The scene in the court was usually solemn and spectacular. In the royal court, candles were lit, smoke lingered, and dragon flags fluttered. The Emperor's throne was placed high on the high platform of the court, and the officials were seated according to their ranks. The entire imperial court was filled with a solemn atmosphere, and from time to time, faint sounds of bells, drums, and ceremonial music could be heard. The Emperor was dressed in a gorgeous dragon robe and sat in a dignified manner. His expression was serious and his eyes were firm, showing his dignity and majesty. The environment of the royal court was also magnificent. The hall was surrounded by towering ancient trees, green trees, red walls, and yellow tiles. In front of the throne were a board and a jade slip, symbolizing the emperor's authority and ruling power. The officials had to strictly abide by the etiquette during the court meeting. They had to wear court clothes, salute, advance and retreat, and speak according to the rules to show their respect for the emperor. The contents of the court meeting were divided into three parts: report, advice, and discussion. The officials would report on the situation in various places, and the emperor would listen to the opinions of the ministers and discuss national affairs. Sometimes, there would be palace maids and courtesans singing songs to increase the atmosphere of the court. In short, the scene in the court was solemn, spectacular, and full of a sense of ritual.
There were many sentences describing the scene of the court meeting, such as " The official street drum started at two o'clock in the morning, which was equivalent to about five o'clock in the morning today." " The sun has just risen, and the bells in the palace are ringing. The palace maids and eunuchs have already started tidying up the courtyard early in the morning to prepare for the emperor's court session." " The emperor is wearing a dragon robe and a royal robe on his head. He is wearing a yellow robe and stepping onto the throne. The people inside and outside the palace saluted in unison to pay their respects to the emperor." " The Emperor is sitting on his throne, his gaze solemnly sweeping across the civil and military officials in the hall, waiting for them to remonstrate." "We bathed in the grace of the phoenix pond, and the morning and evening dyed the emperor." Wait a minute.
The ministers wore luxurious official robes and golden boots as they filed into the court. They were either young and handsome, or old and steady, but they were all filled with power and dignity. They had solemn expressions on their faces, and they often talked with words, showing their erudition and wisdom. In ancient China, the scene of ministers attending court was often described in television dramas and novels as the scene of a company boss summoning employees for a meeting. The employees would discuss important matters on the spot, and then the boss would make a decision on the spot. However, these descriptions might not be accurate. In ancient times, the way officials went to court might vary according to the dynasty and period. In ancient times, ministers would go to the imperial court to meet the king and discuss state affairs. When they met the emperor, they would usually stand to show respect. If they needed to show respect, they would bow with their hands crossed. Starting from the Yuan Dynasty, ministers would kneel down to report to the emperor before the emperor. This was related to the concept of the relationship between monarch and minister as the relationship between master and servant. Therefore, the scene of ancient ministers attending court might not be like what was described in television dramas and novels.
There were many sentences describing the scene of the ancient court, such as " The hall is surrounded by towering ancient trees, green trees, red walls, yellow tiles, and golden splendor." " The palace has a golden roof and a red door. This antique style makes people feel solemn." "On the golden dragon throne in the hall sat a king who looked down on the world. Beneath the stage, there was singing and dancing, sleeves fluttering in the wind, bells ringing and chimes striking, and the music was melodious." Wait a minute. These sentences depicted the magnificent scene of the ancient court, including magnificent buildings, gorgeous decorations, and lively atmosphere.
The word "turn" in "Ten Rings of Frost Shadows Turning Court Parasol Tree" was used ingeniously and had the effect of turning stillness into movement. The word means to cause to turn, to cause to move, and in this poem, it depicted the shadows of frost on the sycamore trees in the courtyard, the shadows of the trees moving in the rotation of the moonlight. This image hinted at the passage of time, and the poet had spent a long time alone. Therefore, the use of the word "turn" enhanced the expression of the poem, making the reader feel the loneliness and melancholy of the poet more.
Wall and wall were two common terms in architecture. They were different in function and structure. A wall was a city wall or fence built with earth, stone, bricks, and other materials. Its function was to separate space, protect, and bear weight. The walls generally did not have a closed top, so they could climb over them. The wall was a barrier made of earth, stone, bricks, and other materials inside the house. It was tightly connected to the roof or ceiling to separate the inside and outside space. The walls were usually sealed, and one could not climb over them.
The definition and difference between walls could be deduced. The walls mainly consisted of bearing walls and non-bearing walls, which served as a protective barrier and space partition. The wall must have sufficient strength and stability, as well as heat preservation, heat insulation, sound insulation, fire prevention and waterproof capabilities. There were many types of walls, and they could be made of a single material or a composite material. A wall was a type of wall, a barrier inside a house. It was connected to the roof or ceiling to separate the inside and outside of the house.
To sum up, a wall referred to a city wall or fence built with earth, stone, brick, and other materials to separate space, protect, and bear weight. A wall referred to a barrier built with earth, stone, brick, and other materials inside a house. It was tightly connected to the roof or ceiling to separate the inside and outside space.