
conquistando filha inimigo

O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

O Alfa: Conquistando a Filha do Inimigo

## CONTEÚDO MADURO! ## “Por que você tem cicatrizes?” De repente, Iris mudou de assunto, enquanto olhava nos olhos de Cane. Ela ainda estava agarrada às mangas dele. “Seu pai me deu”, respondeu Cane. Ele pensou que Iris não se lembraria dessa conversa quando acordasse. “Deve ser tão doloroso.” “São.” “As cicatrizes vão sarar?” “Não acredito que sim.” A noite realmente te tornava vulnerável e te fazia dizer coisas que nunca admitiria quando estava claro. A obscuridade amolecia seu coração. “Que pena. Você tem uma alma quente.” Iris franziu a testa levemente. “Eu não tenho mais uma alma.” Ele vendeu sua alma pela liberdade de seu povo. Agora, não restava nada dele. “Sim, você tem, mas está com tanta dor.” Iris piscou. “Sua fera está em dor. Você tem tantas cicatrizes.” “As únicas cicatrizes que tenho estão no meu rosto.” Iris balançou a cabeça fracamente. “Não estou falando do seu rosto. Estou falando da sua alma. Que pena, você está com tanta dor... o que meu pai e irmão fizeram com você deve ser doloroso...” E depois disso, Iris fechou os olhos e adormeceu. ====================== Ela é filha de um alfa que matou sua família, dizimou sua alcateia e também fez de seu povo escravos. Agora, ele alcançou a vingança depois de dez anos sendo tratado como escravo e estava vivendo uma vida que ninguém poderia imaginar. Vida semelhante ao inferno. E dez anos depois, Alfa Cane consegue derrubar e matar o alfa que tornou a vida de seu povo pior do que a morte. Era hora dele fazer os filhos do alfa pagarem pelo que o pai deles havia feito. Apenas... Iris era uma rejeitada e era muito diferente de seu pai.
1040 Chs
Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo

Ele se apaixonou pelos raros olhos roxos dela. Então, pensou em tê-la por inteiro. ------ Naquela noite, a delicada mulher de olhos roxos e vestido de noiva sentou-se em sua cama enquanto o marido a observava com um sorriso. "Então,” ele arrastou as palavras, sua voz perversa e magnética, “eu não posso ver o rosto da minha esposa nem na noite de nosso casamento?" "Vossa Majestade prometeu cumprir meu único desejo," comentou a mulher, fixando o véu que cobria a metade inferior do seu rosto com as mãos ligeiramente trêmulas. Ele fitou seus misteriosos e raros olhos roxos. "Posso perguntar, por que tal desejo?" Ela o encarou de volta. "Vossa Majestade pode não gostar de ver coisas feias." Ele sorriu de canto e se aproximou dela. "Mas, eu nunca gostei de coisas bonitas." ------ Seren, a infame filha da bruxa, e Drayce, o impiedoso e cruel filho do Diabo. Ninguém jamais havia visto seu rosto, pois as bruxas devem ser feias, mas ele era o único que nunca procurou pela beleza. Ela foi amaldiçoada para nunca se apaixonar, mas ele desejou ser o único homem que ela amaria. Uma princesa amaldiçoada casada com o filho do Diabo para destruir seu reino, mas o filho do Diabo tinha um plano diferente para ela. O segredo de seu nascimento será revelado apenas para guiar o caminho até liberar os poderes ocultos dentro dela, os quais ninguém pode controlar. Com os perigos ocultos desejando seus poderes, Drayce e Seren poderão proteger um ao outro ou serão completamente engolidos pelas trevas? ------ Este é o primeiro livro da série "Diabo e Bruxa". Livro um - Filha da Bruxa e o Filho do Diabo. Livro dois - A Bruxa Amaldiçoada pelo Diabo. Livro Três - A Noiva do Diabo. Ambos os livros são conectados, mas você pode lê-los de forma independente. ------ Instagram- mynovel.20 Discord - https://discord.gg/p3Xrs8VbS3 Grupo do FB- romances de mynovel20
