
ich bin dein vater zitat

Der Aufstieg des Opfers: Ich wurde unbesiegbar, nachdem ich den Tempel der Göttertöter betreten hatte

Der Aufstieg des Opfers: Ich wurde unbesiegbar, nachdem ich den Tempel der Göttertöter betreten hatte

Tägliches Update! 9 AM PST ---------------------- John Foster, ein Top-Experte in einem bestimmten Spielestudio, der einst ein Treuhandfonds-Baby beleidigte. Daraufhin wurde er reingelegt und mit dem schlimmsten Talent "Opfer" im neuen Spiel "GODSLAYER" am Tag der Veröffentlichung des Spiels gebunden. John war der einzige der Geopferten, der darauf bestand, seinen Charakter nicht zu löschen. Eigentlich sollte er dem Teufel geopfert werden, doch John blieb hartnäckig bei seiner Suche. Nachdem er mehrfach getötet wurde, stürmte er immer noch mit seinem Fleisch und Blut auf den Teufel zu! [Ding: Du wurdest getötet und verlierst 10 Punkte an Waffen- und Ausrüstungshaltbarkeit]. [Ding: Du wurdest getötet und hast 10 Punkte an Waffen- und Ausrüstungshaltbarkeit verloren]. ... Nach mehreren Misserfolgen stellte John überrascht fest, dass sich seine Fähigkeiten und Ausrüstungen im Kampf gegen den Teufel rapide verbesserten! Einige Monate später, als die Spieler weltweit mit dem Aufleveln beschäftigt waren, schlug eine Systemmeldung wie ein Donnerschlag ein: [Ding: 'Anonymer Spieler' hat erfolgreich den Welt-BOSS - Teufel 'Azazel' - getötet und sich damit die Ersttötungsbelohnung verdient]. ---------------------- WSA 2023 Eintrag! Bitte zeigen Sie Ihre Unterstützung, wenn Ihnen die Geschichte gefällt! Wie kannst du deine Unterstützung zeigen? Verschenke den Power Stone! 150=1 Bonuskapitel 200=2 Bonuskapitel 500=3 Bonuskapitel Bonuskapitel werden in der folgenden Woche veröffentlicht!
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690 Chs
Talent Erweckung: Ich, der Schwächste Erwachte, beginne mit Drachenfeuer-Zauber

Talent Erweckung: Ich, der Schwächste Erwachte, beginne mit Drachenfeuer-Zauber

Tägliches Update! 9 AM PST ---------------------- Im Zeitalter des Universellen Erwachens auf der Azurblauen Sphäre koexistieren unzählige Rassen und Götter. Teufel, dunkle Götter und Monster fallen über die Welt der Sterblichen her, nur um von den Erwachten bekämpft zu werden. Howard entdeckt während seines Rituals des Erwachens zwei Talente - Mana-Wiederherstellung des Rangs F und das höchste Talent: Höchste Synthese. Er hält sich unauffällig und versteckt sich als "gewöhnlicher Magus". Durch unzählige Akte der Synthese schmiedet er höchste Artefakte, höchste Fertigkeiten und höchste Klassen! Feuerball-Synthese... Ding! Synthese erfolgreich, erlangt Fertigkeit des D-Rangs - Feuerschlange! Feuerschlangensynthese... Ding! Synthese erfolgreich, erlangt B-Rang Fertigkeit - Feuerpython! Feuerpython-Synthese... Ding! Synthese erfolgreich, erlangt Fertigkeit des S-Rangs - Drachenfeuer! Wenn Teufel einfallen und dunkle Götter herabsteigen, werden sie von der azurblauen Sphäre vor ihnen mit offenem Mund zurückgelassen. "Nein, das ist eine Falle... eine Falle, getarnt als einfacher Muffin! ---------------------- WSA 2023 Eintrag! Bitte zeigen Sie Ihre Unterstützung, wenn Ihnen die Geschichte gefällt! Wie kannst du deine Unterstützung zeigen? Verschenke Power Stone! 150=1 Bonuskapitel 200=2 Bonuskapitel 500=3 Bonuskapitel Bonuskapitel werden in der folgenden Woche veröffentlicht!
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544 Chs
Ich bin ausgewandert und habe einen Mann und einen Sohn bekommen!

Ich bin ausgewandert und habe einen Mann und einen Sohn bekommen!

