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El matrimonio escondido perfecto: con un niño te llevas un esposo gratis

El matrimonio escondido perfecto: con un niño te llevas un esposo gratis

—Cariño, me gusta mucho el guion de este drama. El único problema es que esta vez hay más escenas sexuales. ¿Puedo aceptar el trabajo de todos modos? —Claro —respondió calmado Lu Tingxiao. Esa noche, Ning Xi se levantó de la cama con las piernas temblorosas, teniendo que apoyarse por las paredes. —¿Todavía quieres tomar el trabajo? —preguntó Lu Tingxiao.
2165 Chs
No es fácil ser un hombre después de viajar al futuro

No es fácil ser un hombre después de viajar al futuro

Después de morir de una extraña enfermedad terminal, Ling Lan renació en un mundo 10.000 años en el futuro. Aunque deseaba poder vivir una vida tranquila y sin incidentes en su nuevo cuerpo sano, el destino tenía otros planes... Obligada a disfrazarse de niño sólo para poder heredar los beneficios militares de primera clase de su padre fallecido, el viaje de Ling Lan hacia la adultez estuvo lleno de desafíos. Después de muchas dificultades, finalmente cumplió dieciséis años cuando pudo dejar la farsa. Pero antes de que pudiera disfrutar de su nueva libertad de casarse y formar su propia familia, un giro del destino hizo que la envíen a la escuela militar de niños más importante de la Federación. Con esos giros del destino, Ling Lan no tuvo más remedio que avanzar más y más por un camino sin retorno, uno de dominio frío y distante...
1495 Chs
Matrimonio relámpago con un esposo CEO

Matrimonio relámpago con un esposo CEO

La noche antes de su boda, su prometido huyó con su amante. Frustrada, agarró al hombre parado frente a la Oficina de Asuntos Civiles, —Presidente Mo, tu novia no ha llegado y mi novio ha huido... ¿Puedo sugerir que nos casemos? Antes del matrimonio, ella dijo: —¡Incluso si compartiéramos la misma cama, no pasaría nada entre nosotros! Después del matrimonio, él dijo: —Si no lo intentamos, ¿cómo lo sabríamos?
1274 Chs
Un sinfín de mimos solo para ti

Un sinfín de mimos solo para ti

Como amigos de la infancia, fueron manipulados por sus familias para casarse, lo que involucraba tener que vivir en el mismo lugar y dormir en la misma cama. Una noche, accidentalmente ella llegó ebria, y en su delirio, él la besó, sólo para darse cuenta de que lo disfrutó, y de vez en cuando le daría un beso a escondidas. Pero su crimen eventualmente fue descubierto por accidente. Y luego de ser acusado, él dijo con una sonrisa: —Eres mi esposa, ¿por qué no puedo besarte? La rutina diaria de estas dos personas es molestarse y desacreditarse mutuamente. Y si bien él dice menospreciarla, se preocupa por ella, siente celos cuando ella está cerca de otros hombres. Entonces la ata a él para que se vuelva exclusivamente suya.
1130 Chs
Un nacimiento, dos tesoros: el dulce amor del billonario

Un nacimiento, dos tesoros: el dulce amor del billonario

Ella aceptó ser una madre subrogada por más de un millón de yuanes (aproximadamente 150.000 dólares americanos). Como el estimado CEO de una de las empresas más poderosas de la capital, él tiene el poder absoluto, mientras que ella es la simple hija adoptiva de una familia de bajo status. Ella aceptó llevar su descendencia en su vientre simplemente porque el negocio de su padre adoptivo estaba quebrando. En el día del parto, el mayor nació sano, pero el menor nació muerto. Habiendo cumplido el contrato, ella desapareció de la vida de él con la astronómica suma de dinero que le correspondía. Seis años después, él sigue siendo el arrogante e importante CEO. Cuando ella accidentalmente se involucra nuevamente con él, como un canario atrapado en su jaula, él se apodera de ella. —Mujer, ¿crees que puedes escapar de mí? Sin embargo, él no espera que un pequeño interfiera. El niño aparece y lo apunta vigorosamente con el dedo, advirtiendo: —Mu Yazhe, ¡será mejor que la dejes! ¡Ella es mía! El hombre se alarmó, simplemente porque las facciones del pequeño eran idénticas a las suyas.
1015 Chs
El Amor de un Licántropo

