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Bercerai dari Suami Busukku, Menikah dengan Saudara laki-laki Jahatnya

Bercerai dari Suami Busukku, Menikah dengan Saudara laki-laki Jahatnya

[Konten dewasa.] [Selesai.] [Cerita sampingan akan diterbitkan pada 15 September.] Chloe Carlson, 35, adalah seorang wanita yang sudah menikah dan tinggal bersama suami yang selingkuh— Vincent Gray, dan putri mereka— Mackenzie. Pernikahannya yang hancur membuatnya mengajukan perceraian setelah 10 tahun, tetapi suaminya menolak untuk menandatanganinya. “Aku tahu apa yang kamu inginkan Chloe, kamu ingin mengambil semua uangku setelah kita bercerai. Kamu ingin mengambil segalanya dariku dan aku tidak akan membiarkan itu terjadi!” Vincent menuduh. “Aku tidak perlu uangmu, Vincent! Aku hanya ingin membawa Mackenzie dan pergi!” Akhirnya, dia meninggalkan suami bajingannya itu tanpa mengambil sepeser pun darinya. Dia akan menentukan jalan hidupnya sendiri dan memberikan yang terbaik di dunia untuk putri-nya. Namun, hidup tidak berjalan dengan baik bagi ibu tunggal seperti Chloe. Sulit bagi Chloe untuk menemukan pekerjaan karena dia telah menjadi ibu rumah tangga tanpa kualifikasi yang cukup. Oleh karena itu, dalam keputusasaan karena harus mengurus putrinya, dia hanya punya satu jalan keluar. Dia menghubungi iparnya— Vernon Phoenix Gray, 25, seorang playboy muda yang tidak punya hati, yang kebetulan merupakan CEO dari sebuah perusahaan yang sedang meroket, meminta pekerjaan di saat yang sulit ini. “Pekerjaan? Itu bukan masalah. Kamu bisa bekerja sebagai asisten pribadiku dan mengurus semua kebutuhanku sehari-hari.” Vernon tersenyum dan mendekat. “Terutama di tempat tidur,” bisiknya di telinga Chloe. — Apakah Chloe akan jatuh ke tangan iparnya yang jahat dan menjadi budak keinginannya? Ataukah dia kembali kepada suami bajingannya yang kasar demi masa depan putri mereka? — Catatan: Ada perbedaan usia dalam cerita ini, Chloe berusia 35 tahun. Vincent berusia 35 tahun. Vernon berusia 25 tahun. -- Sampul resmi yang dipesan.
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795 Chs
Tuan, Bagaimana Dengan Pernikahan?

Tuan, Bagaimana Dengan Pernikahan?

Pada puncak karirnya, aktris A-list Song Ning mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya dari industri hiburan demi cinta, menggemparkan seluruh negara. Semua orang berpikir bahwa dia pasti telah menemukan rumah idamannya. Itulah mengapa dia begitu bertekad. Semula, Song Ning juga berpikir demikian. Untuk sisa hidupnya, dia tidak akan menjadi seorang selebriti. Dia hanya akan menjadi wanita yang baik dan berbudi luhur yang akan merawat suami dan anak-anak di rumah. Namun, pada malam sebelum pernikahannya, dia mengetahui bahwa tunangannya berselingkuh dengan sahabatnya. Dalam amarah, Song Ning menemukan seorang pria secara acak untuk mendaftar pernikahan mereka di pintu masuk Biro Urusan Sipil. Dia awalnya ingin membalas dendam pada tunangan bajingannya itu, tetapi dia tidak menyangka bahwa pria yang mendaftarkan pernikahannya dengan dia adalah pewaris grup keuangan terbesar di negara itu, Mu Chen. Setelah mereka menikah, Mu Chen sangat menyayangi Song Ning dan melindunginya dengan segala cara yang mungkin. Dia tidak mengizinkan siapa pun untuk mengganggunya. Song Ning selalu berpikir bahwa dia akan bahagia seumur hidupnya dan menjalani kehidupan terbaik yang dia inginkan. Benar, dia mendapatkannya. Hanya saja sedikit berbeda dari apa yang dia bayangkan semula. Orang yang memberikan segalanya kepadanya adalah orang lain. Bertahun-tahun kemudian… Song Ning menatap Mu Chen dengan penuh kasih sayang. "Aku benar-benar beruntung. Terima kasih Tuhan aku bertemu denganmu dan menyelamatkanku dari neraka." Mu Chen tersenyum lembut. “Ya, bersyukur kepada Tuhan.” Namun, Song Ning tidak akan pernah tahu. Mu Chen tidak berbicara tentang berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena membiarkan dia bertemu Song Ning. Dia berterima kasih kepada Tuhan karena membiarkan tunangan Song Ning berselingkuh sehingga dia memiliki kesempatan. Tidak ada yang namanya pertemuan yang tidak disengaja. Itu hanyalah sebuah pengejaran yang direncanakan sebelumnya. Hari itu, dia menunggu Song Ning di luar Biro Urusan Sipil selama sepuluh jam…
