
a lua ta linda hoje

Aguardando o Retorno da Lua na Cidade do Sul

Aguardando o Retorno da Lua na Cidade do Sul

Eve Thompson acordou na cama do solteiro mais cobiçado da Cidade S com o braço dele em volta de sua cintura, mas ela só tinha as palavras de sua mãe em sua mente. "Certifique-se de que ninguém descubra que você está disfarçada como sua irmã," disse-lhe ela, olhando para a marca de nascença falsa desenhada com maquiagem no rosto da filha restante. "Você tem que fazer o Senhor Charlie se casar com você, tudo que temos depende disso!" disse ela. Era uma pena, pois o homem ao lado dela se parecia muito com o homem que ela havia perdido muitos anos atrás. O favor de Anthony Charlie com as mulheres era notoriamente difícil de conquistar, mas em um estupor de bêbado, ele se arrastou para debaixo dos lençóis com a mulher ao lado dele, seduzido pela memória de alguém que ele havia perdido há muito tempo e que esta mulher se parecia. Contudo, ela nunca teve uma marca de nascença. Nunca poderia ser ela. Seu encontro foi coincidência? O que o passado escondido deles revelaria!? Junte-se a Eve Thompson em sua empolgante jornada de cortejo e espionagem política enquanto ela assume o lugar de sua irmã gêmea na vida agora abandonada e tenta salvar sua família conquistando o coração do misterioso solteiro, Anthony Charlie!
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801 Chs
Reencarnación en los 80: La Esposa Escolar es Linda

Reencarnación en los 80: La Esposa Escolar es Linda

Engañada para casarse, explotada toda su vida como una niñera sin sueldo y finalmente golpeada hasta la muerte por su madre adoptiva delante de la cama del enfermo padre adoptivo, la miserable vida de Shen Mianmian llegó a su fin. Cuando abrió sus ojos de nuevo, se encontró de vuelta a los quince años. Shen Mianmian juró escapar de su destino pasado, castigar a su maliciosa prima y a su madre adoptiva, pero accidentalmente brilló demasiado en el proceso. La estudiante antepenúltima de la escuela de repente ascendió a la cima, convirtiéndose en la candidata peleada por prestigiosas universidades, causando sensación entre todos los profesores y estudiantes... Mientras otros estaban ocupados estudiando, Shen Mianmian estaba ocupada iniciando pequeños negocios para ganar dinero... Mientras otros se preparaban para el examen de ingreso a la universidad, Shen Mianmian compró de un golpe las dos casas encantadas más notorias de Pekín... convirtiéndose en una rareza a ojos de todos, se burlaban de que aunque tuviera la fortuna de comprarlas, podría no tener la vida para vivir en ellas. Cuando otros se graduaron y estaban ocupados buscando trabajo, las propiedades encantadas compradas por Shen Mianmian fueron expropiadas por el gobierno, ganándole una cantidad considerable de compensación por la demolición. Aquellos que se habían burlado de ella no pudieron evitar darse dos palmadas... preguntando por todas partes dónde podría haber casas encantadas en venta. Shen Mianmian, que originalmente necesitaba pedir prestado dinero para las tasas de matrícula, usó los fondos de demolición y aprovechó su ventaja de renacer para comprar un terreno adecuado y construir un edificio de alquiler, transformándose en la propietaria de tierras más rica y próspera de Pekín... Un día, Shen Mianmian, llevando una bolsa de llaves y habiendo acabado de cobrar la renta, fue arrastrada al Registro Civil. —Shen Mianmian, es hora de que pagues lo que me debes.
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461 Chs
Uma Linda Luna Após a Rejeição

Uma Linda Luna Após a Rejeição

Cecily era uma garota magricela sem amigos. No entanto, como todas as outras garotas, ansiava por um amor verdadeiro. Ela sempre foi apaixonada por Roberto, filho do Alfa de sua Matilha. No entanto, no seu décimo oitavo aniversário, descobriu que Roberto era seu Companheiro! Antes que pudesse abraçá-lo em excitação, Roberto já havia lançado sua mão para longe como um pedaço de lixo. "Você não se tornará minha Companheira. Finja que nada aconteceu hoje. Vá embora e vigie sua boca. Não diga nada que não deva dizer!" Roberto olhava publicamente para a loira sexy e bonita Alison na formatura do ensino médio. A viagem de formatura mudou Cecily, tornando-a mais forte, mais confiante, mais vibrante, e mais bela e sexy. Além disso, Roberto, que a encontrou novamente no campus da faculdade, começou a persegui-la. "Você deve ser minha Luna. Viveremos juntos a partir de agora. Teremos muitos filhos. Eles serão saudáveis e inteligentes." Os olhos de Roberto estavam cheios de luxúria. A insistência de Roberto fez Cecily sentir nojo e náuseas! Como Cecily não podia se proteger de Roberto devido à diferença de força, Michael apareceu. "Suas ações o tornam indigno como um Alfa." Michael olhou para Roberto com desprezo. Na inauguração de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily não pôde mais tolerar sua insistência. "Eu, Cecily Levin, rejeito Roberto Paslo como meu companheiro." Quando Roberto estava furioso e com dor, querendo ferir Cecily, Michael apareceu novamente! "Cecily foi a Companheira arranjada pela Deusa da Lua para mim." Michael olhou para Cecily com ternura. "Quem quer que ouse tocá-la está desrespeitando a família real."
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337 Chs
Matrimonio Cariñoso de Élite: Marido Astuto, Esposa Distante y Linda

Matrimonio Cariñoso de Élite: Marido Astuto, Esposa Distante y Linda

Wen Xuxu es una mujer tenaz, con mucho talento, inteligente y valiente que fue acogida por la familia Yan a la edad de cuatro años, cuando perdió a sus dos padres. Concebido para suceder a un gran conglomerado, Yan Rusheng es un hombre distante, inteligente y orgulloso que es el soltero más codiciado de la ciudad capital. A pesar de crecer juntos, ambos parecen tratarse como una monstruosidad. Ella lo etiqueta de imbécil y mujeriego mientras que para él es una arpía. Con el tiempo, se enamoran, pero siguen ocultando sus sentimientos el uno por el otro. Por un giro del destino, se les obliga a casarse. Y es desconocida para todos los demás y Yan Rusheng, ella ha albergado un profundo secreto durante muchos años….
263 Chs
A Pária Destinada do Alfa: Ascensão do Cantor da Lua

A Pária Destinada do Alfa: Ascensão do Cantor da Lua

“Não serei definida como uma ‘desviante sem lobo’ Não serei um peão nos ‘jogos que os Alfas jogam’ E me recuso a ser emparelhada com o estranho que irrompeu em minha vida e virou tudo de cabeça para baixo... Só que esse talvez seja o meu maior desafio até agora.” Essas foram as palavras que Lyla repetiu para si mesma enquanto deixava a gala anual de lobisomens, encharcada de seu suor e seus feromônios. Há apenas alguns dias, ela era uma adolescente feliz existindo no mundo humano – tentando passar pela faculdade e ir para longe, esquecer tudo o que vivenciou e começar a vida de novo, mas agora, ela está no meio da gala, estendida no chão com seus desejos expostos na cara de todos e o Alfa Ramsey Kincaid – o líder Lycan do Trono da Lua Branca estendendo as mãos em sua direção. Se ela aceitar, trará desonra para sua família porque ela não está em condições de se misturar com ninguém, quanto mais com o líder Lycan que estava fora de sua liga e se ela recusar, ela corre o risco de ser enviada à prisão da alcateia por não cuidar melhor de si mesma durante seu cio – sim, era um crime para ela estar sem um lobo. Mas quando ele a toca, algo dentro dela se agita... Desejos? Sim! Poderes ocultos pela deusa Lua? Sim! E talvez, apenas talvez, os sinais de seu lobo desaparecido cuja voz pode acalmar lobos ferozes e curar... Ela conseguirá confiar neste homem cuja boca diz uma coisa e suas mãos falam outra língua ou ela se tornará um peão – uma peça de xadrez nos jogos ‘que os Alfas jogam’? Uma coisa é certa: Lyla Woodlands estava farta de ser a pequena e suja ‘desviante sem lobo’ da alcateia. É hora desta maravilha sem lobo mostrar do que ela é feita. #Queima lenta #Antigas profecias esvoaçantes # Triângulo Amoroso - ML e melhor amigo da FL #Vilão apaixonado pela FL Participe do meu grupo no discord: https://discord.gg/t2w9NgC4
217 Chs
Các nam chính vì cái gì đều dùng loại này ánh mắt xem ta

