Setelah Bercerai, Keluarga Besar yang Berkuasa Menyambutnya Kembali ke Rumah!
Setelah Tan Ming hamil, suaminya menyerahkan surat cerai padanya. Dua puluh tiga tahun yang lalu, Tan Ming masih merupakan anak yatim piatu yang tidak ada yang menginginkan. Orang tua angkatnya mengadopsinya dari panti asuhan karena mereka kesulitan memiliki anak sendiri.
Namun, nasib sial Tan Ming tidak berubah karena hal itu. Dalam waktu satu bulan, ibu angkatnya hamil. Setelah adiknya, Tan Si, lahir, Tan Ming menjadi orang yang paling tidak disukai di keluarga. Sejak kecil, dia harus mengalah pada Tan Si dalam segala hal. Orang tuanya hanya menyukai Tan Si karena Tan Ming bukan anak biologis mereka.
Tiga tahun lalu, Keluarga Tan memaksanya menikah dengan seorang pria yang koma demi kepentingan bisnis mereka. Selama dua tahun penuh, Tan Ming hidup sebagai seorang janda. Hingga setahun yang lalu, ketika suaminya yang koma tersebut bangun secara tidak terduga, Tan Si jatuh cinta padanya pada pandangan pertama. Kali ini, Tan Ming memutuskan untuk tidak mengalah lagi. Dia dengan tegas berusaha memutus hubungan dengan Keluarga Tan. Namun, dia tidak menduga bahwa pada akhirnya dia akan dihadapkan dengan surat cerai.
Untuk kepentingan anak-anak dalam kandungannya, Tan Ming dipaksa oleh suaminya untuk menandatangani surat-surat tersebut. Ketika anak-anaknya lahir, ayah biologis mereka sedang menemani wanita lain untuk tes kehamilan.
Saat dunia Tan Ming berada dalam kegelapan terdalam, kerabat kandungnya muncul. Mereka adalah keluarga yang sangat kaya hingga Keluarga Tan pun memandang mereka dengan hormat, dan mereka menyambutnya kembali ke rumah! Setelah kembali ke rumah, dia tidak lagi menjadi anak yang tidak diinginkan. Tidak hanya dia memiliki orang tua yang memanjakannya, tetapi dia juga memiliki tiga saudara laki-laki yang sangat memperhatikannya! Kemudian, mantan suaminya menyesali keputusannya dan datang untuk meminta maaf secara langsung.
"Tetap jauh dari hidupku," kata Tan Ming.
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630 Chs
Putri Keluarga Humble Punya Kantong Spasial!
(1v1, murni dan manis) Residensi Pangeran Xiliang.
Dengan energi seperti harimau dan baru berusia 5 tahun, Pangeran Kecil Xiao Moxi melihat ibunya berlari ke perkebunan lagi, dan wajahnya yang seperti baozi mengerut karena frustrasi.
Sambil memandang ayahnya di sampingnya dengan duka, dia mengeluh dengan nada seolah-olah sangat berpengalaman, "Ayah, bagaimana kamu bisa jatuh hati kepada ibuku, yang suka kabur terus-terusan?"
Xiao Yeyang memberikan tatapan menyamping kepada anaknya yang matang sebelum waktunya, lalu pura-pura merenungkan pertanyaan itu.
Memang, mengapa dia jatuh hati kepada wanita itu?
Setelah keheningan yang panjang...
"Siapa tahu? Mungkin kepalaku tertimpa pintu!"
Bertukar pandangan yang penuh rasa simpati, ayah dan anak menghela napas tanpa daya secara bersamaan.
Apa yang kamu lakukan ketika kamu terikat dengan wanita yang tak pernah di rumah?
Hanya ada satu hal yang bisa kamu lakukan dengan Permaisuri Putri (ibu) mu sendiri—manjakan dia, tentu saja!
Ditransportasikan ke zaman kuno dengan ruang yang dipenuhi bunga padi, yang dia inginkan hanyalah hidup dengan tenang di perkebunan. Tak terduga, dengan ayah yang merupakan seorang pejabat kabupaten, dia terpaksa meninggalkan pedesaan dan pindah ke kota!
