Esposo del matrimonio a prueba: hay que trabajar duro
La noche antes de su boda, su prometido huyó con su amante.
Frustrada, abordó al hombre que se encontraba ante ella, frente al registro civil.
—Presidente Mo, tu esposa no vino y mi esposo huyó. ¿Puedo proponerle que nos casemos?
Antes de casarse, ella dijo:
—¡Incluso si compartimos la misma cama, nada pasará entre nosotros!
Luego de casarse, él dijo:
—Si no lo intentamos, ¿cómo lo sabremos?
1274 Chs
Soy una madre jefa que quiere holgazanear.
Todo el mundo sabía que después de que la joven señorita Shen fue abandonada por un hombre salvaje, se volvió indulgente y quedó embarazada sin casarse. Después de ser expulsada de su casa, cayó en un estado de desesperación. Sin embargo, la infame Shen Ruojing apareció en el banquete de cumpleaños de la anciana señora de la familia Chu. Todos se burlaron de ella.
—Los que envían millones en dinero de regalo se sientan en una mesa, mientras que los que envían decenas de millones en dinero de regalo se sientan en la otra.
—Señorita Shen, ¿cuánto dio?
La multitud esperaba que hiciera el ridículo, pero Shen Ruojing sacó de detrás de ella a un adorable niño pequeño y dijo:
—Perdón, señora, ¿en qué mesa se sentará su nieto mayor?
Tanto la madre como el hijo fueron llevados a la familia Chu, y Shen Ruojing quería pasar sus días holgazaneando, pero se encontró con el rechazo de la familia de diversas formas.
—Tenemos hackers de primera clase, maestros de música, expertos en tecnología... Todos son conocidos en esta familia. ¿Qué aportas?
Shen Ruojing se frotó la barbilla. —Bueno, todas esas cosas que mencionaron... Sé un poco de todo».
Sus tres adorables bebés estaban a su lado y asintieron al unísono:
—¡Podemos testificar que mamá sí sabe un poco de todo!
Not enough ratings
879 Chs
La Compagne Rejetée d'Alpha Revient en tant que Reine
« Je, Benson Walton, te rejette, Selma Payne, de devenir ma future Luna et compagne.
« Si tu es sensée, tu trouveras un endroit tranquille pour mourir seule, au lieu de ternir la gloire de notre peuple.
« Tu n'es qu'un vilain crapaud. Reste dans la boue tranquillement, et ne charge pas notre meute. »
Le dix-neuvième anniversaire de Benson, il a découvert que nous étions des âmes sœurs destinées. Mais je ne m’attendais pas à ce qu’il préfère endurer une grande douleur plutôt que de m'accepter. Chaque mot qu'il prononçait s'écrasait directement dans mon cœur, et la douleur me faisait trembler de manière incontrôlable.
J'ai appris que je n'étais pas l’enfant biologique de mes parents quand j'avais seize ans. Bien qu'ils me considéraient comme un ange qu'une cigogne leur avait apporté, cela ne changeait pas le fait que j'étais un petit humain faible.
J’étais juste un œuf fragile qui tomberait en se faisant piquer, un perdant qui ne pouvait même pas voir le chemin sans l’aide du clair de lune. Mon existence apportait de la honte à mes parents, et à ma meute !
Peut-être aurais-je dû mourir dans les bois dès le début. Avec cette pensée en tête, j'ai décidé de leur rendre une meute pure et immaculée ce soir.
Alors, j'ai sauté d'une falaise et pensais que je mourrais. Je n'aurais jamais imaginé être sauvée, et ma véritable identité s'est révélée être la seule fille du Roi Lycan qui avait été perdue il y a dix-huit ans. J'étais aussi l'héritière du trône !
Cela m’a beaucoup surpris. J'étais en fait un loup-garou ? Mais… Pourquoi étais-je si faible ? Était-ce juste une erreur ?
Pour devenir une héritière qualifiée, j'ai caché mon identité et reçu une formation. Cependant, cet instructeur frivole qui était en charge de ma formation, pouvait-il vraiment m’aider à éveiller mon loup, ou profitait-il simplement de moi ?
