
prenom fille arabe

L'Alpha: revendiquant la fille de son ennemi

L'Alpha: revendiquant la fille de son ennemi

## CONTENU MATURE! ## “Pourquoi as-tu des cicatrices?” Tout à coup, Iris changea de sujet, alors qu'elle regardait Cane dans les yeux. Elle tenait toujours ses manches. “Ton père me les a données,” répondit Cane. Il pensait que Iris ne se souviendrait pas de cette conversation au réveil. “Ça a dû être tellement douloureux.” “C’est le cas.” “Les cicatrices vont-elles guérir?” “Je ne pense pas.” La nuit vous rend en effet vulnérable et vous laisse dire quelque chose que vous n'admettriez jamais quand il fait jour. L’obscurité adoucit votre cœur. “C'est dommage. Tu as une âme chaleureuse.” Iris fronça légèrement les sourcils. “Je n'ai plus d'âme.” Il avait vendu son âme pour la liberté de son peuple. Il ne restait plus rien de lui maintenant. “Si, tu en as une, mais tu souffres tellement.” Iris cligna des yeux. “Ta bête souffre. Tu as tellement de cicatrices.” “Les seules cicatrices que j'ai sont sur mon visage.” Iris secoua doucement la tête. “Je ne parle pas de ton visage. Je parle de ton âme. C'est dommage, tu souffres tellement… ce que mon père et mon frère t'ont fait doit être douloureux…” Et après cela, Iris ferma les yeux et s'endormit. ====================== Elle est la fille d'un alpha qui a tué sa famille, rayé sa meute et a aussi fait de son peuple des esclaves. Maintenant, après dix ans de traitement en tant qu'esclave, il a réussi à se venger et vit une vie que personne n'aurait jamais pu imaginer. Une vie proche de l'enfer. Et dix ans plus tard, l'Alpha Cane parvient à prendre le dessus et à tuer l'alpha qui a rendu la vie de son peuple pire que la mort. Il était temps pour lui de faire payer aux enfants de l'alpha ce que leur père avait fait. Seulement… Iris était chétive et elle était très différente de son père.
1040 Chs
La fille de la sorcière et le fils du Diable

La fille de la sorcière et le fils du Diable

Il tomba amoureux de ses rares yeux violets. Puis, il pensa à la posséder entièrement. ------ Cette nuit-là, la délicate femme aux yeux violets, vêtue d'une robe de mariée, était assise sur leur lit tandis que son mari l'observait avec un sourire en coin. "Alors", dit-il d'une voix traînante, mauvaise et magnétique, "je ne peux pas voir le visage de mon épouse même la nuit de nos noces ?" "Votre Majesté a promis d’exaucer mon unique souhait", remarqua la femme, fixant le voile qui couvrait la moitié inférieure de son visage avec des mains légèrement tremblantes. Il plongea son regard dans ses mystérieux et rares yeux violets. "Puis-je demander pourquoi un tel souhait ?" Elle le regarda en retour. "Votre Majesté pourrait ne pas aimer voir des choses laides." Il afficha un sourire narquois et s'avança vers elle. "Mais, je n'ai jamais eu de penchant pour les jolies choses." ------ Seren, la fille infâme de la sorcière, et Drayce, le fils impitoyable et vicieux du Diable. Personne n'avait jamais vu son visage puisque les sorcières sont censées être laides, mais il était celui qui n'a jamais cherché la beauté. Elle était maudite pour ne jamais tomber amoureuse, mais lui souhaitait être le seul homme qu'elle aimerait jamais. Une princesse maudite mariée au fils du diable pour détruire son royaume, mais le fils du diable avait un autre plan pour elle. Le secret de sa naissance ne sera révélé que pour montrer la voie afin de libérer les pouvoirs cachés en elle que personne ne peut contrôler. Avec les dangers cachés convoitant son pouvoir, Drayce et Seren peuvent-ils se protéger mutuellement ou les ténèbres les engloutiront-ils tout entiers ? ------ Ceci est le premier livre de la série "Diable et Sorcière". Livre un - La Fille de la sorcière et le Fils du diable. Livre deux - La Sorcière Maudite du Diable. Livre trois - La Fiancée du Diable. Tous les livres sont reliés entre eux mais vous pouvez les lire de manière indépendante. ------ Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - Donné dans les chapitres Groupe FB- les romans de mynovel20
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608 Chs
Manoir de la fille de la ferme

Manoir de la fille de la ferme