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598 Chs
Jatuh Cinta dengan Raja Binatang

Jatuh Cinta dengan Raja Binatang

[LENGKAP] Reth bergerak mendekati Elia, dagunya rendah sehingga bayangan dari rahang kerasnya membelah kerah bulu tebal di rompinya. Rambutnya jatuh menutupi matanya dalam perkelahian, sehingga ia menatapnya melalui rambutnya seperti singa di dalam rumput. Setiap langkahnya, langkah anggun dan bergulir mengingatkannya pada pemangsa yang mengendap-endap mendekati mangsanya. Meskipun lantai hutan penuh dengan ranting dan daun, ia tak membuat suara sedikitpun. “Si-siapa kamu?” Elia tergagap, mundur sambil mengangkat tangan. Dia mengikuti langkah demi langkahnya sampai Elia menabrak pohon di belakangnya—dan tidak berhenti sampai ia menjulang di atasnya, begitu lebar bahu dan dada Reth membentuk dinding di depannya. Dia bisa merasakan panas yang terpancar dari kulit Reth dalam udara malam yang sejuk. “Saya adalah Raja Leonine.” Suaranya adalah kerikil yang dalam dan serak. Di belakangnya, paduan suara desah, auman, dan cuitan persetujuan meningkat dari orang-orang yang menonton. “Dan kamu adalah?” “Elia,” ia berbisik. “Elia,” ia mendengus, mendekat lebih jauh, membawa dengan dirinya aroma pinus dan hujan serta musk yang khas dari sesuatu yang sangat maskulin. “Saya Reth.” Ia mengucapkan namanya dengan gulungan aneh di tenggorokannya. “Saya adalah Raja Binatang. Saya adalah Pemimpin Klan, dan saya adalah Alfa dari WildWood.” Beberapa geraman muncul dari kerumunan di belakangnya saat itu, namun ia mengabaikannya. Elia menelan ludah ketika ia mendekat sampai rambut kasar di dagunya menggesek pipinya. “Saya adalah Raja,” katanya, “Dan kamu akan menjadi pasangan saya.” Hutan di belakangnya meledak. ****** Elia adalah seorang mahasiswi miskin sampai malam ketika ia dibawa ke dunia Anima—diperintah oleh manusia yang jantung kuno mereka berdetak dengan darah binatang. Di sana ia dipaksa mengikuti pertarungan sampai mati. Tapi ketika Elia selamat, dan menolak untuk membunuh lawannya yang terakhir, Raja harus membunuh Elia sendiri, atau mengambilnya sebagai pasangan. Reth, Raja Binatang yang brutal dengan darah singa, mengejutkan semua orang ketika ia memilih Elia yang lemah, manusia, untuk menjadi Ratu-Nya. Ia menjanjikan semua kemewahan dari kekayaan dan posisinya—tapi ia jelas: Elia tidak akan menghangatkannya di tempat tidur. Ia memilihnya untuk mengalahkan mereka-mereka yang mencoba membuatnya terjebak dengan menggabungkan garis keturunan Leonine-Nya dengan Serigala. Elia memerlukan bantuan dari Anima untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan memerintah mereka dengan baik. Namun, Serigala yang dendam hanya melihat manusia lemah yang telah membuat mereka malu. Saat Elia dan Reth semakin dekat, Serigala bertekad untuk menghancurkannya. Apakah Reth dan Elia mengakui perasaan mereka satu sama lain tepat waktu untuk berjuang demi Kerajaan—dan nyawa mereka—melawan suku serigala yang jahat? Ataukah Serigala akan membunuh Elia dan merebut tahta? [Konten matang - tidak ada kekerasan seksual] Cover Art digunakan dengan izin hak cipta berbayar. Diilustrasikan oleh Aenaluck--lihat lebih banyak seni menawan dan dukung mereka di www.patreon.com/aenaluck