Au fur et à mesure que je devenais plus forte et que je devenais une figure publique, d'autres m'attaquaient et complotaient contre moi à de nombreuses reprises. Avaient-ils un lien avec ceux qui m'avaient enlevée toutes ces années auparavant ?
Je dois les attraper ! Je protégerai ma famille, et mon amoureux !
Not enough ratings
819 Chs
Eu sou uma Mãe Chefe que Quer Relaxar
Todo mundo sabia que depois que a jovem Senhorita Shen foi abandonada por um homem selvagem, ela se tornou autoindulgente e engravidou sem se casar. Depois de ser expulsa de casa, ela caiu em desespero. A infame Shen Ruojing, no entanto, apareceu no banquete de aniversário da velha senhora da família Chu. Todos zombavam dela. "Os que enviam milhões em dinheiro de presente sentam-se em uma mesa, enquanto aqueles que enviam dezenas de milhões em dinheiro de presente sentam-se na outra." "Senhorita Shen, quanto você deu?" A multidão esperava que ela fizesse papel de boba, mas Shen Ruojing tirou um adorável menininho de trás de si e disse, "Com licença, Senhora, em qual mesa seu neto mais velho vai sentar?" *** Mãe e filho foram levados para a família Chu, e Shen Ruojing queria passar seus dias preguiçando, mas foi recebida com rejeição pela família de várias maneiras. "Temos hackers de primeira classe, mestres em música, especialistas em tecnologia... Todos são conhecidos nesta família. O que você traz?" Shen Ruojing coçou o queixo. "Bem, todas essas coisas que você mencionou... Eu sei um pouquinho de cada uma." Seus três adoráveis bebês ficaram ao seu lado e assentiram em uníssono, "Podemos testemunhar que a Mamãe realmente sabe um pouquinho de tudo!"
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823 Chs
Un viaje que cambió el mundo.
Archer Bennett—contento con su vida actual, es repentinamente apuñalado, perdiendo todo lo que ama. Sin embargo, rápidamente descubre que la muerte no siempre es definitiva. Trasladado a un mundo mágico—como un niño llamado Archer Ashguard—se encuentra abandonado. Perdido y solo, con misteriosas y potentes habilidades mágicas, se lanza a una aventura que a veces es divertida, a veces seria, y llena de chicas.
Únete a Archer mientras se embarca en un viaje legendario que cambiará el mundo.
No NTR, Yuri o Violación.
Si quieres apoyarme, compra un café -
Estaré haciendo ediciones constantes aquí y allá, mejorando la gramática y la historia en general.
Arte de personajes en Discord.
Dos capítulos por día.
500 Piedras = 1 capítulo extra.
Not enough ratings
813 Chs
Uma jornada que mudou o mundo.
Archer Bennett—feliz com sua vida atual, é subitamente esfaqueado, perdendo tudo o que ama. Contudo, rapidamente descobre que a morte nem sempre é definitiva. Transmigrado para um mundo mágico—como uma criança chamada Arqueiro Ashguard—ele se vê abandonado. Perdido e sozinho, com habilidades mágicas misteriosas e potentes. Ele parte em uma aventura que às vezes é divertida, às vezes séria e cheia de garotas!
Junte-se ao Archer em sua jornada lendária que mudará o mundo.
Sem NTR, Yuri ou Estupro.
Se você quer me apoiar, compre um café -
Estarei fazendo edições constantes aqui e ali, melhorando a gramática e a história em geral.
Arte de personagens no Discord.
Dois capítulos por dia.
500 Pedras = 1 capítulo extra.
Not enough ratings
740 Chs
General, tu esposa solicita que vuelvas a casa para la agricultura
—Su Xiaoxiao estaba tomando una siesta, pero abrió los ojos para descubrir que había transmigrado y ahora estaba en el cuerpo de una chica regordeta. De ser una digna doctora militar, se convirtió en una glotona y una holgazana. Además, solía aterrorizar a la gente del pueblo junto a su padre y su hermano. Por eso nadie en millas a la redonda estaba dispuesto a casarse con ella. Aunque su familia consiguió organizar un matrimonio con una familia ilustre, el novio huyó el día de la boda.
