparência aterrorizante
A capa não é minha. Fonte: Devianart
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621 Chs
Link oficial do trailer do romance abaixo:
1. Link do Instagram:
2. Link do Youtube:
AVISO: Uma jornada de amor e ódio como uma montanha-russa e uma história comovente repleta de mistérios.
Dylan Sterling, o mais jovem e impiedoso CEO do Grupo Sterling, possuía poderes especiais que superavam o Grupo. Dinheiro, fama e inteligência eram claras evidências de seu status na sociedade a que pertencia. Seu talento excepcional tinha um propósito oculto, e o MUNDO SOMBRIO que ele comandava era cruel. Ele não mostrava misericórdia a todos que bloqueavam seu caminho e devorava aqueles que tentavam se opor a ele.
Savannah Schultz - 21 anos, órfã que se tornou modelo, estava noiva para se casar com Devin apenas para ganhar apoio para o negócio da família que seu pai construiu por muitos anos. Depois ela decaiu após a morte de seu pai. E seu tio Dalton Schultz a adotou para pegar tudo que ela tinha, incluindo a ajuda de Devin.
Devin a vendeu como uma escrava para seu tio Dylan - para tramar contra o homem notório por capital adicional para injetar em sua empresa. Dylan a consumiu como uma caixa de chocolates e a tratou como um chip de barganha.
Ela se sentiu desequilibrada e caindo em um abismo profundo. Raiva, tristeza, constrangimento – incharam dentro dela e ameaçaram arruinar sua vida.
Para se salvar da humilhação, ele planejou perfeitamente tomar ela como sua esposa nominal e prometeu ajudá-la a terminar o noivado e apoiar o negócio da família.
Desamparada e humilhada, ela aceitou sua barganha. Ela começou a se fortalecer diante daqueles intimidadores, mas ainda era fraca quando se tratava dele.
Eles moravam juntos, mas tratavam um ao outro como estranhos. Ele não tinha planos de se apaixonar por ela, pois alguém já ocupava seu coração há alguns anos.
Então, a situação mudou quando ele descobriu quem ela realmente era! Mas o mundo sombrio que ele comandava ameaçava destruí-los.
Mistério, engano e vingança os impulsionaram a se erguerem juntos.
Capa criada por Weilan
Quer saber mais sobre a história, siga-me no Instagram: annashannellin
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578 Chs
Noiva Forçada do Senhor Vampiro
Quando Hazel finalmente se tornou adulta, seu pai não pensou duas vezes antes de vendê-la para o imperador de uma terra misteriosa. O homem era famoso por matar todas as suas noivas em menos de uma semana, mas Hazel tinha uma forte vontade de sobreviver.
Desde agir loucamente até se tornar uma vilã, ela faria qualquer coisa para se manter segura até encontrar uma maneira de escapar. Mas por que o Senhor Vampiro Malvado se comportava tão diferentemente dos rumores que ela ouvira? Ela ainda queria fugir agora?
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544 Chs
A noiva falsa do jovem mestre e seu sistema da sorte
[Doce, satisfatório, cheio de mimos, e muitos tapas na cara.]
A era de Zhang Caishen havia chegado ao fim e ele nunca mais poderia se erguer, ou era o que diziam. Mas por que ele parecia ficar cada vez mais rico e poderoso, mesmo agora que estava aleijado e abandonado por sua noiva?
Por que ele de repente se tornou tão incrivelmente sortudo?
A resposta era simples; sua nova esposa!!
Lin Alix não tinha sorte quando se tratava de sua família. Ela era a irmã mais velha, menos amada e menos talentosa em comparação com sua irmã mais nova que lhe roubou tudo.
Mas o destino interveio e ela teve sorte quando se tratou de um marido, ele não era apenas rico, mas adorava mimá-la.
Sugerido pelo seu sistema de jogos de sorte infinita, Alix se casou com o noivo aleijado e indesejado de sua irmã e entrou no caminho de uma vencedora na vida.
Ela conquistou prêmios musicais, ganhou reconhecimento internacional e se vingou de sua cruel família enquanto se tornava a esposa mais invejada de Pequim.
"Você está louca, casou com um homem aleijado de livre vontade?" suas amigas perguntaram.