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653 Chs
A Esposa do CEO é Filha de um Deus Demônio

A Esposa do CEO é Filha de um Deus Demônio

[ Livro 1: Concluído ] Tristan Davis, o CEO playboy da Heavenly Star Enterprize, foi obrigado a casar com QUALQUER MULHER dentro de um mês ou, senão... seu título glamoroso e posição seriam retirados dele. NÃOOOO! Como ele poderia seduzir aquelas mulheres lindas se ele se tornasse pobre e não fosse mais um CEO? Tudo bem, ele vai encontrar uma mulher e casar com ela para agradar seu avô exigente. Que se dane se é uma mulher estranha e esquisita que ele conheceu na montanha enquanto acampava. Certo? Espera.. O quê!? Ela NÃO É HUMANA? Ela é a filha do deus demônio? Você disse... DEMÔNIO? Mas ela parece tão angelical, bela e inocente. Tristan nem conseguia olhar para outras mulheres depois que a filha do deus demônio se tornou sua esposa. Ha. Ele pode muito bem mantê-la por perto, já que o avô parece gostar tanto dela. ============ Zhen-Zhen, que tinha a linhagem do deus demônio, estava sendo alvo dos guerreiros guardiões. Desde criança eles tentaram matá-la muitas vezes, mas falharam. Sem outra escolha, eles a selaram na Montanha Divina. Mas após 100 anos, seu selo foi acidentalmente quebrado e assim, seu Protetor encontrou a chance de enviá-la para outro mundo habitado apenas por humanos comuns - sem seres sobrenaturais e sem poderes mágicos. Neste novo mundo, ela conheceu o CEO Galã e Travesso, que lhe propôs casamento no primeiro encontro. Mas espere... Casamento? Se tornar sua Esposa? O que significa se tornar uma Esposa? Embora a filha do deus demônio não tivesse ideia do que significa se tornar uma esposa, ela aceitou sua proposta animada! "Sim! Eu quero ser sua esposa!" ============ *** Trecho *** Zhen-Zhen: "Tristan, por que você está rindo mesmo estando triste? Eu posso sentir. Você está sofrendo, agora." Em seu estado de embriaguez, Tristan ainda conseguia absorver as palavras dela. Tristan: "Ei, minha Zhen-Zhen. Você vai ser minha esposa, né?" Zhen-Zhen: "Sim..." Tristan: "Então... me faça feliz. Venha mais perto... e me beije." Ela se inclinou mais para perto de Tristan enquanto pressionava seus lábios delicados e quentes nos lábios frios dele. Zhen-Zhen: "Você está feliz agora, Tristan?" Tristan sacudiu a cabeça e fez beicinho. "Não! Zhen-Zhen, aquilo não pode ser considerado um beijo! Você apenas pressionou seus lábios nos meus." Ele reclamou exasperadamente para ela. "Vem aqui, eu vou te ensinar!" Tristan segurou o rosto dela e então começou a beijá-la apaixonadamente. Tristan puxou a cabeça dela para mais perto à medida que aprofundava o beijo. Após alguns segundos, Zhen-Zhen respondeu e retribuiu seu beijo com tanta intensidade quanto ele. 'Caramba, ela aprende rápido.' ========= [ Quente+Divertido+Fofinho+Para Adultos ]~ Esta é a história da filha do deus demônio e de um CEO galã e travesso... ======= Prêmio deste Livro: WPC#133 Tier Ouro - Nenhum Humano Permitido! Protagonista Feminina Apoie o Autor: Junte-se ao Servidor do Discord do Autor: https://discord.gg/D44M6DYW2G Envie mensagem para mim no Discord: ellezar_g#1010 Outro Livro do Autor: 1. A Assasina Diabólica encontra o Detetive Angélico Volume I: Encontro Fatal (Capítulo 1-275) Concluído Volume II: Seus Caminhos se Cruzaram Novamente (Capítulo 276-530) Concluído 2. Amor Proibido: Sedução de um Anjo 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge A arte/ilustração/foto foi gerada por IA pelo Autor
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616 Chs
Todos Querem Mimam a Filha Sortuda

Todos Querem Mimam a Filha Sortuda