Kehidupan di kota sangat ramai dengan aktivitas, dan agar bisa berbicara di rumah, dia membeli perkebunan, menanam bunga dan tanaman obat-obatan, serta mengembangkan varietas biji-bijian yang berlimpah dan berkualitas tinggi. Secara luar biasa, dia membantu ayahnya, yang telah menjadi pejabat kabupaten selama sembilan tahun, untuk naik tingkat demi tingkat, membawa Keluarga Yan yang rendah ke lingkaran elite Beijing!
Ini adalah kisah seorang putri bangsawan dari keluarga sederhana yang membantu klannya untuk berkembang dan sejahtera, serta kisah cinta manis tentang sukses bersama dan tumbuh bersama!
Pemeran utama pria: Di depan orang lain, dia adalah si Pangeran Kecil yang membanggakan, si Pangeran yang domineer dari Xiliang. Di depan pemeran utama wanita, dia adalah laki-laki yang lembut dan berhati hangat.
Pemeran utama wanita: Berpikiran jernih dalam segala hal, berhati hangat dan mandiri!
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516 Chs
The Mind-Read Heiress: Dari Penipu Menjadi Favorit Keluarga
Wenyan membaca sebuah buku di mana karakter pelengkap yang membagi namanya adalah seorang pewaris palsu. Setelah pewaris sebenarnya menempati posisinya, sang penipu mencoba mengamankan posisinya di keluarga kaya dengan mendoping putra tertua dan membuat urusan selesai dengan nasi sudah menjadi bubur, hanya untuk diungkap oleh Keluarga Shen dan akhirnya melakukan bunuh diri dalam keputusasaan.
Wenyan marah melihat akhir cerita seperti itu. Bagaimana mungkin seseorang tidak bisa bertahan hidup tanpa dukungan keluarga kaya? Bukankah keluarga telah menyediakan rumah mewah dan banyak barang mewah? Menjual semua itu saja bisa mendapatkan puluhan juta. Dia hanya kasus yang tidak berharap!
Jika dia adalah Wenyan dalam buku itu, dia akan menyerahkan posisinya dan menjalani hidup santai seperti ikan asin!
Namun, ketika dia bangun dari tidurnya, dia benar-benar terpindah ke dalam buku itu. Sesuai dengan ucapannya, dia berhenti merencanakan. Semalaman dia mengemas barangnya, menjual rumah, mobil, dan tas, dan mencari pekerjaan.
Seluruh Keluarga Shen menyadari perubahan pada Wenyan, putri angkat mereka. Tidak hanya dia pindah dengan patuh, tetapi dia juga tidak pernah membuat masalah lagi. Lebih anehnya lagi adalah bahwa sekarang mereka bisa melihat pikiran terdalamnya!
【Ayah, Ibu, saya tidak pernah ingin merebut sarang kalian, tetapi hasil tes DNA putri sebenarnya memiliki masalah. Bahkan, dia lebih palsu daripada saya, si pewaris palsu.】
Orang tua Keluarga Shen: ...... Kemudian 'putri' yang telah lama hilang dan baru ditemukan terungkap sebagai penipu dan dibawa oleh polisi untuk diinterogasi.
【Kakak, teman sekolahmu itu tidak baik, dia adalah mata-mata perusahaan, anak haram dari musuh besar Keluarga Shen.】
Putra tertua Keluarga Shen: ...... Setelah itu, teman sekolahnya tertangkap mencuri dokumen rahasia dan juga dibawa oleh polisi untuk diinterogasi.
【Adik kedua, kamu adalah orang yang murni dan mulia, kamu seharusnya tidak bersama dengan putri Keluarga Qin, dia hanya menggunakanmu, hatinya sebenarnya tertuju pada orang lain.】
Putra kedua Keluarga Shen: ...... Terima kasih, aku akan menyelidikinya.