El Amor de un Licántropo

``` —Él detuvo el auto. El agarre en la manta se tensó mientras Raine se preguntaba si había hecho algo mal. Podía sentirlo cuando Torak extendió su mano hacia ella. ¿Me golpeará? Raine se estremeció con ese pensamiento. Torak le retiró la capucha de la cabeza y suavemente apartó su cabello detrás de su oreja. —No —dijo él firmemente—. Quiero verte, no te escondas... —“El espíritu del ángel guardián insuflará nueva vida en el niño humano. Tres ángeles guardianes nacerán de nuevo en el mundo terrenal y los tres serán sus protectores”. —¡¿Protectores?! —Jedrek estalló—. Al final, se detuvo y se giró para mirar a la diosa de la luna desde la lejanía, sus ojos brillaban rojos de ira. Su lobo estaba furioso. —¿Por qué crees que ayudaremos? —preguntó Kace entrecerrando sus ojos negros como la obsidiana, su lobo había tomado control de él. Él era el más joven de los tres y el menos temperamental entre ellos. Los tres habían sido maldecidos por Selene debido a sus acciones feroces para obtener poder y autoridad supremos. La diosa de la luna no les bendijo con una compañera como castigo de su conducta atroz y los forzó a involucrarse en esta guerra mortal con los demonios. —¿Nos convertirás en esclavos de esas criaturas enfermizas!? —preguntó Torak incrédulo—. ¿No temes que los partamos en dos? El ángel guardián era tan frágil y ellos, como licántropos, no apreciaban las debilidades. —No, no lo harán —dijo Selene con paciencia—. No serán sus esclavos ni les harán daño, los cuidarán en todas las formas posibles. Jedrek rió de manera amenazante al oír esto, no les importaba la resurrección de la bestia, una vez que cruzaban su territorio, con o sin el ángel guardián, desgarraría sus cuerpos. —Seré la última persona que verán, en cuanto los encuentre —se refería tanto al ángel guardián como al demonio. Pero, la siguiente voz de Selene estaba teñida de alegría cuando habló. —No lastimarás a tu compañera. ============================ Sesión 1 (capítulo 1 - 394): Torak Donovan - Raine (completado). Sesión 2 (capítulo 395 - 628): Kace Donovan - Esperanza (completado) Sesión 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083): Jedrek Donovan - Lila (completado) Sesión 4 (capítulo 1084 - en curso): Historias Paralelas ============================ Esta es una historia de hombres lobo y, por supuesto, ¡de fantasía! Como cada quien tiene su propia versión de la vida sobrenatural, aquí estoy intentando escribir la mía. Si has leído otras historias de hombres lobo, te darás cuenta de que existen similitudes y diferencias. ============================ ***¡Precaución! El inglés no es mi primer idioma, así que es posible que encuentres errores gramaticales (aunque no es mi intención), si te resulta incómodo, por favor házmelo saber para que pueda corregirlo. *Has sido advertido ^^ ¡Todo comentario constructivo es muy bienvenido! .......................................................................................... ##Encuéntrame en Instagram: jikan_yo_tomare ##Portada por: @Gisel.arts Echa un vistazo a mis otras historias: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```
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956 Chs
Matrimonio Oculto: Un Marido Multimillonario Mandado del Cielo

Matrimonio Oculto: Un Marido Multimillonario Mandado del Cielo

"Ella se casó con un conductor que acababa de conocer. Sin embargo, lo último que esperaba es que su novio no era otro que el multimillonario más misterioso de la ciudad. Este matrimonio le trajo gemelos. Por tanto, trabajó más duro para mantener a esta familia. Ella era la reina del círculo de entretenimiento. Cuando conoció al rey que dominaba el mundo de los negocios, finalmente conoció la verdadera identidad de su marido."
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935 Chs
Una perspectiva de un extra

Una perspectiva de un extra

—Otromundistas... les suplicamos que salven nuestro mundo de la ruina. —Rey y sus compañeros de clase son invocados a otro mundo, y se les otorgan Habilidades y Clases basadas en su limitado Karma. Todo el mundo recibe múltiples Habilidades y una Clase decente para sobrevivir en el nuevo mundo. Sin embargo, Rey decide invertir todo su Karma en una sola Habilidad, dejándolo con la Clase más débil. Aunque nadie lo sabe, él tiene el potencial de ser el más fuerte. —Las Artes de Personajes Originales están en mi Servidor de Discord, así que por favor únanse para tener acceso a ellas —Enlace: https://discord.gg/5HRA6ZUa7y —Únanse también a nuestro Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Magecrafspellcraft/s/jd6bWa6zsN —¡Esta novela está en un WPC, así que por favor APOYENLA añadiéndola a su biblioteca, así como enviando sus Piedras de Poder y Boletos Dorados! —¡Gracias a todos!
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887 Chs
El Ocaso de Atticus: Reencarnado en un Patio de Juegos

El Ocaso de Atticus: Reencarnado en un Patio de Juegos

