"Qui t'a touchée ?" demanda-t-il, ses yeux fixant les siens et quand elle ne répondit pas, sa voix tonna dans la pièce, "QUI ?"
Le majordome qui se tenait près du mur parla d'une voix tremblante, "Monsieur, c'était Monsieur Reverale," le visage de Damien s'assombrit, sa mâchoire se contractant de colère, il tourna son visage vers le majordome qui était derrière lui.
"Amenez l'homme ici."
"M-maintenant ?" bégaya le majordome. C'était l'heure de la nuit.
Damien, qui n'avait pas rompu son contact visuel avec la fille devant lui, posa sa main contre le mur qui reposait maintenant à côté de la tête de sa belle fille. Tournant son corps, il regarda d'abord son majordome qui avait la tête baissée. Avec beaucoup de courage, le majordome vint croiser le regard de son Maître, "Est-ce que tu as un autre moment pour cela? Ou devrait-on attendre que j'aie envie de t'étrangler?" demanda calmement Damien en inclinant la tête. Pas une seconde plus tard, le majordome sortit de la pièce pour revenir avec Monsieur Reverale après vingt minutes.
"Damien, avons-nous une fête du thé tardive ?" Monsieur Reverale vint saluer mais le maître de la maison avait d'autres plans. Apercevant le couteau qui était planté dans la pomme sur la table, il le saisit pour le retirer.
Au moment où Monsieur Reverale tendit la main pour lui serrer la main, Damien prit sa main pour la poser sur la table. En un mouvement rapide comme s'il coupait des oignons, il trancha les quatre doigts de l'homme de sa main, le faisant crier et pleurer de douleur.
"Personne ne touche ce qui est à moi. Je suis sûr que cela te rappellera la prochaine fois que tu penseras même à la toucher," soupira Damien comme s'il en avait marre de dire aux gens de garder leurs mains sales loin de ses affaires.
Rencontrez Damien Quinn, un vampire de pur sang qui est un narcissique complet, brut avec ses mots et avare même s'il est riche qui a marchandé quand il a acheté un esclave sur le marché noir.
D'un autre côté, rencontrez Pénélope qui croit qu'elle est une 'invitée' pour quelques jours chez les Quinn car elle a l'intention de s'échapper de l'étrange vampire qui a besoin d'une thérapie.
Discord: https://discord.gg/K63uVqN
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761 Chs
Les identités secrètes de la Vraie Jeune Mademoiselle révélées
Après que la véritable fille de la famille Jiang tomba malade, elle devint stupide et insista pour épouser le glacial, cruel et estropié Fu Jiu.
Mère Jiang dit, « Tant pis. Elle ne vaut rien de toute façon. Je lui ai juste demandé de se marier à la place de ma sœur. »
Père Jiang : « Après l'avoir épousé, souviens-toi de demander au 9ème maître d'aider ta sœur à trouver un meilleur mariage. »
L'usurpatrice dit, « Sanglot, j'ai tellement de peine pour Sœur, mais… si tu te fais battre à mort par le 9ème maître, la famille Fu nous compensera avec beaucoup d'argent, n'est-ce pas ? J'ai hâte de voir ça. »
Jiang Li ricana. Elle fit ses adieux à sa famille hypocrite et apporta sa modeste dot à la famille Fu.
Ayant été ressuscitée une fois, elle savait très bien que Fu Jiu était la seule personne qui l'avait bien traitée.
Tout le monde attendait que Jiang Li soit battue à mort. Finalement, un jour, elle fut photographiée par des reporters et postée en ligne.
« C'est de ta faute ! Tu as utilisé tant de force hier soir ! La famille Jiang va encore se moquer de moi ! »
Fu Jiuxiao dit, « Tant que je suis là, personne n'osera se moquer de toi. De plus, je les ferai payer dix fois pour la douleur que la famille Jiang t'a causée ! »
Not enough ratings
602 Chs
La Réincarnation de la Méchante : L'Épouse Diabolique du Jeune Maître Lu
Dans sa vie antérieure, Su Xiaofei avait tout perdu lorsque la fille de son père était arrivée, ruinant essentiellement sa vie. Ce n'est qu'à la fin de sa vie que sa demi-sœur Ye Mingyu révéla la vérité. Su Xiaofei n'était pas la véritable enfant de ses parents, mais une orpheline qu'ils avaient choisi d'adopter lorsqu'ils découvrirent que sa mère adoptive ne pouvait pas concevoir.
