
gojo kun y kitagawa

Y Phẩm Phong Hoa

Y Phẩm Phong Hoa

Hột Khê - thiếu nữ chỉ mới mười chín tuổi đã trở thành sát thủ hàng đầu mà thế giới ngầm vừa nghe danh đã sợ vỡ mật. Trong khi làm nhiệm vụ giải cứu người cộng sự được cô tin tưởng nhất, người luôn nói yêu cô, từng được cô cứu trong lúc làm nhiệm vụ biết bao lần lại vì lợi ích mà phản bội, tàn nhẫn dồn cô vào chỗ chết. Không ngờ cô được sống lại trong thân thể của Nạp Lan Hột Khê – Tam tiểu thư xấu xí, yếu đuối vô năng của phủ Nạp Lan, bị Nhị tỷ của mình bán làm lô nệ. Cô ấy được sinh ra ở đất nước Kim Lăng tôn sùng sức mạnh và tu vi nhưng lại là phế vật không có linh căn, không thể tu luyện. Bằng y thuật cao siêu, thân thủ phi phàm cùng sự trợ giúp của không gian tùy thân và Nam Cung Dục, cô từng bước nâng cao tu vi, gây dựng thế lực cho riêng mình. Nam Cung Dục - Minh Vương điện hạ lãnh khốc trong truyền thuyết, thế lực hùng mạnh, anh tuấn vô song, tu vi thâm sâu khó dò. Lần đầu gặp, hắn đứng trong bóng tối nhìn cô giết chết tất cả những kẻ từng sỉ nhục mình với ánh mắt đầy hứng thú. Hắn từng bước bị tính cách, sự tài hoa hơn người của cô làm say đắm, quyết định cả đời này chỉ có Nạp Lan Hột Khê mới có tư cách trở thành Vương phi của hắn. Liệu trái tim từng bị phản bội của Hột Khê có thể rung động trước sự chân thành của Nam Cung Dục, bên hắn xây dựng cơ đồ, tạo nên những kì tích rung chuyển giới tu chân.
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1820 Chs
Señora y Señor Smith

Señora y Señor Smith

Ethan Smith caminó por la calle vacía, cigarrillo en boca, sacudiendo su cabeza y forzando una amarga sonrisa. ¿Quién podría haber imaginado que después de tres años de matrimonio, todo lo que quedaba era traición? Juró hacer que esa mujer lamentara lo que había hecho y prometió hacer que todos los que habían sido buenos con él vivieran una buena vida. Sí, era Emily Taylor, la mujer que lo había ayudado a salir del abismo de la desesperación cuando tocó el punto más bajo de su vida. —Emily, es tiempo de que me ocupe de ti.
1823 Chs
El Doctor más Tonto y Afortunado

El Doctor más Tonto y Afortunado

—Una historia explosiva y emocionante, altamente recomendada por el propio Jefe de Editores. Un libro divino que debes leer, te arrepentirás de no hacerlo. A los ojos de los demás, podría haber parecido un tonto sin valor, pero era venerado como el maestro de la tasación, el milagroso curandero, el hechicero encantador, el señor del Palacio del Dragón, el invencible dios de la guerra... Con una mano que empuñaba agujas doradas contra la muerte misma, y otra que blandía una espada larga, obligando a las naciones a someterse, poseía una destreza sin parangón. Su mirada divina inspeccionaba los cielos y la tierra, mientras que su visión demoníaca penetraba a través de los velos del yin y el yang. ¡Era incomparable en todo el mundo!
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949 Chs
Me transmuté en una novela y me convertí en la malvada madrastra de cinco adorables bebés

