
a companheira indesejada

A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

"Eu, Benson Walton, rejeito você, Selma Payne, como minha futura Luna e companheira. "Se você for sensata, encontrará um lugar calmo para morrer sozinha, em vez de macular a glória de nosso povo. "Você é apenas um sapo feio. Fique na lama quietamente e não sobrecarregue nossa matilha." No décimo nono aniversário de Benson, ele descobriu que éramos companheiros destinados. Mas eu não esperava que ele preferisse suportar grande dor do que me aceitar. Cada palavra que ele dizia atingia diretamente meu coração, e a dor me fazia tremer incontrolavelmente. Descobri que não era filha biológica dos meus pais quando eu tinha dezesseis anos. Mesmo que eles pensassem em mim como um anjo que uma cegonha lhes deu, não mudava o fato de que eu era uma humana fraca e pequena. Era apenas um ovo frágil que cairia com um toque, uma perdedora que nem podia ver a estrada sem a ajuda do luar. Minha existência trouxe vergonha para meus pais e para minha matilha! Talvez eu devesse ter morrido na floresta desde o início. Com esse pensamento em mente, decidi devolver-lhes uma matilha pura e imaculada esta noite. Então, pulei de um penhasco e pensei que iria morrer. Nunca imaginei que seria salva, e minha verdadeira identidade acabou sendo a única filha do Rei Lycan que havia se perdido há dezoito anos. Eu era também a herdeira do trono! Isso me surpreendeu muito. Eu era realmente uma lobisomem? Mas... Por que eu era tão fraca? Será que tudo isso era apenas um erro? Para me tornar uma herdeira qualificada, escondi minha identidade e recebi treinamento. No entanto, aquele instrutor frívolo que estava encarregado de me treinar poderia realmente me ajudar a despertar meu lobo, ou ele estava apenas se aproveitando de mim? Enquanto eu me tornava mais forte e me tornava uma figura pública, outros atacaram e conspiraram contra mim muitas vezes. Eles tinham algo a ver com aqueles que me sequestraram todos aqueles anos atrás? Eu tenho que pegá-los! Eu vou proteger minha família, e meu amado!
819 Chs
A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

``` 1º LUGAR / VENCEDOR DE OURO NA COMPETIÇÃO DE ESCRITA DE LOBISOMENS DA WEBNOVEL 2022 "Você é minha companheira..." Leland disse com uma voz rouca. "Você não sabe o que eu estou fazendo?" Ele a olhou com um brilho nos olhos, e naquele exato momento, Sophie pensou que poderia entendê-lo. Ela podia sentir suas emoções transbordando. Era isso que queriam dizer com o laço de companheiros? Ela podia sentir tanto desejo envolvendo Leland e ela simplesmente sabia o que ele queria. Ele a queria. Queria devorar seu corpo e marcá-la com suas mordidas de amor, queria que ela gritasse seu nome uma, e outra, e outra vez. Queria possuí-la e fazer amor com ela como se não houvesse amanhã. O homem subiu na cama e a beijou novamente. Cobria-a de beijos, das bochechas aos lábios, e depois passou para a clavícula. Logo, ela estava gemendo suavemente por causa da estimulação. Os sons que escapavam dos lábios dela soavam tão sexy em seus ouvidos e o excitavam terrivelmente. Se Leland não tivesse um autocontrole melhor, já teria rasgado as roupas de ambos e a penetrado imediatamente. No entanto, ele se conteve e tentou permanecer gentil. Esta era apenas a primeira noite deles juntos como marido e mulher de verdade. Esta noite, ele finalmente poderia dar a ela tanto prazer que ela iria querê-lo em sua cama todas as noites. O sexo que tiveram da última vez foi uma obrigação. Foi seco e ele fez apenas o mínimo necessário. Mas desta vez... ele iria devorar o corpo dela e fazer amor com ela de maneiras que apenas a sua luna merecia. Sua resistência era de primeira linha e ele poderia satisfazê-la a noite toda. ___________________ SINOPSE: O Rei, ou o Alfa? Quando ela pula os muros da academia para escapar de seus intimidadores, Sophie cai direto nos braços de Nicholas, o príncipe herdeiro do reino com uma disposição doce e ensolarada. Faíscas voam e o amor floresce entre a pobre órfã e o príncipe. Mas... de repente, Leland, o perigoso novo alfa da matilha de lobisomens mais poderosa do reino reivindicou-a como sua companheira?! Sophie está dividida entre dois homens. Um a chama de