
chi yan

Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

When Chi Lian dies on her earth, she wakes up in the body of another girl with the same name as her on a different earth. One with empires and royal families. Poor and desperate to survive, she is bound to a virtual pet system that can access technology from its home planet for her to use. There is just one catch. The only job she can do is that of a paparazzo. From there, she is determined to build herself a media empire and take back what her family lost. Her main news worthy targets are the most wanted but hard to get bachelors of the empire. They are rich, handsome and the media is afraid of publishing their pictures and information. But somehow, Chi Lian manages to do the impossible, she takes their pictures all the time. Which woman would not pay for their exclusive pictures and news after all. One in particular attracts her the most, The cold CEO and Professor Jun Muyang who everyone says is cold to women. With her technology and wits, Chi Lian and her adopted daughter find all ways to invade his space and in the process, steal his heart. But just how far is she willing to go to melt professor Ice cube's heart and keep her competitors at a distance? All those women in the empire who wanted Jun Muyang were waiting eagerly for her rejection. But it would be a long wait. Week one..." Jun Muyang, I bought you these flowers." Jun Muyang: "Get lost." Year one..."Baby I need another kiss." Chi Lian..."Get lost." Other works. Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife[ongoing]
690 Chs
Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Seelenwanderung: Lady Chi umwirbt den eiskalten Professor Jun

Als Chi Lian auf ihrer Erde stirbt, erwacht sie im Körper eines anderen Mädchens, das denselben Namen trägt wie sie, auf einer anderen Erde. Einer mit Imperien und königlichen Familien. Arm und verzweifelt um ihr Überleben kämpfend, ist sie an ein virtuelles Haustiersystem gebunden, das auf die Technologie ihres Heimatplaneten zugreifen kann, um sie zu nutzen. Es gibt nur einen Haken. Der einzige Job, den sie ausüben kann, ist der eines Paparazzo. Von dort aus ist sie entschlossen, sich ein Medienimperium aufzubauen und das zurückzuholen, was ihre Familie verloren hat. Ihre Hauptziele sind die begehrtesten, aber schwer zu bekommenden Junggesellen des Imperiums, die eine Nachricht wert sind. Sie sind reich, gutaussehend und die Medien haben Angst, ihre Bilder und Informationen zu veröffentlichen. Aber irgendwie schafft Chi Lian das Unmögliche, sie macht ständig Fotos von ihnen. Welche Frau würde nicht für ihre exklusiven Bilder und Nachrichten bezahlen. Einer zieht sie besonders an: der kalte CEO und Professor Jun Muyang, von dem alle sagen, er sei kalt zu Frauen. Mit ihrer Technik und ihrem Verstand finden Chi Lian und ihre Adoptivtochter alle Möglichkeiten, in seinen Raum einzudringen und dabei sein Herz zu stehlen. Aber wie weit ist sie bereit zu gehen, um das Herz von Professor Ice Cube zum Schmelzen zu bringen und ihre Konkurrenten auf Distanz zu halten? All die Frauen im Reich, die Jun Muyang begehrten, warteten sehnsüchtig auf ihre Ablehnung. Aber es würde eine lange Wartezeit werden. Erste Woche..." Jun Muyang, ich habe dir diese Blumen gekauft." Jun Muyang: "Hau ab." Jahr 1... "Baby, ich brauche noch einen Kuss." Chi Lian: "Hau ab." Andere Werke. Transmigration aus einer Zombie-Welt zur Frau des Mecha-Königs[laufend]
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341 Chs
Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Transmigration : Dame Chi Séduit le Glacial Professeur Jun

