

La Mascota del Tirano

La Mascota del Tirano

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Una princesa del pequeño reino de Rikhill era amada por todos. Con su belleza encantadoramente demure y una mente sabia, había atraído mucha atención y capturado los corazones de muchos. Uno de ellos era el atractivo príncipe heredero del Imperio Maganti. Superado por el deseo de tenerla y su interés en las tierras del pequeño reino, el príncipe heredero del mencionado imperio no se detendría ante nada. Los caballeros del Imperio Maganti marcharon a través de las masas y se apoderaron del reino de Rikhill de cuatrocientos años de antigüedad. El reino de Rikhill cayó en ruinas de la noche a la mañana. El príncipe heredero no dejó con vida a ningún miembro de la familia real, aparte de su trofeo de guerra, Aries. Después de sufrir en sus manos, Aries encontró la oportunidad perfecta para escapar. Fue entonces cuando él la llevó a la cumbre mundial. Una reunión de cada soberano de cada reino e imperio para conversaciones de paz. Allí conoció al emperador de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Abrumada por la desesperación, Aries le rogó que la acogiera. Fue demasiado tarde cuando se dio cuenta de que el hombre al que pidió ayuda era mucho más cruel, retorcido y francamente diabólico que el príncipe heredero al tomarla como su... ¡mascota! EXTRACTO: Con un par de ojos carmesí acechándola, Aries contuvo la respiración. Cuando la comisura de sus labios se curvó diabólicamente, no pudo reaccionar rápido mientras él cambiaba rápidamente sus posiciones. Solo se dio cuenta cuando estaba montándolo, mirando hacia abajo a un Abel de ojos muy abiertos. —No hay nadie por encima de mí en este imperio e incluso fuera —ni siquiera la ley, pero mírate —entonó con una sonrisa diabólica—. Mirándome desde arriba… tan intimidante. Aries mordió su labio, apoyando la palma en su pecho tatuado. —Su Majestad... —¿Ahora entiendes el poder que tienes, querida? —Abel envolvió cuidadosamente sus dedos alrededor de su muñeca, satisfecho por su reacción—. Solo tú, Aries, puedes estar por encima de mí y eres la única persona en este mundo que puede mirarme desde arriba. Nadie más. Levantó un brazo y pasó sus dedos por el lado de su cabello, colocando su palma en la parte posterior de su cabeza antes de atraerla hacia abajo hasta que su rostro estuvo a la distancia de una palma de él. —Sería mejor que usaras esto a tu discreción —susurró, inclinando la cabeza mientras la levantaba para reclamar lo que es suyo—. Ella. Conozca a Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, el tirano sádico, que reinó en un imperio con puño de hierro. Con la presencia cada vez mayor de su mascota, Aries, en su aburrida y oscura vida, estaba decidido a matarla. Pero, cada vez que pensaba en quitarle la vida, se encuentra cambiando de opinión. Cuanto más la mantenía a su lado, más difícil se le hacía deshacerse de ella. Y cuanto más ansiaba algo más profundo y oscuro... le estaba volviendo loco. Con un secreto que le estaba ocultando, ¿qué haría Abel si Aries descubría la podrida verdad detrás del imperio y el emperador? ¿La mataría? ¿O la besaría? ¿Quizás encerrarla? Y si ella descubriera que Abel no era solo un humano normal, ¿intentaría escapar? ¿O aceptaría que él no era solo un demonio encarnado? En un mundo complicado que los tiñó de negro, ¿era siquiera posible que floreciera el amor entre una mascota y su amo? Vea cómo estos dos juegan el peligroso e insano juego del amor y la lujuria. ¿Quién será el amo y la mascota? ¿Quién es la presa? Lea para descubrir más. ---------- Historia Original de: alienfrommars —Sígueme en Instagram para arte de personajes originales: @authoralienfrommars Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada no es mía. La conseguí de Pinterest. Créditos al artista.
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576 Chs
A Mascote do Tirano