``` [Agriculture]+[Espace]+[Réconfortante]+[Prospérité]+[Vaincre la racaille] Mo Yan, réduite en cendres par une explosion, renaissait à l'époque ancienne, devenant une petite fille de fermiers en fuite de la famine ! Au-dessus d'elle, un père Érudit gentil et beau - pas mal ! En dessous d'elle, une paire de frères et sœurs jeunes et adorables - très bien ! Mais vraiment, elle avait l'impression de mourir une seconde fois, vous savez ? Être en fuite, sans nourriture, boisson ou abri était une chose, mais devoir toujours se garder des méchants qui pourraient la capturer pour combler leur faim en était une autre ! Heureusement, son Espace évolutif de sa vie précédente l'avait suivie, mais quoi diable - cet incroyable Espace avec des montagnes, de l'eau et de la viande à manger avait été formaté ! Face à une situation désespérée, Mo Yan raviva son esprit combatif : Et alors si c'est formaté, je ferai quand même fortune et bâtirai ma richesse juste au pied de la Cité Impériale ! Tailler dans les montagnes, planter des vergers, acheter des magasins, construire des maisons... il n'en manquera pas un seul ! Mais... il y a tant de fauteurs de troubles aux yeux verts ! Ta ferme est à toi ? Ici, je te piégerai à mort sans discussion ! Tu veux devenir ma belle-mère ? Bien, je t'enverrai une bande de veufs ! Mère te cherche ? Tiens, prends les papiers du divorce, garde-les, ne me remercie pas ! ... Quoi ? Un bel homme fait sa proposition ? Euh, ça... devrais-je me jeter sur lui ? PS : 1. Insister sur l'agriculture sans faiblir + querelle domestique atypique + absence d'intrigue de palais 2. Le style d'écriture est assez sérieux, et les valeurs sont normales (ne pas exclure les caprices occasionnels de l'auteur) Liens vers des œuvres complétées : [La Jeune Fille de la Ferme Abandonnée : Une Belle Campagne] Lien : http://read.xxsy.net/info/527965.html [La Fille Légitime du Général à ne Pas Provoquer] Lien : http://read.xxsy.net/info/473776.html ```
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496 Chs
La fille chanceuse de la ferme

La fille chanceuse de la ferme

Après être morte de manière inattendue, elle renaissait en tant que petite fille de dix ans dans une famille de fermiers de l'époque ancestrale, avec à peine quelques pièces dans sa maison et encore moins d'arpents de terre, sans parler d'un foyer composé de personnes âgées, faibles, malades et handicapées. Heureusement, les anciens de la famille étaient gentils et honnêtes, ses frères affectueux et bienveillants, et les voisins harmonieux et amicaux. Pour Yang Mengchen, qui avait souffert du tourment de ses parents et enduré toutes sortes de moqueries et de réprimandes depuis sa jeunesse, c'était véritablement une bénédiction du ciel. Pour soutenir la famille qu'elle aimait, elle prit résolument la lourde responsabilité de subvenir à leurs besoins. Si elle, une CEO d'entreprise moderne qui avait autrefois dominé le monde des affaires, ne pouvait pas nourrir une famille, alors qui le pourrait ? Recettes pharmaceutiques, construction de serres, ouverture de magasins... Non seulement sa famille commença à vivre une vie confortable et prospère, mais elle mena également les villages environnants à créer une scène pastorale magnifique ! Avec de l'argent et de la renommée, en grandissant, Yang Mengchen décida qu'il était temps de choisir un mari, et ainsi, de jeunes talents du monde entier commencèrent à affluer vers elle. Qui aurait su qu'un sombre dieu de la mort bloquerait l'entrée de la maison de la famille Yang ? "Tu es trop grand, tu es trop court, tu es trop gros, tu es trop maigre, tu es trop sombre, tu es trop pâle, tu es inculte, tu es trompeur et sournois... Tous éliminés !" D'un coup, l'entrée était vide, et Yang Mengchen était instantanément furieuse, "Prince, tu as chassé tout le monde. Comment suis-je censée choisir un mari maintenant ?" "J'aimerais bien voir qui oserait t'épouser. Je ne m'opposerais pas à l'envoyer dans le Monde souterrain en tant que marié !" Yang Mengchen... Un certain Prince énumérait ses mérites sur ses doigts : "J'ai du pouvoir, du prestige, et des biens, pas de concubines, pas d'amours secrètes, pas de frasques — J'incarne les normes des trois obéissances et des quatre vertus d'un mari... En bref, seul moi, cet homme sans pareil, suis digne de toi !" Les gardes : Oh sage et vaillant Prince, est-il vraiment bon d'être si en manque dans ton rôle de mari ?