``` Protagonista trabajador: sí, elenco secundario interesante: sí, construcción de mundo: sí, protagonista todopoderoso: sí, transmigración: sí. Atticus enfrentó el peor día de su vida: su corazón fue destrozado, y de repente fue asesinado en su hogar, solo para despertar en un reino mágico como el heredero de una de las familias más poderosas en el dominio humano. Movido por la determinación, juró volverse más fuerte y cobrar venganza contra quienquiera que lo matara y lo trajera a este mundo, no importa el coste. A/N 1. No hay harén. 2. El MC solo se preocupa por sí mismo y su familia. No le importa cruzar la línea si eso significa que puede mantenerse a sí mismo y a su familia a salvo. 3. Tiene una personalidad extremadamente vengativa. Independientemente de la razón o por lo que estés pasando, no le importa. Lo que importa es que lo heriste, y eso es todo lo que necesita. 4. No habrá 'ocultamiento de fuerza'. Será cauteloso con lo que muestra, pero no perderá si puede evitarlo. 5. El MC trabaja duro por su fuerza; no te dejes engañar por la etiqueta del sistema. 6. Por último, si tienes algún atisbo de gusto por esta novela, dame todo lo que tienes, jajaja. Es una broma, por favor, dame piedras de poder y deja reseñas. ¡Gracias! Discord: https://discord.gg/t7z25ZzKX3 ```
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873 Chs
Desde matón a ídolo: Transmigrando a un show de supervivencia