esposa, o outro a reivindica como sua companheira. O príncipe é caloroso e doce, seu amor é ardente como o sol. O alfa é frio e dominador, seu amor é tão pesado quanto a montanha e tão frio quanto o inverno. Com quem Sophie acabará quando ambos os lados travam guerra por sangue, ódio e vingança? Leland incendiaria o reino inteiro apenas para ter Sophie e vingar sua raça. Por outro lado, o recém-corado rei, Nicholas, luta para expulsar os lobisomens que o reino considerava monstros... enquanto mantém um segredo sombrio dentro de si — Ele também é um lobisomem. __________________ Nota: Este livro é um harém reverso, o que significa que a protagonista feminina acabará com vários protagonistas masculinos. A capa é minha, por Arkans LER MEUS OUTROS LIVROS? * The Alchemists - COMPLETO * The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETO * Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETO * O Príncipe Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * Encontrando Stardust - COMPLETO ```
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455 Chs
Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
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264 Chs
Resgatando Sua Companheira Cativa: Salvando a Futura Luna

Resgatando Sua Companheira Cativa: Salvando a Futura Luna

``` Estrela é uma garota que não conhece o mundo. Ela foi mantida refém por sua família extensa desde que sua mãe morreu quando tinha dois anos, ou teria a sua mãe sido assassinada? A data do seu décimo oitavo aniversário está se aproximando e, se ela não escapar de seus captores em breve, terá que se casar com um homem que ela despreza. Artem é um jovem novo Alfa que ficou enojado com as ações dos Alfas anteriores. Querendo reformar sua alcatéia e proteger os fracos, ele assumiu o controle à força. Agora, ele está resgatando aqueles que foram espancados, abusados e negligenciados. Durante uma de suas missões de resgate, Artem descobre a jovem Estrela. A garota está aterrorizada com sua família, o mundo externo que ela desconhece, e com ele. Então, como ele vai dizer a ela que ela é sua companheira predestinada e futura Luna da alcatéia? Artem pode fazer Estrela confiar nele quando ela foi informada de que ninguém se importa com lobos fracos, especialmente o Alfa? Ele pode convencê-la de que o mundo não é como ela foi levada a acreditar que era? "Eu farei qualquer coisa para te salvar, Estrela. Qualquer coisa para te proteger. Por favor, você precisa confiar em mim." Estrela pode superar seu medo e confiar neste homem que ela nunca conheceu antes? E a família dela vai simplesmente aceitar e deixá-la ser levada assim? Que altos e baixos esperam nosso Alfa e sua companheira nesta montanha-russa de história? ***AVISOS*** Violência Gráfica Linguagem Forte Conteúdo Sexual Conteúdo Adulto/Maduro Abuso Aprisionamento Tentativa de Estupro SIGA-ME E DEIXE-ME SABER O QUE VOCÊ ACHA https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 ```
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220 Chs
What was a light novel or original fantasy novel with the male protagonist's surname Fa and the female protagonist's surname You? It had to have elements of relaxation, monks, and humor? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
This book was called "The Holy Monk with a Stick." The characters in the book included the male protagonist, Fa Kong, the little baldy with a mysterious background, and the female protagonist, You Meng, a Taoist nun who liked to hit people with a ball. The male supporting role was Zhang Jinfeng, and the male supporting role was Zhu Baixiang. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. [The Holy Monk with a Stick] Author: Eating Dumplings for Breakfast. It's a light novel/original fantasy novel with relaxing, monk, and funny elements. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: Walk the Jianghu with a stick, save the world with love! There was nothing that couldn't be solved with one strike. If there was, then he would use another strike. I once vowed to be a saint monk, to vanquish demons and care for the world. Until that day, when my door was kicked open,"Master, I want to help you cultivate…" I hope you will like this book.