Après avoir perdu sa mère adoptive et sa propre vie, Su Xiaofei a eu la chance de tout remettre en ordre ! Revenant aux jours précédant la ruine de sa vie par la mère et la fille, Su Xiaofei décida qu'elle ne serait plus une enfant dévouée à son père indigne, et promit de ne pas aimer son époux indésirable.
Au moment où elle pensait que son cœur était devenu froid et insensible à l'amour, un certain Jeune Maître Lu décida de lui déclarer son amour éternel. Dans les derniers instants de sa vie passée, Lu Qingfeng fut le seul à la serrer contre lui, corps inerte, et à verser des larmes lorsqu'elle quitta le monde des vivants.
"Ma décision est prise. Hormis toi, je n'épouserai personne d'autre. De plus, dans cette vie et les suivantes, tu seras ma seule épouse."
Aux yeux de tous, elle était la méchante villainesse, mais pour Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei était sa déesse personnelle.
Tandis qu'elle se fraye un chemin dans sa deuxième chance de vivre, Su Xiaofei parviendra-t-elle à apprendre à son cœur à ne pas être ému par son amour ?
Éditeur/correcteur : ninaviews
Avertissement pour les scènes et thématiques futures r18 non adaptées à un jeune public.
Illustration de couverture de livre par Snow Le Art
Droit d'auteur2022 anjeeriku
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572 Chs
Réincarnée en jeune demoiselle grosse
Mo Ran, une médecin de l'Armée extrêmement talentueuse et magnifique, s'est retrouvée transmigrée dans le corps d'une jeune fille méprisée de la famille Qin pesant 130 kilos, Qin Yan.
À l'origine dotée de compétences médicales et d'arts martiaux puissants, Mo Ran a eu beaucoup de mal à gérer le corps lourd de Qin Yan. Elle s'est juré de perdre du poids et de retrouver son apparence originale. Peu importe la difficulté, elle était déterminée.
Sa méchante mère et sa sœur lotus blanc étaient choquées en voyant les changements chez Qin Yan, mais la gifle venait juste de commencer.
Ses plans étaient parfaits, mais un petit bonhomme est soudainement intervenu...
"J'aime Sœur Yan. Papa, je veux vivre avec Sœur Yan."
Le PDG de la Corporation Xi, le magnat des affaires le plus riche du pays a dit, "Nous deux, Père et fils, t'aimons. Viens chez nous."
FL : Forte et déterminée.
ML : Rusé et astucieux.
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581 Chs
Jeune Miss Renaissante : Phénix Ardent Rouge
[Statut : TERMINÉ]
Dans sa vie antérieure, Adrienne Jiang avait utilisé tous les moyens pour sauver la vie de sa mère. Son père l'avait négligée après avoir épousé sa maîtresse, permettant à ce duo mère-fille de la tyranniser sans fin. Le frère aîné sur lequel elle pensait pouvoir compter lui avait donné froidement le dos et l'avait réprimandée pour ne pas avoir coupé le soutien vital de leur mère.
Dans son désespoir, Adrienne a failli tomber dans le piège tendu par sa demi-sœur. Finalement, elle est entrée dans un mariage contractuel avec le frère de sa meilleure amie, Alistair Han, un homme pour qui elle avait le béguin depuis son plus jeune âge.
Ce n'est qu'alors qu'elle a réalisé que cet homme était manipulateur et obsessionnel, ne voulant pas la perdre de vue. Elle avait été traitée comme un oiseau piégé dans une cage dorée.
À la fin, elle a trouvé la mort trahie par son frère et tout a été perdu dans l'incendie. Après être renée, elle était déterminée à ne plus continuer à être une personne bonne à rien.
Lennox Qin, le jeune maître vicieux de la famille Qin, était prêt à devenir le prochain chef de leur famille. Cependant, à cause d'un incident, il a été estropié et jugé indigne. Lorsque son chemin a croisé celui d'Adrienne, ils sont parvenus à un accord.