Sie war unter vielen Namen bekannt: Dämonin, böse Hexe, Erbin der Hölle, die böseste und giftigste Blume in der Welt des Untergrunds. Was alle nicht wussten: Die Erbin der geheimnisvollsten Attentatsorganisation hatte einen einfachen Traum. Einen Traum, den viele Mädchen hatten: ein friedliches Leben mit einem Mann und einem Kind. Als die berüchtigte Anführerin der Attentäterorganisation im Körper von Heaven Liu aufwachte, dachte sie, ihr Lebenstraum sei endlich wahr geworden. Doch die Realität war ganz anders, als sie erwartet hatte. Heaven Liu war eine abgehalfterte Schauspielerin, die auf dem Höhepunkt ihres Ruhms aus dem Rampenlicht verschwand. Der Grund dafür? Eine ungewollte Schwangerschaft. Sie wurde gezwungen, einen Mann zu heiraten, den sie nicht liebte, und die Ehe ging schnell in die Brüche - fast bis an den Rand der Unheilbarkeit. Wird es ihr gelingen, die gebrochenen Herzen ihres Mannes und ihres Sohnes zu heilen? Oder wird sich die Kluft zwischen ihnen weiter vertiefen? Würde es angesichts dieser von Anfang an lieblosen Ehe eine Chance geben, dass sie als Familie glücklich leben können? Oder war es schon zu spät? Und vor allem: Würde sie wirklich den Ketten entkommen, von denen sie glaubte, sich befreit zu haben? Oder würde ihre eigene Hölle sie einholen und sie zurück in die Grube der Hölle schleifen, wo sie hingehört? ***** DAS EBOOK IST JETZT BEI AMAZON ERHÄLTLICH. LINK: https://a.co/d/bTeyr0B Die spanische Übersetzung ist auch auf Webnovel verfügbar. Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/transmigr%C3%A9-y-consegu%C3%AD-un-esposo-y-un-hijo!_29071013600828005 Die portugiesische Übersetzung ist ebenfalls auf Webnovel verfügbar! Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/eu-transmigrei-e-ganhei-um-marido-e-um-filho!_29287259500602105### Haftungsausschluss: Das Cover ist nicht mein Eigentum. Alle Credits gehen an den Künstler. Dies ist ein Teil der Wild Series der Autorin. Wild Miss Heiress: Ich bin reinkarniert und habe einen Mann und einen Sohn! TRITT MEINEM DISCORD-SERVER BEI: https://discord.gg/gXCMQwmrGY
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509 Chs
Nachdem ich die Apokalypse überlebt hatte, baute ich eine Stadt in einer anderen Welt

Nachdem ich die Apokalypse überlebt hatte, baute ich eine Stadt in einer anderen Welt

[Herzlichen Glückwunsch, terranischer Überlebender #99598, zur Aktivierung des Universum-Hilfssystems!] Althea und die übrigen 1 % der Bevölkerung ihres Heimatplaneten starrten verwirrt auf den holografischen Bildschirm vor ihnen. Ihre Galaxie ging offenbar zu Ende, und plötzlich tauchten in ihren Köpfen Durchsagen aus einem fremden System auf, die ihnen mitteilten, dass sie für immer in eine andere Welt versetzt würden. Die Überlebenden waren alle sehr deprimiert. Erst waren sie gezwungen, in einer Zombie-Apokalypse zu überleben, und nun mussten sie in einer völlig neuen Welt überleben? Zufälligerweise war Althea eine der wenigen, die das Lord Token erhalten hatten, die Eintrittskarte zur Kontrolle eines Territoriums - ein vermeintlich sicherer Hafen für ihr Volk. Althea blickte auf ihren dicken Bauch und seufzte angesichts der ungewissen Zukunft. Würde sie in der Lage sein, ein gutes Zuhause für ihre Kinder und Mitmenschen zu schaffen? Und... würden sie und ihr Mann nach dieser Katastrophe wieder zueinander finden? #Apokalypse, #Josei, #Romance, #BeautifulFL, #HandsomeML, #PowerCouple, #Infrastruktur, #MagicSpace, #KingdomBuilding, #Adventure, #Schwangerschaft, #Spielelemente, #System #LitRPG ____ Jetzt ein E-BOOK~! Bitte bewerte, ne? DAS HILFT UNS SOOO SEHR~! Buch 1: AMAZON: https://a.co/d/hy7Rocr GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203724162-after-surviving-the-apocalypse-i-built-a-city-in-another-world (Aktuelles) Buch 7 Amazon-Link: https://a.co/d/bceWSq0 Es wäre toll, wenn ihr eure Bewertungen auch bei Goodreads abgeben würdet! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/210710079-after-surviving-the-apocalypse-i-built-a-city-in-another-world Wenn ihr könnt, dann bewertet bitte auch die Folgebücher. Danke soooo vielhhh Alteraner! ____ LESERAUM JETZT GEÖFFNET~! (Bitte NUR Leser!) https://discord.gg/w8qKw2yaNK
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513 Chs