A Mascote do Tirano

Aries Aime Heathcliffe. Uma princesa do pequeno reino de Rikhill era amada por todos. Com sua beleza encantadoramente discreta e mente sábia, ela chamou muita atenção e capturou os corações de muitos. Um deles era o carismático príncipe herdeiro do Império Maganti. Tomado pelo desejo de tê-la e pelo interesse na terra do pequeno reino, o príncipe herdeiro do referido império não mediria esforços. Os cavaleiros do Império Maganti marcharam sobre as massas e tomaram o reino de quatrocentos anos de Rikhill. O reino de Rikhill caiu em ruínas da noite para o dia. O príncipe herdeiro não deixou nenhum membro da família real vivo, exceto seu troféu de guerra, Aries. Após sofrer em suas mãos, Aries encontrou a chance perfeita para escapar. Foi quando ele a levou para a cúpula mundial. Um encontro de cada soberano de cada reino e império para conversas de paz. Lá, ela conheceu o imperador de Haimirich, Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth. Sobrecarregada pela desesperança, Aries suplicou para ele acolhê-la. Foi tarde demais quando percebeu que o homem a quem pedira ajuda era muito mais cruel, distorcido e francamente diabólico do que o príncipe herdeiro ao tomá-la como sua... mascote! EXCERTO: Com um par de olhos carmesim pairando sobre ela, Aries prendeu a respiração. Quando o canto dos lábios dele se curvou maliciosamente, ela não conseguiu reagir rapidamente enquanto ele rapidamente invertia suas posições. Ela só percebeu quando estava montada nele, olhando para baixo para Abel, com os olhos arregalados. “Ninguém está acima de mim neste império e até fora dele — nem mesmo a lei, mas olhe para você,” ele entoou com um sorriso diabólico. “Me encarando... tão intimidador.” Aries mordeu o lábio, colocando sua palma no peito tatuado. “Sua Majestade...” “Você agora entende o poder que tem, querida?” Abel cuidadosamente envolveu seus dedos ao redor do pulso dela, satisfeito com sua reação. “Somente você, Aries, pode estar acima de mim e a única pessoa no mundo que pode me olhar de cima. Ninguém mais.” Ele levantou um braço e passou os dedos pelo lado de seu cabelo, fixando a palma na parte de trás da cabeça dela antes de puxá-la para baixo até que seu rosto ficasse a uma distância de uma palma do dele. “É melhor usar isso a seu favor,” ele sussurrou, inclinando a cabeça enquanto a levantava para reivindicar o que é dele. ELA. Conheça Eustass Silvestri Abel Bloodworth, o tirano sádico, que reinou um império com punho de ferro. Com a crescente presença de sua mascote, Aries, em sua vida monótona e sombria, ele estava disposto a matá-la. Mas, toda vez que pensava em tirar a vida dela, ele se encontrava mudando de ideia. Quanto mais ele a mantinha ao seu lado, mais difícil se tornava se livrar dela. E quanto mais ele desejava algo mais profundo e mais sombrio... isso o estava enlouquecendo. Com um segredo que ele estava escondendo dela, o que Abel faria se Aries descobrisse a verdade podre por trás do império e do imperador? Ele a mataria? Ou a beijaria? Talvez a enjaulasse? E se ela descobrisse que Abel não era apenas um humano normal, ela tentaria escapar? Ou aceitaria que ele não era apenas um demônio encarnado? Em um mundo complicado que os tingiu de preto, era possível que o amor florescesse entre uma mascote e seu mestre? Assista enquanto esses dois jogam o jogo perigoso e insano de amor e luxúria. Quem seria o mestre e a mascote? Quem era a presa? Leia para saber mais. --------- História Original de: alienfrommars SIGA-ME NO INSTAGRAM para artes originais dos personagens: @authoralienfrommars Servidor do Discord: https://discord.gg/tbS4rKec3e Isenção de responsabilidade: A capa não é minha. Encontrei no Pinterest. Créditos ao artista.
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568 Chs
Querido Tirano Inmortal