« Je t'épouserai pour éloigner ta malchance et être ta femme pendant deux ans. En retour, permets-moi de t'utiliser pour détruire les familles Han et Jiang. »
L'homme assis dans un fauteuil roulant a simplement levé un sourcil à sa déclaration. Ses lèvres se sont ensuite étirées en un sourire séduisant et il a accepté sans ciller. Cependant, lorsque le moment était presque venu, il s'est empressé de la convaincre de rester dans leur mariage.
« Madame Qin mérite le meilleur. Si c'est le monde que tu désires, je te l'apporterai sur un plateau d'argent. Tu peux avoir le monde entier, mais chérie, n'oublie pas que bien que tout t'appartienne, tu m'appartiens. »
Adrienne fronça les sourcils.
« Mais tu ne m'aimes même pas... » Elle a tenté de raisonner, pensant que son mari avait perdu la raison.
« Non, ce n'était pas le cas, mais maintenant je t'aime. En fait, tu es la seule à qui je pense ces jours-ci. »
Cependant, il semblait pour elle que non seulement son mari essayait d'attirer son attention, mais sa belle-famille également.
Éditeur/correcteur : ninaviews
Avertissement pour les scènes et thèmes R18 futurs qui ne conviennent pas aux jeunes publics.
Copyright 2023 anjeeriku
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500 Chs
La fausse mariée du jeune maître et son système chanceux
[Doux, satisfaisant, chouchoutant, beaucoup de gifles symboliques.]
L'ère de Zhang Caishen avait pris fin et il ne pourrait jamais se relever, disait-on. Mais pourquoi semblait-il devenir plus riche et plus puissant alors qu'il était maintenant handicapé et abandonné par sa promise ?
Pourquoi était-il soudainement si incroyablement chanceux ?
La réponse était simple ; sa nouvelle femme !!
Lin Alix n’avait pas de chance quand il s’agissait de sa famille. Elle était l'aînée, moins aimée et moins talentueuse par rapport à sa jeune sœur qui lui volait tout.
Mais le destin intervint et elle eut de la chance en ce qui concerne un mari, non seulement il était riche mais il adorait la gâter.
Suggéré par son système de jeu de chance infinie, Alix épousa le mari handicapé et indésirable de sa sœur et se lança sur le chemin d’une gagnante dans la vie.
Elle remporta des prix musicaux, acquit une reconnaissance internationale et se vengea de sa cruelle famille tout en devenant la femme la plus enviée de Pékin.
"Tu es folle, tu as volontairement épousé un homme handicapé ?" demandaient ses amies.
"Oui, mais avez-vous vu à quel point il me chouchoute ?" demanda-t-elle à son tour.
"Elle le trompera, il est handicapé et il ne peut pas remplir ses devoirs de mari." d'autres colportaient.
Alix regarda l'homme prétendument handicapé qui montait dans son lit nuit après nuit et rit. Désolée, il était plus que capable.
"Chérie, je suis là pour remplir mes devoirs de mari." disait-il toujours d'une manière coquette quand il la renversait.
Ce livre participe au WSA et l’auteur appréciera tout votre soutien.
Avertissement : Ceci est une œuvre de fiction, rien ne doit être comparé au monde réel, peu importe les similitudes.
Vous pouvez aussi découvrir mes autres œuvres ici sur Web novel.
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452 Chs
Jeune Niveau-Dieu Urbain
Un élève typique, frêle et senior de lycée a acquis le Système de Technologie de la SuperCivilisation.
De nul en classe à prodige académique, de faible à fort.
Génie du basket, hacker de haut niveau, sage médical, magnat des affaires...
Renforcer la nation par la technologie, élever notre grand Huaxia !
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400 Chs
La vie normale d'une jeune fille
Apprenez à connaître Eden avec son passé atypique vivez désormais sa vie actuelle. Il est difficile de mener à bien sa vie lorsqu'on porte le poids de notre passé et des erreurs des autres. Parfois quand la vie devient trop dur à affronter, on est d'espéré et on pense qu'il n'y a plus aucune solution
Since the name 'Loana Jeune' is in the title, she is most likely the central figure involved. There could also be other characters related to her, such as her family, friends, or acquaintances who play a role in this secret story.
I'm not sure specifically what the 'ecole perrine secret story' is as the name is rather ambiguous. It could potentially be a story related to a school named Ecole Perrine, perhaps a mystery or a special event that happened there.
It might be a fictional story created by someone. If it's within a certain genre like mystery, it could involve secrets that Loana Jeune is trying to keep or uncover. It could also be a coming - of - age story where her personal secrets play a significant role in her development.
