El matrimonio escondido perfecto: con un niño te llevas un esposo gratis
—Cariño, me gusta mucho el guion de este drama. El único problema es que esta vez hay más escenas sexuales. ¿Puedo aceptar el trabajo de todos modos?
—Claro —respondió calmado Lu Tingxiao.
Esa noche, Ning Xi se levantó de la cama con las piernas temblorosas, teniendo que apoyarse por las paredes.
—¿Todavía quieres tomar el trabajo? —preguntó Lu Tingxiao.
2165 Chs
No es fácil ser un hombre después de viajar al futuro
Después de morir de una extraña enfermedad terminal, Ling Lan renació en un mundo 10.000 años en el futuro. Aunque deseaba poder vivir una vida tranquila y sin incidentes en su nuevo cuerpo sano, el destino tenía otros planes...
Obligada a disfrazarse de niño sólo para poder heredar los beneficios militares de primera clase de su padre fallecido, el viaje de Ling Lan hacia la adultez estuvo lleno de desafíos. Después de muchas dificultades, finalmente cumplió dieciséis años cuando pudo dejar la farsa. Pero antes de que pudiera disfrutar de su nueva libertad de casarse y formar su propia familia, un giro del destino hizo que la envíen a la escuela militar de niños más importante de la Federación.
Con esos giros del destino, Ling Lan no tuvo más remedio que avanzar más y más por un camino sin retorno, uno de dominio frío y distante...
1495 Chs
Matrimonio relámpago con un esposo CEO
La noche antes de su boda, su prometido huyó con su amante. Frustrada, agarró al hombre parado frente a la Oficina de Asuntos Civiles, —Presidente Mo, tu novia no ha llegado y mi novio ha huido... ¿Puedo sugerir que nos casemos? Antes del matrimonio, ella dijo: —¡Incluso si compartiéramos la misma cama, no pasaría nada entre nosotros! Después del matrimonio, él dijo: —Si no lo intentamos, ¿cómo lo sabríamos?
1274 Chs
Elegida por el Destino, Rechazada por el Alfa
Trinidad, de dieciocho años, es diferente a cualquier otro hombre lobo en su manada. Para empezar, hubo circunstancias inusuales en torno a su nacimiento, y además, ella es el único miembro de la manada que nunca ha adoptado una forma de lobo. Así que ahora no encaja en ningún lado. No es completamente humana ni loba. Pensó que podría vivir su vida como quisiera cuando cumpliese dieciocho años. Ir a la universidad, hacer amigos, divertirse. Pero, ¿qué debe hacer cuando el peligrosamente sexy Alfa cae literalmente en su regazo? —No soy humana ni loba. No pertenezco a ningún lugar... —...ambos sabemos que nadie se emparejará conmigo, y aunque lo hicieran, me rechazarían de todos modos. —¿Qué hará el sexy y hosco Alfa? Los mayores lo obligan a realizar ridículas fiestas para buscar una pareja. No quiere una compañera, pero sabe que necesita una para completar el Círculo Alfa. Sin una compañera, una Luna para la manada, su gente sufriría. ¿Y qué va a hacer cuando se encuentre con la chica con la que el destino tiene ex esposa del Presidente Embarazada, Ex Esposa para él y descubra que no tiene lobo? —¡Esto no puede ser! —rugí—. No hay forma de que pueda emparejarme con una chica que ni siquiera tiene un lobo. Será demasiado débil. Será inferior. No será lo suficientemente fuerte para ser una Luna. —Simplemente no podía aceptarla como mi compañera. No completamente. No era seguro para ella. Se pondría en peligro. Y arrastraría a mi manada con ella. —Cuando estos dos se encuentren, seguro que saltarán chispas. ¿Pero serán de pasión, o de sus constantes luchas? Ninguno quería una pareja. Ninguno quiere la compañera que el destino eligió para ellos. Y ninguno puede hacer desaparecer ese vínculo de pareja. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora que están literalmente atrapados el uno con el otro?
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1195 Chs
Un sinfín de mimos solo para ti
Como amigos de la infancia, fueron manipulados por sus familias para casarse, lo que involucraba tener que vivir en el mismo lugar y dormir en la misma cama. Una noche, accidentalmente ella llegó ebria, y en su delirio, él la besó, sólo para darse cuenta de que lo disfrutó, y de vez en cuando le daría un beso a escondidas. Pero su crimen eventualmente fue descubierto por accidente. Y luego de ser acusado, él dijo con una sonrisa: —Eres mi esposa, ¿por qué no puedo besarte?