Ich werde Baby-Mafia-Boss

Ich werde Baby-Mafia-Boss

Plötzlich ein Mafiaboss in einer Welt der Supermächte und du bist erst 3 Jahre alt?! Ainsley Sloan, eine 20-jährige begeisterte Anime-Liebhaberin, verwandelt sich plötzlich in den Körper eines Kleinkindes. Der Vater ist mit einer Frau durchgebrannt, und die Mutter war nur eine Leihmutter. Die beiden ließen ihr 3 Jahre altes Mädchen zurück, um eine mittelgroße Mafiafamilie zu regieren! Nein, das kann nicht sein! Ainsley war gezwungen, die verlassene Sloan-Familie zu umarmen und ihre Familie an die Spitze der gefährlichen Mafia-Welt zu bringen - sonst starb sie. Aber keine Sorge! Mit der Kraft des ultimativen Glücks, der Hilfe ihrer loyalen Untergebenen und dem Schutz ihrer Katzen, die zu Menschen werden, wird Ainsley jeden Feind ausschalten, der ihr in die Quere kommt! Eine späte Begegnung mit einem bestimmten System hat ihr sogar einen blumigen Weg geebnet. Mit seiner Hilfe wird Ainsley der beste Mafiaboss sein, und zwar ein außergewöhnlicher! Wenn andere Mafiabosse Zigaretten rauchen, hat Ain Schoko-Pocky im Mund. Wenn andere Bosse ihr Glas Rotwein schwenken, pustet Ain ihre Tasse mit heißer Milch! Wenn andere Bosse nach einer Schlägerei ihre Pistole ziehen, wechselt Ain ihre Windel. Sieh zu, wie das Baby die Mafia-Welt mit ihrem einzigartigen Baby-Charme erobert! 7 Jahre später. Ein gewisser gewitzter Mini-Boss: "Ain, wie wäre es, wenn du meine Verlobte wirst?" Der Junge, der fünf Jahre älter war als das Kleinkind, winkte mit einem BL-Kissenbezug in limitierter Auflage als Bestechung. Ein bestimmtes System: Kindchen, nimm seinen Antrag an! saugt sein Geld! Wtf ihr zwei. Verlobter, du Arschloch!! Ich bin erst 10! PS: Wenn Sie in den ersten 100 Kapiteln einen rasanten Bad*ss FL, Ohrfeigen & Heldentaten erwarten, ist dieses Buch vielleicht nicht nach Ihrem Geschmack _____ Bücher mit antikem/modernem Setting: 1. Die Frau des Drachenprinzen ist eine Übersetzerin (abgeschlossen) 2. Der Bürobote des CEO ist ein Mädchen (abgeschlossen) Baby-Protagonisten-Serie: 1. Ich werde Baby-Mafia-Boss (laufend) 2. Ich werde immer ein Baby! (schnelle Seelenwanderung, fortlaufend) Dating-Sim-Spiel-Buch: 1. Herr CEO, gehen Sie weiter! (Abgebrochen wegen eines Systemproblems, das es nicht erlaubte, weitere Kapitel zu aktualisieren, nachdem der Status des Buches versehentlich auf abgeschlossen geändert wurde) Folge mir auf Instagram: @zehell2218 & @willhem_l Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/axqNyHv
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509 Chs
Ich habe meine Erinnerungen zurückgewonnen und bin nach meiner Scheidung reich geworden

Ich habe meine Erinnerungen zurückgewonnen und bin nach meiner Scheidung reich geworden

"Gu Dai, ich habe dich nur geheiratet, um Großvater glücklich zu machen. Wenn eine andere Großvater gerettet hätte, hätte ich sie genauso geheiratet! Bilde dir nicht zu viel auf dich ein!" In den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe beleidigte Gu Dais Mann sie bei vielen Gelegenheiten. Sie hätte nicht geglaubt, dass sie einmal verwöhnt und wohlhabend war, wenn sie nicht plötzlich ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hätte. Warum hat sie diesem Mann drei Jahre lang bereitwillig gedient? Dieser Mann war sogar so verachtenswert, dass er sich in eine andere Frau verliebte! Das erste, was Gu Dai tat, nachdem sie ihr Gedächtnis wiedererlangt hatte, war, sich scheiden zu lassen! In der ganzen Hauptstadt verbreitete sich das Gerücht, dass sich das Mädchen aus den Slums von Herrn Song scheiden lassen wollte! "Ernsthaft? Ist sie nicht eine Goldgräberin?" fragten alle. "Sie spielt nur den Unnahbaren. Glaubt ihr, dass sie jemals weitermachen kann?" fragte Mr. Song. Unmittelbar danach erfuhren alle, dass Gu Dai zur Familie Gu in die Hauptstadt zurückgekehrt war. Sie war nun die junge Dame der reichsten Familie der Stadt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass sie die junge Frau der Familie Gu war, die nach einem Unfall auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff vor drei Jahren verschwunden war! "Herr Song, Frau Gu ist eine Nummer zu groß für Sie", sagten alle. "Na und? Sie weiß nicht, wie man für die Zukunft plant. Außer Geld hat sie nichts", sagte Herr Song. Kurze Zeit später entdeckten die Leute Gu Dais vielfältige Identitäten. Sie war eine angesehene Hackerin, eine Wunderärztin, die beste Designerin des Landes... Sie war alles, wonach Song Ling gesucht hatte. Als sie sich wieder trafen, hielt er sie fest und flehte sie mit Tränen in den Augen an. "Dai, es macht mir nichts aus, wenn du Gefühle für andere hast. Kannst du mich bitte trotzdem an deiner Seite bleiben lassen?"