"Sim, mas você viu quanto ele me mima?" ela respondeu por sua vez.
"Ela vai traí-lo, ele é aleijado e não pode cumprir seus deveres de marido." outros fofocavam.
Alix olhou para o chamado homem aleijado que subia em sua cama noite após noite e riu. Desculpe, ele era mais do que capaz.
"Querida, estou aqui para cumprir meus deveres de marido." ele sempre dizia de maneira coquete ao virá-la.
Este livro está participando do WSA e o autor agradecerá todo o seu apoio.
Aviso: Esta é uma obra de ficção, nada deve ser comparado ao mundo real, não importa quão semelhante.
Você também pode conferir meus outros trabalhos aqui na Web novel.
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533 Chs
A Estranha Noiva do Príncipe Amaldiçoado
O maior erro da vida de Alícia, foi tentar cometer suicídio.
Ela se viu no corpo de uma princesa de 19 anos em exílio, na idade média.
E mais? Ela foi forçada a casar-se com o Príncipe Harold; o infame Príncipe de cabelos brancos e temperamento explosivo que não se importaria em matar alguém pelo motivo mais irrelevante.
Agora, seu casamento é daqui a apenas algumas horas e a 'princesa', que por acaso é Alícia, deve mostrar algumas habilidades 'principescas' aos convidados.
Pergunta rápida: É permitido fazer twerk na idade média?
Uma coisa ela sabia com certeza, o casamento seria um desastre e o Príncipe de temperamento explosivo a mataria antes que ela encontrasse um jeito de voltar para casa.
Deus a Ajude!
ThatAmazingGirl em colaboração com Miss_Behaviour (As escritoras de Apaixonada(o) Por Um(a) Cleptomaníaco(a)) estão trazendo-lhe outro livro.
O que você faria se de repente se encontrasse no corpo de uma princesa na época antiga?
E mais, ele não é apenas um lobisomem, ele também é amaldiçoado pela deusa da lua.
O que ela deveria fazer? Estava confusa e não tinha ideia do que estava acontecendo. Casamentos na idade média eram estranhos! O que diabos é 'Recitação das Virtudes'?
Deveria fingir desmaiar? Esse foi o único pensamento que fez sentido. Então foi o que ela fez.
Ela lentamente desabou no chão e ouviu todos começarem a arfar e exclamar.
Alícia queria que a tirassem dali e então encontraria uma maneira de fugir. Mas talvez ela tivesse mesmo azar, porque quando ela espiou por debaixo dos cílios, se perguntando por que ninguém estava vindo para carregá-la para fora, viu uma túnica dourada, antes de a pessoa se agachar diante dela.
Ela fechou seus olhos fortemente e prendeu a respiração. Afinal de contas, ela era uma atriz. Ela poderia encenar isso impecavelmente.
"Foi uma má atuação, minha senhora." A voz profunda falou, causando arrepios em sua pele.
"Eu só vou te dar três segundos para se levantar."
Sua voz não era realmente ameaçadora, mas de algum modo ele comandava medo, especialmente com a maneira lenta e cuidadosa com que ele falava. Ela ouviu que ele era mal-humorado. O que ele faria após os três segundos passarem? Ele a mataria? Então ela morreria aqui? Como ele sabia que ela estava fingindo? As pessoas na idade média geralmente eram inteligentes?
Ela abriu um olho para espiar e o viu olhando diretamente para ela com um sorriso sarcástico.
Lobisomem (Check)
Príncipe amaldiçoado (Check)
Transmigração (Check)
Comédia (Check)
Romance (Duplo Check)
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496 Chs
A Noiva Predestinada do Dragão
Cuidado com as traições do destino.
Os olhos vermelhos flamejantes de Sterling perfuram o olhar aterrorizado de Faye. "Minha pequena borboleta, você não entende? Uma vez que um dragão recebe algo precioso, ele nunca o deixará escapar."
Faye Montgomery é uma jovem nobre de baixo escalão presa em um jogo de traição e morte imperial.
Pouco depois da passagem prematura de sua mãe, Faye é informada pelo seu padrasto bêbado e depravado que em troca das crescentes dívidas de sua família, ela será vendida em um casamento contratado.