La rutina diaria de estas dos personas es molestarse y desacreditarse mutuamente. Y si bien él dice menospreciarla, se preocupa por ella, siente celos cuando ella está cerca de otros hombres. Entonces la ata a él para que se vuelva exclusivamente suya.
1130 Chs
La Señorita Gu es demasiado débil para defenderse por sí misma
"Corría el rumor de que Qiao Xi tenía una constitución débil —una belleza enfermiza. Corría el rumor de que gastaba una fortuna todos los días en medicamentos, comiéndolos como si fueran caramelos. Corría el rumor de que diez sirvientes la asistían en su cama todos los días —una carga para todos. Todos esperaban que la familia Qiao devolviera a Qiao Xi al campo y la dejara valerse por sí misma.
—Todos dicen que soy débil y no puedo cuidarme a mí misma. Al parecer, también gasto dinero de manera imprudente —dijo Qiao Xi.
Miró su camisa desgarrada y estaba exasperada.
—¿Estás diciendo que esta familia rica permite que su hija use ropa desgarrada todos los días? —preguntó Qiao Xi.
¿La hija rica de la familia Qiao? ¡Ya tenía suficiente! ¡No lo volvería a ser! Por lo tanto…
—Sin la familia Qiao, no eres nada —dijo el chico canalla.
—Si me echan de la familia Qiao, estaré acabada —asintió Qiao Xi.
—Hermana, no te desanimes demasiado. Mientras trabajas duro, algún día serás alabada —lamentó la chica canalla.
—Cállate, no conozco a una traidora como tú —replicó Qiao Xi.
El chico y la chica canallas:
Se decía que el hijo más joven de la familia Gu, Gu Zheng, se casó precipitadamente con una mujer que no tenía nada más que su apariencia.
—¿Alguien me está subestimando? —dijo Qiao Xi.
Un día, Qiao Xi vio a uno de los empleados de Gu Zheng devanándose los sesos con una serie de números en la pantalla del ordenador. Como estaba libre, decidió echar una mano.
¿Acaba de romper el cortafuegos creado por los esfuerzos conjuntos de los hackers de élite más destacados?!
Gu Zheng se acercaba cada vez más a ella —Qiao Xi, ¿qué más me estás ocultando? ¿Hmm?
—¡Oh, no! ¡Me siento mareada otra vez! Soy tan débil. Este cuerpo mío es simplemente demasiado débil —se lamentó Qiao Xi."
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1080 Chs
El Amor de un Licántropo
—Él detuvo el auto.
El agarre en la manta se tensó mientras Raine se preguntaba si había hecho algo mal. Podía sentirlo cuando Torak extendió su mano hacia ella.
¿Me golpeará? Raine se estremeció con ese pensamiento.
Torak le retiró la capucha de la cabeza y suavemente apartó su cabello detrás de su oreja.
—No —dijo él firmemente—. Quiero verte, no te escondas...
—“El espíritu del ángel guardián insuflará nueva vida en el niño humano. Tres ángeles guardianes nacerán de nuevo en el mundo terrenal y los tres serán sus protectores”.
—¡¿Protectores?! —Jedrek estalló—. Al final, se detuvo y se giró para mirar a la diosa de la luna desde la lejanía, sus ojos brillaban rojos de ira. Su lobo estaba furioso.
—¿Por qué crees que ayudaremos? —preguntó Kace entrecerrando sus ojos negros como la obsidiana, su lobo había tomado control de él. Él era el más joven de los tres y el menos temperamental entre ellos.
Los tres habían sido maldecidos por Selene debido a sus acciones feroces para obtener poder y autoridad supremos.
La diosa de la luna no les bendijo con una compañera como castigo de su conducta atroz y los forzó a involucrarse en esta guerra mortal con los demonios.
—¿Nos convertirás en esclavos de esas criaturas enfermizas!? —preguntó Torak incrédulo—. ¿No temes que los partamos en dos?
El ángel guardián era tan frágil y ellos, como licántropos, no apreciaban las debilidades.
—No, no lo harán —dijo Selene con paciencia—. No serán sus esclavos ni les harán daño, los cuidarán en todas las formas posibles.
