
snow storm thunder bay

Contract Marriage With Alpha Snow

Contract Marriage With Alpha Snow

After being betrayed by her fiancé and cousin on her wedding day, Zara, reborn with memories of past mistakes, vows to rewrite her destiny. Impulsively, she marries a stranger to keep her ex at bay, not realizing Snow is far from a mere call boy. Snow Zephyr, a wealthy CEO and alpha of the Ivory Crescent Pack, needs a contract wife to appease his father and secure his position. When a bold, determined woman proposes a marriage of convenience, Snow agrees, unaware of the chaos she will bring into his life. Zara's defiant choice provokes her parents' fury, leading to her being cast from the company and forcing her to find work elsewhere. She lands a job at Aurora Conglomerate Inc., only to discover that her new boss is Snow, the very man she married—and her ex's uncle. Sparks fly as their mutual attraction grows amidst the darkness of his family's secrets and looming threats. Zara’s strength and independence captivate Snow, who begins to see her as the potential Luna his pack needs. Together, they face vengeful ex-lovers, kidnapping plots, and deadly rivalries. As Zara's powers awaken, she must confront the reasons behind her family's disownment, the hidden clauses in her marriage contract, and her ultimate role in Snow’s world. When their marriage of convenience deepens into a genuine partnership, a new challenge emerges in the form of a fated mate. Will Zara fight the dangers that await or embrace her true destiny? **EXCERPT** "I... didn't want to be late for work. You seemed busy, so I thought I'd get a head start." Snow raised an eyebrow. "Really? Or is it because last night affected you so much that you couldn't stand being around me?" "Don't flatter yourself, Snow. You didn't affect me at all." He smirked, stepping closer. "Is that so?" His fingers brushed my chin, tilting my face up. My pulse quickened. "We're at work," I snapped, swatting his hand away. "This isn't professional." "You're my wife," he murmured. "You're supposed to obey me at all times." I bit back a retort, a hint of rebellion flaring within. Slowly, I stepped closer, letting my fingers graze his chest. His smirk wavered for a second when his wolf reacted and Snow bit his lips. "Careful, Boss," I purred seductively. "Don't hurt those lips. I'm sure plenty of girls would love to kiss them." Snow leaned down, his lips brushing my ear. "And you? Are you dying for a taste?" Caught off guard, I hesitated, then regained my composure as I looked him in the eyes. "Unlike other girls, I have strong resistance against—" I didn't get a chance to finish when Snow's lips crashed onto mine with a fierce kiss that left me breathless. *************** MATURE CONTENT Participating in the Viral Book Call Contest. Kindly Support Me!
391 Chs
Pernikahan Kontrak dengan Alpha Snow

Pernikahan Kontrak dengan Alpha Snow

Setelah dikhianati oleh tunangannya dan sepupunya di hari pernikahannya, Zara, yang terlahir kembali dengan ingatan kesalahan masa lalunya, bersumpah untuk menulis ulang takdirnya. Secara impulsif, dia menikah dengan orang asing untuk menjauhkan mantannya, tanpa menyadari bahwa Snow bukanlah sekedar panggilan anak laki-laki biasa. Snow Zephyr, seorang CEO kaya dan alfa dari Ivory Crescent Pack, membutuhkan istri kontrak untuk menyenangkan ayahnya dan mengamankan posisinya. Ketika seorang wanita yang berani dan bertekad mengusulkan pernikahan yang nyaman, Snow setuju, tanpa menyadari kekacauan yang akan dia bawa ke dalam hidupnya. Pilihan Zara yang menentang memprovokasi kemarahan orang tuanya, menyebabkan dia diusir dari perusahaan dan terpaksa mencari pekerjaan di tempat lain. Dia mendapatkan pekerjaan di Aurora Conglomerate Inc., hanya untuk menemukan bahwa bos barunya adalah Snow, pria yang dia nikahi—dan paman mantannya. Percikan terbang saat ketertarikan timbal balik mereka tumbuh di tengah kegelapan rahasia keluarga pria itu dan ancaman yang mengintai. Kekuatan dan kemandirian Zara memikat Snow, yang mulai melihatnya sebagai Luna potensial yang dibutuhkan paknya. Bersama, mereka menghadapi mantan kekasih yang dendam, plot penculikan, dan persaingan mematikan. Ketika kekuatan Zara terbangun, dia harus menghadapi alasan di balik pemutusan hubungan keluarganya, klausul tersembunyi dalam kontrak pernikahannya, dan peran utamanya di dunia Snow. Ketika pernikahan mereka yang nyaman berubah menjadi kemitraan yang nyata, tantangan baru muncul dalam bentuk pasangan yang ditakdirkan. Akankah Zara melawan bahaya yang menanti atau menerima takdirnya yang sebenarnya?
