
a companheira indesejada

A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

A Companheira Rejeitada de Alfa Retorna como Rainha

"Eu, Benson Walton, rejeito você, Selma Payne, como minha futura Luna e companheira. "Se você for sensata, encontrará um lugar calmo para morrer sozinha, em vez de macular a glória de nosso povo. "Você é apenas um sapo feio. Fique na lama quietamente e não sobrecarregue nossa matilha." No décimo nono aniversário de Benson, ele descobriu que éramos companheiros destinados. Mas eu não esperava que ele preferisse suportar grande dor do que me aceitar. Cada palavra que ele dizia atingia diretamente meu coração, e a dor me fazia tremer incontrolavelmente. Descobri que não era filha biológica dos meus pais quando eu tinha dezesseis anos. Mesmo que eles pensassem em mim como um anjo que uma cegonha lhes deu, não mudava o fato de que eu era uma humana fraca e pequena. Era apenas um ovo frágil que cairia com um toque, uma perdedora que nem podia ver a estrada sem a ajuda do luar. Minha existência trouxe vergonha para meus pais e para minha matilha! Talvez eu devesse ter morrido na floresta desde o início. Com esse pensamento em mente, decidi devolver-lhes uma matilha pura e imaculada esta noite. Então, pulei de um penhasco e pensei que iria morrer. Nunca imaginei que seria salva, e minha verdadeira identidade acabou sendo a única filha do Rei Lycan que havia se perdido há dezoito anos. Eu era também a herdeira do trono! Isso me surpreendeu muito. Eu era realmente uma lobisomem? Mas... Por que eu era tão fraca? Será que tudo isso era apenas um erro? Para me tornar uma herdeira qualificada, escondi minha identidade e recebi treinamento. No entanto, aquele instrutor frívolo que estava encarregado de me treinar poderia realmente me ajudar a despertar meu lobo, ou ele estava apenas se aproveitando de mim? Enquanto eu me tornava mais forte e me tornava uma figura pública, outros atacaram e conspiraram contra mim muitas vezes. Eles tinham algo a ver com aqueles que me sequestraram todos aqueles anos atrás? Eu tenho que pegá-los! Eu vou proteger minha família, e meu amado!
819 Chs
A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa

``` 1º LUGAR / VENCEDOR DE OURO NA COMPETIÇÃO DE ESCRITA DE LOBISOMENS DA WEBNOVEL 2022 "Você é minha companheira..." Leland disse com uma voz rouca. "Você não sabe o que eu estou fazendo?" Ele a olhou com um brilho nos olhos, e naquele exato momento, Sophie pensou que poderia entendê-lo. Ela podia sentir suas emoções transbordando. Era isso que queriam dizer com o laço de companheiros? Ela podia sentir tanto desejo envolvendo Leland e ela simplesmente sabia o que ele queria. Ele a queria. Queria devorar seu corpo e marcá-la com suas mordidas de amor, queria que ela gritasse seu nome uma, e outra, e outra vez. Queria possuí-la e fazer amor com ela como se não houvesse amanhã. O homem subiu na cama e a beijou novamente. Cobria-a de beijos, das bochechas aos lábios, e depois passou para a clavícula. Logo, ela estava gemendo suavemente por causa da estimulação. Os sons que escapavam dos lábios dela soavam tão sexy em seus ouvidos e o excitavam terrivelmente. Se Leland não tivesse um autocontrole melhor, já teria rasgado as roupas de ambos e a penetrado imediatamente. No entanto, ele se conteve e tentou permanecer gentil. Esta era apenas a primeira noite deles juntos como marido e mulher de verdade. Esta noite, ele finalmente poderia dar a ela tanto prazer que ela iria querê-lo em sua cama todas as noites. O sexo que tiveram da última vez foi uma obrigação. Foi seco e ele fez apenas o mínimo necessário. Mas desta vez... ele iria devorar o corpo dela e fazer amor com ela de maneiras que apenas a sua luna merecia. Sua resistência era de primeira linha e ele poderia satisfazê-la a noite toda. ___________________ SINOPSE: O Rei, ou o Alfa? Quando ela pula os muros da academia para escapar de seus intimidadores, Sophie cai direto nos braços de Nicholas, o príncipe herdeiro do reino com uma disposição doce e ensolarada. Faíscas voam e o amor floresce entre a pobre órfã e o príncipe. Mas... de repente, Leland, o perigoso novo alfa da matilha de lobisomens mais poderosa do reino reivindicou-a como sua companheira?! Sophie está dividida entre dois homens. Um a chama de esposa, o outro a reivindica como sua companheira. O príncipe é caloroso e doce, seu amor é ardente como o sol. O alfa é frio e dominador, seu amor é tão pesado quanto a montanha e tão frio quanto o inverno. Com quem Sophie acabará quando ambos os lados travam guerra por sangue, ódio e vingança? Leland incendiaria o reino inteiro apenas para ter Sophie e vingar sua raça. Por outro lado, o recém-corado rei, Nicholas, luta para expulsar os lobisomens que o reino considerava monstros... enquanto mantém um segredo sombrio dentro de si — Ele também é um lobisomem. __________________ Nota: Este livro é um harém reverso, o que significa que a protagonista feminina acabará com vários protagonistas masculinos. A capa é minha, por Arkans LER MEUS OUTROS LIVROS? * The Alchemists - COMPLETO * The Prince Who Cannot Fall In Love - COMPLETO * Till Death Do Us Part - COMPLETO * O Príncipe Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO * Encontrando Stardust - COMPLETO ```