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490 Chs
Was Xie Bin and Yao Bin the same person in Ode to Joy? What was Xie Bin's background story?
1 answer
2024-09-23 23:10
"Fortunately, I met you, Shen Shen." This book is written by the author, She Wenru. It is a reality-based novel. The general plot of this novel is as follows: To Xie Yixie, Shen Yiyi was his success, and to Shen Yiyi, Xie Yixie was her salvation. Their greatest fortune was to meet each other and fall in love with each other for the rest of their lives. ---------------------------- " Mu Pingsheng " was a modern romance novel written by Chu Fanyin. The general plot of the novel was: The love between a seabird and a fish was just an accident. Shen Anbin, who graduated from the Film Academy, and Lu Yilan, who graduated from the Music Academy, were originally two people who had no interaction at all. However, because of an unexpected collaboration, they had feelings for each other. In this complicated entertainment industry, they tested each other, avoided each other, and finally faced each other calmly. ---------------------------- " Fresh Wife Number One: The Wrong Kiss with Mr. Gu " was a modern romance novel written by the author, An Xiaoshi. The general plot of this novel was: Once, when the thief family was on a mission, Xia Nuannuan accidentally got close to Gu Tengfeng. From then on, Xia Nuannuan's life was full of cheating. A reporter asked," Mrs. Gu, what do you like most about Mr. Gu?" "He's ruthless enough, handsome enough, and rich enough!" That night, the crowd sighed. Xia Nuannuan was bullied." I'll ask you again. What do you like about me?" The plot is fictional, please do not imitate it. ---------------------------- " Salted Fish Was Forced to Turn Over " was an ancient romance novel written by the author Yuan Shu. The general plot of this novel was: One of them was Mo Chang 'an, the princess of the royal family, who was extremely wealthy. One was the daughter of a different surname Wang, Xie Changxun, who was sorrowful and determined. They had two completely different identities, but they were twins. What kind of secret was hidden 16 years ago that the two sisters could not recognize each other? In the face of life and death, how would Xie Chang Xun choose? She was originally called Xie Xun, but because her father said it was better to add a long character, she changed her name. Hence, his name became nondescript, he was called Xie Chang Xun, it was not as nice as Xie Xun. She had three different parents and three different identities. She was the daughter of Li Yuan, the good man of Jiangnan, the daughter of Wang Xielin, and the daughter of Ruan Bai, the protector of Shu Ling Kingdom. In the end, she could not figure out who…she was. Her life was unfortunate, but also fortunate. Unfortunately, she had a blood feud with a person who always referred to herself as " mother." Fortunately, she met a few parents who loved her. As for her, in order to not let them worry, she smiled every day and was heartless. As time passed, she felt that she was like this, living in a beautiful dream that she had woven every day. When the truth of the past surfaced on the surface and the dusty memories gradually opened up, what choice should she make? Didn't everyone say that she, Xie Changxun, was a lazy salted fish? Then it would be up to her to turn the tables around! ---------------------------- " A Girl Riding a Horse " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Beng Jiahui. The general plot of this novel was: "When the Xie family's girls are handsome, there's nothing for men to do." By chance, the Xie family and the Shen family became neighbors separated by a wall. The first time they met, the two fathers were both biased. They looked at each other's children and thought, How good would it be if this