Seu novo marido é o mais celebrado e temido comandante cavaleiro do Império Eastcarin... Duque Evan Sterling Thayer do Lago Stanhall.
Em seu primeiro encontro com o guerreiro severo e gelado, Faye percebe que sua situação é muito pior do que ela originalmente imaginava. Ela percebe que já encontrou o Duque no passado.
A jovem noiva agora acredita que a morte teria sido preferível a ser vendida nesta união desumana com o antigo adversário de sua família e o homem responsável por suas atuais circunstâncias desafortunadas.
No entanto, com o tempo, mesmo enquanto ela luta para se libertar desse abominável homem, Faye descobre que seus fios vermelhos do destino são mais intimamente entrelaçados do que ela imaginava.
Ambos se tornaram marionetes involuntárias do império. Com as muitas agendas ocultas e segredos daqueles no poder ao redor deles, terão de deixar de lado suas diferenças e formar uma aliança, caso queiram sobreviver.
Este romance foi minha entrada no Concurso WPC de Julho de 2023! O apoio que todos mostraram é muito apreciado. A história está cheia de reviravoltas inesperadas que você com certeza vai gostar!
{AVISO: Conteúdo adulto R-18}
A arte da capa é minha, então não a use.
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408 Chs
A Noiva Bilionária do Presidente
Leiloada e vendida pela madrasta, ela se tornou um item à venda. Ele desceu brutalmente, apoderou-se dela e a forçou a assinar o contrato.
"Mulher, eu te dei tudo o que você precisa. Por que ainda não está satisfeita?", ele beliscou o queixo dela e perguntou.
Ela lutou para se libertar, recusando-se a encontrar os olhos dele.
Quando sua identidade foi revelada e ela se tornou a herdeira de uma família prestigiosa, ela percebeu que ainda era um pássaro na gaiola dele.
Caindo cada vez mais fundo... foi só no final que ela entendeu, ela já havia se tornado a rainha do império dele há muito tempo...
"I don't think it'll meet your needs, but I'll try my best to recommend a novel that's the most relevant to your description.""The Tough Woman from the Interstellar Space" is an ancient romance novel written by Dan Meng. The general plot of this novel is:
The Lin family had a little sister named Lin. She was petite and dainty, but she was strong. She would attack at the slightest disagreement. She was smart and stubborn. When she was angry, she would not listen to her. Let's see if you dare to provoke her or not.
The interstellar woman, Ling, had sacrificed herself in the battle with the Zergs. She had thought that she would return to the Milky Way she loved, but who knew that she would be drawn to an unknown place by the black hole. This place was called the Ancient Era.
Fortunately, when she appeared, she had just been born from her mother's womb. She would not be suspected because she did not understand this place. Otherwise, she would be in a tragedy.
Everything was good in ancient times, but the only bad thing was that it was a little slow to grow. This gave her a headache. What could she do if she was unhappy?
"Fantasy: I Come to a Billion Years Later" was a fantasy and oriental fantasy novel written by the author, Mengran. The general plot of this novel was:
After a billion years, Lin Tian became the guardian spirit of a beauty in the future. He could freely travel between the two eras. Antiquity was the law of this era. The more ancient a cultivation technique was, the more heaven-defying its power would be after a billion years. Lin Tian, who came from a billion years ago, expressed that he was the ruler of this era!
The book "Rise of the Starry Sky" was written by the author, Ink Painting 0. It was an urban supernatural novel. The general plot of this novel was:
Lin Tian, an ordinary human from Earth, actually came into contact with extraterrestrial civilization by chance... With the help of the extraterrestrial civilization, Lin Tian stood at the peak of the world step by step and finally led the entire human race on the path of evolution. However, there was no such thing as a system falling from the sky in the universe. Finally! Should he submit or resist?
"Simulating the Heavens: Starting from Simulating the Ancestor of Martial Arts" was a novel written by Lin Qing Yi. The general plot of the novel was:
Lin Yi had traveled from Earth to Earth, and this was a world at a turning point. With the help of the Tower of Human Dao, Blue Star began to embark on the path of developing the heavens. However, what about the so-called 'All Heavens' novels and movies on Earth? How am I supposed to use the plot to take off in this unfamiliar world? Lin Yi was confused…Ding!"The Celestial Simulation System has been activated. Do you wish to begin the first simulation…"
"I am the villain, the Son of God, the White Moonlight Who Became the Female Lead" was a fantasy novel written by the author, Xing Chen Hou Hai. The general plot of this novel was as follows:
Lin Yu wore it and became the villain in the book?