【Dan adik ketiga, adik keempat......】
Pada akhirnya, tidak ada yang bisa memprediksi bahwa putri angkat paling tidak menonjol dari Keluarga Shen akan menjadi menantu perempuan yang dimanja.
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523 Chs
Saya Mewarisi Properti Keluarga Selama 5.000 Tahun
Betapa besarnya kekayaan keluarga yang diwariskan selama lima ribu tahun?
Terkadang, Anda tidak pernah tahu seberapa kaya keluarga Anda sampai Anda mendesak orang tua Anda sedikit!
Hanya setelah mewarisi kekayaan keluarganya yang berusia lima ribu tahun, Zhang Menglong menyadari bahwa kebahagiaan orang kaya begitu sederhana.
Presiden bank, "Tuan Zhang, tolong, saya mohon Anda menyimpan uang Anda di bank kami, dan Anda dapat menetapkan suku bunganya!"
Generasi kedua terkaya di Huaxia, "Apakah seluruh dunia milik keluarga Anda atau apa?"
Orang terkaya di dunia, "Saya merasa seperti saya hanya orang miskin!"
Keluarga Kerajaan Eropa, "Tuan Zhang, apakah Anda kekurangan pacar? Jika ya, apakah Anda keberatan mencari satu? Jika tidak, bagaimana dengan negara kami?"
Kemudian, Zhang Menglong menemukan bahwa perguruan tinggi yang ditinggalkan orang tuanya adalah yang paling mengesankan. Sebenarnya, menjadi dekan ternyata lebih menyenangkan daripada menjadi orang terkaya di dunia!
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461 Chs
Malaikat Maut Pelindung Keluarga
Genta adalah seorang ahli silat dan pengobatan terkenal yang disegani, dia mengadopsi Sapta sejak Sapta masih kecil dan menjadikannya muridnya.
Namun suatu hari, Sapta, yang tidak mengerti apa-apa, menyadari bahwa ternyata dia telah dikorbankan oleh Genta untuk menggantikannya melunasi hutangnya terhadap keluarga Harsono. Sapta terpaksa harus menandatangani kontrak dengan Nadine Harsono, putri dari keluarga Harsono, dan bekerja untuknya demi melunasi hutang gurunya itu.
Tapi mungkin nasibnya tidak seburuk itu?
Karena sesampainya di rumah keluarga Harsono, Tuan Harsono bersikeras untuk menikahkan Sapta dengan Nadine setelah menyaksikan kemampuan teknik pengobatan Sapta yang hebat.
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420 Chs
Menantu Bungsu Keluarga Kusuma
Joya selalu memimpikan bertemu dengan pangeran tampan yang menaiki kuda. namun, kenyataannya dia malah bertemu dengan Erik, anak bungsu keluarga Kusuma yang manja dan egois.
Suatu kejadian memaksa Joya harus menerima Erik sebagai calon suaminya. Namun, Sarah mantan pacar Erik yang masih berharap kembali pada Erik selalu menghalangi Joya dan Erik bersatu.
Joya diculik dan diancam.agar pergi meninggalkan Erik selamanya jika.maaih ingin hidup selamat.
Apa Joya akan mengalah atau malah melawan? Semua akan terjawab di cerita ini.
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370 Chs
Keluarga Denzel
Judul lama Pernikahan kontrak
Selamat datang di volume ketiga kehidupan pernikahan Axton bersama Wenda. ini adalah kisah mereka yang kini hidup bersama putra mereka; Alexi.
Wenda yang hanya seorang pelayan di sebuah hotel mendadak menikah dengan Axton Denzel, seorang bos besar dalam sebuah perusahaan hanya karena kepergok berduaan di kamar hotel. Tanpa mengenal, tanpa cinta apakah kehidupan pernikahan mereka jauh dari kata baik-baik saja?