Me transmuté en una novela y me convertí en la malvada madrastra de cinco adorables bebés

``` —En su vida pasada, Mo Ruyue fue una asesina de primer nivel. Era tan indiferente como un abismo y había matado a más personas de las que tenía dedos para contar. En su nueva vida, se convirtió en la malvada madrastra de cinco pequeños en un valle montañoso remoto, y ellos estaban aterrorizados de ella. En esta vida, decidió cambiar la forma en que vivía. ¿Solo tenía cuatro paredes desnudas por casa? ¿Sus hijos pasaban tanta hambre que estaban solo piel y huesos? No hay problema. Podía matar jabalíes con sus propias manos, así que la comida no era un problema. También era experta en tablas de multiplicar, y sus niños se convirtieron instantáneamente en grandes fanáticos de ella. Había sido un viaje difícil cambiar de una madrastra malvada a una cálida. Entonces, su supuesto esposo muerto regresó de repente, ahora el primer ministro de la dinastía. —Divorciémonos. Dame a los niños, y te devolveré el dinero". —No me falta nada, solo tú y los niños". ```
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865 Chs
El Amor Perfecto y Secreto: La Nueva y Mala Esposa es un Poco Dulce

El Amor Perfecto y Secreto: La Nueva y Mala Esposa es un Poco Dulce

"Este tipo, ¿qué tan pesado es su sabor, todavía puede comer?" Al despertarse, miró su reflejo en el espejo, su cabello explosivo, sus tatuajes y su cara de demonio. Mírala por más de un segundo y tendrás ojos picantes (tus ojos sangrarán, también se ve que se ve muy fea). Antes de su renacimiento, estaba enamorada de alguien más, empeñada en escapar, y después de tener relaciones con él, lo odia profundamente. Después de su renacimiento, miró la belleza de la cama, pensando seriamente, quien había dejado su sombra en el pasado, ¿aparentemente debería ser él? En su vida pasada, su mente estaba enredada.Intentó deshacerse del marido extraordinariamente hermoso que no quería, fue víctima de hombres de escoria y mujeres baratas, y su amiga más confiable le lavó el cerebro. Al final, encontró personas rebeldes y amigos desertando (aislados y solos). En esta vida, todas las personas malvadas que planean y anhelan su divorcio deben ceder. Lo siento, pero el coeficiente intelectual de esta joven señorita está en la línea!
785 Chs
El Gran Jefe y Su Delicada Esposa

El Gran Jefe y Su Delicada Esposa

—¡Ven aquí, pequeño! —¡De ninguna manera! ¿Qué hacer cuando la esposa está enojada? ¡El gran CEO es asquerosamente rico, colmándola de extravagantes demostraciones de amor todos los días! Hoy un coche de lujo, mañana una mansión, pasado un jet privado... En una entrevista con los medios: —¿Cuál ha sido el regalo más caro que le has dado a tu esposa? —¡Hasta ahora, nuestro hijo! —Tratas tan bien a tu esposa, ¡seguramente debe amarte! El CEO se ríe con confianza, —¡Sin duda alguna! Al llegar a casa, su delicada esposa le lanza un contrato de divorcio, —¡Dongfang Yu, firma esto! —¡Hai Xiaotang, todo en lo que piensas es en el divorcio. No creas que no puedo lidiar contigo! El CEO, lleno de furia, hace crujir sus nudillos, —Una tabla de lavar, un ábaco, un teclado, un durian... ¡elige uno! —¡Durian! ¡El CEO termina arrodillándose sobre el durian con un golpe!
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754 Chs
Regreso a los años sesenta: Cultiva, hazte rico y cría a los cachorros

Regreso a los años sesenta: Cultiva, hazte rico y cría a los cachorros

Lin Qing Transmigró a la novela y se convirtió en una de sus carne de cañón. El trasfondo de la novela es inviable: la década de 1960, época de ganas de comer pero nada para comer y no querer ponerse, nada que ponerme. Aunque la falta de suministros y la vida eran monótonas, esto no era lo que le preocupaba porque tenía un pequeño espacio interespacial personal, que está lleno de suministros, por lo que temporalmente no se preocupe por las necesidades básicas. Lo que le preocupa, si recuerda correctamente, sus tres supuestos hijos se convertirán en grandes villanos en el futuro, y su padre recto y frío acabará en un final indestructible. Lin Qing Miró a los tres futuros hijos villanos, el mayor que tenía solo cinco años, el segundo niño tenía solo tres años y el tercer niño solo tenía un año, y decidió darles primero medio bollo blanco grande. .. Etiqueta: alegre, agrícola, cariñoso y dulce (N / T: muy parte de la vida)
701 Chs
Transmigré y conseguí un esposo y un hijo!

Transmigré y conseguí un esposo y un hijo!