Các nam chính vì cái gì đều dùng loại này ánh mắt xem ta

Địch Tinh Thần xuyên vào một quyển hào môn luyến ái tổng nghệ văn, khách quý phối trí có thể nói luyến tổng trần nhà. Nhất hào nam khách quý, ác danh hiển hách, tử khí trầm trầm, tất cả mọi người muốn vòng quanh hắn đi, bình sinh chỉ đối tài chính số liệu cảm thấy hứng thú, cố tình một khuôn mặt soái tuyệt nhân gian, không chút để ý mà cười, liền có thể gọi người mặt đỏ tim đập, hành tẩu giá áo tử, tương lai thương nghiệp đế quốc người cầm quyền, thẻ ngân hàng tùy tiện xoát kia một loại. Ân, này hẳn là Tấn Giang nam chủ phối trí. Số 2 nam khách quý, tà mị quyến cuồng thẳng nam đại lão, thân cao 191, công cẩu eo, cá mập cơ, tương lai danh chấn thế giới khí vận chi tử, hiện giờ còn ở tự chủ gây dựng sự nghiệp, một năm sau liền sẽ đột nhiên phất nhanh, tuổi còn trẻ liền sẽ trở thành công ty niêm yết lão bản. Vừa thấy chính là Điểm Gia nam chủ phối trí. Số 3 nam khách quý, cao lãnh cấm dục quân tử, áo sơmi vĩnh viễn thủ sẵn trên cùng nút thắt, cực kỳ thói ở sạch, nhưng kỳ thật có một viên vặn vẹo lửa nóng tâm, là quốc nội nổi danh điện cạnh vương bài tuyển thủ. Đường Gia nam chủ không chạy. Mặt khác khách quý thân phận thân phận tuôn ra tới cũng đều là làm người thét chói tai cái loại này. Chỉ có hắn cái này nam khách quý, là bình thường không thể lại bình thường xinh đẹp ngu xuẩn, làm nhiều nhất sống, đạt được ít nhất màn ảnh, từ đầu tới đuôi không có thu được quá một điều tâm động tin nhắn, rõ đầu rõ đuôi công cụ người. A, cái này nhân thiết hảo thích hợp hắn! Địch Tinh Thần cẩn trọng mà làm hắn công cụ người nhân vật, lập chí làm các khách quý ái tiểu que diêm, sát châm chính mình, chiếu sáng lên người khác. Nấu cơm? Ta tới, đồ ăn Trung Quốc cơm Nhật cơm Tây đổi thượng, hy vọng mặt khác các khách quý ăn uống no đủ hảo hảo nị oai. Yêu đương yêu cầu bầu không khí? Ta tới, các ngươi muốn nghe nào một đầu dương cầm khúc, 《 ái điệu Waltz 》, 《 Thư gửi Elise 》? Hoặc là đổi đàn violon? Tiết mục tổ thiết trí trời cao nhảy dù dọa lui các khách quý? Đây là các ngươi ôm nhau cơ hội a a a, không cần sợ hãi, ta vì các ngươi làm làm mẫu! Nói xong hắn trực tiếp thả người nhảy liền nhảy xuống! Ở có người bị nhất hào nam khách quý lạnh nhạt bị thương tâm thời điểm, hắn an ủi nói: “Hắn chỉ là thơ ấu bất hạnh mới có thể như vậy âm u, ngươi không nghĩ trở thành hắn duy nhất quang sao?” Ở tất cả mọi người cảm thấy số 2 nam khách quý quá dầu mỡ bá đạo thời điểm, hắn giải thích nói: “Ngươi không cảm thấy hắn tràn ngập Vương Bá chi khí sao, tương lai khẳng định không phải vật trong ao, ta xem trọng hắn!” Đến nỗi số 3 nam khách quý: “Hắn cao lãnh cấm dục bộ dáng nhiều mang cảm a, ngươi không nghĩ xé mở hắn áo sơmi sao?” Ở hắn nỗ lực hạ, tiết mục quả nhiên đại bạo đặc bạo. Tấn Giang nam chủ: “Hắn là ta duy nhất quang.” Điểm Gia nam chủ: “Chỉ có hắn nhất hiểu ta.” Đường Gia nam chủ: “Lòng ta tưởng, liền tính nói ra cũng không thể bá.” Địch Tinh Thần: “…… A?” Tiết mục mới vừa phát sóng thời điểm, võng hữu: “Cảm giác các khách quý đều không giống như là sẽ nói chuyện yêu đương bộ dáng a.” Sau lại: “Tập tập đều là tranh giành tình cảm Tu La tràng, hảo kích thích!” “Này cũng quá mẹ nó ngọt đi! Khuôn mặt nhỏ thông hoàng.” Tiết mục tổ: “Chúng ta thật sự đã tận lực đem quá phận xóa rớt, rốt cuộc chúng ta là một thượng tinh tổng nghệ.” Võng hữu: “Không cần xóa! Có cái gì thu phí nội dung là chúng ta cao quý VIP không thể xem!” Địch Tinh Thần: “…… Ta chỉ là muốn làm cái an tĩnh công cụ người a.” Quan xứng: “A.” Thụ là quét rác tăng, nhưng hắn chỉ nghĩ làm ăn dưa quần chúng. Cho nên hắn thành cái vạn nhân mê.
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214 Chs
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun:Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun vol1-5

The Husky and His White Cat Shizun:Erha He Ta De Bai Mao Shizun vol1-5

This was written by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat (Ròu Bāo Bù Chī Ròu) so I do not own any of it, but enjoy! Massacring his way to the top to become emperor of the cultivation world, Mo Ran’s cruel reign left him with little satisfaction. Now, upon suffering his greatest loss, he takes his own life... To his surprise, Mo Ran awakens in his own body at age sixteen, years before he ever began his bloody conquests. Now, as a novice disciple at the cultivation sect known as Sisheng Peak, Mo Ran has a second chance at life. This time, he vows that he will attain the gratification that eluded him in his last life: the overly righteous shall fall, and none will dare treat him like a dog ever again! His furious passion burns most fiercely for his shizun, Chu Wanning, the beautiful yet cold cultivation teacher who maintains a cat-like aloofness in his presence. Yet despite Mo Ran’s shameless pursuit of his own goals, he begins to question his previously held beliefs, and wonders if there could be more to his teacher–and his own feelings–than he ever realized.
180 Chs
Ta cắt đều là thật sự - Tác giả: Hồng Điểu Tham

Ta cắt đều là thật sự - Tác giả: Hồng Điểu Tham

Sở Chu là cái diễn viên, mười tám tuyến có hơn hồ đến địa tâm, đồng thời, hắn vẫn là cái sản lương Tiễn Đao Thủ. Nhưng không thể tưởng tượng chính là, hắn cắt sở hữu CP đều quan tuyên. Hắn vẫn luôn cho rằng đây là trùng hợp, thẳng đến ứng fans yêu cầu cắt chính hắn cùng nhân khí diễn viên Phó Tuân thuần ghép CP. Bổn không chút nào tương quan hai người, đột nhiên liền có giao thoa, Hơn nữa giao thoa còn càng ngày càng nhiều, thẳng đến căn bản phân không khai . . . Sở Chu: Mẹ ngươi, vì cái gì? ! —— ta có Nguyệt Lão thể chất, sau đó cấp chính mình dắt tới lão công?
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126 Chs
Minha Linda Quarentona

Minha Linda Quarentona

Se alguém me pergunta-se que eu Fernanda de Freitas estaria me separando do homem que eu tinha jurado amar, respeitar na alegria e na tristeza, eu teria rido e muito. Meu casamento pra mim eu achava que era perfeito, bom eu achava até que um dia tudo ruiu. Agora eu prestes há fazer 40 anos eu não saberia que finalmente eu iria encontrar o grande amor da minha vida! Seria cômico que o homem que viria gostar era 10 anos mais novo do que eu? Bruno Mendes Eu desde que a vi ali parada conversando com uma amiga a única coisa que veio na minha cabeça foi "Essa mulher é perfeita para mim" Era como se eu tivesse morrido e ido pro céu pra mim era um anjo em perfeição. Se alguém tivesse me dito que eu estaria correndo atrás de uma mulher eu teria rido com certeza. Eu tinha falado pro meu melhor amigo que estava correndo de mulher, já bastava que a louca da minha ex tinha aprontado. Ao descobrir que essa mesma mulher que me fascina é uma mulher mais velha que eu, fiquei muito surpreso porque pra ela era nova funcionaria e faria de tudo pra me aproximar da minha linda quarentona ou eu não me chamo Bruno Mendes o seu novo chefe!
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37 Chs
Caçadores Da Lua

