
vai vai chegar sua vez

O Grande Chefe & Sua Delicada Esposa

O Grande Chefe & Sua Delicada Esposa

"Vem aqui, pequena!" "De jeito nenhum!" O que fazer quando a esposa está brava? O poderoso CEO é podre de rico, cobrindo-a de demonstrações extravagantes de amor todos os dias! Hoje um carro de luxo, amanhã uma mansão, depois um jato particular... Em uma entrevista para a mídia: "Qual foi o presente mais caro que você deu para sua esposa?" "Até agora, nosso filho!" "Você trata sua esposa tão bem, ela com certeza deve te amar!" CEO ri confiante, "Sem dúvida!" Ao chegar em casa, sua delicada esposa joga um contrato de divórcio nele, "Dongfang Yu, assine isto!" "Hai Xiaotang, tudo que você pensa é em divórcio. Não pense que não sei lidar com você!" O CEO, cheio de fúria, estala os nós dos dedos, "Uma tábua de lavar, um ábaco, um teclado, um durian... escolha um!" "Durian!" O CEO acaba ajoelhando-se sobre o durian com um baque!
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809 Chs
Geral, Sua Esposa Está Pedindo Seu Retorno Para Casa Para Cuidar da Fazenda

Geral, Sua Esposa Está Pedindo Seu Retorno Para Casa Para Cuidar da Fazenda

``` # VIDA EM FAMÍLIA Su Xiaoxiao estava tirando uma soneca, mas abriu os olhos para descobrir que havia transmigrado e agora estava no corpo de uma garota corpulenta. De uma distinta médica militar, ela agora era uma glutona e preguiçosa. Além disso, ela frequentemente aterrorizava as pessoas da aldeia, junto com seu pai e irmão. Foi por isso que ninguém em quilômetros à volta estava disposto a casar-se com ela. Embora sua família tenha conseguido arranjar um casamento com uma família ilustre, o noivo fugiu no dia do casamento. Quando seu pai disse que lhe arranjaria um marido, ela não esperava que ele fizesse isso literalmente, capturando Wei Ting com um saco depois que ele estava exausto de lutar contra bandidos. Su Cheng sorriu misteriosamente para sua filha. "Dad tem boas e más notícias. Qual você quer ouvir primeiro?" "Qualquer uma." "Eu capturei um marido para você. Ele é cem vezes mais bonito do que He Tongsheng! Com certeza você vai gostar dele!" "Então, qual é a boa notícia?", ela perguntou atordoada. Su Cheng decidiu seguir a correnteza e mudou suas palavras. "A boa notícia é que você não precisa ter filhos! Meu genro já nos deu crianças!" Depois de se casar, Su Xiaoxiao levou uma vida ocupada mudando seu pai gângster e irmão mais novo para melhor, salvando a vida de seu lindo marido e criando seus três pestinhas... Além disso, ela inesperadamente se tornou uma das mulheres mais poderosas da Dinastia Yan! ```
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703 Chs
Sua Esposa Gênio é uma Superestrela

Sua Esposa Gênio é uma Superestrela

Uma hacker mundialmente famosa e filha da família criminosa mais poderosa que dominou o submundo internacional por muitas gerações é assassinada quando sua organização é aniquilada em uma única noite. Ela renasce no corpo de Iris Long, uma cantora pop adolescente, garota festeira selvagem e patricinha mimada. Para a antiga princesa do submundo que vivia uma vida superprotegida e acorrentada, essa nova vida é uma chance de finalmente viver a vida de liberdade e independência que ela sempre quis. Jin Liwei é o homem mais poderoso no mundo dos negócios do país. Frio e impiedoso, ele é alguém que poucos se atrevem a ofender. Quando a infame Iris Long, que costumava perseguir seu irmão mais novo, acorda de um coma de um ano, seu coração insensível se move pela primeira vez e ele se apaixona perdidamente por essa menina gênio inesperada. Ela quer voar livremente e alcançar alturas além do céu. Ele quer tudo dela, amarrá-la a si mesmo e nunca deixá-la partir. Esta é a jornada dela para o super estrelato. Esta é a jornada dele acompanhando-a. Juntos, eles vão abalar o mundo enquanto enfrentam muitos desafios. Mas o que acontecerá quando ela descobrir que nunca poderá escapar das sombras de sua vida anterior? Ela ainda será capaz de viver seu sonho de vida de liberdade e independência? Ele será capaz de protegê-la dos perigos? [Aviso: Conteúdo Maduro. Discrição do leitor é aconselhada.] ### Instagram: Arria Cross (@arriacross) Servidor Discord: https://discord.gg/cSUhBdz
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717 Chs
Sr. CEO, Sua Esposa é uma CHEFE Oculta!

Sr. CEO, Sua Esposa é uma CHEFE Oculta!