Cuando su padre dijo que le iba a conseguir un marido, no esperaba que fuera literalmente, capturando a Wei Ting con un saco después de que él estuviera exhausto de luchar contra los bandidos. Su Cheng le sonrió misteriosamente a su hija. —Papá tiene buenas noticias y malas noticias. ¿Cuáles quieres oír primero?
—He capturado un marido para ti. ¡Es cien veces más guapo que He Tongsheng! ¡Definitivamente te gustará!
—Entonces, ¿cuál es la buena noticia? —preguntó ella en un aturdimiento.
Su Cheng decidió seguir la corriente y cambió sus palabras.
—La buena noticia es que ya no tienes que dar a luz más. ¡Mi yerno ya nos ha dado hijos!
Después de casarse, Su Xiaoxiao llevó una vida ajetreada mejorando a su padre gangster y a su hermano menor, salvando la vida de su guapísimo marido y criando a sus tres traviesos… Además, inesperadamente, ¡se convirtió en una de las damas más poderosas de la Dinastía Yan!
Not enough ratings
709 Chs
Senhor, Que Tal um Casamento?
No auge de sua carreira, a atriz de lista A Song Ning anunciou sua retirada da indústria do entretenimento por amor, chocando a nação.
Todo mundo pensou que ela deve ter encontrado o lar ideal. Foi por isso que ela estava tão determinada.
No início, Song Ning também pensava assim. Pelo resto de sua vida, ela não seria mais uma celebridade. Ela seria apenas uma mulher virtuosa cuidando de seu marido e filhos em casa.
Porém, na noite anterior ao seu casamento, ela descobriu que seu noivo estava tendo um caso com sua melhor amiga.
Furiosa, Song Ning encontrou um homem qualquer para registrar seu casamento na entrada do Cartório de Registro Civil.
Ela originalmente queria se vingar de seu noivo canalha, mas não esperava que o homem com quem registrara seu casamento fosse o herdeiro do maior grupo financeiro do país, Mu Chen.
Depois de se casarem, Mu Chen mimou Song Ning e a protegeu de todas as formas possíveis. Ele não deixava ninguém intimidá-la.
Song Ning sempre pensou que seria feliz pelo resto de sua vida e viveria a melhor vida que desejasse.
Isso mesmo, ela conseguiu. Apenas foi um pouco diferente do que ela havia imaginado originalmente. A pessoa que lhe deu tudo era alguém diferente.
Muitos anos depois...
Song Ning olhava para Mu Chen com afeto. "Eu sou realmente sortuda. Agradeço a Deus por ter te encontrado e me salvado do inferno."
Mu Chen sorriu levemente. “Sim, agradeça a Deus.”
No entanto, Song Ning nunca saberia. Mu Chen não estava falando sobre agradecer a Deus por ele ter conhecido Song Ning. Ele estava agradecendo a Deus por o noivo de Song Ning tê-la traído, para que ele tivesse uma chance.
Não existia algo como um encontro acidental. Era apenas uma perseguição premeditada.
Naquele dia, ele esperou por Song Ning do lado de fora do Cartório de Registro Civil por dez horas...
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605 Chs
La esposa que recogí es demasiado feroz
Cuando Feng Qing nació, fue vendida a una pareja de las montañas por negligencia del hospital.
Dieciséis años después, sus padres biológicos la trajeron de vuelta a casa desde un pequeño pueblo montañoso, ella pensó que su vida mejoraría, pero no fue así. No solo no recibió amor de sus padres, su hermana sustituta la hizo ciega. Al final, sus padres la casaron con un anciano en sus cincuentas.
El día de su boda, Feng Qing escapó del hotel con una serie de guardaespaldas persiguiéndola. En una situación crítica, se subió al coche negro que estaba estacionado al lado del camino.
En el asiento trasero del coche se sentaba un hombre guapo donde la frialdad implacable era una constante en su rostro. Parecía alguien con quien no se podía jugar.
Feng Qing se palmoteó las manos sucias. —Entonces, señor, noté que la soledad se lee en todo su rostro. ¿Qué le parece tener una esposa que ahora se ha presentado ante usted?
Xie Jiuhan era comúnmente referido como el Noveno Maestro. Era el señor de la Ciudad Capital y tenía una personalidad volátil. Era terco y despiadado. Las mujeres de la sociedad en la Ciudad Capital usaron todos los medios, pero ninguna de ellas se acercó siquiera a tocar el borde de las ropas del Maestro Noveno.