Quand Chi Lian meurt sur sa terre, elle se réveille dans le corps d'une autre fille portant le même nom qu'elle, sur une autre terre. Une terre avec des empires et des familles royales. Pauvre et désespérée de survivre, elle est liée à un système animal de compagnie virtuel qui peut accéder à la technologie de sa planète d'origine pour qu'elle l'utilise. Il y a juste un hic. Le seul travail qu'elle puisse faire, c'est celui de paparazzi. À partir de là, elle est déterminée à se construire un empire médiatique et à reprendre ce que sa famille a perdu. Ses cibles principales dignes de faire l'actualité sont les célibataires les plus convoités mais difficiles à atteindre de l'empire. Ils sont riches, beaux et les médias craignent de publier leurs photos et informations. Mais d'une manière ou d'une autre, Chi Lian parvient à faire l'impossible, elle prend tout le temps leurs photos. Après tout, quelle femme ne paierait pas pour leurs photos et actualités exclusives. L'un en particulier l'attire le plus, Le froid PDG et Professeur Jun Muyang que tout le monde dit froid avec les femmes. Avec sa technologie et son intelligence, Chi Lian et sa fille adoptive trouvent toutes les façons d'envahir son espace et, dans le processus, de lui voler son cœur. Mais jusqu'où est-elle prête à aller pour faire fondre le cœur du professeur Ice cube et garder ses concurrents à distance ? Toutes ces femmes de l'empire qui voulaient Jun Muyang attendaient avec impatience son rejet. Mais ce serait une longue attente. Semaine un... "Jun Muyang, je t'ai acheté ces fleurs." Jun Muyang : "Perds-toi." Année un... "Chéri, j'ai besoin d'un autre baiser." Chi Lian... "Perds-toi." Autres œuvres. Transmigration d'un monde de zombies pour devenir la femme du roi des mechas[en cours]
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340 Chs
Transmigrasi: Nyonya Chi Merayu Profesor Jun yang Dingin

Transmigrasi: Nyonya Chi Merayu Profesor Jun yang Dingin

Ketika Chi Lian meninggal di buminya, ia terbangun dalam tubuh gadis lain yang memiliki nama sama seperti dirinya di bumi yang berbeda. Bumi dengan kekaisaran dan keluarga kerajaan. Miskin dan putus asa untuk bertahan hidup, ia terikat pada sistem peliharaan virtual yang dapat mengakses teknologi dari planet asalnya untuk digunakan olehnya. Hanya ada satu masalah. Satu-satunya pekerjaan yang bisa ia lakukan adalah sebagai paparazzi. Dari situ, ia bertekad untuk membangun kekaisaran media miliknya sendiri dan mengambil kembali apa yang hilang dari keluarganya. Target berita utamanya adalah para bujangan yang paling diinginkan tapi sulit didapatkan di kekaisaran. Mereka kaya, tampan dan media takut menerbitkan gambar dan informasi mereka. Namun entah bagaimana, Chi Lian berhasil melakukan yang mustahil, ia mengambil gambar mereka sepanjang waktu. Lagipula, wanita mana yang tidak mau membayar untuk gambar dan berita eksklusif mereka. Satu di antaranya sangat menarik perhatiannya, CEO dingin sekaligus Profesor Jun Muyang yang semua orang bilang cuek terhadap wanita. Dengan teknologi dan kecerdasannya, Chi Lian dan putri angkatnya menemukan segala cara untuk masuk ke ruang pribadinya dan dalam prosesnya, mencuri hatinya. Tapi sejauh mana ia bersedia untuk melelehkan hati profesor Balok Es dan menjaga para pesaingnya pada jarak? Semua wanita di kekaisaran yang menginginkan Jun Muyang dengan sabar menunggu penolakannya. Tapi itu akan menjadi penantian yang panjang. Minggu pertama..."Jun Muyang, aku membelikanmu bunga-bunga ini." Jun Muyang: "Pergi sana." Tahun pertama..."Sayang, aku butuh ciuman lain." Chi Lian..."Pergi sana." Karya lainnya. Bertransmigrasi dari dunia zombie menjadi istri raja mecha[berlangsung]
