Dia adalah pemimpin misterius modern dari sebuah organisasi. Organisasi ini mengumpulkan banyak orang berbakat agar menguasai berbagai keterampilan. Dia sangat ahli dalam hal kedokteran dan pengobatan racun, dia dianggap gila dan jahat oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Dia tewas dalam kecelakaan dan terlahir kembali dalam tubuh seorang gadis muda yang cacat.
Apa? Wajah yang cacat dan identitas yang dicuri? Kembali ke keluarganya akan menjadi hal yang tidak mungkin dan tidak ada harapan? Identitasnya bisa ditinggalkan, keluarganya bisa dilupakan, tetapi untuk orang yang telah menyakiti pemilik tubuh itu sebelumnya, jika dia tidak bisa membuat mereka merasakan kesakitan dan membuat mereka celaka, bagaimana dia bisa mempertahankan reputasinya? Kekacauan yang tidak berujung pun terjadi dan ini adalah pertempuran untuk menguasai semuanya! Lihatlah bagaimana dia mengguncang dunia dengan pakaiannya yang serba merah, pedangnya melawan kekuasaan dominan yang mengguncang surga! Namanya tersebar di berbagai penjuru, mengguncang bumi!
2529 Chs
Cinta Rahasia yang Sempurna: Istri Baru yang Buruk itu Sedikit Manis
Seberapa buruk selera Si Ye Han? Dia masih menginginkanku yang terlihat seperti ini? Beranjak bangun, Ye Wan Wan melihat pantulannya pada cermin: rambut palsu eksplosif, tato, dan riasan wajah seperti iblis. Siapapun dengan penglihatan normal akan terbakar jika mereka memandangnya lebih dari sedetik.
Sebelum Ye Wan Wan terlahir kembali, ia jatuh cinta dengan lelaki yang berbeda, sehingga semua yang dia ingin lakukan hanyalah melarikan diri dari Si Ye Han dan sangat membencinya setelah terbelenggu olehnya.
Setelah ia terlahir kembali, Ye Wan Wan melihat perubahan pada Si Ye Han, berpikir bahwa mungkin SI Ye Han sudah berubah menjadi lebih baik?
Dulu, pikirannya begitu kacau balau. Ye Wan Wan melepaskan sosok suami yang mengagumkan, disakiti oleh baj*ngan dan pengkhianat lalu terlebih lagi, telah dicuci pikirannya oleh teman yang paling dipercayainya.
Pada akhirnya, dia benar-benar sendirian. Di kehidupannya sekarang, terdapat beberapa orang jahat yang begitu licik dan begitu semangat menunggu kehancurannya.
Maaf, tetapi gadis ini tidak akan terjatuh dalam tipuan yang serupa untuk kedua kalinya!
2490 Chs
Istri yang Sangat Dimanjakan: Nona Muda Kelima Dokter Ilahi
Ia merupakan seorang Nona Muda Kelima dari Kediaman Jenderal yang dihormati, tetapi dianggap tidak berguna seperti sampah. Karena terlalu nakal dan genit, akhirnya ia terbunuh secara tidak sengaja oleh para pengikut dari laki-laki yang ia kejar; Ia adalah seorang jenius kesayangan Langit tetapi pada akhirnya dibunuh oleh sebuah rencana jahat yang tersembunyi dan semua orang yang masih ada hubungan darah dengannya dikejar dan dimusnahkan, yang membuatnya bernafsu untuk balas dendam yang dibayar dengan darah. Di hari si jenius tersebut tanpa sadar mengambil alih tubuh sampah yang tak berguna itu dan membuka matanya, nasibnya benar-benar berubah!!!
Menyempurnakan eliksir dan meleburkan senjata itu sulit dilakukan?
Hal itu tidak membuatnya gentar.
Penjinak Binatang itu langka?
Ia dengan mudah meraih gelar Kaisar Penjinak Binatang!
Pernikahan paksa!?
Para laki-laki yang sombong karena mereka tampan?