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books.
Here are a few related novels I found for you:
1. "The Age of Blood Witch" Author: Late in the Way, Category: Suspense, Ancient and Modern Legends, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
2. "Lone Desert Smoke" Author: Ma Xiaohe, Category: Ancient Romance, Female Supreme Dynasty, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured
3. "The Most Unique Lady" Author: People can be nine days, classification: ancient romance, female dynasty, has been completed, can enjoy with ease.
4. Author: Meatball Loves Meat, Category: Ancient Romance, Female Supreme Dynasty, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
5. "Super Spiritual Cultivation" Author: Qin Yi, Category: Xianxia, Cultivation Civilization, Completed, You Can Enjoy It With Rest In Mind
6. "Golden Concubine" Author: Picking a Fragrance, Category: Ancient Romance, Female Supreme Dynasty, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
7. "The Yellow Song of the Three Kingdoms" Author: Rain by the Unnamed Lake, Category: History, Qin and Han Dynasties, Completed, Can be enjoyed at ease.
The following is a brief introduction of these novels:
1. "Blood Wizard Era"
"Report, Ning Yi's cultivation method is strange and dark, he's a villain!"
A highly respected Jianghu elder: "Nonsense. Little Ning's cultivation method is upright and full of Taoist Connotation. It's just that you're inexperienced and can't see it."
2. Lone Desert Smoke
When the princess of a fallen kingdom met her long-lost twin brother, when the mischievous and cute little loli met a deep uncle, when the proud young girl fell in love with the infatuated man, when the straightforward and courageous girl married the person she didn't like, a bloody storm was about to begin. Watch how the weak and slender girl turned into a woman, watch how the princess of a fallen kingdom restored her country, and look down on the common people!
3. The Most Unique Wife
The ugly woman's arrogance was not because she was smart, black-bellied, rich, or powerful. It was because she hid a peerless beauty under her ugly appearance.
In the north there is an ugly woman,
Peerless and independent.
I look back at the city of Qingren,
I once again look at the country of the people.
Clear cities and clear kingdoms,
Ugly women were rare.
A smile can make a person ten years younger.
F * ck, it wasn't sh * t, it was sh * t!
4. "All the beauties in the world."
She was labeled as a "disaster that brought harm to her mother" the moment she was born. Her father was cold and heartless, and her mother hated her. How could she survive in this deep palace? [I'll take all the beauties in the world and only leave you in my heart. Even if I have all the beautiful scenery in the world, the rare famous officials and good generals in the world are like a breeze in my eyes!] Having you in this life and the next life is enough!
QQ Group ID: 172637892 Welcome to harass
5. Super Spiritual Cultivation
This book is also known as: The Future of Immortal Cultivation Begins From Adding Healing Points
With the revival of the Wilderness and the rise of thousands of races, the Dong Clan had weakened and become a feast for humans.
The poor youth Jiang Hong accidentally activated the small bottle passed down in his family and obtained the super ability to heal others and give points to living beings and all things.
Thus, he plunged headfirst into the current of the era and became stronger step by step. In the end, he grew into the most powerful spirit cultivator in the Great Land of Xiantang. He joined hands with his companions and embarked on the great journey of fighting for the revival of the Dong Tribe!
At this moment, the layers of fog that shrouded the land of Xiantang had only slightly dissipated.
6. Golden Concubine
This was the life of a strange woman.
In my previous life, I only lived for others. In this life, I have to be willful.
What was that? If you don't want to be an official, you have to be a soldier?
Who wants to be an official! A group of people who had nothing to do and were scheming and arguing all day long was annoying. Moreover, they had to start from the bottom.
In troubled times, I am the hero, and my hair is tied up like yours. Don't ask about grudges and grudges, how many times do you hate your children? To help the king rule the world, there is no more beautiful face to match the red makeup. The names of princes and generals are all over the place, and the phoenix and phoenix sing together in Yushan.
(Every afternoon updates, He Shi updates, Pink Ten votes add one update, and occasionally updates.) (I guarantee you, don't worry.)
7. "The Yellow Song of the Three Kingdoms"
[Hegemony of the Heavens, A Song of Black and Yellow] Reborn the Three Kingdoms and usurped the throne. Attack Wu, destroy Shu, and unify the world. The path of immortality was slow, searching up and down. Here, there were beautiful women who lived a carefree life. This place was filled with primordial chaos and the dancing of gods and devils.
