
pria misterius

Istri Kebingungan: Suami Misterius Susah Ditebak

Istri Kebingungan: Suami Misterius Susah Ditebak

Gong Mo, gadis cantik dan sederhana yang baru saja lulus dari perguruan tinggi. Kehidupannya begitu beruntung karena memiliki kekasih yang ia cintai sejak lama. Tidak hanya tampan, kekasihnya juga anak dari keluarga terkaya di kota Nanjiang. Hidup Gong Mo begitu sempurna. Namun, di saat ulang tahun kekasihnya, yaitu Sheng Donglin, ia mengalami kejadian luar biasa yang membuat takdirnya dengan Sheng Donglin berubah. Karena kejadian malam itu, ia malah harus menikahi adiknya Sheng Donglin, yaitu Sheng Nanxuan. Karena kejadian malam itu juga, semua yang dirahasiakan kekasih satu per satu mulai terungkap. Mau tidak mau, Gong Mo harus menikah dan hidup bersama dengan Sheng Nanxuan, pria misterius yang masih sangat asing bagi Gong Mo. Maka, hari-hari pernikahan Gong Mo begitu mengejutkan karena ulah suami misteriusnya ini.
1835 Chs
Tidak Mudah Menjadi Pria Setelah Bepergian Ke Masa Depan

Tidak Mudah Menjadi Pria Setelah Bepergian Ke Masa Depan

Setelah meninggal karena penyakit terminal yang aneh, Ling Lan terlahir kembali ke dunia 10.000 tahun di masa depan. Meskipun dia sangat berharap dia bisa menjalani kehidupan yang tenang dan damai dalam tubuh barunya yang sehat, takdir berencana lain ... Terpaksa menyamar sebagai bocah lelaki agar bisa mewarisi tunjangan militer premium almarhum ayahnya, perjalanan Ling Lan menuju masa dewasa dipenuhi tantangan. Setelah melalui banyak kesulitan, ia akhirnya mencapai usia 16 tahun, saat ia bisa menghentikan sandiwaranya. Namun sebelum ia bisa mendapat kebebasan barunya untuk menikah dan berkeluarga, perubahan nasib membuatnya terlempar ke sekolah militer khusus putra Federasi. Dengan perputaran nasib ini, Ling Lan tak punya pilihan selain berjalan semakin jauh di jalan yang tidak bertitik balik, sebuah jalan dominasi yang dingin dan terasing ...
1240 Chs
Menikahi Pria Misterius

Menikahi Pria Misterius

Su Wanwan, perempuan berumur 20 tahun, nona pertama dari keluarga Su tapi sayangnya dia adalah anak haram. Ibu kandungnya meninggal, ayah kandungnya membencinya karena dia memiliki sepasang mata yang sama dengan ibunya, ibu dan adik tirinya selalu berusaha menindasnya tapi berpura-pura baik di depan ayahnya. Di umurnya ke 18 tahun, dia dijodohkan oleh kakeknya dan bertunangan dengan Xing Yuyun, tapi tidak lama kemudian dia dikirim pergi ke luar negeri oleh ayahnya dan setelah 2 tahun tidak pulang akhirnya dia pulang karena adik tirinya, Su Yanyan, mengirimkan foto dirinya bermesraan dengan Xing Yuyun. Di dalam hidupnya dia hanya memiliki 2 orang yang sangat penting baginya yaitu kakeknya dan sahabatnya, Mo Weiyi. Apakah hidupnya akan berubah setelah dia bertemu dengan Huo Jingshen? Laki-laki yang dia temui secara tidak sengaja di bandara, tapi takdir terus mempertemukan mereka. Apakah Huo Jingshen akan menjadi bagian dari orang yang penting bagi Su Wanwan? Apa yang akan terjadi kepada Su Yanyan dan Xing Yuyun yang sudah mengkhianatinya?
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1053 Chs
Dicintai oleh Pria yang Lebih Tua

