American fiction streaming is rarely free. The rights to distribute and stream these works come at a cost, which is passed on to viewers. But sometimes, you can find limited free content on certain platforms.
Yes, sometimes certain platforms may offer 'Marriage Story' for free streaming. For example, some streaming services might have it available for free during a promotional period or as part of a limited - time offer. However, this can vary depending on your region and the specific agreements between the content providers and the streaming platforms.
Sorry to disappoint, but streaming American fiction for free in a legal and reliable way is rare. Usually, you'll need to use paid streaming services to enjoy quality content without any legal issues.
Well, it gives you the opportunity to sample different types of stories. You can listen to different narrators and figure out which ones you like best. Since it's free, it's accessible to more people. This means that those who might not be able to afford a full Audible subscription can still enjoy some great storytelling. It also helps Audible to promote their platform and get more users interested in their paid services in the long run.
I have no clue. Maybe it'll happen when there's a special promotion or when the copyright holders decide to make it freely accessible, but that's anyone's guess.