Overall, A Kira manga has distinct features. Its art, themes, and character development differ from mainstream popular manga. It offers a fresh perspective and unique reading experience.
Kira kira is definitely fiction. It doesn't adhere to the constraints of reality and offers an escape into a world of imagination and possibility. The storylines and elements within it are crafted by the author's creativity rather than being factual.
For the story of 'Kira-Kira', justice might imply a balance in how characters' actions and circumstances play out. It could involve finding fairness in difficult situations and seeking resolutions that are morally correct.
Kira's downfall in the Death Note manga occurs when his identity is exposed and he's cornered by the forces opposing him. It's a combination of smart detective work and unforeseen circumstances. His fate is both tragic and inevitable given his actions.
Well, the number of chapters in the Kira Kira visual novel can vary depending on different versions or releases. You could check gaming databases or related communities for accurate details.