Dicintai oleh Pria yang Lebih Tua

Hadiah pertunangannya adalah dua juta dolar, tak kurang sepeser pun. Jiang Yu sudah berusia delapan belas tahun dan bisa menikah sekarang. Kirim uangnya ke kartuku, dan urusan ini selesai!" Jiang Yu melihat ibunya yang terus-menerus berbicara di meja negosiasi. Dia menyaksikan ibunya menetapkan harga saat menjual Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu tidak percaya. Delapan belas tahun yang lalu, mereka membawa bayi yang salah pulang dari rumah sakit, dan Jiang Yu, putri asli dari keluarga kaya, berakhir di panti asuhan hingga setahun yang lalu. Jiang Ran, putri palsu dari keluarga Jiang, tumbuh dengan sendok perak di mulutnya. Dengan sumber daya yang lebih unggul sejak muda, dia lebih menonjol dari Jiang Yu dalam segala aspek dan menjadi kebanggaan keluarga Jiang. Jiang Yu, yang sebagian besar waktunya berkeliaran di dunia luar, tidak lebih dari seorang gadis desa yang membuat ibunya menjadi bahan tertawaan di lingkaran sosialita. Namun, Jiang Yu sama sekali tidak tahu betapa besarnya kebencian ibunya padanya. Pada hari dia berusia delapan belas, ibunya 'menjual' dia dengan harga yang ditetapkan. Jiang Yu berkata, "Jika Anda ingin menikahkan putri Anda dengan orang lain, seharusnya itu adalah Jiang Ran. Saya ini putri Anda yang sebenarnya. Anda yang secara keliru membawa Jiang Ran pulang!" Ibunya menjawab, "Diam. Aku berharap aku tidak pernah melahirkanmu. Kamu hanya membawa aib bagi saya!" Jiang Ran berkata, "Kakak, semua yang dilakukan Ibu adalah untuk kebaikanmu. Jangan salahkan Ibu." Ibunya berkata, "Aku yakin dia tidak lebih dari penagih utang yang datang untuk menagih hutangnya padaku! Entah kamu memberiku dua juta dolar, atau kamu menikah dengan patuh!" Jiang Yu meninggalkan rumah dalam keputusasaan. Dengan paduan kebetulan yang aneh, dia tanpa sengaja menikahi seorang CEO. Sejak saat itu, pria berusia tiga puluh tahun itu memanjakan istrinya yang berusia delapan belas tahun sampai ke langit-langit. Gadis kecil itu berkata, "Tuan, ada orang yang mengganggu istri Anda!" Sang pria, "Si bodoh tak kompeten mana yang begitu buta hingga berani mengganggu kamu?"
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577 Chs
Pernikahan Kontrak dengan Pria Misterius

Pernikahan Kontrak dengan Pria Misterius

Ellys Nalendra dijebak oleh saudara tirinya, sehingga tidur dengan seorang pria yang tidak diketahuinya dalam sebuah hotel, pacarnya bahkan berselingkuh dengan saudara tirinya. Ellys memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota yang menyedihkan ini dengan rasa malu, tidak pernah berpikir bahwa suatu hari dia akan kembali lagi. Sebelum pergi, dia menandatangani perjanjian senilai seratus juta dengan keluarga tirinya, yaitu untuk menikahi seorang pria selama 5 tahun. Dia menggunakan uang itu untuk membiayai hidupnya setelah meninggalkan kota. Hanya saja dari awal hingga akhir, dia belum pernah melihat sosok suaminya sama sekali. Pria itu tidak pernah sekali pun muncul di hadapannya dan memberinya kebebasan. Lima tahun kemudian, pria itu mengajukan gugatan cerai sesuai dengan perjanjiannya, dan Ellys segera kembali ke kota demi menemui suaminya yang tidak pernah dilihatnya itu. Siapakah sebenarnya pria misterius itu?
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420 Chs
Bayangan Mimpi Buruk: Siapa Pria Misterius Itu?

Bayangan Mimpi Buruk: Siapa Pria Misterius Itu?

Kejadian buruk yang beruntun tiba-tiba merundung Scarlett Pierce. Ayahnya telah dipenjara, dan dia dipaksa untuk hidup di luar negeri oleh bibinya. Ibunya akhirnya meninggal karena tidak sanggup menerima kenyataan bahwa suaminya telah dipenjara. Dia juga dituduh sebagai penyebab ayahnya dipenjara dan jatuhnya keluarga Pierce. Ditambah lagi, pada suatu malam dia disetubuhi oleh seorang lelaki yang tidak jelas identitasnya, sehingga ia melahirkan seorang anak perempuan di luar pernikahan. Anaknyalah yang akhirnya menjadi kekuatan dan alasan Scarlett untuk terus bertahan hidup. Namun, sosok bayangan lelaki ini masih terus muncul setiap kali Scarlett bermimpi buruk. Enam tahun telah berlalu, Scarlett kembali ke negara asalnya untuk bertemu dengan ayahnya. Dia bermaksud menyambung hidup di sana dan berniat mencari pekerjaan, dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk melamar pekerjaan di sebuah perusahaan besar bernama Sierra. Pada saat interview, Scarlett bertemu dengan William Dash. Scarlett begitu kaget karena mendengar suara William hampir sama dengan suara sosok lelaki yang selalu menjadi mimpi buruknya pada malam itu. Seperti apakah kisah kelanjutan Scarlett Pierce dengan William Dash?
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420 Chs
Pernikahan Penuh Syarat Dengan Komandan Misterius