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481 Chs
Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
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264 Chs
Resgatando Sua Companheira Cativa: Salvando a Futura Luna

Resgatando Sua Companheira Cativa: Salvando a Futura Luna

``` Estrela é uma garota que não conhece o mundo. Ela foi mantida refém por sua família extensa desde que sua mãe morreu quando tinha dois anos, ou teria a sua mãe sido assassinada? A data do seu décimo oitavo aniversário está se aproximando e, se ela não escapar de seus captores em breve, terá que se casar com um homem que ela despreza. Artem é um jovem novo Alfa que ficou enojado com as ações dos Alfas anteriores. Querendo reformar sua alcatéia e proteger os fracos, ele assumiu o controle à força. Agora, ele está resgatando aqueles que foram espancados, abusados e negligenciados. Durante uma de suas missões de resgate, Artem descobre a jovem Estrela. A garota está aterrorizada com sua família, o mundo externo que ela desconhece, e com ele. Então, como ele vai dizer a ela que ela é sua companheira predestinada e futura Luna da alcatéia? Artem pode fazer Estrela confiar nele quando ela foi informada de que ninguém se importa com lobos fracos, especialmente o Alfa? Ele pode convencê-la de que o mundo não é como ela foi levada a acreditar que era? "Eu farei qualquer coisa para te salvar, Estrela. Qualquer coisa para te proteger. Por favor, você precisa confiar em mim." Estrela pode superar seu medo e confiar neste homem que ela nunca conheceu antes? E a família dela vai simplesmente aceitar e deixá-la ser levada assim? Que altos e baixos esperam nosso Alfa e sua companheira nesta montanha-russa de história? ***AVISOS*** Violência Gráfica Linguagem Forte Conteúdo Sexual Conteúdo Adulto/Maduro Abuso Aprisionamento Tentativa de Estupro SIGA-ME E DEIXE-ME SABER O QUE VOCÊ ACHA https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 ```
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220 Chs
What professional courses and books are needed to study the history from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the beginning of the Song Dynasty?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
To study the history of the late Tang Dynasty and the early Song Dynasty, you can refer to the following professional courses and book lists: Professional courses: The main periods and topics of ancient Chinese history include the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, etc. 2. Chinese Historical Geography: A book that studies the geographical changes and geographical figures of China through the ages. 3. History of China's political system: Historical works that study the evolution of China's political system include the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, and so on. 4. China's economic history: The historical works on China's economic development include the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, and so on. 5. History of culture: Works on the development of Chinese culture in the past dynasties include the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, etc. Book list: 1 Zi Zhi Tong Jian: A comprehensive record of the history of the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the Song Dynasty is an important classic for studying Chinese history. 2. History of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms: Records of the history of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period are important materials for understanding the politics, society, and culture of this period. 3. History of the Song Dynasty: Records of the history of the Song Dynasty are important materials for understanding the politics, society, and culture of the Song Dynasty. 4. History of Yuan Dynasty: Records of the history of Yuan Dynasty are important materials for understanding the politics, society, and culture of Yuan Dynasty. History of Ming Dynasty: Records of the history of Ming Dynasty are important materials to understand the politics, society, and culture of Ming Dynasty. 6. The Political Gains and Losses of Chinese Dynasties: The analysis of the political gains and losses of Chinese dynasties helps to understand the characteristics of Chinese history and politics. Chinese Myths and Legends: Studying Chinese myths and legends will help you understand the essence of Chinese culture. 8 The Decline and Fall of the Chinese Empire: A book analyzing the history and fate of the Chinese Empire helps to understand the development trend of Chinese history. The above are some professional courses and books on the history of the late Tang and early Song Dynasties to help you understand this period of history more deeply.