Cinco anos atrás, Qiao Nian foi vítima de um plano de sua irmã, Qiao Xin. Após passar uma noite com um estranho, Qiao Nian engravidou. Ela não sabia quem era o pai da criança e acabou dando à luz a um natimorto. Sob as maquinações de sua mãe e irmã, Qiao Nian foi despojada de suas ações no Grupo Qiao e enviada para um hospital psiquiátrico. Cinco anos mais tarde, sua irmã mais nova, Qiao Xin, estava prestes a se casar com o Segundo Jovem Mestre da família Gu. Ele tinha fama de ser extremamente feio. No dia em que nasceu, o médico previu que ele não viveria mais de vinte anos. Sua mãe não suportava ver Qiao Xin casar com uma pessoa dessas e pensou em Qiao Nian, que ainda estava trancada no hospital psiquiátrico. Durante a noite, Qiao Nian foi tirada do hospital para substituir Qiao Xin em seu casamento com a família Gu. Sua mãe disse, "É uma boa coisa que Qiao Nian, essa inútil, possa substituir Xin'er e ser uma viúva viva na família Gu. Se Xin'er casasse com aquela família, eu ficaria arrasada." Qiao Xin disse, "Mãe, não fale assim da Irmã. Se não fosse por ela, eu não saberia o que fazer. Só estou preocupada que a Irmã não aceite." Seu pai disse, "Xin'er, você é bondosa demais. Esqueceu como Qiao Nian te difamou há cinco anos? Ela não tem autocontrole. Engravidou antes do casamento e ainda deu à luz a uma criança natimorta. Estamos sendo bons o suficiente ao deixá-la se casar com alguém da prestigiosa família Gu! Que direito ela tem de ser exigente?" Qiao Nian debochou. Na época, a conspiração contra ela só tinha dado certo por causa de uma combinação estranha de fatores, fazendo-a sofrer. Ela ia se vingar de todos eles! Todos pensavam que suas ações eram fruto de uma combinação de mentalidade de perdedora e doença mental, mas mal sabiam eles que esse casamento seria uma união poderosa, tão impactante quanto Marte colidindo com a Terra! Aproveitando suas habilidades brilhantes em medicina, Qiao Nian fez várias pessoas desprezíveis e canalhas engolirem suas palavras. Num piscar de olhos, suas múltiplas identidades chocaram o mundo à medida que cada uma delas foi exposta. Acontece que ela era rica o suficiente para rivalizar com um país! Depois, o Segundo Jovem Mestre Gu colocou um par de miniaturas clones de Qiao Nian diante dela. Diante dessas duas crianças que se pareciam com ela e Gu Zhou, Qiao Nian piscou em choque. "Quando foi que eu dei à luz aos seus filhos?"
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592 Chs
Após o Divórcio, Sua Poderosa Família de Origem a Recebeu de Volta em Casa!

Após o Divórcio, Sua Poderosa Família de Origem a Recebeu de Volta em Casa!

Depois que Tan Ming engravidou, seu marido lhe entregou os papéis do divórcio. Vinte e três anos atrás, Tan Ming ainda era uma órfã que ninguém queria. Seus pais adotivos a adotaram de um orfanato porque tinham dificuldade em ter seus próprios filhos. Contudo, o destino infeliz de Tan Ming não mudou por causa disso. Dentro de um mês, sua mãe adotiva engravidou. Depois que sua irmã mais nova, Tan Si, nasceu, Tan Ming se tornou a pessoa mais desprezada da família. Desde criança, ela tinha que ceder a Tan Si em tudo. Seus pais só gostavam de Tan Si porque Tan Ming não era sua filha biológica. Há três anos, a família Tan a forçou a se casar com um homem em coma para o bem da empresa. Por dois anos inteiros, Tan Ming viveu como uma viúva. Até que um ano atrás, quando seu marido em coma acordou inesperadamente, Tan Si se apaixonou por ele à primeira vista. Desta vez, Tan Ming decidiu não ceder mais. Ela decidiu tentar cortar laços com a família Tan de maneira decisiva. No entanto, ela não esperava ser confrontada com os papéis do divórcio no final. Pela vontade dos filhos em seu ventre, Tan Ming foi forçada pelo marido a assinar os papéis. Quando as crianças nasceram, o pai biológico delas estava acompanhando outra mulher para o teste de gravidez. Justo quando o mundo de Tan Ming estava no seu momento mais sombrio, seus verdadeiros parentes apareceram. Eles eram uma família tão rica que até a família Tan os admirava, e eles a receberam de volta para casa! Após voltar para casa, ela não era mais uma criança indesejada. Não só tinha pais que a mimavam, mas também tinha três irmãos que a paparicavam muito! Mais tarde, seu ex-marido se arrependeu de sua decisão e veio pedir desculpas pessoalmente. "Fique fora da minha vida," disse Tan Ming.