A partir de este día, los rumores comenzaron a difundirse en la Ciudad Capital. El Noveno Maestro, quien usualmente se mantenía alejado de las mujeres, crió una pequeña y menuda esposa en la mansión y la mimó hasta no más poder.
Maestro Noveno:
—Mi esposa es demasiado débil para cuidarse a sí misma.
El doctor:
—Entonces, ¿quién es esa dama que rompió la rótula de alguien de una sola patada?
Maestro Noveno:
—Mi esposa solía vivir en pueblos, no es buena en sus estudios.
Los estudiantes de la Universidad Capital:
—Tu esposa sigue obteniendo el primer lugar en cada examen. Si ella no es buena en sus estudios, ¿qué somos nosotros? ¿Retrasados?
Maestro Noveno:
—Mi esposa es extremadamente tímida. No ha conocido a muchos magnates o figuras prominentes.
El público:
—¡Por favor cállate! Las autoridades líderes en medicina, profesores de ciencias y directores de cine internacionales famosos hacían fila fuera de tu casa, rogando verla. Sí, tu esposa no había conocido a magnates o figuras prominentes antes porque ella era la figura más prominente aquí.
Not enough ratings
606 Chs
A Esposa Que Eu Peguei é Feroz Demais
Quando Feng Qing nasceu, ela foi vendida a um casal das montanhas devido à negligência do hospital.
Dezesseis anos depois, seus pais biológicos a trouxeram para casa de uma pequena vila na montanha, ela achou que sua vida melhoraria, mas não foi o caso. Ela não apenas deixou de receber amor dos pais, como sua irmã substituta a fez ficar cega. No final, seus pais a casaram com um homem velho de cinquenta anos.
No dia de seu casamento, Feng Qing fugiu do hotel com vários guarda-costas correndo atrás dela. Em uma situação crítica, ela entrou no carro preto que estava estacionado à beira da estrada.
No banco de trás do carro estava sentado um homem bonito onde a frieza impiedosa era uma constante em seu rosto. Ele parecia alguém com quem não se deveria brincar.
Feng Qing bateu suas pequeninas mãos sujas. "Então, senhor, notei que a solidão está escrita em todo o seu rosto. O que acha de ter uma esposa que agora se apresentou a você?"
Xie Jiuhan era comumente referido como Nono Mestre. Ele era o tirano da Capital e tinha uma personalidade volátil. Era teimoso e impiedoso. As socialites da Capital usavam todos os meios, mas nenhuma delas chegava perto sequer de tocar na bainha das roupas do Nono Mestre.
A partir deste dia, rumores começaram a se espalhar pela Capital. O Nono Mestre, que normalmente se mantinha longe das mulheres, criou uma pequena esposa na mansão e a mimou ao extremo.
Nono Mestre: "Minha esposa é muito frágil para cuidar de si mesma."
O médico: "Então, quem é aquela senhora que quebrou o joelho de alguém com um único chute?"
Nono Mestre: "Minha esposa morou em vilarejos, ela não é boa nos estudos."
Os alunos da Universidade da Capital: "Sua esposa está sempre em primeiro lugar em todos os exames. Se ela não é boa nos estudos, o que somos nós? Retardados?"
Nono Mestre: "Minha esposa é extremamente tímida. Ela não conheceu muitos figurões ou pessoas proeminentes."
O público: "Por favor, cale a boca!" As principais autoridades em medicina, professores de ciência e famosos diretores internacionais faziam fila fora de sua casa, implorando para vê-la! Sim, sua esposa não havia conhecido figurões ou pessoas proeminentes antes porque ela era a figura mais proeminente aqui.
Hasta was a character in the Lord of the Mysteries, a web novel from another world written by Squid, who loved to dive, and its derivative works. He was a King of Angels of The Fool pathway, the eldest son of the True Creator, Mr. Door.
Hasta was a powerful angel with great power and knowledge. He was the eldest son of the True Creator and also Mr. Door's superior. He had once signed a contract with The Fool and became The Fool's angel. In Lord of the Mysteries, Hasta was a very important character. His appearance and actions had an important impact on the development of the plot.