Desde matón a ídolo: Transmigrando a un show de supervivencia

En un giro del destino, Jun Hao, un despiadado matón callejero conocido por su brutal fuerza e instintos afilados, muere a manos del jefe al que servía como un esclavo. Cuando pensó que moriría, vio aparecer una pantalla ante sus ojos: ¡era un sistema y una ventana de estado! [Sistema integrándose: Conviértete en un ídolo top]. Jun Hao se encuentra abruptamente transportado al cuerpo de Choi Joon-ho, un tímido aprendiz que espera triunfar en el despiadado mundo de los ídolos a través de "Estrellas en Ascenso", un muy popular programa de supervivencia para ídolos. En un mundo desconocido para él, donde el canto, el baile y el carisma reinan supremos, Jun Hao debe navegar las traicioneras aguas de un programa de supervivencia para ídolos o arriesgarse a perder la vida de su querida hermana menor.
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859 Chs
Is F K'un-L'un purely fictional?
1 answer
2024-10-10 00:45
Most likely, F K'un-L'un is fictional. Usually, such names and concepts come from the realm of imagination and aren't based on actual facts or events.
Lelouch and c. c. Doujinshi
1 answer
2024-09-20 15:14
I'm not sure what you're referring to. If you're referring to the doujinshi works of Lelouch and CC, I can provide you with some relevant information. Lelouch and CC were both characters from the Japanese anime " Code Geass." Doujinshi refers to the creation of new characters or storylines by mixing or transforming fictional characters from the original with other people or works. Although Code Geass was a popular anime, not all doujinshi were legal. Some doujinshi works may have copyright issues and require permission from the author or copyright owner before they can be published. If you have a specific request for a doujinshi, I suggest you first confirm its legitimacy and avoid copyright issues.
Was there a novel about transmigrating into C.C?
1 answer
2024-09-25 18:14
, I recommend the following novel to you. It seems to be very suitable for your requirements: Naruto's Journey to Ten Thousand Worlds. This novel described how Xiao Han had awakened the Naruto World System after transmigrating to the Naruto World. From then on, he began his invincible journey in various film and television worlds. If you like novels about transmigration and the heavens, this book is definitely not to be missed. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
How to faire un visual novel?
2 answers
2024-12-10 06:03
Faire un visual novel involves several steps. Storytelling is key. Outline your plot, develop your characters, and think about the different paths the story can take if it's a branching narrative. For the art part, you can collaborate with an artist if you're not skilled in that area. Regarding the programming side, if you're using a tool like Twine, it has a relatively simple interface for creating the structure of the visual novel. Don't forget about the user interface design. It should be intuitive so that the players can easily navigate through the story.
What are some popular themes in c c c fan fiction?
2 answers
2024-11-23 11:21
Well, in c c c fan fiction, a frequent theme is power struggles. Fans like to depict how characters vie for power, whether it's within a group or against external forces. Alternate universes are also big. This allows fans to re - imagine the c c c world in different settings, like a steampunk version or a medieval - style world. And of course, there are themes related to self - discovery for the characters.
How can one start writing c c c fan fiction?
2 answers
2024-11-24 02:53
First, know the c c c world well. Read the original material carefully to understand the characters, settings, and basic plotlines. Then, come up with an interesting idea. It could be a 'what - if' scenario, like 'what if this character had a different power?'. Next, start writing a simple outline of your story, including the beginning, middle, and end.
Seeking the Doujinshi of Lelouch and C.C.(The best)
1 answer
2024-09-25 18:25
There are a lot of Doujinshi from Rebellious Lelouch and CC that you can refer to: 1 " Lelouch and CC ": This is a Doujinshi novel with Lelouch and CC as the main characters. It tells the story of Lelouch and CC meeting in another world and facing the world crisis together. 2 " Lelouch and CC's Love Triangle ": This is a Doujinshi novel with Lelouch and CC as the main characters. It tells the story of the complex emotional entanglement between Lelouch and CC, involving elements such as time travel. 3 " The teacher-student relationship between CC and Lelouch ": This is a Doujinshi novel with CC as the main character. It tells the story of CC and Lelouch meeting on campus and facing the school crisis together. 4 " Lelouch and CC's Friendship ": This is a Doujinshi novel with Lelouch and CC as the main characters. It talks about the deep friendship between Lelouch and CC, which involves elements such as time travel. 5 " The Father and Son Relationship between Lelouch and CC ": This is a Doujin novel with Lelouch and CC as the main characters. It tells the story of the biological father and son relationship between Lelouch and CC, which involves elements such as time travel. The above are some of the popular Doujinshi works of Lelouch and CC from Rebellion Lelouch. You can choose to read them according to your preferences.