In order to escape his tragic fate, Lin Yu decided to overturn the plot.
However, just as Lin Yu thought he could rest easy, he discovered a shocking secret.
The main character…was a woman?
The "Myriad World Dominator System" was a fantasy novel written by the author, Feng Luo ManTian. The general plot of the novel was:
Ten years before Lin Xiaotian's rebirth, he had awakened the World Dominator System. He had made up for all his regrets in his previous life and was invincible in the world with his endless skills. So what if he was as rich as a country? So what if he had monstrous power? So what if his strength was extraordinary? So what if his fist could break mountains and rivers? In front of the nine universe law skills, everything was useless. Lin Xiaotian had left Earth, dominated the world, destroyed the Heavenly Venerates with a wave of his finger, and shattered the stars with a thought. On the green grass, a white-robed young man looked at the stars in the sky and said,"I like that star. I'll pluck it for you."
'Can't Escape' was a modern romance novel written by the author, Sammy Milky Way. The general plot of the novel was:
Lin Shuchun never knew that he was so useful…
"Treasure Mirror of Tianzong" was a Xianxia modern cultivation novel written by the author Yuan Meng. The general plot of the novel was:
Was it a blessing or a curse for Lin Zichen, who had the body of a half-immortal, to obtain an incomplete treasured book that was used to refine spiritual artifacts from a thousand years ago? After seeing the gatha of "One thought, ten reincarnations, apocalyptic catastrophe, and the body of gods and demons" in the grimoire, what should Lin Zichen do…Why was Earth invaded by alien cultivators, and what secrets were hidden in it? After Lin Zichen had found the "Heavenly Sect Divine Art", he would break into the realm of ghosts and spirits for love, flatten the Dark World for love, and slowly unveil the mysteries of the Celestial World, the Celestial World, and the Heavenly World! When he came back to his senses, he had already dominated the world and looked down on the world! The chaotic clouds fly across the sky and wander leisurely. Who wants to be free and unfettered with me? If the sky has feelings, the sky will also grow old, it is better to be free with the sky!
The book "Crossing countless non-humans at the same time" was written by the author Luo Yue Huanhua.
For some unknown reason, Lin Hua had traveled through the myriad worlds at the same time, but…Lin Hua thought, Why are they all non-humans? Dragons, phoenixes, what the hell is a mosquito? Forget it, national fate, planets, what's the situation of the world…The new book,"Yiren's Inhuman Chat Group", interested readers can follow and collect it.
"Invincible Alchemy Master System" was a fantasy novel written by the author, Samsara Sea. The general plot of this novel was:
"Libra, isn't this the most handsome constellation among the twelve constellations? How did you become a martial arts expert?" Lin Tian was dumbfounded.
Lin Tian's soul passed through the Flying Immortal Continent and obtained the Alchemy Master System. From then on, he opened the path of invincibility, crushing the elites of all races, trekking through the myriad worlds, going against the current, and competing with the Heavenly Emperor. In the end, he suppressed the ancient times and became an invincible Alchemy Master!
To all his enemies, whether they were the Holy Son or the ancestor, Lin Tian only wanted to say one thing,"They are all ants in front of me. How lonely is being invincible!"
😋I recommend the following novels to you: " The Divine Idol of the Extraordinary World "," Shura Martial God "," Mortal I Can Tamper Spiritual Roots "," The Great Song "," The Supreme Master of Literature "," Rebirth of the God of Wealth "," Online Games Return to Be a Nanny Dad "," Time Travel: Retreading the Road of Youth "," Douluo Internet Age ". I hope you like my recommendation.😗
😋I recommend the following novels to you:
1. "Please Call Me a Crossdressing Boss": This is a very funny original fantasy novel. It tells the story of a cute loli crossdressing boss. It's very funny and can make you laugh non-stop.
2. "Transformed Gaming Mistress": This is also a light novel that is a joke. It tells the story of a loli gamer. Not only is the plot funny, but it also has a little sweetness.