68 Chs
Saya ingin menjadi keluarga kaya di Pulau Hong Kong
Wu Guangyao, yang melakukan perjalanan ke tahun 1947, memilih untuk terus melarikan diri tanpa ragu dan datang ke Hong Kong. Langkah pertama adalah mengikuti jalur "paman keempat" Li Zhaoji dan membuka toko emas dan perak untuk devisa; langkah kedua adalah mengikuti jalur YKK Jepang,mengimpor mesin pengikat otomatis Jerman dan mengembangkan industri ritsleting; langkah ketiga adalah memasuki real estat dan memimpin penerapan 'penjualan'. "Properti di luar rencana" mengantarkan era properti di luar rencana; menjadi raja pelayaran dan mengembangkan semikonduktor...
Enam puluh tahun kemudian, komunitas bisnis di Pulau Hongkong sudah ada istilah “one super four”. 'Super' secara alami mengacu pada keluarga Wu Guangyao. Keluarga Wu telah menduduki peringkat pertama sejak daftar orang terkaya di dunia.
Buku ini berdurasi lama, dengan bisnis sebagai fokus utama dan cinta sebagai pelengkap.
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56 Chs
Kehidupan seorang dewa yang telah terbebas dari rasa kesepian yang panjang dengan menemukan cinta sejatinya dan menjalani hidup sebagai seorang ayah. Tetapi kebahagian keluarga sangat sulit di pertahankan dengan banyak gangguan dari iblis, dewa jahat, dan tugas dari raja para dewa yang paling cepat di selesaikan seribu tahun.
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33 Chs
Selingkuh ( Selingan Keluarga Utuh )
Dikejar deadline menikah bukanlah sesuatu yang menyenakan.Apalgi diusia sekarang semua teman-teman sudah menikah dan punya momongan. Pertemanan dengan seseorang membuat Dewi mempelajari hal-hal yang belum perna dirasakannya.
Suatu perasaan yang penuh sensasi, gairah dan rasa penasaran ....yang akhirnya sampai pada keputusan.
Akankah Dewi meninggalkan atau melanjutkan hubungan dengan pria yang mengisih hari-harinya....
Well, one family inces story could be about a family heirloom. My family has a beautiful old watch that has been passed down through generations. It was first owned by my great - grandfather who carried it during his travels. Then it went to my grandfather, and he always told us stories about how it kept accurate time even in the toughest conditions. It's a symbol of our family's endurance and connection over time.
No. 'Forced feminazition' is a false and discriminatory idea as feminism is about equality not coercion. And 'inces sex stories' is an unclear and inappropriate - sounding combination that has no legitimate standing.
One story I heard was about a family's lucky charm. It was a small coin that was found by an ancestor during a difficult time. Since then, it was believed to bring good luck to the family. Whenever a family member faced a big decision or a tough situation, they would hold the coin for a moment. It's a simple yet powerful family inces story that shows how a small object can hold so much meaning for a family.
The term 'forced feminazition' is a wrong and offensive concept as feminism aims for equality. And 'inces sex stories' is unclear and may be some made - up or inappropriate content that doesn't have a positive meaning.