A família do Duque passou um século sem ter filhas. Quando finalmente nasceu uma filha para eles, ela deveria ter recebido todo o amor e mimos, mas acontece que a verdadeira filha tinha sido trocada ao nascer e acolhida por uma família de caçadores bondosos. Desde que adotaram a menina, os caçadores pareciam ter sorte em tudo — os animais pareciam correr para as armadilhas e redes que eles colocavam, e eles encontravam ervas raras por onde andavam. Dez anos depois, a família do Duque finalmente percebeu a verdade de que sua filha tinha sido trocada e viajou mais de mil milhas para trazê-la de volta para casa. Depois que ela retornou à sua verdadeira família, a filha foi indubitavelmente mimada por todos os membros de sua família... Depois que cresceu, Lin Qingluo se destacou em artes marciais e chegou ao auge do mundo marcial. Juntando-se ao campo de batalha com seus irmãos e pai, ela esmagou seus inimigos e ficou conhecida como uma Deusa da Guerra, ganhando inúmeros admiradores. Senhor do Pavilhão do Segredo Celestial: Sua reputação a precede, milady — ninguém se compara a você, assim como dizem os rumores. Chefe do Vale das Poções: Suas habilidades com medicina são extraordinárias, e eu me curvo à sua expertise. Ofereço minha lealdade em troca de sua tutoria para praticar medicina e ajudar as pessoas. O Primeiro Príncipe da Nação Qi: Obrigado por me resgatar. Devo-lhe uma dívida de vida. Lin Qingluo: Um príncipe insistente roubou meu coração, e ele é tudo o que consigo pensar. Não há outra pessoa em minha mente.
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410 Chs
A Filha da Família Humble Tem um Bolso Espacial!

A Filha da Família Humble Tem um Bolso Espacial!

(1v1, puro e doce) Residência do Príncipe de Xiliang. Com uma energia de tigre e com apenas 5 anos de idade, o Pequeno Príncipe Xiao Moxi viu sua mãe correr para os campos novamente, e seu rosto redondo e fofo se contraiu em frustração. Olhando com tristeza para seu pai ao lado dele, ele reclamou com um ar de sabedoria precoce, "Pai, como você se apaixonou por minha mãe, que gosta de sair correndo o tempo todo?" Xiao Yeyang lançou um olhar de esguelha para seu filho precocemente maduro, depois fingiu ponderar a pergunta. De fato, por que ele havia se apaixonado por aquela mulher? Após um longo silêncio... "Quem sabe? Talvez eu tenha prendido minha cabeça em uma porta!" Compartilhando um olhar de comiseração mútua, pai e filho soltaram um suspiro de impotência em uníssono. O que você faz quando está preso com uma mulher que nunca está em casa? Há apenas uma coisa a fazer com sua própria Consorte Princesa (mãe) — mimá-la, é claro! … Transportada para tempos antigos com um espaço cheio de flores de arroz, tudo o que ela queria era viver tranquilamente no campo. Inesperadamente, com um pai que era um magistrado do condado, foi forçada a deixar o campo pela cidade! A vida na cidade era agitada com atividades, e para ter voz em casa, ela comprou propriedades, cultivou flores e ervas medicinais, e desenvolveu variedades de grãos de alto rendimento e alta qualidade. Notavelmente, ela ajudou seu pai, que foi magistrado do condado por nove anos, a subir degrau por degrau, trazendo a humilde Família Yan para os círculos de elite de Pequim! Esta é uma história de uma filha nobre de uma família humilde ajudando seu clã a prosperar e florescer, e uma doce história de amor de sucesso mútuo e crescimento conjunto! Protagonista masculino: Na frente dos outros, ele é o orgulhoso Pequeno Príncipe, o dominador Príncipe de Xiliang. Na frente da protagonista feminina, ele é um homem suave e de coração mole. Protagonista feminina: Lúcida em todos os assuntos, de coração caloroso e autossuficiente!