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568 Chs
Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: La tercera vez es la vencida

Renacimiento en el Apocalipsis: La tercera vez es la vencida

—¿Qué haces cuando cuatro hombres entran en tu vida y la ponen completamente patas arriba? —No, en serio, no tengo ni idea. —Todo lo que quería era esconderme en mi rancho sin que nadie me molestara, pero aparentemente, ellos tenían otros planes. Por suerte para ellos, este no era mi primer apocalipsis zombi. —Si aprenden a escuchar, podríamos salir de esto con vida. —Si no, quizás finalmente podría descansar en paz. ——Li Dai Lu nació y se crió canadiense en su primera vida. Eso significaba que le enseñaron a compartir, a anteponer a los demás y a mantener la paz todo lo que pudiera. —Sin embargo, todo eso se volvió en su contra de una manera espectacular. —Reencarnada en un tiempo y lugar nuevos, Li Dai Lu hizo lo posible por proteger a todos los que podía de los zombis que estaban exterminando a la raza humana. Lamentablemente para ella, aquellos a quienes rescató no estaban tan agradecidos como deberían. —Asesinada por las mismas personas que salvó, contuvo la respiración y esperó la calma, la paz de la muerte. —Pero los Destinos no fueron demasiado acomodaticios y nuestra heroína despertó en su tercera vida, un año antes del apocalipsis zombi. —Esta vez viviría la vida según sus propios términos y a aquellos que no estuvieran de acuerdo... bueno, tendría unas cuantas palabras para ellos. —Con cuatro hombres a su lado, se deshará del manto de la civilidad y se convertirá en quien realmente estaba destinada a ser. —Esto se convertirá en un harén inverso donde no tendrá que elegir. —No hay m/m. —Otras Novelas: —Dancing with Monsters: En proceso —Star's Ships: ¡Nuevo! ¡En proceso! —Discord: Sakura#6289 —Canal de Discord: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy —Instagram: @devil_besideyou666
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509 Chs
Renascimento no Apocalipse: A Terceira Vez é a Que Conta

Renascimento no Apocalipse: A Terceira Vez é a Que Conta

``` O que você faz quando quatro homens entram na sua vida e a viram de cabeça para baixo? Não, sério, não faço ideia. Tudo o que eu queria era me esconder no meu rancho sem ninguém para me incomodar, mas aparentemente, eles tinham planos diferentes. Sorte para eles, essa não era minha primeira apocalipse zumbi. Se eles aprenderem a ouvir, talvez a gente consiga sair dessa com vida. Se não, quem sabe eu finalmente consiga descansar em paz. ------ Li Dai Lu nasceu e foi criada canadense em sua primeira vida. Isso significava que ela foi ensinada a compartilhar, a colocar os outros em primeiro lugar e a manter a paz o quanto pudesse. No entanto, isso tudo deu errado de uma forma espetacular. Renascida em um novo tempo e lugar, Li Dai Lu fez o seu melhor para proteger todos os que podia dos zumbis que estavam dizimando a raça humana. Infelizmente para ela, aqueles que ela resgatou não foram tão gratos quanto deveriam ser. Morta pelas próprias pessoas que salvou, ela segurou a respiração e esperou pela calma e pela paz da morte. Mas os Destinos não foram muito acomodativos e nossa heroína acordou em sua terceira vida, um ano antes do apocalipse zumbi. Desta vez ela viveria a vida em seus próprios termos e para aqueles que discordassem... bem, ela teria algumas palavras para eles. Com quatro homens ao seu lado, ela deixará cair o manto da civilidade e se tornará quem realmente estava destinada a ser. Isso se transformará em um harém reverso onde ela não terá que escolher. Não há m/m. Outros Romances: Dançando com Monstros: Em andamento Navios das Estrelas: Novíssimo! Em andamento! Discord: Sakura#6289 Canal do Discord: https://discord.gg/CapanRmy Instagram: @devil_besideyou666 ```
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509 Chs
Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Depois de ser incriminada por sua família, ela foi mimada por um CEO de uma família rica

Jing Yao dormiu com o CEO de uma família rica que tinha fama de se afastar das mulheres. Ela até engravidou. Jing Yao cresceu sem receber qualquer amor de seus pais. Embora ela e sua irmã fossem gêmeas, ela não se parecia em nada com sua irmã mais velha. Seus pais favoreciam sua irmã mais velha. Jing Yao foi obrigada a começar a trabalhar desde jovem, enquanto sua irmã podia ficar em casa sem fazer nada. Jing Yao tinha que pagar suas próprias mensalidades. Uma única bolsa que sua irmã possuía custava dezenas de milhares. Não apenas isso, mas sua irmã mais velha até ficou com seu noivo, com quem estava noiva desde criança. Formalmente falando, Jing Yao era a segunda irmã na família. No entanto, na realidade, ela era tão pobre que nem conseguia pagar seu próprio aluguel. Sua família nunca lhe mostrou qualquer cuidado ou afeto. Pelo bem do casamento de sua irmã mais velha, a mãe biológica de Jing Yao a armou fazendo-a beber com um investidor. Ela foi até drogada. Felizmente, ela estava alerta o suficiente para fugir. No entanto, ela correu na direção errada. Como resultado, ela acabou dormindo com Liang Xun. Depois de voltar para casa, a mãe de Jing Yao gritou com ela. Seu noivo idiota a humilhou. Jing Yao cancelou o casamento na hora. Desde então, ela deixou a família Jing. Mais tarde, Liang Xun descobriu que Jing Yao estava grávida. Ele a procurou e pediu para que ela se casasse com ele. No entanto, Jing Yao o rejeitou. Liang Xun ofereceu diretamente 100 milhões como presente de casamento, e ela acabou aceitando. Rumores começaram a se espalhar na internet. Jing Yao, uma celebridade feminina que recentemente ganhou popularidade, estava sendo acusada de se envolver no relacionamento de sua irmã mais velha. Alguns até disseram que ela era a sugar baby de Liang Xun. Apesar das críticas, Jing Yao publicou uma resposta positiva. "Eu não tenho uma irmã mais velha, e eu sou a sugar mommy de Liang Xun." Liang Xun imediatamente comentou na publicação dela. "Minha esposa está certa."