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492 Chs
Tout le monde veut choyer la fille chanceuse

Tout le monde veut choyer la fille chanceuse

La famille du Duc n'a pas eu de filles depuis un siècle. Lorsqu'une fille leur est enfin née, elle aurait dû recevoir tout l'amour et les soins nécessaires, mais il s'est avéré que la véritable fille avait été échangée à la naissance et recueillie par une famille de chasseurs au grand cœur. Depuis qu'ils avaient adopté la fille, les chasseurs semblaient avoir de la chance en tout - le gibier semblait courir dans les pièges et les filets qu'ils tendaient, et ils trouvaient des herbes rares partout où ils allaient. Dix ans plus tard, la famille du Duc s'est finalement rendu compte de la vérité que leur fille avait été échangée et a parcouru plus de mille miles pour la ramener chez elle. Après être revenue dans sa vraie famille, la fille fut indéniablement gâtée pourrie par chaque membre de sa famille... Après avoir grandi, Lin Qingluo excella dans les arts martiaux et atteignit le sommet du monde martial. Rejoignant le champ de bataille avec ses frères et son père, elle écrasa leurs ennemis et devint connue comme une Déesse de la Guerre, gagnant d'innombrables admirateurs. Seigneur du Pavillon du Secret Céleste : Votre réputation vous précède, madame — aucune ne vous égale, comme le disent les rumeurs. Chef de la Vallée des Potions : Vos compétences en médecine sont extraordinaires, et je me range à votre expertise. Je jure fidélité en échange de votre tutorat pour pratiquer la médecine et aider les gens. Le Premier Prince de la Nation de Qi : Merci de m'avoir sauvé. Je vous dois une dette de vie. Lin Qingluo : Un prince envahissant a volé mon cœur, et c'est tout ce à quoi je peux penser. Il n'y a aucune autre personne dans mon esprit.
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492 Chs
La fille de la famille Humble possède une poche spatiale !

La fille de la famille Humble possède une poche spatiale !

(1v1, pur et doux) Résidence du Prince de Xiliang. Avec une énergie de tigre et à seulement 5 ans, le Petit Prince Xiao Moxi a vu sa mère repartir vers les champs, et son visage rond comme un petit pain s'est crispé de frustration. Regardant son père à côté de lui avec affliction, il se plaignit avec une air de sagesse mondaine, "Père, comment as-tu pu tomber amoureux de ma mère, qui aime toujours partir?" Xiao Yeyang jeta un coup d'œil oblique à son fils précocement mature, puis feignit de réfléchir à la question. En effet, pourquoi était-il tombé amoureux de cette femme? Après un long silence... "Qui sait? Peut-être que ma tête s'est coincée dans une porte!" Échangeant un regard de commisération mutuelle, le père et le fils poussèrent un soupir impuissant à l'unisson. Que faire quand vous êtes coincé avec une femme qui n'est jamais à la maison? Il n'y a qu'une chose à faire avec votre propre Princesse Consorte (mère) — la choyer, bien sûr! … Transportée dans l'antiquité avec un espace rempli de fleurs de riz, tout ce qu'elle voulait, c'était de vivre tranquillement sa vie dans les champs. Inattendu, avec un père qui était un magistrat de comté, elle fut forcée de quitter la campagne pour la ville! La vie en ville était animée d'activités, et pour avoir son mot à dire à la maison, elle acheta des domaines, cultiva des fleurs et des herbes médicinales, et développa des variétés de grains à haut rendement et de haute qualité. Remarquablement, elle aida son père, qui avait été magistrat de comté pendant neuf ans, à monter échelon par échelon, amenant la modeste famille Yan dans les cercles élites de Beijing! Ceci est l'histoire d'une fille noble issue d'une famille humble aidant son clan à prospérer et à s'épanouir, et une douce histoire d'amour de succès mutuel et de croissance commune! Le premier rôle masculin: Devant les autres, il est le Petit Prince orgueilleux, le Prince dominateur de Xiliang. Devant l'héroïne, il est un homme doux et tendre de cœur. Le premier rôle féminin: Claire dans toutes ses affaires, chaleureuse et autonome!