Querido Tirano Inmortal

—Siempre estaré a tu lado, junto a ti, encima de ti, detrás de ti... La elección es tuya. Un inmortal que ha vivido un milenio... Se le conocía por muchos nombres, muchas vidas, muchos títulos, pero había uno que más se le adhería... Kaden. Una mirada y pensarías que has conocido al diablo. Peligroso, astuto e indiferente, la gente siempre inclinaba la cabeza ante él, excepto la mujer que hizo arrodillarse al tirano. Una mujer con una habilidad especial y una maldición... Lina. Estaba maldita con la clarividencia: la habilidad de ver el futuro cercano o lejano de una persona. Mientras la mayoría no recuerda su infancia, Lina recordaba su primera vida. Desde su nacimiento, tenía pesadillas recurrentes sobre un hombre que supuestamente había muerto. 1000 años después de su muerte, Lina lo ve de nuevo, y él quiere tener que ver con todo de ella. Desafortunadamente, no hay lugar en este mundo al que ella pueda ir donde él no pueda encontrarla. ¿Qué les pasaría a la asustada Lina y al astuto Kaden? ¿Encontrarán el amor de nuevo? ¿Huirá ella de la verdad? ¿La dejaría él irse? Una chica humana y un inmortal, juntos... es un amor que puso al mundo de rodillas. + + + + + Advertencia: Contenido sexual fuerte. Puede que te vuelvas adicto al libro ;) Conéctate conmigo: Instagram: www.instagram.com/xincerely_author Facebook: www.facebook.com/xincerelywriter/ Email: [email protected] Portada: Una obra de arte encargada dibujada por Laylee Hui. Todos los derechos exclusivos. Editor: diane_loves_2_read
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400 Chs
Querido Tirano Imortal

Querido Tirano Imortal

[Conteúdo Maduro.] "Eu sempre estarei ao seu lado, ao seu lado, sobre você, atrás de você... A escolha é sua para fazer." Um imortal que viveu um milênio... Ele passou por muitos nomes, muitas vidas, muitos títulos, mas um lhe marcou mais... Kaden. Um olhar e você pensaria ter encontrado o diabo. Perigoso, traiçoeiro e indiferente, as pessoas sempre baixavam a cabeça para ele—exceto pela mulher que fez o tirano se ajoelhar. Uma mulher com uma habilidade e uma maldição especial... Lina. Ela foi amaldiçoada com clarividência—a habilidade de ver o futuro próximo ou distante de uma pessoa. Quando a maioria não lembra da infância, Lina se lembrava da sua primeira vida. Desde o nascimento, ela teve pesadelos recorrentes sobre um homem que supostamente morreu. 1000 anos após sua morte, Lina o vê novamente, e ele quer ter tudo a ver com ela. Infelizmente, não há lugar nenhum neste mundo que ela possa ir que ele não a encontraria. O que aconteceria com a Lina assustada e o Kaden malicioso? Eles encontrarão o amor novamente? Ela fugirá da verdade? Ele a deixaria partir? Uma garota humana e um imortal, juntos... é um amor que levou o mundo a se ajoelhar. + + + + + Aviso: Forte conteúdo sexual. Você pode ficar viciado no livro ;) Conecte-se comigo: Instagram: www.instagram.com/xincerely_author Facebook: www.facebook.com/xincerelywriter/ Email: [email protected] Capa: Uma obra de arte encomendada desenhada por Laylee Hui. Todos os direitos exclusivos. Editor: diane_loves_2_read
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400 Chs
"El Último Deseo del Tirano"

"El Último Deseo del Tirano"