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343 Chs
Matrimonio por Contrato con el Alfa Snow

Matrimonio por Contrato con el Alfa Snow

Después de ser traicionada por su prometido y su prima en el día de su boda, Zara, renacida con recuerdos de errores pasados, jura reescribir su destino. Impulsivamente, se casa con un extraño para mantener a su ex a distancia, sin darse cuenta de que Snow está lejos de ser un simple acompañante. Snow Zephyr, un rico CEO y alfa de la Manada de la Media Luna de Marfil, necesita una esposa de conveniencia para apaciguar a su padre y asegurar su posición. Cuando una mujer audaz y decidida le propone un matrimonio por conveniencia, Snow acepta, sin ser consciente del caos que ella traerá a su vida. La elección desafiante de Zara provoca la furia de sus padres, llevando a que la expulsen de la empresa y la obliguen a buscar trabajo en otro lado. Consigue un empleo en Aurora Conglomerate Inc., solo para descubrir que su nuevo jefe es Snow, el hombre con quien se casó, y el tío de su ex. Las chispas vuelan a medida que crece su atracción mutua en medio de la oscuridad de los secretos familiares de él y las amenazas inminentes. La fuerza e independencia de Zara cautivan a Snow, quien comienza a verla como la futura Luna que su manada necesita. Juntos, enfrentan ex amantes vengativos, tramas de secuestro y rivalidades mortales. A medida que los poderes de Zara despiertan, debe enfrentar las razones detrás del desprecio de su familia, las cláusulas ocultas en su contrato matrimonial y su papel definitivo en el mundo de Snow. Cuando su matrimonio por conveniencia se profundiza en una verdadera asociación, surge un nuevo desafío en la forma de una compañera del destino. ¿Luchará Zara contra los peligros que la esperan o abrazará su verdadero destino?
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343 Chs
Vertragsehe mit Alpha Snow

Vertragsehe mit Alpha Snow

Nachdem sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag von ihrem Verlobten und ihrem Cousin betrogen wurde, schwört Zara, wiedergeboren mit Erinnerungen an vergangene Fehler, ihr Schicksal neu zu schreiben. Impulsiv heiratet sie einen Fremden, um sich ihren Ex vom Leib zu halten, nicht ahnend, dass Snow alles andere als ein einfacher Callboy ist. Snow Zephyr, ein wohlhabender CEO und Alpha des Ivory Crescent Packs, braucht eine Vertragsfrau, um seinen Vater zu besänftigen und seine Position zu sichern. Als eine kühne, entschlossene Frau ihm eine Vernunftehe vorschlägt, stimmt Snow zu, nicht ahnend, welches Chaos sie in sein Leben bringen wird. Zaras trotzige Entscheidung provoziert den Zorn ihrer Eltern, was dazu führt, dass sie aus der Firma geworfen wird und gezwungen ist, woanders Arbeit zu finden. Sie findet einen Job bei Aurora Conglomerate Inc. und muss feststellen, dass ihr neuer Chef Snow ist, der Mann, den sie geheiratet hat - und der Onkel ihres Ex. Die Funken fliegen, als ihre gegenseitige Anziehung inmitten der dunklen Geheimnisse seiner Familie und der drohenden Gefahren wächst. Zaras Stärke und Unabhängigkeit ziehen Snow in ihren Bann, der in ihr die potenzielle Luna sieht, die sein Rudel braucht. Gemeinsam stellen sie sich rachsüchtigen Ex-Geliebten, Entführungskomplotten und tödlichen Rivalitäten. Als Zaras Kräfte erwachen, muss sie sich mit den Gründen für die Enteignung durch ihre Familie, den versteckten Klauseln in ihrem Ehevertrag und ihrer endgültigen Rolle in Snows Welt auseinandersetzen. Als sich ihre Vernunftehe zu einer echten Partnerschaft vertieft, taucht eine neue Herausforderung in Form einer Schicksalsgefährtin auf. Wird Zara gegen die Gefahren ankämpfen, die sie erwarten, oder sich ihrer wahren Bestimmung stellen? **AUSZUG** "Ich... wollte nicht zu spät zur Arbeit kommen. Du schienst beschäftigt zu sein, also dachte ich, ich fange schon mal an." Snow hob eine Augenbraue. "Wirklich? Oder liegt es daran, dass dich die letzte Nacht so sehr mitgenommen hat, dass du meine Nähe nicht ertragen konntest?" "Schmeichle dir nicht selbst, Snow. Du hast mich nicht im Geringsten beeinflusst." Er schmunzelte und trat näher heran. "Ist das so?" Seine Finger strichen über mein Kinn und hoben mein Gesicht an. Mein Puls beschleunigte sich. "Wir sind bei der Arbeit", schnauzte ich und schlug seine Hand weg. "Das ist nicht professionell." "Du bist meine Frau", murmelte er. "Du hast mir immer zu gehorchen." Ich verkniff mir eine Erwiderung, ein Hauch von Rebellion flammte in mir auf. Langsam trat ich näher und ließ meine Finger über seine Brust streifen. Sein Grinsen schwankte für eine Sekunde, als sein Wolf reagierte und Snow sich auf die Lippen biss. "Vorsichtig, Boss", säuselte ich verführerisch. "Tu diesen Lippen nicht weh. Ich bin sicher, viele Mädchen würden sie gerne küssen." Snow beugte sich hinunter, seine Lippen streiften mein Ohr. "Und du? Willst du unbedingt mal probieren?" Überrumpelt zögerte ich, dann gewann ich meine Fassung wieder, als ich ihm in die Augen sah. "Im Gegensatz zu anderen Mädchen habe ich einen starken Widerstand gegen..." Ich konnte nicht zu Ende sprechen, als Snows Lippen mit einem heftigen Kuss auf meine trafen, der mir den Atem raubte. *************** REIFER INHALT Ich nehme am Viral Book Call Contest teil. Unterstützen Sie mich bitte!