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400 Chs
Rebirth; A Filha Ilegítima Muda os Ventos

Rebirth; A Filha Ilegítima Muda os Ventos

#COMPLETO# *É um romance leve e doce com um ritmo acelerado..* "Senhor, você é tão bonito, posso?" Ela se virou calorosamente, olhando para ele, seu sorriso encantador era sedutor assim como seus olhos roxos. Huo Shen não respondeu, mas deixou que ela fizesse o que quisesse, vendo que ele não tinha recusado, ela levantou as mãos algemadas e removeu a máscara cuidadosamente sem mexer no seu penteado. "Você fica bonito mesmo sem essa marca roxa, que pena que você foi envenenado! Que rosto bonito você tem aqui..." Ela suspirou levemente, seu tom soando como se estivesse com pena dele, a enorme marca roxa ao redor de seu osso da bochecha, estava se espalhando e aumentando. "Você não é?" Ele ficou surpreso que alguém pudesse dizer que era veneno, sim, seu corpo estava definhar pouco a pouco... Ele já não se sentia ele mesmo. "Eu? Eu nasci assim..." ************************* Su Wei Wei nasceu ilegítima, fora do casamento, e a segunda família com a qual sua mãe se casou, a tratava como uma serva sem posição na família. Seus meio-irmãos não lhe davam um minuto sequer de atenção, ela vivia nos quartos dos servos com os outros criados da Família Su! Tudo o que ela recebia eram coisas velhas e desgastadas, desde roupas até sapatos. Ela frequentava uma escola de baixo nível enquanto seus meios-irmãos estudavam nas melhores escolas, devido à sua ingenuidade, ela era grata por terem permitido que ela ficasse em sua casa e, assim, ela via tudo de forma positiva. Sua gentileza fez com que eles a usassem, sua fraqueza fez com que eles a pisoteassem, e agora, com um Rebirth, ela adquire experiência de vida suficiente e conhecimento do futuro, como ela vai manobrar para mudar seu destino? Depois de sair da prisão, ela é adotada por um homem poderoso, relembrando sua vida miserável, e ela decide exercer vingança. Com a presença do homem, ela pode exercer poder, mas ela consegue prendê-lo por causa de um favor e assim eles ficam noivos. *Eu não sou o dono da capa, os créditos vão para o proprietário...* Atenção; Não estou criando um Protagonista Masculino frio e insensível que pense irracionalmente e esteja mal-humorado o tempo todo, ele pode ser assim com os outros, mas não com a Protagonista Feminina.... Já disse, é um romance doce e fofo... não há tortura entre o protagonista masculino e a feminina, não espere ver isso nos meus romances.
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353 Chs
What was a light novel with the male protagonist, Ashen Lotus, or a derivative doujin novel? It had to have elements of transmigration, imagination, relaxation, strategy, and humor? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
This book was called "I Became the King of Duels by Talking." The characters in it included the protagonist, Ashen Lotus, who played cards with only his mouth! Supporting role-Muto Games, do you know what a heavy trap is? Supporting role-Atum, me! The nameless Pharaoh! Supporting roles-Seahorse Seto, Blue Eth White Dragon! Supporting role-City of Nekya, I can't play cards! You can't gamble your life! Supporting role-Peacock Dance, go! Happy Girl! Supporting role-Kyoko Manazaki. As a normal person, I always feel like I don't fit in with you guys…This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "I Became the King of Duels by Talking Nonsense" by Yibai Shanqing. This is a light novel/derivative Doujinshi novel. It has transmigration, big imagination, relaxed, strategic, and funny elements. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: [The new book,'I rely on the Stardust Dragon to roam the Dueling World' has been released! Please support me!] You Yu had transmigrated to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! "Because the Prism Man can reflect blinding light! That's why the Cyclops with weak eyes lost their ability to fight!" "Activate the Magic Card! Burn the book, the Kingdom of Toons! Wake up! Pegasus!" "Activate Chain Dart on Dark Knight Gaia! Trips its horse and makes it a permanent defense!" …… "Damn it…" "Oh! No!!!!!” Muto Game: Why is Lord Youyu so powerful?" Looking at the opponents he defeated one after another, You Yu smiled. In this world, whoever can talk nonsense is the king of duels!" Book friend group: 473162942. I hope you will like this book.