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492 Chs
How could the weaknesses of Korean comics be read for free?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
The Korean manga " Weakness " could be found on some free video sharing sites such as Youtube, Vimeo, and Bilibili. These websites usually provided free Korean comics to watch. All one had to do was enter the name of the relevant comic in the search box and press the search button. In addition, on some online comics platforms such as Manke and Kuaikan, one could also see free or paid copies of the Weakness comic.
Was there a story about a female protagonist who had to pretend to be a princess after transmigrating?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
😋I recommend "Stupid Girl in Ancient Times" to you. This is an ancient romance novel written by the author, Ghost Love. After the female protagonist transmigrated, she first pretended to be stupid. She also has a beautiful man to accompany her. Let's see how she plays with the harem! I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
Ask for the source! Which anime person is this?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
I can't confirm the origin of the person you're referring to. Please provide more information such as the name of the character, the type of character, the background of the story, etc. so that I can better help you answer your questions.
Do you have the zither emperor's doujinshi novel " Purple Bamboo "?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
" Bamboo Cultivation " is a Xianxia fantasy immortal cultivation novel written by the author, Ting Taozhu. The general plot of this novel is: Jiang Zhenghai awakened the bamboo bloodline. With his superior hearing and wisdom, he recruited retainers in this chaotic world, broke into the East China Sea, and rose up in the Bamboo Forest Sea. In short, the more I read, the more exciting it gets. I'll read at least 50 chapters before I comment on whether my novel is worth reading. QQ Group chats 369809306, welcome to join and give your opinions... ---------------------------- " Zither Story of Time Travel " was an ancient romance novel written by Qing Yu An Fou. The general plot of this novel was: She was the daughter of Chang 'an City's Yan Wei. She was raised in a boudoir and no one knew about her. Once she fell into the water, she died. He was the descendant of a general's family. He had entered the military at the age of 14, was sealed at the age of 18, and was already a noble at the age of 24. She was an ordinary woman in the 21st century. The ghost of a car accident entered Chang 'an and continued to write another life. A late encounter had written a life and death agreement between them. The struggle for power, the change in the palace, he moved unhindered in the north of the desert, wanting to help the Lord dominate. Conspiracy, conspiracy, ten zither, she had experienced life and death, but her name was famous in Chang 'an. She wanted to accompany him for a lifetime, but she was burdened by the fetters of a thousand years. "Luo Di, do you have a heart? Your words are always so heartless." " Of course there is. Unfortunately, it's hard and cold. It can't be warmed up." A song of fleeting years, peach blossoms fell all over the sky. Things were the same, but people had changed. His figure turned into smoke. Greed for the spring flowers and autumn moon, did not expect the flowers to fall mercilessly spread all over the ground. Even in his previous life, it was rare to see him again, but it was just a deep love and shallow fate, causing trouble. The plot is fictional, please do not imitate it. ---------------------------- " Unparalleled Zither " was a short story written by the author, San Ji. The general plot of this novel was: He was Cang Yue, the reclusive and desireless Prince Xiaoyao, and she was the well-known daughter of a noble family in the Prime Minister's Estate. When they first met, he was dressed in white, stepping on a patch of fiery red as he slowly walked over. His posture was outstanding, cold, and decisive. As for her, she stood beside the zither, her eyes filled with amazement. However, what she did not expect was that after the two of them met, he was the one who had requests, desires, and dissatisfaction. One day, Cang Yue Chang Qing was lazily lying on the bamboo couch. She rested her chin on one hand and looked at the woman playing the zither under the Acacia Tree with bright eyes. Cang Yue Chang Qing: Ning 'er, after