child was mine? Thus, the Xie family took Shen Liuzhen as their student, and the Shen family took Xie Yuan as their disciple. Papa Shen was shocked and angry. After scolding Papa Xie for having such a twisted stomach, he began to lament and lament. He struggled for half the night and couldn't fall asleep. He slapped Shen Liuzhen up and said angrily, "Lazy! I told you to learn martial arts, but you didn't. Xie Yuan's family is higher than yours, and his fists and legs are better than yours. In the future, you can only be beaten up!" The young Shen Liuzhen rubbed his eyes and innocently said,"Dad, Yuan has a good character. He won't hit people casually." Who would have thought that many years later, a simple "Thank you, General," would be enough to make Shen Liuzhen, who could remain calm even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, soften his hand and pour his wine glass. He pretended to be calm as he wiped the wine that had spilled on the table. He glanced at the person beside him who had his thumb pressed on his saber and said with a smile," Ah Yuan is mighty…I really didn't do anything." ---------------------------- " A City in Storm Watching the Tide Rise " was an ancient romance novel written by the author Hu Buhu. The general plot of this novel was: Before his rebirth, Xie Chaosheng was the most respected daughter of the Xie family and the only female general of the Xie family. At that time, Xie Fengyu was only a guard of the Xie family. When the Xie family was exterminated, he used his life to protect her, but both of them still passed away. After rebirth, Xiao Chaosheng changed his surname, but Xie Fengyu became the Zongzi of the Xie family. In his previous life, the Xie family was destroyed, but Xie Chaosheng, who was buried with them, could not figure out why. She, who had become Xiao Chaosheng, wanted to find the reason for him. It was for the Xie family, but it was also for him. ---------------------------- " The Big Boss's Sweet Pet " was a modern romance novel written by the author Qi Qi Er Er. The general plot of this novel was: Business tycoon x workplace newbie host: How many relationships has Mr. Shen been in? A certain someone below the stage was smiling in anticipation…Shen Munan: A certain someone below the stage had a murderous look on his face…Host: Then can you tell us who they are? Shen Munan: The cute Mrs. Shen when she was young, the ignorant Mrs. Shen when she was still a minor, and the Mrs. Shen who knew how to love when she was an adult. The host's heart was torturing…Host: What does Mr. Shen think of the rumored girlfriend? Shen Munan,"What does it have to do with me? I don't know him!" Host: I heard that Mr. Shen and his rumored girlfriend, Miss Wan, studied in the same place. Is that true? Shen Munan,"Their relationship is not good." Mr. Shen wiped his sweat…Host: Gossip girlfriend and you…Mr. Shen looked at the host sharply…Host held his forehead and changed the question…Host: Um, Mr. Shen, can you describe Mrs. Shen? Shen Munan: " Kind, smart, obedient, sensible, beautiful, generous, and cute…Mr. Shen has a question to praise his wife. I have to praise her with all my might…The host admired her…Mr. Shen went home and knelt on the washboard." "The rumored girlfriend is in the same place?" "Honey, I swear that I'll only love you from the beginning to the end." Mrs. Shen was a very gentle person… ---------------------------- " The CEO and I are allies " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yu Woshan. The general plot of this novel was: She was the beginning of his revenge, and he was the basis of her revenge. They only realized that the other party was their ally when the "fight" began? Facing a formidable enemy, they were actually glad that they had made the initial choice? Shen Yu was demure and gentle? "Heh!" He sneered. Shen Yu was suffering? "Oh?" he sneered. Shen Yu did not love Su Qinghan? "She dares?" he snorted coldly. One day, Su Qinghan asked " fiercely "," Is there someone else in your heart?" "If I had someone else in my heart, my surname wouldn't be Shen!" Shen Yu said seriously. Before she could be proud of her answer, she was forcefully pushed into the room by Su Qinghan…Are you really going to be surnamed Shen