Well, reading manga on Mangadex is straightforward. Open your web browser, type in the Mangadex URL. After that, sign up or log in if necessary. Explore the manga collection, select the one you're interested in, and click on the chapters to start your reading adventure. It's that easy!
Mangadex might have uncensored manga. But it's important to note that the presence of uncensored content can change over time and is subject to various factors such as publisher restrictions and site regulations.
It varies. Sometimes you can find uncensored manga on Mangadex, but it's not a guarantee for all series. It really depends on the uploaders and the availability of uncensored versions.
Downloading manga from Mangadex is not a legal or ethical thing to do. You should support the creators by purchasing or accessing manga through legal means.
Mangadex.org does offer light novels. However, the selection might not be as extensive as some dedicated light novel platforms. But you can still find some popular and interesting ones there.