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344 Chs
Mariage Contractuel Avec Alpha Snow

Mariage Contractuel Avec Alpha Snow

Après avoir été trahie par son fiancé et sa cousine le jour de son mariage, Zara, ressuscitée avec les souvenirs de ses erreurs passées, jure de réécrire son destin. Sur un coup de tête, elle épouse un inconnu pour tenir son ex à distance, sans réaliser que Snow est loin d'être un simple gigolo. Snow Zephyr, riche PDG et alpha de la meute d'Ivory Crescent, a besoin d'une épouse de convenance pour apaiser son père et sécuriser sa position. Lorsqu'une femme déterminée lui propose un mariage de commodité, Snow accepte, ignorant le chaos qu'elle va apporter dans sa vie. Le choix défiant de Zara provoque la fureur de ses parents, la conduisant à être expulsée de l'entreprise et à devoir trouver du travail ailleurs. Elle décroche un emploi chez Aurora Conglomerate Inc., pour découvrir que son nouveau patron n'est autre que Snow, l'homme qu'elle a épousé et l'oncle de son ex. Des étincelles jaillissent alors que leur attraction mutuelle grandit au milieu de l'obscurité des secrets de sa famille et des menaces imminentes. La force et l'indépendance de Zara captivent Snow, qui commence à la voir comme la Luna potentielle dont sa meute a besoin. Ensemble, ils font face aux ex-amants vengeurs, aux complots d'enlèvement et aux rivalités mortelles. Alors que les pouvoirs de Zara s'éveillent, elle doit affronter les raisons du désaveu de sa famille, les clauses cachées de son contrat de mariage et son rôle ultime dans le monde de Snow. Lorsque leur mariage de convenance se transforme en un vrai partenariat, un nouveau défi se présente sous la forme d'un compagnon destiné. Zara va-t-elle combattre les dangers qui l'attendent ou embrasser sa véritable destinée? **EXTRAIT** "Je... ne voulais pas être en retard au travail. Tu avais l'air occupé, alors j'ai pensé que je devrais prendre de l'avance." Snow haussa un sourcil. "Vraiment? Ou est-ce parce que la nuit dernière t'a tellement affectée que tu ne supportais pas d'être autour de moi?" "Ne te flatte pas, Snow. Tu ne m'as pas du tout affectée." Il afficha un sourire narquois en se rapprochant. "Vraiment?" Ses doigts effleurèrent mon menton, inclinant mon visage vers le haut. Mon pouls s'accéléra. "Nous sommes au travail," je répliquai, repoussant sa main. "Ce n'est pas professionnel." "Tu es ma femme," il murmura. "Tu es censée m'obéir en tout temps." Je retins une réplique, une lueur de rébellion s'allumant en moi. Lentement, je me rapprochai, laissant mes doigts frôler son torse. Son sourire vacilla un instant lorsque son loup réagit et Snow se mordit les lèvres. "Attention, Patron," je ronronnai séductrice. "Ne blesse pas ces lèvres. Je suis sûr que beaucoup de filles aimeraient les embrasser." Snow se pencha, frôlant mon oreille de ses lèvres. "Et toi? Meurs-tu d'envie d'y goûter?" Prise au dépourvu, j'hésitai, puis repris mon assurance alors que je le regardais dans les yeux. "Contrairement aux autres filles, j'ai une forte résistance contre—" Je n'eus pas l'occasion de terminer que les lèvres de Snow se posèrent sur les miennes avec un baiser fougueux qui me coupa le souffle.
