
nigerian funny jokes

Are there any funny jokes?
1 answer
2024-09-12 20:15
The following were all funny jokes: A bird flew into an orchard and saw a sheep lying on the ground, so he asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'll wait for the apples," answered the sheep."They haven't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you bite the grass?" The sheep replied,"I'd better wait for the apples to fall. They're much tastier than grass!" 2 went to a bar alone and got drunk. His friend was very worried about him and decided to help him go home. When they arrived at his house, his friends tried to help him to the door, but the man kept crying,"Don't take me back to the zoo!" "Why are you going to the zoo?" His friend asked in surprise. The man replied,"Didn't I tell you? I'm dead drunk. You take him back to the zoo so I can go see lions and tigers!" A man was trapped on an island. He caught a bird and a rabbit and prepared to cook them into a delicious meal. He asked the rabbit,"What do you want to eat?" "I want to eat carrots," the rabbit replied. He asked the bird,"What do you want to eat?" The bird replied,"I want to eat rabbits." The man immediately let go of the rabbit and the bird flew away. The man was very angry and asked the rabbit,"why did you fly away?" The rabbit replied,"I wanted to eat carrots, so I went to look for it."
20 points for funny jokes
1 answer
2024-09-19 22:55
Alright, here's a funny joke: One day, a snail wanted to go to the movies, but he couldn't climb a tree, so he decided to go to a nearby pond to watch a movie. When the snail reached the pond, it saw a huge movie screen. It began to crawl slowly toward the screen but soon stopped. It began to think,"Where should I start climbing?" At this time, a frog walked by and saw the snail's question, so it said,"You don't have to crawl. You can jump directly to the screen!" The snail nodded and jumped onto the screen. However, when it looked up at the movie, it realized that there was no movie on the screen! It was very surprised and asked,"Why isn't the movie on the screen?" When the frog heard this question, it immediately replied,"Because the movie screen is a two-dimensional plane with no thickness, so the movie is not inside!" The snail thought for a moment and then said,"Oh, I know. I should crawl under it!" At this moment the frog came over again and said,"No, you should climb over it!" "I'm sorry," he said.
What were the funny jokes?
1 answer
2024-09-12 21:07
There are many funny jokes. Here are some examples: Why don't zombies like to make friends with werewolves? Because they were afraid that the werewolf would bite their " head " and cause changes. Why do policemen like to eat hamburgers? Because they liked to grab meat buns. Why can't pandas be policemen? Because they didn't have panda heads! Why can't pigs go online? Because they were always frightened by the "bears" on the Internet. Why can't monkeys sing? Because they always sang the song backwards.
Make some funny jokes
1 answer
2024-09-12 06:06
Of course, here are a few funny jokes: Why are good people always lonely while bad people often meet? Because they liked to torture each other. What kind of fish likes to sing the most? The answer is lip fish because they have lips. Why do lions always rob food and bears don't? Because they were too lazy. Why do policemen like to eat hamburgers? Because they liked to grab meat buns. What kind of plane likes to "disappear" the most? The answer was helicopters because they could disappear in the air.
Bad news, funny jokes
1 answer
2024-09-17 01:21
The following is a humorous piece of bad news: One day, a boy walked into a bar and ordered a drink. He took a sip and found a fly in the cup. He felt so disgusted that he got up and left the bar. A few minutes later, he returned to the bar to have another drink. He walked up to the bar owner and asked,"Do you have anything disgusting here?" I just saw a fly." The barman replied,"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let you see that fly." We were cleaning the cup and it fell to the ground." The boy said,"Oh, that's good." But I still think that fly is disgusting." "Do you mean its behavior?" asked the bar owner. The boy nodded. "Yeah, I feel like it's flying all the time, like it's laughing at me." The bar owner smiled and said," You know, there's a market for boy flies. They're very popular, especially in bars." The boy asked in surprise,"Really?" What about me? I want to go to the bar too?" The bar owner smiled and said,"Of course you can go to the bar, but you can try to order a glass of fly wine so that you can drink with the flies."
Are there any humorous and funny jokes?
1 answer
2024-09-17 19:47
As a fan of online literature, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge about online literature and humorous jokes. Here are some examples: If you can't give your woman a wedding dress, then don't stop your hands from unbuttoning her clothes! - "Why the Silent Flute" I didn't know that I would marry anyone but you, but now I realize that you're marrying that tree! - Biography of Chu Qiao No woman wants to talk about history with me unless I want to prove that I'm ignorant! - Battle Through the Heavens I planted a sunflower, hoping it would grow a sun! - "Thousand Bones of Flowers" Woman, you are so easily deceived because men know you too well! - Ode to Joy I didn't know I would marry anyone but you, but now I realize you're marrying that taxi! - "Why the Silent Flute" If a man can't give you a sense of security, then he will definitely make you feel that he can conquer the world! - Three Lives Three Lives Ten Miles Peach Blossom Don't always be your whole world, your man is your most important person! - Ode to Joy I hope these jokes can give you some sense of humor and a relaxed mood!
