Shinjo Masayuki was a Japanese manga that told the story of Shinjo Masayuki, a high school student with magical abilities. After he accidentally obtained the ability to freely manipulate water, he had various encounters with various characters in school and in his daily life. The manga was released in 2009 and is still being released.
Shin Angyo Onshi is a manhwa. Manhwa have distinct artistic and storytelling styles that set them apart from manga. This particular work showcases the characteristics typical of manhwa.
Crayon Shin-chan's manga author was the Japanese manga artist Ishidashidasu. He was born in 1968 in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. He had previously published Crayon Shinchan in the Japanese manga magazine, Weekly Shonen Jump. Crayon Shin-chan was a Japanese manga with a humorous theme that was loved by readers all over the world.