One Servant, Two Masters, episodes 44 to 48
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
"One Servant, Two Masters" did not have episodes 44 to 48. The drama only had 43 episodes.
I like to read " Flowers Blossoms in the South." Are there any other books that I can recommend?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
There were novels similar to Flowers in the South: 1:"Dr. Song, Are You Married?" Author: Phinetin 2."I Hacked My Level Up in the Hospital." Author: Drunken Boxing Master 3."A Celebrity Wife at the Beginning" by Autumn Sword Fish Killer 4: Sweet Concubine 99, Author: The Cat Who Forgot to Breath 5: My Dad Is Really a Superstar, Author: Flesh 6:"The Strongest Substitute in the Entertainment Industry", Author: There's a Pit in the Moon 7: The Great Demon King Strikes Again, Author: Nian Xiaojiao 8:"Tsundere Prince Charming Stays in My House: 99 Times I Say I Love You", Author: Ye Feiye 9:"A Warm Marriage in a Sweet Series", Author: Wu Qianyu Prodigal Director, Author: Autumn Sword Fish Killer 11:"The Strongest Wins Lying Down", Author: Tai Ka Little White's Love in the Other World, Author: Wood Ends Wu Sheng "Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Tang!" Author: Yao Yao Xian Er "I'm the Man Standing Behind a Superstar", Author: Dream Moon New Rain "Playing Cute with Master Qiao", Author: Luo Yi Against Snow Meng Dad, Author: Black Lantern "Cute Baby Attack: CEO Daddy, Spoiled to the Heavens", Author: Candy Miaomiao "Quickly Wear the Villain, He's a Little Behave", Author: Miss Shi Sheng Fishing for a Master of Entertainment, Author: Xiao Zheyu 20:"Fame Begins from the Song of the Nation", Author: A Dream of Mountains and Seas The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1:"Dr. Song, are you married?" It's been a long time since I've seen a doctor's article. This is a wave of recommendations. Everyone should read this as coarse grain. It's probably going to collapse. 2."I Hacked My Level Up Years in the Hospital": Not Bad 3."A Celebrity Wife at the Beginning": Dog food is delicious, very relaxing, and full of warmth. 4.<<Sweet Concubine 99>> He was Beichen Yue, the cold-blooded and decisive ninth prince of Beichen Kingdom. As he was framed, his grandfather told the Emperor in his dream that as long as the youngest daughter of the richest merchant in Jiangnan, Mu Jiujiu, married into the family, the Ninth Prince would wake up immediately. However, when he woke up, he was extremely disgusted with this marriage."Do you know how to embroider? Do you know how to play the piano? Do you know how to play chess? Ha, you don't know anything and you want to marry into my Yue King's mansion? Chase her to the side courtyard!“​ A month later. "Wifey, look, this is the mandarin duck I embroidered for you…" "Do you want your husband to play the song 'Phoenix Seeking Phoenix'?" "Wifey, if your husband takes another step, you will lose. Do you want to go back?“ Mu Jiujiu was speechless. Help, my husband is slapping my face online every day, what should I do?​ 5."My Dad is Really a Superstar":"My Dad is Really a Superstar" was a delightful novel. The plot was compact and interesting, and one couldn't help but read on in one breath. The author's writing style was unique, making people feel as if they were in a warm family atmosphere during the reading process. The characters in the story were vivid, especially the protagonist's mother. Her image was vivid and interesting, leaving a deep impression on people. At the same time, the novel also incorporated some social reality issues, allowing people to think about the meaning of life while reading. In general, this novel was a work worthy of recommendation. It not only brought pleasure to the readers, but also triggered the readers to think deeply about family, emotions, and life. 6."The Strongest Substitute in the Entertainment Circle": Five-star immortal herb--the immortal food that Grandpa Single Owner is chasing!💝 [Date show: Go and stand on the stage and go through the motions.] Zhou Xiao,"Alright!" The matchmaking program was speechless. Why do all the female guests have to go with you? [Singing program: You go and help cover the shift!] Zhou Xiao,"Alright!" Singing program: ??? Why did you become the Masked King? A certain director said,"Go and help play a supporting role." Zhou Xiao,"Alright!" A certain big shot was speechless. Why did you become the protagonist? 7:"The Great Demon King Strikes Again": Jiao Xin Shu, don't be fooled by the name. This is an entertainment novel. This is very important. 