Ia mengulurkan tangan dan dengan mudah menarik para laki-laki yang luar biasa tampan: Raja Iblis bersaudara akan dengan mudah menggantikan mereka. Sekilas pandangan jahat, sedikit gerakan, dan sesaat kemudian lelaki itu tiba-tiba menghilang. Laki-laki itu membalikan badannya, senyum jahatnya memikat: Mari kita lanjutkan pembicaraan kita, ayo punya anak!
Ini adalah kisah menarik lainnya tentang transmigrasi dan karakter-karakter menyenangkan yang akan memikat Anda.
2319 Chs
Istri Galak yang Provokatif: Atasanku adalah Seorang Pemarah yang Penuh Kasih Sayang
Setelah serangkaian peristiwa yang mengubah kehidupannya, Pei Ge memutuskan untuk memulai kehidupannya yang baru dan menemukan kembali posisinya di dunia ini. Dia mendapatkan pekerjaan baru, teman-teman baru dan … atasan baru yang semula dia salah duga sebagai seorang pria penghibur!
Atasannya membantu Pei Ge membalas dendam terhadap teman yang mengkhianatinya, mendukungnya ketika dunia pun sepertinya sudah menyerah terhadapnya, mendorongnya untuk menjadi lebih yakin akan dirinya sendiri dan bahkan … mengacaukan kencan butanya.
Dengan kemampuan kerjanya yang kuat dan sikapnya yang bersemangat, dia berhasil meraih prestasi tingkat atas di perusahaan tempat dia bekerja (di bawah skema licik seorang CEO) dan bahkan mendapatkan seorang gadis penggemar yang tidak sabar untuk menjadi saudara iparnya.
Saat Pei Ge menjalani naik turunnya politik kantor, drama keluarga, menemukan pasangan yang tepat, dan harapan masyarakat, dia menyadari bahwa segala sesuatunya tidak sesederhana kelihatannya dan semua yang ia yakini sedang diuji ….
Kesalahpahaman Besar:
“Kamu brengsek! Mengapa tidak menggunakan pengaman?! Aku hamil!”
“… Dia bukan anakku.”
“Brengsek! Kamu benar-benar berani tidak mengakuinya?! Aku berikan semua pengalaman pertamaku padamu! Kamu bajingan!”
Di dokter kandungan, dia membaca laporan laboratorium kehamilannya dan terpana: Haid tidak teratur.
Pria itu mengangkat alis dan menyeringai, “Bukankah kamu membuat keributan dengan mengatakan telah mengandung anakku? Di mana anak itu ?! ”
"..." Siapa yang takut pada siapa? Mari bertaruh!
1966 Chs
Menikahimu yang Kaya dari Surga
Sampai mati pun dia tidak pernah menyangka kalau akan menikahi seorang sopir. Namun, siapa yang menyangka kalau pria itu bukan sopir, melainkan seorang CEO perusahaan dan sangat terhormat.
Setelah menikah dia melahirkan seorang anak kembar yang salah satunya meninggal. Karena ingin menghidupi anak itu, dia bekerja keras dengan sangat rajin untuk menghidupi keluarganya.
“Memangnya kenapa kalau aku menikahi sopir? Dengan pekerjaanku sebagai seorang model, aku bisa menafkahi suami dan anakku.”
Suatu hari dia melihat pria yang paling misterius dan terlihat sangat bermartabat di sebuah pesta dan pria itu mengenakan cincin kawin yang sama dengan miliknya.
Pria itu melihat ke bawah dan terkekeh, “Kebetulan sekali kita memiliki putra yang gayanya sama.”
1950 Chs
Nyonya Muda yang Kaya: Istri Tersayang Tuan Muda Xie
Yun Bixue mengalami kesulitan yang serius—
Tunangannya meninggalkannya demi sosialita teratas di negara itu. Yang paling parahnya, keluarganya dinyatakan bangkrut, dan media masa membuatnya putus asa. Dalam kesedihannya, dia mencari bantuan dari Tuan Muda Xie yang mempunyai kekuasaan, dan mendapatkan kekuatan melalui pernikahannya dengan pria itu saat berada di titik terendahnya. Sejak hari itu dan seterusnya, dia menyemangati diri sendiri untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan menjadi istri terbaik untuk suaminya.