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589 Chs
Suami Dengan Keuntungan

Suami Dengan Keuntungan

Nora hancur sebulan sebelum pernikahannya ketika ia menemukan perselingkuhan licik tunangannya. Saat ia mengelola pengkhianatan ini, ia menemukan sebuah komplotan mendalam untuk menghalangi dia dari mengklaim hak warisnya. Hancur tapi bertekad, Nora mengambil langkah berani untuk mengambil kembali kontrol atas hidupnya. Masuklah Demetri 'Setan' bagi mereka yang mengenalnya, seorang pria tangguh yang hampir tidak dikenalnya, yang menawarkan perlindungan dan dukungan sebagai imbalan atas pernikahan kontrak untuk memuaskannya. Dalam liku nasib, Nora menikah dengan Demetri untuk mengklaim warisannya dan melawan mereka yang berkomplot melawannya. Tapi saat dia bertarung dengan keluarganya sendiri dan banyak rival Demetri, akankah dia bisa menjaga diri dari jatuh cinta pada pria yang dikenal dapat menghancurkan orang lain di bawah tumit sepatu botnya. Petikan: Dia telah melupakan bahwa pria itu menakutkan dan langsung menantangnya. Bukannya berbicara, Demetri bangkit dari kursinya dan mendekatinya dengan sengaja. Meskipun hanya beberapa langkah, waktu tampaknya berjalan lambat bagi Nora. Ketika dia hampir dalam jarak sentuh, tangannya dengan lembut mendarat di lututnya, menggesernya ke samping. Sentuhannya bergerak dengan sedikit belaian, dan dia melangkah di antara kaki terbuka Nora. Nora duduk diam terpaku, matanya terbelalak seperti rusa yang tertangkap lampu sorot. Menangkap dagunya dengan jarinya, dia menaikkan wajahnya ke atas dan berbicara dengan santai, "Kamu istriku." Dia mengangguk perlahan dalam afirmasi sementara ibu jarinya perlahan mengelus bibirnya. "Aku telah memberimu waktu untuk mengumpulkan emosimu." Anggukan lain. Kegugupan Nora membuatnya menjilat bibirnya, sangat menyadari tatapan intensnya yang terpaku pada mereka. "Alasanmu untuk pernikahan adalah untuk mengamankan warisanmu dan menjauh dari cengkeraman ibumu." "Ya..." Nora berbisik dengan bingung. Kebingungannya bukan tentang pernyataannya, tapi tentang sensasi membingungkan yang mengalir dalam dirinya. Ada apa dengan dirinya? "Saatnya bagi kamu untuk memenuhi bagianmu dari kontrak, ya?" Dia melanjutkan. "Ya," Nora berbisik tanpa napas. Mengapa dia tanpa napas? Apakah tingkat oksigen di rumah telah turun? Apakah udara tiba-tiba menjadi tipis? Tiba-tiba, tangannya meninggalkan wajahnya, dan dia menonton saat Demetri mendekat. Saat itulah Nora memahami apa yang sedang terjadi. Semua ciuman menggoda yang membuat jantung berdebar yang telah dia baca di novel-novel akan mungkin menjadi kenyataannya. Namun ciuman yang diantisipasi tidak terjadi. Sebaliknya, dia berhenti di dekatnya dan memerintah, "Cium aku."
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585 Chs
Cara Membuat Resume Buku Novel dengan Baik
3 answers
2024-12-14 18:20
Read the whole novel attentively. Note down the main ideas as you read. Focus on the story arc, from the exposition to the denouement. A good resume should capture the essence of the novel. For example, in a fantasy novel, it's important to mention the magic system and the different realms if they are crucial to the story.
Cara Membuat Light Novel Dengan Gaya Khusus
3 answers
2024-10-28 20:06
Untuk membuat light novel dengan gaya khusus, pertama - tama tentukan gaya tersebut. Misalnya, jika ingin gaya yang misterius, gunakan bahasa yang lebih indah dan penuh simbolisme. Kemudian, buat karakter - karakter yang sesuai dengan gaya tersebut. Mereka bisa memiliki perilaku dan penampilan yang unik.
Who has a novel similar to Anjing Chronicles?