Caçadores Da Lua

"Eu entendo que ainda não tenho experiência. Eu sou apenas um companheiro de equipe incapaz que não conseguiu ir até o fim com meus camaradas. No entanto, a lealdade que foi gravada no meu coração, pelo menos isso eu posso garantir que é genuíno. É a minha verdade depois de tudo..." Em um futuro alternativo do seu: "21/12/2012" a data de um evento que abalou todo o planeta terra. Nesse dia, criaturas mitológicas, que até então só existiam em livros e filmes fictícios desceram de portais mágicos nos céus do nosso 'pacifico' planeta. Contra essas criaturas, várias guerras foram travadas, depois de 10 longos anos, bilhões de humanos foram mortos no processo, restando uma população de um pouco menos de 50 mil vivos. 50 anos se passaram desde aquele evento que hoje chamamos de "A invasão". Nesses anos todos muitos países caíram com as inúmeras guerras, um dos poucos que não se renderam foi o japão, onde vive a nossa protagonista com sangue europeu, ela sonha em fazer parte da maior força existente entre os humanos, "os caçadores da lua", eles são os únicos que podem salvar nosso lar. Seu maior sonho é trazer o fim da guerra dos humanos contra os monstros, para que as crianças possam viver num mundo em que sangue não precise ser derramado para que as coisas sejam resolvidas.
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25 Chs
A novel recommendation like "The First Song of the Ta and Ta Trilogy"
1 answer
2025-01-18 04:33
There were novels similar to the first part of the trilogy: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": A new novel with many female leads. A familiar style. Friends who like to read the Spring and Autumn Annals should know about it! 2."Spirit Realm Walker": Sprout. [Demining: The update is not good enough. It's always stuck at a critical point.] [What to Look At: The style of writing is smooth and comfortable. It's like laughing and scolding between good friends, and they all become articles.] Although the entire article was very useful, you couldn't see the seriousness in it. It had a sense of familiarity. His worldview seemed to be very interesting. He could not tell much about the saplings, but the ambition of the newspaper seller seemed to be quite big this time. He felt that the structure was different. Coupled with his writing style and structure, it was worth looking forward to. [Rating: 4 stars] 3."Tang People's Table":"Tang People's Table" was a book that made people's blood boil. It integrated the people and things of the Tang Dynasty into the dishes of daily life. Author Yun Chu used a unique perspective and creativity to combine history and food, showing us a colorful picture of the Tang Dynasty. The characters in the story were vivid and the plot was fascinating. It was as if they were at a banquet in the Tang Dynasty, feeling the charm of food and the weight of history. The advantage of this book lay in its unique creativity and conception. It perfectly combined history and food, allowing people to taste the charm of history while tasting food. The author used his rich imagination and unique writing style to vividly show the characters and events of the Tang Dynasty, making people feel as if they were there. In addition, although the number of words in this book was not many, every word was filled with the author's intention and creativity. The author used vivid and interesting language to vividly describe the characters and events of the Tang Dynasty, making people feel as if they were in that period and felt the prosperity and prosperity of that period. Overall, The Tang's Table was a good book worth reading. It combined history and food in a unique way, allowing people to taste the charm of history while savoring the food. The creativity and concept of this book was very unique, making people full of surprises and emotions during the reading process. Whether it was a reader who was interested in history or a reader who had a soft spot for food, they could find their own enjoyment in this book. I recommend it to everyone who likes to read. 4."King of Beasts": A new book with a light spring flowing. It's still a familiar book about beasts. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Abandon the Book [Goldfinger: The protagonist travels through the game and remembers the plot.] Girlfriend: Many The protagonist had transmigrated into the game he was playing and became the son of the villain boss, Prime Minister. He remembered the plot of the game, but there were many things that he did not know about the game becoming a whole world. I felt that the plot of Tian Yan was a little deliberate. I originally wanted to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but the crazy woman was very crazy and didn't dare to borrow her knife. I originally wanted to run away, but I couldn't open the secret realm. Later, I could kill her if I met her in the illusion, but I couldn't kill her. Just like that Su Jinxuan from before, she could have been killed directly, but the author had set up many obstacles to prevent her from doing so. If he wanted to accept it, he would have to accept it. However, the protagonist was a person who would definitely have grudges against each other. The protagonist could not get along with the other party normally. He could not kill the other party if he wanted to, and there was no reason for him to accept it. It looked like he was dawdling and not decisive at all. In my opinion, in these 100 chapters, the main character is a noob, but everything goes smoothly. There's nothing to show off and slap his face. It's not good enough for me. However, it's better not to show off than to show off. It's not a bad point. Most of the time, the main character would look down and tease the other supporting characters. In the early years, he liked this kind of plot, but now, he could only feel the greasy feeling of being high above. In addition, perhaps it was because he had read too few chapters, although the female characters in the book had their own personality characteristics, they were like NPCs with well-defined personalities. They always felt that the image was thin and lacked spirituality. It felt that the main character stood too high. It was more interesting to see the daily life of the female characters. National Forensics: Good! Don't be frightened by the forensic doctor! The part about cooking bones is really disgusting and novel, I still want to continue watching (;▽;) 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" is a serious and funny book. The writing is exquisite and not long-winded, giving people inspiration. The author's psychological description and character creation were excellent. The characters were vivid and reasonable. After reading this book, it left a lasting aftertaste. I strongly recommend it to everyone. This book incorporated Xianxia elements, adding new vitality to traditional martial arts novels. The story was compact, fascinating, and irresistible. The image of the heroine was clear, brave, decisive, and moving. Her opponents also had their own unique characteristics and distinct personalities, which left a deep impression on people. The author, Guan Guan, did an excellent job in handling the plot of the story with multiple female leads. The balance between the daily life and the main plot was just right. She vividly displayed the personalities of each female lead, allowing the readers to understand them in depth and feel their emotions and psychological changes. This expression of emotion was very real and made people empathize with it. All in all,"Wait, Heroine" was a memorable book. It was not only a novel, but also an emotional exchange and psychological exploration. By reading this book, we can gain inspiration from it and think about life, emotions, psychology, society, history, and many other aspects. I strongly recommend this book to all of you. I believe that you will definitely be attracted to it. 8."Mantang Colorful Scenery" Soul Traversing Great Tang, the opening plot was intense and exciting. [Author's impression] Weird Cousin's last part of the Song Dynasty was pretty good. He hoped that his new work would reach a higher level. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": Get lost, new book. Sci-fi horror genre? The protagonist was reborn in a sci-fi version of the modern world. He was captured by a strange space and would enter it from time to time to face monster attacks. However, the protagonist had a golden finger and was currently fighting inside. [Why I'm reading this book: To be honest, with the toxic setting at the beginning, if it wasn't written by Scram, I would have abandoned the book immediately. I can only say that this is the power of the brand. It allows you to have more tolerance and try more.] I had the same opinion as many people. Scram was very suitable for creating this kind of strange and scary atmosphere. It was quite accurate. However, it seemed that he did not like to write this. At least, the current chapter was quite good in this aspect. [Why not read this book: The character of the little fairy sister at the beginning is too disgusting. Speaking of which, the sisters in Get Lost don't seem like normal people.] Secondly, it was a bit of a noob to write about the mecha. It was also because of this that many people had the ptsd of the mecha. However, he had said in the group that he would not write about the mecha. At present, the cheat in this book was more like the Masked Rider, so he would have to wait and see. There was also something that everyone knew. He was a typical example of someone who was stunning at the beginning and weak at the middle. He could not guarantee what would happen after that. In general, the grain would be evaluated according to the situation. "Final Divine Duty": The cosmic mecha was as strong as a dragon, and the gods and devils in the abyss whispered and roared. In this era where new and old techniques, technology and divine power collided, Lu Yuan brought along an attribute panel that allowed him to change classes indefinitely and stumbled down. "Class [Martial Arts Grandmaster]+ Material [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart], can be upgraded to [Dark Dragon Sect]..." Lu Yuan looked at his hands that were gradually covered with black scales. The black hair on his back danced wildly without any wind. His scarlet eyes stared at the human-shaped mechanical body that streaked across the night sky like a meteor. He smiled and muttered to himself in a low voice,"Now..." I should be able to tear a mech apart with my bare hands…" 11."Beyond Time": Egen's new book attacks, a series of Alliance Leader's Explosions! Tired from Xianxia's time? Keep it for now! "This Game Is Too Realistic": I accidentally flipped to this and spent the whole night… What the hell am I doing? Now, she felt like her entire body was floating and not revealing anything. It was quite worth watching. Even if he wanted to keep it, he should at least give it to someone else as a collection.'I'm in the Doomsday Suite'. Of course, because the times were different, this book was better written. Moreover, the author was also a serious scholar, so he could eat it without worry. This was a science fiction novel. "Red Heart Sky Patrol": In ancient times, the demon race went extinct. In the modern era, the dragon race disappeared. The era of the Great Divine Dao was already like smoke, and the era of the peak of flying swords had finally fallen… What happened in this world? Who would listen to the truth of history buried in the river of time? Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are painted with corpses, and hundreds of years of heaven and earth are painted with hungry tigers. Heaven and earth are fair as heartless, I have a pure heart to survey the heavens! Ring of Fate: The Secret World Part 2 In the year 1368, at the end of July, Crimson would descend from the sky. It was currently a 4-star Glory game. 15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor":<strong></strong> Hot Selling Potential] Tagged: History, Time Travel, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties [Status: Series (950,000 words)] Sense of substitution: Character: Writing style: Plot: Logics: [Reality: ] A book that had suddenly exploded in popularity recently. It had been at the top of the April monthly votes rankings for a long time. The author was a new author at Qidian, and it had the trend of becoming a god with just one book. The protagonist was originally a university lecturer, but he had transmigrated to the Ming Dynasty. Being familiar with ancient and modern times and full of knowledge was his golden finger. The protagonist used strength to explain what knowledge was power. This was a standard online novel. The main point of this article was that it was a plagiarist who used knowledge to reduce the dimensions of ancient society. The world background was more realistic, and it quoted more classics and ancient documents. It used the form of a small classroom to teach the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He taught courses such as sociology, economics, the history of civilization, and so on, which shocked the civil and military officials. The author obviously had a strong understanding of character creation and emotional substitution. It was easy for readers to substitute themselves into the characters who were listening to the lecture in the novel, and it was easy for them to get a sense of satisfaction from the shock and realization of the characters. It was addictive. They strongly suspected that the author was a student or lecturer at a university's literature and history department. The small classroom style of the online novel was unique. The protagonist liked to be a teacher and liked to attend classes. The writing style was average, the appearance of the characters was average, the plot was brainless, and the world was small. It was always the interaction between the main characters. The plot was ordinary, and the main plot was for the emperor to listen to the lecture and then implement it. The logic could not withstand scrutiny. The emperor and the ministers in the text were completely centered on the protagonist. This was absolutely impossible in the normal world. The reality of the world was low. This could be easily seen from the lack of environment description, logic, and plot. "A standard brainless and refreshing story. It's refreshing and has a special point. It's very readable. It's a little plain and contains a certain amount of knowledge. You can learn some simple economics, politics, history, mathematics…Of course, this isn't a boring process. These are all the protagonist's golden fingers! 