Is The Storm of the Republic of China a historical record or a historical novel?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
" The Storm of the Republic of China " was a historical novel. Although the author had fabricated and exaggerated historical events to a certain extent, most of the plot was based on historical facts and historical documents. Historical novels were based on fictional stories, combined with historical events and characters through artistic techniques. Therefore, although the plot of The Storm of the Republic of China was somewhat different from historical events, it could still be regarded as a historical novel.
What is the strangest request for editing that you have ever encountered in your writing?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
As a fan of online literature, I can tell you what the strangest request for editing is. I once wrote a story about a science fiction novel and my editor told me that they wanted me to change the story to make it more interesting. So I started to re-imagine the story and try to make it more interesting. However, my editor didn't satisfy my request. Instead, they made some even stranger requests for changes. For example, they asked me to add some mysterious symbols and language to my story to make it more profound and mysterious. In the end, I successfully completed the revision, but this made me doubt the imagination and creativity of the editors. From then on, I no longer expected to be able to fully satisfy the requirements of the editors, but to strive to create a unique and interesting story.
Did the main character of this cultivation novel have two clones? Did one of them cultivate the Great Dao of Life, and the main character's ancestor was Daoist Crow?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
I recommend the book "Dream of the Red Lotus" to you. The descendant of the main character, Daoist Crow, cultivated in the cultivation world and finally became a mighty figure after going through hardships. The main character had two avatars. One cultivated the Battle Great Dao, and the other cultivated the Life Great Dao. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
The male protagonist is the president, the female protagonist is a rich lady, the male protagonist is threatened by the female protagonist's father to propose in public at the party, but after marriage, he ignores the female protagonist, the female protagonist is sad
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
The plot of this story sounds very much like a novel. Here are a few possible names: 1. The Feud of the Wealthy "The CEO's Substitute Ex-Wife" 3 Mysterious Bride 4. He is Neighbouring with the Moonlight 5."Marrying the Wrong Man"
In terms of historical romance novels, which one do you think is the most interesting?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
Historical romance novels were a very broad genre because they usually required fictional historical events and characters to develop the plot. Therefore, which historical romance novel was the most interesting depended on the personal preferences of different readers. However, the following historical romance novels that were popular in online novels might inspire readers to think: Romance of the Three Kingdoms: This is a classic in the history of Chinese literature. It describes the history and characters of the Three Kingdoms period and forms a complex plot and character image on this basis. The novel's heroic characters such as Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and became an important part of Chinese culture. " Water Margins ": This novel described the social unrest in the late Song Dynasty and the resistance of heroes. The plot was complicated and the characters were vivid. Lin Chong, Wu Song, Song Jiang and other heroes in the novel had become classic images in Chinese literature. Dream of the Red Chamber: This novel is one of the representative works of Qing Dynasty literature. It describes the marriage life and family disputes of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and other characters, reflecting the various shortcomings of feudal society and the deep-seated problems of human nature. The characters and plots in the novel were wonderful. It was a classic in Chinese literature. These three novels were all classics of historical romance novels, with a wide readership and profound cultural implications. The readers could choose a historical romance novel that suited them according to their preferences and cultural background.