En un mundo donde la cultivación y el poder determinan el destino, Liu Fang es un joven cultivador marcado por un oscuro secreto: en una vida pasada, fue un tirano temido y despiadado. Renacido con el deseo de escapar de su pasado y encontrar la paz, Liu Fang se embarca en un viaje hacia un antiguo templo que guarda secretos de cultivación. A medida que avanza, la presencia de Yan Ling, un alma inmortal atrapada en un anillo, lo guía y le ayuda a explorar su verdadero potencial. Sin embargo, los ecos de su vida anterior nunca lo abandonan. Mientras intenta dejar atrás su historia, los recuerdos de sus antiguas generales, a quienes salvó y entrenó, lo persiguen. Liu Fang lucha contra la tentación de sucumbir a la oscuridad y la venganza cuando un evento trágico lo confronta con su pasado, resurgiendo el tirano que había intentado enterrar. Cuando un acuerdo con fuerzas malignas en el averno le concede el deseo de ver a su amada y a sus generales una última vez, Liu Fang se enfrenta a su propia corrupción y al precio de sus acciones. A medida que su poder se desata y el caos consume reinos enteros, se encuentra atrapado en una batalla final donde sus decisiones determinarán el destino de todos, incluyendo el de aquellos que ama. En esta épica historia de redención, amor y sacrificio, Liu Fang deberá confrontar sus demonios internos y elegir entre el camino de la oscuridad y la búsqueda de la verdadera paz, mientras los ecos de su pasado resuenan en cada paso que da. ¿Podrá escapar de las sombras que lo persiguen o estará destinado a convertirse nuevamente en el tirano que una vez fue?
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26 Chs
He was looking for urban novels with only one female lead and a relatively strong male lead!
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:22
I recommend 'The City's Martial Doctor God' to you! The male lead had the strength of an expert in medicine and the peak of martial arts. No one could match him. He was the most awesome male lead! At the same time, this novel is also an urban novel ~ I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~
Why did my classmate use his phone to read a novel in class and find his face red and ears hot after class? I'm the same, especially when there are classmates
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:22
Maybe it's because the teacher will ask questions or discuss some topics related to the course during class. These topics may stimulate our brain and cause our body to have physiological reactions such as blushing and burning. In addition, reading novels on our phones may also distract us from our lessons, resulting in similar situations. Especially if there were students who were also experiencing this situation, it might be because they were stimulated by similar topics or discussions, causing their physical reactions to be stronger. In this case, the best thing to do was to avoid using a cell phone or reading a novel during class to focus on the class so that you could better understand and master the knowledge.
What kind of thoughts and feelings did the author express in this article about Mr. Lu Xun's death?
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:21
The article on Lu Xun's death expressed the author's reverence and grief for his teacher. The article described the author's feelings and feelings when he visited the tomb of his teacher in the first person. The author believes that Mr. Wang is a great ideologist, writer and revolutionary. His thoughts and contributions have had a profound impact on Chinese history and culture. Through describing the mausoleum and the surrounding environment, the article expressed the author's admiration for Mr. Wang and also expressed his thoughts and feelings that he would never forget.
Did Huo Xiuxiu have something important in Grave Robber's Chronicles?
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:21
Huo Xiuxiu was a character in Grave Robber's Chronicles. She was an experienced grave robber with many unique techniques and secret weapons. In the novel, Huo Xiuxiu did not have many important things in her hands, but she had mastered many useful skills and knowledge, including grave robbing techniques, poison making, and cracking passwords. Her skills and knowledge had earned her a high position in the field of grave robbing and made her a dangerous criminal.
In the novel from seven or eight years ago, was there any plot about the protagonist's self-created martial arts and the tide?
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:21
[I created my own martial arts techniques. This book is a wuxia fantasy novel written by the author, you. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Arriving in a fantasy ancient world, wandering between the pleasure of gratitude and revenge in Jianghu and the strange waves of the court, he became a legend in his life. ---------------------------- The Tide of the Pugilistic World was a traditional wuxia novel written by the author, a storyteller. The general plot of the novel was: The youth left home to pursue that chivalry. Was the sudden appearance of a complete set of secret manuals an opportunity to reach the top, or was it the rumored plot of the Human Raising Treasure? Five-colored spiritual flowers, gatekeepers, heaven's gift, witch's gate, material wealth, people's abundance, how can we see danger, save the people, cross the world in peace and health… Sects and organizations appeared one after another! Was it destruction or creation? The Great Han Dynasty, the Ten Kingdoms of the Northern Tribes, the Seven Kingdoms of South Yue and Miao Jiang, the kingdoms of the Southeast Sea, and the Thirty-Six Kingdoms of the Western Regions. This was a huge world, but also a wonderful world. - Five Kings Thirteen Absolutes - Three Marks Ten Traces The more mysterious the Twelve Words Formula was, the more curious it was! All of this was revealed in the waves of the game! A family, a sect, a village, a county, a country, and a region, the power gathered was the greatest! ---------------------------- "The World's Self-created Cultivation Method, and the Tendon Changing Classic at the Beginning" was a novel about urban special abilities written by the author, Finger that Knows Hole. The general plot of this novel was: This was a world where cultivation techniques relied on imagination and martial techniques relied on creation. As long as one dared to think and write, they could create cultivation techniques. Zhang Li, who had transmigrated, already had the complete plot of countless cultivation techniques in his mind. [Cultivation method completed, given name: Muscle-bone Strengthening Scripture][Cultivation method completed, given name: Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms][Cultivation method completed, given name: Buddha's Palm][Cultivation method completed, given name: Tai Xuan Scripture][Cultivation method completed, given name: Undying Heart Scripture]... From then on, Zhang Li embarked on the path of "self-created" cultivation techniques. ---------------------------- The Rise of True Martial Arts was a novel written by the author, Silent Wind Whisper. The general plot of the novel was: Nine Yang Divine Technique, Myriad Swords to the Origin, Telepathic Finger…What would it be like when these well-known divine techniques and ultimate techniques were re-enacted in their 'real' appearance one day? In the year 2002X, the so-called virtual Eight Extraordinary Meridians, a divine technique derived by the artificial intelligence system, was about to be launched in the Realm of True Force. However, it was seen by the mainstream media of the First and Second Worlds as sensationalizing and exaggerating. No one believed that China would be the first to overcome countless difficulties and realize true virtual reality technology! An ordinary nobody had seized the hard-won opportunity to rise up in the True Martial Domain… ---------------------------- "Super Constable and Fast Blade" was a traditional wuxia novel written by the author, Chao Lai Han Yu. The general plot of this novel was: At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Yunye, a swordsman from the White Lotus Society, met Fang Tiancheng, a young constable. This article is about their legendary story. ---------------------------- The Rise of the Master was a futuristic novel about ancient martial arts written by the author. The general plot of the novel was: Do you remember? Dream of Jianghu, travel the world with a sword. You should remember that your kung fu is good enough to sweep away all the injustice in the world. Everyone had their own Jianghu, and every Jianghu had a character they liked. The rise of an expert will bring you into my Jianghu world. In my Jianghu, there is a character that I love the most. Let's see how he will stir up the world in my Jianghu. ---------------------------- 'The Martial Pinnacle Swordmaster' was a fantasy novel written by the author, An Chao. The general plot of this novel was: There was no martial arts that could be achieved overnight. There was only the peak that could be achieved through stepping on mountains of corpses and seas of blood. The young Chen Lian came to Tiangang Continent by chance and obtained the supreme sword shadow. In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, he did not want to be bullied by the masses. He could only work hard to cultivate and rise step by step. At that moment, Chen Lian was like a demon, proud of the mountains and rivers."If I hold the sky in my hand, who can stop me?" ---------------------------- "New School of Wuxia: Deadly Seven Kill Fist" was a novel written by the author, 1981 Ah Miao. It was a novel about traditional Wuxia. The general plot of the novel was as follows: Zheng Ran, the successor of the Seven Kill Fist, entered the Weeping Ghost Island for revenge. He did not expect to fall into a trap step by step. It turned out that everything was a well-planned conspiracy, just to unravel a shocking secret. Once this secret was revealed, it would definitely cause a dispute in the world. In order to unravel this shocking secret, tens of thousands of people from all over the world came to take the treasure for themselves! To obtain the treasure, one could only rely on primitive martial strength. This was because all advanced weapons were useless on the island. I hope that my favorite book friends will like and support my works! Thank you! ---------------------------- One Piece as Thunder was a light novel, a derivative Doujinshi novel, written by the author in a serious manner. The general plot of the novel was: The waves washed away the sand, washing away countless lead flowers. Turbid waves beat against the shore, and the mountains and hills had nothing to do with the spray. Hundreds of boats fought, and thousands of sails followed