"Vẫn luôn thích em" là một câu truyện nói về câu chuyện tình cảm của Đích Trình và cô nàng Đích Bạch lém lỉnh. Bỗng nhiên một ngày thì Đích Bạch hỏi Đích Trình những câu hỏi hốc búa “Ca ca, quan hệ tình cảm là gì? Hôn có nghĩa là mình sẽ cắn và ăn luôn miệng của đối phương ạ? Làm thế nào mà một đứa trẻ có thể chào đời?
Đích Trình là một cậu bé 10 tuổi được mọi người luôn nói từ trước đến nay là chăm chỉ hiếu học, nhưng mà khi cậu nghe ba câu hỏi của Đích Bạch khiến Đích Trình hoảng hốt và sửng sốt khi nghe từ một đứa trẻ 3 tuổi. . . . . .
Thời gian cũng trôi dần, sau 10 năm khi Đích Bạch tròn 13 tuổi. Một ngày nọ, Đích Bạch đẩy Đích Trình tường rồi trao cho chàng một nụ hôn mạnh mẽ, rồi cô lên tiếng: “Vậy mà em tưởng hôn sẽ có vị ngọt của nước cam ... "
Từ trước tới nay Đích Trình luôn giữ được bình tĩnh trong mọi tình huống, tuy nhiên trong hoàn cảnh bị cưỡng hôn như vậy khiến anh không tài nào có thể bình tĩnh nổi…
1147 Chs
I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World
Su Nan accidentally came into contact with a game called "Demon World" and obtained a unique talent. Just as he thought he would showcase his skills in the game, he discovered various signs indicating that the game he played was not simple. Rampaging players, immortal demons, possessed monsters... All sorts of incredible things happened one after another, and the real world gradually became bizarre. Sensing the danger around him, Su Nan decisively chose to secretly develop himself. When the game merged with reality, he looked back and realized that he had long become the biggest demon in the eyes of the players.
880 Chs
Em Là Cả Nhân Gian Của Anh
Vì sự bất cẩn của những kẻ mà Kiều Ôn Noãn thuê, Cảnh Hảo Hảo bị đưa nhầm vào phòng của Lương Thần tại khách sạn Tứ Quý và bị mất đi sự trong trắng. Để bảo vệ Thẩm Lương Niên và tình yêu suốt 10 năm của mình, Cảnh Hảo Hảo buộc phải nhẫn nhịn ở bên cạnh Lương Thần mà không hay biết về mối quan hệ vụng trộm suốt 2 năm của Thẩm Lương Niên và Kiều Ôn Noãn.
Mặc dù cố chấp không chịu thừa nhận nhưng Lương Thần không thể ngờ được càng ngày anh càng yêu Cảnh Hảo Hảo nhiều tới mức không thể sống thiếu cô, bỏ qua tất cả sự ngạo mạn, lạnh lùng vốn có mà quan tâm, yêu thương cô. Trong khi đó, Cảnh Hảo Hảo vẫn một lòng hướng về Thẩm Lương Niên và ngày đêm nghĩ cách thoát khỏi sự ràng buộc của Lương Thần. Cho tới khi sự thật về mối quan hệ của Thẩm Lương Niên và Kiều Ôn Noãn tình cờ bị phát giác, thế giới vốn chỉ xoay quanh một người đàn ông gắn bó suốt quãng đời nghèo khó của Cảnh Hảo Hảo bị vỡ vụn. Kiều Ôn Noãn mất đi sự nghiệp nhưng vẫn tiếp tục đeo bám Thẩm Lương Niên trong khi anh phát hiện mình bị ung thư dạ dày và không nói cho ai biết.
Trải qua bao biến cố, Cảnh Hảo Hảo không ngờ rằng tình cảm dành cho Lương Thần cũng bắt đầu len lỏi trong cô. Tuy vậy, hết lần này tới lần khác, hạnh phúc tưởng đã chạm tới lại tuột mất, Cảnh Hảo Hảo biến mất trước đám cưới ba ngày. Lương Thần tuyên bố, nếu không phải là Cảnh Hảo Hảo thì sẽ không cưới bất kỳ ai khác và âm thầm tìm kiếm, chờ đợi cô.
