
fais moi ou fait moi

Après sa transmigration, l'épouse en surpoids a fait son grand retour !

Après sa transmigration, l'épouse en surpoids a fait son grand retour !

``` Qiao Mei s'est retrouvée dans un roman en tant que personnage secondaire portant le même nom qu'elle, mais qui manquait de présence. Ce personnage secondaire était une péquenaude qui ne pouvait pas se marier à cause de son obésité. Selon le scénario original, cette campagnarde Qiao Mei était une grosse fille gâtée par son grand-père. Toutefois, leurs parents étaient tous des personnes vicieuses et cruelles. Son grand-père ayant une santé fragile, une fois décédé, les parents se diviseraient pour s'accaparer ses biens. Par conséquent, le plus grand souhait de son grand-père était de marier Qiao Mei. Pour cela, il a même sacrifié et trahi le petit-fils de son ami, Xia Zhe. Le grand-père a enivré Xia Zhe et a fait en sorte que Qiao Mei prenne de force le bel et fort Xia Zhe avec son corps pesant plus de deux cents livres. Ensuite, le grand-père les surprendrait le lendemain et forcerait Xia Zhe à épouser Qiao Mei. Cependant, cela a finalement causé le début de la vie malheureuse de Qiao Mei. Aussi, dans l'histoire originale, Qiao Mei s'appropriait le mystérieux jade de Xia Zhe. Mais à cause de la stupidité de Qiao Mei, la sœur de son cousin l'avait trompée et lui avait fait donner le jade, ce qui résultait en la richesse de la famille de son cousin. Quand Qiao Mei a transmigré ici, c'était pendant l'instant gênant où elle faisait l'amour à l'homme après l'avoir enivré. Elle s'est réveillée avec confusion le lendemain et l'équipe du grand-père était déjà à la porte. Qiao Mei avait peur. Elle ne voulait pas suivre le chemin initial et épouser un homme qui ne l'aimait pas. Et donc, elle a menti et a chassé grand-père. Elle a également poussé l'homme dehors avant de se forcer à regarder son reflet bronzé et potelé dans le miroir! Hélas, elle pleurait face à son apparence laide... Comme un sumotori en sous-vêtement de grande taille, même les magasins de vêtements grandes tailles n'avaient pas de vêtements à sa taille. Et son visage était de la taille d'une pizza, une pizza brûlée! Qiao Mei a décidé de réformer sa vie! La première étape, perdre du poids! La deuxième étape, ranger sa chambre! Elle qui tenait à la propreté, bien que sa maison actuelle eût une grande cour, elle ne pouvait la décrire que comme désordonnée! La troisième étape était de tenir fermement le jade pour que sa cousine avide n'en ait aucune chance! Seulement, le grand et beau Xia Zhe ne devait-il pas la détester selon l'histoire originale? Pourquoi était-il de plus en plus gentil avec elle? ```
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627 Chs
Éveil du Talent : Moi, le plus faible éveillé, je commence avec le Sort de Feu Draconique

Éveil du Talent : Moi, le plus faible éveillé, je commence avec le Sort de Feu Draconique

Mise à jour quotidienne ! 9h PST ---------------------- À l'ère de l'Éveil Universel sur la Sphère Azure, une myriade de races et de dieux coexistent. Démons, dieux obscurs et monstres descendent dans le royaume mortel, pour être accueillis par les Éveillés. Howard, lors de son Rituel d'Éveil, découvre des talents doubles — Récupération de Mana de rang F, et le talent suprême : Synthèse Suprême. Il garde un profil bas, se cachant en tant que 'magus ordinaire'. À travers d'innombrables actes de synthèse, il forge des artefacts suprêmes, des compétences suprêmes et des classes suprêmes ! Synthèse de Boule de Feu... Ding ! Synthèse réussie, acquisition de la compétence de rang D — Serpent de Feu ! Synthèse de Serpent de Feu... Ding ! Synthèse réussie, acquisition de la compétence de rang B — Python de Feu ! Synthèse de Python de Feu... Ding ! Synthèse réussie, acquisition de la compétence de rang S — Dragonfeu ! Lorsque les démons envahissent et que les dieux obscurs descendent, ils restent bouche bée devant la Sphère Azure qui se dresse devant eux. "Non, c'est un piège... un piège déguisé en simple cupcake !" ---------------------- Participation WSA 2023 ! Veuillez montrer votre soutien si vous aimez l'histoire ! Comment pouvez-vous montrer votre soutien ? Offrez une Pierre de Pouvoir ! 150 = 1 chapitre bonus 200 = 2 chapitres bonus 500 = 3 chapitres bonus La sortie bonus aura lieu la semaine suivante !