Novel ini adalah buku yang manis, dan cantik. Tidak ada adegan yang menyayat hati atau salah pengertian.
Adegan Manis
Yun Bixue: "Limo, tidakkah kau akan bertanya siapa yang aku temui hari ini?"
Xie Limo: "Tidak masalah siapa yang kau temui. Yang penting adalah kau di sini, di sisiku sekarang."
Yun Bixue "Limo, ayo membuat janji. Di masa depan, aku akan memercayaimu, dan kau juga akan memercayaiku. Kita tidak akan membiarkan hal-hal luar memengaruhi rumah tangga kita, dan kita akan seperti kata pepatah 'jika kau tidak meninggalkanku, maka aku akan selalu berada di sisimu sampai akhir hayatku'."
Xie Limo bertemu dengan tatapan penuh tekad Yun Bixue dan tanpa berpikir, pria itu mengulurkan jarinya dan menyegel janji sebelum menjalin jari mereka bersama.
1848 Chs
Penguasa yang Agung
Great Thousand World. Ini adalah tempat dimana ribuan dataran bertemu. Tempat dimana banyak klan tinggal, dan tempat dimana sekumpulan Lord berkumpul. Heavenly Sovereign muncul satu persatu dari Lower Planes. Mereka akan menunjukkan kekuatan yang diinginkan oleh orang lain. Sementara orang-orang lain ini akan berusaha menjadi penguasa di dunia yang tanpa batas ini.
Di Wilayah Endless Fire yang dikendalikan oleh Flame Emperor, ratusan api menyala menembus surga.
Di Martial Realm, kekuatan dari Martial Ancestor membuat bumi dan surga ketakutan.
Di West Heaven Temple, kekuatan dari Emperor of a Hundred Battles tak tertandingi.
Di Northern Desolate Hill, tempat yang dipenuhi ribuan makam, Immortal Owner menguasai dunia.
Seorang anak dari Northern Spiritual Realm datang, mengendarai Nine Netherworld Bird. Ia menyerang ke arah dunia yang indah dan beragam. Siapakah yang bisa meraih takdir mereka untuk menjadi (Penguasa yang Agung) Great Ruler? Di Great Thousand World, semua orang akan berusaha menjadi Great Ruler.
1565 Chs
Suami yang Ditinggalkan Mendominasi
Setelah tiga tahun menikah dengan istri yang tidak setia, sang miliarder diusir dari rumahnya!
Setelah perceraian...
Mantan istri yang tidak setia itu datang memohon ampunan sambil berkata, "Aku salah, tolong beri aku kesempatan lagi!"
Sementara itu, mantan mertuanya memohon, "Tolong jadi menantu, aku akan mencuci pakaiammu, menyiapkan makanan, dan melayani kamu dengan baik!"
"Sudah terlambat untuk menyesal..."
Not enough ratings
1452 Chs
Saya Punya 108 Kakak Perempuan yang Lebih Tua
"Keluarga Yu Tian yang tersisa, adik perempuannya, didiagnosis menderita leukemia, dan mereka membutuhkan 2 juta untuk transplantasi sumsum tulang."
Tidak ada cara saudara yang miskin itu bisa membiayai itu. Sesaat setelah Yu Tian hancur, Lamborghini merah berhenti di depannya.
Wanita berkacamata hitam yang keluar dari kendaraan mewah itu memberi tahu Yu Tian bahwa dia adalah kakak perempuan yang lama hilang. Kemudian dia mentransfer 3 juta untuk mengatasi masalahnya saat ini.
"Ayo. Kembali dengan saya. Semua kakak perempuan Anda sangat ingin bertemu dengan Anda."
"Um... saya punya berapa banyak kakak perempuan?"
"Kenapa tidak Anda tebak?"