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484 Chs
Sua Bela Adição

Sua Bela Adição

COMPLETO!!! Vencedor de Bronze Spirity Spring Awards 2020 "Uma alma escura, danificada pelo seu passado Um anjo forçado a ser sua amante. Alguma coisa pode dar certo? Eles serão capazes de se apaixonar? Ela conseguirá enxergar além da escuridão dele? Ele conseguirá protegê-la quando o perigo bater à porta? Descubra neste livro... Um Trecho* ''Você sabe no que está se metendo, certo?'' Ele perguntou, cruzando as pernas, ele arqueou uma sobrancelha; Os lábios de Tiana entortaram e seus olhos se estreitaram para ele; ''Contanto que você me pague, eu farei o que você quiser. '' Nicklaus ficou surpreso com a audácia repentina dela; mas tinha certeza que ela só estava tentando parecer corajosa, Ele conhecia ela, ela era apenas uma alma fraca e tremendo, e estava tentando tão duro mascarar isso; Um sorriso maroto apareceu em seus lábios quando um pensamento lhe ocorreu; ''Qualquer coisa que eu queira? '' Ele perguntou novamente e Tiana respondeu imediatamente sem uma segunda reflexão; ''Sim, Sr. Nicklaus, qualquer coisa que você queira. '' ''Certo então, eu quero que você se despir e deitar na cama. '' Ele não tinha intenção alguma de tocá-la; ele apenas queria ver a reação dela. Mas o que Tiana fez em seguida o chocou.
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459 Chs
Uma vez mordido, duas vezes tímido

Uma vez mordido, duas vezes tímido

Samantha Larsson tornou-se motivo de chacota quando Timothy Barker denunciou publicamente o casamento deles. Dois anos depois, foi enganada para voltar para casa e se casou com um homem misterioso, que era conhecido por ser desfigurado e fisicamente incapacitado! No entanto, ela lutaria até o final e destruiria os vermes, conseguindo lentamente a sua justiça! "Timothy, estou te dizendo que tem homens fazendo fila para se casar comigo! Mesmo que você ajoelhe e implore para eu me casar com você, eu não vou te escolher!" Então, Samantha partiu orgulhosamente. No meio da noite, um homem misterioso apareceu. "Você não vai me escolher? Hmm?" Logo, Samantha viu o rosto do homem misterioso, e seus olhos se arregalaram…
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444 Chs
Can you recommend a novel that starts with the protagonist playing a game and then suddenly transmigrating to another world and falling into the forest?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
In " Lord of Exiles," the protagonist woke up to find that he had traveled to another world with his game skills and then fell into a forest.