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544 Chs
Baby Serendipity : Le monde entier est tombé amoureux de moi

Baby Serendipity : Le monde entier est tombé amoureux de moi

La famille Su, la plus riche de la ville, a soudainement une chérubine de trois ans ! Tout le monde pensait que cette petite fille est la fille illégitime de Su Qi, le playboy notoire du cercle des divertissements, pour finalement voir les sept frères Su agenouillés et l'appelant tante ! Toute la Ville du Nord se mourait de rire : À quoi sert votre tante à part boire du lait ? La mienne peut au moins faire de la broderie pour moi. Su Qi : De la broderie ? Ma tante peut attraper des fantômes, des démons et des zombies, des talents qui attirent l'attention de tout le monde. Votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Liu : Ma tante peut poursuivre des avions avec une épée volante, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Wu : Ma tante peut guérir des maladies avec les treize aiguilles de la Porte des Fantômes, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Si : Ma tante peut faire un quintuple saut en patinage artistique, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su San : Ma tante peut facilement réaliser un pentakill dans les jeux, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Er : Ma tante gagne des prix en peinture traditionnelle chinoise, en peinture à l'huile et en peinture à l'encre. Votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Su Da : Ma tante aide ma compagnie à gagner un milliard par jour, votre tante peut-elle faire ça ? Plus tard, la petite tante de la famille Su a grandi et a discrètement commencé une romance avec son ami d'enfance beau, habile et à la peau claire. À l'unisson, les sept fils de la famille Su rugirent : Éloignez-vous de notre tante !
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529 Chs
Luta, Fuga ou Congelamento: A História da Curandeira

Luta, Fuga ou Congelamento: A História da Curandeira

``` Você já se perguntou como seria acordar em um corpo que não é seu? Um corpo muito, muito mais jovem? Eu não posso dizer que já tinha pensado muito sobre isso. Isso foi até uma noite em que um paciente entrou no departamento de emergência onde eu estava trabalhando e me deu um tiro à queima-roupa na cabeça. Sabe, se ele queria uma segunda opinião, era só pedir. Mas isso é o de menos... De alguma forma, de algum jeito, acordei num hospital estranho com uma mulher que parecia suspeitosamente com minha mãe segurando minha mão e chorando. Super feliz em vê-la, me levou alguns minutos para perceber que eu não era mais a doutora bem-sucedida de 25 anos em um dos hospitais mais prestigiados do mundo. Não, eu era uma menina de 6 anos que por um momento... queria sua mãe. Quando o apocalipse chega, cada um por si. Eu tenho três escolhas: lutar pelo que quero? Fugir e me esconder, ou ficar paralisada quando os demônios do meu passado voltarem para me assombrar? Você pode me conhecer como A Curandeira, mas esta é a minha história para contar. ------ Lutar, Fugir ou Paralisar é o segundo romance da série Renascimento no Apocalipse, desta vez apresentando A Curandeira: Wang Tian Mu e seus homens. Você não precisará ler o primeiro para entender este, e ela não vai ficar criança o tempo todo. Li Dai Lu e seus caras vão aparecer ocasionalmente, mas esta é estritamente a história de Wang Tian Mu! Espero que você curta! Outros Romances: Renascimento no Apocalipse: Terceira Vez é um Charme (Concluído) Naves da Estrela (Concluído) Dançando com Monstros (Em Andamento) Silenciosa como um Rato (Em Andamento) Me encontre no Discord: devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289) ```
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372 Chs
Combattre, Fuir ou Se figer : L'histoire de la Guérisseuse

Combattre, Fuir ou Se figer : L'histoire de la Guérisseuse