8."The Tsundere Prince Charming Stays At My Home: 99 Times I Say I Love You" was a touching novel. Although the plot was a little old-fashioned, the author's meticulous description and warm emotions made people feel worried for the protagonist. The male protagonist in the story had been thinking about how to force a marriage from the beginning, while the female protagonist had been thinking about how to get a divorce. This kind of conflict was very exciting. However, when the female protagonist repeated the important things three times, the male protagonist did not hesitate to throw her a divorce agreement, making the readers think that they were finally free. However, the development of the story was unexpected and irresistible. The author had displayed her talent in this novel. The readers could feel the details in the process of reading and were moved by it. In general, this novel was a delicate and warm work. I believe that every reader can find their own resonance and touch in it. Welcome everyone to Goddess Ye's Tsundere Prince Charming Stays At My Home: 99 Times I Say I Love You. 9."Sweet Wedding Series": Little Yu's new book. Just looking at the cover makes me feel very, very sweet! The opening was a little unique. Lord Nan Zhu had "died" the moment he appeared. Hahaha, it was a little funny. However, this was a story from his previous life and this life. It was probably a foreshadowing for Nan Zhu from his previous life to find a female lead in this life. He was looking forward to Lord Bamboo's next appearance. The female lead, Jiang Ruotong, had a very likeable personality. From her fight with Chen Jinshan, it could be seen that the female lead was not a saint. She did not cause trouble but was not afraid of trouble either. She had her own judgment and had a good outlook on life. She was the one who liked it! Looking forward to the follow-up! If you like it, hurry up and collect it! 10:"Prodigal Director": There are few foreign names in the book, so it doesn't drag on the plot. It's rare among its kind, so the overall reading experience is not bad. I just found it two days ago. 11:"The Strongest Wins Lying Down": He wanted to make a movie and always wanted to play the unspoken rules. However, he was not a rich generation and could only embark on the road of e-sports. He was lucky to meet four good fathers and had a lot of fun lying down and winning. [Xiaobai's Love in the Other World: Do you know what the Book of Feathers is?] From what Bai Lingshan knew, the Book of Featherfall was an ancient scroll that stored all kinds of abilities. And the various abilities inside had a strange name, called the charm number. Bai Lingshan was originally a freshman at Xiangyu High School, but by chance, she became a contestant of the Book of Feathers Descent. Without anyone's guidance, she had to fend for herself and embark on the adventure of collecting talismans for the Book of Feathers. However, as time passed, she gradually discovered the hidden mission outside. Every time she took a wrong step, the ending would twist a little. But no matter what, she would follow her heart. ------ ---- No matter what I become in the future, I will always be me, not you. Bai Lingshan At that time, the youth who was like the white moonlight, although he felt unattainable, was still right in front of him. Now, he was getting further and further away from her, replaced by the person who looked like an enemy but was not an enemy. Thy path should be according to thy heart, and not recommended by others. On a red night Under the night sky, the red fog dispersed and the moon reflected in her eyes again. Did you know? Xiaobai, there is a kind of flower in my hometown. Its name is Obsidian Flower Plant, and its flower language is the guardian of love. Han Chenfeng "Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Tang!" Forced by her stepmother, she had no choice but to sign an agreement with a mysterious rich man to marry into a rich family. Three years after their marriage, her rich husband spoiled her to the heavens. Except that she did not give birth to an heir. In the luxurious villa, Pei Qiqi angrily threw the newspaper at the man."It says I'm a hen that doesn't lay eggs. Tang Yu, it's obviously your problem." The man put down the newspaper and agreed with his wife's words seriously."How can you write nonsense? You're clearly a pig!" "Dunn! Yu!" She stomped her feet in anger! The man chuckled."It doesn't matter if I have a child or not. You're my little baby." Pei Qiqi thought to herself,[How did this scene change so quickly?] "I'm the Man Standing Behind a Superstar": A novel that I've been reading quite well recently. Two rich second-generation heirs. One wanted to prove himself, and the other wanted to become a star. They started acting together and established themselves in the entertainment industry from scratch. The style and plot of this novel were quite good. It was worth paying attention to the book shortage. 