Pernikahan Penuh Syarat Dengan Komandan Misterius

Setelah mati tertikam pisau di istananya sendiri, roh Shinta berpindah ketubuh wanita lain dimasa depan. Dalam situasi yang sangat kacau karena dituduh berselingkuh dihari pertungannya, Shinta mengatasi situasi dengan kepala dingin dan jujur. Shinta memanfaatkan segala ingatan yang tertinggal didalam tubuh tersebut. Rupanya Shinta dijebak! Dia tidak akan pernah mau meminta maaf jika dia tidak bersalah. Shinta yang sekarang adalah orang yang independen dan cerdas. Dengan kecerdasannya ini mampu manarik perhatian seorang komandan militer terkaya dan paling kuat di negaranya. Walaupun awalnya komandan tersebut, Rama, ingin membunuh Shinta, mereka berakhir dengan menyepakati sebuah nikah kontrak penuh syarat. Shinta menyusun berbagai rencana kreatif untuk membalas semua dendam sang pemilik tubuh asli.
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425 Chs
Suami Misterius: Sampah atau Berlian?

Suami Misterius: Sampah atau Berlian?

"Rizal, dasar kamu sampah!" "Sampah sepertimu tidak layak berada di sini." "Deby, untuk apa kamu pelihara suami sampahmu itu?" Itulah yang dikatakan orang-orang tentangku, tapi demi Deby aku rela menerima semua ini. Asal Deby bahagia, aku tidak apa-apa. Orang-orang bodoh itu tidak tahu diriku yang sebenarnya. Sebentar lagi... Tunggu sebentar lagi... Deby, aku akan menjadikanmu wanita paling bahagia di dunia...
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420 Chs
Pria itu Terobsesi Dengan Anakku!

Pria itu Terobsesi Dengan Anakku!

Dikelilingi oleh dokter berbaju putih dan para perawat, Kiara harus memberanikan dirinya untuk melakukan aborsi. Ya, dia tentu saja tidak ingin membiarkan anak di dalam kandungannya ini lahir di saat dia bahkan tidak tahu siapa ayahnya. Ketika Kiara sedang bersiap menjalani operasi ini, seorang pria datang dengan para pengawalnya. Tanpa diduga, pria bernama Aksa itu mengaku sebagai ayah dari anak Kiara. Bukan hanya membatalkan aborsi, Aksa juga memaksa Kiara tinggal di rumahnya selama kehamilan, dan setelah melahirkan, hak asuh anak itu harus menjadi milik Aksa. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di antara Aksa dan Kiara? Kenapa Aksa sangat terobsesi dengan anak yang dikandung Kiara?
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420 Chs
Suamiku Yang Misterius Ternyata Yang Paling Manis!

Suamiku Yang Misterius Ternyata Yang Paling Manis!