``` Era conocida por muchos nombres: Demoníaca, una bruja malvada, una heredera destinada a gobernar el infierno, la más mala y la flor más venenosa del mundo del inframundo. Poco sabían todos, la heredera de la organización de asesinatos más misteriosa tenía un sueño sencillo. Un sueño que muchas chicas tenían: tener una vida pacífica con un esposo y un hijo. Por eso, cuando esta infame líder de la organización de asesinos despertó en el cuerpo de Heaven Liu, pensó que su sueño de toda la vida finalmente se había hecho realidad. Pero la realidad estaba lejos de lo que esperaba. Heaven Liu era una actriz acabada; desapareció de los reflectores en el pico de su estrellato. ¿La razón? Un embarazo no deseado. Forzada a casarse con un hombre que no amaba, el matrimonio se desmoronó fácilmente —casi al borde de no tener arreglo. Con esta realidad que tuvo que enfrentar, ¿sería capaz de reparar los corazones rotos de su esposo e hijo? ¿O continuaría ampliándose la distancia entre ellos? Con este matrimonio sin amor desde el inicio, ¿habría una posibilidad de que pudieran vivir felices en familia? ¿O era demasiado tarde? Lo más importante, ¿lograría verdaderamente escapar de las cadenas que pensaba había roto? ¿O su propio infierno la alcanzaría para arrastrarla de vuelta a los pozos del infierno donde pertenece? ***** Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada no es de mi propiedad. Todos los créditos al artista. Esta es una parte de la Serie Salvaje de la autora. Señorita Heredera Salvaje: ¡Reencarné y conseguí un esposo y un hijo! ```
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694 Chs
La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo

La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo

Él se enamoró de sus raros ojos morados. Luego, pensó en tenerla por completo. —— Esa noche, la delicada mujer de ojos morados en vestido de novia estaba sentada en su cama mientras su esposo la observaba con una sonrisa. —Entonces —dijo él con voz maliciosa y magnética—, ¿no puedo ver el rostro de mi esposa ni siquiera en la noche de nuestra boda? —Su Majestad ha prometido cumplir mi único deseo —comentó la mujer, asegurando el velo que cubría la mitad inferior de su rostro con manos ligeramente temblorosas. Él se quedó mirando sus misteriosos y raros ojos morados. —¿Puedo preguntar, por qué tal deseo? Ella lo miró fijamente. —A Su Majestad quizás no le guste ver cosas feas. Él sonrió con suficiencia y se acercó a ella. —Pero, yo nunca tuve inclinación hacia las cosas bonitas. —— Seren, la infame hija de la bruja, y Drayce, el cruel e implacable hijo del Diablo. Nadie había visto nunca su rostro ya que las brujas están destinadas a ser feas, pero él era quien nunca había buscado la belleza. Ella estaba maldita para nunca enamorarse, pero él deseaba ser el único hombre que ella amara. Una princesa maldita casada con el hijo del Diablo para destruir su reino, pero el hijo del Diablo tenía un plan diferente para ella. El secreto de su nacimiento solo se revelará para guiar el camino a desatar los poderes ocultos dentro de ella que nadie puede controlar. Con los peligros ocultos deseando su poder, ¿podrán Drayce y Seren protegerse el uno al otro o será la oscuridad la que los trague a ambos? —— Este es el primer libro de la serie "Diablo y Bruja". Libro uno - La Hija de la Bruja y el Hijo del Diablo. Libro dos - La Bruja Maldita del Diablo. Libro tres - La Prometida del Diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero se pueden leer de forma independiente. —— Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - https://discord.gg/p3Xrs8VbS3 Grupo de FB - mynovel20's novels
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665 Chs
Belleza y las Bestias