5 likes next time Chapter 15:"A Cutie with Master Qiao": Big news in Beijing: The daughter-in-law that Master Qiao has raised for twelve years has run away! Run away! She didn't even want her son! Rumors started to spread all over the place. It was said that Master Qiao was black-bellied, cold, and disharmonious after marriage. It was said that his wife had gotten together with someone else. It was said that his son was too ugly. One day, the little boy found Ye Jiaqi and said,"Qiqi, Daddy said I bought it from a pet shop." "How can a pet shop buy such a beautiful son?" Ye Jiaqi chuckled."It was obviously…a lucky draw." The little boy looked up at the sky. Before she was twenty, he had spoiled her to the heavens, and after she was twenty, he had spoiled her and the little bun to the heavens. From then on, there was only one person in Master Qiao's heart. <<Meng Dad>>: Anticipation Index: <<> Character Description: Index: Ranking index: Possessed Poison Index: C+ The father-daughter relationship was reconciled too quickly. Shooting TikTok for her son was also one of the poisonous points. 17:"Cute Baby Attacks: President Daddy, Doting on the Heavens": New article "Master Gu, Madam is Acting Pitiful Again" Four years ago, she got pregnant unexpectedly. Four years later, she returned with her son. A noble and domineering man suddenly barged into her world."Tell me, who is the father of the child?" A little boy with a water gun jumped out."Where did this wild man come from? How dare he snatch Brother Jie's goddess!" From then on, there were two more overbearing ghosts in her world, one big and one small. (1v1 with Little Bun) "Quickly wear the villain, he's a little obedient":[1v1][Sweet Pet] In order to remove the curse, Jiang Zheng had no choice but to follow the system's instructions and complete the mission to remove the curse. [System 001 is at your service!] Jiang Zheng's eyes lit up,"Can you really serve me?" The System replied,[…Are you kidding? I have a mission for you to complete.] Jiang Zheng squeezed her hands,[No problem. Helping the female lead is my profession!] Saving the female lead is my responsibility! The System was speechless."…Wait, that villain isn't your responsibility…" Jiang Zheng thought,…I know that too! [But, Zhengzheng, you said you would take responsibility for me!] 19:"Fishing for a Master of Entertainment": Add before Writing Remarks 20:"Becoming Famous Begins from the Song of the Nation": New Book "Original God: All My Mobile Treasure Chests" Original God Doujinshi. If you are interested, you can take a look. ------------ My name is Su Chen. After one night, I transmigrated to a parallel world and was a trainee who had just been eliminated from a talent show. The entertainment industry here is very developed. There are also popular songs on Earth that are highly similar here. I feel that I can't carry the popular classics of the original world... I'm even planning to change careers. "Unintentionally, I discovered that the development of this world's national style songs was relatively weak. There were many good songs from my original world that didn't exist. I decided to try this out and moved some songs. He didn't expect that he would step onto the path of no return…and become more and more famous. I have no choice but to go on like this. As for changing the trend of the masses, that's not my dream either. At first, I just wanted to earn money to make a living. ------------------------ This article could be considered as…entertainment and farming. He had developed and grown independently and had little interaction with the entertainment industry. Pass: The national style song referred to in this book refers to the national style song in a broad sense. It referred to songs with all traditional cultural content, including Chinese style, ancient style, folk songs, martial arts, fantasy, classical music, etc. Choose the song according to the plot… You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Character Introduction of Marvel's Immortal Saiyan
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
The characters included the male lead, Bai Yu, come and fight! Female Lead-Buma, damn it! Brother Yu! Catch all the bullets! "Marvel: The Immortal Saiyan" Author: Wasabi with Chili. It's a light novel/original fantasy novel with time-travel, invincible, relaxed, European, and manga elements. It's finished and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: New book, People Call Muye Qin Lunatic He was sent to the Marvel World by someone else and arranged for it to be done properly. He had thought that he would become the god of this world, but he did not expect the slap to come so quickly. I hope you will like this book.