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344 Chs
A novel as good as Wind and Thunder in the Storm of the Ocean
1 answer
2025-02-01 00:33
There were novels similar to "Wind and Thunder in the Storm Ocean": Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2.<<Spirit Realm Walker>>: From ancient times to the present, it is rumored that there is a Spirit Realm in the world. Regarding the Spirit Realm, there were many famous people and scholars in the past dynasties. "From Qi to Tang, the mountains are desolate and the spirit realm is lonely. Few people visit." "Spirit Realm is hard to come by, but Ghost Craftsmen are hard to come by." 3.<<The Tang's Table>> The people of the world and the affairs of the world are just the dishes on the table of the Tang people. Although the original ingredients had the original flavor of food, Yun Chu still believed that the most delicious food still needed to be divided, cooked, and handled. The food that was finally served on the table was the food that most suited the stomach of the Tang people. Steaming, braising, stir-frying, stewing... There were many cooking methods in the kitchen. Whether it was Goguryeo, the Turks, Tubo, Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, Tiele…or even whales, tigers, sharks, and hungry wolves, the Great Tang was a furnace that could cook them all into peerless delicacies… In addition to Li Zhi, Wu Wei, Zhangsun Wuji, Chu Suiliang, Li Ji, Cheng Yaojin, and other peerless seasonings, there would always be one thing that you would never forget, regardless of color, fragrance, or taste. Yun Chu hoped that she would definitely have a seat at such a luxurious banquet! Now, the delicious food had been cooked. Yun Chu laid out the napkin, picked up the deer knife, and closed her eyes. She was ready to enjoy an unprecedented feast to satisfy her hungry stomach. 4."King of Familiar": I read every book written by Erquan. It was a pretentious, hot-blooded, and funny pet novel. Collect, fatten. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation [Reading progress: 280,000] [Temporarily Set: Grain] [Anticipation: 3 - 4 stars] 1. The protagonist's soul transmigrated into the game world, solved the "kidnapping" crisis, dealt with the "possession" suspicion, successfully integrated into the other world, and became the third son of the prime minister. 2. As a transmigrator, the protagonist's empathy was very strong and his integration was very high. Therefore, this book could be seen as a game with a high level of possession, or as a martial arts fantasy where the villain's memories were awakened. 3. The biggest advantage of this book is that the writing is very good, especially the description of the scenes and characters. The details are rich and the picture is very strong. It is definitely a plus point. 4. The biggest problem was that it wasn't cool enough, and the main character had too little room to play. As a heavy player who had completed the entire story, most of the time, he could only be used as a lead to introduce the character or reveal the world. In conclusion: If this book was a custom game novel, then the boss of the game company would definitely give the author a big red packet. People, scenes, worldviews, and even drawings could be copied directly. However, as a cool novel, it felt like the author was a little dragged down by his own setting. It was understandable to maintain one's personality, but after all, the most common reading expectation of online readers was to "enjoy reading". Overall, this book was worth recommending. At least, he wouldn't lose out if he tried to read the free words. Similar recommendations: Guan Guan Gongzi, Ji Cha, Dafeng Nightwatchman 6. National Forensics: The Almighty's New Book [Corpse: Are you polite?] 7:"Heroine, Wait":[Status] Hot Series🔥🔥🔥 <Synoptic> The orphan of King Tianlang, the empress's favorite concubine, King Jing's son-in-law, the lover of a traitor, the enemy of a heroine, the wandering swordsman of Jianghu, the master of both swords and spears…The Night Terror Hall promised to go to the capital city from the border to meet the appointment. From then on, it stirred up the Jianghu temple and created a new chapter… <Remarks> Young Master Guan Guan's new masterpiece. He is familiar with outstanding talent and extraordinary family background. He wanders among many women of high status and power. He eats soft food and eats hard. At the same time, his combat description is also one of the best in the warm daily life. Quickly read it! 8:"Mantang Colorful Colors":[Tang] In the fifth year of Tianbao, Kaiyuan flourished. This was a year when the Great Tang's strength had reached its peak, its soldiers were strong, and its people were strong. Able ministers, capable officials, famous generals, strong soldiers, endless use of them; There is a lot of food and grass, and the language is beautiful and beautiful. However, as a transmigrator, Xue Bai had always been worried. The civil and military officials of the court were fighting for power and wealth, and they were extremely extravagant. The An Lushan Rebellion was right before their eyes. Xue Bai knew that he had to do something. [Status of the work: 47,000 words. In progress.] The author was one of the twelve heavenly kings of the 2020 online role model writers, Weird Cousin. His representative works include "The End of Song" 9."Hidden Dead Corner": World Completeness:80 World Breadth:70 Plot Rationally:87 Overall Rating:86 Horrifying Dead Corner Armor Fusion The cyberpunk worldview 10."Final Divine Duty": A masterpiece of sci-fi ancient martial arts mecha! Get out of the way, another representative work of the Wind Extreme Dao Style, the city's high-level martial arts mecha monster Ancient martial arts mecha, interstellar warfare, human body evolution, spirit qi recovery The main character kills decisively and is not a saint. [Beyond Time]: 2022/8/11 [Decisive Killing][Calm][EsGod] Ergen's new book had a strict setting. At this stage, it was written very well and smoothly. The characters were also very full, except for the part where the sea was a little stiff. 12:"This Game Is Too Real" Chen Xing LL "This Game Is Too Real" [Total ranking of Hundred Alliances: 147] 2022 Hundred Alliances Ranking: 5 [Hundred League Badge Release Time: 2022-5-1] Title: This Game Is Too Real Author: Chen Xing LL [Author Level: Great God] [Alliance Leader: 157] [Silver Grand Alliance: 9] Golden Sect Master: 1 Fans/10,000: 655 [Category: Light novel·Original fantasy] Total Words/Ten Thousand: 400 Date: July 20, 2021 [Hundred League Time/Day: 281] Release time: 2021-8-20 [First Order: 11850] Average: Not counted [Completed: No] End date: × Writing time/day: × Date: January 18, 2023 "Red Heart Sky Patrol": In ancient times, the demon race went extinct. In the modern era, the dragon race disappeared. The era of the Great Divine Dao was already like smoke, and the era of the peak of flying swords had finally fallen… What happened in this world? Who would listen to the truth of history buried in the river of time? Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers are painted with corpses, and hundreds of years of heaven and earth are painted with hungry tigers. Heaven and earth are fair as heartless, 14."Ring of Fate": Finally, the time has come. Squid's new work is back as scheduled. It's also the continuation of my favorite "Lord of the Mysteries." Strongly recommended! 15:"The Great Ming State Preceptor":🌟🌟It's not okay after I get out of prison, but it's okay in the early stages) No female lead, the protagonist's three views are okay, the author has dry goods, the main content is to see the protagonist in prison teaching the big boss to show off, for the greater Ming Dynasty? He felt that the author was still rather idealistic, so there was no one who did not criticize famous people and reduce the wisdom of the ancients. It was not awkward for the main character to act cool. After all, the author had the material, which meant the main character had it. "Ascending on an Ascending Day":"Ascending on an Ascending Day" was a novel about the fantasy of immortal cultivation. The author, Otaku Pig, brought a different reading experience to the readers with his unique creativity and ideas. The protagonist of the story, Xu Ying, was a snake hunter. He had always lived a diligent life. However, one day, he caught a different snake, and his fate changed drastically. The story was set on the first day of the third lunar month. It depicted the scene of incense burning everywhere in the Divine Land. All the idols woke up and enjoyed the sacrifices of the people. However, from that day onwards, the world fell into chaos. The author cleverly incorporated real-life elements such as 996, 007, the inner volume, and help me up into the story, bringing a new feeling to the readers. The opening of the story quoted the classic text of The Snake Catcher. In this way, the author showed his literary foundation and depth of thought. This kind of writing method that quoted classics not only made the story more cultural, but also allowed the readers to get more inspiration and thinking from it. In general,"Ascending on a New Day" was a refreshing fantasy novel about immortal cultivation. The author, Otaku Pig, combined real life with fantasy cultivation through a unique way of creation, bringing readers a familiar and fresh reading experience. Whether it was the story or the cultural meaning, this book was a good book worth recommending. 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" This "Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was a good book. It used elegant writing to make people feel as if they were in the gentle and poetic past. There was still time for everything. It brought with it a vision that saw through the secular world and a future filled with hope. The author was a young lady from another website. She was very experienced and did not have any negative points at the moment. The female lead was an adorable and arrogant socialite rich woman from the same class. The male lead decisively hugged her. At the same time, the image of the male lead was very successful. He was sunny and smart. The characters in this book were excellent. Everyone had flesh and blood, not just tools. Even though the theme belonged to a genre that was more active a few years ago, this book was innovative in terms of background and structure. The content was also not bad. It was not a routine face-slapping novel. In short, this was a good book worth recommending. "Deep Sea Ember" was a fascinating novel. The story was so thrilling that it was impossible to stop reading. The author used a unique perspective and creativity to combine Cthulhu's elements with steampunk to create a world full of magic and technology. The main character was a middle school teacher who was suddenly trapped in his apartment, only to find that his soul had transmigrated to a ghost ship from another world, the Lost Homelands. This body was extremely powerful and was the fifth strongest expert in the world. The protagonist did not have most of his memories, so he could only play the role of the captain and explore this unknown world. The story was full of suspense and riddles. The protagonist and his companions unveiled the secrets of this world, making people curious and expectant about this world. in the book Chapter 19:"Living in the Demonic Martial World and Cultivating Immortals": A new novel copied from the novel. It's a super tender seedling. There are only two chapters. There's nothing much to describe, but just by looking at the author, you can tell that it won't be bad ~ "Who told him to cultivate!" "Who told him to cultivate!" It was a nonsensical but imaginative novel. The author combined immortal cultivation with relaxing and interesting elements to create a unique reading experience. Although some of the ideas might not be rigorous enough, the book was easy and interesting enough to make people read happily. Don't be too serious. Smiling is also a form of enjoyment. Crow's new book made people laugh out loud. The author's imagination was admirable, and at the same time, they were looking forward to more funny elements. Although the overall structure was a little small and the plot was a little retarded, this book still brought joy and inspiration to people. On the whole, this was a humorous book about cultivation. I recommend it to readers who like this style. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
What is the story of Storm King's Thunder?
2 answers
2024-10-17 09:18
It's an adventure-filled tale set in a fantasy world where a powerful storm and its aftermath bring challenges and mysteries to be uncovered.
Who are the main characters in 'Storm Kings Thunder Story'?
2 answers
2024-11-18 15:26
I'm not sure exactly, but there might be a hero who tries to face the storm king.
What is the main plot of 'Storm Kings Thunder Story'?
3 answers
2024-11-18 06:58
The main plot involves a great storm and the powerful forces within it. There are likely heroes and challenges related to this storm, but without more specific knowledge, that's a general idea.
Who are the main characters in Storm King's Thunder story?
3 answers
2024-10-31 06:23
There are heroes like the brave warrior Thorgrim. And also wizards like Elminster who use their magic to fight the storm's effects.