1 answer
2025-01-20 20:06
There were novels similar to An Jing Chronicles: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": The new work of the old harem author.🐔The protagonist, a college student, was troubled after repeatedly falling into the same strange dream. When he went to a supernatural divination shop to interpret his dream, he wore a different world. At the beginning, he was in a village that was about to be massacred. Fortunately, he was saved by a chivalrous woman, but he was entrusted to the murderer. The protagonist could only die to survive and join the demonic sect, stepping on the path of martial arts and becoming famous. As a veteran author, his character description was quite good. Whether it was the wise and decisive male lead or the female leads, their personalities were very lively. He was a famous harem writer, and he was naturally very good at describing the interaction with beautiful women. The storyline was also very well paced, and there was no delay in the fight. If there was something lacking, it was that as an old reader who had followed the author's books, it was not difficult to find that the female leads had the shadow of the female characters in the previous books. The character template was set in a routine, so it was naturally difficult for the work to have a breakthrough. Let's see if it's a disappointment or a surprise. It is recommended for readers who like martial arts and Chinese fantasy. 2."Spirit Walker":"Spirit Walker" was a work of a newspaper seller, Little Langjun (Platinum). It was an interesting soft science fiction story. During the period of its publication, this book could break through the 100,000-order mark and become a new benchmark in the industry. The story was fascinating and exciting. The author described it with exquisite language, showing a passionate plot that made the readers unable to stop. The success of this book also benefited from the author's description of the relationship between men and women. He expressed it in a unique language, allowing the readers to fully feel the charm of the story. All in all,"Spirit Realm Walker" was a good book worth collecting and recommending. 3."Tang's Table": Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. Excellent, recommended. 4."King of Familiars": Please Pay Attention, Please Collect [Qingquan's new book is here. Brothers, let's go!] This was a foreign world where familiars were the mainstream. Animals, plants, elements, undead, machines... Nine-tailed Flame Fox, Ancient Tree of Life, Thundercloud Elf, Skeleton Monarch, Mechanical Ship Lady, and even antique swords that gave birth to spirits could all be pets. The humans who contracted, nurtured, and controlled them were collectively called beastmasters! Shi Yu, a mythologist and archaeologist, had transmigrated. In order to explore the blank history and lost myths, he chose to embark on an extremely unscientific path of beastmasters... Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a surprising novel. The story began with a love scene, but it soon entered the main plot, which was fascinating. The male protagonist, the Xu Family Compound, completed the reform of the sect and the imperial court by himself. This was a very interesting story. The male protagonist transmigrated into the world of the game's background and became the villain. However, through constant exploration and hard work, he finally changed his fate. The advantage of this book was that it had a high IQ. The male protagonist was not a character who would lick every woman he saw. Instead, he had his own opinions and strength. Moreover, the emotional descriptions were also very detailed. Every female lead was very outstanding, and the emotional lines were also very reasonable. The supporting characters were also very intelligent, making people feel that they existed. In addition, the plot of the book was also very exciting, making people feel very refreshed. However, this book also had some shortcomings. The update speed was relatively slow, and some readers might be disappointed. But overall,"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation" was a highly recommended novel. Not only did it have blind spots beyond imagination, but it also made people feel the warm little things in life. The protagonist's personality was also likable, making people unable to help but follow it. National Forensic Medicine: National Forensic Medicine is a very interesting novel that whets one's appetite. The protagonist had a cheat system that allowed him to learn various forensic skills by completing missions, including fingerprint comparison, footprint identification, scene restoration, blood stain analysis, skull restoration, and so on. As the technology gradually improved, the protagonist became a master of technology, which made people admire him. Another highlight of the book was that it depicted the characteristics of various cases and characters. The author carefully drew on the material to broaden the readers 'horizons. It wasn't just the protagonist who performed well. His teammates also had their own strengths. This description of teamwork made people feel a sense of justice. In addition, the book also incorporated food and planting elements, allowing people to experience more fun while reading. The author, Shiniao Village's new book left a deep impression on everyone, and everyone was looking forward to the author's follow-up works. Overall, National Forensics was an enjoyable novel. It showed the real working scene of the forensic profession, but also integrated other elements to bring novelty and entertainment to the readers. Whether it was from the content of the book or from the emotional, psychological, and social perspectives, this book was worth reading. 7:"Heroine Wait": S (Wuxia harem) The Wuxia flavor was very strong, and the settings were very positive. Plot: Brainhole ***** Setting: Character ***** 8."Mantang Colorful Colors":"Mantang Colorful Colors" is a novel with a tight rhythm and a brain-burning plot. It is suitable for readers with some reading experience. The author, Weird Cousin, used his unique writing style to capture the readers 'hearts. The author's strength and potential had been recognized by a Level 5 author. He believed that he would be promoted to a God soon. The author's writing was commendable, and the plot was full of ups and downs, which was fascinating. Especially after he became an official, the story became even more exciting. The author has already become one of my favorite authors. Overall, this book was excellent, especially regarding the history of Emperor Xuanzong and Yang Guifei. He hoped that the author could have new ideas and innovation. The protagonist in the story also saw the various problems of the court, but he decided not to let the Tang Dynasty lose its splendor, making people look forward to the development of the story. Overall,"Colorful Tang" was a novel that left a deep impression on people. It had a recommendation score of 8.9. Whether it was from the content of the book, or from life, emotions, psychology, society, history, and other aspects, it could give people inspiration and thinking. It is recommended for readers who like history and novel creation. 