"Dua? Mungkin tiga? Tidak mungkin saya punya tujuh atau delapan kakak perempuan, kan?"
Wanita itu menggelengkan jarinya dan tersenyum. "Termasuk saya, Anda memiliki 108 kakak perempuan."
Mata Yu Tian terbelalak."
Not enough ratings
1436 Chs
Menantu Yang Tangguh: Lucas Gray yang Karismatik
Enam tahun yang lalu, dia menghilang diam-diam! Setelah enam tahun, dia menjadi "Dewa Perang" yang tak tertandingi dan kembali dengan kemuliaan, hanya untuk mengetahui bahwa dia memiliki seorang anak perempuan yang tidak pernah diketahuinya. Menatap istrinya dan putrinya, dia berkata, "Dalam hidup ini, aku akan membawa kalian kemuliaan dan kehormatan terbesar!”
If the lead actor of 'The Negotiator' Yang Mi was replaced by Liu Shishi, it might have a different effect and influence. The following are some possible changes:
1. Character image: Yang Mi's role in The Negotiator is usually a confident and powerful woman, while Liu Shishi is more suitable to play a gentle, introverted and thoughtful female character. Therefore, if Yang Mi was replaced by Liu Shi Shi, it might have a certain impact on the character's image and the development of the plot.
2. Acting performance: Yang Mi is a capable actress. Her acting skills are excellent and she can interpret various types of roles well. On the other hand, Liu Shi Shi focused more on expressing her emotions and inner feelings. Her acting skills were relatively more focused on expressing her emotions and exquisiteness. Therefore, if Yang Mi was replaced by Liu Shishi, it might affect her acting performance.
3. The audience's reaction: The audience's reaction is also an important factor that affects the effect of the work. If Yang Mi was replaced by Liu Shi Shi, the audience's reaction might be different. Some people might think that Yang Mi was more suitable for this role while others might think that Liu Shishi was better.
It should be noted that the above are only some possible changes and influences. The specific effects and influences still need to be considered according to the performance of the actors, the development of the plot, and the preferences of the audience.
Yang Yun, Shi Fang, and Liu Qingmei were characters that appeared in many novels, TV series, movies, and anime works, but there was no clear answer as to which book they appeared in. However, according to some novels that I know of, these characters may appear in the following works:
- Battle Through the Heavens
- [Martial Move the Universe]
- [Full-time Expert]
- Celebrating Years
- [Choosing the Heavens]
- Eight Dragons and Dragons
- Ghost Blows Out the Light
- Jade Dynasty
These are just some examples. If there are other works that include these characters, please provide more information.
Liu Tao, Liu Shishi, and Li Qin were well-known actresses in China. Liu Tao won the audience's love with her pure and natural appearance and superb acting skills. She had created many popular characters in many TV series and movies. Liu Shishi was famous in the Chinese film and television industry for her pure and sweet appearance and excellent acting skills. She had starred in many popular TV series. Li Qin was also a well-loved actress. She chose a fresh and elegant Song Han costume to show her classical temperament. These three actresses appeared together on Central TV's Spring Festival Gala and gave the audience a wonderful performance.
Liu Shishi (Lin Yashi) was a famous Chinese actress born on March 16, 1987 in Beijing City, China. She was very popular because of her many TV series and movies, such as Startling Step by Step, Palace Heart Locking Jade, The Legend of Sword and Fairy 3, etc.
Liu Shi Shi's appearance was considered elegant, delicate and charming. She had a pair of big eyes, a tall nose, and a beautiful jawline. She had also received many honors and awards, including the Golden Eagle Award, the Hua Ding Award, and the Asian Television Awards.
Liu Shishi (Lin Yaning) was an actress from Mainland China. She graduated from Beijing Dance Academy on December 7th, 1987, and majored in Ballet. In 2006, she made a name for herself by playing the female lead Long Kui in the TV series The Legend of Sword and Fairy 3. In 2011, he gained more attention for his role as Marte Simo in the TV series "Startling Step by Step." In 2013, she was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 19th Shanghai TV Festival for her TV series "Palace Heart Locking Jade". In 2014, she won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 21st Shanghai TV Festival for her TV series,"Startling Step by Step." In 2015, he participated in the film series "Tiny Times." In 2017, she was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 24th Shanghai TV Festival for her TV series "Fuyao." In 2018, he starred in the TV series "Ruyi Biography."