Những âm mưu, những toan tính, sự trắc trở, sự đau đớn, trả giá… chuyện tình của Lương Thần – Cảnh Hảo Hảo – Thẩm Lương Niên và Kiều Ôn Noãn rồi sẽ ra sao? Mời quý độc giả theo dõi những phần tiếp theo của “Nhân gian của anh là em”.
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817 Chs
Selling Myself to the CEO
A CEO’s strange disappearance happens on the same night she brought someone home without much thought. This woman has once been harmed by her relative, but manages to escape from the sea of flames. Five years later, she returns with a four-year-old cutie while keeping a low profile, and rescues the mysterious man. She thinks this man is helpless and is a good-for-nothing who lies around at her place, but in the blink of an eye, he helps her tear apart a vixen, and even treats her with affection. Suddenly, it's as if everything is possible in her life!
Wait a minute, why are those people respectfully calling him CEO…
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814 Chs
Reencarnado com os Poderes de Controle Mental em Outro Mundo.
Que inferno? Eu reencarnei em outro mundo.
[Escolha a classe]
[Classe Monstro ou Humano?]
Classe Monstro.
[Flare Mental]
Sim, eu escolho Flare Mental.
Vou Hipnotizar minha madrasta MILF com uma bunda enorme e suas três filhas para meu uso.
Que porra é essa!!?? Garotas Ogro com corpos sexys e seios enormes, não vou perder essa.
"tire a roupa e abaixe-se, garota."
"sim, mestre."
Espera? essa garota besta tem 6 seios e todo mundo odeia isso, mano, por quê? Isso é o paraíso.
Aqueles que atravessarem meu caminho se matarão ao olhar nos meus olhos e todas as mulheres que me negarem receberão minha semente sagrada mesmo sem o consentimento delas.
[A Gramática até o Capítulo 115 não é tão boa... mas vale a leitura. Depois disso, está tudo bom.]
[A capa não é minha, me contate para removê-la.]
[Discord: https://discord.gg/wEMdgmkt9Q]
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803 Chs
A Odisseia de Ático: Reencarnado em um Parquinho
Protagonista Esforçado: Sim, Elenco de Apoio Interessante: Sim, Construção de Mundo: Sim, Protagonista Superpoderoso: Sim, Transmigração: Sim.
Ático enfrentou o pior dia de sua vida: seu coração foi despedaçado, e ele foi subitamente assassinado em sua casa, apenas para acordar em um reino mágico como o herdeiro de uma das famílias mais poderosas do domínio humano.
Movido por determinação, ele jurou se fortalecer e executar sua vingança contra quem quer que o tenha matado e trazido para este mundo, não importando o custo.
1. Não há harém.
2. O MC só se importa consigo mesmo e com sua família. Ele não se importa de ultrapassar os limites se isso significar manter a si mesmo e sua família seguros.
3. Ele tem uma personalidade extremamente vingativa. Independentemente do motivo ou pelo o que você está passando, ele não se importa. O que importa é que você o feriu, e isso é tudo o que ele precisa.
4. Não haverá 'ocultação de força'. Ele será cauteloso quanto ao que mostra, mas não perderá se puder evitar.
5. O MC trabalha duro por sua força; não se deixe enganar pela tag do sistema.
6. Por fim, se você tem algum apreço por este romance, me dê tudo de você, hahaha. Brincadeira, por favor, me dê pedras de poder e deixe avaliações. Obrigado!
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7z25ZzKX3
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798 Chs
Após Sobreviver ao Apocalipse, Construí uma Cidade em Outro Mundo
[Parabéns, sobrevivente Terran #99598, por ativar o Sistema de Assistência do Universo!]
Althea, junto com o restante de 1% da população do seu planeta natal, olhava para a tela holográfica à sua frente, confusa.
Sua galáxia estava aparentemente acabando, e de repente surgiam anúncios de um sistema alienígena em suas cabeças, dizendo que eles seriam permanentemente transferidos para outro mundo.