Are there any female novels that are ranked in the top ten spoof fantasy romance novels, have more than two million words, and are recognized as good?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "Zhao Xian Ci" Author: Tang Wuye, Category: Fantasy Love, Oriental Fantasy 2. [She is nothing but good at fighting] Author: Sang Shen, Category: Fantasy Romance, Super Ability, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. 3. " Silver-Winged Blade " Author: Nirvana in the Sky. Category: Science fiction. Interstellar civilization. Finished. You can enjoy it with ease. 4. [The All-People's Divine Weapon] Author: Crouching Cow in Double, Category: Military, War Fantasy, Completed, Can Be Reassured to Enjoy 5. " High Energy Ahead " Author: A Soft Smile wr, Category: Fantasy Romance, Super Ability, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 6. " Summoning Big Brother at the Beginning " Author: Wu Xing's small fry. Category: Suspense, Secretive Suspense. It's over. You can enjoy it with ease. 7. " Goat Simulation " Author: The Dream of Maple Bridge, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Ci of Zhao Xian [Female power + orthodox cultivation + growth and leveling style + slow heat] At first, Pei Xihe felt that the world was unpredictable. He gave her a humble background, but she had to reverse her fate. She was full of ambition and lacked the talent to rise to the top. In the eyes of others, the white jade was flawed and could not be used. But when she gripped the knife in her hand and found the light in her heart, Pei Xihe finally let others know. This saber was flawless. Under the long blade, immortals and demons would bow their heads, and even gods and buddhas would bow their heads. …… Ever since she stepped out of the mortal world and embarked on the path of cultivation, she had been criticized and criticized. It was difficult and thorny. Pei Xihe did not say anything and left them behind. She only held the long knife in her hand tightly. If there are thousands of people, I will go. The stars and frost fly by, and the world is endless. The lowly female cultivator who had been suppressed in the past sang all the way. Looking back, she had finally become the heavenly light that countless people admired and was respected as the supreme Dao Ancestor. Everyone knew what she wanted. As soon as the wind blew, the sky was bright. [Chang Chang Xiuwen is not responsible for the pirated version] [For more information about the relationship line, please see the top of the comments section. If you don't like it, skip chapters 164 to 166. Don't tell me if you want to quit. It's good for you and me too.] [Fictions are for pleasure and relaxation. It's not to your liking. Stop your losses in time. It's good for you and me too.] [I support the original version. Feel free to comment. If you're a freeloader, shut your mic quietly. It's good for both of us.] 2. "She's nothing but good at fighting." Spirit Invasion An indescribable, terrifying, and treacherous Nightmare Spirit Chaos and horror were about to arrive! Yuan, Mo De Qing Zhou, walked out of the mental hospital to seek a way out, but… Other than being able to fight, Big Boss was useless! Just like that, the strange and rampant apocalypse was destroyed by the big shot… 3. Silver-Winged Battle Blade This book is also known as Codename: Vitality and Codename: Death Vitality. Brain Burn Level: Thriller Level: Degree of substitution: Level of recommendation: In December 2024, after a heavy rain, a strange fog, strange animal howls, a terrible murder, and other events, people did not know that the real crisis had truly begun... P.S.: Friends who like sci-fi should never read more than this book. Children under 18 should watch it with their parents. After the new year, this book will be updated... 4. The Divine Weapon of the People Lu Ziming, a veteran soldier, traveled through another world to become the emperor. From a weak country that was so poor that he even pawned the imperial seal, he gradually embarked on the road of hegemony! Farming and whatnot were all weak, but using money to summon was just doing it! Who asked me to have a different cheat! I guarantee that I will be able to enter the pit with ease after finishing the book, Bring a System to Be a Bin. 936457960. 5. High Energy Ahead This place had the most dangerous missions and the most generous rewards. The next second could be the end of his life, the abyss of no return, or he could become a god and stand at the top of all life! 6. [Summoning Eldest Senior Brother at the beginning of the game] The style of writing had transmigrated, and it was bound to the system. "Ding! Activate the 'Forceful God Summoning Technique'. Host, please turn the astrolabe and summon one of the gods to assist you in completing the mission." "Wow! [Vicious Emperor, you're amazing.] [The Celestial Sect's Heavenly Dao Splits the Sky. Who doesn't know Eldest Senior Brother?] [Angel King]…" The Great Wall of Sword Qi, Wenchang Academy… Traversing through worlds, searching for clues to solve the puzzle! It's not melodramatic. It's not torturing the main character. It's a light prank. Newcomers seek collection and recommendation votes. 7. [Goat simulator] The magical journey of a sand sculpture goat. A novel written from the perspective of a goat. Crazy sheep are happier. [Unlocked: Self-Healing Sheep, DJ Sheep, Rainbow Sheep, Divination Sheep, Beauty Sheep, Evil Sheep, Laser Sheep, Breeding Sheep, Sealed Sheep] Book friend group: 758907150 These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Where can I read novels that cover the sky?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
Shrouding the Sky by Chen Dong was a popular Xianxia novel. It was published on Qidian Chinese website and was loved by readers. The story took place in a prosperous era, and the protagonist embarked on an invincible path. On the Qidian Reading App, readers could read authentic books and listen to authentic audio. The male lead, Ye Fan, was a black-bellied but righteous person. He had the principle of repaying kindness and the belief of invincibility. The female lead, Ji Ziyue, had a romantic personality. She had been waiting for Ye Fan in the Immortal Realm for a million years.