for the rest of your life?" ---------------------------- " Time Travelling with You " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yue Wuxiu Bai. The general plot of this novel was: It was Yao Muchen's first time meeting Jie Huan. One of them was a proud son of heaven, like a graceful young man who walked out of a TV series. One of them was wearing tattered cloth shoes and was standing in a pile of firewood like a beggar. The moment they looked at each other, he had the thought of putting her in his palm and spoiling her. He would buy her delicious food, beautiful new clothes, dolls, and turn her into a little princess in the city. He had to flatten her self-esteem and change her stubbornness. He made her turn from disdain to admiration and then to liking him! As a normal girl, shouldn't she pursue him? However, the truth was… He slowly let go of his arrogance for her. He went from being noble to humble. He was even willing to stay away from the hustle and bustle with her just for her words: " A golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse." He used his actions to prove to her,"Home is where you are."  …Small theater… "Huanhuan, I'm the only one who can call you that in school." Yao Muchen said domineeringly. "You're being unreasonable." "You'll know soon enough whether I'm being unreasonable or not." Hence, the next day, Yao Muchen held her hand and announced in public," Huanhuan is my wife. Whoever has a crush on her, be careful!" Xie Huan was speechless. Crazy, this guy was really crazy! … "Huanhuan, let me kiss you. Just one bite." "No!" "No? Then I'll use force!" "…Yao Muchen! If you continue like this, I'll go home!" Yao Muchen pointed at his heart." This is your home. Come in quickly." … One-on-one, double C's love for each other sweet text, sleeve white carefully crafted, absolutely not fooled! Little noobs, hurry up and enter the pit! ---------------------------- The book," Young Master Gu, Your Wife Has Fallen " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Su Ran. The general plot of this novel was: " Marry me. That's my only condition." Five years later, when Li Youxia was at her wit's end, Gu Xichen said to her. However, five years ago, Li Youxia had used all her strength to escape from Gu Xichen. After they got married, Li Youxia was Gu Xichen's wife in name, but in fact, she was Gu Xichen's torture target. However, Li Youxia found it strange that whenever she was hurt, Gu Xichen would always come out to protect her. One day, that woman named Yao Muqing appeared, and all the misunderstandings, secrets, and truths were unraveled one by one. It turned out that everything that happened back then was Yao Muqing's scheme, but Li Youxia and Gu Xichen were kept in the dark. However, even if the misunderstanding was resolved, everything could not go back to the past. Moreover, Li Youxia's father soon passed away because of Gu Xichen…
Reborn Han Bin
1 answer
2024-10-22 13:21
I didn't find a novel called " Reborn Han Bin ". Please provide more relevant information and I will try my best to answer it. While waiting for the anime, you can also click on the link below to read the classic original work of " Full-time Expert "!
Is Tere Bin based on a novel?
3 answers
2024-10-14 04:50
I'm not sure. You might need to check with the creators or official sources for a definite answer.
Is Novel Bin safe to use?
3 answers
2024-10-06 00:15
I'm not sure. It depends on various factors. Some people might have had safe experiences, but there could be risks involved.
Bin's novel recommendation?
1 answer
2024-09-20 19:19
"My Best Actress, Super Fierce and Cute!" This was a modern cultivation novel. The female lead, Yun Chuduo, was a small actor who accidentally became the youngest grand slam movie queen in history. The male lead, Lin Zhiran, cheered for her and ignited the entire couple in the entertainment industry. The relaxed, funny, and sweet plot made people burst into laughter. At the same time, it had a mysterious atmosphere that transcended the cultivation world and the real world. It was very suitable for readers who liked modern cultivation and entertainment stars. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
What was the name of the novel that Bin was in?
