In the 'Life of Saiki' anime back story, Saiki Kusuo is born into a family with some unusual members. His father is a bit of an eccentric, and his mother has her own quirks. Saiki's goal is to live a normal life, but his powers constantly get in the way. For example, he can hear everyone's thoughts, which makes it difficult to have normal interactions. His classmates range from a self - proclaimed psychic to a delinquent, all of which add to the chaos of his daily life.
Well, the main back story involves Saiki Kusuo. He's got amazing psychic abilities like mind - reading. His family is rather strange, and he goes to school where he has to deal with all sorts of characters. He just wants a quiet life but his powers won't let him.
Nendo could be a great addition. His simple - minded yet loyal nature can add some humor and unexpected twists. For example, he might accidentally almost expose Saiki's powers while trying to be helpful in a situation involving Teruhashi.