you reach adulthood, let's get married, okay? No one answered. Cang Yue Everlasting Feelings said,"Ning 'er, let's get married after we destroy the Ghost Faction. Is that okay?" Silence. Cang Yue Chang Qing had a bitter look on her face,"Ning 'er, if you don't get married soon, I'll become Cang Yue's joke." The woman under the Acacia Tree raised her eyes and looked at the man. Her exquisite face was calm. She thought of the rumors circulating in Cang Yue and nodded slightly. Shen Guining: Good. Hearing this, a certain prince felt relieved, but then his expression turned awkward,[Ning 'er is so straightforward. Could it be that he heard rumors about him being afraid of his wife?] Cang Yue, the Freedom King of the Blue Moon Dynasty, had no desires in his life. The only thing he cared about was that others made his Ning son unhappy. His bravery and his deep love were all given to that woman called Shen Guining. ---------------------------- The book," The Guqin Disrupts the Heart ", was a short story written by the author, Yun Que. The general plot of this novel was: With the zither as a guide, a zither sound out of the world, confused your heart; Blue bird as a medium, only to stay together forever, what harm is there in losing the world? Su Li: " You didn't escape from him even after you died. You schemed against his court, he schemed against your life. Have you ever thought about your own life?!" Have you ever thought about me? 'Even if you walk over my dead body, I'll only feel proud.' Dong Yuqi said,"In this world, you're the only one I can trust. I'll give you whatever you want." ---------------------------- " The Guqin Disrupts the Monarch's Heart " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Ji Ranyin. The general plot of this novel was: "The guqin had seven strings, and the ancient flute had six holes. Only the most elegant music could disturb the heart of a ruler, but who knew that the heart of a ruler was as hard as iron and could not be disturbed. Only the most beautiful woman could bewitch the world, but in the end, she did not bewitch the world. His six clans had been exterminated, and with the cold flames of revenge, he walked step by step through blood and stood at the highest point of the mountains and rivers, but he forced the woman he loved to slit her wrists and commit suicide. Chang 'an City Yao Yao hundred miles hibiscus flowers bloom just right, but without this person, who can I go with? After taking off the gorgeous clothes of the emperor and empress, she only wished that she was still the little junior sister who was waiting for her senior brother's return under the tree. Reading literature was like tasting wine. It took 381 days for Ah Yin to brew wine. This article involved many secrets of the boudoir. The food and clothing of the palace needed to be slowly tasted to be able to taste. Otherwise, it was no different from a cup of turbid water. Ayin slowly adjusted the wine, not caring whether there were people who drank it. If the wine was fragrant and mellow, there would always be people who knew it. quot;。 ---------------------------- " The Guqin Asks the World " was a novel by the author, Yiyi Zhaozhao. The general plot of this novel was: During the Jingkang disaster, the female beauty Zhong Ling 'er, who was skilled in both literature and martial arts, was chosen by Emperor Jin to enter the capital. She did not become an imperial concubine, but because of the attempted assassination, she was thrown into the laundry yard to survive. She looked at the number one musician of the Song Dynasty who betrayed the country and played for the enemy with a calm expression. She scoffed at him." Ha, he's just an actor. Where is his integrity?" Who would have thought that he would be inexplicably killed by this person. After the rebirth of the Guqin world, the " Immortal Guqin " and " Supreme Guqin of Sunset ", who owed the beauty their lives, followed closely behind and returned their lives ostentatiously. He spoke the greatest truth of his life in a serious manner, which was rare." I want to repay you with a lifetime of love and a lifetime of peace." Xiu Ling, on the other hand, looked at Gongsun Changqin, who was dressed in a blood-red robe and looked like an immortal, who had charmed all the female disciples, and swallowed his saliva. ---------------------------- " Nianqin Jiao " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, You Meow. The general plot of this novel was: The zither is a kind of emotion, and the zither is a kind of