" Feng Luan's Revenge Plan " is a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Jin Se Li Sao. The general plot of this novel is as follows:
From an innocent princess to a queen above ten thousand people…
" My Life Is a Phoenix " was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Xue Yang Yanran. The general plot of this novel was:
After the Phoenix Immortal's soul dissipated, she could actually reincarnate into a human? All the gods in the Heaven Realm sighed in amazement. Only the old man stroked his beard and said with a smile," Perhaps this is Little Feng's fate. Why do you all have to worry about nothing?" Feng Zhen was miserable about this. As a matchmaker, her feelings were a mess. Who dared to let her lead the marriage? PS: No matter what the process is, this article is definitely He. Welcome to the pit…
" The Fairy Phoenix Girl: Where Did the Evil Prince Escape to?" This book was written by the author, Xiao Ling 'er. It was an ancient romance novel. The general plot of this novel was:
An innocent but lovable girl with a heavy burden. A phoenix from the 21st century, with a mission on her shoulders, cried out in the chaos of time and space, opening up a love and hate relationship in another time and space. Would she be able to complete her mission? Would she give up her mission for love? A simple sentence like " You are destined not to live a peaceful life ", could the few people who silently protected her break through the shackles of fate together and return to the path of life that belonged to them? After so many years, when they met again, it was like the first time they met. That one glance was a thousand-year-old love…
" Reborn I am a Phoenix and I am Arrogant " was a fantasy novel written by the author, Qian Kun Ah Fei. The general plot of this novel was:
Being summoned by a beautiful woman was a kind of happiness…but being a phoenix that was ridden by a beautiful woman was not easy…
" The Phoenix's Pursuit " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Zi Xiao. The general plot of this novel was:
The phoenix seeks the phoenix, the phoenix flies in the nine heavens, and the phoenix travels all over the world to seek the phoenix. The wind and clouds are dark, the sun and moon are dark, and I look at my shadow and feel sorry for myself in the high hall. Suddenly there was a dazzling sight, and the gods moved, and a jade man came out of Xiaoxiang. Only can recite the catkins, love can hold, smile, the pearl lost its light. Phoenix ah clear song led to the blue sky, wings fluttering close to the beautiful Luo fragrance, Yaochi green waves swing mandarin ducks. Music has not stopped, light chase Liu Fang, want to go back to his hometown! Thank you, friends who have always supported Feng Qiuhuang and Zi Xiao!
" The Legend of the Phoenix of the Immortal Demon Path " was a novel by the author, Beimang Shisan. The general plot of this novel was:
It was an emotional entanglement between the ancient gods from thousands of years ago. Who was the one whose desire to love and hate had caused irreparable destruction? Who was the one who had hidden a thousand-year-old love in his heart but could not speak? Who was deeply infatuated and was willing to die with the person he loved? Who was the one who did not have the time to confess? Would he still have the chance to tell her face to face?
The daughter of the Phoenix Empress of the Ancient West Continent's Divine Realm, Little Phoenix Goddess. Although she did not need to go through the ordinary Heavenly Tribulation to be purified and was born with the venerable position of a god and enjoyed the glory of a god's name, she still needed to go through various divine tribulations and the most important period of Nirvana before she could truly ascend to the divine body and possess God-level magic power.
When the female protagonist returns to the mythical world, she will be confused at first, then slowly get on the right track and embark on the journey of immortal cultivation. Then, she will follow her master's orders and go down the mountain. With the help of a group of friends, she will eradicate the forces planted by the Demon Sect in the four countries of the human world and help the son of the demon race restore order in the demon world. Finally, she will defeat the big villain and become the real Phoenix God.
Lai Yi Feng Zi was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Wang Zixiao. The general plot of this novel was:
When they first met, she was a skinny orphan who had lost her parents and loved ones and was filled with hatred, while he was a young man who had just established his achievements and was unparalleled in martial arts. Later, he took her in, and she attached herself to him, filled with hatred. The country, the world, the Jianghu. Later on, he lost her, and she forgot him because of the cycle of fate. Everyone knew that there was a female Feng Lai Yi in the world. She was a woman with unparalleled beauty and was the daughter of destiny. However, they didn't know that the figure that survived after the Nirvana Phoenix...
This Star Lord Is A Little Stupid was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Jin Feng Liu Shang. The general plot of this novel was:
After a confession, she was struck by lightning and then transmigrated to an unknown country. She became the emperor's concubine and was pursued by a certain prince. She had been thinking about leaving the palace the entire time. After she was rescued, Feng Xi found that her background was confusing. This world was not as simple as she had imagined. The phoenix was reborn, reconstructed her body, and dreamed of her previous life.
" Sheng Chong Crown Princess " was a fantasy romance novel written by Ye Piaomiao. The general plot of this novel was:
An imperial edict had announced that Feng Qingwu, the daughter of the Feng family's legitimate son, would marry the current Crown Prince, Di Wuya. She had expressed that she was under a lot of pressure…However, after she married him, it seemed that something had changed. The Crown Prince, who looked as cold as ice on the outside, doted on his Crown Princess very much. Everyone said that the iceberg had finally melted. Holding a heaven-defying divine weapon, seizing spiritual beasts, breaking into secret realms, killing evil spirits, from innocence to a powerful person in the golden age, he was the only one by her side. The plot is fictional, please do not imitate it.