What was an ancient romance novel with the male protagonist's surname Nan, Gu, Gu, Mu, and the female protagonist's surname Gu? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
This book was called " Qianxun Lychee Pavilion." The characters in the book included the main character, Nan Xuan, who was extremely shrewd. The main character, Gu Qingshu, hoped that Ting 'er would always be carefree. Protagonists-Gu Qingzhou, Little Dragonfly, Second Brother will bring you to play. The male protagonist, Mu Changfeng, was cold and taciturn, but he treated someone differently. The female protagonist, Gu Qingting, was kind and clear about right and wrong. She was forced to learn to be strong from innocence and learn to be powerful just to protect the people who loved her. Female supporting role-Liu Xiangxiang, if anyone dares to bully Little Dragonfly, I will beat them up until they find their teeth on the ground! This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. " Qianxun Lychee Pavilion " Author: Currently in the Southern Kingdom. This is an ancient romance novel. It has been completed and can be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: She transmigrated to become the legitimate daughter of the Southern Kingdom's Minister of Foreign Affairs, but she only has the title of being unruly and evil.] Because of her family's power, her elder brother was an important official in the court. The old Emperor did not have many days left, and everyone seemed to have their eyes on her… I hope you will like this book.
What was a mystery/mystery novel with the male protagonist surnamed Jiang and the female protagonist surnamed Lei? There had to be nurturing, system style, summoning style, grassroots rise, hegemony, farming, modern mystery elements? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
This book was called "Uncertain Warehouse". The characters in it included: supporting actor-Liang Wenchao, the Liang brothers and elder brother. I like Ultraman, supporting role-Tony Liang, the younger brother of the Liang brothers I like astrophysics Owner of the alternate dimension, supporting role-Zhong Liu, Zhao Yuan's girlfriend Members of the first team of the shelter team, male protagonist-Jiang Wu, warehouse owner, female protagonist-Lei Xia, gourmet Jiang Wu Mascot, male supporting role-Zhao Yuan, gardener, music lover The first member of the shelter team, male supporting role-Lu Ziping, bank manager, financial management Warehouse Treasurer, Supporting Male-Ku Tong, Warehouse Doctor, Supporting Male-Wang Fuxiang, Warehouse Chef, Supporting Female-Zhang Dongxuan, Housekeeper, Internal Designer, Supporting Female-Hong Qing, Black Umbrella Member Warehouse Advisor Jiang Wu in a daze Containment Team 1 Member, Supporting Female Character-Qi Ying, Warehouse Medic Containment Team One. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "Unknown Warehouse" Author: Blue Black House. It was a mystery/mystery mystery novel with elements of system, summoning, grassroots rise, hegemony, farming, and modern mystery. User recommendation: Jiang Wu is a conscientious second generation demolition. His sudden death one day gave him a new lease on life. At the same time, he gained a strange system. That night, a few lines of characters appeared on Jiang Wu's computer screen. "This warehouse cannot store living things other than the owner for more than three days. This warehouse cannot be used for any profit-making activities. Please be kind to those who have no chance of rebirth. After all, no living thing is willing to accept death." Jiang Wu, who thought that his new life would get better and better, realized that as time passed, his despair towards this world became deeper and deeper. The secret that had been sealed in his heart was also revealed step by step. In the end, he finally realized that he was not the only himself. "Every story has its ending, and mine is no exception." He looked straight at the future Jiang Wu."But if my ending was changed by you, then I can only choose to give up this nauseating ending." ---------- This book is also known as "I Raise Ghosts in Yuezhou","My Sweet Daily Life with Ghosts" "I Can't Win If I Don't Get Beaten","The First Living Man in Yuezhou" Fan group 541102026 (I hope I have fans). I hope you will like this book.