There was a character in that novel named C.C. What was that?
1 answer
2024-08-30 07:46
"The Almighty Big Boss Just Wants to Lie Down" is a modern romance novel written by the author Ye Senhai. The general plot of this novel is: Lin Mou, who had been kidnapped for more than ten years and was found by her family, was still unloved by her parents. Her outstanding younger sister could not stand her, and her younger brother did not like her either. Godfather Qin said,"It's okay. I'll be your brother from now on." "Are you sure?" "Young Master, your sister injured a few young masters today!" Godfather Qin said,"Hurry up and see if my darling's hand is injured." "Young Master, your sister has been sent to court by her biological father!" "Hurry up and hire the best lawyer." "No need. Your sister has already sued their family, saying that they pretended to be her parents." "Master, your sister is cheating again." Godfather Qin said,"Then we have to take good care of this." "No need. Your sister is a member of the government." Godfather Qin: "…One day, Lin Mou blocked my good brother at the door." You still want to be my brother?" Godfather Qin looked at his weak sister and hugged her."I really don't want to." Lin Mou slammed him against the wall."Look, your name is Qin Hui Ye. Hui Ye only lacks the word Ji, and Ji means princess. Be my little princess and let me spoil you!" Qin Huiye thought to himself,'This is a little weird. Where's my male lead's script?' ---------------------------- The book "Big Boss Spreads Dog Food Every Day" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Pearl Lan. The general plot of this novel was: [New article "Movie King Online Becomes Green Tea"] Description: When Shen Linchu first met Ling Jingxiu, he thought that this man was really a sissy. When Shen Linchu saw Ling Jingxiu for the second time, he thought that this man looked like a fairy when he smoked. When Shen Linchu saw Ling Jingxiu for the third time, he thought that this man could be so ruthless. He looked like an angel and had a devil's personality. "Ling Jingxiu, can you put on your clothes properly?" "We're all men. What's there to be afraid of? I have what you have." Shen Linchu…"Ling Jingxiu, are you a dog?" "Baby, how can you call yourself a dog?" Shen Linchu…"Ling Jingxiu, can't you stop for a while? Why are you playing Mobile Legends in the middle of the night?" "Why else? You?" Shen Linchu… ---------------------------- "The Top Streamer Became a Little Milk Dog After Being Scummed" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yue Ban Xiaoxing. The general plot of this novel was: After a night of drunkenness, they accidentally entered each other's forbidden area. After that, Ning Song was pestered by a little puppy, who was five years younger than her. Ning Song's life had changed because of Qin Sen. From the beginning of resistance to the gradual acceptance, Qin Sen had become a part of her life. She would always think of the brilliant smile on his face and how he had called her sweetly,"Sister." In her dreams, there was always a gentle voice calling her name. "Ningning…""Ningning…" Her voice was filled with greed, possessiveness, and paranoia. It was not until the owner of the voice's face overlapped with Qin Sen's that it turned out that everything was not a coincidence. When Qin Sen was covered in blood and stood nervously in front of her, he explained awkwardly,"Ningning is not what you see. I…" Ning Song stared at his knife and did not say anything. Qin Sen raised his lips and smiled bitterly. He didn't have any hope, but Ning Song threw herself into his arms… ---------------------------- 'The Paranoid Big Boss Begs for Kisses During the Day and at Night' was a modern romance novel written by the author, Bai Ningchuan. The general plot of this novel was: Ning Xingchen had been reborn. From the victorious Goddess of War in the Huaya Continent who could fight against thousands of enemies alone, she had become the weak and incompetent daughter of the Su family who was wandering outside. Although she was a real daughter, her father didn't love her, her brother didn't love her, and there was also a fake daughter who made things difficult for her. Father: "You're an ignorant fool who doesn't deserve to be written in the genealogy!" "Xing 'er is our only sister!" "Sister, don't be angry. I