" The Phoenix Clan Has a Daughter: The Phoenix Shines to the Ninth Heaven " was a fantasy romance novel written by the author, Xi Zhaoling. The general plot of this novel was:
Feng Linglong was originally an ordinary, fair, rich, and beautiful woman in the human world. She had a beautiful face and figure that everyone envied, and her parents were obedient to her. However, she had died in a car accident less than a week after she entered school? He actually wanted to be reborn in the phoenix clan? With 18 years of memories, he was reborn into a child's body, receiving information from the other world, cultivating and eliminating evil, and helping the righteous path. As a result, he met those destined people. Forbidden love. Loving and being loved was a kind of torture. Could she change this fate…
I recommend I Have Countless God-level Backgrounds to you. This is a campus supernatural novel. Female Lead 1 was Chen Wansan's best friend, Female Lead 2 was Li Ningxue's fiancé, and Female Lead 3 was a rumored boyfriend of a B-list celebrity. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
The rationality of the existence of organizations such as the Assassin Guild in fantasy novels depended on the author's setting and plot development. In some works, organizations such as the Assassin Guild might exist to achieve a certain goal, which was very reasonable. In other works, they may be fictional or exist only to increase the plot conflict of the novel.
In some works, organizations such as the Assassin Guild might exist to achieve a certain goal. For example, they might gather together to destroy an evil force and formulate their own mission plan. Such an organization was very reasonable because they could make the readers feel the struggle between good and evil, as well as the cooperation and conflict between the characters.
In other works, they may be fictional or exist only to increase the plot conflict of the novel. For example, in some novels, there might be a powerful assassin guild that the protagonist had to participate in battles in order to survive. Such an organization could be used to increase the tension of the plot, but it did not necessarily have any rationality.
Therefore, the rationality of the existence of organizations such as the Assassin Guild in fantasy novels needed to be judged according to the author's setting and plot development. In some works, they are very reasonable, but in others, they may be fictional plots or used to increase the plot conflict of the novel.
Reading for all is a very important activity that can help people improve their cultural attainment, enhance their reading comprehension ability, and promote their physical and mental health. Here are some suggestions on how to read well for all:
1. Choose books that are suitable for reading: Choose books that suit your reading level to better understand and absorb the contents of the book. At the same time, he could also choose books that suited his interests.
2. Promotion of reading: Reading can be promoted through various channels, such as schools, communities, libraries, and other places to carry out reading activities to encourage more people to participate in reading.
3. Cultivate reading habits: Reading is an activity that needs to be adhered to for a long time. It is necessary to cultivate good reading habits such as reading regularly every day, reading more books of different types, etc.
4. Increase reading efficiency: When reading, you need to improve your reading efficiency. For example, through reading skills, reading notes, and other methods to better grasp the content of the book.
5. Pay attention to the quality of reading: When reading, you should also pay attention to the quality of reading. Don't just pursue the quantity of reading, but the quality of reading. For example, through thinking, analysis, and summary, you can better understand the content of the book.
Reading for all is a very important activity that requires everyone to actively participate in. Through reading, we can improve our cultural literacy, enhance our reading comprehension ability, and promote our physical and mental health.
Dear, this question is a little difficult because there are too many plots and types of novels. However, according to the information you provided, it's very common for the female protagonist to transmigrate into the princess consort's body! I can recommend a few novels to you, such as The Useless Queen, and The Quest for Qin: Unleashing the World, etc. These novels all had similar plots and were all very interesting! I hope my recommendation can help you find a novel you like. Muah ~
😋I recommend to you the book I Reincarnated as a Muggle as an Immortal. In this novel, Harry is a girl and has a CP with Snape. I hope you will like this novel.