What is the main plot of Storm King's Thunder story?
3 answers
2024-10-30 15:46
The main plot involves a great storm that threatens the land. There are powerful forces at work, and heroes must rise to face the challenges it brings. They go on quests, battle various monsters, and try to find a way to stop the destruction caused by the storm.
Who has a novel similar to Snow Storm 8857?
1 answer
2025-02-04 11:02
There were novels similar to Snowstorm 8857: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Holding a sword, drinking in Jianghu, slender waist and light palm. The young man carried a long saber on his shoulder and hung wine on his waist. He strode forward, but the Jianghu in his heart was vaguely difficult to see. Turning a page in the book of troubled times, it would rain for decades in the Jianghu. Suddenly looking back, the world has been split into pieces. 2."Spirit Realm Walker":"Spirit Realm Walker" was a very interesting book. Although there was a little bit of poison at the beginning, the rest of the book was written very smoothly, allowing one to gradually enter a better state. This book was set in a modern city and told the story of a young man with supernatural powers who was involved in the invasion of another world by chance and finally saved himself and the world. The main character's ability was the Night Wandering God. In this world full of ghosts and monsters, he displayed outstanding assassin and Taoist skills and gradually grew into a big shot. The plot was exquisite and fascinating, making people unable to sleep at night. The follow-up development of this book was even more exciting. All in all,"Spirit Walker" was a highly recommended book. Whether it was funny or relaxing, it could make people relax and enjoy reading. 3."The Tang's Table":"The Tang's Table" is an unforgettable novel. With the Tang Dynasty as the background, the author presented a rich and colorful world of the Tang Dynasty by describing the adventures and growth of Yunchu. The plot was compact and fascinating, making one unable to extricate themselves. The writing was beautiful and the plot was compact, making one unable to stop. Although some of the chapters were a little weak, overall, this book was an excellent work. Whether it was a reader who liked historical novels, or a reader who liked adventure and growth stories, they would find joy in this book. I recommend it to all readers who like novels. I believe you will be deeply attracted by this book. 4."King of Familiar": A new work by the Clear Spring Stream, a rising star among the beast-taming novels. I believe that it will be another record-breaking beast-taming novel. Currently, the novel has just started, and there isn't much content, but it has already achieved very good results. The author has relied on his own unique style to shoulder the banner of beast-taming novels by himself. He has led the crowd to follow suit. I believe that the author will be able to create another glory in this novel! 5: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Half-Step Immortal Grass A good book buried by the title. The story is logical, the characters are well portrayed, and the world view is not bad. Some of the characters 'IQ is not only online, but even beyond the standard. However, the plot during the ordinary period is not well written, and some are too deliberate. Overall, it seems that it has the potential to become a god for the time being. National Forensics: [licorice][forensic text]🌙 Waterbird's new book, the urban system's occupation book. The second generation of demolition had just graduated from university and became a forensic doctor. He had obtained the system and could obtain skills by completing system missions. You could say that Waterbird's book was weak. The supporting characters in the book were not very intelligent, and the main character was an emotionless tool. However, you could not deny that it was really cool. The author was good at writing professional and technical articles. Many times, the details were so good that it felt like the real thing. Waterbird was a steel tycoon, a top student, and a doctor. It could be seen that the author had consulted relevant information and papers in order to write the book. Sometimes, even the author could use some professional information or encyclopedia to make up for it. Of course, this didn't change the fact that it was a waterbird. It was a walk-on in many books, with various forms of spider plants at the beginning of each chapter, and tasting various delicacies from various places every few chapters... Setting:7 Plot:7 Writing Style:7 Others:7 7."Wait, Heroine":"Wait, Heroine" was a novel full of chivalrous tenderness. The author told the story of the protagonist's orphan background in a humorous and funny tone. The story was full of ups and downs, and it was filled with invincible martial arts. It made people's blood boil. The male lead's strategy was full of humor and amusement, making people feel that it was ridiculous and interesting at the same time. The author's writing was smooth and the characters were vividly portrayed. Every character had their own characteristics and left a deep impression on people. The pet bird in the book was very cute. Not only did it play a big role in advancing the plot, but it also added interest to the story. I recommend this book to readers who like Wuxia novels and Invincible Style. I believe you will like this book. 8."Mantang Colorful Colors": In the fifth year of Tianbao, when the Du family of Jingzhao Prefecture was involved in a conspiracy, Xue Bai, who was saved by the Du family, began to save the Du family based on the principle of returning the favor and paying the debt. Then, he slowly unveiled the painting of the Tang Dynasty. 