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que ça ferait de vous réveiller dans un corps qui n'est pas le vôtre ? Un corps beaucoup, beaucoup plus jeune ? Je ne peux pas dire que j'y avais déjà beaucoup réfléchi. Jusqu'à cette nuit où un patient a débarqué aux urgences où je travaillais et m'a tiré une balle en pleine tête. Vous savez, s'il voulait un second avis, il n'avait qu’à demander. Mais ce n'est pas le propos... D'une manière ou d'une autre, je me suis réveillée dans un hôpital étrange avec une femme qui ressemblait étrangement à ma mère me tenant la main et pleurant. Très heureuse de la voir, il m'a fallu quelques minutes pour réaliser que je n'étais plus le docteur de 25 ans, réussi, dans l’un des hôpitaux les plus prestigieux du monde. Non, j'étais une petite fille de 6 ans qui, pour un instant... voulait sa maman. Quand vient l'apocalypse, chacun s’en sort comme il peut. J’ai trois choix : Dois-je me battre pour ce que je veux ? Vais-je fuir et me cacher, ou vais-je me figer quand les démons de mon passé reviendront me hanter ? Vous pouvez me connaître sous le nom de la Guérisseuse, mais c’est mon histoire à raconter. ------ Fight, Flight, or Freeze est le deuxième roman de la série Rebirth in the Apocalypse, cette fois mettant en scène la Guérisseuse : Wang Tian Mu et ses hommes. Vous n'aurez pas besoin de lire le premier pour comprendre celui-ci, et elle ne restera pas enfant tout le long. Li Dai Lu et ses gars feront de temps en temps une apparition, mais c'est strictement l'histoire de Wang Tian Mu ! J'espère que vous apprécierez ! Autres romans : Rebirth in the Apocalypse : La Troisième Fois, c’est la bonne (Terminé) Les Vaisseaux de l'étoile (Terminé) Danser avec les Monstres (En cours) Aussi Silencieux qu'une Souris (En cours) Retrouvez-moi sur Discord : devilbesideyou666 (@Sakura#6289)
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372 Chs
Duc, ça fait mal...

Duc, ça fait mal...

Bienvenue dans le monde sophistiqué de l'élite, où Seraphina Alaric, une jeune fille délicate et fragile qui dépend toujours de médicaments pour aller mieux, essaie juste de souffler un peu avant que sa vie ne soit bouleversée par un mariage arrangé... Sérieusement, qui a envie d'être enchaîné quand on essaie encore de déterminer ce qu'on veut dans la vie? Lors d'un banquet fastueux, elle rencontre le mystérieux duc d'Everwyn. Et la partie la plus folle? Elle n'a aucune idée de qui est ce gars - elle pense juste qu'il s'agit d'un étranger mystérieux. Sortie de nulle part, se sentant aventureuse (et peut-être un peu téméraire), elle suggère une liaison secrète qui chamboule son monde entier. Dans cet instant caché, Seraphina plonge la tête la première dans ses désirs les plus fous. Mais coup de théâtre - il s'avère que l'homme avec qui elle vient de passer la nuit n'est autre que son futur mari. Oups! Tant pis pour l'étranger mystérieux - elle vient de passer la nuit avec son futur époux! "Duc, ça fait mal..." vous invite dans un tourbillon de découverte de soi, de romance torride et du doux chaos de l'amour quand on s'y attend le moins. Seraphina pourra-t-elle se libérer des chaînes de la société, ou se retrouvera-t-elle empêtrée dans la toile même qu'elle a tenté d'échapper? Rejoignez-la dans ce voyage palpitant, et découvrez comment l'amour peut être à la fois libérateur et compliqué. Ne manquez pas ça - votre prochaine obsession n'est qu'à une page de distance!
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224 Chs
Write a Fanfiction about 'moi x minna strike witches'
3 answers
2024-12-07 03:56
Well, one idea could be to focus on a new character, let's call her Mei. Mei has just joined the Strike Witches and is initially shy around Minna. But as they go on missions together, they start to bond. Mei discovers Minna's leadership skills and Minna sees Mei's potential. They face a tough enemy that requires them to combine their unique abilities, like Minna's strategic planning and Mei's speed. In the end, they become great friends and a powerful duo in the Strike Witches team.