The Liu Shi in the Mortal Cultivation Legend was the clan leader of the Liu clan in Luoyang, Central Continent.
While waiting for the TV series, he could also click on the link below to read the classic original work of " The Legend of Mortal Cultivation "!
The Liu Shi in the Mortal Cultivation Legend was the clan leader of the Liu clan in Luoyang, Central Continent. When Han Li first arrived in the Immortal World, he had gotten acquainted with Young Lady Liu Ru of the Liu Clan and had helped her deliver a batch of spirit medicines that the clan needed back to Luoyang City. Liu Shi had appeared when Han Li entered the Liu Clan, and he had recovered his memories in the subsequent plot. However, regarding Liu Shi's specific identity and background information, the search results did not provide a clear answer.
While waiting for the TV series, he could also click on the link below to read the classic original work of " The Legend of Mortal Cultivation "!
In << Mortal Cultivation Legend >>, Liu Shi was the young master of a small cultivation clan. His name was Liu Yu. He was a good friend of the main character Han Li, and the two of them had once entered a cultivation sect. In the novel, Liu Yu showed his intelligence, wit, and bravery. He also achieved remarkable achievements on the path of cultivation.
While waiting for the TV series, he could also click on the link below to read the classic original work of " The Legend of Mortal Cultivation "!
" The Poetic Years " is a modern romance novel written by the author Youyou Keer. The general plot of this novel is as follows:
In the 1970s and 1980s, Liu Jianguo and An Qi met, fell in love, and broke through all kinds of barriers to get married. Liu Jianguo, who had great ambitions, studied hard all the way. He went from a cigarette factory worker to a university, a graduate student, and a doctor. As the gap between them and their knowledge and culture continued to increase, what would happen to their relationship and marriage? Please look forward to it.
" Single Woman " was a modern romance novel written by Liu Yizhu. The general plot of the novel was:
The story of a single woman, savoring it carefully, could not help but make the world sigh. The most beautiful thing in the world was love.
" The Diary of My Ex-Wife " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Shallow Love. The general plot of this novel was:
Their marriage had nothing to do with love. It was just an accident.
Liu Shiyu was a brainless, simple-minded woman with no family or home. On the night of her eighteenth birthday, she drank to boost her courage and flirted with Ji Bowen. Coincidentally, she was photographed by the paparazzi, and the next day, it caused a storm in the city.
In order to give an explanation to society and his family, Ji Bowen had to admit that Liu Shiyu was his fiancée and the wedding was completed a month later.
For three years after their marriage, they had been living a cold and intimate life. However, Liu Shiyu had always been very satisfied. To her, being able to accompany him and see him often was enough.
However, the thing that she was most afraid of had come. Xiao Menghan had returned, the woman that Ji Bowen loved the most, so they had to get a divorce.
Who would have thought that before the divorce, Liu Shiyu would get into a car accident and lose all her memories? Because of this, Ji Bowen had no choice but to take her in and put the divorce on hold.
However, it didn't take long for Xiao Menghan to see through her plan to pretend to have amnesia. She would never forget how Ji Bowen strangled her neck and glared at her so fiercely that she almost wanted to kill her." Why did you lie to me?"
" Painting Hall Rejuvenation " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Liu Xizi. The general plot of this novel was:
She was not a transmigrator, but she had the knowledge of a transmigrator. She was not a young man, but she had the ambition of a young man. She was not like a woman from an aristocratic family. She did not show her face in public and did not care about trifles. She was not like a martial artist. She staged palace fights and house fights. She only left behind a legend of " the painting hall is always in spring, but she did not care for the dead..."