There were ten categories of mystery novels, a ranking list of ancient and modern legendary novels, one to two million words, and a complete serial novel. Was it a recommendation for male novels that were recognized as awesome?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " Distant Heart of Jianghu " Author: Outside the Green Mountain, Category: Wuxia, Wuxia Fantasy, completed, can enjoy with peace of mind 2. " From the beginning of the disappearance of mankind " Author: When the autumn wind mourns the painted fan, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, completed, can enjoy with ease. 3. " The Great Path of Divine Artifacts " Author: Dissection Teacher. Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy. Completed. You can enjoy it with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Distant Heart of Jianghu" I don't like being invincible. Supreme imperial power is not what I want. I'll roam the martial world, gallop on the battlefield, transform into a Kun Peng in one day, spread my wings to the nine heavens, and watch as I kill a path of blood and transcendence! 2. "Since the Disappearance of Humans" Did the Mountain and Sea Scripture's demonic beasts exist? Existence. Did the Nine Provinces exist in the east of the earth? No. The real Nine Provinces was in the depths of the starry sky. The ancient myths and legends were just a dead leaf that fell from the big tree in the Nine Provinces to the earth. ---- On the day that all humans disappeared, reiki was revived. The Gate of Hell let out an ancient creaking sound, and the title page of the Classic of Mountains and Seas was flipped open… To the readers: I have completed the history books You May Not Believe It and Song Shi's Enchanting. Book Group: 421096750 3. Divine Artifact Great Dao Wealth comes first! Cultivation was a competition for resources! With resources guaranteed, even a pig could fly into the sky. Without resources, even top-grade five-element spiritual roots often died on the way to find resources! Zhao Neng, who had mutated five elements spiritual roots, came out of a small border city. With his powerful spiritual sense, he was favored by the master of the Refining Pavilion of Yuqing School by chance. He embarked on the path of refining and cultivation, and worked hard for his entire life! On March 1st, the anatomy teacher's new book, My 1985, was released! I hope that all readers will collect and recommend it! These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Is there a list of the top ten categories of mystery novels, a list of mystery novels, a list of more than two million words, a complete novel, and a list of male novels that are recognized as wonderful?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " The Real Leather of the Great Dao " Author: Morning Light Demonic Brilliance, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. <<< The Heavens Inherited >> Author: The Old Taoist Riding a Pig.>> Category: Fantasy, Historical Mythology.>> Finished. You can enjoy it without worry.> 3. " Immortality, from the beginning of meeting the white fox to worship the moon." Author: The Moon of No Thoughts, Category: Xianxia, Classic Xianxia, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. 4. Global Collapse Author: Intermittent Resurrection, Category: Suspense, Mysterious Suspense 5. "The Strange Affairs of the Republic of China" Author: Treasure Egg Is Not an Egg, Category: Suspense, Mysterious Suspense 6. The Big Star at the End of Han Dynasty Author: Old Cat Believes in Science, Category: History, Qin and Han Dynasties, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "The Great Dao is like leather." The young people on Earth were forced by the Infinite Net to cross over to the Dao civilization. This was an idealistic spiritual civilization. What drove the world forward was not science, but the rune enlightenment system. Everyone was a Dao seeker. emmmm…… With the trouble-making system that had all kinds of functions, Wang Xing began his journey of influencing the world with nonsense, deception, and swordsmanship. When he turned around, he realized that the fate of the entire world had been led astray by him. "What are you thinking about? Continue dancing. You're always causing trouble. This time, I'll definitely lock you up in the small black room." In the Heart Demon Removal Center, the male left controlled Wang Xing's body with the object manipulation technique, jumping like a zombie. [P.S.: Fantasy City funny novel, please don't feed it, or you will lose interest in reading it. Leather skirt: 38.711.87.83 Wait, old driver, this doesn't seem to be the way to the starting point. I want to get off, I want to get off ah…Bang!] 2. [Heavenly Dao Legacy] When the Dharma Ending arrived, the Dao Sect declined, the Great Dao collapsed, the immortals and Buddhas dissipated, and the Tribulation Qi filled the myriad worlds. Morality in the human world was corrupt, and all Dharma no longer existed. Cultivation gradually became a legend… Tang Tianyuan, a young Taoist priest from the Yunhua Mountain in Shu of the Great Ming Dynasty, was inexplicably hit by a mysterious green light. He walked through the space-time dimension and descended into the world. He searched for pearls, passed down his orthodoxy, gave the world opportunities, and set off a spiritual qi tide… If I didn't come, there would be no immortals in the world! After I came, all the immortals came to pay their respects! 3. " A long life with a strange ambition, from the moment I met the white fox worshiping the moon." He could enter a mysterious ancient world and obtain its ability by killing ghosts. Zhou Jin wanted to take the exam and become famous. He did not expect that his neighbor would move in a beautiful woman with ice skin and jade bones. She had an almond-shaped face and peach-like cheeks, but at night, she turned into a white fox and worshipped the moon… Thus, he began a journey of destiny with ups and downs. 