Dibawah naungan kegelapan malam, keperawanan Kayla direngut oleh seorang pria. Walau begitu Kayla tidak mengetahui siapa kah pria itu. Apakah pria itu tampan, ataukah buruk rupa. Ia hanya pasrah menyerahkan tubuhnya pada pria itu. Besoknya, sebuah mobil lincoln hitam terpakir didepan rumahnya membawa sekelompok pria berbaju hitam. Mereka datang berbondong-bondong hanya demi mengantar Kayla kesuatu tempat! Ibu tiri dan saudara tiri Kayla sudah pasti senang akan hal ini dan segera menyerahkan Kayla tanpa basa basi. Untuk meyakinkan, Ibu tirinya bahkan mengatakan bahwa Kayla adalah orang jahat dan bukanlah bagian dari keluarganya. Dengan hati yang tercabik-cabik, Kayla mengikuti para pria itu menuju… KUA?! Apa yang mereka inginkan? Kenapa harus kesini? Apakah pria-pria itu ingin menikahi Kayla secara bersamaan sekarang?!
420 Chs
Was there a list of the top ten zombie games novels, with no limit to the number of words, and was it a serial novel that was recognized as an exciting male novel?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "Alliance: I really didn't mess it up!" Author: Shadow Night God, Category: Gaming, E-Sports 2. "Survivors" Author: Little Egg. Category: Science fiction. Doomsday crisis. It's over. You can enjoy it with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Alliance: I really didn't mess it up!" Chen Dongqing had transmigrated back to the early stages of S6 and obtained a reversal system. The more games he played, the more powerful League of Legends would become! And so, a strange pro player appeared. As a professional player in League of Legends, he had never played League of Legends. He had been playing badly every day, but he could still kill people on the field! Many people were angry that he didn't fight back and said that such a lousy player wouldn't be able to go far just by relying on talent. Until he walked to the podium of the S competition… Until he walked to the podium of the Interstellar Finals… Until he walked up to Ti's podium again… The audience finally understood that with talent, they could really do whatever they wanted. [LoL's storyline is definitely the main storyline, and there will be plenty of storyline. After the first championship, I will add in the storyline of other esports games (I will use a simple and easy to understand method to describe it, even if I haven't played other games before, it won't be delayed. Everything will be focused on pleasure, so don't worry and watch ~)] 2. Survivors This was the Dark Age where zombies ran amok, and this was also the Age of Hope that was shimmering. When the night falls, we will also embark on the long road that the pioneers have not yet finished. We are cowardly and cowardly…We press forward. We are humble and numb…our blood is boiling. We have nothing…We carry a heavy burden. We will die…we will live forever. "We still have a choice." Li Guangqi [Pure zombie apocalypse, update guaranteed! Complete guarantee! Welcome to the reading!] These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Song Di's Character Introduction
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:34
The characters included the male protagonist, Zhao Zhen. What would happen when the sunny boy became the emperor who was responsible for the rise and fall of the entire Song Dynasty? Was it to indulge in pleasure, or was it to have countless concubines? Female Lead-Wang Yuyan, the daughter of a merchant, who was on the parasol tree. How could the queen of the main palace, who was the mother of the world, assist the king who had transmigrated? The male supporting character, Cai Boyan, was born a child prodigy. Should he grow up when he was young, or should he become the king's right-hand man? How could he change his status as a consort? Song Di Author: " I Want to Return with the Wind." This is a historical novel. It has management, transmigration, Song Dynasty, court, kings, and powerful elements. It is finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User's recommendation: A brand new reinvention of the Song Dynasty's history, so the book was named after the creation. I hope you will like this book.
There were ten categories of cunning short stories, a ranking list of short stories, no word limit, a complete book, and a female novel that was recognized as good?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " Unlimited Hero Spirit Domain " Author: Two Dimensional Moe, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. " I am Black Fox King " Author: Senior Yizhe. Category: Science fiction. Time travel. Finished. You can enjoy it without worry. 3. " Reborn in the Age of the delicate bag " Author: Zhou Xiaohan, Category: Short story, Short story, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. 4. " My Years as a Military Advisor " Author: Han Lang, Category: History, Empty History, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Infinite Hero's Spiritual Domain Zhang Tianyu, as the last Daoist successor of the Dimensional Continent, was born in a desolate place where demons were rampant. Because of his gambling mother, he owed a lot of debts. At the age of thirteen, he had to desperately exorcise ghosts, eliminate demons, read fortunes, swindle, and pay off his debts. On his thirteenth birthday, an opportunity suddenly took a turn. He accidentally obtained a bracelet from a person who fell from the sky and opened a different spirit domain. The mysterious power there had brought Zhang Tianyu great opportunities and changes. The advanced hero analysis system, the mysterious cultivation method analysis and cultivation, the mysterious spiritual weapon information storage, the advanced spiritual domain evolution system, and everything else. However, what Zhang Tianyu wanted to do was to build a private toilet here because his mother did not allow him to urinate and defecate outside. With a toilet, he would not have to find a toilet after exorcising the demons. 