Hurry up and click on the link below to return to the super classic " Lord of the Mysteries "!
In the context of 'dan ames fantastic fiction', Dan Ames is presumably the person who wrote it. He would be responsible for coming up with the plots, characters, and settings in this body of fictional work. Maybe he has a passion for creating worlds full of wonder and mystery, which is why he ventured into writing this fantastic fiction.
Well, Austin Ames is a complex character in Cinderella Story. He is under a lot of pressure from his family and the expectations at school. He is expected to be a certain way, like dating the popular girl. But his encounter with the main female character changes him. He discovers a new side of life and love. He becomes more open - minded and realizes that true love doesn't come from status or popularity. His relationship with the Cinderella - like character is what really drives the story forward as they both learn and grow from each other.
I'm not really familiar with any particular real wife stories regarding August Ames. But if we think about it, perhaps some stories could revolve around her family values as a wife. Maybe she had certain traditions or ways of making her home a warm and loving place for her family. It could also be about how she dealt with the challenges that come with being in a relationship and maintaining a household.
There were novels similar to Ames 'Struggle:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
[1. Book of Troubled Times: The Iron Horse and Ice River Come to Dream]
Zhao Changhe's name was very ordinary, but his experiences were extraordinary. After one battle after another, at the end of one nightmare after another, he was brought to an unknown foreign world by a blind woman. Zhao Changhe did not panic. Instead, he continued to adapt to that world and became the key to opening the Book of Chaos…
Although the plot had only just surfaced, the aura of the martial world had already begun to show its edge. The characters were drawn in depth, the foreshadowing of the grass gray snake line, the delicate and moving emotional drama, the combination of a hint of humor, and the subtle details that made the world more real. With the support of Ji Cha's powerful pen, this confusing future was particularly attractive.
I have to say, Ji Cha's book really caught my eye.
2."Spirit Realm Walker":"Spirit Realm Walker" was a humorous novel filled with all kinds of jokes and memes. The author's exquisite writing skills were vividly displayed. This book made people feel the spirit realm from ancient times to the present. The descriptions and views of the famous scholars of the past dynasties on the spirit realm made people's eyes light up. After trying out 50 chapters, the reader would be unable to stop and could not wait to continue reading. The biggest feature of this book was that the car was super fast, which made the readers enjoy it. All in all,"Spirit Walker" was an enjoyable read and was worth recommending to readers who liked humor.
3."Tang People's Table": recommended
Second Brother's New Book
Ahhhh, I fell into a trap when I just opened the book. I suddenly realized that I didn't add a book list. I'll give it a shot. Ahhhh, I have to start a long pursuit of updates again.
4."King of the Familiar": I'm very surprised to read this book. I haven't been addicted to a novel for a long time. Now, I'm actually experiencing it in this book. Am I going to stay up late again?
5. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a refreshing book about rebirth. Unlike other similar works, this book did not let the protagonist follow the original owner's plot completely. Instead, it gave him a certain degree of freedom, making the story more rich and interesting. The beginning of the story was not repulsive, but it gave people a novel feeling. Although the protagonist's entanglement with the princess in the later stages might be disgusting, he hoped that the author could control this issue and not let the princess ascend to the throne become the ending of the story. Overall, Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation was a book worthy of recommendation, giving it a rating of 8.7. By depicting the villain, the author showed his philosophical thinking and brought a different reading experience to the readers.
National Forensic: National Forensic is an amazing novel. The author perfectly combined the knowledge and interest of forensic science, making people feel the charm of forensic science. From daily life to solving cases, the author's description made people feel particularly comfortable, allowing people to experience the unique charm of forensic science. The short stories in the story were also quite interesting, which made people interested in the skills and settings of forensic doctors. Even though some skills were no longer relevant to the practical application of forensics, this did not affect the reader's interest in the story. In addition, the book seemed to have completely abandoned emotional lines, and there was almost no relevant plot, which made the whole story even more interesting. Overall, National Forensics was a novel that made people's eyes light up. It was worth recommending to everyone. Rating:
7."Wait, Heroine": Twelve Heavenly Kings of 2022
[Author: Guan Guan (Level 5)]
Tagged: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy
connecting to
[Alliance Leader Count:57]
First Order:20033
8."Mantang Colorful Scenery"(85, Excellent)
Before the Rebellion of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty
Cousin's new work
I believe that friends who like history will not miss it.