Collect jokes, who gives funny jokes, and more. The points are his ~~~
1 answer
2024-09-17 23:41
I can give you some websites and resources to collect jokes. Here are some good choices: Reddit:Reddit's r/jokes subforum is a community full of funny jokes covering a variety of topics and styles. 2 Laugh Factory: This website has a special "joke library" that contains a large number of jokes and jokes. 3 Comedy Central: The "Comedy Soundtrack" section of the website is a channel full of humorous and funny content, including many jokes and short comedies. Jokescccom: This site covers all kinds of jokes, including pranks, children's jokes, brain teasers, etc. 5 Funny or Die: The content of this website is very funny, including many jokes, pranks and short comedies. The site is a social network that focuses on jokes and humorous content. Users can post and reply to jokes to gain happiness. The above websites and resources can allow you to collect a lot of funny jokes. I hope you will like them!
Super funny jokes need to be long
1 answer
2024-09-12 21:39
Alright, I can try to prepare a long joke for you. Please note that this is a humorous joke that may make some people feel uncomfortable or awkward. So please make sure that you and I can both enjoy this joke. A bird flew into an orchard and saw a sheep lying on the ground, so he asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'll wait for the apples," answered the sheep."They haven't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you bite the grass?" The sheep replied,"I'd better wait for the apples to fall. They're much tastier than grass!" Then the bird flew into a bakery and saw a sheep lying on the ground. It asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'll wait for the bread," answered the sheep."It hasn't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you take a bite of the biscuit?" The sheep replied,"I'd better wait for the apples to fall. They're much better than bread!" Then the bird flew to a bar and saw a sheep lying on the ground. It asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'll wait for the beer," answered the sheep."It hasn't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you take a bite of the bar juice?" The sheep replied,"I'd better wait for the apples to fall. They taste much better than beer and juice!" At last the bird flew to a casino and saw a sheep lying on the ground, so it asked the sheep,"why are you lying here?" "I'm waiting to eat these stakes," answered the sheep."They haven't fallen yet." The bird asked,"Why don't you take a bite of the casino card?" "I'd better wait for the apples to fall," answered the sheep."They taste better than stakes and cards!"
What are the funny jokes in serious literature?
1 answer
2024-09-17 01:00
Serious literature and funny stories were two different forms of art. Although they sometimes borrowed and infiltrated each other, they usually presented themselves in different ways. Serious literature usually paid more attention to character description, plot construction, theme exploration, and other aspects, while funny stories paid more attention to humor, irony, exaggeration, and other techniques. Although jokes may appear in serious literature, they are usually presented in a humorous and relaxed way, while serious literature is presented in a profound and rigorous way. Therefore, the jokes in serious literature were often incomparable to the real jokes. Of course, there were also some serious literature that contained humorous elements, such as the famous British novel Austin's Mansfield Park, which had many humorous descriptions and conversations. However, this type of novel usually paid more attention to the in-depth exploration of human nature and reflection on social reality rather than pure humor.
Are there any funny mid-length jokes?
1 answer
2024-09-16 14:35
Here are a few funny mid-length jokes: A mathematician was chatting with his friend in a coffee shop. His friend asked the mathematician,"Do you know why 314 is a special number?" The mathematician thought for a moment and replied," Because it is 10 times more than 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 34, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 50, 52, 55, 58, 61, 63, 67, 69, 72, 75, 78, 80, 83, 84, 86, 90, 93, 96!" One day, a programmer went to a bar to drink. His friend asked him,"Why don't you become a programmer if you're so good at programming?" The programmer replied,"I don't want humans to control me. I like to control myself." A man went to see a psychiatrist and said,"I feel very lonely and no one understands me." The psychiatrist replied,"You can try to keep in touch with your friends or go to some social activities." The man replied,"But I don't want to hurt them. I don't want them to know how I feel." The psychiatrist replied,"You don't have to force yourself to socialize. You can try writing a diary to record your feelings so that you can understand yourself better." A man went to the doctor and said,"My head hurts like it's been hit by a hammer." The doctor replied,"You can try to rest or do some physical therapy." The man replied,"But I don't want physical therapy. I think it will hurt me." The doctor replied,"You don't have to force yourself to do physical therapy. You can try taking some headache medicine so that you can relieve the pain."