prohibition. Bai Zhi said gloomily,"It's not easy to become an ancient zither. I have to work hard." The male lead said,"Don't work hard, just hold me tight." Bai Zhi said gloomily,"I just want to hug you tightly and die together with you!" ---------------------------- " Purple Bamboo Cloud " was a mystery detective novel written by the author, Sister Shiyan. The general plot of this novel was: The serial deaths of his family members, the death of his daughter due to a demon, the strange village that was ransacked by the blood of war, the eerie and terrifying ghost dungeon, and the past and present life of the mysterious woman in the mirror… Why was Rong Caiqian's life entangled with so many strange things? I've always been such a coward! The reason for all of that often made me dream of the purple bamboo forest in my memories of my teenage years. What secrets did Taoist Master Xuan Kong, who had been by his side, hide? This article has been completed. Friends who like it, please keep it forever. Thank you. The new pit of " Not a Supporting Actor " has been opened. Please pay attention to it! ---------------------------- " The Guqin Master of the Live Stream " was a novel about urban life written by the author, Mailing Sword Qingshan. The general plot of the novel was: Qin as a tool, from the era of the emperor, can contain the sound of all things in heaven and earth, can examine the signs of the people's chaos, this is called the carriage of eight tones, the system of all kinds of music. Qingfeng Chen was a real musician. One person and one piano, send out the right sound, compose the right song, revive the elegant music. Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu sound to the pure sound of nature, is the world's decadent vulgar sound. According to the rhyme, according to the string, the Book of Songs and Ci Fu were played, which spread the thousand-year-old Chinese culture and orthodoxy. On his zither, there were the Book of Songs, Nineteen Ancient Poems, Three Hundred Tang Poems, and Three Hundred Song Ci… All kinds of famous works that had been passed down from generation to generation had become extinct in the world again. It allowed countless people to appreciate the endless charm of Chinese culture and never regret entering China. [Book group: 709045207, welcome.] ---------------------------- " The Perfect Couple " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Chalk Qin. The general plot of this novel was: She was Su Rou 'Er, the older leftover girl who was known as the "Big Sister of the Capital". He was Ye Qingcheng, the handsome man who was known as the "Unparalleled Demon Face". When they met… The heavens had blessed them, but they had all fallen! However… "To hell with fate, you big liar!" * This is Qin 'er's seventh book! Dear, what are you waiting for? Happy collection lost votes, follow the article! Thank you! I'm especially grateful to the beautiful cover that Purple Mist Tulan made for me! Thank you!
What was the experience of a writer being a fan of another writer? What interesting things would happen?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
One could experience many interesting moments. For example, they would send each other their own works, comment on each other's writing skills, or organize literary exchanges. They might discuss a variety of topics, including their recently published works, unpublished works, and their writing dreams. In some cases, this helped to promote their writing. This might lead to some interesting things such as or in some other place and surprise them. When the two of them met, they might have some very interesting chemical reactions. They would recommend a character in each other's works or provide inspiration and suggestions for each other's works. They might praise each other's writing skills, but at the same time, they might have differences and arguments in certain situations. In short, it was a very interesting experience, but it might also cause some interesting things.
What browser should I use to read novels?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
When reading novels, it is recommended to use a browser that supports the reading of the novel, such as Chrome5, FireFox, and Safari5. These browser can display high-quality web pages and support a variety of reading tools such as bookmark, progress bar, font size, font color, etc. to make it easier for you to read novels. It is also recommended to use a secure browser to avoid network attacks and malicious software.