didn't mean to take your position," the fake daughter said. In response, Ning Xingchen sneered,"My position is the youngest daughter of the Ning Family. When have you ever taken mine?" Later on, the Su family found out that Ning Xingchen was proficient in seven languages and was recommended to a famous school. Ning Xingchen was also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. In the end, the Blue Star Financial Magnate wanted to marry Ning Xingchen! ---------------------------- "Miss Yan is My Mr. Right" was a modern romance novel written by the author Ya Yu. The general plot of this novel was: She was a mischievous young lady from a noble family. She had snuck back to the country when she was still in puberty and was picked up by Ling Yichen. Ling Yichen looked at the obedient and cute Yan Xue 'er in front of him and made up his mind to get her. "Hey! Stay away from me!" Yan Xue 'er was very dissatisfied. "No! You are mine." The warm man instantly turned into a big bad wolf. "Let's break up!" Yan Xue 'er pouted and said in a muffled voice. "No, I won't let you go." In an accident, it turned from a man chasing a woman to a woman chasing a man. Yan Xue 'er finally found her love. The road was long. You and I walked side by side. I often accompanied you. A few young people worked together to inspire and start a business together, creating their own glory. ---------------------------- "Young Master Ye, Your Wife Ran Away Again" was a modern romance novel written by the author Ye Yanyi. The general plot of the novel was: Shen Nuotian was originally the only daughter of the Shen family, but who knew that she would play her good cards and start over again. She swore that she would never let the Shen family's tragedy happen again and would never lose Song Ye's love again. Therefore, she decided to take the initiative to attack. However, not long after she became the chief designer, she denied in a live broadcast that she became famous because of Young Master Ye's help. Then, a certain man walked out of the room and planted a kiss on her swan neck. "My wife owns all my assets. She doesn't need a small figure like me to do anything, right? Baby!" [Absolute Pet 1v1, No Sweetness, No Money Series, Male Lead and Female Lead are Clean in Body and Mind]. ---------------------------- "The Male Lead Got the Wrong Script" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Cheng Cheng and Cheng Ji. The general plot of the novel was: Shen Jianing and a brainless fan of a cliché CEO's novel had gone into a book after they had spat at each other. Wait, the plot seemed to be different from the original. Things were developing in an increasingly strange direction. Shen Jianing was dumbfounded.jpg-Yan Yunzhou: Shen Jianing, you have to understand that although I look wise and wise many times, my intelligence is halved when facing you. [Ye Xingci: From now on, sister is the cutest girl in the world. No one can get this title except you.] Zhao Yizhi said,"Little Junior Sister, what you're doing is against the rules." I…will be moved. Everyone could be with Shen Jianing, and there would be many twists and turns. They had to see the last duck. The finale won't disappoint you ~ The author has a complete work, and the quality of the product is guaranteed. Keep updating, don't leave a bad ending. Everyone, please add more comments ~ ---------------------------- "Streamer, Your Vest Has Lost" was a modern romance novel written by the author himself, Beast. The general plot of this novel was: Shen Yiqing, an ordinary village girl in the eyes of the world, was told that she had been mistaken at birth when she was twenty years old! F * ck, are you guys serious? Moreover, this family didn't seem to be friendly to her…Father Shen thought,"In this family, we only have Yiyou and one daughter!" Mother Shen: "Don't dream about those things that you don't deserve. Yiyou is my treasure!" The servant of the Shen family said,"We will only obey Miss Yiyou's arrangements." Shen Yiqing was too lazy to even look at these people. Indeed, I'm too lazy to see you! However, when a well-known internet celebrity streamer was exposed, everyone was stunned! [International Hotel: Miss Yiqing is a vvip user here.] Country A's leader: Yes, I do have a master called Yiqing. Gold Medal Creator: I'm sorry, Yiqing is our senior! The genius professor of the Chinese Medical Hospital said,"Senior Yiqing, please tell me if you need anything." [World-renowned hacker organization: Boss Yiqing, whoever dares to bully you, we'll hack him!] Some people noticed that President Qin, Qin Baibai, who had always lived in seclusion, couldn't wait to change his social media signature to 'The man behind Yiqing!' Just when everyone thought that she would retire, a certain woman started broadcasting at eight o'clock in the evening. [Rumors: I am single…Late at night, Qin