16."Ascending on a New Day": Otaku Pig's new work, the style continues from the previous works. The protagonist, Xu Ying, had a bizarre background. He brought a snake named Niu and a bell with him and began his journey of cultivation to resist evil gods and officials. The novel will be released on the 13th of this month, and the first order is estimated to be around 30,000 yuan. I still recommend everyone to give it a try. 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" The Reborn Jiang Qin Will Never Be a Lackey The first thing I did was tear up the love letter to the school belle in front of me I don't even love dogs Look at money, start a business to make money The more you don't think about something, the more you have something I'll never be a sea king after rebirth Showing off in front of people, it's so cool, it's worth watching "Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is an excellent science fiction novel. The author has attracted readers with his unique creativity and fascinating storyline. The story was set in a fragmented world. The protagonist had transmigrated to this world and faced everything that was sealed by thick fog. The author cleverly constructed a world full of strange and inexplicable things, letting the readers fall into it and feel the confusion and fear of the protagonist. The plot setting in the book was also very good, such as historical pollution, mirror projection, etc., which gave people a strong sense of atmosphere. All in all, Deep Sea Ember was a highly recommended novel. Whether it was a sci-fi or story-loving reader, it would attract them. 19."Gou in the Demonic Martial World to Cultivate Immortals": A new book of plagiarism. Gou Dao Changsheng + Infinite Style, not much to say, but the author was basically not bad, both quality and quantity guaranteed. "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a masterpiece, and the author had shown his unique creativity and talent in the subject of cultivation. This book was about crazy living, and it incorporated humor and relaxed elements into it, giving people a pleasant reading experience. Even though there were some small poison points in the first part, the later part of the plot gradually entered a good state, making people gradually enter a good state. Overall, this book was a light and casual reading that was worth recommending. The main character's cultivation style crushed the entire cultivation world, showing his strength and invincibility. This book could make readers happy, immerse them in the world of the story, and enjoy the fun. I recommend it to readers who like cultivation and comedy. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
What is 'Ta Prohm' in 'Ta Prohm Great Big Story'?
1 answer
2024-11-29 03:14
Well, Ta Prohm is a place full of mystery and history. It is a temple complex that has become a symbol of the power of nature. In the context of 'Ta Prohm Great Big Story', it could be about the exploration of the temple, the discovery of its hidden chambers, and the efforts to preserve it. The way the jungle has engulfed the man - made structures is a fascinating aspect that might be the focus of the story.
Linda Bread
1 answer
2024-12-19 07:51
Linda Bread was a type of bread made with traditional Russian craftsmanship. It originated from the Qiulin Food Factory in harbin. It was made with refined powder, hop, white sugar, salt, etc. as the main raw materials, and was made through the processes of brewing, fermentation, kneading, molding, baking, etc. The specialty of Lin Da Bread was that it was fermented with liquid yeast made from hop, which gave the bread an alluring beer fragrance. It used the traditional three-time fermentation process. After three times of fermentation, the dough produced rich aromatic substances such as organic acid while fully fermenting. The bread was baked with hard wood. The outer shell was slightly burnt and crisp, and the inner flesh was soft and delicious. Linda Bread was very popular in the harbin area and was considered a local specialty food.
A novel as good as Only Ta
1 answer
2025-01-31 14:29
There were novels similar to Only Ta: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times":"Book of Troubled Times" is an intoxicating Jianghu novel. It perfectly combines the lofty sentiments of Jianghu with the cruelty of reality. In the story, the young man carried a long knife on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but his heart was vaguely difficult to see the Jianghu. This book skillfully interweaved reality and fantasy, making people feel as if they were in a world full of danger and adventure. At the same time, the book also incorporated some classic elements, such as saintesses, treasures, and beautiful women. Although these elements were not important, they added a hint of mystery and romance to the story. Although some of the descriptions were a little pretentious, it did not affect the overall reading experience. In general, this book inspired and inspired people. Starting from the content of the book, it triggered people's thinking about life, emotions, psychology, society, and history. Therefore, I give this book an 8. 2."Spirit Realm Traveler":"Spirit Realm Traveler" was a novel with a very interesting setting. The author's description of the instance dungeon was also very outstanding, bringing many surprises and excitement. Although the protagonist's cheat was a little too powerful, it also made the story more interesting. Even though some parts of the book were slightly exaggerated, overall, the book was worth reading. If you were in a book famine, this book might bring you some new inspiration and fun. 3.<<The Tang's Table>> The people of the world and the affairs of the world are just the dishes on the table of the Tang people. Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. Steaming, braising, stir-frying, stewing... There were many cooking methods in the kitchen. Whether it was Goguryeo, the Turks, Tubo, Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, Tiele…or even whales, tigers, sharks, and hungry wolves, the Great Tang was a furnace that could cook them all into peerless delicacies… In addition to Li Zhi, Wu Wei, Zhangsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and other peerless seasonings, there would always be one thing that you would never forget, regardless of color, fragrance, or taste. Yun Chu hoped that she would definitely have a seat at such a luxurious banquet! Now, the delicious food had been cooked. Yun Chu laid out the napkin, picked up the deer knife, and closed her eyes. She was ready to enjoy an unprecedented feast to satisfy her hungry stomach. 4. King of Familiars: Er Quan's new book. It should still be a relaxed and happy beast-taming novel. Everyone, come to the chapter section to play. It's a very harmonious and happy chapter section. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a very interesting novel about a battle of wits. The protagonist of the story transmigrated to the game world and became the son of a villain, but his fate was full of ups and downs and comics. The female protagonists took turns to play, and all kinds of funny scenes happened with the main characters, making people laugh. The author's writing was smooth, the plot was fascinating, and the characters were vivid. Even though the book was not finished yet, the author's updates were stable, and his creative state was relatively good. It made people look forward to the development of the story. What was worth mentioning was that the author was very good at creating characters. All the female leads had their own characteristics and length, leaving a deep impression on the readers. However, it was important to note that the male lead was a little too funny and might not be to the liking of all readers, so it was recommended to take a detour. All in all, Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation was a novel worth reading. 6."National Forensic Science":"National Forensic Science" was an urban forensic crime solving novel. The author, Shiniao Village, used his deep writing skills and industry knowledge to skillfully integrate professional knowledge into the novel, allowing the readers to feel the illusion of becoming an expert in the light and interesting text. The author's writing style was to make the social background of the novel rational through subtle settings, so as to focus on the description of industry knowledge, using a relaxed writing style to dilute the heaviness of the industry's reality. At the same time, the plot progressed slowly, mixed with a lot of descriptions of the environment or behavior. Behind the seemingly empty words, there was actually a lot of ridicule and innuendo. Therefore, I advise the reader not to skip through, but to carefully savor each paragraph, because this may miss the essence. In addition, there were still some parts of the book that he did not understand. He could seek answers through this chapter. In general, National Forensic Medicine was a highly recommended book. It focused on forensic science and combined medical knowledge with solving cases. It was very refreshing. Moreover, the author's previous book, the Divine Text Doctor Ling, was also very good. The main character was very well portrayed. Overall, National Forensics was a very solid book. It was a good choice for both food and entertainment. 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" is an unforgettable novel. The author, Guan Guan Gongzi's writing style was smooth and delicate. Coupled with the wonderful fighting scenes, it made people unable to stop. The protagonist's semi-invincible setting made the story interesting. There was no bitter plot or sudden plot. The author did a good job in describing the copying part so that the readers could accept it. This book had a grand worldview. The protagonist collected the nine dragon pictures step by step, bringing the readers the joy of collecting. At the same time, this book was also a 2-star Qidian Glory work. It was of top quality and was a rare masterpiece. No matter if it was a fantasy, genius, daily life, or a multi-female protagonist, readers should not miss this book. It will certainly surprise you and bring you endless pleasure in reading. [Rating: 9 points] "Reward index: " 8."Mantang Colorful":"Mantang Colorful" was an outstanding literary work of the Tang Dynasty. The author described the magnificent Tang Dynasty vividly and gorgeously, making people feel as if they were in that era of blooming flowers. The story was set in the fifth year of Tianbao. It described the prosperous scene that an ordinary person saw when he opened his eyes. At the same time, it also revealed the endless struggle for power within the imperial court and the precarious situation of the country. In this perilous era, the protagonist was determined to ensure that the Great Tang would not lose its splendor. The author's writing style and story were very strong, making people unable to extricate themselves. Whether it was the description of the history of the Tang Dynasty or the shaping of the characters, they were all very accurate. In short, this was a stunning work of the Tang Dynasty and was worth reading. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": 8.8 Get lost's new book. His books are basically very good in the early and middle stages. You can read them without worry. 10."The Final Divine Order":"The Final Divine Order" is an exciting science fiction novel. The story was set in an era full of new and old techniques, technology and divine power colliding. The protagonist, Lu Yuan, descended into this world and had an attribute panel that allowed him to change his class indefinitely. He gradually mastered all kinds of classes and skills, growing from an ordinary person to the Dark Dragon Sect. The story was so thrilling that it made people unable to extricate themselves. The author's writing was smooth and the plot was compact, making people feel as if they were in this world full of adventure and excitement. I have high expectations for this book and hope that it will become an amazing sci-fi masterpiece. 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? This was Er Gen's sixth novel, Beyond Time, after "The Rebel Immortal,""Seeking the Demon,""I Want to Seal the Heavens,""One Thought of Eternity," and "Three Inches of Humanity." "This Game Is Too Real" Keyword: Wasteland Virtual Player Farming Manager Civilization Lord Logically speaking, the protagonist of this game is the most miserable protagonist I have ever seen. Not only did he have to shoulder the responsibilities of planning, customer service, NPC, and many other functions, but there was also no fully automated mission and currency system in the game, let alone a proper interface. The players and other natives did not even speak the same language! Good heavens, I've read a few player-based novels. It's rare to see something like this that's not much different from starting from scratch. I feel that the future development will be very interesting, hahaha. [Reading threshold: Low, very natural, easy to understand.] [I've read some NPC novels, but there's no one who started from scratch like the main character. Hahaha.] [Emotional Side Quest: So far, he has not developed any emotional side quest. After all, it is not right for him to look for natives, and it does not seem right for him to look for players.] [Cool Points: The interaction between the protagonist and the players is definitely the highlight. It's very fun to watch. Hahaha.] [Thunder Points, Sh * t Points: I don't think there's anything that can be called a Thunder Point.] Reading experience: I'm very happy to watch it, and I'm looking forward to the follow-up plot... It's so good that I want to catch up with it. Yes, it's very good. "Red Heart Sky Patrol": In ancient times, the demon race went extinct. In the modern era, the dragon race disappeared. The era of the Great Divine Dao was already like smoke, and the era of the peak of flying swords had finally fallen… What happened in this world? Who would listen to the truth of history buried in the river of time? Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are painted with corpses, and hundreds of years of heaven and earth are painted with hungry tigers. Heaven and earth are fair as heartless, Ring of Destiny: Finally! The Secret, Part Two. 15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor": Elixir Grass-Elixir [Top] [Strong][Walking Encyclopedia] The main character would obtain eternal life after 10 transmigration deaths. In his last life, when he was on his deathbed, he was a good teacher and gave his cellmates a big story about the history of the Ming Dynasty. Who would have thought that this prisoner was actually the second son of Emperor Zhu Di? Separated by a wall, Emperor Zhu Di and his important ministers felt the baptism of the ideology and culture of their descendants through the monitoring equipment of the Ming Dynasty, and they glimpsed the future... At this moment, the wheel of history took a huge turn. 'On Sea Power',' On the Fate of the Nation 'and' The History of Chinese Coins'… Da Ming was fully armed as he rushed towards the new era. If the change of thinking could be from top to bottom, would there be less blood and tears for social change? If Da Ming could have stood at the center of the world stage earlier, would he have been able to avoid the tragedy of the Little Ice Age, would he have been able to avoid the humiliation of a hundred years in the future? [Reason for recommendation: If you were in middle school and high school, holding textbooks and thinking about history, geography, biology, politics, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and economics…what was the need to study them?] You can read this book. How many dynasties had been influenced by this familiar basic knowledge of modern people? I didn't understand the economics class in university, but I understood it here, hahaha. [Reason for pulling weeds: If it was a web novel, it might be more preaching.] The front swing was longer. However, if it was used as an alternative science book, it was just right. [Manual top method]: 50 likes for the next post. ------.----..---- ⭐⭐ ⭐都看到这儿啦,如果觉得还不错⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🌸👇别忘了顺手点喜欢哟~♥(:3”∠❀)👆或关注。 16."Ascending on the Right Day": The beginning is the scene of the snake hunter saying his name. The second chapter has a small climax. It's a rare orthodox Xianxia novel. Platinum author, Otaku Pig's new work 17:"Who would fall in love after being reborn?" Plot summary: After finally saving up enough money, Jiang Qin was reborn. The reborn Jiang Qin decided not to suck up to others. He only cared about money and earning more. However, the more you don't want something, the more you can get it. The rich and beautiful woman suddenly started to chase after him. What should he do? He had never experienced such a scene before…Forget it, let me show my divinity in front of others first! It was still a new book, so he had to take it slow. "Deep Sea Ember" was a fascinating novel. The author's new book, Dayanzhu, showed a turning point and a funny point in a strange and abnormal world, making people unable to stop. The plot of the story unfolded slowly, and the world view and fog were fascinating. Big Eyeball's book was as outstanding as ever. This time, it was possible that his work would catch up to his best work,"The Xyrin Empire." The background of the story was set in the interweaving of Ke, steampunk, and sailing. The protagonist traveled to a ghost ship called "Lost Home" and became a ghost captain with mysterious powers. He came to a world that was once destroyed and covered by the ocean and began an adventure. The advantage of the story was that the setting of the world was grand and full of suspense. Through the exploration experience of the protagonist, the mysteries of the world were gradually revealed. In general, Deep Sea Ember was a fascinating work with a recommendation index of ****. 19:"Cultivate in the Demonic Martial Troubled Times": recommended "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a Xianxia novel. It told the story of the main character Lu Yang and his fellow Daoists 'journey to immortality in a relaxed and funny style. The plot of this book was compact and the rhythm was fast, giving people a relaxed and pleasant reading experience. The author had built a harmonious society in the book, and the Immortal Cultivators had to abide by the law, which showed the author's pursuit of social fairness and justice. The protagonist of the story, Lu Yang, and his friends explored the cultivation world and uncovered a series of mysteries, making people look forward to their adventures. In addition, there were some interesting plots in the book that made the readers laugh and enjoy themselves. In short,"Who told him to cultivate!" It was a delightful novel that was worth recommending to readers who liked imaginative and unconventional cultivation novels. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
A novel as good as 'Conversation with Ta'.
1 answer
2025-01-29 05:45
There were novels similar to Conversation with Me: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times":"Book of Troubled Times" is a very good fantasy novel. It is definitely not to be missed by readers who like fantasy novels. The author's writing style was excellent, the plot was also very exciting, and the creative setting was also very innovative. The supporting characters were also very lively and interesting, leaving a deep impression on people. The Almighty's work could be said to have written the Jianghu in the hearts of some people. Even though the later stages of the game inevitably moved toward the middle and high martial arts path due to the background setting and plot development, the first and middle stages were still dominated by Jianghu and Wuxia styles. On the whole, the book brought joy and pleasure to the readers, and occasionally (often) brought some happy elements to the readers. The protagonist was controlled by the mastermind behind the scenes and led to a martial arts world with broken pieces of the secret realm. He rode a horse in the martial arts world and rebuilt the country. For the sake of some female confidantes, he also discovered the secrets of the past. In this world, every movement in the martial world, the emergence of newcomers, and the evolution of prodigies would be broadcasted in the sky in real time. This was the Book of Chaos. In addition, the description of the female characters in this book was also very good. It was full of the aura of the female protagonist and left a deep impression on people. In general, this book was more relaxing and enjoyable than the previous two books. It seemed to be alright. 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many famous people and scholars in the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3."Tang's Table": Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. [King of Familiars: 4 stars] [Temporarily: 80 points] Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Keyword: Original Familiar City Special Ability Husky Why did you read this book? 1. Qing Quan's new book was still based on the original setting. However, unlike the previous one, the protagonist was in a time before the rules of beast taming had yet to appear. Therefore, compared to the previous academic style, the concept of the recuperation of reiki in this book was stronger. 2. In terms of the plot, the simple narrative style took into account the vast majority of readers. From reality to the pocket dimension, from "ordinary people" to "chosen children", the plot was clean, concise, and appropriate. The relationship between the characters and the story environment were clearly explained. 3. The author's basic skills in character creation were very solid, and the characters 'personalities and behaviors were also very consistent. For example, the protagonist loves animals-> adopted Boss Ha, has a competitive heart-> loves swordsmanship and shooting, loves challenges-> 16 consecutive championships in the Bug Fighting Competition. Therefore, the "main character plot" of this book was very credible, because it was the previous experience that shaped such a main character. <strong></strong> Fans of familiar-themed books (especially those with huskies at home) are strongly recommended to give it a try, and readers who like new urban superpowers like Global Martial Arts are recommended to give it a try. Similar works recommended: The works of the light spring, the works of the eagle catching the chicks Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a very interesting novel about a battle of wits. The protagonist of the story transmigrated into the game world and became the son of a villain, but his fate was full of ups and downs and comics. The female protagonists took turns to play, and all kinds of funny scenes happened with the main characters, making people laugh. The author's writing was smooth, the plot was fascinating, and the characters were vivid. Even though the book was not finished yet, the author's updates were stable, and his creative state was relatively good. It made people look forward to the development of the story. What was worth mentioning was that the author was very good at creating characters. All the female leads had their own characteristics and length, leaving a deep impression on the readers. However, it was important to note that the male lead was a little too funny and might not be to the liking of all readers, so it was recommended to take a detour. All in all, Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation was a novel worth reading. 6: National Forensic Science: Keyword: Forensic System, Professional Criminal Investigation, Good Writing God's New Book He recalled the author's novel,'The Great Physician Ling Ran,' and was dazzled by his professional knowledge. This new book is also very cool. Sacrifice a relative to dissect at the beginning There should be some classic cases later to see if you can increase your knowledge. The author's writing style was really good. It was very vivid, and some of the words used were really vivid. The lines of the text were filled with life. She liked it very much and finished reading it in one breath! 7."Wait, Heroine": Wuxia added Xianxia elements "Heroine, wait. Do you know who I am?" "I know. He's the empress's favorite minister, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a famous sect in the pugilistic world. You're the one I'm going to cut!" (Nice, Guan Guan, my Guan Guan) 8."Full Tang Colorful Colors": The flourishing Tang Dynasty is full of flowers, and the shocking change is imminent. In the fifth year of Tianbao, when he opened his eyes, he saw the glorious age of the Tang Dynasty, the vast territory, the capable officials, the dazzling poetry, the dazzling literature, the beautiful women, and the peaceful singing and dancing. He had also seen the entire court intoxicated, arrogant, extravagant, endless power struggles, the swaying of the country, the accumulation of abuses, the rebellion of the Hu people, and the people like grass. Yuyang was agitated. He wanted to make Tang lose its splendor. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": Get lost, new book. Don't say much. Put it on the bookshelf first. I'll start killing it after a while. "Final Divine Duty": The cosmic mecha was as strong as a dragon, and the gods and devils in the abyss whispered and roared. In this era where new and old techniques, technology and divine power collided, Lu Yuan brought along an attribute panel that allowed him to change classes indefinitely and stumbled down. "Class [Martial Arts Grandmaster]+ Material [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart], can be upgraded to [Dark Dragon Sect]..." Lu Yuan looked at his hands that were gradually covered with black scales. The black hair on his back danced wildly without any wind. His scarlet eyes stared at the human-shaped mechanical body that streaked across the night sky like a meteor. He smiled and muttered to himself in a low voice,"Now..." I should be able to tear a mech apart with my bare hands…" 11:"Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" [Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 151] 2022 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 9 [Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2022-6-12] Title: Beyond Time Author: Er Gen [Author Level: Platinum] [Alliance Leader: 253] [Silver Grand Alliance: 16] Golden Sect Master: 3 Fans/10,000: 421 [Category: Xianxia·Mythological Cultivation] Total Words/Ten Thousand: 169 Date of publication: June 12, 2022 [Hundred League Time/Day: 0] Last updated: August 1, 2022 [First Order: 47,500] Average: Not counted [Completed: No] End date: × Writing time/day: × Date: January 18, 2023 "This Game Is Too Real": Moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, delivering packages…The company can at most let you experience the hardships of 996, but here you can experience the super double 007. Alright, let's cut the crap. The great manager has called me to move bricks. That lord said that as long as we work hard and offer our livers, he will be able to get a brand new set of power armor next month. Then, he will bring us to a brand new map and pick up more trash in the vast wasteland! 