Can you give me a list of Mr. Liu Yong's works according to the time?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
Mr. Liu Yong's works can be listed in the following order: 1 Iron Horse Green Shirt 2 "A Hundred Tastes of Life" 3."Give Hook Spring Wine Warmth Across Seats" 4 "How many flowers have fallen in my dream?" 5 "Taking the Lead" 6 "Buddhism" My Success Can Be Replicated I'm not a born king My Profession is a Novelist 10 (One) The Wisdom of Life The Old Man and the Sea Spring Silkworm Dear Andre The New Yorker
Which books were similar to the plot or theme of Sha Qianmo's words in Hua Qiangu's novel?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
"The Commandery Princess 'Knife" is an ancient romance novel written by the author Ling Qi. The general plot of this novel is: Princess Zhao Yang was the most beautiful flower in the border town, and she was also the person that the young masters of the capital tried their best to marry! Unexpectedly, not only was this flower not delicate, but she was also fierce. She carried a large knife and snatched a young man back to the manor, shocking everyone. The noble Princess Zhao Yang had actually snatched a poor young man. Oh my god. North Dinghou's family was terrified that the young man would break them apart. After all, this young man was weak and could not withstand Zhao Yang's punch. P.S. The Overlord Princess XX who was slashed with a knife had fallen into a black-hearted white lotus in her family. ---------------------------- "Li Xia in the Flower Field" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Ji Mo Qian. The general plot of this novel was: [I will crown you with my surname] died one day, and because the ancestral jade pendant had transmigrated, Shi Xiaohua became the ancient mute Hua Xiaoshi? And there were two little buns following behind him? It was fine. She had always been indifferent and would always deal with whatever came her way. It was a good thing that no relatives were looking for trouble. But there would always be a female supporting character who wanted to be promoted? Hua Xiao felt helpless. What should I do? I'm waiting online. It's quite urgent! All of a sudden, a certain evildoer jumped out and licked his lips to curry favor. Hua Xiao's eyebrows twitched as he said coldly,"Close the door and let Grandpa out!" ---------------------------- "Flower Attack" was an ancient romance novel written by Mei Si. The general plot of this novel was: The plant-type special agent, Hua Xiren, was an ancient woman who had run away from home. Very good, he could also "lose his memory" and not return to the mansion. He could be a small flower farmer in the market and fields, living a carefree life. En, if she could marry him off…that would be even more perfect. However, there were twists and turns between childhood sweethearts, and the heart of a young hero in the Jianghu belonged to someone else…Alright, there was no hurry to get married. There were too many things to do. Let's wait a little longer. ---------------------------- "The City Lord's Wife is Cute and Savage" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Yan Mu. The general plot of this novel was: As everyone knew, the City Lord of the Demon Slaying City was elegant, talented, and handsome. However, his mouth was very venomous and he was not polite when he rebuked others. Suddenly, one day, he met a cute little killer. The City Lord had suddenly become her debt-holder. Hua Li thought that she had found a big backer, but she did not know that she had found herself a debt collector. However, there were some debts that could be settled as they were owed. However, her debts kept piling up until she realized that she couldn't pay them back. Hua Li recalled the days when she was enslaved by him. She didn't want to be his slave. It was better for her to find an opportunity to slip away…[Sweet Pet, Easy, 1v1 Double Clean]. ---------------------------- "The Blooming Husband's Wife's Good News" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Doctor Guan. The general plot of this novel was: "Your surname is Hua, not Mu. You're a servant of my family!" Due to her mother's humble background, Hua Momo was treated as a servant girl by her family and was eventually tortured to death. When she opened her eyes again, Hua Momo, who had once been bullied, had changed her soul. She was the killer, Song Ji. After being sold to a half-blind man with a son by her grandmother, Concubine Song secretly planned how to regain her freedom. However, her husband's days were not stable. Assassins always appeared. One day, in the middle of the night, her husband picked up buns and his wife and left the house in the middle of the night. Only then did Concubine Song know that her husband was