Please take a look at the historical fantasy masterpiece,"The Black Yellow Song of the Three Kingdoms"!
These works all have good reputations for your reference.
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books.
Here are a few related novels I found for you:
1. " The Mountain River Calamity at the End of the Song Dynasty " Author: Jingzhou Warrior. Category: History. Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties. It has been completed. You can enjoy it with ease.
2. " The Opponents of the Hinata Family " Author: Gluttonous Pig, Category: Light Fictions, Derivative Doujinshi, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
3. [Aristocrat Bloodline] Author: Want to eat a big pineapple, Category: Fantasy, Sword and Magic, Finished, can enjoy without worry.
4. "Vanity Turning Empty" Author: Autumn Wind Pulls Beaded Curtain, Category: Reality, Human World, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
5. "Mount Li Xian" Author: Qian Lu, Category: Xianxia, Classic Xianxia, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
6. " Lord Becomes King " Author: Drifting across the Pacific Ocean, Category: Fantasy, Dynasty Conquest, Completed, Can Be Reassured to Enjoy
7. "Searching for Tang and Song" Author: Little Brother Pan Xia, Category: History, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, completed, can enjoy with ease.
The following is a brief introduction of these novels:
1. "The Mountain River Calamity at the End of the Song Dynasty."
At the end of the Southern Song Dynasty, the wind and rain were unstable, and the mountains and rivers were broken.
The Jin Kingdom was in danger, the Southern Song Dynasty was in chaos, and the Mongolians were sharpening their swords.
When he woke up, he was actually in prison.
He returned to Jiading thirteen years ago and possessed the future King Rong, Zhao and Rui.
In order to grasp his own destiny and save the broken mountains and rivers.
How should Zhao and Rui choose? How should he turn the tide and help the building to collapse?
2. [The Rival of the Hinata Family]
As a well-known big shot in a certain station, I couldn't accept this kind of transmigration. Leng Quan looked at the fire shadow rock in front of him sadly.
Forget it, we're already here. From now on, I'll take care of the house.
Now that I can't beat you, I'll endure it. When you can't beat me, sing 'Conquer' for me
I don't drive easily, but once I do, no one can get off. Not only are the doors locked, but there are no windows. nonexistent
3. Aristocratic Bloodline
Smoking can also increase magic power? Only those with bloodlines could become experts?
In this continent where vampires, werewolves, goblins, dwarves, elves, dragons, and other creatures coexisted, ordinary people could not have bloodlines. Those who had bloodlines were nobles. William could bestow bloodlines to ordinary people in batches and create nobles in batches. This was something that only the gods could do!
Although he was the second son with a thin bloodline and no inheritance rights, he still solved the bloodline problem with his own efforts. Let's see how the second son of a family dominated the continent.
QQ group: 825319824
4. "Vanity turns to emptiness"
Sheqi Town, in the hands of the Shan Shan merchants, had become the world's leading waterway port and had experienced a hundred years of prosperity. However, in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, the waterway dried up, and the prosperity of railway transportation and sea transportation made the town no longer flashy.
The Zhang family of Sheqi Town was an old man, and they were also standing at the crossroads of this historical change. The head of the Zhang family, Zhang Tangwen, was also following suit, as if he was treading on thin ice, planning for the future of the family.
The transformation of the family business, the change of local history, and the change of national destiny were vividly displayed by Zhang Tangwen, a small merchant.
Using the banter of a family biography to record the rise and fall of a land.
He wanted to see how the once famous and wealthy Sheqi Town had fallen through the vicissitudes of life into the current poor and impoverished Sheqi County.
Reader group: 475610078, irregular feedback, red packets
5. Celestial Parting Mountain
You see this sword clean, because it kills people without blood; People think I am a sword immortal, because they have never seen the bones under this name.
6. " Lord Becomes King "
How much did a small baron have to go through to become a king?
What did he do to develop his territory?
How did he become a Dragon Knight from a beginner knight?
From building a small town, to building a city, and finally to building a country. What kind of people he had experienced, what kind of battles he had fought, what kind of schemes he had.
The story of how a lord becomes a king, Zhang Mengtan.