3. "I Really Didn't Turn on the Voice Changer": This was a funny and dissing novel. It described the experiences of a boy who pretended to be a girl on a live broadcast platform. It was full of jokes and very funny.
I hope you like my recommendation, Mwah ~😗
😋I recommend the following novel to you:
1. "Reborn Brainiac, Online Cultivation" tells the story of a Brainiac who became a god after his rebirth. It can be said to be a masterpiece among urban supernatural novels.
2. <My Senior Sister Is Going to Heaven>: It tells the daily life of a female protagonist and her junior brother, as well as the various troubles and challenges they have to deal with. It's very refreshing!
3. "The Peerless Immortal of the Female CEO": It was a story about a female CEO who learned supernatural abilities and started from scratch to become the number one in the world. It was very inspirational.
I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
The book "The Hero Never Died" was a traditional wuxia novel written by the author, Xue Zu. This was a traditional wuxia novel. It was neither fantasy nor time-travel. As an author born in the 1980s, he would never forget the days when he read martial arts novels at night. He paid his respects to those former martial arts masters. I hope you like my recommendation, Mwah ~😗
Hey, I'll recommend you a few good novels ~
1. "My Royal Uncle is Super Fierce" was a fantasy romance novel. The main character had medical skills, a divine beast, and a peerless demon royal uncle who doted on him. The plot was very exciting.
2. "Cute Baby Master: The Black-bellied Prince's Domineering Concubine" was an ancient romance novel. The little bun's mother brought her beautiful husband to sweep away all kinds of scumbags and uncover all the conspiracies. It was very exciting.
3. In the ancient romance novel,"The Reborn Bastard's Daughter Liuli," the female protagonist was also harmed by a scumbag at the beginning, but she was reborn again and started a new life.
I hope you like these novels. If you need more recommendations, feel free to let me know.
Many of the texts he learned in primary school were travel essays such as "Climbing the Stork Tower,""Lushan Ballad,""Journey to Mount Tai," and so on. These articles used the author's personal experience as the material to describe the scenic spots around the world that the author had visited and felt the meaning and beauty of life. The characteristic of travel prose was to let the readers feel the author's feelings and thoughts by describing the routes, scenery, people, historical events, etc.
I can't help you think of the name of a novel. I can only provide some clues and possible names based on the information you provided, but I can't help you determine the name of the novel without more information. If you can provide more information such as the genre, plot, theme, etc., I will try my best to help you remember the name of the novel.
"I don't think it'll necessarily satisfy your needs, but I'll try my best to recommend a novel that's the most relevant to your description.""The Romance of the Moon: The Strong Favorite of a Foppish CEO" is an ancient romance novel written by the author Ling Longxin. The general plot of this novel is as follows:
In September and October, begonias bloomed. A woman named Jieyu met Ouyang Ze for the first time.
He liked her beauty and fell in love with her at first sight.
However, she turned around and betrothed to the Ouyang family's rival, the Lu family of Yangcheng.
Her future husband was considerate and gentle. Jieyu had thought that her life would be peaceful and stable.
Who would have thought that the world would play tricks on people?
On the eve of the wedding, Ouyang Ze stepped into Yangcheng just to embrace a beauty.
In the troubled times, she had lived a prosperous life. After all, she and her fiancé were deeply in love and had a long hatred.
She did not have a status in the Ouyang family, but Ouyang Ze doted on her endlessly.
She turned a blind eye to his love, and his love for her turned into hatred.
When she wanted to love him, it was already impossible.
She and him, and him, had missed each other in the end.