What are some plot ideas for a 'moi x minna strike witches' fanfiction?
1 answer
2024-12-08 03:51
How about a story where Moi discovers a long - lost magic technique. Minna is intrigued but also a bit jealous. This causes some tension between them. However, an enemy attacks the Strike Witches and they quickly realize they need to work together. Moi tries to teach Minna the new technique but it's difficult. As they practice, they start to communicate better and Minna finally masters it. With their combined powers and the new technique, they are able to defeat the enemy and their relationship becomes stronger than ever.
What was a fantasy romance novel with Kudo Moi as the female lead? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-11 04:03
This book was called " The Craftsman Reincarnated as the Empress." The characters in it included the main character, Li Xinran, the transmigrated female lead, the supporting character, Firnaz, the dean of the Magic Division of Moshor Magic Martial Arts Academy, and the supporting character, Kanuo. Ancanis, the previous emperor, Xin Ran's father, supporting role-Jasper, Jasper, the Rebel Duke, supporting role-Capth, Capth, the Neutral Duke, the Hereditary Duke, one of the strongest in the kingdom! The supporting role was Gail, the female protagonist was Kudo Moi, the female protagonist of another story. She was a guide in this world. She had a high IQ and was known as the prophet. The male supporting role was Mo Tong, the female protagonist's personal bodyguard, Little Xin Ran's first love. The female supporting role was Xin Ran. Ancanis, the original owner of the body. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " The Craftsman Reincarnated as the Empress " by Dance Step Lingyin. This is a fantasy romance novel from another world. It has been completed and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: You have the power above millions of people, but you can't wait for the promise of a lifetime.] She had transmigrated to become the empress in one day. With her limited political knowledge and her whimsical ideas, she had actually obtained the admiration of everyone in the country, except for one person! Magic and knights, this fantasy world still had science! The conflict between races was only to remove the curse of a true god! I hope you will like this book.
The main character was Li Xinran. What was Kudo Moi's fantasy romance novel? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-15 13:57
This book was called " The Craftsman Reincarnated as the Empress." The characters in it included the main character, Li Xinran, the transmigrated female lead, the supporting character, Firnaz, the dean of the Magic Division of Moshor Magic Martial Arts Academy, and the supporting character, Kanuo. Ancanis, the previous emperor, Xin Ran's father, supporting role-Jasper, Jasper, the Rebel Duke, supporting role-Capth, Capth, the Neutral Duke, the Hereditary Duke, one of the strongest in the kingdom! The supporting role was Gail, the female protagonist was Kudo Moi, the female protagonist of another story. She was a guide in this world. She had a high IQ and was known as the prophet. The male supporting role was Mo Tong, the female protagonist's personal bodyguard, Little Xin Ran's first love. The female supporting role was Xin Ran. Ancanis, the original owner of the body. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " The Craftsman Reincarnated as the Empress " by Dance Step Lingyin. This is a fantasy romance novel from another world. It has been completed and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: You have the power above millions of people, but you can't wait for the promise of a lifetime.] She had transmigrated to become the empress in one day. With her limited political knowledge and her whimsical ideas, she had actually obtained the admiration of everyone in the country, except for one person! Magic and knights, this fantasy world still had science! The conflict between races was only to remove the curse of a true god! I hope you will like this book.
The male protagonist is Li Xinran, and the female protagonist is Kudo Moi. What is a fantasy romance novel? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-10 12:28
This book was called " The Craftsman Reincarnated as the Empress." The characters in it included the main character, Li Xinran, the transmigrated female lead, the supporting character, Firnaz, the dean of the Magic Division of Moshor Magic Martial Arts Academy, and the supporting character, Kanuo. Ancanis, the previous emperor, Xin Ran's father, supporting role-Jasper, Jasper, the Rebel Duke, supporting role-Capth, Capth, the Neutral Duke, the Hereditary Duke, one of the strongest in the kingdom! The supporting role was Gail, the female protagonist was Kudo Moi, the female protagonist of another story. She was a guide in this world. She had a high IQ and was known as the prophet. The male supporting role was Mo Tong, the female protagonist's personal bodyguard, Little Xin Ran's first love. The female supporting role was Xin Ran. Ancanis, the original owner of the body. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " The Craftsman Reincarnated as the Empress " by Dance Step Lingyin. This is a fantasy romance novel from another world. It has been completed and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: You have the power above millions of people, but you can't wait for the promise of a lifetime.] She had transmigrated to become the empress in one day. With her limited political knowledge and her whimsical ideas, she had actually obtained the admiration of everyone in the country, except for one person! Magic and knights, this fantasy world still had science! The conflict between races was only to remove the curse of a true god! I hope you will like this book.