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332 Chs
Transmigración: Dama Chi Seduciendo al Frío Profesor Jun

Transmigración: Dama Chi Seduciendo al Frío Profesor Jun

``` Cuando Chi Lian muere en su tierra, despierta en el cuerpo de otra chica con el mismo nombre que ella en una tierra diferente. Una con imperios y familias reales. Pobre y desesperada por sobrevivir, está atada a un sistema de mascotas virtual que puede acceder a tecnología de su planeta natal para que ella la use. Hay solo una trampa. El único trabajo que puede hacer es el de un paparazzo. A partir de ahí, está decidida a construir su propio imperio mediático y recuperar lo que su familia perdió. Sus principales blancos dignos de noticias son los solteros más cotizados pero difíciles de conseguir del imperio. Son ricos, guapos y los medios temen publicar sus fotos e información. Pero de alguna manera, Chi Lian logra hacer lo imposible, toma sus fotos todo el tiempo. Al fin y al cabo, ¿qué mujer no pagaría por sus fotos y noticias exclusivas? Uno en particular atrae su atención más que los demás, el frío CEO y Profesor Jun Muyang, quien todos dicen que es distante con las mujeres. Con su tecnología e ingenio, Chi Lian y su hija adoptiva encuentran todas las formas de invadir su espacio y en el proceso, robar su corazón. Pero, ¿hasta dónde está dispuesta a llegar para derretir el corazón del profesor Cubo de hielo y mantener a sus competidoras a distancia? Todas esas mujeres en el imperio que querían a Jun Muyang esperaban ansiosamente su rechazo. Pero sería una larga espera. Semana uno... "Jun Muyang, te compré estas flores". —Pierdete. Año uno... "Cariño necesito otro beso." —Chi Lian... "Pierdete." Otras obras. Transmigrando de un mundo de zombis para convertirse en la esposa del rey de los mechas [en curso]. ```
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332 Chs
Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

Transmigração: Lady Chi Conquista o Gelado Professor Jun

``` Quando Chi Lian morre em seu mundo, ela acorda no corpo de outra garota com o mesmo nome que o dela em uma terra diferente. Uma com impérios e famílias reais. Pobre e desesperada para sobreviver, ela está vinculada a um sistema de pet virtual que pode acessar a tecnologia de seu planeta de origem para que ela possa usar. Só há um porém. O único trabalho que ela pode fazer é o de paparazzo. A partir daí, ela está determinada a construir seu próprio império de mídia e recuperar o que sua família perdeu. Seus principais alvos dignos de notícia são os solteiros mais desejados, porém difíceis de se alcançar do império. Eles são ricos, bonitos e a mídia tem medo de publicar suas fotos e informações. Mas de alguma forma, Chi Lian consegue fazer o impossível, ela tira fotos deles o tempo todo. Afinal, qual mulher não pagaria por suas fotos exclusivas e notícias. Um em particular a atrai mais, o frio CEO e Professor Jun Muyang que todos dizem ser indiferente às mulheres. Com sua tecnologia e inteligência, Chi Lian e sua filha adotiva encontram todas as maneiras de invadir seu espaço e no processo, roubar seu coração. Mas até onde ela está disposta a ir para derreter o coração do professor cubo de gelo e manter suas concorrentes à distância? Todas aquelas mulheres no império que queriam Jun Muyang aguardavam ansiosamente por sua rejeição. Mas seria uma longa espera. Semana um..." Jun Muyang, comprei essas flores para você." Jun Muyang: "Vá embora." Ano um..."Amor, preciso de outro beijo." Chi Lian..."Vá embora." Outras obras. Transmigrando de um mundo zumbi para se tornar a esposa do rei dos mechas[em andamento] ```
