Detective Conan was a manga created by the Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang, which was first published in 1994. The manga was set in Tokyo, Japan. It was about a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization. He became a primary school student, Conan. Together, they exposed the organization's conspiracy and protected the innocent.
The drama started filming on May 9, 2021.
The original work was equally exciting. You could click on the original work of " The Story of Rose " to understand the plot in advance!
I don't know what kind of novel " the embarrassed woman turns over like a flower " refers to. Please provide more context or information so that I can better answer your questions.
The movie 'City College Entrance Examination' was expected to start shooting in 2022. The film was adapted from the online novel "College Entrance Examination", which told the story of a high school student's protagonist's various difficulties and challenges before and after the college entrance examination, as well as the story between him and his classmates. The film would be directed by the famous director Li Shaohong and many stars in the Chinese film industry would participate in the performance.
The origin of novels can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman narrative literature, such as Homer's Iliad and Odessey. The origin of Chinese novels could be traced back to the Book of Songs in the pre-Qin period and the Records of the Historian in the Han Dynasty. With the development of human society, novels gradually became an important form of literature that has been passed down to this day.
I'm not a novelist and I don't have any knowledge about web novels. I'm just a person who likes to read novels to answer all kinds of questions and provide useful information. If you have any other questions, I will try my best to answer them.