4. Global Collapse " I was abandoned at the entrance of Qidian Orphanage before it went bankrupt." "I once attended a kindergarten, but it closed down." " In the past twenty years, I've experienced train derails, twenty-eight cars rear-ending each other, natural gas leaks, gas explosions…but I'm still alive." "Life tried its best to destroy me, but I still stubbornly survived." " But I never thought that life would turn out like this again-" [Welcome to the global evolution game. This game was launched by Earth and the players are all humans.] ------------- [An NPC dropped a mysterious number: 923017694] 5. The Strange Affairs of the Republic of China In front of the hall, beat the drum to summon the spiritual officer. I invite the old immortal to come out of the pass. Taixuan entered the smoke and ascended the clouds, and the Taoist qi existed forever in the imperial court altar. It was said that in troubled times, there would be evildoers, and in turbulent times, there would be disasters. It was extreme evil, evil, sinister, hidden, and in the end, it was just the word man-made disaster. This is the story of my ancestors that I accidentally learned about not long after I started burning incense. Additional reader exchange group-Opening of the meal: 72950469 6. The Big Star at the End of Han Dynasty The heavens were dead, and the yellow heavens should be established! Other people had transmigrated to the Three Kingdoms and had the aura of a protagonist. They were invincible in martial arts. They tortured Guan Zhang and f * cked up Lu Bu. I, Zhang Ping, was a traitor when I transmigrated. I had a cheap father, but I didn't even live for an episode. I even came with a system. It's actually a celebrity grooming system. Can I still transmigrate happily? I must have opened it wrong. There are hundreds of millions of stars, not as bright as a day; The words of the sky are not as good as a virtuous person in the country. Forget it, so be it, the star system. I, Zhang Ping, will be the most dazzling star in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Those who believe in me will live forever! Let all living beings bow down to me, let generals and generals obey my orders, let emperors bow down to me. Fans: Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping, the big man is the strongest! Anti-fans: Zhang Ping must be the one who destroyed the Great Han Dynasty! Let's see how Zhang Ping would create the most powerful star in the Eastern Han Dynasty, in an era where heroes and wise men were everywhere! These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten categories of ancient romance novels, the ranking list of novels in the Republic of China, 300,000 to 500,000 words, and the complete version. Was it a female novel that was recognized as interesting?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "North Branch Cold" Author: Cou Cou, Category: Ancient Romance, Clear Through the Republic of China 2. "The Redemption of the Comprehensive Spy War" Author: Guanghan Palace Palace, Category: Ancient Romance, Clear Through the Republic of China The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Cold Northern Branch The luxurious Shanghai Bund was accompanied by murderous intentions. The bustling and intoxicating scene of a five-kilometer-long foreign market. In order to find the murderer who framed her mother and killed her brother, Bai Rongxuan, who had been reborn, had no choice but to disguise herself as a man and return to her ancestral home to find the truth... 2. " Redemption of the Spy War " This was the story of a rich family's daughter who had transmigrated to illuminate the lonely hero. This was also a long song that made use of the " darning the loopholes in excellent TV series " system to let the female protagonist understand how much the people who were about to welcome a new life had sacrificed. Firefly, the weak light, was the only light in the dark forbidden area of the lonely kite, and was the navigation of the proud pilot on the ground. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten categories of ancient romance novels about ghosts and monsters, and the ranking list of novels from the Republic of China. There was no limit to the number of words, and it could even be completed in series. Was it recommended as a female novel that was recognized to be super good?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "Pomelo Garden" Author: Cuttlefish A and B, Category: Ancient romance, clear through the Republic of China, completed, can enjoy at ease. 2. " Opening the Underworld in the Other World " Author: Renke Junyi, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 3. "The Fourth Master of Qingchuan's Escape from Fujin" Author: Forsythia to Fire, Category: Ancient Romance, Qingchuan Republic of China, has been completed, you can enjoy it with ease. 4. " My Best Friend Became a Husky " Author: Da Meng Wang Xiao Guai, Category: Suspense, Wonderful World, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 5. "North Branch Cold" Author: Cou Cou, Category: Ancient Romance, Clear Through the Republic of China The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Pomelo Garden Double Female Lead Setting Two girls with completely different identities became bosom friends by chance. In a special era, different personalities created different lives. Their lives were like a movie with ups and downs. There were joys and sorrows, ups and downs, and all kinds of feelings. 2. " Opening Hell in the Other World " There was no law, no ethics, everything was based on strength! Immortal cultivators were cruel and merciless. They took human blood to refine magic treasures. Bandits and robbers bring disaster to their neighbors and regard their lives as grass. In such a dark and chaotic world of Immortal Cultivators, how could Wu Zai and the Netherworld bring some light to the ordinary people? 3. [The Fourth Master's Escape from the Fujin] Li Meng had transmigrated to the Qing Dynasty and wanted to live a stable life. In the end, she had to replace someone else to marry the fourth brother, an unfavored concubine, and was even coerced by the eighth brother to be his spy. Being scared every day, Li Meng was worried that the loss outweighed the gain if he was scared to death that day. Hence, she always wanted to escape, but it was strange, every time she was caught by Fourth Brother… 4. My Best Friend Became a Husky "Hello? Police uncle?" "Yes, my husky is stealing my computer to Mini games. Please take him away!" "What? This matter isn't under your jurisdiction? Find the association?" Yi Wen was a little confused, not only because his best friend had become a husky, but also because this world had become strange. There were often figures wandering in the woods outside the neighborhood in the middle of the night. There was no one living in the apartment, but there would always be a terrifying shriek. If