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332 Chs
Xuyên Nhanh Chi Hoành Hành Ngang Ngược

Xuyên Nhanh Chi Hoành Hành Ngang Ngược

Hệ thống: Ký chủ, cái này nam chính là bệnh kiều, mặt ngoài thực ngoan nội bộ gian tà, ai đối hắn có một đinh điểm không hảo hắn đều nhớ kỹ, cho nên sau khi lớn lên sẽ điên cuồng ngược nữ chính, hiện tại người xem không yêu xem ngược luyến tình thâm, ngươi phải đối hắn hảo, làm hắn biến thành mỹ vị ngọt văn bệnh kiều hệ nam chính! An Thúy : Nga. Sau đó chùy bạo nam chính. Hệ thống:…… ..... Cái thứ nhất phó bản: Ngạo mạn quý tộc đại tiểu thư ngược tra ( xong ) lúc đầu hoàn thành phẩm, nhưng nhảy quá trực tiếp xem cái thứ hai chuyện xưa. Cái thứ hai phó bản: Kiêu ngạo ương ngạnh trong giá thú tử đại tiểu thư VS bị dạy dỗ run M tư sinh tử ( xong ) Cái thứ ba phó bản: Anh hùng hậu đại VS trọng sinh nữ xứng ( xong ) Đệ tứ phó bản: Siêu cấp anh hùng VS ngạnh hạch nhân thê tiểu si hán ( xong ) Thứ năm cái phó bản: Tà ác lại mê người vai ác bá đạo nữ tổng tài VS còn chưa biến thành đại lão hôi công tử ( xong ) Thứ sáu cái phó bản: Dựa ngực thượng vị hắc cô gái trẻ tinh biến thân toàn năng leader ( xong ) Thứ bảy cái phó bản: Phi thường quy huyền học đại sư xưng bá chi lộ ( xong) Tô sảng văn, nữ chủ cuồng soái khốc bá túm, hẳn là rất ăn với cơm, nhưng không thể mang đầu óc xem. Reup từ wikidich!
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139 Chs
Chi Yan's novel recommendations
1 answer
2025-01-06 09:02
" Chi Yan Lu Shen " was a modern romance novel. It told the love story of the main character, Chi Yan Lu Shen. The author's writing style was not bad, and the characters and plot settings were very novel. It was recommended as a novel worth reading. In the novel, a series of touching scenes happened between Chi Yan and Lu Shen, including the scene where Lu Shen proposed to Chi Yan in the last few minutes. The plot of this novel is fascinating and highly recommended.
A novel recommendation similar to Chi Yan
1 answer
2024-12-26 03:39
I can recommend a few novels similar to Late Banquet, including Book of Troubled Times, Spiritual Realm Walker, Tang's Table, King of Imperial Beasts, and Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation. These novels might have some similarities with Late Banquet, but the specific content and storyline might be different.
The novel recommended the female protagonist Chi Yan
1 answer
2024-12-30 19:21
There were a few novels whose female lead was called Chi Yan. One of them was " Delaying Heart ", Chi Yan x Liang Yancheng. This was a modern romance novel that told the story between Chi Yan and Liang Yancheng. The other book was " Pure Pool ", an ancient romance novel that told a story about Pure Pool. The other book was " Can We Stay Together for the Rest of Our Life ". It was a modern romance novel about a wealthy family, and the female lead was Chi Qinghuan. Other than that, the other search results did not mention a novel with a female lead named Chi Yan. Therefore, according to the information provided, these novels could be recommended for the female lead, Chi Yan.
Did Yan Chi like Lu Shiyi?
1 answer
2024-12-24 05:40
Yan Chi liked Lu Shiyi. Yan Chi had been with Ji Huaizhen since he was young, but he mistakenly thought that he liked Ji Huaizhen's younger brother, Lu Shiyi. Yan Chi was filled with deep love and persistence for Lu Shiyi. He hoped that he could follow him for the rest of his life. However, Yan Chi later realized that he had recognized the wrong person, but he had already fallen in love with Ji Huaizhen. Therefore, Yan Chi did like Lu Shiyi.
Which manga was Chi Yan the female lead of?