Os sobreviventes estavam todos muito deprimidos. Primeiro, foram forçados a sobreviver em um apocalipse zumbi, e agora precisavam enfrentar um mundo completamente novo?
Aconteceu de Althea ser uma das poucas pessoas a receber a Ficha do Senhor, o bilhete para controlar um território — um suposto refúgio seguro para o seu povo.
Althea olhou para o seu ventre muito grande e suspirou por um futuro incerto.
Ela seria capaz de construir um bom lar para seus filhos e compatriotas?
E... ela e seu marido se reencontrariam após esse desastre?
#Apocalipse, #Josei, #Romance, #BeladFL, #GalãML, #CasalPoderoso, #Infraestrutura, #EspaçoMágico, #ConstruçãoDeReino, #Aventura, #Gravidez, #ElementosDeJogo, #Sistema #LitRPG
Agora em E-BOOK~! Por favor, avaliem, né? VAI AJUDAR MUUUUITO~!
Livro 1:
AMAZON: https://a.co/d/hy7Rocr
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/203724162-after-surviving-the-apocalypse-i-built-a-city-in-another-world
(Último) Livro 7
Link da Amazon: https://a.co/d/bceWSq0
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se puderem, por favor, avaliem os livros seguintes também. Muito obrigadoooo Alteranos!
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758 Chs
I'm the Empress! So I'm Going to Make Myself a Harem
"...I have to choose a King Consort right now?!"
No sooner did the young woman from Earth awake in the body of Empress Isabelle of Nevremia than she was informed she'd have to choose a King Consort to keep her throne. While she was still trying to get used to her new body, new world, and new position, her advisors insisted she marry some stranger to retain her power.
"But don't Empresses get to make the rules?"
As Isabelle Von Nevremia. not only is she the revered empress of a powerful country, but she has access to a special status system, which allows her to read people's names, skills, moods, and even their kinks. As well as that, there's some kind of mysterious 'challenge' system that awards her 'skill points' for successfully completing challenges.
...But all the challenges are just seducing people. How tacky...
"...If I'm going to be Empress, then I won't have a king! I'm going to have a harem!"
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665 Chs
Eu Reencarnei em um Romance e Me Tornei a Mádrasta Vilã de Cinco Bebês Fofos
Em sua vida passada, Mo Ruyue era uma assassina de primeira. Ela era indiferente como um abismo e tinha matado mais pessoas do que tinha dedos para contar. Em sua nova vida, tornou-se a madrasta malvada de cinco pestinhas num vale montanhoso remoto, e eles tinham terror dela. Nesta vida, decidiu mudar sua maneira de viver. Só tinha quatro paredes nuas para uma casa? Seus filhos passavam fome ao ponto de ficarem só pele e osso? Sem problema. Ela podia matar javalis com as próprias mãos, então comida não era questão. Também era proficiente em tabuadas, e seus filhos instantaneamente se tornaram seus grandes fãs. Havia sido uma jornada difícil mudar de uma madrasta cruel para uma calorosa. Então, seu suposto marido morto de repente retornou, agora o primeiro ministro da dinastia. "Vamos nos divorciar. Me dê as crianças, e eu devolverei o dinheiro para você." "Não me falta nada, só você e as crianças."
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641 Chs
Após o Divórcio, Sua Poderosa Família de Origem a Recebeu de Volta em Casa!
Depois que Tan Ming engravidou, seu marido lhe entregou os papéis do divórcio. Vinte e três anos atrás, Tan Ming ainda era uma órfã que ninguém queria. Seus pais adotivos a adotaram de um orfanato porque tinham dificuldade em ter seus próprios filhos.
Contudo, o destino infeliz de Tan Ming não mudou por causa disso. Dentro de um mês, sua mãe adotiva engravidou. Depois que sua irmã mais nova, Tan Si, nasceu, Tan Ming se tornou a pessoa mais desprezada da família. Desde criança, ela tinha que ceder a Tan Si em tudo. Seus pais só gostavam de Tan Si porque Tan Ming não era sua filha biológica.