Jedrek rió de manera amenazante al oír esto, no les importaba la resurrección de la bestia, una vez que cruzaban su territorio, con o sin el ángel guardián, desgarraría sus cuerpos. —Seré la última persona que verán, en cuanto los encuentre —se refería tanto al ángel guardián como al demonio.
Pero, la siguiente voz de Selene estaba teñida de alegría cuando habló.
—No lastimarás a tu compañera.
Sesión 1 (capítulo 1 - 394): Torak Donovan - Raine (completado).
Sesión 2 (capítulo 395 - 628): Kace Donovan - Esperanza (completado)
Sesión 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083): Jedrek Donovan - Lila (completado)
Sesión 4 (capítulo 1084 - en curso): Historias Paralelas
Esta es una historia de hombres lobo y, por supuesto, ¡de fantasía! Como cada quien tiene su propia versión de la vida sobrenatural, aquí estoy intentando escribir la mía.
Si has leído otras historias de hombres lobo, te darás cuenta de que existen similitudes y diferencias.
El inglés no es mi primer idioma, así que es posible que encuentres errores gramaticales (aunque no es mi intención), si te resulta incómodo, por favor házmelo saber para que pueda corregirlo.
*Has sido advertido ^^
¡Todo comentario constructivo es muy bienvenido!
##Encuéntrame en Instagram: jikan_yo_tomare
##Portada por: @Gisel.arts
Echa un vistazo a mis otras historias:
**PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time
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1029 Chs
Un nacimiento, dos tesoros: el dulce amor del billonario
Ella aceptó ser una madre subrogada por más de un millón de yuanes (aproximadamente 150.000 dólares americanos).
Como el estimado CEO de una de las empresas más poderosas de la capital, él tiene el poder absoluto, mientras que ella es la simple hija adoptiva de una familia de bajo status. Ella aceptó llevar su descendencia en su vientre simplemente porque el negocio de su padre adoptivo estaba quebrando.
En el día del parto, el mayor nació sano, pero el menor nació muerto. Habiendo cumplido el contrato, ella desapareció de la vida de él con la astronómica suma de dinero que le correspondía.
Seis años después, él sigue siendo el arrogante e importante CEO. Cuando ella accidentalmente se involucra nuevamente con él, como un canario atrapado en su jaula, él se apodera de ella.
—Mujer, ¿crees que puedes escapar de mí?
Sin embargo, él no espera que un pequeño interfiera. El niño aparece y lo apunta vigorosamente con el dedo, advirtiendo: —Mu Yazhe, ¡será mejor que la dejes! ¡Ella es mía!
El hombre se alarmó, simplemente porque las facciones del pequeño eran idénticas a las suyas.
1015 Chs
Matrimonio Oculto: Un Marido Multimillonario Mandado del Cielo
"Ella se casó con un conductor que acababa de conocer. Sin embargo, lo último que esperaba es que su novio no era otro que el multimillonario más misterioso de la ciudad. Este matrimonio le trajo gemelos. Por tanto, trabajó más duro para mantener a esta familia. Ella era la reina del círculo de entretenimiento. Cuando conoció al rey que dominaba el mundo de los negocios, finalmente conoció la verdadera identidad de su marido."
Not enough ratings
1008 Chs
El Ocaso de Atticus: Reencarnado en un Patio de Juegos
Protagonista trabajador: sí, elenco secundario interesante: sí, construcción de mundo: sí, protagonista todopoderoso: sí, transmigración: sí.
Atticus enfrentó el peor día de su vida: su corazón fue destrozado, y de repente fue asesinado en su hogar, solo para despertar en un reino mágico como el heredero de una de las familias más poderosas en el dominio humano.
Movido por la determinación, juró volverse más fuerte y cobrar venganza contra quienquiera que lo matara y lo trajera a este mundo, no importa el coste.
1. No hay harén.
2. El MC solo se preocupa por sí mismo y su familia. No le importa cruzar la línea si eso significa que puede mantenerse a sí mismo y a su familia a salvo.
3. Tiene una personalidad extremadamente vengativa. Independientemente de la razón o por lo que estés pasando, no le importa. Lo que importa es que lo heriste, y eso es todo lo que necesita.
4. No habrá 'ocultamiento de fuerza'. Será cauteloso con lo que muestra, pero no perderá si puede evitarlo.
5. El MC trabaja duro por su fuerza; no te dejes engañar por la etiqueta del sistema.
6. Por último, si tienes algún atisbo de gusto por esta novela, dame todo lo que tienes, jajaja. Es una broma, por favor, dame piedras de poder y deja reseñas. ¡Gracias!