1 answer
2024-09-27 01:41
"After the Female Lead of the Manga Grows Up" is a light novel written by the author Dalang Beating the Wolf. It is a fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel is as follows: In this world, Shika Kasumigaoka was already a top-notch writer in Japan, Saki Izumi was already a world-class illustrator, and Teruya Shizumiya was already…ugh! In short, the main character's involvement in the original plot had long passed. This book was about the daily life of the anime female leads after they grew up. ---------------------------- "Yan Zi Liu: Talented Lady Yu Xuan Ji" was an ancient romance novel written by the author Lian Xiang Xiao He. The general plot of this novel was: She was once a beautiful, passionate, and peerless talented woman. She was actually jealous and killed the imprisoned female servant… Who made her carry the debt of love, and who sent her to the guillotine? Was it Wen Tingyun, Li Yi, Chen Wei, Pei Cheng, all the men in her life, or herself… ---------------------------- "Dressed as a Soft Girl and Storing in a Foreign World" was a sci-fi novel written by the author, Shark Counting the Stars. The general plot of this novel was: What was the experience of a female supporting character who only appeared in three chapters dressed in a foreign language? Yu Yan really didn't want to know. Fortunately, he could retrieve the space in time and change the ending. Before the disaster came, he was busy planting flowers and grass in the space, hoarding resources, soaking in the spring to hone his bones, cultivating his special ability, and even obtaining the approval of the heart sutra. She had thought that with the support of the Heart Sutra and the space, she would be one step ahead of others in the other world and become a great demon king who looked down on everyone. But why did she become more and more delicate ever since she cultivated the Heart Sutra? If this continued, when would she become a big shot? He held the belief that hard work would reap rewards. Through Yu Yan's tireless efforts, she finally became the wife of the big boss… ---------------------------- "Net King: The Queen of Street Dance" was a light novel written by the author, Nian Xi. The general plot of the novel was: She was originally a hip-hop queen, but she accidentally came to the two-dimensional world and participated in those disputes. She, who had seen through love, ended up in someone's house. ---------------------------- "The Great Manga Artist" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Moe Zhu. The general plot of this novel was: The "Rampage Manga" that she drew started the trend of rampage. Her drawings of "Sakura Kana","Fruit Basket", and "Sakura Male High School Male Public Relations Department" were known as the ancestors of young girl manga. The manga she drew, such as Black Deacon, Vampire Knight, and World's First Love, were called must-read manga for fujoshi. Her "Detective Conan" and "Doraemon" had sold more than 100 million copies worldwide and were the longest-lived comics. Naruto and One Piece, which she drew, were hailed as hot-blooded anime textbooks. The brilliance of her paintings,"The Wind Rises,""Valley of the Wind," and "Thousand and Qianxun," had attracted the attention of generations after generations. "Time Magazine": He pushed the world's comics industry forward by 50 years on his own. Being born in the same era as her was the tragedy of all manga artists. This article was the female manga version of "The Reborn Great Author", sponsored by someone else's kitten. To travel to a world parallel to Earth and continue to write about the glory we once chased. Let's see if Moe Lord brings you a different kind of strong woman. This was a history of struggle, but also a refreshing article. Women should strive to be strong! Every day before it goes on sale, every update is guaranteed to be 3000 words. Everyone is welcome to jump into the pit. (>^Omega ^<) Meow. ---------------------------- "Pure Pool" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Miss Cuo. The general plot of this novel was: The sky descended with a vision, and the demons of this world vanished. Who was she here for? ---------------------------- "The Strategy and Counter-Strategy of Comics" was a light novel written by the author Cui Yanhan. It was a doujinshi derivative novel. The general plot of this novel was: [Dumb Adorable Tating Wind] was chosen by a wicked guy and was forced to embark on the path of a guide. Traveling through countless parallel worlds! What is our goal? Of course, it was to attack the characters in the anime! The light brown girl began her miserable transmigration. Her second aunt, who was pretending to be the chairman of the chuunibyou committee, was furiously trying to gain the favor of the white rabbit Ji. Every