Há três anos, a família Tan a forçou a se casar com um homem em coma para o bem da empresa. Por dois anos inteiros, Tan Ming viveu como uma viúva. Até que um ano atrás, quando seu marido em coma acordou inesperadamente, Tan Si se apaixonou por ele à primeira vista. Desta vez, Tan Ming decidiu não ceder mais. Ela decidiu tentar cortar laços com a família Tan de maneira decisiva. No entanto, ela não esperava ser confrontada com os papéis do divórcio no final.
Pela vontade dos filhos em seu ventre, Tan Ming foi forçada pelo marido a assinar os papéis. Quando as crianças nasceram, o pai biológico delas estava acompanhando outra mulher para o teste de gravidez.
Justo quando o mundo de Tan Ming estava no seu momento mais sombrio, seus verdadeiros parentes apareceram. Eles eram uma família tão rica que até a família Tan os admirava, e eles a receberam de volta para casa! Após voltar para casa, ela não era mais uma criança indesejada. Não só tinha pais que a mimavam, mas também tinha três irmãos que a paparicavam muito! Mais tarde, seu ex-marido se arrependeu de sua decisão e veio pedir desculpas pessoalmente.
"Fique fora da minha vida," disse Tan Ming.
An em graphic novel could be a new and unique take on the traditional graphic novel. Graphic novels are known for their storytelling through a combination of pictures and text. The 'em' in this case might be used to distinguish it from other graphic novels. It could have its own set of characters, themes, and art styles that set it apart. For example, it might focus on a particular sub - genre like science - fiction or fantasy and use a distinct visual aesthetic to tell its story.
I don't think it will necessarily meet your needs, but I will try my best to recommend a novel that is most relevant to your description." Soul Accompanying Three Lives " is a mystery novel written by the author, who has lost his love. The general plot of this novel is as follows:
He had a wife for no reason and had slept with her for many days. But I didn't expect it to be her. In the face of such a situation, can I still accept it?
" Conspiracy with Bones " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Cheng Xi. The general plot of this novel was:
He was the only prince with a different surname in the Han Yi Kingdom. He appeared gentle on the surface but was black-bellied on the inside. He was the leader of the mysterious organization's bad people. He followed the orders of the current emperor to secretly investigate the case. His achievements were outstanding and his beauties were all over the world, but he had not married yet. She was the adopted daughter of the best coroner in the world and was good at autopsy and burial. When others played with rattles, she played with human bones. When others were with the living, she was with the dead. She and her senior brother depended on each other to find the antidote for the corpse poison. [Video: A man is lying comfortably on the bed. He says,[Lian Qiao, you have to learn to respect men. You can't threaten men with a knife all day!] I only respect corpses lying in coffins! Hua Chenli, get off my bed!"
" Three Minutes Female Lead " was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Le Fanyin. The general plot of this novel was:
Bo Yiyi had somehow bound himself to the " Female Lead Rescue System " and went to various planes to look for bugs that would affect the collapse of the plane. This would reverse the problem of the female lead dying the moment the male and female leads met. From then on, a magical journey of death began!
Method of death:
"Master, the host is dead again!"
"How did he die?"
"I was kicked by an ant."
Method of Death 2:
"Master, the host died again."
"How did he die?"
"I choked to death after washing my face."
Method of Death 3:
"Master, the host…"
"How did he die?"
"She didn't die, but…the male lead was killed by her!"
He had to pamper his wife even if he had to kneel!
" The rest of my life, I just want to be with you " was a short story written by the author, Zi Liangye. The general plot of this novel was:
She had once thought that he was the brightest light in her life.
Until a carefully planned disaster happened, and this light became the demon that imprisoned her…
She knew that she had killed his girlfriend, but she could not explain it. She could only die. "I won't let you die so easily. I'll make you pay for what you've done a thousand times over!" His voice was like an icicle that shattered her heart. When she realized that everything was a scam. She said,"I'm just a ridiculous fool." However, his heart ached as he pulled her into his arms and confessed affectionately,"You're not someone else, you're my true love."