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7z25ZzKX3
Youth With You 2 was a youth inspirational variety show produced by iQiyi. The show was launched in the first quarter of 2020, with Cai Xukun as the representative of the youth producer, Lisa as the dance instructor, Chen Jiahua as the music instructor, and JONYJ as the rap instructor. The program gathered 100 young girls who were good at singing and dancing and had dreams in their hearts for a four-month training and stage competition. Although the songs " Youth with You 2 " and " Yolo " were mentioned, the information provided did not provide any specific information about " Yolo." Therefore, I don't know the details of Yolo in Youthful With You 2.
There were novels similar to Parasite Yolo:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1."Book of Troubled Times":"Book of Troubled Times" is a novel with a transmigration theme. The writing style is beautiful and relaxed. The female protagonists in the story had their own unique characteristics, which was refreshing. The author's idea was unique. From the beginning, it was full of jokes, and people could not help but read the latest chapter in one breath. The updates of the book were also very stable, giving people a continuous reading pleasure. I recommend this book to readers who like to travel through time. I believe you will definitely like this book.
2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world.
Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties.
"From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit."
"Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by."
3."The Tang's Table": It was another day of learning, and the strange knowledge increased. Every time, the image was so strong. The painting of the golden age slowly unfolded.
4: King of Familiars: p(*^-^*)q 4 stars
The Light Spring Flowing, a new work, or an old familiar, the previous one was an unscientific familiar, a transformation from doujinshi. The results were very gratifying. This book belongs to the familiar version of the Revival of Reiki. From the beginning of the animal contract training, the family heirloom left behind by the missing parents, and the beginning of the familiar dungeon, there is enough suspense. The contract is signed, the author updates are guaranteed, read it with confidence!
5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": The title of the book is the biggest failure. The content is really excellent. The protagonist has transmigrated into a game world that has been cleared many times. It is not saintly and not poisonous. The writing is excellent. The protagonist in the original game world will kill him when he goes up. It is unconventional.
National Forensic Medicine: National Forensic Medicine is an unforgettable forensic novel. The author, Bird Pig, used his unique style to combine professional knowledge with humorous language, making people feel interesting while understanding. The protagonist of the story was a forensic doctor who did not do his job properly. Not only did he perform well in fingerprint and footprint investigations, but he also constantly developed new business abilities, which made people marvel at his growth. At the same time, the author's description of the other characters was also very outstanding, making people feel their value and dignity. The entire story was compact and fascinating, making it difficult to put it down. Although the author's update was slightly delayed, it did not affect the excitement of the story. Overall, National Forensics was a good book that was worth recommending. The readers should not miss it.
7:"Heroine, Wait":[Rating Index]:
[Tagging Points: Fantasy, Genius Style, Daily Life, Multiple Female Lead]
[Status of work: Series (138,000 as of posting)]
[Female Lead Collection: Luo Ning, Dongfang Liren, Pei Xiangjun, Zhe Yunli, Dongfang Yuhu, Xuanji Zhenren, Empress Dowager]
What would you do if the big shots of both the underworld and the underworld needed you? Wasn't it good for the Night Terror Hall to have a foot in three boats? I want the empress's favorite minister, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a big gang in the martial world! Young Master Guan Guan's new work, Xianxia returned to Wuxia works. It could be seen that it was in the comfort zone. It was written with ease and familiarity, and it had the shadow of the previous two books. Those who liked this kind of routine had no pressure to fall into the pit. It was still the familiar bird bird, the familiar harem model. It could be considered a rare masterpiece among the harem novels of many female leads. Those who like this kind of work can take a look. It definitely won't disappoint you.
8."Mantang Colorful": 8.5. It's a new book by the author of the Song Dynasty. Actually, it's not new anymore. I've saved it for a long time. Recently, I really didn't have any books to read, so I started killing it. Yes, yes, it's very good. I just finished reading, and I haven't read any books recently. I'm still raising squid books, so I'll open them if I have to!
9."Hidden Blind Corner": The quality is guaranteed in the early stages. This is the experience of an ordinary person who, after obtaining a special ability, slowly grows up in a blind corner and reaches the extreme. At the beginning of this round, Sister Daxiao would be able to enter the mysterious dungeon to fight monsters. She would be able to collect the ever-evolving Flower of Evil to build a novel flower armor (Masked Superman's sense of déjà vu). The main character would transform into a Masked Knight and punch everything that was not convinced.