1 answer
2024-08-10 02:26
"I have a cute wife, and my husband is very proud." This book is a modern romance novel written by the author, Zola Yang. The general plot of this novel is as follows: [Wen Xinnuan's favorite article, guaranteed to be a scam!] After Shen Kemin divorced her husband. The older brother who raised her ex-husband…Su Jinhuan. Outsiders said that the Second Young Master of the Su Family, Su Jinhuan, was gentle and elegant, but Shen Kemin felt that this guy was as proud as a poodle in heat. Shen Kemin felt that it was a little shameful to fall for the smiles of the Su family's men twice, and she felt sorry for the country and the party. However, since she had done it, she should try her best to get a result. It wasn't until the truth of the matter slowly emerged that she realized that she was actually a monkey, pretending to be teased by the Su family. "Su Jinhuan," she said,"I always thought your brother was a Cha. Now I realize that you're a steel fork that's even bloodier than Cha!" Then the question was, did Runtu love Cha or Steel Fork? * [This article is a 1v1. The male and female leads are physically and mentally healthy. Sometimes they are mischievous and have no moral integrity.] [Spoiling is the main theme. A little abuse is good. The author's new glass heart, please be more tactful and gentle.] * "Let's get to know each other again. I'll be honest with you this time." Hello, my name is Su Jinhuan. I'm a handsome pretty boy who can go to the kitchen and the living room. I can warm my bed and sell my cuteness. I'm extremely looking for a bag. Raise them." ---------------------------- The book,"Baby Seduction, Be Good, Be Good" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Shayer. The general plot of the novel was as follows: [Description: The second of the Four Young Masters of Los Angeles series.] At the wedding, Yang Yang was abandoned. Su Ziyang descended like a god to save someone from the abyss of suffering. He said,"From now on, she will be under my control. She has nothing to do with you!" He's really f * cking handsome! He had no desires. He only wanted her to live a good life and do what she wanted to do happily. Yang Yang thought that Su Ziyang was really a good person. Little did he know that this was how the little sheep fell into the trap of the big bad wolf. One of the classic sentences: Why do you like me? Because you are you. ---------------------------- "The Best Time to Say I Love You" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Mu Yidan. The general plot of this novel was: There were countless people passing by on campus, but among all living beings, there would always be someone who would make you stop. Su Mochen, who was known as the mysterious genius of B University's architecture faculty, was both talented and beautiful in everyone's eyes. With just a casual glance, he had already recognized the person in his life. Facing the girl he liked, this was the first time he had revealed his black-bellied and domineering side. Yang Liangxi had been living her life obediently. Although she had fantasies about this senior who had suddenly entered her life like a god, she was still rational. However, every time she interacted with him, she could not help but misunderstand. In the end, she could not help but ask softly,"Are we together?" "Yes." Su Mochen answered succinctly and powerfully. ---------------------------- "Dancing in the Clouds (Complete)" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, the Yang family girl. The general plot of this novel was: Su Jiangchen, a woman who was as sad as the wind, traveled through time and space to the Southern Song Dynasty on a snowy night. She met the man who had gathered thousands of splendor, but there was such a deep distance between them. And the other man who was waiting for her behind her had been silently loving and protecting her all the way, just so that she could look back at him one day… ---------------------------- The book "Quick Guide: Mother, Flirt with Him" was a sci-fi space-time travel novel written by the author, Li Ruoxi. The general plot of the novel was: Yang Yining looked at the little dumpling who was staring at her fingers. She felt a headache coming on. The little dumpling still didn't know what she had done wrong. She blinked innocently and said coyly,"Mother, look. He's so handsome and treats you so well. Why don't you go and flirt with him?" Yang Yining was speechless. She held her forehead and said,"What flirting? Who taught you this…" "Mother, can you let him be my daddy?" "Dream on.""Wifey, what do you think of your husband?" A certain man asked confidently. "Nothing much," Yang Yining said as the corners of her mouth twitched. "..." What should I do if I have an unromantic wife? I'm waiting online. It's quite urgent... What should I do with a mother who doesn't want to improve? I'm waiting online. It's quite urgent… What else could she do? Yang Yining felt helpless. With such an unreliable father and son… [This article is one-on-one. The male and female leads are both physically and mentally healthy.] ---------------------------- "The Farming Beauties of the Garden Space" was an ancient romance novel written by the author Long Xiaoxiao. The general plot of the novel was: Transmigration? Alright, who asked her to be exhausted in the modern world? She could only accept it. But why was