" Regenerating Boyfriend's Opponent's Sister " was a romantic youth-youth-campus novel written by the author, Feng Huan. The general plot of this novel was:
Qu Ruan died on the eve of her wedding. As they parted ways, she looked at her boyfriend's grief-stricken face and made a final conclusion to her life. Being able to fall in love with him was the luckiest thing in her life. Even if she had to go back in time, she would still choose to love him. And then…life really started over! Back to his student days. Her boyfriend became an ordinary classmate whom she did not know. Qu Ruan had become her boyfriend's sworn enemy's sister! Ruan Ruan was stunned. Is the crematorium script okay? Ever since he became Qu Ruan's deskmate, a certain study god had always been confused. How could the sister of my sworn enemy know what I was thinking? Why is my sworn enemy's sister charging into the enemy's line for me again? Why was the sister of her sworn enemy…so cute? Qu Ruan: Don't ask! Asking is love! This article was also known as " I Suspect She's a spy sent by her sworn enemy "," The sister of her sworn enemy must have special mind-reading abilities ", etc.
" He Comes From Time " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Mu Dang. The general plot of this novel was:
Three years ago, a fire burned him and destroyed her. In pain, she chose to exile herself. Three years later, she returned with a murderous aura and hatred that could destroy everything. In this battle without any smoke, he was her accident. He doted on her and protected her in every possible way. However, when she gradually fell for him, his ex-girlfriend returned. He said," I've never loved you. I married you because you're like her." " I'm sorry." She smiled nonchalantly." In that case, I wish you and her to be united forever!" Then, he left a divorce agreement and waved goodbye. Facing her departure, the man chose to remain silent. However, when he heard the news of her death, he hugged her pillow and kissed her while smiling. Die? Even if you really die, your soul should be branded with my name!" Later, after everything was settled, Shen Nanxi found out that the meeting she thought was a narrow road was actually the deep love he had planned for many years.
" On the Way to Fall in Love with Death " was a mystery detective novel written by the author, Qiu Sangsang. The general plot of the novel was:
She had thought that her parents 'deaths were a natural disaster and an irreversible fate. She did not expect that this seemingly unexpected disaster was actually a deliberate conspiracy. In order to find out the truth about her parents 'deaths, she decided to find the mastermind behind this conspiracy. Time and time again, she used her wisdom and extraordinary physical strength to solve many troublesome and unimaginable deaths. However, the truth that she finally obtained was something that she could not accept…The male and female protagonists were geniuses. From killing each other to falling in love, to working together to save the earth, I welcome everyone to come and watch!
" Enemy Seems to Like Me " was a short story written by the author Qi Muya. The general plot of the novel was:
On the day she was reborn as the fiancée of her sworn enemy, she saw him, who had always been proud and unyielding, crying secretly without any regard for his image…The person Rong Jue liked was dead, and he saw her shadow in his fiancée, whom he had never paid attention to. He had probed and dug countless holes and finally confirmed her identity! This time, he would not let go! In her previous life, Rong Jue had always been against her. In this life, she realized that he seemed to like her…
The book " The Crematorium of the Evil Emperor's Wife " was an ancient romance novel written by the author. The general plot of this novel was:
She only used three months to fall in love with him, but it took her five years to hate him. He lied to her for three months, but spent five years looking for her. When he saw her again, even though she was completely different from before, he still recognized her. However, he did not dare to say it because he was afraid that she would kill him, and he was afraid that he would hurt her!
He had used his entire life to love her, but unfortunately, he had been too careful in his love, so that someone else had gotten to her first. He had wanted to fulfill her wish, but he had not expected that his wish would become her greatest calamity!
This time, he would not retreat!
My Girlfriend is Strange was a mystery novel written by the author, Original Fierce. The general plot of the novel was:
When you find out that your girlfriend sneaked out in the middle of the night while you were asleep and came back with the smell of blood, are you afraid? What would you do if you found out that someone who looked exactly like you and was ridiculously strong wanted to harm you? Everyone had another self in their hearts. When he materialized and descended, strangeness was born.
Some independent bookstores focus specifically on graphic novels. They might have a more curated selection compared to larger stores. The staff there are often really knowledgeable and can recommend some great graphic novels based on your interests. They may also have special events like author signings or graphic novel clubs.