The only bad thing is that I like water, which is the most to my liking out of all the recent books.
"Final Divine Duty": The cosmic mecha was as strong as a dragon, and the gods and devils in the abyss whispered and roared.
In this era where new and old techniques, technology and divine power collided, Lu Yuan brought along an attribute panel that allowed him to change classes indefinitely and stumbled down.
"Class [Martial Arts Grandmaster] + Material [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart], can be upgraded to [Dark Dragon Sect]...
Lu Yuan looked at his hands that were gradually covered with black scales. The black hair on his back danced wildly without any wind. His scarlet eyes stared at the human-shaped mechanical body that streaked across the night sky like a meteor. He smiled and muttered to himself in a low voice,"Now…" 'I should be able to tear apart a mecha with my bare hands…'
"Beyond Time": Status: Upgraded
[Short comment: Xianxia novels are a must-read. At least, it can guarantee a lower limit. However, this book is not only a lower limit. In my opinion, the upper limit is extremely high. The plot is extremely brilliant when it is mixed with strangeness. The main character's decisiveness in killing is too much to my liking. It's just that two chapters a day is not enough. I hope to improve it.]
"This Game Is Too Real": This book,"This Game Is Too Real", is an unforgettable sci-fi wasteland novel. The author presented a story of survival and hegemony in the wasteland world through a grand world view and exquisite character design. The male protagonist Chu Guang and the players worked tirelessly to shine their light on the despairing wasteland, attracting people to unite around them and end the fate of the wasteland together. This book inspired people. Not only did it extend from the book to real life, but it also triggered thoughts on society, emotions, psychology, and many other aspects. The author's writing skills were superb, giving people a very comfortable feeling and making people enjoy it. The ratings were very high. It was definitely a good book that could not be missed.
13."Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was an eye-catching Xianxia novel. The structure of the story reminded people of the feeling when they first watched "The Secret." The group portraits were very well drawn, with the chivalrous taste and talent of the otaku pig. This book had the potential to become another Xianxia classic.
Although some of the settings were not rigorous enough, the plot of this book was very novel and worth reading. If the plot and characters could be further enriched, it would become an impeccable book.
Overall, Red Heart Sky Patrol was an unforgettable masterpiece of Xianxia. It perfectly combined immortal energy and chivalry, and the plot was wonderful. In this world, the ancient demon race had already disappeared, and the modern dragon race had also disappeared. The era of the Great Divine Dao was already like smoke, and the era of the peak of flying swords had also fallen. This book gave people a whole new reading experience. It was a rare masterpiece.
Ring of Fate: The Secret World Part 2
In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky.
The story of Ring of Destiny took place six to seven years after the end of Lord of the Mysteries.
15:"Great Ming State Preceptor" Author: West Lake Encountered Rain (Lv.5)
"History: Two Song Dynasties""Ming Dynasty"
Total words:104.66w, true fans:32.19w
Total Favorites: 79.720,000 Total Favorites: 11.620,000 Alliance Leaders:100+ First Orders:12622 (Added on February 7, 2023)
[Teaching in prison, Zhu Di asked me to be the state preceptor after eavesdropping]
After witnessing the end of the Battle of Jingnan, Jiang Xing Huo, who was the target of the Ten Clans Execution, finally heaved a sigh of relief.
As a veteran transmigrator, he could return to the modern world for eternal life after transmigrating for nine lifetimes.
Jiang Xinghuo, who felt that he was about to succeed, was so bored that he began to teach in prison, but it seemed that something was wrong...
Ma Sanbao: What is the Great Voyage Era in On Sea Power?
[Yao Guangxiao: On the Fate of a Nation is actually the legendary dragon-slaying technique!]
Zhu Gaochi: I haven't finished talking about the silver standard in the History of Chinese Money.
Jiang Xing Huo: "I'm going to be beheaded tomorrow. I'll tell you the rest of the lesson in your dreams."
At this moment, the walls of the Imperial Jail collapsed and a voice sounded.
"Mr. Jiang, I am Zhu Di. Please be the state preceptor!"
"Ascending on a Better Day": Strongly recommended, not to be missed by Xianxia lovers, and recommended for readers with a wide range of tastes.