13: Red Heart Sky Patrol: Actually, I no longer needed to push Red Heart anymore. However, I had already fallen into this trap when the book's results were not very good. However, at that time, because of a plot in the early stages, I was unhappy and directly abandoned the book. Later on, when I discovered that Red Heart was starting to rise on the leaderboards, I seriously read it again with doubts. From then on, it was out of control. I only had one suggestion for those who came after me. If you read it in the early stages and your mentality explodes, don't give up easily when you're unhappy. Just keep reading it. This was a good book with a lot of positive energy. (The current controversial plot has ended. Whether you like it or not can be decided.) "Ring of Destiny":"Ring of Destiny" is an impressive novel. The author is very skilled in controlling the character and plot. Every character was lifelike. Whether it was the main character, supporting characters, or extras, they were all unforgettable. Especially with his deep writing skills, the plot was smooth and full of ups and downs. Squid's new book continued his style in Lord of the Mysteries and showed his unique creative ability. Although the numbers are already very high, I believe that this book will continue the legend of the Lord of the Mysteries. Overall, I give Ring of Destiny a rating of 90 points. "The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" was a very outstanding novel. The author used a protagonist who was born in prison as the starting point of the story, showing an absurd but fascinating atmosphere. The reasoning and intelligence of the story were very high, and the author's update speed was also very fast, allowing the readers to keep their attention on the story. The volume of this book's historical theme had already surpassed many works, and the author's writing skills were also impressive. Every character in the story was vivid and lifelike. Whether it was the main character or the supporting characters, they all left a deep impression on people. The author was very familiar with the character design and plot, making the whole story smooth and smooth. The readers gave this book a very high evaluation, thinking that it was a work that established a sect and was worthy of its name. The story had a variety of perspectives, depth, and logic. It had insights and thoughts on all kinds of knowledge and could stimulate the reader's interest in learning. Whether it was economics, politics, history, geography, weather, Confucianism, military, or even the way of doing things, they all had their own thoughts and opinions. this book not only "Ascending on an Choosing Day" was an oriental fantasy story that told the story of a young snake-hunter. The story was set in a chaotic land. The protagonist, Xu Ying, stepped on the road of cultivation after accidentally killing the village god, gradually revealing the mystery of his origin and race. The author, Otaku Pig, had attracted a large number of readers with his unique writing style and wonderful plot. People could not help but look forward to the development of the story. "Ascending on a New Day" was a work that everyone looked forward to. Otaku Pig had attracted a large number of readers with his unique writing style and wonderful plot. The protagonist of the story, Xu Ying, was an adopted snake-catching teenager who struggled to survive at the bottom of society. After witnessing the village god treat human lives like grass on the day of sacrifice, he killed the village god in anger and accidentally obtained a cultivation opportunity. In the process of escaping from the pursuit, he began the path of refining Qi and ascending, gradually revealing the mystery of his birth and race. The story was thrilling and exciting, and everyone looked forward to the next development. Otaku Pig's works were featured by great heroes with big plans and big minds. They did not care about their own gains and losses and only lived for all living beings in the world. In the face of major issues, all grudges and grudges could be put aside. The main character, Xu Ying, had already lost his selfishness and displayed his grievances and structure. In general,"Ascending on a Better Day" was a work worthy of recommendation. Otaku Pig's work had attracted a large number of readers with its unique writing style and wonderful plot. The growth and struggle of the main character in the story, Xu Ying, moved people, and also made people think about the meaning and value of life. I recommend it to readers who like oriental fantasy. "Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was a fascinating urban novel. Different from other works about rebirth, the author cleverly used future memories and knowledge to make the male protagonist show extraordinary wisdom and courage. The male protagonist in the story not only showed his talent through continuous experimentation, but also successfully hooked up with the rich woman. Although this plot was a little unrealistic, the author had successfully created a cute image of Daifeng, making people want to keep reading. The author's writing style was grand, his writing was smooth, and the plot was deeply rooted in people's hearts. The author described the lives of the protagonists with delicate strokes, making people feel as if they were in it, feeling the gentle and poetic past of that year, as well as the hopeful future. This book made people deeply attracted and admire the author's talent. I hope that the author can continue to maintain this high standard of writing and get better and better! Overall,"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth" was an intoxicating book. It was not only a novel, but also a gentle poem that made people feel the beauty of life. Whether it was from the content of the book, or from life, emotions, psychology, society, history, etc., this book gave people inspiration and thought. I strongly recommend this book and give it a four-star rating! On that day, the thick fog sealed everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he crossed the thick fog and faced a world that had been completely overturned and shattered. The order of the past was gone, and strange visions dominated the endless sea beyond civilization. The isolated island cities and the fleets that challenged the sea had become the only lights of the civilized world, while the shadows of the past were still stirring in the deep sea, waiting to continue to devour the dying world. However, for the new captain of the Lost Home, there was only one problem he had to consider first. Who knew how to sail the boat? 19."Cultivating Immortal in the Demonic Martial Troubled Times": As long as it's a plagiarist book, it's worth recommending! The plagiarist's natural flow of words and clear rhythm were important. Most importantly, there was no limit to the number of updates. It was as if he was locked in front of the computer without typing or eating. Ha! "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a classic Xianxia novel. The author used a relaxed, imaginative, and funny tone to tell a story about the cultivation world. In the story, the protagonist, Lu Yang, joined Dao Seeking Sect as the first place and displayed his extraordinary talent in cultivation. His unique way of thinking and swordsmanship were unique in the cultivation world, and he had become a tofu god who had escaped from the vulgar. The story was full of funny elements, and sometimes it was narrated in the form of news, giving people a novel feeling. The writing style of the entire book was excellent, and the style was relaxed and funny. The characters 'words and deeds matched the character's character, making it very enjoyable to read. Brother Crow's new work continued the style of the previous book,"The Counterattack System Only Appears in the Great Vehicle Stage." It was funny, nonsensical, and imaginative. The plot was compact and the setting was interesting. It was very enjoyable to read. In short,"Who told him to cultivate!" It was a delightful immortal cultivation novel and was recommended for everyone to read. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Is there a novel similar to "My Ta"?
1 answer
2025-01-28 21:49
There were novels similar to 'My Ta': Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3."Tang People's Table": Telling the book has been written. Contact list owner can get it. [The review is too strict. The single owner really has no choice but to try to modify it back and forth.] [Everyone can leave a message on the book list or contact the fan group of the novel.] 4."King of Beasts": A rather interesting book. The creativity is not bad. It uses technology to cultivate immortality. The imagination is also amazing. I finished reading it in one go. It wasn't enough. I still want to read it. 5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": In the Xianxia novel of the Imperial Court, there are many female protagonists. The protagonist transmigrated into a single-player game that had just been cleared on multiple levels and became the playboy son of the game's villain (the prime minister). The opposite of the routine, the prime minister's side is the good one ~ 3.26~ Continuing ~ Current Food and Grass + 6."National Forensic Medicine": A book with a very suspenseful atmosphere. It also has a lot of medical expertise. Coupled with the detective plot, it can really read hundreds of chapters in one breath. It should be considered a rare masterpiece in the urban category in recent years. I strongly recommend it. 7:"Wait, Heroine": It's rare to have outstanding writing skills in many female protagonists. It's even more surprising to be able to write about the feeling of fighting. 8."Mantang Colorful Scenery": Rating: 8.7 The opening had vividly described the prosperity of the Great Tang, but behind this prosperity was the final moment when the building was about to collapse. He watched the tall buildings of the Great Tang rise, he watched the buildings collapse, he watched the rising sun and the beating of the drums, breaking the song of the Rainbow Feathers… 9:"Hidden Dead Corner": Get lost's new book. Get lost's work definitely can't be missed. Whether it collapses in the later stages or not, the early stages will definitely be good. Moreover, if this book doesn't collapse in the later stages, wouldn't it be a loss to miss it? "Final Divine Duty":"Final Divine Duty" was a very exciting novel. The story progressed layer by layer, and the rhythm was well controlled, making it impossible to stop. The author's writing was smooth, and the story was set in science fiction. It was similar to the Atlas of Heaven and Man, but it was a little more relaxed. The combat setting combined the three types of martial arts prosthetics, bringing a new experience to the readers. Although this was a cool novel, the author handled the details very well, making it very enjoyable to read. Overall, Final Divine Duty was a novel worthy of recommendation, especially for readers who liked martial arts books. This book should not be missed. "Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" was a Xianxia classic. The author, Er Gen, showed his unique talent when writing this work. The plot of this novel was compact and fascinating, making people want to finish reading it in one go. The main character was decisive, not a saint, not a set of tricks. He had broken away from the comical route of the previous works. There was a hint of the shadow of the rebellious immortal and the devil, which reminded people of the works before Er Gen's. This novel was not only a Xianxia novel, but also a work that made people think deeply. It makes us think about the difference between life and death, about the possibility of transcending life and death, and about what we are waiting for outside of time. This is a work that is worth reading. I strongly recommend it to everyone. "This Game Is Too Real":"This Game Is Too Real" is a book with an interesting plot, giving people a feeling of being nurtured. The protagonist transmigrated to the wasteland and recruited players from Earth to expand. The biggest highlight of the book was that the characters always thought that they were playing a game. This kind of god-like perspective made people unable to stop. Although some of the technology in the book, such as power armor, was a hit, the author's description of the supporting characters was too messy, giving people a sense of disorder. However, the author was not very willing to listen to opinions, which might cause some readers to feel troubled. In general, this book showed the story of summoning the fourth catastrophe in the context of the apocalypse in the wasteland. It gave people an interesting feeling. Although there were some settings that I didn't understand, it didn't affect the overall reading experience. The recommendation score was 8.3 points. It was a book worthy of recommendation. 13."Red Heart Sky Patrol": This is the first book to be promoted! I really, really, really love this book. The author didn't originally write online novels, but physical books. In short, the writing style was excellent! Extremely logical! In the early stages, if it didn't make sense or some small details were foreshadowing, a reasonable explanation would be given. The reader had to read patiently. It was best to turn off the chapter and read it seriously to avoid being spoilt. Wouldn't it be a great sense of accomplishment if the clues and guesses that he had dug out were verified one by one in the later chapters? If there are people like me who can't dig into the details easily, they can also read the plot and the description to understand the love and hate entanglements of the characters. The author of this book had a strong foundation in writing. From the choice of words and sentences to the connection of the plot, it was amazing. The entanglement of the characters makes it even more difficult for me to describe. Destroy a region for a country, okay? Is it possible to feed the people to wild animals for a country? … Whether it was love, love, or hatred, they were all vivid. The main character, Jiang Wang, made me love him even more deeply. He was just a teenager who fought to open his meridians, to survive for his family, and to suffer for the hatred of his hometown. However, a seventeen-year-old boy had left his hometown, which had already become hell, behind his sister's back. His hair had turned white, and his hometown had been destroyed. His friends and family had been separated, and his lifespan had been reduced. The burden on his shoulders was too heavy, his sense of responsibility was too strong, his friends were too few, his enemies were too strong, and he was too persistent. He was a gentleman, a talented swordsman, An 'an's only family member, and a teenager who was only 19 years old. Recently, the plot had been reversed, reversed, and reversed again and again. It was a reversal of survival in a desperate situation. I really like this book. The author's talent and love for his own books are unbearable. If you can, please come and read this book, the world in this book! The writing style is limited, and the good books are difficult to describe, but only one or two tenths. 