Baibai went crazy and bought all the companies related to her. The assistant was embarrassed,[My boss said he wants to be Miss Shen's financial backer!] ---------------------------- "The Commander of the Vampire Big Boss Is Savage" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Shi Qiya. The general plot of this novel was: Fu Liang, a program error in the entire galaxy, a bug that could never be fixed. After waking up more than 200 years later, the era was refreshed. In the vast universe, the planet Blue Star had stepped into other creatures. Humans and vampires had lived in peace for 142 years, and the peace agreement expired in two years. The greatest prophet of mankind had once predicted that Fu Liang was the only person who could change the fate of mankind. The responsibility she shouldered was heavy. Fu Liang was the supreme commander of the human race, and he was responsible for the lives of the entire human race. With an indifferent expression, they fought the most ruthless fight. Jun Heng was the king of the Blood Race. He possessed extremely terrifying power and was extremely powerful. He had absolute power over the lives of the Blood Race and humans. When the two kings met, it was a bloody storm. All the humans on the blue planet had placed all their hopes on Fu Liang, waiting for him to personally behead the King of the Blood Race and lead the humans to the light. But one day, the headline of a certain interstellar entertainment newspaper read,"Shocking!" A man entered Master Fu's residence late at night. He was suspected to be Master Fu's rumored boyfriend! The men and women in the galaxy bombarded the entertainment news. The next day, a video exploded across the galaxy. In the video, Fu Liang was wearing a men's shirt. His eyes were indifferent, and his tone was indifferent. He pulled the man who was standing beside him with a gentle smile over."Yes, Junheng, mine!" The humans were boiling, and the Blood Breeds were boiling. Had they gone mad or had the world gone mad? Gossip-Jun Heng-Boyfriend's Heart OS: Finally, I have a status! This book was also known as "Jun Jiaojiao and Big Boss Fu's Daily Life". Its combat power was off the charts. It was the commander of the human race. ---------------------------- "The Little Vest of the Almighty Big Boss Flips Over" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Little Benefactor, and it was about a wealthy family. The general plot of this novel was: [1v1 Sweet Pet, Male Lead is Bigoted and Two-Faced] Yan Jiujiu had entered a brainless female protagonist novel and became a little green tea who lived only for Young Master Qin every day. She was not good at her studies and even committed many evil deeds. Later on, her classmates found out that the little green tea had given up on Qin Lie, whom she had chased after for two years, and got into a Rolls-Royce. The man driving the car was Lu Longting, who was as rich as a country. - Heh, that's my dad. Country X's Best Actor, Yan Jingyu, suddenly poured tea for the little green tea. He was careful and affectionate. - Heh, that's my dad. Oh no! Qin Lie and the school hunk from the neighboring noble high school started fighting. The scene was bloody. The officials confirmed that the little green tea had fallen in love with someone else. The school hunk next door had mistaken Qin Lie, who she had yet to win over, as her love rival. - Heh, that's my brother. One day, the little green tea was blocked in a small alley. Qin Lie's pitch-black eyes flashed with strong paranoia."Speak. Who am I to you?" - Oh, you're my fiancé. * The entire school's evaluation of Qin Lie was that he was elegant, cold, and aloof. "You're obviously a paranoid pervert." Yan Jiujiu sneered. [Book, Group Pet, Cool Literature, Campus, Wealthy Class, Vest].
Un-System League of Legends novel recommendation
1 answer
2025-01-03 02:27
There were two non-system League of Legends novels that he could recommend. The first book was " League of Legends: Invincible Upgrade ". The protagonist became an invincible existence with the help of the League of Legends system. The second book was League of Legends: Defiant Summoning. The protagonist had also become an invincible existence with the help of the League of Legends system. These two novels belong to the infinite genre of game-game-otherworld-type novels. If you are interested in this genre, you can try reading it.
Share some Model UN funny stories.
1 answer
2024-12-09 16:59
In a Model UN simulation, the delegate representing a small island nation was so enthusiastic that he proposed building a giant bridge from his island to the nearest continent using only coconuts and palm leaves. The absurdity of the idea combined with his serious presentation had everyone in stitches. It also led to a really interesting and light - hearted debate about creative solutions in international development.