Top 10 tear-jerking classic movies in the world
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
The world's top ten tearjerker classics included Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption, Titanic, Life is Beautiful, Schindler's List, Hachi, Miracle Boy, The Gift of Room 7, Time Thief, and Little Shoes. These movies touched the hearts of the audience through touching storylines and profound characters, triggering a strong emotional resonance. They covered a variety of topics, including love, friendship, family, war, and the exploration of human nature. Not only were these films successful at the box office, but they also received widespread praise from audiences and critics. Whether it was the development of the plot or the performance of the actors, these films had demonstrated excellent production and storytelling skills. Their deep feelings and touching made the audience have a strong emotional resonance during the process of watching the movie, becoming a classic tear-jerking movie.
Was Destiny 2 fun?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
There were differing opinions on whether Fate 2 was fun or not. Some players thought that Fate 2 was a repetitive game that required constant quests and monsters. The plot and quest order could also be chaotic. However, there were also players who said that Destiny 2 had rich content and fun in both PVE and PVP. There might be some repetitions in the game mechanics, but the free content was rich and playable. There were also people who thought that Fate 2 was one of the best FPS games of this generation, providing a high-quality first-person shooter experience. Therefore, whether Fate 2 was fun or not depended on one's personal gaming preferences and experience.
What was a modern romance novel with Su Zhi as the male lead and Gu Nian as the female lead? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
This book was called "His Highness Gains Fans Through Beauty". The characters in the book included the male lead, Su Zhi, the female lead, Gu Nian, and the male supporting character, Xiao Yu. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "His Highness relies on his beauty to attract fans" by Bai Shuning. It's a modern romance/entertainment novel. You can enjoy it without worry. User recommendation: (The new novel,"What Bad Thoughts Can the Plane's Male Lead Have" has been released. It's a silly sweet novel. It's not a loss to invest ~) [Favorite Story, Female Crossdresser, 1v1,SC, Dual System] Su Zhi's first impression of Gu Nian. She was timid and liked to act coquettishly. She was a cute little trash. In the eyes of the students, Gu Nian was a combination of a big shot and the school hunk. Gu Nian in the eyes of the big shots in the business world. "He's even more professional than a professional player." In the eyes of his peers in the entertainment industry, Gu Nian said,"The role he plays will definitely be popular. He's a ruthless award-winning machine." -- The capital's influential figure, Su Zhi, had a secret. He had a system. It was also because of this that he had the ability to read minds. However, every time he used it, he had to pay a price-his body would fall into a period of weakness. On the surface, those people pandered to him and praised him, but in private, they were all talking about when the sickly Su family member would pass away. Only Gu Nian was different. The first time they met, Gu Nian grabbed his sleeve and curled his lips into a coquettish smile. The second time they met, Gu Nian stood at his door with his suitcase. He smiled gently. The mind-reading technique that had always been successful had lost its effect on Gu Nian. Although Su Zhi was puzzled, he never believed Gu Nian's goodwill. Until one day, he saw Gu Nian calmly place the knife against the neck of the man who had once slandered him. He sneered,"I spent so much effort to coax him. How dare you make him unhappy?" I hope you will like this book.
Battle Through the Heavens Season 4, which one to pick up?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
The answer to which season of Battle Through the Heavens would be followed was from the 21st episode of Battle Through the Heavens.