2. " I am Black Fox King " Qiao Yi transmigrated to the world of the Chinese kid and was possessed by a thousand-year demon, the Black Fox King. What should Qiao Yi do if she knew some of the plot? Should he take the old path, or… The main character of this book would walk the path of an evil god or demon god, the Spacetime Flow, and was currently in the world of the " Monster List "… P.S. He likes to be handsome, does whatever he wants, and kills cruelly. 3. " Reborn in the Decades of a Plump." Empress Chen Ajiao of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was reborn as the daughter of the younger brother of the captain of the 1970s Forward Brigade. She had thought that she would have the protection of the captain and the love of her biological father, and she would be able to live a simple life like this. She did not expect to hear that she had a fiancé who was getting married tomorrow. What was she going to do? She was still a baby. Why was she getting married… 4. " Those Years I Was a Military Advisor " Someone said," Qian Wuyou has the talent to rule the world. If you get him, you can win the world." Some people also said," Qian Wuyou is a thief who harms the country and the people. If this thief is not eliminated, the world will not be at peace." " Other strategists only plan for the situation, but Qian Wuyou only plans for people's hearts. If you get involved with this guy, you'd better slit your own throat as soon as possible. Otherwise, you'll be in a state where you wish you were dead sooner or later." Qian Wuyou, an old man who had grown from a rookie to a scheming old man. Qian Wuyou was very innocent about these comments. He only wanted to say," God, who can save me? I came to this strange place. I really just want to keep my life, make some money, marry a few wives, and live the life of a shameless and corrupt landlord every day." These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the Ten Great Untainted Streams of the Heavens, the Ranking List of Comic and Manga Fictions, and any novel below 300,000 words that was fully serialised. Was it a male novel that was publicly acknowledged to be interesting?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [Journey to the West: I am the Master of the Gate] Author: Prince Lao Wang, Category: Xianxia, Fantasy Immortal Cultivation, completed, can enjoy with ease. 2. " Comic Celebrity Scene: Counting the Legend of Mi Long at the Opening!" Author: Riverside Wine, Category: Infinite Heavens, Comic, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Journey to the West: I Am the Main Gate Master." Create a sect, bring Tang Sanzang, save Brother Monkey, collect demons, Journey to the West, here I come! 2. " Comic Celebrity Scene: Counting the Legend of Mi Long at the Opening!" One day, a virtual screen appeared in the various comics worlds. People were very curious about this screen. Following that, a few large words appeared on the screen! [Taking stock of the top ten figures in the heavens!] Top 10, Mi Long: Live on with a smile behind me. Top9, Xiao Yan: Thirty years east, thirty years west, don't bully the young poor! Top8, Li Xingyun: Everyone, are you willing to bow down to me? …… Looking at the famous scenes. Be it Mi Long, Xiao Yan, or Li Xingyun. The entire world was shaken by this! When the top 1 was finished, the virtual screen appeared again. [Counting the top ten tragic scenes in the heavens!] These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten categories of black-bellied short stories, a ranking list of literary reviews, 300,000 to 500,000 words, and even a complete series. Was it recommended for a male novel that was recognized as a classic?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [I'm Seeking Immortality in the Apotheosis] Author: Yuzhu Jun, Category: Xianxia, Mythical Cultivation, Completed, You can enjoy it without worry. 2. [The New Son-in-law of the Public House] Author: Floating on the Waves, Category: History, Empty History, Finished, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured. 3. [In the Four Elements of the Coiling Dragon, Rebirth and Devour] Author: A scholar in the streets and alleys. Category: The Heavens are infinite. The Heavens are finished. You can enjoy them without worry. 4. " Rise of the Overlord of Total War " Author: Chancellor Lu, Category: Game, Game Otherworld, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. 5. " I'm Cultivating as a Mortal " Author: Half Cynic, Category: Xianxia, Fantasy Cultivation, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "I'm ascending to godhood and seeking longevity." The story of Canghai reincarnating as an Immortal of Jie School who was about to die five hundred years before he became a god and struggling crazily… 2. 'The son-in-law of the High Duke's Public House.' What if he accidentally became the live-in son-in-law of the High Duke's Public House? Waiting online! It was quite urgent! P.S. Pure battle of wits, single female lead. 3. "At the peak of the Coiling Dragon's four elements, rebirth and devouring." Big Tomato's " Coiling Dragon " and " Devour the Starry Sky " had always been the masterpieces in my heart. Therefore, I mustered up the courage to write a different legendary story! 