She had never gotten what she wanted, and she and love were far apart…
"After Rebirth, the Commandery Princess Was Seduced by a Powerful Official" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, a lazy cat. The general plot of this novel was:
There was a Zhennan Prefecture in the capital. The princess in the prefecture did not marry and did not like to wear red clothes. Everyone knew that after Princess Zhao Zhengyue was betrayed by her fiancé, her temperament changed drastically. She said that she would marry into the family and not marry anyone. She even wore armor to the battlefield. No one dared to marry her. Only Ouyang Mu knew that she only wanted to change the tragedy of her previous life. The Prime Minister's son, Ouyang Mu, was gentle and talented. He attracted many talented women in the capital to step over the threshold. Only Zhao Zhengyue knew that as a powerful official in her previous life, he was the best at pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger. These two people were actually married? The people in the capital were waiting for Zhao Zhengyue to be abandoned, but they didn't know that the two of them were becoming more and more loving. One day, Ouyang Mu, who had gone to the palace to attend a banquet, was confessed to again. Zhao Zhengyue stood aside calmly until the woman who had been rejected called her Huo Shui. Zhao Zhengyue felt wronged. It was this powerful minister who seduced her. When Ouyang Mu said that he couldn't leave his wife, Zhao Zhengyue's face turned red and the girls in the capital stopped thinking about it. From then on, everyone in the capital knew that the Prime Minister Ouyang Mu could not leave his wife.
"The CEO's Darling Lover" was a modern romance novel written by Mi Zaozao. The general plot of the novel was:
One of them was a young, rich, and handsome CEO! One of them was the daughter of the corporation! The two childhood sweethearts were a perfect match in everyone's eyes! However, Ouyang Feiyun had somehow run away from the wedding…How could Mo An give up? Not only did he want to conquer Ouyang Feiyun, but he also wanted to be his most beloved woman! 。
"When the Demon Princess Meets the Demon Prince" was a modern romance novel written by Bingling Aoxuan. The general plot of this novel was:
Shangguan Ningxue was the little princess of the richest man in the world. She was the treasure of her family and had three brothers. Her parents doted on her and her brothers doted on her. Whenever she thought of a good way to play a prank on someone, she would think of her three brothers first. They were the naughty and cute devil princesses who enjoyed playing tricks on others. She had no choice but to be sent to the United States for special training by her father. She had even started her own company behind her family's back. Shangguan Ningxue met Ouyang Ye, who was cold, handsome and domineering like a devil, at school after she returned to China. Shangguan Ningxue had a grudge with Leng Jiali for a seat. With Ouyang Ye's hard work and her brother's help, they got together. However, on the day of their engagement, Shangguan Ningxue was killed. After she woke up, she lost the memory of her relationship with Ouyang Ye. The death of the leader of the Special Education Department made Shangguan Ningxue even angrier at Ouyang Ye.
Young Master Zuo's Spicy Wife was a modern romance novel written by the author, Gu Yuqian. The general plot of the novel was:
Her biological mother couldn't bear the burden and committed suicide by jumping off a building. Her biological brother had been missing for many years without any news. Her biological father had sold her and ran away. The Ouyang Corporation collapsed overnight. The former heiress almost fell into the hands of a thief. President Zuo announced domineeringly,"I'll spoil my girl!"
[The Story of a Beautiful Wife]
When she woke up, not only did she have a fiancé, but her family was also broken?
He wanted to bribe her with a marriage agreement?
Ouyang Qian swore that she would never forgive this beast with the surname Zuo!
Studying alone in a foreign country, Beast acted out a bitter drama online: "Girl, I'll wait for you!"
An anonymous wealthy businessman fully sponsored Ouyang Qian, and she returned after her studies, but why did her benefactor look so familiar?
"Girl, you can only be mine!"
[Mr. Zuo has a long way to go after his wife.]
Who said that Zuoqiu Teng was cold-blooded and ruthless?
Chasing after his wife was ruthless and overbearing. When he met her, he instantly turned into a little puppy and acted coquettishly and cutely together, just to give her a chance to spoil him?
Mr. Zuoqiu wagged his tail."Girl, don't be so arrogant!"
[Spicy female protagonist tortures dogs online, black-bellied male protagonist dotes on his wife!]
Gu Chenfeng and Ouyang Nuannuan was a modern romance novel written by the author, February Love. The general plot of the novel was:
In order to marry her, Gu Chenfeng threatened Ouyang Nuannuan to get their marriage certificate. For her mother's sake, Ouyang Nuannuan had agreed to get a marriage certificate with Gu Chenfeng. She had thought that he was an iceberg. Only when she was alone with him did she realize how warm he was. He cared for her, loved her, and changed for her. From the moment he realized that he had fallen in love with her, Gu Chenfeng had decided to pamper and love her for the rest of his life. "Nuannuan, I love you." The female lead: "…" The male lead: "Nuannuan, I really love you. I love love you so much." "I'd rather be loved by a pig than let you love me." "I'm a pig." The second male lead of the theater: "Wife, come and sleep." The ending of this story is perfect. I welcome the girls who love this story into the pit. I recommend the ending of February Love, Cute Wife Above: Husband Bad. This article is a favorite article and is worth reading.