day, she would compare her height with the 1.6-meter-tall captain. When she was bored, she would look for Lin Niang to discuss life. She was worriedly trying to gain the favor of the arrogant and strange person. From time to time, she would chat with Natsume, who was sitting at the same table. [This article contains several parts. The anime article is a happy article. Occasionally, it will stir up emotions.] It was also known as Black and Being Black, and the first bullet of the shameless system! ---------------------------- "Demon Fox from the Galaxy" was a modern romance novel written by the author. The general plot of this novel was: [Wine and Alcohol CP, the main text has been completed.] Gu Jiu, the best-selling manga author, was rumored to have a heart of stone, but she doted on a fox. It was said that this was a demon fox that had transmigrated from her manga. It was powerful and unfathomable. Outsiders knew that she doted on foxes, but few people knew that she was the scar and brand that could not be erased in his heart. She was the person he placed in his heart. "Yan Yan-Yan Yan-" 500 years ago, her cry resounded throughout the galaxy. Five hundred years later, he came from the galaxy and accompanied her through the human world, bringing her back to glory. She said that inspiration came from dreams. Every night, there would always be a voice muttering," "Wine…wine…" Only then did she know that the dream she thought was actually his pursuit of crossing a hundred years through time and space. [Wine is the starlight I hold tightly in my palm. Jimo Smoke] Ps: The main plot of the male and female protagonists 'past and present lives, half-empty background. [Additional Series] The Human World and the Other World. An independent story that did not deviate from the main story. ---------------------------- "Manga Artist System" was a light novel written by the author, Bao Lan Hai Yang. It was a funny and sarcastic novel. The general plot of this novel was: The otaku male protagonist transmigrated to the body of the cute girl and Quan Shawu and discovered that Marvel and the hot-blooded Wang Daoman were popular in the comics industry today. Other than Marvel, there were no other popular anime such as Eromania, Forbidden Magic, Super Cannon, Fate, and the Spirit of the Halberd. When the main character shouted that there were no more cute comics, the system descended and imparted full marks to the drawing skills, opening up the god-level comic library! "I'll save this world's animation!" Shawu picked up the drawing board and started the path of a manga artist… ---------------------------- "Miss Painter, I'm in Japan" was a light novel written by the author, Long Journey Seagull. It was a fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel was: She reincarnated in Japan and became a female high school student. She dreamed of drawing manga and becoming rich and free. At first, this was what Rin Farasaka thought. It wasn't until the manga was published that she gradually realized that this world was very abnormal.
The Ending of Chi You and Yan Zisu in Xian Chu
1 answer
2024-09-23 13:55
。Xian Chu was a fictional novel, and the ending was not clearly stated. Different novels have different endings, depending on the author's setting and the development of the plot. If you have more information about Xian Chu, I can try my best to provide you with more help.
The Ending of Chi You and Yan Zisu in Xian Chu
1 answer
2024-09-23 13:50
I can't provide the ending of Xian Chu because Xian Chu is another novel and I don't have access to the information of other novels. But I can tell you the ending of Chi You and Yan Zisu in most novels. In the endings of some novels, Chi You and Yan Zisu ended up together. Their love story was described as a romantic battle, but in the end, they defeated the evil forces and protected the world and mankind. In other novels, Chi You and Yan Zisu may not be together, and their love story may be described as a sad ending. For example, in Seven Swords Descending the Heavenly Mountain, Chi You and Yan Zisu were misunderstood as enemies, and they finally left each other, resulting in a painful parting. Thank you for providing the ending of Chi You and Yan Zisu. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask me!
Does Yan Chi love Ji Huaizhen or Lu Shiyi
1 answer
2024-10-20 08:38
In the novel Married to a Monk, Yan Chi loved Ji Huaizhen. In the novel, Yan Chi betrayed his sect for Ji Huaizhen and sacrificed himself to save his life. Although he had been moved by Lu Shiyi's kindness and bravery, his feelings for Lu Shiyi were more gratitude and appreciation than love. While waiting for the TV series, you can also click on the link below to read the classic original work of "Dafeng Nightwatchman"!
Which novel did Fist Saint Chi Yan appear in?