4. " The Rise of the Overlord of Total War " He had brought the Total War System across the Foreignland, starting from a small merchant family, cutting through all obstacles and thorns, and finally becoming the overlord of the continent and the four seas. This was the life of Sherlock. PS: Please collect! Please recommend! 5. [I'm cultivating as a mortal] As a famous spirit mine owner in the cultivation world and the mastermind behind all the major auctions, Chen Zhanlu knew how difficult it was to earn spirit stones these days. He was forced to develop many things in the cultivation world, such as Coca-Cola. However, Chen Zhanlu also knew that every good day was hard to come by. It was not easy to earn money for itinerant cultivators these days. He could only come up with a book called " Self-Cultivation of Cultivators " to educate the general environment of the cultivation world. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Is there a list of the top ten mystery novels by the teachers, with more than two million words, a complete novel, and a classic male novel recommended?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. I'm a Big Boss in Uncle Nine's World. Author: Argot, Category: Suspense, Ancient and Modern Legends 2. " Learning Elite Game " Author: Kun Ba, Category: Short Story, Short Story, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 3. " All-Professional Trainer " Author: Blackie, Class: City, City Life, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured 4. " Invincible Golden Dragon " Author: Star's End, Category: Light Fictions, Original Fantasy, Completed, You Can Enjoy It With Rest In Mind 5. " Demon Suppression Museum " Author: Yan ZK, Category: Suspense, Mysterious Suspense, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. " I'm a Big Boss in Ninth Uncle's World." There was one less demon king in the game who liked to smash skulls. I've done a lot for this. Because Ninth Uncle caught me. 2. Top Student Competition Game Wen is used to carry morality, and reason is used to revitalize the country. The Zhan Corporation had invested in and produced a learning aid online game called the " Top Student Competition Game " for primary and secondary school students. It integrated the functions of curriculum guidance, fun learning, self-reinforcement, test questions practice, ranking competition, and other game elements into the game to stimulate students 'interest and increase their learning initiative. This was to achieve the goal of cultivating talents and rejuvenating the country. This article described some interesting things about Wang Huangtian as a game designer. 3. [All-Professional Trainer] As the saying goes, every trade produces a champion. Zhang Fan received a professional trial APP that allowed him to experience the career of various professions. He wanted to see how a professional novice could use the professional trial APP to mix into all walks of life and reach the peak of his life. Classes: Teacher, lawyer, fashion magazine editor, referee, chef, athlete, gourmet, etc. 4. Invincible Golden Dragon Long Cang had possessed the supreme dragon, the invincible golden dragon, who had dominated the continent for a thousand years. However, because he was old and dying, he had no choice but to give up half of his power and choose to be reborn and re-create his dragon body. What if there were always demons and monsters coming to his door during his return to his peak? Long Cang was prepared for this. "Invincible Saintess who inherited my power, clear the obstacles for me!" 5. Demon Suppression Museum The world is abnormal and evil The nature of things is essence The soul is not scattered, it's strange The abnormality of things is strange Si Li Colonel, formerly known as Crouching Tiger, was set up by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to deal with witchcraft and capture treacherous people. The world's reiki and mystery had revived, and humans were groping their way onto the path of cultivation. The demons and ghosts hidden in the legends appeared one by one, and there were still countless demons moving in the shadows. A museum that no one cared about, and a tiger waist token carved from the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty made Wei Yuan the last Si Li Colonel of the current generation, bringing him to many strange things since ancient times. There are strange things in ancient and modern times. You don't talk about strange forces and chaotic gods. You talk nonsense, and you listen nonsense. Let's kill him for the time being. An eight-sided Han sword slashed all demons and monsters. Life and death should be decided, the will of heaven. When Wei Yuan could finally lie on a wooden chair and bask in the sun during peaceful times, the museum behind him had already sealed countless demons and ghosts. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
What kind of person is Luo Jiuzhen, a rich man?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:33
Nine Needles of Luo was an ancient romance novel written by Xi Xing and was loved by Qidian Chinese Network readers. This novel was about a different heroine's life in Jianghu. The readers could read or listen to books on the Qidian Reading App. Now, they could also receive the benefits of an experience member when they went to Qidian to listen to books. On the Qidian Reading App, readers could read authentic books and listen to authentic audio. The male lead was Huo Lian. He was decisive and patient. The female lead was Nine Needles. She was brave and upright, strong in martial arts, and kind.