not blind anymore. The little bun belonged to someone else. What was going on? "Wife, let's go find a place to plant a garden of flowers, okay?" "Alright." Uh…why did she answer so naturally? ---------------------------- "Pretty Butcher of Generals" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Orange Flower. The general plot of the novel was: When he woke up, he had inexplicably gotten married for his cousin? Her husband was not only a cripple but also disfigured? Hua Xiaobai wanted to cry! She had wanted to make enough money and get a divorce, but who knew that the cripple was not only very good to her, but also hid his identity as a mighty general? The reversal was too fast for her to adapt to! As the rumors spread, Hua Xiaobai couldn't help but ask him,"Lin Chu, everyone outside says that you're addicted to beauty…" The plot is fictional, please do not imitate it. ---------------------------- "The Peerless Butchie Wife" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Hua Sanduo. The general plot of this novel was: A certain man: I will take responsibility for you. A certain woman: No need, no need. You're welcome. Please take care! A certain man: Then you have to be responsible for me. A certain woman,"... Hooligan." A certain man,"Whoever is not responsible is a hooligan." ---------------------------- Flower Maiden was an ancient romance novel written by Nan Fang Zi. The general plot of the novel was: There was a rumor among the people that at midnight, one would take a budding flower in front of the mirror and drip a drop of blood on the petal. The flower maiden would appear. No one knew Hua Niang's background. They only knew that Hua Niang could help others get what they wanted, but at the price of freedom. She was a flower demon who had cultivated for more than eight hundred years. It was rumored that she could fulfill her wishes. However, in an accident, her primordial spirit possessed the eldest daughter of the Prime Minister's residence, Hua Yimei. He was the famous Great General of the Beichen Kingdom, but because of his strength, he had attracted the Emperor's suspicion and could only take up a sinecure in the capital. He disdained power and only envied freedom. How could she return to her free life? How could he find the pure land in his heart? Perhaps, it was already predestined… ---------------------------- "Guide to Noble Servants" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Lan Niao Yao Yi. The general plot of this novel was: Hua Feihua, the girl of the Hua family who was accidentally reborn after being framed, carried the memories of her previous life and lived carefully. However, because of her mediocre appearance, she pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger. At a young age, she earned a reputation for being quick-witted, cunning, and sinister. According to the rumors, he was already in an ambiguous relationship with the Jun Family's idiotic Seventh Young Master when he was still young, and he was in an ambiguous relationship with the Jun Family's useless Young Master Yu when he was still young. There were even rumors that the Third Young Master of the Jun Family had written a sentence on the left side of the door,[A gentleman is a servant who deceives his master.] The Seventh Master of the Jun Family had written another sentence on the right side of the door,[A favored servant who deceives his master is not a villain.] The Jun Family's servant girl, Hua Feihua, had a horizontal inscription hanging on the door,[A servant is expensive and the master is scum.] Later on, there were even rumors that someone had written a limerick for Hua Feihua: "Abandoned maidservants become phoenixes, evildoers turn from good; Looking back with a smile, it's as cold as water; Three kings fight for maidservants, maidservants go crazy; A long song in troubled times, a fleeting life!" This story is purely fictional. If there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. Don't enter if you don't like it. It is guaranteed. ---------------------------- "The Farmer's Vicious Stepmother Is Extremely Fierce" was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Peanut Bailu. The general plot of this novel was: In a moment of euphoria, she actually dressed up as a vicious stepmother with three turnip heads…The beginning was a scene of elopement and being sold? It was still uncertain who would sell who! Stepchildren with their own thoughts are ingrates? It was obvious that they lacked the beating of society! Her maiden family and in-laws were all on stage to snatch the family property? He had to ask the saber in his hand if it agreed or not! My stepmother is super fierce ~~
Where can I find the fourteenth episode of the novel?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