What was the relationship between the author and the novel IP after it was sold? The author said that the adapted film and television work was separated from the original IP. Was it considered a violation of the contract or illegal?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
After the novel IP was sold, the relationship between the author and the author mainly depended on the ownership of the copyright and the agreement to adapt the film and television works. Under normal circumstances, the copyright of the novel IP belonged to the author or his authorized agent. If the author decided to use it to adapt the film and television works, he needed to negotiate with the copyright owner (usually the author or agent) and sign an adaptation agreement to ensure the legitimacy of the adapted film and television works and the ownership of the copyright. If the author decided to use the novel IP to adapt the film and television works and reached an agreement with the copyright owner, the relationship and rights between them would depend on the provisions of the agreement. If the agreement stipulated that the adapted film and television work was separated from the original IP, then the adapted work would no longer have the copyright of the original IP, and the author and copyright owner would only have the copyright of the adapted work. In this case, the author may have the right to modify the adapted work, create derivative works, etc. However, the adapted work still has to abide by the provisions of the original IP adaptation agreement. If the author decided not to abide by the adaptation agreement reached with the copyright owner and used the copyright of the original IP to adapt the film and television work, it might lead to copyright disputes and legal consequences. Therefore, authors should carefully consider and abide by relevant laws and regulations and copyright agreements when deciding to use the novel IP for adaptation.
Could you recommend a black and white novel like " Heart and Darling "? Thank you!
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:24
😋Hehe, it seems that you like these novels with heart-warming plots, black and white contrast, and meaning. Then I'll recommend a few to you. First of all,"Fake Make-up" is an ancient romance novel that suits your needs very well. The female protagonist struggles in the mystery and the plot is exciting. Secondly,"Immortal Lost" was a sci-fi futuristic novel that was also quite good. It described the emotions and efforts of human beings who were lost and pursued endlessly. Lastly, the Xianxia-Mythological Cultivation novel, Red Alert, was also very good. It had many wonderful black and white scenes. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
What are the similarities between Kawabata Yasunari's " The Ancient Capital " and Wang Anyi's " Song of Everlasting Sorrow?"
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:23
"Hand in Hand with Qingchen, the World of Forgetfulness" is an ancient romance novel written by the author Qing Zhuoying. The general plot of this novel is: A love that was engraved in her heart, but it was so fragile in front of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. Love and hate disappeared because she recognized the wrong person. It turned out that the person she loved had always been there. ---------------------------- The Legend of the Four Kingdoms was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Yize. The general plot of the novel was: They had known each other for a thousand years when they were young, and the celestial heavens had accompanied him for five hundred years. Once they were in danger, their souls were scattered, and they had been separated by thousands of rivers and mountains. In this life, Qing Yu was no longer the awe-inspiring Divine General Qing Yu of the Heavenly Court, but the little prince of the Song Kingdom, Qin Zhen, who had the mandate of heaven. Jiang Ning was no longer the cold and aloof Jade Bamboo Immortal, but the Fallen Immortal who was hated by the gods of the Heaven Realm. He wanted to see how Jiang Ning's initial heart remained unchanged, how she found Qing Yu's lost soul, and how she worked so hard to clarify the truth of that year and send Qing Yu back to the Divine Realm. When they first met at the foot of Cangxi Mountain, they were like gods, silent and clear, rippling in the years. He knew that there was love, but there was no fate. Everyone had their own destiny, so he ended up with an empty joy. One was the descendant of an ancient oracle, and the other was the princess of the god race. This fate had been unfair from the beginning. The unfortunate young master was a beautiful woman. In the vast world of mortals, people's hearts were cold. Xie Jingyan and Han Zhuo could only warm each other up and see how they would inherit the secret technique in the mortal world and open the ancient divine realm. If he wanted to know how the immortal fate was, he would slowly search for it in the book. ---------------------------- " Peace and Joy in the Human World " was an ancient romance novel written by the author Zhang Jiangli. The general plot of this novel was: Perhaps it was fate, but they were in love from the beginning to the end. They were always sincere to each other. ---------------------------- Wu Chuan was an ancient romance novel written by the author in the water. The general plot of the