it an identity of waiting to be married? Alright, in order not to be soaked in a pig cage, she tried to accept it. But what should she do if she got married the next day? Yang Ruoqian, who had accidentally transmigrated, met Su Hongyi, who was different from the villagers, after getting married. The two of them got to know each other after marriage until they gradually fell in love. However, after falling in love, she couldn't live a peaceful life. Su Hongyi's identity and the fantasy of this world made Yang Ruoqian gradually embark on a life that didn't fit the countryside. ---------------------------- "Married Heart: Boss, Please Kiss Me!" This book was a modern romance novel written by the author, Xia Leiqing. The general plot of this novel was: "We don't know that person." In order to raise money to save his mother, he went to the wrong room and even brought back a wolf for himself. Mu Xueqing expressed that she was under a lot of pressure! Everyone said that the Yang Family's Young Master, Yang Zongxi, was a cool, arrogant, and handsome man. What nonsense! Mu Xueqing would wail every day, never believing that there was a male god in this world again. ---------------------------- "Let You Be Earthly, You Take Boss Yang to Pig Slaughtering" was a novel about urban and entertainment stars written by the author, Reverse Poison Milk. The general plot of this novel was: Su Che had transmigrated to a parallel world and became a young hunk who had just debuted. In order to make up the numbers, the management company arranged for him to participate in a variety show called "Celebrating the New Year with a Celebrity" and was assigned to the same group as Boss Yang. When Su Che brought Boss Yang back to his hometown in Northeast China, the atmosphere of the production team changed instantly. "I asked you to bring your goddess home for the New Year, and you brought your goddess to kill a pig?" "You want Boss Yang to wear a big flowery coat and dance the Yangge?" "Three bowls of pork stewed with vermicelli for a meal? Is she still my goddess?" He looked at Boss Yang, who had gone completely crazy. The netizens: "Su Che, return my goddess!" ---------------------------- "Hidden Concubine in the Lu Mansion" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Yang Zhen. The general plot of this novel was: Iceberg General's talented daughter suddenly changed to tease poor and cute girls? The black-bellied and tsundere young master was gently sprinkling sugar? The grudges of the martial world and the secret battle of imperial power. Let's see how this pair of happy enemies will play with the court and the people…Brothel? Hmph, in the 21st century, I, the dignified young miss of the Lin family, can't avenge my father. After transmigrating, look at how powerful I am! Wait a minute, Young Master is so handsome! ---------------------------- "A Cool Breeze Comes from the South" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yang Yang, Yang Shulin. The general plot of this novel was: In order to save her mother, she faked her age to give birth to a child for a deceased man. Two years later, that man actually "came back from the dead" and came to her side! He was a rich man who was determined to take revenge. He was also the childhood sweetheart brother she had forgotten 14 years ago. They had experienced a car accident, joined the wolves in the forest, and were separated after returning to the city. They met by chance 14 years later, but she fell into someone else's trap. He swore that he would never let her suffer again. He wanted to give her the deepest love in the world. "Master, Madam said she wants to be a corporate spy." "Alright, you go and receive them." "Boss, Madam said she was going to run away from home." "Alright, buy a house for me." "Boss, where can I buy it?" "Wherever Madam goes, she will buy it." Looking at Jing Ruqing's proud back as she left, Cheng Sunan's eyes were full of affection."I want to turn the whole world into your home. Wherever you go, you'll be in my arms." [1v1 Sweet Pet + Scumbag Comedy].
Who would say 'bin tere bin tere i hate love story'?
3 answers
2024-12-05 16:07
Someone who has been hurt in love might say this. For example, a person who has just gone through a difficult breakup. They might feel cynical about love at that moment and express their dislike for love stories as they remind them of their own pain.
What does 'bin tere bin tere i hate love story' mean?
1 answer
2024-12-05 10:04
This could also be a very personal statement. It could be that in their own life, they have witnessed a love story that ended badly, like a relationship between two people they knew that ended in heartbreak or betrayal, and thus they say they hate love stories.
Can you recommend a small white text similar to 'Bin Bin Lai Eaten'?
1 answer
2024-09-15 12:19
Aiyaya, I happen to know a little white text that suits you very well! The title of the book was "I Got Rich After Traveling to Ancient Times." It was a story about traveling to ancient times to make money. It was very relaxing and good for reducing stress! I hope you like this recommendation. Muah ~
Are Meng Wanqing and Zheng Bin married?
1 answer
2024-12-26 06:44
Meng Wanqing and Zheng Bin were married. In the plot, Meng Wanqing finally chose to accept Zheng Bin's pursuit. The two of them got married and started a happy and blissful second half of their lives.