"The White-Handed Master" is a novel written by the author from Wenling. The general plot of this novel is as follows: His new book," The Great Changes in the Village ", had begun to be serialized. The legendary story of Zhejiang merchants in Shanghai. At fifteen, he was young and free. It was the treasure of his parents, the flower bud of his teacher, and the moldable material of the country. As for the fifteen-year-old white-handed boy, he had already started a family. He had suffered from the contempt and estrangement of the entire village since he was young, and his relatives had cut off contact. However, he was an optimistic person. He did what he wanted and was not afraid of what others said. He only had his sick mother and four younger siblings in his heart. He contracted the paddy fields and cultivated them meticulously. He was smart and sold all kinds of tickets. He dared to cut down the trees near the fields when there was no firewood at home. He dared to sell the mud in the fields when he had no money to spend the New Year. 30% depended on talent, 70% depended on hard work, and only those who loved hard work could win. He had set up palm products factories, biscuit factories, and suitcase factories at home, and finally accumulated his first bucket of gold. In 1984, he broke into Shanghai alone and entered the Shanghai construction industry. In just three or four years, he defeated many competitors and became the leader of the private enterprises in the Shanghai construction industry. He had a straightforward personality and was tenacious. His actions were magnanimous but full of evil ideas. He was cunning, stingy, ruthless, meticulous, and clear-headed. The 90s had arrived, and Whitehand was ready to open up the computer and internet industry with a forward-looking vision… ---------------------------- " The Host of Rebirth " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yun Tingyu. The general plot of this novel was: In his previous life, his family was broken and he was reborn to make up for his regrets. She had turned from twenty-eight years old to eighteen years old, and it was all because of herself. Her body was crippled, but her mind was still there. She used her wisdom to resolve the conflicts in her family. She used her talent to start from scratch and make a name for herself. She became a dazzling female streamer. She wanted to click, collect, and everything! ---------------------------- " Rebirth 80: Making a Fortune and Raising a Cute Baby " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Anglo Bai. The general plot of this novel was: The food blogger with tens of millions of fans traveled back to 1981, to Zheng Yunlan, an unemployed high school graduate with the same name and surname. There was a vicious stepmother who wanted to sell her to a disabled and lecherous old butcher at a high price, and there was a married husband who wanted to give her a pair of children to eat and drink. A useless father who couldn't find anything, the first place in enjoying happiness, the half-brother and half-sister sticking to ask for a job, and the half-brother being bullied all day and had nowhere to go. He punished his vicious stepmother, taught his cheap younger siblings, supported his own younger brother, cared for his children, and helped his husband to reach the peak of his business. After that, she would retire behind the scenes and take care of her husband and children. Her life goal was just to be a rice worm that ate and drank while lying down. ---------------------------- " After Rebirth, I Lead the Family Towards a Well-off Life " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Lin Shiwu. The general plot of this novel was: Wouldn't it be nice to start from scratch and work hard to raise a fat son? Relying on her superb medical skills, Li Xueyan worked hard to lead her family to become rich! Then, her biological parents brought the media to meet her as promised… ---------------------------- " Reborn: I Want to Be Rich " was an urban novel written by Moondevil White Fox. The general plot of the novel was: Back when he was still a minor in 1998, how could he let his parents become rich? I'm waiting online. I'm quite anxious! ---------------------------- 2002: The Road to the Richest Man was a novel about urban life written by Du Shou Yu Yin. The general plot of the novel was: He was a failed web novel writer, but he had to go back to 2002 and start over. The first thing he did when he came back was to solve his family's poverty. From publishing novels, to starting a business, to getting involved in film and television…step by step, he was heading towards the peak of wealth! ---------------------------- The book," Siheyuan Begins as a Doctor " was a novel