Book Group: 728504746
7. "Searching for Tang and Song"
In the last years of the Great Tang, natural and man-made disasters continued. There were internal conflicts between the military governors and external harassment by powerful enemies.
After Huang Chao's army died in the Tiger Wolf Valley of Mount Tai, all the military governors were eyeing the defeated Tang court.
The northern Ogre army, Cai Zhou Qin Zongquan, gathered the remnants of Huangchao, and their military strength soared. Their territory expanded, and they were about to become emperor.
Xuanwu Jiedushi Zhu Quanzhong and Shatuo Li Keyong in Shangyuan Posthouse after the fire, the situation became like water and fire.
Wei Bo's army, known as the Emperor of Chang 'an and the Ivory Army of the Wei Manor, was still troubled by the problem of chasing away the commander when the soldiers were arrogant and betraying the commander when the commander was strong…
At this time, Li Jun, the son-in-law of the He family in Gwangju, wanted to get the support of the three kings of Min and control the economic center of the Tang Dynasty, the Yangtze River and Huaihe River basin. However, they did not expect them to have to rely on Li Jun's support...
These works all have good reputations for your reference.
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books.
Here are a few related novels I found for you:
1. "Bloodstained Wujiang River" Author: Village Chief Assistant, Category: Military, Anti-Japanese War Beacon, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured
2. "Super-powerful Changer" Author: Silence is not low-key, Category: Game, Virtual Online Game, Completed, You can enjoy it without worry.
3. "Dripping Blood at the End of the Han Dynasty" Author: Mu Kexin 27, Category: History, Empty History, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured
4. "Dragon Painting of the Three Kingdoms" Author: The legendary Adai. Category: History, Qin and Han Dynasties. Completed. You can enjoy it with ease.
5. "Return to the Tang Dynasty as an Emperor" Author: Jade Tower Silver Sea, Category: History, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties, completed, can enjoy with ease.
The following is a brief introduction of these novels:
1. Blood Stained the River Wu
In October 1938, the Japanese army captured and attacked the National Government of Chongqing. As the Yangtze River Three Gorge was a natural barrier, it was heavily guarded and tenaciously resisted the Japanese army. The Japanese army changed their strategy and began to launch a large-scale air strike on Chongqing. The enemy's rear launched a national war of resistance. The Japanese army's front line was lengthened and supplies were insufficient. They fell into a dilemma.
The Third Division of the Japanese Army stationed in Hubei led its troops south to the junction of Hubei, Hunan, and Sichuan provinces, the vast and sparsely populated Wuling Mountain area (now southeast of Chongqing), in an attempt to occupy the Wujiang River and then west to Chongqing.
The Wu River became a strategic golden passage.
2. [Super-strong shifter]
Do you want to get rich overnight?
Want to walk to the peak of the human world and marry a fair, rich, and beautiful woman?
Come on, everything is in Starry Sea. As long as you are strong enough, anything is possible.
Galaxy was a virtual online game gifted by aliens. Not only did the bosses in the game drop equipment, but there was also a certain chance that they would drop [Extraterrestrial Technology]. These technologies could be used in the real world and were extremely valuable. As long as one was willing to sell [Extraterrestrial Technology], money was not a problem.
Xu Feiyang accidentally obtained a super cheat that could change the attributes of equipment. Was the equipment's attributes too bad? By changing the attributes, even trash equipment could become top-grade.
3. Dripping Blood at the End of Han Dynasty
He participated in the Huang Rang uprising, he was a traitor!
He had also participated in the Yellow Turban Uprising, and he was also a traitor!
Since he had become a traitor, he had to make his career bigger and stronger!
He had suddenly become the actual leader of the Yellow Turban Army. Of course, he couldn't let the government army massacre them again!
Cao Cao was as treacherous as ever. What would happen to Cao Cao, who had made his fortune by destroying the Yellow Turban Army in history?
Liu Bei was still a snake and a scorpion. What would happen to Liu Bei, who had started off by wiping out the Yellow Turban Army in history?
Let's see how he will unify the world. How to show off overseas?
4. Three Kingdoms Dragon Painting
The mighty Three Kingdoms, heroes rose up together.
Civil officials and generals, each display their talents, chase the world.
This was an era where ideas and martial arts clashed fiercely.
Liu Yun was like a grain of sand, silently falling into the rolling dust of history.