One of the best is 'Castle Crashers'. It has a really fun and engaging story where you play as a knight on a quest to rescue princesses and defeat an evil wizard. The art style is colorful and the co - op mode adds to the enjoyment as you can play with friends and experience the story together.
An 'em graphic novel ibook' could be an iBook (a digital book format for Apple devices) that is related to a graphic novel. It might have enhanced multimedia elements (the 'em' could potentially refer to something like enhanced media, though it's not a common abbreviation in this context). It could offer an immersive reading experience with its combination of graphics and digital features.
In fiction, the em dash is a great tool. It can be employed to introduce a parenthetical thought or an aside. Like, 'He looked around 鈥 his heart pounding 鈥 for any sign of danger.' It gives more depth and variety to your writing.
Another option is to check online. Amazon has a vast collection of graphic novels. You can find both popular and niche titles there. Just search for the specific graphic novel you're looking for, and they'll likely have it in stock or be able to get it for you.
Since I don't really know what an 'em graphic novel' specifically is, it's difficult to recommend. However, if it's a new or niche type of graphic novel, you could try searching for it in specialized comic book stores or online comic communities. They might be able to point you in the right direction. You could also check out independent publishers' websites as they are more likely to have unique and less - known titles.
There were novels similar to Myself, Myself:
Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha
2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun
3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2
4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound
Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building
National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village
7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi
8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin
9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost
Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan
Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen
"This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL
Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter?
Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive
National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain
Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig
17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong?
Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong
Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism
20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow
The following is a detailed introduction of these novels:
1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm.
The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see.
Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu.
Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces.
2."Spirit Walker":"Spirit Walker" was a work of a newspaper seller, Little Langjun (Platinum). It was an interesting soft science fiction story. During the period of its publication, this book could break through the 100,000-order mark and become a new benchmark in the industry. The story was fascinating and exciting. The author described it with exquisite language, showing a passionate plot that made the readers unable to stop. The success of this book also benefited from the author's description of the relationship between men and women. He expressed it in a unique language, allowing the readers to fully feel the charm of the story. All in all,"Spirit Realm Walker" was a good book worth collecting and recommending.
3."Tang People's Table" ★★★★★ ★☆
Plot Rating:
Writing evaluation: ******
Water or not :★★★★★ ☆☆
Let's talk about the previous books first. Other than Tang Zhuan, the other books collapsed halfway through. (The female lead, love scenes, and family scenes in Second Brother's book were all extremely boring.)
When he reached chapter 71 of the book, he finally felt that it was good. Hopefully, it wouldn't collapse halfway.
It was very, very exciting. I recommend it.
The follow-up is to be evaluated.
After Volume 4, Chapter 144, it was very weak…See chapter 170 (This is all very good, highly recommended). He didn't read much after that. There were many chapters that could pick out some useful information, and they were all hammers in the east and hammers in the west.
4."King of Familiar": A new work by the Clear Spring Stream, a rising star among the beast-taming novels. I believe that it will be another record-breaking beast-taming novel. Currently, the novel has just started, and there isn't much content, but it has already achieved very good results. The author has relied on his own unique style to shoulder the banner of beast-taming novels by himself. He has led the crowd to follow suit. I believe that the author will be able to create another glory in this novel!
5."Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation": This book is about the protagonist transmigrating into a game called "Cangyuan." However, unlike other novels, the protagonist's identity in the game after transmigrating is not the protagonist. He carefully explored the surrounding world. The butterfly flapped its wings, and the situation became confusing.
At the beginning, he was kidnapped and threatened. His understanding of the original plot and his own wisdom allowed him to survive successfully. He used this as a stepping stone to change his situation. He took every step in this new world and worked hard to change the current situation.
The plot of this book was beautifully arranged. The foreshadowing of the previous chapters was echoed in the later chapters through dialogue or other forms. The unexpected reversal of the plot was heart-wrenching. The main character and supporting characters were shining with wisdom, and they were playing chess step by step. Everything was displayed in front of me under the author's excellent writing. If you want to read an excellent novel, I will definitely recommend this one.