Otaku Pig's new book. In my opinion, this book should be another breakthrough for Otaku Pig. I think this book is better than the previous books.
I think it's good because he changed the style of the previous books at the beginning of the book. He started with a blockbuster scene. People who read it were excited and felt it immediately.
After reading books for so many years, I was suppressed by all kinds of books with similar styles. It was difficult for me to immerse my mind into the story in the book when I read. This was one of them.
The genre of the book is Xianxia. So far, I feel that the biggest highlight is the villain, as well as some sentences that make people relax and laugh from time to time. Villains in the hands of pigs have a lot of personality, and this book is no exception. I won't spoil the details. Anyway, when Old Ancestor Zhou "passed the Heavenly Tribulation, but the Human Tribulation", I was very sad. I had an indescribable feeling in my heart. This is a rare feeling that I can't bear to part with the villain.
17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth?": It was a book about food and grass. It didn't come with a halo that reduced one's intelligence. It didn't have a messy system, didn't have a saintly b * tch, and didn't have a tiger's body shaking. At least, after reading it for a long time, there wasn't too much of a problem. Although the plot was similar to that of the first grade of the official residence, it wasn't considered plagiarism. The emotional scenes here were better than the first grade of the official residence. The author even deliberately avoided it. It could be considered to have made use of his strengths and avoided his weaknesses.
Do I Need to Say More About the Deep Sea? I directly quoted my own recommendation for the book launch event: Some people say that three years of hard work is to sharpen a sword, but you've been writing for twelve years. Back then, the young boy who read Xyrin was also a joy. Now, the ignorant boy who read Dawn has also passed the exam. We're no different ~ I heard that the new book is Captain Ghost. We'll still accompany you on a long voyage!
"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World". Keyword: [Heaven Crossing],[Carefree Dao],[Decisive Killing]
Ranking index:
[A recommendation of the same kind: I, an immortal cultivator in my twilight years, will live forever.]
Reading Notes:
Wenchao's products were definitely of high quality. The main world cultivated, while the sub-world cultivated blood and martial arts. It was similar to the main world's body cultivation. They used the flesh and blood of demons and devils to make tonics to nourish themselves. The resources of the two worlds could be transferred and used. Although there were only two worlds at the moment, according to Wenchao's style, it would definitely turn to the heavens in the later stages. It was important to note that there were many debuffs on the main character in the early stages. When he entered the sub-world, he was inferior to others. When he reached the late stage of the foundation establishment stage, he failed to break through. If he read too many genius books, then this book's impression was not bad. Moreover, unlike the previous books, there was a female protagonist plot in the early stages.
Words of recommendation:
Fang Xi wore it, and it was the second time!
In the cultivation world, I was a yes-man, but in the Otherworld, I was a punching bag!
"Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a cultivation novel, but it was different. The author used a unique humorous style to make this immortal cultivation novel a clear stream in the immortal cultivation genre. Unlike other immortal cultivation novels, the protagonist Lu Yang did not enter the immortal sect with his strength, but with his intelligence and IQ of 120+. This book was full of light-hearted and funny plots that made people laugh uncontrollably. At the same time, it also showed the author's unique imagination. Once the readers started reading, they would be attracted and unable to stop. In addition, the book also included interviews with reporters and debates about the culture of the cultivation world, which made people more curious and expectant about the development of the story. In short,"Who told him to cultivate!" It was an addictive cultivation novel. The readers must not be attracted by its charm, so as not to affect the cohesiveness of the reading.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
After the first beso, their relationship might become more confident. They start to be more open about their feelings for each other. They hold hands more often and share more affectionate glances.
There were novels similar to Nightmare Yolo:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1."Book of Troubled Times": A f * cking new novel. It's still the same familiar flavor. Classic saintess, classic strong woman, weak man, picking up girls.
Classic treasures weren't important. Beautiful women were the most important.
Although it's really well written, I'm still reading it now...
But I always felt that some of the descriptions were a little pretentious. Maybe it was the voice-over part, but it didn't affect it.