There were ten demon kings possessing the heavens, an infinite classification, a comprehensive manga novel ranking, more than two million words, a serial, and a male channel novel that was recognized to be well-written?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:33
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "Game of Fate, The Deceiver from the Death of the Ghost" Author: Liu Shui Kenshin, Category: Infinite Heavens, Comic 2. "Demon Words Jinyiwei" Author: Big Shixiong, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, Finished, You can enjoy it with ease. 3. "The Magician in the City" Author: Short Hair, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Game of Fate, the cheater who started from the death of the ghosts." One day 200 years ago, countless huge portals appeared all over Earth, and the world welcomed an irresistible [Game of Fate]. Evil spirits that fed on humans, giants behind high walls, holy grails filled with despair, human lives instantly became meaningless numbers. However, the transmigrator Tong Gu discovered that these worlds were not the dramas in his memories, so… Ghosts destroy the world, please don't be miserable and bask in the sun; In the pirate world, he would change Momosuke and Xiaoyu's identities. The world of giants… Game of fate, please call me the cheater [Experienced Worlds: Ghost Extinguisher, Curse, Gandz, One Piece, Legend of the Magic Soldier, Full-time Hunter, Island of Greed] [Current World: One-Punch Superman] [The world that is about to enter is: [Re.0],[Fate],[Forbidden Magic]…] 2. "Demon Talks Jinyiwei" In the 3rd year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, a street thug in the Tongzhou region of the capital inherited the teachings of the Demon Lord Yan Jingtian and became a Jinyiwei, named Shen Santong. There were evil sects and Ming religions in the court, and Japanese pirates and Mongolia invaded the border outside. However, with the number one person in the world, Immortal Master Liu Bowen, as the pillar of support, the Ming Dynasty was as stable as Mount Tai. This year, the Grand Scholar of Jixia Learning Palace, the Chief Assistant Minister of the Cabinet, Zhang Juzheng, and the Eunuch Feng Bao jointly controlled the government. This year, Wei Zhongxian, who was nine thousand years old, was still a hooligan who owed a lot of gambling debts. This year, the High Priest of the Golden Roc Cult of Changbai Mountain took in a three-year-old child as his last disciple and named him Huang Taiji. ...... Let's see how Shen Santong will lead the Embroidered Uniform Guards and become the King of Darkness. (The fantasy version of Jinyiwei is a work of entertainment that doesn't need to study history.) 3. The Magician in the City Could magic only exist in fantasy novels? Maybe it's right beside you and me… These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Are there any similar recommendations? Can you recommend a novel with a similar plot? I can't remember the title.
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:33
"Memory Corridor" is a light novel written by Night Walker Z. It's a fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Memories were a person's past, a person's memories, a person's treasure. At the same time, they could also change a person. Painful memories made people struggle, happy memories made people jump for joy, and painful memories made people work hard. In the long river of memories, there were always endless stories. Have you ever thought about what you would look like after losing all your memories? You don't remember the happiness, sadness, and past; You also don't remember your friends, relatives, and lovers; You don't even remember your name, occupation, or what you've experienced. Searching for oneself and retrieving lost memories was the theme of the Memory Corridor. However, the process of searching was a little difficult, painful, and often accompanied by danger. People desperately wanted to reach the end of the corridor, but what would be waiting for them at the end of the corridor? ---------------------------- " A Survival Guide for Supporting Characters " was a light novel written by the author's name, Yao Yaoling. It was a fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel was: Dark history, don't look at dark history. ---------------------------- " Sorry, I Forgot You " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Autumn Fog. The general plot of this novel was: The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you, but when you stand in front of me, I can clearly see me in your eyes, but you have already forgotten me. ---------------------------- " Memories " was a suspense-mystery detective novel written by the author, Yasuzawa. The general plot of the novel was: Is this world really as you remember it to be? Did the past that existed in his mind really exist? Or could it be that your memory was a clay puppet that someone else made when they were bored? A person who should have existed suddenly disappeared, and the traces of existence were erased. Who touched whose memory? ---------------------------- " Where are the Scattered Lands?" This book was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yu Luohe. The general plot of this novel was: Everyone more or less had similar experiences. There were regrets, and there were also disappointments. There were also times when they wanted to look back but found that they could no longer find the past. The past buried deep in their hearts pushed us forward all the way to maturity, learning to forget, and knowing how to hide. ---------------------------- Secrets Everywhere