Belleza y las Bestias

Después de encontrarse en un mundo de hombres bestia, un leopardo la rescata y más tarde la secuestra. Bai Qingqing sufre bastante un colapso mental porque los machos en este mundo son tan hermosos y apuestos como pavos reales pavoneándose. Por otro lado, las hembras son ridículamente feas, pero aún así extremadamente valoradas por los machos. Como una hermosa estudiante de secundaria, de alguna manera se ha convertido en la belleza más hechizante de este mundo. Lo peor de todo, este mundo es una sociedad matriarcal. ¡Ella no quiere tres cuatro maridos atendiéndola! Su vida se convierte en provocar a un leopardo, hacerle cosquillas a un tigre, seducir a una serpiente venenosa y capturar a un águila. Bai Qingqing, con un harén completo, está demasiado conmovida como para llorar. Realmente no quería nada de esto. —Oye, oye, Hermano Leopardo, Hermano Tigre, Hermano Serpiente, Hermano Águila, ¿qué están haciendo? ¡Retrocedan! Hay cuatro protagonistas masculinos: El joven y fuerte leopardo, la serpiente emo y silenciosa, el poderoso tigre, y el águila distante y solitaria.
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619 Chs
Do Gojo and Kitagawa get together in the manga?
2 answers
2024-10-07 05:02
No, they don't. Their relationship doesn't progress to that point in the manga.
What are the key elements in 'gojo x kitagawa fanfic'?
1 answer
2024-10-27 20:43
The character traits of Gojo and Kitagawa are important. Gojo's power and charisma, and Kitagawa's unique qualities. In many 'gojo x kitagawa fanfic', these traits are what drive the plot. For instance, Gojo's powers might get them out of a tough situation, and Kitagawa's intelligence could help them solve a mystery. Also, the setting can play a big role. If it's a modern - day city or a fantasy world, it affects how their relationship unfolds.
Can you recommend some 'gojo x kitagawa fanfic'?
1 answer
2024-10-29 04:49
There are several 'gojo x kitagawa fanfic' out there. Some focus on their adventures together, like 'Gojo and Kitagawa's Quest'. It has great character development and a unique plot that shows their bond growing over time. It's really engaging to read as it delves deep into their personalities and how they interact with each other in different situations. For example, how Gojo's confident nature and Kitagawa's more reserved personality play off each other.
Sweeping the World by Kitagawa
1 answer
2024-12-24 09:34
Sweeping the World Kitagawa was a novel by Kitagawa. This novel was about a male protagonist who rose up in troubled times. The male lead was the former martial arts leader, Lin Tian. He was reincarnated by chance and broke through to the Connate Realm at the age of twelve, his achievements surpassing his previous life. Even though his cultivation was strong, he chose to live in seclusion in the mountains. The plot of this novel took place in a turbulent situation, with the appearance of the immortal sect and the background of demons. Although I can't provide more details about this novel, it seems to be a transmigration novel with martial arts as its theme.
The male protagonist of this novel is called Kitagawa eiichi, and the female protagonist is called Kitagawa Haruko?
1 answer
2024-09-13 18:47
"The Legend of Tokyo's Affection" is a light novel written by the author, Wan Buge. It is a daily love novel. The general plot of this novel is as follows: His soul traveled to Tokyo in a parallel world. His parents were dead, his family was in ruins, and he only had 30,000 yen left in his savings. There was a girl who claimed to be his personal attendant, and even a fiancée who did not have a good relationship with him. All the elements were complete. Kitagawa Chet was sure that he was holding a standard script for the main character. However, things seemed to be different from what he had imagined. A month later, the step of breaking off the engagement seemed to be stuck. [Note: Multiple choices, happy end, big reunion.] ---------------------------- " The Countercurrent of Japanese Entertainment " was a novel written by the author, Ichihiro, about an urban and entertainment celebrity. The general plot of the novel was: Beiye, you did well. Without you, the future of Japanese movies would be a mess. I hope you can remember my request and continue to carry forward the tradition of Japanese movies…The old man on the hospital bed crossed out the first two words and wrote the word "Chuan Hong" with trembling hands. ---------------------------- " Mrs. Hojo's Heartthrobbing Heart " was a light novel written by the author, House Cat Loves Naps. It was a daily love story. The general plot of this novel was: Yoshida Kawahei, an unknown civil servant in Japan, had a great goal-to become the governor of Aichi Prefecture! Having been single for twenty-three years, he had just entered the job. Facing the care of his superior, the female director, he had three major illusions in life. Hence, he began to test her again and again to see if she liked him…" Yoshida-kun, I've introduced you to so many girls. Don't you like any of them?" "Yes!" "Then which girl are you interested in?" "I'm more interested in someone like Sister Hojo!" "Then can you help me take care of the child?"“......”By chance, he discovered that the female director actually had a daughter, and this daughter had transmigrated from the future! The little girl jumped out and shouted at him,"Daddy!" ---------------------------- " I became the male protagonist of a comprehensive manga " was a light novel written by the author, Little Dragon Jun. The general plot of this novel was: Good friends are like snow falling from the sky. My childhood sweetheart is Yui Hihama. There was a Nishinomiya Glass at home. The story between him and them began. ---------------------------- " Tokyo macho man's love life " was a light novel written by the author Bei Lai. It was a love life novel. The general plot of this novel was: [The new book has been released.'So I'm the King of Mysteries'. Welcome to take a look.] Jiang Qijun opened the system's manual.