Give 8 points
2."Spirit Realm Walker": Author: Paper seller, Little Langjun (Platinum)
Tagged: science fiction evolution, mutation state: serial
Total Words:291.19w, True Fans:117.17w
Total Favorites: 563.480,000 Total Favorites: 434.170,000 Number of Leaders:385+ First Orders: 86,887
3."The Tang's Table":"The Tang's Table" is an unforgettable novel. With the Tang Dynasty as the background, the author presented a rich and colorful world of the Tang Dynasty by describing the adventures and growth of Yunchu. The plot was compact and fascinating, making one unable to extricate themselves. The writing was beautiful and the plot was compact, making one unable to stop. Although some of the chapters were a little weak, overall, this book was an excellent work. Whether it was a reader who liked historical novels or a reader who liked adventure and growth stories, they would find joy in this book. I recommend it to all readers who like novels. I believe you will be deeply attracted by this book.
4."King of Beasts": A rather interesting book. The creativity is not bad. It uses technology to cultivate immortality. The imagination is also amazing. I finished reading it in one go. It wasn't enough. I still want to read it.
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Not Bad
6. National Forensics: 500 likes, 200 pills.
I'll write a new book in Bird Village.
The urban system's professional literature.
It was about a second-generation university graduate who became a forensic doctor. He obtained the system directly and obtained skills by completing system missions. The main story was that the forensic rookie used his cheat to reach the peak of the industry.
Reason for recommendation:
1. The capybaras 'book had the best writing style among the genre. Although the volume was large, it was still very enjoyable to read such words.
2. It was still the professional literature that capybaras were best at. From doctor to forensic doctor, all kinds of popular science were still very fluent. The dissection process was very detailed. It was recommended to read it during meals.
3. The protagonist was no longer inhumanely handsome, and the sense of immersion was very friendly.
4. The proportion of daily life would be very large. Those who liked daily life could be paid more attention to.
5. The golden finger was a skill obtained from a dead person. He still obtained the skill of frying eggs from a dead person and the fingerprint identification method. It was written in an interesting way.
Similar recommendations:
"Mental Crime"(highly recommended)"Corpse Whisperer""The Scavenger""Silent Testimony""Sci-fi Mysteries""Death Notice""Wild Detective""Ten Deadly Sins""The Forensic Examiner's Notes""Chief Forensic Examiner""" Deep Pupil "
I recommend a few books from Zhiniao Village: "Doctor Ling Ran,""The God of Rebirth,""Super Energy Country."
7."Wait, Heroine": Heroine, Wait, the Female Lead is an immortal chivalrous article. This kind of article is rare.
It could be considered a standard novel. The heroine character was portrayed quite well, and the writing style was also very good. The little friends of the book famine could collect and browse it.
8.<Full Tang Colorful Scenery>: I can only say that it's amazing!
When he first saw the name, he didn't really care. After clicking on it, he couldn't stop. Now, I can only hold back from reading it. I'll save a little before reading it. It's too torturous to read chapter by chapter!
A book of immortal herbs!
9."Hidden Blind Corner": The quality is guaranteed in the early stages. This is the experience of an ordinary person who, after obtaining a special ability, slowly grows up in a blind corner and reaches the extreme. At the beginning of this round, Sister Daxiao would be able to enter the mysterious dungeon to fight monsters. She would be able to collect the ever-evolving Flower of Evil to build a novel flower armor (Masked Superman's sense of déjà vu). The main character would transform into a Masked Knight and punch everything that was not convinced.
The only bad thing is that I like water, which is the most to my liking out of all the recent books.
10.<<Final Divine Duty>>: In a world similar to the modern world, one starts from learning martial arts in a martial arts dojo and steps step by step into becoming extraordinary.
11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present.
The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned.
Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us?
"This Game Is Too Real": Moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, delivering packages…The company can at most let you experience the hardships of 996, but here you can experience the super double 007.
Alright, let's cut the crap. The great manager has called me to move bricks.
That lord said that as long as we work hard and offer our livers, he will be able to get a new set of power armors next month. Then, he will bring us to a brand new map and pick up more trash in the vast wasteland!
Chu Guang, who had transmigrated to the Wasteland World, discovered that he had unlocked the Sanctuary System and could summon creatures called "players" from the parallel world.
From that day on, the entire wasteland was not proper.
13."Red Heart Sky Patrol": Not a systematic book. If you're tired of reading the routine, you can read this book. It's written in a traditional way. The style is very good. It was the author's first time writing an online novel, so the plot was not perfect. It was very realistic.
Ranking index:
14."Ring of Fate": Finally, the time has come. Squid's new work is back as scheduled. It's also the continuation of my favorite "Lord of the Mysteries." Strongly recommended!