National Forensic: National Forensic is a delightful novel. The author, Bird Pig, described the protagonist's urban life as a forensic doctor in a relaxed and happy tone. There were some strange things in the story that made people feel fresh and interesting when reading. At the same time, the characters in the book were vivid and interesting, making it easy for people to resonate with them. The author's writing was smooth, and the plot development was natural and reasonable. It was very enjoyable to read. In addition, this book also transmitted positive energy, giving people inspiration and thinking. Overall, National Forensics was an excellent online novel worth recommending and reading.
7:"Heroine Wait":(==) × × × × × × 3.5-4 stars
Invincible novels had a certain martial arts aura. The author was good at daily words and plot descriptions. Although there were no ups and downs, The story is full of ups and downs, but there are still a group of solid readers who are full of praise for its emotional and daily words. This kind of novel is a first-class good writer. Those who like this kind of article can try this book and the previous books. What I have found is a novelty. The existence of pets has contracted many of the book's funny points, and it will not affect the original theme of the book. It is a successful and ingenious attempt.
8:"Mantang Colorful": The author's new book, historical text, the opening is very exciting
9."Hidden Dead Corner": A book that has grown up. He has chased after all the books starting from the Mastery of Kendo. Of course, most of the time, he can't pick them up after putting them down. Every book of his has a situation where his combat strength will collapse due to the setting. However, he can still read them from the early to the middle stages. He can feel good and torture them when he wants to. There isn't much sloppiness, which has led to many imitators.
10."The Final Clergy":"The Final Clergy" was a novel that made people unable to stop. The story progressed layer by layer, and the rhythm was well controlled. The author used wonderful descriptions and detailed plots to show the intense collision between the cosmic mecha and the abyssal demons. The protagonist, Lu Yuan, had an attribute panel that allowed him to change his class indefinitely. In this era where new and old techniques, technology, and divine power collided, he kept advancing and finally became the Divine Title of the Dark Dragon Sect. The author's writing style was unique, making people want to follow Lu Yuan to explore this unknown world. Overall, The Final Divine Order was an intoxicating novel. Whether it was from the content of the book or from the life outside the book, emotions, psychology, society, and history, one could get inspiration and enlightenment.
11."Beyond Time": Heaven and Earth are the guest houses of all living beings, and time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present.
The difference between life and death was like the difference between dreams and waking up. It was ever-changing and could not be questioned.
Then, beyond life and death, beyond heaven and earth, beyond time, what awaits us?
"This Game Is Too Real":"This Game Is Too Real" was a novel about traveling through the wasteland. The author used the players as the main storyline and brought the readers into a wonderful world. The author's knowledge of science, engineering, and finance added a sense of realism to the book, although it might be difficult for readers who did not know the relevant content to understand. The highlight of the book was the description of the war scenes and the fun of clearing the wasteland, especially the author's description of the construction of the fallout shelter, which made people feel the joy of clearing the wasteland.
In terms of writing style and logic, the book showed a certain standard, and the story was also very attractive. In terms of character description, the author's description of the protagonist was also quite accurate, especially the emotional sustenance of the middle-aged man and his nostalgia for the old days. It was empathetic. The depth of the book's thinking was also quite good. The hard work and struggle of the male protagonist Chu Guang and the players made people feel the power of hope and unity.
Overall,"This Game Is Too Real" was a fascinating wasteland novel. The author used the game setting as the main plot and combined the elements of the wasteland to show the readers a grand and real game world. Whether it was the writing style or the plot, it brought great pleasure to reading. I recommend this book to readers who like wasteland novels. I believe you will like this book.
"Red Heart Sky Patrol":"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was a novel about Xianxia that made one's blood boil. The author used his unique and innovative setting and the innocence of the protagonist, Zuo Guanglie, to show the readers a rich and unique world of Xianxia. The novel's unique feature was that it combined ancient, modern, divine, flying swords, and other Xianxia elements together to construct a dizzying and wonderful world. Zuo Guanglie's image was also very impressive. He had the heart of a child, was not afraid of strong enemies, was unyielding, did not forget his original heart, and did not let down his love. His path of cultivation was full of difficulties and challenges, but he used his perseverance and wisdom to break through the limits time and time again, becoming a legend of the Xianxia generation. If you were a fan of Xianxia novels,"Red Heart Sky Patrol" was definitely a masterpiece that you should not miss. It would bring you into a wonderful and wonderful world of Xianxia, allowing you to experience the charm and fun of the journey of cultivation with the protagonist. Come and read!