" Hidden Love Letter " was a romantic youth-love novel written by Liu Xiaobei. The general plot of the novel was:
If you had a crush on someone, how long would it last?
If you were to write a love letter to someone, how many would you write?
If you looked back at your youth, what would you remember?
This story tells the story of a woman's 15 beautiful years from the age of 10 to 25, as well as her 781 love letters. This was a slow, low-key, warm, romantic, and sad growing up story.
I would like to dedicate these 781 love letters to my former crush, first love, and fruitless love. I wish all happiness will last forever.
" The Great Han Princess Liu Xiangfu " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Wei Miao and Wei Xiao. The general plot of this novel was:
Liu Xiangfu, a woman who failed in the marriage alliance and was forgotten by history during the Western Han Dynasty. She went from being a princess in distress to the God of War in the Western Regions. She led her troops back to Chang 'an. Perhaps it was because she had accidentally obtained two treasures, or perhaps it was because she met the descendant of the Huo family who had concealed her identity. It was also possible that it was the prophecy that year-the descendant of Xu was Liu Xiangfu, the son of the emperor. It was the prophecy that said that Liu Xu's only remaining descendant was about to take over the world.
The book," A Sorrow Through the Ages " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Liu Shuyan. The general plot of this novel was:
Her memories of his appearance and his voice had not changed. She had been reborn with the memories of her previous life, but had love really never left her? Was he truly in love with her, or was it a complete conspiracy? Until the end, who could answer her questions…
" The Reborn Concubine's Daughter's Marriage " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Guan Tianchou. The general plot of this novel was:
The Liu family had a daughter, she was not a toppling beauty, but her appearance was refined. Although his father was a merchant, his wealth was comparable to that of a country. My brother Yan Jun, a famous lady, flocked to him, but he had never fallen in love with anyone else. There is a ballad, Liu family's little daughter, looks like hibiscus, as clear as a bowl of lotus, character is good, I do not know who will marry you, who will marry you? There's a group to add. 385357694, please read it!
" Harem: Liu E's Biography " was an ancient romance novel written by the author Guan Zhihan. The general plot of this novel was:
Everyone in the deep palace of the capital is fond of it, and the servant sighs that things in the palace are unpredictable. For so many years, I, Liu E, was just a weak woman. Wish to get a person's heart, but Ding Wei was killed by an accident; White head do not leave, husband Lang and I are separated; A piece of ice heart in the jade pot, but I let down his feelings for me.
We were once sisters, but now we are enemies. I will not leave my name in the annals of history, only for the Great Song. Since you have become the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager, you should do your best to ensure the well-being of the people of our dynasty! Facing your former lover, even if you have a steel knife in your hand, how can you mess up the court?
Liu E was a legendary woman with a beauty that could topple a country. With a glance, many men in the world would be intoxicated by her. With a turn, all the civil and military officials in the court would bow to her. She had been thrifty and thrifty all her life to help the emperor, so why did she leave behind the rumor of a civet cat changing the crown prince after her death?
Liu E's life was a legend. Please watch the bloodbath in the Great Song…
" The Starlight of the Entertainment Industry " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Fresh Peppermint. The general plot of the novel was:
For the sake of the senior he admired in university, he had resolutely entered the entertainment industry.
The conflicted feelings, the artists 'difficulties, and the persecutions of his friends.
When faced with all kinds of setbacks, how would she, who was only in the entertainment industry, face all these things?
When she was schemed against by the man she loved the most, would she return to his embrace when she was physically and mentally exhausted?
Just like people drinking water, they know whether it is cold or warm.
In this selfish entertainment industry, Liu Yi was walking step by step towards the highest point of the starry sky.
Liu Shishi debuted in 2006 when she starred in the TV series "The Moon Beyond the Frost" and was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Award at the 22nd Shanghai TV Festival. After that, she starred in many TV series such as " Startling Step by Step,"" Palace Heart Locking Jade,"" If We Can Love Like This," and gradually made her mark in the entertainment industry. In addition, Liu Shishi also acted in films such as Youth and Tiny Times.