9."Hidden Dead Corner":"Hidden Dead Corner" is a thrilling science fiction novel set in a modern society in another world. The protagonist, Li Chengying, transmigrated to this world and entered a strange space (blind spot). She was often captured by this space. However, Li Chengying tried to find a way to escape from the blind spot by absorbing the flower to obtain the flower language ability and summoning the flower scale garment. The atmosphere of this story was very strong, and the setting of the flower language ability was also very novel, which made people's eyes light up. However, the novel also had some shortcomings. Among them, the protagonist's sister was too disgusting and might make the readers unhappy. As for his writing style, it could only be said to be average. There was nothing particularly outstanding about it. In terms of setting, although there were some new ideas, there were also some shortcomings. Overall, this book left a deep impression on people, and the recommendation index was four-and-a-half stars. From the first two chapters of the new book, the beginning of the story gave people a feeling of a mysterious journey. In just a few thousand words, the protagonist had just transmigrated to another world, his family situation, social relationships, and so on. It was immersive. This story depicted the living conditions of the people in this low-class society, and at the same time, there was a sense of peace. In addition, the story also described the scene of preparing for war, making people speculate that a small number of high-level people might have extraordinary powers. The foreshadowing in the story was also very interesting, such as whether the original body died and whether the protagonist could obtain extraordinary powers. Scram's new book,"Hidden Dead Corner," continued his previous style. Other than the slightly toxic sister at the beginning, it gradually became more and more fascinating. The golden finger was a floral mech formed by absorbing the language of different flowers. This setting was very creative, but the story was too short and somewhat lacking. Generally speaking, the books that had been published started from the ❮ The Art of Kendo ❯. Although it was sometimes difficult to read continuously, each book had its own unique aspects. Although he would sometimes lose his combat power due to the settings, the early and middle stages were still worth watching. It was both exciting and torturous, and there was not much sloppiness. This also led to the emergence of many imitators. 10."The Final Clergy":"The Final Clergy" is an exciting science fiction novel. I give it a recommendation score of 82. The setting of this book was very novel, making people feel as if they were in a fantasy world full of mechas and divine power. In the story, the protagonist Lu Yuan had an attribute panel that allowed him to change his class indefinitely. In the era of the collision of magic and technology, he continued to grow and gradually grasped power. The battle scenes in the book were also very exciting, making people feel as if they could personally feel the collision of that kind of power. Overall, this book was a very exciting science fiction novel. Whether it was from the setting or the storyline, it was very worth reading. 11."Beyond Time":"Beyond Time" is a long novel that makes people immersed in it. The author, Er Gen, used his unique narrative technique to bring the readers a wonderful journey of Xianxia. The story was thrilling and fascinating, making it impossible for people to extricate themselves. The protagonist Xu Qing's growth and struggle were moving. His decisiveness, cautiousness, ruthlessness, calmness, and clear distinction between gratitude and hatred were admirable. The author used a unique setting and background to show a world full of strangeness and disasters. The characters in the story had distinct personalities and were unforgettable. The setting of the female protagonist was also fascinating. Their growth and struggle were admirable. Overall, Beyond Time was a fascinating Xianxia novel that was worth reading. "This Game Is Too Real": A New Book by the Academic Genius Author It was similar to the writing style of a top student. The author was very good at writing novels with a little professional knowledge and a faint pretentious aura. Demining: The author's emotional scenes are hard to handle. At present, I can't tell which one is the female lead, but when it comes to emotional scenes, it's really awkward. Just endure it or skip it. [What to Watch: The protagonist traveled to 200 years after the end of the nuclear war and rebuilt the ruins with the players who worked. This setting itself is very interesting.] It was obvious that the structure was very large. He wanted to describe a more complete wasteland world. The author's ability to control things had also improved compared to the previous book. The protagonist had self-proclaimed himself as a planner, tricking the players into working for him, pretending to release an update announcement and strategy, first summoning a few players for closed beta, and then slowly spreading it step by step. Let's see if it will collapse in the later stages. If it doesn't, we'll be able to become gods. [Rating: 4 stars] "Red Heart Sky Patrol": Strongly recommended, the story is very good. Every volume was a whole, and the twists and turns of each volume were so complicated that one would not be able to think of the end until they finished reading the first volume. The disadvantage was that the foundation was too long, and the overall situation was more depressing. It was easy to give up before seeing the climax. Moreover, it was too cruel. Life was already very helpless, so why did novels give people such a sense of helplessness? The story is very exciting, and the main characters are very full. Chapter 14: The Ring of Destiny: Mysteries 2 is Finally Here, I'll Read 100 Chapters First. It was recommended that those who had not seen the Lord of the Mysteries should watch 1 first. It could be said to be a classic blockbuster. 15."The Great Ming State Preceptor": The rich plot, profound character creation, and wonderful historical background. The main character, Jiang Xing Huo, not only had the knowledge of modern people, but he had also experienced many reincarnations. He had a deep experience and empathy for ancient society. This allowed him to better understand the ancient society and work for the welfare of the world. Villains also had their own characteristics. They were either cunning, sinister, or arrogant. [Rating: 9] [Tagged: Ming Dynasty, Time Travel, Business] 16:"Ascending on the Right Day": The work of a great god, Qi Practitioner type, excellent writing style, very fat, can be started😊 The main character was a native, and his identity was not ordinary. Every once in a while, he would be fed some Meng Po soup to seal his memories. However, as the protagonist's cultivation deepened, the seal became weaker and weaker, and he began to think of his biological parents. The main character was initially an orphan adopted by a captured Naga. His adoptive father was oppressed to death by the evil Big, and he had been catching snakes to support himself since he was young.