14."Ring of Destiny": Tremble, mortals. Your King of Online Literature will finally ascend to his throne. Cheer for the King's return and praise his return, Amon.
"The Great Ming State Preceptor":"The Great Ming State Preceptor" is an amazing time-travel novel. With the Ming Dynasty as the background, the author showed the protagonist's helplessness and determination to change history through the story of Jiang Xing Huo's ninth transmigration. The name of the main character, Jiang Xing Huo, implied that a single spark could start a prairie fire. Whether he could change the wheels of history filled the readers with anticipation. The plot of this book was compact, and the knowledge points were dense, allowing one to learn a lot of economics knowledge. The protagonist Jiang Xinghuo's experience in the Ming Dynasty and the modern theory that changed the world were shocking. His determination and courage were admirable. The author's intention was amazing. This book did not have any tricks, but changed the world through the protagonist's thoughts and actions. Overall,'The Great Ming State Preceptor' was a good book that made people look forward to it. The recommendation index was five stars.
16."Ascending on a New Day": A new book by Wang Wei, strongly recommended.
I finished the other books '14 chapters in a few minutes, but I spent an hour reading the 14 chapters of Pi's book. It's super good!
(I especially want to say this sentence: expose the cruelty of society in a humorous tone)
"Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was a fascinating urban novel. Different from other works about rebirth, the author cleverly used future memories and knowledge to make the male protagonist show extraordinary wisdom and courage. The male protagonist in the story not only showed his talent through continuous experimentation, but also successfully hooked up with the rich woman. Although this plot was a little unrealistic, the author had successfully created a cute image of Daifeng, making people want to keep reading.
The author's writing style was grand, his writing was smooth, and the plot was deeply rooted in people's hearts. The author described the lives of the protagonists with delicate strokes, making people feel as if they were in it, feeling the gentle and poetic past of that year, as well as the hopeful future. This book made people deeply attracted and admire the author's talent. I hope that the author can continue to maintain this high standard of writing and get better and better!
Overall,"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth" was an intoxicating book. It was not only a novel, but also a gentle poem that made people feel the beauty of life. Whether it was from the content of the book, or from life, emotions, psychology, society, history, etc., this book gave people inspiration and thought. I strongly recommend this book and give it a four-star rating!
"Deep Sea Ember":"Deep Sea Ember" is an excellent science fiction novel. The author has attracted readers with his unique creativity and fascinating storyline. The story was set in a fragmented world. The protagonist had transmigrated to this world and faced everything that was sealed by thick fog. The author cleverly constructed a world full of strange and inexplicable things, letting the readers fall into it and feel the confusion and fear of the protagonist. The plot setting in the book was also very good, such as historical pollution, mirror projection, etc., which gave people a strong sense of atmosphere. All in all, Deep Sea Ember was a highly recommended novel. Whether it was a sci-fi or story-loving reader, it would attract them.
19."Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World":"Cultivation in the Chaos of the Demonic Martial World" is a novel that people look forward to. The author attracted the readers with his unique style and plot. The main story was about immortal cultivation, combining the elements of the infinite path and the cultivation of immortals. The protagonist accidentally transmigrated to the world of cultivation in the public examination hall and became a spirit farmer at the third qi layer. In this Demon Martial World, he was not weak. He had the ability to collect all kinds of resources to arm himself. At the beginning, there was a feeling of two worlds being reversed. There would definitely be other worlds in the future. The author's writing was smooth, and the plot was traditional and attractive. Overall, this was a novel that was worth reading.
"Who told him to cultivate!" "I've repeatedly stressed that the atmosphere in the cultivation world is crooked, and I'm not the one who led it astray. It's said that history books are written by the victors. Then why are there always people framing me when I win?" Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger. The next day. "I have repeatedly stressed that I am the one who led the cultivation world astray." Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this in an interview, expressing his anger. 'Daily Cultivation' reporting for you.
You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.