9."Hidden Dead Corner":"Hidden Dead Corner" was a thrilling novel. By describing the growth and transformation of the protagonist in a strange space, it made people feel endless thrills and excitement. The author used his unique writing style and storyline to bring the readers into a world full of strangeness and evil. When the protagonist was facing a life-threatening situation, he strengthened his ability by absorbing flowers, demonstrating his intelligence and courage. The plot was compact and fascinating, making one unable to extricate themselves. Whether it was the plot or the character, this book left a deep impression on everyone. I recommend this book to readers who like horror and fantasy. I believe this book will bring you a different reading experience. 10."Final Divine Duty":"Final Divine Duty" was a masterpiece of sci-fi ancient martial arts mecha. The author used a modern and fantasy background to create a world full of imagination. The story was compact and the writing was smooth, making people unable to stop. The main character was decisive and didn't act like a saint, leaving a deep impression on everyone. Although the missing persons plot in the story was a little toxic, overall, the book was very exciting and made people unable to stop. The only regret was that there were not many chapters, which made him feel like he had not finished. However, this book was indeed a work worthy of recommendation. It brought many surprises and fun to the readers. 11."Beyond Time": God Er Gen's new work. The system is martial artists and cultivators, and the division is fantasy. It looks okay at the moment and has different elements from traditional fantasy. In short, it's highly recommended. It was exam week, and this was the last update of the month. The next update should be in July. 2022.6.16 "This Game Is Too Realistic":(° ° ° ° The overall tone of the wasteland game is relaxed, but it doesn't lose its hardcore. It even feels a little like a farm. The beginning of a sanctuary is to rely on the name of the closed beta game to attract people through Group chats. Then, through the addition of people, the game is set up. The map is slowly expanding the world view, gradually improving, and slowly advancing. The beginning of the wasteland is relatively rare now. The interaction between the game and reality at first attracted players, and it was also very funny. There was obvious progress on the basis of the previous book. The setting is more daring and fascinating. I also like the author's previous book very much. The direction of this book is completely different from the previous book. Chen Xing has also been making breakthroughs, improving, inheriting, and creating new ideas. I recommend it very much! 13:"Red Heart Sky Patrol": Candidate. I haven't read it yet. The word of mouth seems to be divided. Some love it very much, while others hate it. However, the author used to write physical books. There should be no problem with the writing style. I'll look forward to it. Ring of Destiny: New Cuttlefish Book, Reputation guaranteed. [Note: According to the observations of multiple websites, the overall evaluation of this book is not as good as Lord of the Mysteries.] 15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor":[Ming][Science][Thought Liberation] He had transmigrated to the Battle of Jingnan. As Fang Xiaoru's grand-disciple, he was about to receive the big gift bag of 90 casualties. However, Jiang Xinghuo did not panic at all because his mission was to die nine times before he could return to the modern world. [Status of work: In progress, 1.24 million words.] Points to Watch: 1. The article had a lot of popular science knowledge about politics, economics, and natural science. Instead of the same plot of making gunpowder and paper, the protagonist focused more on the transformation of the mind as the main weapon. Warning: 1. There are some differences between the characters before and after the protagonist is released from prison. Please watch carefully according to your preferences. 16:"Ascending on a Better Day": I have always liked Otaku Pig's works, and every one of them is a masterpiece. This one is no exception. The writing is really good, and the plot design is also very reasonable. It is a rare Xianxia work. I recommend it. 17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth" It's a very good urban life novel. It's biased towards love. The female protagonist's club is afraid of being silly. It's very effective. I strongly recommend it. Those who like it can try it. Deep Sea Ember I was so happy that I almost bloomed with joy. For a long time, all kinds of websites were looking for similar books. I didn't know if Big Eyeball had heard my thoughts. In general, Big Eye's books were quite interesting at the beginning. His logic and intelligence were all on the line. Unfortunately, his books were basically thrown into the corner after reading 40 to 50 chapters. Perhaps he could basically guess the general direction of the later chapters, so he didn't have any anticipation. Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of the Demonic Martial Arts: A New Book of the Transcriptionist "Who told him to cultivate!" Promotion: No female lead, three views are correct, IQ is online, easy to make fun of, brainstorming and refreshing. The main character's brain was always so beautiful and unconventional. It gave people the feeling that it could be like this, but there was something wrong with it. It was a very funny positive energy main character. Of course, an author who could solve three problems was also outstanding. The immortal cultivation setting seemed to follow the usual cognition and was easy to watch, but in many settings, the imagination was wide open. PS: The author's three views are hilarious and invincible. The style is similar. If you like one, you can watch the other. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
What is 'tv one wawancara aiman dengan novel' about?