15:<<State Preceptor of Ming Dynasty>> If You Were Reborn to the Ming Dynasty, What Would You Do? Was he going to use his nine years of compulsory education to plant the banner of the iron-blooded Ming Dynasty everywhere he looked? The reclusive big shot had been thrown into prison and witnessed the Battle of Jingnan. He was about to face the death of ten clans. Have you ever seen him teaching in prison? Emperor Yongle asked you to be the national teacher. He sought death wholeheartedly and used modern knowledge to shock the world. Look at the five dragons in the Ming Dynasty, and look at the outrageous operation of the emperor. The regrets of the past can get a different ending here.
Elements of the work: Time travel #History #Teaching #Wisdom battle #Strategy
Work Status: Series
Author Rating: Baole Baole Baole
"Personal evaluation of the work: Just a few words, far beyond the understanding of the times. A few casual words are the Dragon Slaying Technique. Let's see what kind of sparks will be produced when the thoughts of later generations collide with Zhu Di!" It was a pity that the main character was suitable for establishing politics, suitable for empty talk, and not suitable for doing practical things. The plot was too idealistic. However, the writing and plot were first-class and not bad. It was just that it was a little difficult to implement.
As a snake hunter, Xu Ying had always been honest and diligent until this day when he caught a different snake...
On the first day of the third month, incense was burning everywhere in the Divine Land. The statues that protected the villages, towns, cities, and counties woke up one after another to enjoy the sacrifices of the people.
However, from that day onwards, the world was in chaos.
[17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?": I like the author's big imagination. The style of the novel was very humorous, and it was pleasant and easy to read. It was very good to read, and the short stories came one after another.
Deep Sea Ember: Sprout
If it was too little, he would write a simple book review first, and then make up for it later.
I think the story of a modern teacher entering another world by mistake is a bit like the book in Big Eyeball's book. Could it be that someone arranged for him to transmigrate? The author's forte was the structure of the world. His logic was meticulous, and the details were exquisite. The book seemed to be very ambitious. Even the gods of the other world seemed to have some problems. The main character was a legendary captain with a fierce reputation. In fact, he was an "ordinary person" who pretended to be calm. The contrast was very interesting.
[Reward index: Temporarily four stars]
19:"Cultivation in the Chaos of Demonic Martial Arts": Wen Chao's products must be of high quality. I am a firm Wen Chao braggart.
"Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a novel that was more depressed and survival oriented in the early stages, with elements of black humor. The world setting of the story was very attractive, and the quality of the post-production was also maintained very well. It was worth watching. This novel was about the cultivation of immortals. The author's level was very high, bringing joy and inspiration to people. The setting of the story was very interesting. The protagonist and his friends wandered the cultivation world together, full of funny and witty elements. The author's way of thinking was very unique, bringing happiness and novelty to the readers. This novel was a good cultivation novel. The quality of the old author's new book was guaranteed, so it was worth reading. On the whole, the plot of this novel was very well set up and above the standard. The only flaw was that the main character had overdone it. In general, readers who like this kind of alternative cultivation novel can read this novel. It brings you joy and surprise.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Since there isn't much information given just from 'yolo a star wars story', it could be a creative take on the Star Wars franchise. It could tell the story of a group of rebels or smugglers who adopt the 'yolo' mindset. They might take on dangerous missions against the Empire without much hesitation. For example, they could attempt to steal important plans from a heavily guarded Imperial base, believing that they should make the most of their one chance at glory and freedom in the Star Wars galaxy.
One popular Star and Marco beso fanfic could be 'The Unspoken Bond'. It delves into their relationship after an unexpected beso moment, exploring how it changes their dynamic and adventures together. Another might be 'Beso's True Meaning', which focuses on the cultural and emotional significance of the beso in their story. There's also 'A Beso to Remember' that takes a more romantic and dreamy approach to their relationship post - beso.
Growth and self - discovery also play a big role. Both Ash and Serena are on their own personal growth journeys. In the fanfictions, their relationship can be a catalyst for their individual growth. Serena might become more confident in her skills as a Pokémon trainer because of Ash's support, and Ash might learn more about his emotions and how to handle them through his relationship with Serena.
No. As far as I know, there is no official Star Wars production named 'yolo a star wars story'. Star Wars has a lot of official movies, TV shows, books, and games, but this doesn't seem to be part of the official canon.