a curious person went in to investigate, there would definitely be a figure standing on the rooftop the next day. After jumping, the same shriek would be emitted. The reason for all this was that the moon had turned around in this world! …… His best friend had become a husky, but his physical body was still lying in the hospital. In order to help his best friend earn money, Yi Wen had no choice but to embark on the path of eliminating strangeness. He was actually panicking, but he never expected that his best friend was even more panicky than him! ------ Welcome to the Book Group: 143943840 5. Cold Northern Branch The luxurious Shanghai Bund was accompanied by murderous intentions. The bustling and intoxicating scene of a five-kilometer-long foreign market. In order to find the murderer who framed her mother and killed her brother, Bai Rongxuan, who had been reborn, had no choice but to disguise herself as a man and return to her ancestral home to find the truth... These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten categories of inspirational ancient romance novels, the ranking of business and farming novels, and more than two million words. They could even be completed in series. Would you recommend a female novel that was recognized as a classic?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [Gold Medal Archmage] Author: Unknown Skylark, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured. 2. " Rise from the World of Liaozhai " Author: Taoist of the Five Classics, Category: Xianxia, Mythology and Cultivation, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 3. [My Cave is the Earth] Author: Yun Huizi, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. 4. " The Eldest Daughter " Author: Yan Xiaomo, Category: Ancient Romance, Business and Farming, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 5. " An Ordinary Person's Guide to the Other World " Author: Using Your Body to Refine a Sword. Category: Fantasy. Sword and Magic. Completed. You can enjoy it without worry. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Gold Medal Archmage "I'm a man who wants to become a mage god!" "I'm a man who wants to become a mage god!" "I'm a man who wants to become a mage god!" 2. " Rise from the Liaozhai World " Ten years to sharpen a sword, a cold light appeared when it was unsheathed. Slaughtering demons for 90,000 miles, eliminating demons between heaven and earth. Riding the chariot, conquering the world, the white bones have not yet returned. If you don't ask for a noble, how can you bow your head to the emperor? Seize fate, establish the celestial heavens, and die with an immortal soul. In the arms of the primeval creation, the gods and Buddhas were like butchering dogs in front of them. I have the Sky Covering Hand, but I have to ask, Do you dare to take this? 3. 'My Immortal's Cave is Earth.' When the otaku on Earth woke up, he realized that he was a disciple of the Heavenly Sun Sect and had accidentally obtained the recognition of a supreme cave abode! What he never expected was that his cave abode evolved into the world of Earth, and every time he entered the supreme cave abode, unexpected changes would happen... In the Era of Mythology, Gong Gong angrily touched Buzhou Mountain! The legend of the gods, King Zhou was infatuated with the nine-tailed fox! In the world of Journey to the West, Monkey was defeated by Buddha! With the revival of spirit qi, all living beings in the world could transform! Wandering on Earth, the Great Escape from the End of the World… 4. The Eldest Daughter New article," Reborn Little Pretty Lady: Regent King, Doting on Her!" She thought that she would be loved and pampered by others if she listened obediently, but in the end, she was reduced to filling a room and committing suicide. After being reborn, his father was dead and his mother was weak. So what if his siblings were all together? This time, she would not mistreat herself. He learned to be slick, to speak human language when he saw people, to speak nonsense when he saw ghosts, to curse people without swearing, to scheme people without making a draft, to kill gods when they met, and to counter every move. When everything turned around and everyone was envious of her, there was actually someone who wanted her to be a concubine? Bullsh * t! She, Wang Yuan 'er, swore to death that she would never be a concubine! 5. " An Ordinary Person's Guide to the Other World." A failed web novel writer had traveled through the world of swords and magic. He had no cheat, no family background, no extraordinary knowledge, and even his talent was only average…An ordinary person like him came out of the countryside and stepped on the road to realize his dream. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten categories of pill science fiction space, the doomsday crisis novel rankings, more than two million words, serial, and recognized classic female frequency novels to recommend?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:19
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " Ten Sky Region Emperor " Author: Wilderness Boundless, Category: Fantasy, Eastern Fantasy, Completed, You Can Enjoy It With Rest assured 2. "I am the Holy Sun" Author: A Lifetime of Falsehood, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, Finished, You can enjoy it with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Ten Heavenly Regions Emperor The five regions were the rulers, the ten heavens were the emperors, and the ten heavens were the emperors. Communication Group: 601898854 2. I Am the Holy Sun I ate a sun. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Do you recommend those fantasy novels that start in school, have multiple wives, and are more than a thousand chapters long?
1 answer
2025-02-19 10:18
😋My Wife Is a True Immortal." This is an Oriental fantasy novel. The story began with a student from the Azure Planet and Fairy Miaoyu who had transmigrated to another world. The protagonist, Fang Yun, had transmigrated to an unknown world due to the spatial tide. There, he discovered that his wife was also a transmigrator, and she was also a very powerful fairy. Throughout the story, the protagonist not only had a wife, but there were also many other female characters who had intimate relationships with him. "At the same time, this novel originated from the transmigration of the campus world. It meets your needs. I hope you like my recommendation.😗