Is there a fantasy/sword and magic novel like The Blade Reappears?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
There were novels similar to The Return of the Blade: 1. I Give the World Destruction and Rebirth. Author: Qian Zhimo 1 2. Aztec Immortal, Author: Sword Slash Cloud Dream 3. Cyber Monk, Author: Abdalla Dubas 4. Labyrinth North, Author: Fried Clam Sesame Candy 5."The Wizard: The Awakened Demon Hunter Returns", Author: Nobu-chan 6:1692, Witch-Hunting in Salem, by Helium Ball Shaking 7: Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore, Author: Stars of Aluminia 8: The Diver Under the High Wall, Author: The Melancholic Little White in the Rain 9:"I Live Forever in the Fantasy World", Author: Jiuqu Hanjiang Son of the Stars, Author: Luo Sanguan.CS Frost Punk: New World, Author: Crazy Teammate Future Ancient Ones, Author: Dog Roe Deer Mountain, Sea and Empire, Author: Please Open the Door, Abbess Elegy of the North, by Lal Soto The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."I Give the World Destruction and Rebirth": Male sci-fi or fantasy? There was a love line, but the love scenes were not boring. After all, the main character was a straight man. In general, he was in a cybersociety that was filled with capital everywhere. The male lead was an ugly hero who was on the verge of anger to save the world and destroy the world (6.5 points) 2."Aztec Eternals":"Aztec Eternals" is a foreign historical novel. It tells the story of the protagonist traveling to the Aztec civilization in Central America. Through the development of faith and technology, he leads the local civilization to achieve a leap from primitive to modern times and resist the wave of Western colonization. The language of this book was concise, and it described the taste of the rainforest civilization in China and the United States. The author also used the analogy of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to explain the situation of the Central American states at that time, resolving the awkwardness of the subject matter. Overall, this book had a rating of 7 and a preference of 8. The readers would discover that the protagonist, Shilot, was a descendant of the Aztec royal family. He rewrote the history of Montezuma II and talked about the customs of Central America. In addition, the author also set up a foreshadowing of reincarnation, which might have an impact on the future story. In addition, readers will find that this book has many similarities with the game "Continental Storm 4." Overall, Aztec Eternals was a medieval Central American novel that was worth reading, especially for readers who liked history and games. 3.<Cyber Monk>: Yang Liang transmigrated to the Cyber World, only to find that all living beings were miserable. The original owner was even hunted down and died mysteriously! Fortunately, he had inherited the original owner's hacking skills and the bald head that he had painstakingly obtained! Cultivate the Prosthetics and learn the Fire Covering Divine Power. Let's see how Yang Liang will kill his way out! "Amitabha. The sea of bitterness is boundless. There's still a chance for you to put down your butcher's knife." Yang Liang put his palms together and lowered his eyes, looking solemn. Clang! The butcher's knife fell to the ground. "I, I was wrong…" Tears streamed down his face as he knelt on the ground. "That's right. Patron, it's our Buddhist Sect's fortune that you can turn back soon." "I was really wrong. Master, stop using your divine power!" "If I had known that your prosthetic body modification rate was over 80%, I wouldn't have dared to provoke you even if I had ten guts!" 4."North of the Labyrinth": We have normal gods, normal worlds, and normal protagonists here. It was a simple story: the brave defeated the demon king. There is a maze door on Adros, the island of ignorance, so we have to go in and take the risk. The maze was divided into the Devil Realm, the Machinery Realm, the Primitive Realm, the Plant Realm, the Dharma Ending Realm, the Dragon Realm, and the Shadow Realm. He tried to make things interesting. There was no battle energy that could destroy the world and make people soar. There was only magic that could penetrate deep into life. With the maze as the arena, from adventure stories to the intersection of the other worlds to the chaotic battle of the gods, I hope I can show you everything. What we can guarantee is that our protagonist, Dio, has never been admitted to a mental hospital, taken any psychiatric drugs, had no hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, phantom pain, schizophrenia, split personality, depression, mania, manic depression, etc. He is a very ordinary person who is not in pain at all. This was a novel that tried its best to be full of retro flavor, just like the one from 20 years ago. He originally wanted to call it "Devil Disco" because "Disco" used to be popular, but now it was retro. However, the meaning behind it was unclear. It was updated at 12:01 and 2:02 in the mortal world. There were also the completed books, Starting from the Alden Ring and The Day of Time Sequence Collapse. He could read them when he updated them. 5."The Wizard: The Awakened Demon Hunter's Return": This was a ticket to the Magic World. It came from the Auland Continent where Li An had lived for several years after transmigrating. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call him Charlie now. Who would have thought that on the first day of school, Charlie would be drawn into a golden vortex, the Demon-Hunting War on the Latyr Continent… After returning from the demon hunt, he thought he could live a peaceful life, but… Everything was the best arrangement of fate. It was a peak competition filled with schemes and fate. The winner might win immortality, and the loser would be forgotten. 6:1692, Witch-Hunting in Salem: In 1692, the New England colonies were enjoying a fragile peace. Zheng Qinghe, a law major university student, was unconscious in the examination room because he stayed up too late during the final exam week. When he woke up again, he found himself in Salem, Mass. A witchcraft incident was brewing… 7. Star Wars: Rise of Mandalore: The beginning felt good. It should be going through the Clone War, and the main character was currently a Death God Guard. This was a good angle. 8."The Divers Under the High Wall": Humans born within the high wall covet everything outside the wall. In the year 63 of the Pendulous Calendar, the inside of the wall was shrouded in black fog. Humans were struggling on isolated islands at sea, fearing the monsters in the fog under the protection of the light of Freud's lamppost. The lunatics who actively walked through the darkness and brought hope to mankind were called the Deep Dwellers. 9."I Live Forever in the Fantasy World": Don't stop, the world is going to die. For a thousand years, he resisted the fate written by the gods. He witnessed how a fantasy world of swords and magic broke the monopoly of the church, the royal power, the mages, and the nobles, and transformed into an era where steel, gunpowder, steam technology, magic decadence, reputation, and wealth determined everything. The only thing you need to remember is that you still have a soul in this long journey. (Western Fantasy X Longevity Style, Steampunk from the middle stage, paying more attention to the changes of the times than personal gains and losses, micro-group portrait) 10."Son of the Stars": Hardcore sci-fi novel by the author of "I Can See the Status Bar." It was still an urban style, but the perspective was both macro and meso. At one point, it was a hot pot with tofu bubbles, and at another point, it was about the downspin of lithium electrons causing the extinction of mankind. Just like the "distant similarities" that touched Hawking, a second ago, he was still sitting in the shop eating and chatting, but suddenly, he was talking about the human gene spiral. It was as if our similar daily lives had suddenly entered the topic of the protagonist, and there was a connection. Unlike "the fingerprints left by a thousand-year-old craftsman a second ago, and the touch of you traveling through time and space a thousand years later", this was a real resonance to the extent that it was terrifying to think about it carefully. In the National Mental Health Development Report, the rate of depression was 24.6%, and a patient with a similar comprehensive immune disease actually had a mental breakdown…This made me worry about my physical health and panic about my mental state…and this was just an amplification of real life. It was true that hardcore sci-fi works were not very likable, but if a work could make sci-fi "smooth and silent," why not give it a try? "Frost Punk: New World": The old empire is buried in the depths of the white frost. The rumbling steam tower stands in the center of the giant pit. The illusory steam shrouds the city, giving the cold world a negligible residual temperature. The cold disaster swept over. In this cruel apocalypse, where would the remaining humans go? Would they be sealed under the frost along with the civilization of mankind, or would they struggle forward to find that slim hope! "Future Ancient Ones": An Immortal Cultivator from the future world, excavating civilization, subverting history, and turning the world around. "Mountain, Sea, and Empire": An ordinary modern animal traveled through the Middle Ages and became the eldest son of Count Berenguer Ramon I of Barcelona. The Barcelona Family would unite with Aragon in more than 100 years and establish a powerful kingdom as one of the biggest benefactors of the Recollection Movement. However, 100 years was too long. He wanted to build a dynasty that belonged to him in this chaotic world. The Dark Curse of Eternal Night is in the North, and the Scorching Eternal Day is in the South. The darkest abyss of sin and the lightest song of all things, these two completely different extremes actually coexisted. The Canfit Continent! How do you balance this concerto of love and hate? The young Parmar held tightly to the life she had stolen, devoutly kissing every handful of blood-soaked dust under her feet, sending off one close friend after another. Who would play the last elegy for her? You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Bear Haunt: Treasure Hunt
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
" The Treasure Hunt: The Bear Soldier " was a Chinese animated film that was released in the mainland of China on January 17, 2014. The film was the first in the Bear Haunt series. It told the story of Bald Qiang and Big Bear and Big Bear in order to seize the treasure in the mysterious box. In this movie, Bald Qiang and Big Bear and Big Bear were originally enemies, but because of the appearance of the mysterious box, they began to cooperate and formed the " Treasure-Protecting Dads Group." The movie used comedy, animation, family, and adventure as its theme, bringing the audience a story full of jokes. After the release of " The Bear Soldier: The Treasure Hunt ", it achieved good box office results and attracted the attention of a large audience.