was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Zuo Yi and You Ying. The general plot of this novel was: This was a story about an unlucky girl who had forgotten about her past and accidentally saved a poisoned Fox Commandery Prince. From then on, she was involved in a series of storms. She was a little funny, a little confused, a little shrewd, and a little crazy… "Girl, where are you from?" “…” "Girl, what about your past?" “…” "Girl, what do you remember?" "…I have a secret." "What secret?" "…I don't remember." ----------------------------- Little Zuo's personal recommendation: Xiangbao-" Hairpin Flower Tears "-Fresh through Su Ying-" Buddha's Eye Sand "-Romance martial arts Sakurawen-" Paradise Paradise "-Warmth through the moon-" Midnight West Building "-Mansion Conspiracy Flower Murong-" Marry a Veterinarian as a Prince Consort "-Comedy through Xia Xia-" Rouge Red Tears "-Pure Torturing Love Angel-" Thousand Years Remnant Thoughts "-11. ---------------------------- " The Hunter's Lost Memories " was a light novel by the author, March Black Today. It was a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of the novel was as follows: This article is also known as " I just want to go home after being traumatized ". I traveled to the Hunter World more than 20 years ago in the main storyline to find the way home. It wasn't the trait system, it wasn't the trait system, it wasn't the trait system. Important things had to be repeated three times. ---------------------------- Life Severing Stage Expert was a fantasy novel written by Feng Yusheng. The general plot of the novel was: Time passed by in a hurry, and she forgot when it started. A blank space occupied her memory, as if she had woken up for a long time and was guarding something hazy. ---------------------------- Time Is Your Name was a sci-fi space-time travel novel written by the author, Mao Jiuli. The general plot of the novel was: I had a dream. There were two of me in the dream. In the dream, I used all my strength to grab someone's hand, a person whose face could not be seen. A female voice kept echoing in my ears. She said it over and over again. " Don't forget your name…Don't forget your memories…Don't forget your name…" In the dream, there was a girl in white clothes and a girl in red clothes. Their faces were different, but their souls were the same. There was a young man inside, but I could not remember his face clearly. I could not even remember my own face in my dream. "The green mountains are not as long as your eyebrows, and the clear water is not as clear as your eyes. After crossing mountains and rivers, I will only have you in my life." ---------------------------- " The Rise of the Literature World " was a novel about urban life written by the author, a romantic scholar. The general plot of this novel was: This book is a classic story of recollection! Let the protagonist bring you back to the most classic moments of our time! " The novels, movies, and songs that once made your soul throb can be found in this book!
There were the top ten categories of ancient tomb raiding romance novels, the ranking of business and farming novels, unlimited word count, serial novels, and female novels that were recognized as literary talents.
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:33
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "People in the Water Village" Author: Country Wilderness, Category: Ancient Romance, Business and Farming, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. "Desert Cave" Author: Fan Zhen Zhen, Category: Short Story, Film and Television Script, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured 3. [Tomb Robber's Chronicles: Murong Family] Author: Murong Ribbonfish, Category: Suspense, Adventure Survival, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured. 4. "Flower Plum" Author: Tunnel, Category: Short Story, Short Story, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Waterside Family" Guo Qingya, the mute girl, traveled to the waterside farmhouse in a different time and space. This was a perfect and wonderful family combination. Therefore, the mute girl who had been quiet for twenty-four years in her previous life... In this life, there are twists and turns in the peaks and turns, and the moon is often seen in the clouds. Her story began with a fight to steal her love… (The new book "Sun and Moon Shine Together" has been uploaded. Please support me, old and new friends.) 2. The Lost Cave of the Desert In the second week after Shaojie Pan suffered from insomnia, he received a sleeping incense from his good friend Eugene. The antique medicinal fragrance that his good friend said had a history of hundreds of years not only failed to help him sleep, but also gave him nightmares. In the dream, he was in darkness. He could only see a faint silver light in the distance, and there was a strange squeaking sound in his ears. As the dream became clearer and clearer, an unknown journey related to the incense path of Negev was about to begin… 3. Grave Robber's Chronicles: Murong Clan Week1 Week5, 4 chapters updated. Murong Li brought four people to a mysterious world. Where lived the ancient gate. The unforeseen events that happened. A bizarre third personality. A strange sculpture. And those disgusting faces. What would happen? The so-called kindness and those terrifying faces, the legendary ancient scrolls, the fatty's family affairs, the divine eight doors, the confused Murong 4. Flower Plum Foolish, I don't know how to write a script…Please forgive me (Sorry, I'm not perverted) These works all have good reputations for your reference.