Wang ou
1 answer
2025-01-09 21:03
Wang Ou was an actress and model from mainland China. She was born in NanNing City and graduated from Guangxi Arts College. Wang Ou participated in the Miss China-Vietnam Friendship Competition in 2002 and won the championship. In the same year, she starred in her first TV series, Journey to the East. In 2003, she won the Most Photogenic Award in the National Finals of the 4th CCTV Model Competition. Wang Ou's representative works included the TV series Heart's Ring, No Time to Delay, and the movie The World of Dart. Her looks were praised and her acting skills were recognized. There was currently no relevant information about Wang Ou's personal life and family situation.
Wang ou
1 answer
2025-01-09 10:33
Wang Ou was an actress and model from mainland China. She was born in NanNing City and graduated from Guangxi Arts College. In 2002, she participated in the Miss China-Vietnam Friendship Competition and won the championship. In the same year, she also starred in her first TV series,"Journey to the East". Her popularity in the entertainment industry gradually increased, and she participated in many TV series and movies. Wang Ou's appearance was recognized. Her image was beautiful and elegant, and she was considered suitable to play some charming roles. Her strength and integrity were also praised. Wang Ou was currently 41 years old. Recently, there were rumors that she was pregnant, but the father of the child had not been confirmed. All in all, Wang Ou was an actress and model who had received a lot of attention. She had made some achievements in her acting career.
Ou Jintang
1 answer
2025-01-09 03:04
Ou Jintang was born on April 26, 1963. He was an actor and host from China Hong Kong. He graduated from the Asian Television Artist Training Program and became a full-time actor in 1990. Ou Jintang's main works include "Heroes of Guangdong Ten Tigers","Golden Lawyer","I'm from Chaozhou" and "I'm from Guangzhou". He married his wife Wan Simin in 1997 and the two had worked together many times. Ou Jintang had made some achievements in his acting career and was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor in the 2011 Million Star Awards on TVP. In addition, he was also a photographer and writer, good at photography and writing. Recently, Ou Jintang posted a photo of himself in the ward with his wife on social media, praying for his wife's surgery to go smoothly. He showed his meticulous care for his wife and expressed his strong feelings for the couple and his expectations for the future.
Wang ou
1 answer
2025-01-08 14:47
Wang Ou, an actress and model from Mainland China, was born in NanNing City, Guangxi. In 2002, she participated in the Miss China-Vietnam Friendship Competition and won the championship. In the same year, she starred in her first TV series,"Journey to the East of the City." In 2003, she won the Most Photogenic Award in the National Finals of the 4th CCTV Model Competition. Wang Ou had starred in many TV series and movies, including famous works such as Nirvana in Fire, The Pretender, and Fox Hunt. Her looks were recognized and praised as beautiful as a fairy. At present, there was no definite news about whether Wang Ou was pregnant or the father of the child.
Wang ou
1 answer
2025-01-06 21:59
Wang Ou was an actress and model from Mainland China. She was born in NanNing City, Guangxi, and graduated from Guangxi Arts College. In 2002, she participated in the Miss China-Vietnam Friendship Competition and won the championship. In the same year, she starred in her first TV series,"Journey to the East." She also participated in the fourth CCTV Model Competition and won the Most Photogenic Award. Wang Ou's representative works in the entertainment industry included the TV series "Nirvana in Fire" and "The Pretender." Her looks were highly praised and she was considered a capable actress with a unique style. Regarding her personal life, the outside world had different views on her marriage and family experience. At present, there was no confirmation of whether Wang Ou was pregnant or who the father of the child was.