A set of fantasy novels recommended
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
There were a few fantasy novels that were full of tricks that he could recommend. Among them," I'm the Best at Immortal Cultivation " was a very popular fantasy novel. There were also some similar works, such as " Book of Troubled Times,"" Spirit Realm Traveler,"" Tang People's Table," and " King of Imperial Beasts." In addition," The Strongest Anti-Trickery System " was also a high-quality fantasy comedy novel. It was very interesting. If you're interested in fantasy novels that don't have too many plots but are well written, you can consider Covering the Sky: Demon Emperor Xue Yueqing and Peerless God Emperor Qingcheng Concubine. These novels all had different plots and plots to meet the needs of different readers.
What was a sci-fi/ancient martial arts mech novel with the male protagonist's surname Chu and the female protagonist's surname Long? It had to have hot-blooded, futuristic, and steely straight male elements? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
This book was called "I'm Playing Dagger in Front of Aliens." The characters in the book included the male protagonist, Chu Di. He was a bespectacled man with proper facial features. Due to the existence of his glasses, people could not feel his heroism and handsomeness. No one knew that he wasn't actually wearing glasses. The female lead was Long Yaojing, and the male supporting character was Ding Junchao, a handsome but not very filial boy. The male supporting role was Qu Liang, the chairman of Zhuoyue Shenbing Co., Ltd., the male supporting role was Ding Baoxiang, the director of the machine processing workshop of Zhuoyue Shenbing Co., Ltd., the male supporting role was Tao Bao, who was extremely intelligent, and the female supporting role was Qu Xiaoqing, who had crescent eyes and thin lips and was as beautiful as a flower. The female supporting character was Li Ying, the former director of the East City Military Comprehensive Bureau. The female supporting character was Long Yujing, and the female supporting character was Linda, the secretary of the major at the Sky Special Forces headquarters. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "I'm Playing Dagger in Front of Aliens." Author: Lonely Universe. It was a sci-fi/ancient martial arts mech novel with hot-blooded, futuristic elements. [That year, I went to outer space with a set of wedding dress magic…] Chu Di said in an interview. "And then?" "Then, the alien who met me felt terrible." …… "I really didn't expect that we, who have tens of thousands of years of technology, would lose to cold weapons…" The captured alien fleet commander said in an interview with Earth's reporters. "What do you want to say to your civilization?" The extraterrestrial commander pondered for a long time before saying with tears in his eyes,"If one day, an Earthling shows you a big knife, run!" That young man called Chu Di didn't care about martial ethics! This book, also known as the Kun Peng Eye, was a story about a little Kun Peng looking for its mother. I hope you will like this book.
What do you see in the Full Moon Well of the Immortal Slayer?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:39
The Full Moon Well was a mysterious ancient well in the novel Celestial Bane. It was located in the forest outside the Black Stone Cave in Xiaochi Town. When the Full Moon Well was full moon, if one looked down, they would see the person or thing they loved the most. In the novel, the male protagonist Zhang Xiaofan saw the female protagonist Biyao in the Full Moon Well. In the end, Xiao Fan was still too obsessed with this secret. Because Bi Yao was a demonic woman, he didn't tell Bi Yao that he saw her. Therefore, according to the information provided, Zhang Xiaofan saw Biyao in the Full Moon Well.