His black clothes fluttered in the wind, and his sleeves stirred up the tracks of history.
Emperor Wu ordered: Against the way of heaven, obey my will!
5. "Returning to the Great Tang as Emperor."
In the second year of the Tang Dynasty, Li Jun, a modern man, was reborn into the body of Li Zhongjun, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty, which seemed to be flourishing on the surface, was actually in trouble both internally and externally. Wu Sansi, the nephew of Wu Zetian, took advantage of the convenience of his relatives to control the government, frame Zhongliang and cut off the descendants of the emperor. The Turks and Tubo were ready to invade the Central Plains.
At the critical moment, Crown Prince Li Zhongjun stepped forward to eradicate evil and rebuild the Great Tang.
These works all have good reputations for your reference.
This book was called " The City Wine God System." The characters in the book included: the protagonist Qin Feng, the owner of the Wine God Restaurant, the 12th owner of the Wine God System. He claimed to be the coldest person and wanted to be handsome every day, but he could never be handsome for more than three seconds…The protagonist Xue Lingyun, the heroine, the true love of Boss Qin. She looked pure and sweet, but she often beat boys to tears when she was young. After she met Boss Qin, she was injected every day. Male Supporting Actor-Laugh at the Heavens, the group leader who could die drunk. He had a burly figure and was steady in his work. He was the kind of man who could give people the most sense of security when they encountered difficulties. His superpower was money. Supporting Male Actor-I'm Not Qiao Feng, I'm Not a Group Member, a Wuxia novel writer, the kind who drags updates every day, the most forthright and generous person, self-proclaimed as Qiao Feng. The supporting actress, Yin Xueqing, was the best representative of a beauty in the workplace. She always maintained her composure and elegance, but she had already reached a dangerous age and needed to find a boyfriend urgently…The supporting actress, Xue 'er, was the only girl in No Matter If She Drunk to Death. She looked sweet and wanted to forget the past. She always said that she was a child, but her true age had long been exposed by the wine sword…The supporting actress, Su Xiaoli, was a waitress at the Wine Fairy Restaurant. She was a thousand-year-old fox demon with a beautiful appearance that could topple countries. She worked hard every day to seduce Boss Qin. However, he had never been able to succeed. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website.
" City Wine God System " Author: Wine Sword Immortal. It is a novel about urban life. It has management, system flow, portable flow, chef, and money-making elements. It is completed and can be enjoyed without worry.
User recommendation: Interesting…novel.
I hope you will like this book.
This book was " Wishing for White Joy." The characters in the book included the male protagonist, Gu Lianghuan, who was in charge of the platform. People called him Lord Platform. He was originally a star, and he was lazy by nature. The female protagonist, Meng Liansheng, the dragon under the platform, obeyed Gu Liang Huan. Male supporting role-Ye Xing, Valkyrie, spouse: Matriarch, optimistic and lively nature, straight male. Female partner-Si Shao, old age, spouse Si Shao, naturally cold. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website.
" Wishing for White Joy " was written by Black Tea and Wine. It was a Xianxia novel.
User recommendation: Ever since she met that person on the platform, Lian Sheng felt that she hadn't lived all these years in vain. She now knew what it felt like to be pampered by someone and what it felt like to hold someone in high regard.
Although she had not been able to accompany that person in the early years, fortunately, fate had blessed her and she had a chance to accompany him from black hair to white hair. 。
I hope you will like this book.
This book was " The Palace Transformation Plan ", and the characters in it included the female protagonist, Liu Xin, the beloved daughter of the Liu family, who was quick-witted. Male partner-Li Jiheng. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website.
" Palace Transformation Plan " by Lu Jiannuan. It was an ancient romance novel.
User recommendation: " The previous dynasty did not leave useless people." The arrogant emperor had a huge purge the moment he came on stage. He was extremely domineering. The minister's black veil could not protect him.
See how the ladies of the official family sacrifice themselves to protect the family.
"The harem should not keep useless people." At the order, the concubines jumped.
Was the empress who was so tormented really a lady from a noble family?
However, in front of thousands of troops, she urged him,"Why are you standing there? Work!" It was only then that he realized that she was really not an ordinary person! Break! Teng!
"Sure. Then let's see who can finish them off first. "
Couple mixed doubles, let's give it a try! 。
I hope you will like this book.