😞 Worldview: During the feudal era, humans could become stall masters if they mastered stall techniques. The yao race had yao arts, but they were inferior to stall arts and were suppressed by humans. At the same time, there was the Dao of Incense. After a person or demon died, they could be conferred the title of a god by the imperial court. They could be made into a golden body and worshipped by the common people. They belonged to the Yin Court. The Imperial Court, which mastered the art of stall, and the Underworld, which mastered the gods, were the two great powers of the common people.️At the end of the dynasty, the two great emperors fought for power and refused to accept each other. The main character was extremely talented. He defeated the little yao in his hometown and stole many yao arts. He cultivated them himself and could even point out the shortcomings of the yao arts. Unfortunately, yao arts were all beginner level cultivation techniques and had no future. It was also because of this that it was better to spread the arts. After the protagonist was oppressed by the big shark god, he was no longer willing to tolerate it. He became angry with the shark god and began to escape. Accompanying him was a Hui Yao that he had captured. One man and one snake became best friends after escaping. After a fortuitous encounter, they even joined a seriously injured Zhong Ling. The three hooligans were officially established! With the addition of the bell, the truth that had been hidden began to surface. It turned out that demonic arts were the cultivation techniques of human Qi Practitioners, and the highest level of cultivation was to ascend to immortality. However, the path of ascension was blocked by a mysterious person, and thus, all the Qi Practitioners in the world could no longer ascend. As for the high-end Qi Practitioner techniques, they were all gone. With the appearance of the Tan Technique, the humans started to cultivate the Tan Technique, and the unnoticed beginner Qi Practitioner techniques became the main cultivation technique of the demon race, and they started to be called demonic techniques. However, there was no future for the Tan Technique, so the cultivators of the Yin Court started to study the Qi Practitioners 'techniques again, and those who were talented in this aspect became their targets. One man, one snake, and one bell slowly unraveled the truth of ascension while chasing and cultivating. The author played a very big game of chess, and his worldview was very big. Looking at the character list, it should be the female lead. The female lead appeared relatively late and was dressed as a man. He should have been born in a big family. I haven't seen the back yet The three main characters were quite funny. The villains were smart, but the supporting characters were not. Basically, there were no negative points. It could be considered a cool novel. The main character was a genius and had not suffered a setback so far. It's not a loss to study, my family! 17:"Who's Going to Fall in Love After Rebirth" It's a very good urban life novel. It's biased towards love. The female protagonist's club is afraid of being silly. It's very effective. I strongly recommend it. Those who like it can try it. "Deep Sea Ember": Big Eye's new work. The protagonist wakes up one night and finds himself inexplicably transformed into a ghost ship, the captain of the Lost Homes. His image has also changed. Under his uneasiness, he came to the ship and encountered the waves of the Wall of Reality. He brushed past a ship that was escorting a strange doll girl. Using the strange power of the transformation skin, he transformed into a green light superman and obtained a doll maid. 19:"Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts": Series Farming, people flow behind the scenes, group like wits, decisive killing Fang Xi wore it, and it was the second time! In the cultivation world, I was a yes-man, but in the Otherworld, I was a punching bag! He did not expect that after thousands of years, he would also become a big shot in the cultivation world! (Gou Dao Changsheng + Unlimited Style, a copy of the text, a high-quality book, please read it without worry.) "Who told him to cultivate!" "I've repeatedly stressed that the atmosphere in the cultivation world is crooked, and I'm not the one who led it astray. It's said that history books are written by the victors, so why are there always people framing me when I win?" Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger. The next day. "I have repeatedly stressed that I am the one who led the cultivation world astray." Sword Immortal Lu Yang said this to the reporters, expressing his anger. I'll be reporting to you from 'Cultivation Daily.' You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Write a short story about a snow storm.
2 answers
2024-10-30 02:04
A snow storm descended upon the mountains. The animals in the forest were caught unprepared. The deer huddled together under the trees, shivering. The birds flew into the caves for shelter. Meanwhile, a group of hikers was stranded in the middle of the storm. They had to build an emergency shelter using the branches and their own equipment. They made a fire to keep warm and waited for the storm to pass. Fortunately, they were all experienced and knew how to survive in such harsh conditions.
About wind, rain, thunder and snow, 2 sentences each
1 answer
2024-09-13 21:52
Wind: The wind and the crane are jittery, and the grass and trees are afraid of soldiers. 2. Storm, lightning, thunder. Rain: The rainbow hangs high after the rain. The rain drenched the clouds around the hill. Ray: 1. Thunder struck, and we were in the same boat through thick and thin. The sound of thunder and lightning shook the clouds. Xue: 1. The land was covered in snow and ice. 2. Auspicious snow is flying in the air, and spring is in full bloom.
What are the common themes in snow storm romance novels?
2 answers
2024-12-07 09:03
One common theme is survival. In a snow storm, the characters often have to fight against the elements to stay alive, and this struggle brings them closer together. Another theme is isolation. The snow storm cuts them off from the outside world, making their relationship more intense as they only have each other. For example, in many novels, the characters are trapped in a cabin during the storm.