14."Ring of Fate": Praise The Fool. The second part of "Lord of the Mysteries" is finally here. This is the novel I'm looking forward to the most this year. I can't help but start killing after only three chapters. I'm waiting for the familiar characters to appear one by one. I strongly recommend it. "The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" is a fascinating novel. The story was centered around the protagonist Jiang Xing Huo's nine lifetimes, showing the process of his return to the modern world for eternal life. The author cleverly described the protagonist's experience. There was no messy system or holy mother b * tch. The plot was tight and there was not much of a mess. Especially the plot similar to the official residence, the author cleverly avoided the suspicion of plagiarism, making people feel novel and interesting. The emotional scenes in this book were also better than those in the first grade. The author even deliberately avoided it, giving people a sense of mystery. The characters in the book, such as Ma Sanbao and Yao Guangxiao, were vivid and inspiring. The plot of Jiang Xinghuo's lecture in prison was even more irresistible. This book was not just a historical novel. It also incorporated hardcore knowledge such as economics, politics, and management, allowing people to gain inspiration from reading. If you like history and hardcore knowledge, then this book is definitely a good book that you can't miss. As a snake hunter, Xu Ying had always been honest and diligent until this day when he caught a different snake... On the first day of the third month, incense was burning everywhere in the Divine Land. The statues that protected the villages, towns, cities, and counties woke up one after another to enjoy the sacrifices of the people. However, from that day onwards, the world was in chaos. 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth": The ancestor concluded," ️️️1 2 Work Information: Word Count: W (End) Tagged: 3 Tweet: 18:"Deep Sea Ember": Captain Duncan, who looks gloomy and dignified on the surface but is panicking on the inside, the noisy tool Goat Head, the trash talking gothic doll Alice, the witchcraft transmission pigeon Ai Yi... This is a great adventure in the boundless sea full of love and courage, warmth and laughter (Oh my god!) Big Eyeball's rhythm was unique. Even if it was a heavy plot, he could easily tell the story. It was even comfortable to read. Wasn't this…a whole bunch of French fries? Tagged: Steampunk, Cthulhu, Three Concepts 19:"Cultivate in Demonic Martial Troubled Times": Food and fodder He wrote a new book. Cultivation + original dungeon. The previous book, the mysterious calamity, was a cultivation dungeon. It had endless good reviews and could be considered the highlight of that book, leading a trend. After that, the results of the copycats were not bad, and he had ordered several books. It seemed that he was planning to take advantage of himself this time. A book that was copied from a book had smooth writing and few bugs. The upper limit was up to fate, but the lower limit was relatively high. Basically, he could see everything. "Who told him to cultivate!" [Status: In progress] 🔥🔥🔥【关键词】:[反套路/搞笑] [Reading Notes]:🏻 The highlight was how the main character lived in the world of immortal cultivation. As always, he was relaxed and happy. The main character went to the nearby sect to try his luck at the beginning, but in the end, he discussed cheating in the assessment. Unexpectedly, the female cultivator in the same car was the examiner. The main character had the sword spirit root but was afraid of heights. He only wanted to be a land sword immortal. He could find another way to play with alchemy and magic cultivation. It was suitable for readers who liked to be funny and invincible, and those who were used to scrutinizing the rationality of the setting. <Remarks>🏻 "I've repeatedly stressed that the atmosphere in the cultivation world is crooked, and I'm not the one who led it astray. It's said that history books are written by the victors. Then why are there always people framing me when I win?" Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger. 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 Plot: Writing style: Character: Brain Hole: You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Is there a novel similar to "Ta Love"?
1 answer
2025-01-24 09:43
There were novels similar to Love: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:" Spiritual Realm Walker ", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4." King of Familiars ", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:" Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:" Hidden Dead Corner ", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen " This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:" Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:" Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1. Book of Troubled Times 7 Xiao Bai Shuang Wen had a more cliché setting. It could be used to pass time if it did not have high hardware requirements. After all, the author was an experienced writer, so his writing style was guaranteed. 🔥 The young man could enter the dream, but he couldn't kill anyone in the dream. He was tortured to death. Even though he died ten thousand times, his original heart didn't change. He still loved her like his first love. He was intoxicated in the dream every day, especially for Miss Ah Ke who liked backstabbing. 2.<< Spirit Realm Walker >>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many different opinions among the famous people of the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3." Tang People's Table ":" Tang People's Table " was a book that made people's blood boil. It integrated the people and things of the Tang Dynasty into the dishes of daily life. Author Yun Chu used a unique perspective and creativity to combine history and food, showing us a colorful picture of the Tang Dynasty. The characters in the story were vivid and the plot was fascinating. It was as if they were at a banquet in the Tang Dynasty, feeling the charm of food and the weight of history. The advantage of this book lay in its unique creativity and conception. It perfectly combined history and food, allowing people to taste the charm of history while tasting food. The author used his rich imagination and unique writing style to vividly show the characters and events of the Tang Dynasty, making people feel as if they were there. In addition, although the number of words in this book was not many, every word was filled with the author's intention and creativity. The author used vivid and interesting language to vividly describe the characters and events of the Tang Dynasty, making people feel as if they were in that period and felt the prosperity and prosperity of that period. Overall, The Tang's Table was a good book worth reading. It combined history and food in a unique way, allowing people to taste the charm of history while savoring the food. The creativity and concept of this book was very unique, making people full of surprises and emotions during the reading process. Whether it was a reader who was interested in history or a reader who had a soft spot for food, they could find their own enjoyment in this book. I recommend it to everyone who likes to read. 4." King of Familiar ": The King's Descent, Glory! 5:" Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation " S- The name of the book attracted Xiaobai, but for Lao Bai, the name was enough to dissuade him. Therefore, he sank it into his collection. Today, Book Desolate found out that it was a divine work that was delayed by its name. The minus sign was only because of the title. 6." National Forensic Medicine ": A book with a very suspenseful atmosphere. It also has a lot of medical expertise. Coupled with the detective plot, it can really read hundreds of chapters in one breath. It should be considered a rare masterpiece in the urban category in recent years. I strongly recommend it. 7." Heroine Wait ": I don't know where I came from, and I don't know where I'm going back. The ancestor concluded," At the beginning, he transmigrated to another world and was adopted by the escort agency. He was trained according to the size of a gold-medal fighter. He was cared for with all kinds of care, pain, and happiness. The protagonist finally made it through. He read his last words and learned that he had a peerless martial art, but it was hidden in the palace. He then planned to travel in Jianghu and attract the attention of the emperor." ️️️1 2 Work Information: Word Count: 1,360,000 << Title: Many Female Heroes, Jianghu Wuxia >> 3 Tweet: [Point 1: The girls in the author's works are very unique. There are empresses, aunts, and maids.] [Aspect 2: Very humorous. Many plots make people smile. He also knows how to use some couplets to check the accounts. It looks very unique. For example, a seven-foot-tall man from the Night Terror Hall will never live under someone else's roof.] Aspect 3: Walking the world with a sword, opening his mouth to spit at the ministers, being able to punch demons and ghosts, being able to speak into a chapter, and playing with everyone. The old ancestor complained,"I've read many of the author's novels. The author basically has a beautiful aunt in every novel." 8." Colorful Colors of the Tang Dynasty ":" Colorful Colors of the Tang Dynasty " was a fascinating historical novel. The author used the history of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty and Yang Guifei as the background. Through refined words and ups and downs of the plot, he showed the undercurrents behind the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The protagonist displayed courage and wisdom in the face of the Crown Prince's rebellion and the upcoming An Lushan Rebellion, making people look forward to his future. The author's writing style was experienced, the characters were vivid, and the historical figures he created were consistent with the records in the history books. The author was good at describing the characters in detail and had his own unique understanding of history. His writing was excellent, good at laying foreshadowing, and his insight spanned thousands of miles. The plot was smooth, the rhythm was tight, and the logic was reasonable. The author's research of historical materials was also very rigorous, and the description of political schemes was even more amazing. Overall, Colorful Scenery of the Tang Dynasty was a masterpiece that was worth reading. 9." Hidden Dead Corner ":" Hidden Dead Corner " was a thrilling novel. By describing the growth and transformation of the protagonist in a strange space, it made people feel endless thrills and excitement. The author used his unique writing style and storyline to bring the readers into a world full of strangeness and evil. When the protagonist was facing a life-threatening situation, he strengthened his ability by absorbing flowers, demonstrating his intelligence and courage. The plot was compact, fascinating, and irresistible. Whether it was the plot or the character, this book left a deep impression on everyone. I recommend this book to readers who like horror and fantasy. I believe this book will bring you a different reading experience. 10:" Final Divine Duty ": 82 recommendations. I entered the pit for the mecha, but it's temporarily a world of high martial arts. It feels pretty good. The setting was rather novel. Hopefully, it was a world where Fang Xiang and the squid were combined. 11." Beyond Time ": Er Da returned to the style of the Defiant Immortal. The main character was decisive in killing. His character was very similar to the Old Demon Wei of the Ten Martial Saints. At the end of the world, there was no female protagonist. Food + " This Game Is Too Real ": Moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, delivering packages…The company can at most let you experience the hardships of 996, but here you can experience the super double 007. Alright, let's cut the crap. The great manager has called me to move bricks. That lord said that as long as we work hard and offer our livers, he will be able to get a new set of power armors next month. Then, he will bring us to a brand new map and pick up more trash in the vast wasteland! …… Chu Guang, who had transmigrated to the Wasteland World, discovered that he had unlocked the Sanctuary System and could summon creatures called " players " from the parallel world. From that day on, the entire wasteland was not proper. " Red Heart Sky Patrol ":" Red Heart Sky Patrol " was a novel with the theme of Xianxia. It used the merciless nature of the Heavenly Dao as its theme, depicting a world full of chivalry and sincerity. The setting of the characters in the story was unique. The protagonist was a beggar who had obtained a Meridian Unlocking Pill. He was trying his best to find his own path in a world full of competition and war. This world had a variety of settings, making people feel as if they were in a fantasy world of Xianxia. The story was fascinating, stimulating people's curiosity about the truth of history, and at the same time, bringing suspense to the development of the story. The author described the protagonist's inner world with delicate strokes, showing his yearning for light and his pursuit of chivalry. The whole book was inspiring and made people think about the meaning and value of life. Overall, Red Heart Sky Patrol was an impressive Xianxia novel and was worth reading. " Ring of Destiny ":" Ring of Destiny " is an impressive novel. The author is very skilled in controlling the character and plot. Every character was lifelike. Whether it was the main character, supporting characters, or extras, they were all unforgettable. Especially with his deep writing skills, the plot was smooth and full of ups and downs. Squid's new book continued his style in Lord of the Mysteries and showed his unique creative ability. Although the numbers are already very high, I believe that this book will continue the legend of the Lord of the Mysteries. Overall, I give Ring of Destiny a rating of 90 points. "Great Ming State Preceptor": Immortal Grass! This book had too much practical information! More than 1.48 million! I'll give it 100 points! Choose a Day to Ascend: Choose a Day to Ascend with Great Demon King Xu. If it's not enough, you can read the old books of the otaku pig,"The Herding God" and "Journey to the Abyss". "Supreme Human Path","Supreme Emperor","Unparalleled World" 17:" Who's in Love After Rebirth?" " Deep Sea Ember " was a fascinating novel. The author used his unique writing style and meticulous descriptions to bring the readers into a subversive world. The story began with the protagonist becoming the captain of a ghost ship. Facing a completely overturned and fragmented world, the protagonist faced a huge challenge. The author's meticulously designed plot and fascinating plot made it impossible for people to stop reading. The intelligence of the characters in the book was on the line. Every character had their own characteristics and charm. The author's description was exquisite and realistic, making people feel as if they were in the middle of it, feeling the confusion and confusion of the protagonist. This book was not only a novel, but also a challenge and exploration of thinking. He hoped that the readers would be more supportive of the author and continue to create more exciting works. 19." Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World ":" Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World " is a surprising novel. The author used his unique creativity and solid writing style to skillfully combine the elements of the Immortal Cultivation World and the Otherworld, bringing a new reading experience to the readers. In the story, the protagonist, Fang Xi, traveled to two different worlds. He was submissive in the cultivation world, but in the other world, he fought hard and displayed great strength. The author showed Fang Xi's courage and wisdom by describing his growth and struggle. This novel not only brought the readers exciting adventures and suspense, but also triggered thoughts about life, emotions, psychology, society, and history. The author's writing was smooth and the plot was compact, making it impossible for people to stop reading. In short,'Cultivating Immortals in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts' was a delightful and inspiring work that was worth reading. "Who told him to cultivate!" [Lezi Xiuxian]" I have repeatedly stressed that the ethos of the cultivation world has always been crooked. I didn't lead it astray. It is said that history books are written by the victors. Then why are there always people framing me after I win? " Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger. The next day. "I have repeatedly emphasized that I am the one who has led the cultivation world astray. "Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this in an interview with the reporters, expressing his anger. 'Daily Cultivation' reporting for you. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
How to find comics on Ta?
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2024-10-16 09:23
You can search for relevant keywords on Ta's search bar. Sometimes, there are also categorized sections for comics that you can browse through.
Linda as the protagonist of the novel
1 answer
2025-01-09 21:37
I didn't know Linda was the main character of the novel.
A novel recommendation like "Which TA?"
1 answer
2025-01-27 08:14
There were novels similar to " Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": A new novel with many female leads. A familiar style. Friends who like to read the Spring and Autumn Annals should know about it! 2."Spirit Realm Traveler":··4-star recommendation In terms of style, it continued the humor of Da Feng's The Nightwatchman, and added many new elements: suspense (slightly but just right) and speculation (full of depth). As for the battle and other parts, there were some small flaws, but they could not overshadow the merits. Moreover, the places with bugs had been fixed. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this book. Not only did I say that it's amazing to sell newspapers, but there's always a reason for being first! I'm looking forward to what happens next. Let's see if this book can continue the style of the previous book! 3."Tang People's Table": recommended Second Brother's New Book Ahhhh, I fell into a trap when I just opened the book. I suddenly realized that I didn't add a book list. I'll give it a shot. Ahhhh, I have to start a long pursuit of updates again. 4."King of Familiars": A new book by a top-notch author of the familiar-style. Those who like the familiar-style should not miss it. 5."Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation" Hahahahaha, I've transmigrated, I've become the villain. It's so cool that I can do whatever I want! What do you mean I'm a lousy fighter? The power of his father was revolving, and he was using his connections to act tough and slap his face! National Forensics: [licorice][forensic text]🌙 Waterbird's new book, the urban system's occupation book. The second generation of demolition had just graduated from university and became a forensic doctor. He had obtained the system and could obtain skills by completing system missions. You could say that Waterbird's book was weak. The supporting characters in the book were not very intelligent, and the main character was an emotionless tool. However, you could not deny that it was really cool. The author was good at writing professional and technical articles. Many times, the details were so good that it felt like the real thing. Waterbird was a steel tycoon, a top student, and a doctor. It could be seen that the author had consulted relevant information and papers in order to write the book. Sometimes, even the author could use some professional information or encyclopedia to make up for it. Of course, this didn't change the fact that it was a waterbird. It was a walk-on in many books, with various forms of spider plants at the beginning of each chapter, and tasting various delicacies from various places every few chapters... Setting:7 Plot:7 Writing Style:7 Others:7 7."Wait, Heroine" It was the new book of the author of the XX Ferocious series, Guan Guan. I think the reason why it's not fierce to call her a heroine is: In the first book, The Prince Is Fierce, the protagonist's character could be shown, and there was only one prince. In the second part, the fairy was very fierce because the female protagonists were all fairies without exception, so this name was appropriate. However, the third book was obviously rich in elements. It was not just the heroine. If the heroine was named after her fierceness, it would be limited to the heroine, which would not be in line with the other female protagonists. 8.<Full Tang Colorful Scenery>: I can only say that it's amazing! When he first saw the name, he didn't really care. After clicking on it, he couldn't stop. Now, I can only hold back from reading it. I'll save a little before reading it. It's too torturous to read chapter by chapter! A book of immortal herbs! 9:"Hidden Dead Corner" Highest recommendation rating: <Remarks: Similar to the previous books, the cheat is slow to activate, the plot is a little weak, and there are always some deliberate little poison points in the book to tease the readers. The update speed is the same as before, the settings are clear, the protagonist's personality is not bad, and the cheat is very unique.> It is recommended to watch it together after raising it to chapter 100. I'll give a detailed evaluation after 100 chapters. 2023/4/24 10."The Final Divine Order":"The Final Divine Order" is a science fiction novel similar to "The Atlas of Heaven and Man" in genre, but the setting and style are more relaxed. The author combined the three elements of martial arts, prosthetics, and fantasy, giving people a fresh feeling. Although this was a refreshing novel that leaned toward the noob side, the author's writing was smooth, the plot was fascinating, and the rhythm was well controlled. The story progressed layer by layer, making people unable to stop. The author was a high-level FL martial arts author. He had excellent control of the rhythm and leveled up quickly. Although it was still uncertain whether it would collapse in the later stages, this setting was full of anticipation. The writing style and plot of this book were still passable. The background was a modern fantasy, so the setting should be quite grand. Overall,"The Final Divine Duty" was a book that everyone looked forward to reading. It was highly recommended for everyone to read. 11."Beyond Time": The ears have finally returned to the method of seeking the devil. The main character was decisive in killing and looked like me. This was the best point. "This Game Is Too Real": Moving bricks, running errands, picking up trash, delivering packages…The company can at most let you experience the hardships of 996, but here you can experience the super double 007. Alright, let's cut the crap. The great manager has called me to move bricks. That lord said that as long as we work hard and offer our livers, he will be able to get a new set of power armors next month. Then, he will bring us to a brand new map and pick up more trash in the vast wasteland! …… Chu Guang, who had transmigrated to the Wasteland World, discovered that he had unlocked the Sanctuary System and could summon creatures called "players" from the parallel world. From that day on, the entire wasteland was not proper. "Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" is a slow-reading but very good novel. Every character had flesh and blood, especially the dialogue between the protagonist and Emperor Qi, which was unforgettable. However, it was a pity that the later part of the book was not as intense as the earlier part. The author was a newcomer, and the first few chapters were full of ancient style, but some readers did not like this style. However, as the story developed, the plot became more and more interesting, and the writing style became more and more like a martial arts classic. Although the theme was not novel, the book had some innovation in its background and structure. Overall, this was a novel worth reading. Although the early stages were slow, the middle and late stages were very exciting. 14."Ring of Destiny": Tremble, mortals. Your King of Online Literature will finally ascend to his throne. Cheer for the King's return and praise his return, Amon. "The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" is an amazing time-travel novel. With the Ming Dynasty as the background, the author showed the protagonist's helplessness and determination to change history through the story of Jiang Xing Huo's ninth transmigration. The name of the main character, Jiang Xing Huo, implied that a single spark could start a prairie fire. Whether he could change the wheels of history filled the readers with anticipation. The plot of this book was compact, and the knowledge points were dense, allowing one to learn a lot of economics knowledge. The protagonist Jiang Xinghuo's experience in the Ming Dynasty and the modern theory that changed the world were shocking. His determination and courage were admirable. The author's intention was amazing. This book did not have any tricks, but changed the world through the protagonist's thoughts and actions. Overall,'The Great Ming State Preceptor' was a good book that made people look forward to it. The recommendation index was five stars. 16:"Ascending on the Right Day": A new work by the Great God. Reading it now. It's very good. [17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?": I like the author's big imagination. The style of the novel was very humorous, and it was pleasant and easy to read. It was very good to read, and the short stories came one after another. Deep Sea Ember: Sprout If it was too little, he would write a simple book review first, and then make up for it later. I think the story of a modern teacher entering another world by mistake is a bit like the book in Big Eyeball's book. Could it be that someone arranged for him to transmigrate? The author's forte was the structure of the world. His logic was meticulous, and the details were exquisite. The book seemed to be very ambitious. Even the gods of the other world seemed to have some problems. The main character was a legendary captain with a fierce reputation. In fact, he was an "ordinary person" who pretended to be calm. The contrast was very interesting. [Reward index: Temporarily four stars] "Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World". Keyword: [Heaven Crossing],[Carefree Dao],[Decisive Killing] Ranking index: [A recommendation of the same kind: I, an immortal cultivator in my twilight years, will live forever.] Reading Notes: Wenchao's products were definitely of high quality. The main world cultivated, while the sub-world cultivated blood and martial arts. It was similar to the main world's body cultivation. They used the flesh and blood of demons and devils to make tonics to nourish themselves. The resources of the two worlds could be transferred and used. Although there were only two worlds at the moment, according to Wenchao's style, it would definitely turn to the heavens in the later stages. It was important to note that there were many debuffs on the main character in the early stages. When he entered the sub-world, he was inferior to others. When he reached the late stage of the foundation establishment stage, he failed to break through. If he read too many genius books, then this book's impression was not bad. Moreover, unlike the previous books, there was a female protagonist plot in the early stages. Words of recommendation: Fang Xi wore it, and it was the second time! In the cultivation world, I was a yes-man, but in the Otherworld, I was a punching bag! "Who told him to cultivate!" Joyful Criticizing Immortal Cultivation was more about standards. Fortunately, this book had a very high standard. It was as high as two or three floors. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.