3 answers
2024-12-06 23:25
I'm not sure specifically as I don't have enough context about this 'tv one wawancara aiman dengan novel'. It could be an interview (wawancara in Indonesian means interview) on TV One between Aiman and something related to a novel. Maybe it's about a new novel that Aiman has written, or it could be an interview where Aiman discusses his favorite novels.
novels like Chen Anjing's Jianghu Travels
1 answer
2025-02-06 10:15
There were novels similar to Chen Anjing's Jianghu Travels: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2."Spirit Realm Traveler":"Spirit Realm Traveler" was an exciting adventure novel. The protagonist Zhang Yuanqing entered a world full of spirits after receiving a mysterious gift. The author, Xiao Langjun, used his unique creativity to combine reality and the spiritual realm, creating a strange world that merged reality and reality. The story was full of suspense elements and a supernatural atmosphere, allowing people to experience the wonders of the Spirit Realm world. In terms of writing style, the newspaper seller adopted a crime-solving style of writing. The plot and delicate and rigorous logic made the whole story richer and more fascinating. The description of daily life was the newspaper seller's strong point. He could use a few words to portray a vivid character, allowing people to quickly grasp a person's character. In addition, the newspaper seller's writing skills were also impressive. His descriptions of daily life and character portrayals, whether in the web novel world or in other types of novels, could give people a unique reading experience. All in all,"Spirit Walker" was a fascinating adventure novel. It used its unique creativity and exquisite writing style to immerse people in a spirit realm world that combined reality and reality. 3."The Tang's Table": The Almighty's new work has 500,000 words. Strongly recommended. 4."King of Familiars": 8.3 In this brand new era of familiars, who would be the well-deserved king of familiars? The setting was not bad, and it felt a lot better. Basically, it was the type that could read many chapters in one breath. Strongly recommended. 5:"Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": The title of the book is rubbish. The plot is well written. The protagonist transmigrated to become the third son of the villain. At the beginning, he was kidnapped by the "ice woman". In order to cover up the after-effects of possession, he brought his sister to jump off a cliff to obtain the cultivation method from the opportunity point in his memory and become an innate Dao body. Then he returned to the capital (temporarily stopped here) and transmigrated to meet a beautiful woman. He jumped off a cliff to snatch the treasure. The routine is old-fashioned but the writing is not bad. 4-star expectation️️️️ 6."National Forensic Medicine":"National Forensic Medicine" is an urban workplace novel. The author skillfully uses his writing style and ridicule to show his experienced writing style. The story unfolded from the perspective of a forensic doctor, depicting the stable and extraordinary life of a grassroots police officer. The cases in the story revealed the evil of human nature, but there were also people who were looking for light, paying tribute to the truth-seeker and the guardian of peace. Through the content of the book, readers could feel the increasingly complete system and the prosperity of the motherland. This book showed the author's respect for the forensic profession and made people realize the importance of happiness. Late at night during the National Day holiday, the author recorded this wonderful review, which made people look forward to this work even more. Whether it was a reader who liked forensic science or urban system literature, they could read this book without worry. It was created by an old author, and the subsequent updates were guaranteed, which made people feel satisfied. This book was lively, humorous, and full of interest. It allowed the readers to go from finding it difficult to accept at the beginning to a work that went well with food. It was indeed great. The protagonist of the story was a rich second-generation heir who had been admitted to the county's criminal police as a forensic doctor. He had continuously improved his abilities through the system and had now made a name for himself. Overall, this book was worth 85 points. 7:"Wait, Heroine": Wuxia added Xianxia elements "Heroine, wait. Do you know who I am?" "I know. He's the empress's favorite minister, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a famous sect in the pugilistic world. You're the one I'm going to cut!" (Nice, Guan Guan, my Guan Guan) 8:"Mantang Colorful": recommendation index: ****** Author: Weird Cousin Word count: 10,000 [Status: Series] Tagged: Tang Dynasty, Group Images, Machiavellian The new book by the author of "The End of Song" still started with Wang Zha. The protagonist was reborn as a servant of the Du family. At the beginning, he faced the biggest case of the Crown Prince's rebellion during the reign of Li Xuanzong. How would he survive in this struggle and face the upcoming An Lushan Rebellion? How could he bear witness to the Great Tang's glory in this chaotic era? The author's writing style was experienced, the characters were vivid, and the historical figures he created were consistent with the records in the history books. The author was good at describing the characters in detail and had his own unique understanding of history. The author's writing style was excellent. He was good at laying foreshadowing and his insight spanned thousands of miles. The plot was smooth, the rhythm was tight, and the logic was reasonable. The author's research of historical materials was also very rigorous, and the description of political schemes was even more amazing. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": 8.8 Get lost's new book. His books are basically very good in the early and middle stages. You can read them without worry. "Final Divine Duty": The cosmic mecha was as strong as a dragon, and the gods and devils in the abyss whispered and roared. In this era where new and old techniques, technology and divine power collided, Lu Yuan brought along an attribute panel that allowed him to change classes indefinitely and stumbled down. "Class [Martial Arts Grandmaster]+ Material [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart], can be upgraded to [Dark Dragon Sect]..." Lu Yuan looked at his hands that were gradually covered with black scales. The black hair on his back danced wildly without any wind. His scarlet eyes stared at the human-shaped mechanical body that streaked across the night sky like a meteor. He smiled and muttered to himself in a low voice,"Now..." I should be able to tear a mech apart with my bare hands…" 11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present. The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned. Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us? [12: This Game Is Too Realistic] The fourth catastrophe, the players worked hard, but the pain was happy. "Red Heart Sky Patrol": The writing style of a physical book may not be that cool, but it's really a very flesh-and-blood story. The protagonist is really worth it. Ring of Destiny: New Cuttlefish Book, Reputation guaranteed. [Note: According to the observations of multiple websites, the overall evaluation of this book is not as good as Lord of the Mysteries.] "The Great Ming State Preceptor": The Great Ming State Preceptor was a novel with a rich plot, profound characters, and a wonderful historical background. The main character of the story, Jiang Xinghuo, not only had modern knowledge, but he had also experienced many reincarnations. He had a deep understanding of ancient society and empathy, which enabled him to better benefit the people of the world. The villains also had their own characteristics. They were cunning, sinister, or arrogant, adding more layers and interest to the story. The entire book was rated very high. I personally gave it a 9. On the label were the words Ming Dynasty, transmigration, and management, which were the characteristics of the book. Different from other Xianxia novels, this book not only expressed immortals and cultivators, but also showed the life and historical background of ancient society through the protagonist's transmigration experience, giving people inspiration and thought. As an experienced transmigrator, the protagonist only needed to transmigrate nine times to return to the modern world and become immortal. However, the author did not let the protagonist pass the test easily. Instead, he set up more challenges and adventures. This made the story even more fascinating, and it made people look forward to the next development. The author's writing was smooth and easy to read. There was no heart-wrenching plot, and the reading experience was very good. I personally recommend this book, and I believe that readers will like it too. Choosing a Day to Ascend: Choosing a Day to Ascend is an unforgettable novel. The author attracted the attention of the readers with his unique creativity and wonderful plot. The characters in the story were vivid and fascinating. The author's writing was smooth, and the plot was full of ups and downs, making people unable to stop. This book not only made people immersed in the story, but also made people think about the meaning and value of life. Whether it was from the content of the book, or from the life outside the book, emotions, psychology, society, history, etc., the readers could get inspiration and insight. In short,'Ascending on a Better Day' was a good book worth recommending. "Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was an admirable work. The author's style was grand, the writing was smooth, and the plot was deeply rooted in people's hearts. The story used rebirth as the theme, but it was not limited to this routine. Instead, it was presented in a humorous and funny way, making people unable to help but laugh. The author's writing style was praised, and the story was compact and fascinating. At the same time, every character in the book had their own personality and charm, which was unforgettable. This book was not only an entertainment work, but also a deeply rooted thought. He hoped that the author could continue to maintain this standard and create more outstanding works. On that day, the thick fog sealed everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he crossed the thick fog and faced a world that had been completely overturned and shattered. The order of the past was gone, and strange visions dominated the endless sea beyond civilization. The isolated island cities and the fleets that challenged the sea had become the only lights of the civilized world, while the shadows of the past were still stirring in the deep sea, waiting to continue to devour the dying world. However, for the new captain of the Lost Home, there was only one problem he had to consider first. Who knew how to sail the boat? 19."Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is an unforgettable novel. With his unique creativity and superb writing skills, the author perfectly combined the immortal cultivation and the martial arts world, bringing a new reading experience to the readers. The protagonist transmigrated to the world of immortal cultivation and became a low-level spirit farmer. However, with the golden finger of the double door, he could transmigrate to the martial arts world with the power of demons. He used the spiritual farming techniques and the resources of the cultivation world to cultivate martial arts in the martial arts world, and then fed back to the cultivation world. This kind of innovative cultivation method made people's eyes light up. It made people look forward to the growth process of the protagonist. The author's writing was smooth and the plot was compact, making it difficult to put it down. Although there were some small flaws, such as the fact that the transmigration was not fully displayed, overall, this book was a good book worthy of recommendation. Whether it was a reader who liked cultivation or martial arts, they would be satisfied with reading. "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a delightful novel. The protagonist of the story, Lu Yang, had transmigrated to the cultivation world. His arrival brought some chaos and joy to the cultivation world. The author told Lu Yang's story in a relaxed and pleasant language, making people feel happy and happy. The character creation was also very outstanding. Every character was lifelike and left a deep impression on people. The plot was compact and fascinating. This book is not only a cultivation novel, but also a work that reflects our lives. I strongly recommend 'Who Made Him Cultivate Immortality'. Give it 5 stars! You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Can you explain the significance of 'tv one wawancara aiman dengan novel'?
1 answer
2024-12-07 07:04
Without clear details, it's hard to define the exact significance. However, generally speaking, if this is an interview on TV One between Aiman and something related to a novel, it could have multiple implications. For the literary community, it could be a way to gain insights into Aiman's view of the novel, which could influence how others perceive it. For TV One, it could be a part of their programming to attract viewers interested in literature or in Aiman. And for Aiman, it could be an opportunity to express himself, whether he is an author, a critic, or just a passionate reader. It might also play a role in the broader context of promoting reading and the appreciation of novels in society.
The classical Chinese Xie Anjing Yuan 'an is famous for his father and son. I am afraid that he will be suspected by the court.
1 answer
2024-09-11 15:06
Xie An believed that his sons had made great achievements and was worried that they would be suspected by the court.
What was a fantasy novel with Chen Anjing as the male protagonist? Did it have to have the elements of a system, invincibility, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, and relaxation? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-02-06 14:52
This book was called "I Just Want to Fight the Boss Quietly." The characters in the book included the supporting role, Little Lulu, the male lead, Chen Anjing, and the female lead, Mu Fei. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "I Just Want to Fight the Boss Quietly" Author: I Contend for the World is a fantasy/otherworldly novel. It has a system style, an invincible style, a wolf in sheep's clothing, and relaxing elements. It's finished and you can enjoy it without worry. Chen Anjing realized that ever since she had a BOSS system, her peaceful days were no longer there! He was either fighting the BOSS or on his way to fight the BOSS. He could not stop at all… Chen Anjing: Where am I? [System: Fight the BOSS!] Chen Anjing thought,[Is the system forcing me to fight the BOSS again?] The system said meaningfully,"What can you do if you don't fight the BOSS?" I hope you will like this book.
In the school romance novel that ended up together, the female lead was called Guan Anjing. The story unfolded because she lent the school hunk a pen. What was the title of the novel? Thank you.
1 answer
2024-08-19 06:15
The corresponding novel was called " School hunk, please advise ", written by the author Zi Wunian. The female lead, Guan Anjing, borrowed the school hunk's pen, and the two of them ended up together. I hope you like my recommendation.😗