[Hugging a girl in your arms, damage doubled!] I understand. I'll go and learn time management! Then the question was, where should he get the girl? ---------------------------- " The Target of Revenge is a Beautiful Girl of the Capital " was a light novel written by the author, Cat after his afternoon nap. It was a daily romance novel. The general plot of this novel was: Due to his parents 'work, the seventeen-year-old Saijo Ayato returned to his hometown that he had been away from for a long time. What greeted him was the goddess that he had a crush on in his childhood? Why is the goddess a man? And the three little bullies who bullied her when she was young had actually grown up to be beautiful girls in the capital? The rosy story of youth in Kyoto, which was read as revenge and written as love, was about to begin! ---------------------------- " My President Kwon is Very Cold " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Kitagawa Ungami. The general plot of the novel was: In her previous life, she didn't know people well and was killed by her loved ones. After her rebirth, she had taken every step carefully. However, why did the superior and political enemy who had dismissed her in her previous life become her husband in this life? In this life, he was still a noble, low-key and indifferent person, but he doted on her deeply and was willing to sacrifice everything for her. ---------------------------- " Guide to the King of the Web's Male God " was a light novel written by the author, Winter Shinko Weiliang. The general plot of this novel was: He was reborn and transmigrated to the world of the Internet King. I fell in love with Ryoma Echizen. She became Akutsu's older sister. He and Kaji were childhood sweethearts. Captured Saeki Torujiro. She became the younger sister of Atobe Keigo. He was the coach of Lihai University. He was wrapped in a white stone. Yes, this life was complete. P.S. The real male protagonist is Ryuuma Echizen, the rest are fake male protagonists. The real second male lead was Shiroishi Kuranosuke and Sanada Genichiro, while the rest were fake second male leads, and there were countless gods assisting them. [Mainly write about Qingxue, Frost Emperor, Lihai University, Four Heavenly Treasures Temple, Liujiao Middle School, Shanchui, Chengcheng Xiangnan, other schools are not written. Plot direction: romance + competition.] ---------------------------- " The Vicious Female Supporting Character's Life-Saving Guide " was a modern romance novel written by Dong Chuan. The general plot of this novel was: Dressed as a vicious supporting actress, in order not to die a miserable death, Gu Xiluo had to start saving herself! But in the blink of an eye, he actually ran over the mysterious big shot! Gu Xiluo quickly calmed down and sent the man to the hospital. She took care of him day and night. She wanted to move the big boss's heart! " Who says you're mine?" Shen Chaoci's eyes were indifferent. " You are clearly my wife!" quot;。 ---------------------------- " In Kanagawa, I'm a Warm Man " was a light novel written by the author, Zhan Not an Idiot. It was a daily love novel. The general plot of this novel was: Dong You, gender male. He currently lives in an apartment next to Goshogaya Park in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa. Other than technology and science, he could climb any other peak. His nicknames were: " King of the Shinri Forum,"" Leader of the You Cult,"" The Mastermind of Shinri High School," and " The Gentle Man Who Can Make the World Peaceful." Q: Who do you want to be? A: Most people have dreams and burdens in their hearts, but they are often gradually worn away in reality, becoming mediocre step by step and disappearing into the crowd. I am different... Q: Can you make it short? A: To be a boy that thousands of people yearn for. [What nickname do you like the most?] A: The mastermind behind Shinri High School, but someone gave me the nickname 'Amory' because I couldn't forget Rosalind.
Kitagawa Umogami Nishiki's Collection
1 answer
2024-08-30 14:06
I'm not sure who Kitagawa Ungami Jin is. Kitagawa Ungami Jinshi might be a fictional character or someone. If I can provide more information, I will try my best to answer your questions.
Kun Kun parkour download
1 answer
2025-01-05 16:06
Kun Kun parkour was a small parkour game with Kun Kun as the main character. It was created by an internet giant. The gameplay was simple. Players needed to avoid playing basketball by singing and dancing. The game's actions were exciting, and the background music was magical. The difficulty of the game was low, and it was suitable for players of all ages. Players could participate in new challenges every day and receive rewards for completing daily missions. The game features include using a variety of weapons to attack Kun, enjoying the interaction and fun gameplay. The game was available for download on Android, with a size of 8.41MB.
What is a kun? What is a kun?
1 answer
2025-01-03 05:16
The kun was a legendary animal described as a big fish that lived in the northern sea. It was huge, thousands of miles long. According to legend, Kun could transform into a flying bird called Peng. When Peng spread his wings, they were like clouds in the sky. The kun followed the waves of the sea and migrated to the southern sea. According to the ancient records of Liezi·Tang Wen and Zhuangzi·Xiaoyao You, the image of the kun was described as a huge fish. However, there was no conclusive evidence regarding the exact appearance and characteristics of the kun. Therefore, it was impossible to determine what the kun looked like.
Who are the important characters in gojo light novel besides Gojo?
1 answer
2024-11-24 04:26
Toge Inumaki is important too. His special cursed speech ability makes him stand out. Also, the principal of the school, Masamichi Yaga, is likely to be important as he is in a position of authority and has an influence on Gojo and the other students. There could be other characters like the members of different clans that also play roles in the complex web of the story.
Is Gojo dead in the manga?
2 answers
2024-10-17 00:09
No, as of the latest chapters, Gojo isn't dead.