How to evaluate hot and boiling
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2025-01-18 09:32
The reputation of " Hot and Bursty " was divided, and the audience's evaluation of the film was different. Some people thought that the film was very healing. Although it did not focus on sadness, it could still make ordinary people feel powerful. The film tells the story of how kind people find themselves and learn to love themselves. It contains emotional power. However, some people expressed dissatisfaction with the core of the film, saying that it did not reach the expected hot and boiling feeling. The audience's evaluation of the film was divided. Some people approved of Jia Ling's performance and emotional resonance, while others questioned the film's creativity. In general," Hot and Spicy " had a controversial reputation, and the audience had mixed reviews.
A TV series with a score of 9 or more on Douban
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2025-01-18 09:32
There were a few TV series with Douban ratings of more than 9: Towards the Republic (9.6), Soldiers Assault (9.4), Legend of Zhen Huan (9.2), Ice Hunting (9), Survival of the Labourers (9.5), My Own Swordsman (9.5), The Silent Truth (9.1), and A 60-year-old boy turning into an adult (9.1). These TV series received very high ratings on Douban and were considered classics that were worth watching.
Who were the male and female leads of Doomsday Jigsaw? Who were the main characters?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
The characters in the movie included the male lead, White Mist, a survival fanatic outside the tower. The male lead, Eye of Prayer,[A Eyes with XX]. The male supporting character, Wujiu, My Real Name is Gu Qingyu. The male supporting character, Liu Mu, Absolute Defense. The male supporting character, Bai Yuan, Your Father Will Always Be Your Father. The female supporting character, Liu Chengzi, You're All My Wings. The female supporting character, Hong Yin, Real Thigh. The female supporting character, Yan Jiu, liked White Mist the most. "Doomsday Jigsaw" Author: Geng Congxin. It is a game/game novel that has a technical style, fresh ideas, positive energy, BOSS style, and ridicule elements. It has been completed and can be enjoyed without worry. User recommendation: Doomsday Puzzle is an amazing novel. The author had meticulously portrayed the charm of the main characters, making every character full of appeal. Although not every story was very interesting, the character design was indeed impressive. The male lead was especially handsome and unforgettable. The author's writing ability was also outstanding. He was able to perfectly combine the dungeon and the main storyline, making it very enjoyable to read. The story was set 700 years in the future. Humans lived in towers, while monsters were bound by rules and could not leave. The protagonist could see the item and character's remarks, as well as the lack of emotions. Outside the tower, if the negative emotions were too high, it might attract monsters or even turn into monsters. This kind of exciting setting filled people with curiosity. The plot of solving puzzles while fighting was very exciting. Overall, this novel was quite outstanding as a novel, and I strongly recommend it to everyone! I hope you will like this book.
What was Chen Chu's gaming/eSports novel? It had to have elements of transmigration, passion, eSports, online games, and professional players? Where can I watch it?
1 answer
2025-01-18 09:32
This book was called "The Undying Legend of SSGO." The characters in the book included the male lead, Chen Chu, the intelligent and sharpshooting Little Chu, the male supporting character, Dong Guaqiang, his teammate Dong Guaqiang, and the female supporting character, Fatty. This book can be read on Qidian Chinese website. "The Undying Legend of SSGO" was written by Vicious Hogg. It was a gaming/e-sports novel with elements of transmigration, hot-blooded, e-sports, online games, and professional players. It had been completed and could be enjoyed without worry. [User recommendation: I am Chen Chu, a genius FPS player. When I was on my way to Europe to participate in a major competition, I got into an accident and was declared GG.] This is the year 2016. I've been reborn, this life! I want to save my family! I want to form my own team! Then, he would rush to the peak of the world! This book is also known as "I Have a Teammate with Brain Palsy" ---Book friend group: 1o3981395o. I hope you will like this book.