9."Hidden Dead Corner": 85 points, creepy sci-fi
Get lost. The beginning of the new book feels like a mysterious journey.
From the first and second chapters, which were only a few thousand words long, the protagonist had just transmigrated. There was also his family situation and some social relationships. The explanation was clear and could make people feel as if they were there. It described the middle and bottom of the world, a kind of inner scroll era in this world. However, there was also a sense of serenity. Then, it was described in a side note. When preparing for war, I felt that there should be a small portion of the higher-ups, some secret sects, or some secret people who mastered the supernatural. It wasn't a situation where the higher-ups hid things from the lower-ups.
There were some foreshadowing that I was quite concerned about. First, the original body died, and then the main character came over. Therefore, after surviving three times, he should be able to obtain Transcendence.
Secondly, I feel that the main character's contact is still with the mysterious girl brought by the fair-skinned sister. This should be a small turning point.
10:"The Final Divine Order": The Plot of a Missing Person Saving a Beauty Is Poisonous
11."Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" is a refreshing Xianxia novel. Compared to Er Gen's previous works, this novel was even heavier and left a deep impression. The characters in the story were vividly portrayed, and the wording and artistic conception of the article were also very beautiful. In particular, the combination with the previous works made this work even grander and become an unforgettable work of Xianxia. I recommend it to all readers who like Xianxia novels.
12:"This game is too real": It's rare to see a fourth catastrophe in the wasteland. There are already very few in the wasteland. Adding the fourth catastrophe, it's probably the only one in Qidian. From the looks of it, it's 200 years after the nuclear war? Inviting players through QQ group rather than some black technology was really refreshing.
[No system. I obtained a Sanctuary and can clone players to join. To be honest, when I saw it, I thought it was the same old God Creation. I didn't expect it to be so hardcore.]
Grain and fodder, this author is also an old acquaintance, I'm even happier
"Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was a Xianxia novel. Although it was a traditional upgrade method and setting, the author's writing was very rigorous and orderly, with clear logic and excellent writing. This book gave people a sense of smoothness and was very worth reading. Although it might not be as exciting as some cool novels, the wonderful thing about it was that every step was unexpected and full of surprises. The author's imagination was very wide open, making people unable to put it down. When reading this book, readers could easily enjoy the development of the story. There would be no heartbreaking plot, and the overall reading experience was very good. I recommend it to readers who like xianxia novels.
"Ring of Destiny":"Ring of Destiny" was an excellent follow-up. It continued the style of "Lord of the Mysteries" and made people feel the unique charm of the squid as always. Although the story was relatively slow, the description and details of the squid were very accurate, making people immersed in it. Although the new book had just started to be serialized, it had already attracted a lot of attention and support. Whether it was for readers who had read the Lord of the Mysteries or new readers, this book was a masterpiece worthy of recommendation. Squid's creative ability was amazing. His works always brought new surprises and emotions to the readers. Whether it was from the content of the book or from life, emotions, psychology, society, history, and other aspects, the Ring of Destiny could give people inspiration and thought. In short, this book was worth reading. It was a valuable spiritual food for both squid fans and fantasy readers.
"The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" was a novel that traveled through history. The main character had a huge plot and his goal was to seek the welfare of the world. This book was different from other historical novels that were known on the market. The protagonist had experienced the various states of the ancient grassroots and was very empathetic to the people. The author taught the emperor knowledge about sociology, economics, and the history of civilization development through small classrooms. It was shocking. The image of the protagonist was also very good. It was easy for the readers to feel a sense of immersion and get a sense of satisfaction from the emotions of the character. The author had deep attainments in character creation and emotional substitution. His writing was also very smooth and addictive. Although there were some shortcomings, such as the plot being brainless and the world being smaller, it did not affect the overall reading experience. In short, this was a standard brainless and refreshing book. It was highly readable, and it was slightly plain. It had a certain level of knowledge, and it was quite interesting to read it as an ancient small classroom.