about urban life written by Moonlight White. The general plot of the novel was: Was it a surprise that he had transmigrated to a TV drama filled with Siheyuan and became an intern doctor in the Rolling Steel Factory Hospital? In an era where resources were scarce and life was dominated by black and white, he wanted to see how the pig's feet would turn the tide of life and live freely. ---------------------------- " Traveler in the TV Series World " was a sci-fi time-travel novel written by the author, Big White M. The general plot of this novel was: One flower, one world, one lotus flower with each step. He wanted to be a passerby, but unknowingly, he became a player in the game. He was looking for excitement and excitement in this new world. It was mainly based on TV dramas…Flying Fox of Snow Mountain, Black Dragon's Love, Young Bao Qingtian, Sister Gan Nineteen, Smiling Proud in Jianghu, Legend of Jiang Yuyan, Dragon Ball of the Demon World… ---------------------------- The book," From the Survival Show to the Exploding Fire," was a novel about urban life written by the author, Chen Thirty-Three. The general plot of the novel was: The recorded broadcast turned into a live broadcast, not a bullet screen. No system, no cheat, hardcore survival novel. The transmigration was for the sake of being invisible. Including internet celebrities, celebrities, original contestants… ---------------------------- " The Elder Sister of the Farmer's Gate Wants Her Family to Prosper " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Bai Gao. The general plot of this novel was: In 1995, she became a poor 17-year-old farmer's elder sister. Both her parents had died. The six siblings, a 77-year-old grandmother, three earthen houses, and a debt of 20,000 yuan were left behind. At the beginning, Grandma had forced a live-in son-in-law to take on the responsibility of raising her younger brother and sister. Since he was already here, he would take things as they came. He would send away his grandmother, who valued sons over daughters, and bring his younger siblings to make candy to make a fortune. He had just earned some money when he encountered a relative who snatched the recipe…After a long trip, his younger brother was sold when he came back. He had no choice but to take up the weapon of the law to protect his family... Building a new house, building a factory, and accidentally becoming the most capable person here. He worked hard to raise his underage younger brother and sister and bring the entire family to prosperity…He even gained a sincere love…[Remark: Transmigration is the biggest cheat. The history of struggling from poverty to prosperity of the family.]
Who was she with? Had Chen Changsheng's origins and ending been revealed in the Record of Heaven Choosing?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:25
" The Heavenly Doctor " is an urban supernatural novel written by the author, Wen Changsheng. The general plot of this novel is as follows: With a marriage contract, Chen Feiyu entered the human world to find his fiancée. From then on, he had endless fortuitous encounters. He used the golden needle in his left hand to save the world, and the long sword in his right hand to destroy the enemy. He made money to save people. Those who provoke me will be beaten! Those who love me will feel pain! ---------------------------- " From Marriage to Becoming Immortal " was a Xianxia-Cultivation civilization novel written by the author who went to bed early and woke up early. The general plot of this novel was: After transmigrating into the Immortal Cultivation World, Chen Changqing thought that he could seek immortality and live a long life. However, the path of immortality was difficult. He wasted decades and was still mediocre. When his potential was exhausted, his family made him a candidate for marriage. He also accepted his ordinary fate. Who knew that after the marriage, Chen Changqing realized that his immortal path seemed to be different from ordinary people… ---------------------------- The book " Immortal My Aptitude Is Average " was a Xianxia and Cultivation novel written by the author, Lu He He. The general plot of this novel was: With the two attributes of average aptitude and immortality, Chen Sheng only wanted to shout,"The river flows east for thirty years, and the river flows west for thirty years. Don't bully the poor old." When the sect's prodigies rose, Chen Sheng was still alive. Chen Sheng was still alive when the sect's prodigy was promoted to an elder. When the sect's prodigy died, Chen Sheng was still alive. If he lived and became a senior, he would be able to order the younger generation around and bully the younger generation.