novel was: She was born abnormally, fell in love at first sight with a guard who had a mysterious background, tortured her heart and body, and devoted herself to a secret love... ---------------------------- " Sigu Shou " was a historical novel written by the author, Dao Sanchuan. The general plot of this novel was: I drew my sword and looked around blankly. I looked north at the morning bell. Where was my homeland? Since he couldn't find it and couldn't go back, he would stay and make one. He would write a paragraph: It is difficult for a stranger to write when he is looking for his homeland. Fall into the court and roll away. Who will win and who will lose? A man with a lover, a man without feelings, a man alone in a tall building. Ordinary people, lying in the long pavilion, golden wind and jade dew. ---------------------------- " A Glimpse of the River of Forgetfulness: A Life of Happiness " was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Xiamu Linzi. The general plot of this novel was: " Kubei, try marrying her." Kubei had never expected Le Sheng to appear here. Other than surprise, he was more surprised." You're back?" On the banks of the River of Forgetfulness, Kubei was hugging Le Sheng, whom he had not seen for a long time. His heart was filled with joy." Are you going to marry the princess of the East Sea?"" If you come back, you won't marry her." Kubei reached out and pulled Le Sheng into his arms. Le Sheng smiled. The entire floor was covered in red spider lilies. ---------------------------- " South Sichuan From North " was a romantic youth-love novel written by the author An Qianru. The general plot of this novel was: This was a secret love that spanned more than ten years, but the secret love ended in parting ways? Or love each other? She followed him from Jiangnan to Beijing, where the environment was harsh…The crush she had since she was young had made her suffer. Finally, she was tired. When she turned around and was about to give up, he… ---------------------------- " Full House of Pleasure " was an ancient romance novel written by Fanfandegou. The general plot of the novel was: Feng Zhi was a young lady who grew up in the capital. She was delicate and weak, but she did not lack tenacity. Su Zhuo was a young master who grew up in the capital. His face was cold, but his sense of responsibility was overwhelming. Then, they met in Chuanchun County. ---------------------------- " The Legend of Ancient Shu " was a historical novel written by the author, Qian's Little Qian. The general plot of this novel was: At the end of the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was political turmoil, and tribes fought against each other. At that time, in the ancient Shu country in the southwest region, they watched the glorious life of the heroic Shu King Du Yu. ---------------------------- " The River of Forgetfulness " was a novel written by the author, Yan Luo. The general plot of this novel was: A harp sang all the joys and sorrows, but it was full of longing and sorrow. The two golden sabers danced in the wind, flowers, snow, and moon of the world, but they could not cut off the evil fate of the mortal world. A cold needle pierced through the vicissitudes of the world, but it could not defeat the unfathomable human heart. The Shura Sword, whose mortal bond was it cutting off? Jade pour joy, pour who is greedy for joy. River of Forgetfulness. Three Path Pavilion. even as the waning moon listens to the wind. Who could understand the loneliness behind those seemingly glorious lives? Forget Chuan QQ group:165972989 . Welcome everyone to join us...
What were the world's bestsellers in 2010?
1 answer
2025-03-07 17:23
The world's best-selling books of 2010 were as follows: 1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2): Daniel Potter and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2) was published in January 2010 and became the world's highest-selling novel of 2010, with more than 50 million copies translated into multiple languages. Jane Eyre (Part 2): Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre (Part 2) sold more than 22 million copies in 2010 and became the best-selling novel in the UK. 3 "Three-Body" series: Liu Cixin's science fiction "Three-Body" series became the best-selling novel in the mainland of China in 2010 with a total sales volume of more than 20 million copies. The series was also a huge success on a global scale. 4 The Kite Runner: The Kite Runner, a novel by Khallard Husseini, sold more than 13 million copies in 2010 and became the best-selling novel in the United States. 5 Wolf Totem: Jiang Rong's novel Wolf Totem sold more than 10 million copies in 2010 and became the best-selling novel in China. 6 One Hundred Years of Solitude: Garcia Márquez's novel One Hundred Years of Solitude sold more than 8.5 million copies in 2010 and became the best-selling novel in Latin-America. 7 1984: George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 sold more than 8 million copies in 2010 and became the best-selling novel in the UK. 8 The Little Prince: The fairy tale novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry sold more than 7.5 million copies in 2010 and became one of the world's best-selling fairy tale novels. These are some of the most popular bestsellers of 2010, covering a variety of topics and styles, including science fiction, magic, history, human nature, and so on.