1 answer
2024-09-09 11:35
"The Great Master of Wuxia" is a wuxia fantasy novel written by the author, Chi Jian. The general plot of this novel is as follows: An Internal Martial Arts expert had entered the world of Wuxia. From then on, a new batch of martial arts experts appeared in the martial arts world. Another great grandmaster… ---------------------------- The Red Blood Martial God was a fantasy novel written by the author, Wings of the Holy Sky. The general plot of the novel was: In the East Imperial Continent, martial arts reigned supreme. The young man who had committed a crime suffered humiliation and exploded in a desperate situation. He controlled the universe, broke the myriad tribulations, defied heaven's will, and shattered the void. A blood-red magic ring that had been refined into seven Dao hearts. A pair of iron fists that would kill all traitors. I'm laughing wildly with my sword, and I'm stepping on the Red Blood Martial God! ---------------------------- Fist Spirit was a fantasy novel written by the author, Sheng Tian. The general plot of this novel was: I want to live a carefree life, but there are so many troubles in thousands of worlds. The divine power of the Boxer's Cauldron has appeared, and I am the first to dominate the Great Dao of Fist! ---------------------------- The book " Battle Emperor with One Punch " was written by the author Fei Shu. It was an oriental fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel was: What was the strongest fist? Was it power? No, it was speed! The boy who desired to be the king of fast punches had the strongest fist. "What? You're so weak, yet you still want to become a God-Level Expert!" Let's see how Wang Mo will overcome all obstacles and become the God of War in this world. ---------------------------- " The Fist of Chinese Martial Arts Overturns the World " was a martial arts novel written by the author, Wen Yu. The general plot of this novel was: Decades ago, the founder of the Ultimate Martial Arts Fist had fought all over the world and had never been defeated. He was invincible in the world and had set off a craze for all Chinese people to practice martial arts. Decades later, the last successor of the Internal Martial Arts was born. Although he was at the peak of the Ultimate Martial Arts era, he still wanted to use his fists to display the unparalleled glory of the Internal Martial Arts. ---------------------------- The book " Sanda Master " was written by the author, Brave Current's Big Maha. It was a novel about sports events. The general plot of the novel was: Huang Yangming and Tarou Asamura had won the battle on Mount Xuedou with great difficulty, but it had planted the seeds for the future war. Twelve years later, when Aokamura Taro's son, Akira Aokamura, wantonly trampled on Chinese boxers, who could stop him? ---------------------------- " The Legend of the Proud Hero " was a traditional wuxia novel written by the author, Qu Feng. The general plot of the novel was: The Martial Ancestor had fallen! Evil Demon Rebirth! Who would save the world? The young Mu Chen was born in Wuji, but his aptitude was ordinary? Step by step, he stepped into the peak of martial arts… ---------------------------- " The World's Greatest Fist " was a traditional martial arts novel written by the author for 3.50 yuan. The general plot of this novel was: Urgent and slow alternate, and the defense is firm and firm. Only the righteous qi could not be extinguished. It should be the world's Feng Dan. In order to avenge his family, he did not hesitate to burn with lust. To wash away resentment, so that people can be enemies with the world. A boxing master of his generation roamed the martial world and stirred up a bloody storm. He had climbed to the top of the world with his bare hands! A finger tiger would surely cause a storm wherever it passed… ---------------------------- " The Supreme Martial Artist of Cultivation " was a wuxia fantasy novel written by Yan Que Zhihu. The general plot of this novel was: Patriarch Lü Ling had accidentally transmigrated to the martial arts world and relied on the unfathomable divine powers he had mastered in his previous life to compete with the various powerhouses in the martial arts world. What kind of peerless martial art can match my Lightning Controlling True Technique? What ancient weapon could rival my flying sword? What kind of sorcery and evil art can rival my talisman? You said that the pinnacle of martial arts could prolong one's life, while I would be immortal at the end of Dao and Immortal... ---------------------------- " The Elves 'Conviction Through Reason " was a light novel written by the author, hoping to pass the test. The general plot of this novel was: Yan Chu, who was wandering around, accidentally traveled to a world where humans and elves coexisted. Stand up, dodge quickly, and other divine skills were at the forefront. Self-created moves such as spinning jump and reverse punch protective shield were in the limelight. Yan Chu, who originally just wanted to take a look at the world of elves, had no choice but to find another way…So, Mr. Yan Chu, what's the secret to becoming an elf? Can my Ivan change too?" Yan Chu: " Uh…" I'm just a little better at fighting than ordinary people!
Was the character in Chi Li's novel real? Like Yan Zhuangfu
1 answer
2024-09-24 15:40
I will try my best to answer.