"My Prince Charming and I are Married" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yun Mengyou. The general plot of the novel was:
He was the president of the empire. Everyone knew that he was decisive and ruthless, but he spoiled the woman who called him his wife to the bone. He wanted to spoil her in all kinds of ways, just to make her the happiest woman in the world.
Bai Mengmeng knew that marrying Ouyang Xuan was the best thing she had done in her life because he gave her the right to do whatever she wanted.
"The Daughter of a Reborn Agent" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Huo Xiaoxuan. The general plot of the novel was:
The witty, two-faced woman was reborn, and the General's wife's daughter suddenly shone brightly, stirring up the spring water!
The original body's mother is not close, the step-sister is hypocritical, and the aunt is vicious! She was framed and ruined her reputation as one of the three uglies in the capital, and she even saw her step-sister and fiancé conspiring to murder her!
Bah! Give me back everything you owe me!
You have the Zhang Liang strategy, I have the wall ladder, fight until you cry for your parents and complain endlessly!
However, this so-called biological father seemed to dote on her, so why was he so full of thoughts?
The wonderful scenes of Shu Jie's vicious schemes again and again, and finally, she was miserably defeated…
"Sister, please let Second Sister go. We used to be best sisters!"
"Sister, when you plotted to ruin my reputation and kill me, did you treat me as your sister?" Ouyang Yue lifted her chin gently and smiled like a spring breeze, but her words were like the frost in winter.
"You…You didn't lose your memory at all. You've been setting me up all this time!" The man who had a miserable look on his face turned pale and cold. You deserve to die!"
Ouyang Yue sneered."Ouyang Rou, I've only been counterattacking. Heaven is watching. This is your retribution!"
When the secret of the previous generation was revealed and all the conspiracies were revealed, they joined hands to resist the enemy.
The so-called father and son soldiers, husband and wife in battle, husband and wife together, invincible!
Farming, house fighting, palace fighting, all kinds of fighting. Favor, cool, one-on-one, the male lead was absolutely clean and loved the female lead wholeheartedly.。
"Reporting to Your Excellency and Young Master, You're Making Trouble Again" was an ancient romance novel written by the author Ouyang Xuanmiao. The general plot of this novel was:
Ouyang Nian finally understood after she returned.
Her so-called first love was actually someone who was specially invited to seduce her.
Her personal maid had actually been bribed long ago.
The so-called treason was actually being framed. Father's defeat was actually a shocking conspiracy. The person who saved her was the Regent. The person who was secretly protecting him was also the Prince Regent. The Prince Regent, who was rumored to not be close to women, had always secretly liked her. Ouyang Nian thought that she must have lost her mind to abandon such a good fiancé. This time, she decisively clung onto the regent's golden thigh. He thought that he could do whatever he wanted from now on, but in just a few days, the Regent…lost! Memory! It was over! The regent who had lost his memory was filled with a murderous aura. Ouyang Nian blinked and thought,'Your wife.' The Prince Regent's face was cold,"Nonsense!" This king hasn't married yet, where did a wife come from! "Then…" Ouyang Nian looked at the person who stopped her and sneered."What is the meaning of this, Prince Regent?" Ye Mingxuan said,"I'm here to bring my wife home." Ouyang Nian continued to sneer,"The Regent King hasn't married yet, so where would he get a wife?"
"This Life Just to Keep You" was a modern romance novel written by the author Ouyang Shangyu. The general plot of this novel was:
He had once domineeringly imprisoned her in front of his chest and said coldly,"Be my woman!" Because you're the girl I've been looking for for 15 years.
She used to hate him and resent him. Because of his appearance, her life had changed drastically. The person she loved the most had left her…and she had lost her heart…
He once said, no matter who you are, you are the one I love.
She said coldly to her,"I'm sorry, you've got the wrong person."
Who fell in love with whom first, who fell in love with whom first…