…Time passed. Every generation had talented people, each leading the world for hundreds of years, while Chen Sheng lived forever, watching the rise and fall of the Heaven's Favorites, transcending the world. ---------------------------- " The Strongest Immortal in the City of Rebirth " was a Xianxia-Cultivation civilization novel written by the author, Chen Lao Er. The general plot of this novel was: Chen Zifan had failed ninety-nine times in the Heavenly Tribulation. In the end, when he was struck by the Heavenly Thunder and was about to die, a wisp of his soul escaped and went to a waste. After learning about the experiences of the owner of this body, Chen Zifan decided to help him rebuild a new life. ---------------------------- " The Wandering Swordsman of the Heavens " was a manga novel written by the author, Wu Yan. The general plot of the novel was: Chen Wuya, who had gotten his revenge, should have died, but he was still alive for unknown reasons. The aimless Chen Wuya could only wander around the world, come into contact with different people, experience different ways of life, and gradually find his place of belonging. ---------------------------- The Supreme Divinity of Rebirth was a fantasy novel written by the author, White Clouds and Grey Dogs. The general plot of this novel was: The Martial God of a generation was unexpectedly reborn in the body of a good-for-nothing youth. He met a mysterious girl and entered the palace again. What was faith? Chen Fan asked himself. Was he alive? No, I want the sky to stop me from moving forward. I want to rule the world and look down at the galaxy. I want you to be by my side... ---------------------------- " The Reborn Immortal " was a city-to-city supernatural novel written by the author, Shuang Jian Xilai. The general plot of the novel was: Chen Zi Shi was reborn at the age of 22. In his previous life, Chen Zi Shi stood at the peak of the universe, but he had no one to accompany him. In this life, he had to start over and experience the fireworks of the mortal world. He held a butcher knife in his hand and killed all the unjust things in the world. ---------------------------- The book " Reborn City Immortal " was written by the author, Xi Ke. It was a novel about urban supernatural powers. The general plot of the novel was: In his previous life, Chen Zhiyuan was known as the most talented and gifted genius in the Tian Xuan Land. After his rebirth, he relied on his rich knowledge of cultivation to rise in the city. In this life, he would take revenge for his enemies and repay his kindness without leaving any regrets! ---------------------------- The book," The Evil King of Longevity is in the Afterlife, Lady Thousand Years, Run Slowly " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Chen Sisheng. The general plot of this novel was: Everyone said that she, Li Hua, was born with the Seven Murders, a curse to her clansmen and teachers. Dressed in white, with a dot of cinnabar between her eyebrows, she had a beauty that could topple a country. She disguised herself as a man, killed people, and became bloodthirsty. Assassinations, battlefields, Li Hua had never felt the pain of being injured…As evil as he was, he had already lived a lifetime, so he could not miss her in this life. " Woman, I crossed the Ukiyo 3,000 to meet you. I can't miss you again." It was said to be longevity. She thought that it was a love story between two lifetimes, but who knew that the two of them had already been destined before they reincarnated…After washing away the lead, on the top of Kunlun Mountain… ---------------------------- " I've Got a Longevity Empress " was a Xianxia novel written by the author, Yicheng Longcowpea. The general plot of this novel was: After attaining immortality, Chen Keguan discovered that these days were also passing day by day. What he ate was the rice that was cooked in the pot, and what he walked was the path of the human world. He talked about the various states of life and saw the ups and downs of life. There is a white-haired old man full of articles, the imperial examination did not pass; The young man who has not yet reached the age of crown has little talent and shallow knowledge, but he has passed the examination. A young beauty married a dull husband, but a handsome man married a rough and ugly woman. There was a middle-aged man who got up early and greedily drove a car to sell pulp to save his wife, and there was a top scholar who became powerful but despised his wife. Nine five noble, fate retreat is not as good as the common people; Willow alley woman, when to match as his wife. Chen Ke could climb up thousands of steps and embrace all the beauties in the world, but he still loved this world. This was because the atmosphere of the mortal world was the most soothing to the hearts of mortals.