"Ascending on the Right Day": Immortal Grass Sprout
Otaku Pig's new book had a good response. The platinum author's character was guaranteed. Just put on the shelf, can be raised, can catch up with the change. His style was humorous and his worldview was solid.
Chapter 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?": The Story of City Life
The male protagonist was hung up before his death, and he was a long-term spare tire. He was despised for blind dates in his thirties. He would rather die than fall in love when he was eighteen again.
Everything was "forward-looking" and he would never be a bootlicker. However, things were often the more he did not want to get something, the more he could get it. The male lead had started a new life...
Unexpectedly good-looking
The characters are pretty good
The female protagonist is scared and silly. She's quite cute. The interaction between the male and female protagonists is quite sweet.
Deep Sea Ember: Golden Legend
Big Eyeball's new book.
In ancient times, a catastrophe known as the Great Annihilation befell the land, causing the once normal world to shatter instantly. Endless 'seawater' surged from the Void, sweeping and separating all continents. At the same time, the Great Annihilation brought countless strange and dangerous 'abnormality',' visions 'and' gods'. Ancient civilizations were thus destroyed, and the races that survived the Great Annihilation established new city-states on the remaining islands and arks. The "Deep Sea Era" began.
In the Age of the Deep Sea, the city-states struggled to develop, and it took a long time for them to recover to the initial stage of industrial civilization. The survivors relied on the fruits of civilization development to protect their city-states and voyage fleets, while at the same time, they fought against the strange and dangerous anomalies, anomalies, and even Evil Gods that were distributed throughout the world.
In his original world, the male protagonist was a middle-aged ordinary middle school teacher. When he was trapped by the thick fog, he crossed the gate to the Lost Homeless and transformed into the tall, black-haired, black-eyed "Captain Duncan" on the Lost Homeless.
The whole book is full of style. With Big Eyeball's writing style, it will definitely bring us a new classic.
19."Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts": Cultivation + Infinity Style. The main character was a low-level spirit farmer who had transmigrated to the world of immortal cultivation. He accidentally discovered that he had a golden finger that allowed him to transmigrate again. He could switch back and forth between the world of immortal cultivation and another chaotic world dominated by demons, blood, and martial arts. In the later stages, it would probably involve more worlds of different styles like the traditional Zhu Tian Liu.
"Who told him to cultivate!" "I've repeatedly stressed that the atmosphere in the cultivation world is crooked, and I'm not the one who led it astray. It's said that history books are written by the victors. Then why are there always people framing me when I win?" Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger.
The next day.
"I have repeatedly stressed that I am the one who led the cultivation world astray." Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this in an interview, expressing his anger. 'Daily Cultivation' reporting for you.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Austin Ames is the character in 'A Cinderella Story' who plays an important role. He's a high - school student, a bit of a jock, and very much in the popular crowd. He meets the main female character at a masked dance, not realizing who she really is. His relationship with her, which develops throughout the story, is a key part of the movie's charm and appeal.
Austin Ames is the character in the 'Cinderella Story' who represents the love interest for the Cinderella - like female protagonist. He is likely to be someone who is well - liked, perhaps a bit of a star in his own world. As the story progresses, he discovers the true nature of the girl who he initially might not have noticed in the same way. His relationship with her grows and he becomes an important part of her journey towards a better life and finding true love.
One of Hua Queque's novels was called " Sick Beauty." This novel described the story between a sickly beauty and an affectionate male protagonist. Even though there were some minor sadistic plots, it was a touching modern romance novel overall.
Luan Feng Hua Que Que was a novel written by Hua Que Que. This novel described the story of an arrogant and despotic Princess Hua Yang. She met a young man and tried to pursue him. However, the young Langjun did not agree at first, but was later taken away by the princess. This novel seemed to be based on the theme of power, sex, seduction, and robbery, and it involved some emotional and sexual content.
Princess Chunhua Que Que Hua Yang of Chang 'an referred to Chunhua Que and Princess Hua Yang of Chang' an City in the Tang Dynasty. The Spring Water Palace was a building in Chang 'an City, a symbol of respect. Princess Huayang was the daughter of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Her tomb was located in Chang 'an. As for the specific information about Princess Chunhua Que Hua Yang of Chang 'an, the search results provided by this article did not contain any relevant content, so it was impossible to give an exact answer.