the waves on the top of the stormy sea. Madness and rationality, reality and dreams, blood and sweat collided in this era. This era was called the era of the great pirates. This was also the story of a small figure walking step by step towards the top of the waves and becoming a wave rider. ---------------------------- Deep Sea Fist King was an Oriental fantasy novel written by the author, I Have a Dragon Pen. The general plot of this novel was: When he woke up, Zhang Xiaojian was reborn to his high school days. The world had changed greatly, and reiki was recovering. Everyone was cultivating. Zhang Xiaojian awakened a C-grade spiritual beast,"Mantis Shrimp", and became an ordinary Sea Trainer. However, at this moment, he activated a system."Ding! Cultivation of the Life-preserving Fist has been successful!" 'Ding…Mountain Splitting Cannon Fist successfully cultivated!' 'Ding…Cannon Fist successfully cultivated!' "Ding…" Zhang Xiaojian threw a punch, and the seawater in front of him was torn apart. A vacuum passage appeared out of thin air! The terrifying power formed a spiritual energy shock wave that majestically blasted a 100-meter-long Megalodon shark in heavy armor into meat paste! The seabed collapsed and the earth trembled. The world seemed to be about to be destroyed! [Book Group: 831062375]
The protagonist of this novel is surnamed Zhang, and the weapon he uses is the Nine-tune Heaven Battering Spear. At the same time, there is also a zombie king and four ghost kings, right? Is there any big shot who knows about it?
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:21
" Uncle Nine: Twelve Charms Pushing the Heavens " is a light novel by the author Xuan Tai. It is a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of this novel is as follows: After passing through the zombie world, he obtained the mouse charm and dog charm of the twelve charms at the beginning. He also used the mouse charm to strengthen the divine spell and became a new spell-- Zombies? I wonder if I can withstand Lei Zhenzi's heavenly lightning! A malicious ghost? She wondered if Zhong Kui could make her kneel and beg for mercy! Monsters? Sorry, I have Demon Saint with me! In Ninth Uncle's world, he was a Mao Mountain disciple who exterminated demons and defended the Dao. In the world of Liaozhai, he was a vagrant who was boasting to Yan Chixia. In the Immortal Sword World, he was an opponent that even Demon Lord Chong Lou admired. Traveling the world, everything started when Uncle Nine picked up the zombie world. ---------------------------- " The Heavens Began From Here " was a novel written by the author, Old Man Situ. The general plot of this novel was: He accidentally transmigrated to the Republic of China and found that it was actually Uncle Nine's world. Fortunately, he still had a cheat! [Main World: Ghost Bite Ghost, Musical Zombie, Mr. Zombie, Zombie Uncle, Zombie Supreme, New Mr. Zombie, Three Heroes of the East, Great Magician, Let the Bullets Fly, Tai Chi, Evil Never Suppresses Good…] Wait! [Dungeon World: Young and Dangerous, Eight Dragons, One Man's World of Martial Arts, Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre, Huang Feihong, Ode to Joy, Jinyiwei, Xiuchun Sword, Four Famous Hunters, Great Era, Game of Thrones, Marvel Series…] Wait, wait, wait! The content of this book is mainly about farming, supplemented by cultivation. ---------------------------- Spear Talisman was a fantasy novel written by the author's second brother's alternate account. The general plot of this novel was: Cultivating the Fate Wheel, using talismans to refine a spear, and using Vital Qi as a bullet to shoot through the sky! Spear Warrior, Spear Master, Great Spear Master, Spear King, Spear Emperor…Wang Fei started off with an ordinary ammunition pistol, and he slowly reached the peak. ---------------------------- " The World of the Nine Uncles of the Heavens " was a suspense novel written by the author, Lone Wind. The general plot of this novel was: Zhang Yan had transmigrated to the Republic of China. The times were turbulent, the war was chaotic, and martial arts flourished. It was a chaotic era where warlords, gentry, commoners, and monsters traded with each other. The righteous aura in the world gradually disappeared, and the evil aura gradually grew. Let's see how Zhang Yan will learn from Ninth Uncle and wipe out the vast evil aura in the world to return the people to clarity for generations! ---------------------------- Lottery Draw in the Zombie World was a suspense novel written by the author, Zui Qingjian. The general plot of the novel was: Wang Teng had traveled through the zombie world, awakened the lottery system, and even acknowledged Ninth Uncle as his master. Using the system, he could command the wind and cloud, and kill evil with a single sword. "My disciple, Wang Teng, has the bearing of an immortal!" "Martial Nephew is amazing!" "Mr. Wang is really an immortal!" "Mr. Wang's miraculous hands brought back the spring and cured the girl's illness." "This man is mine!" "Fellow Daoist Wang's divine summoning technique is very impressive!" Bai Liuli said,"It's all thanks to Mr. Wang to reconstruct my physical body!" "Fellow Daoist Wang's Seven Stars Sword Art is very extraordinary!" Mao Xiaofang said. Madana: " This man is very good, I…" I can't love." "Among the younger generation, the only one who can fight me is Wang Teng!" ---------------------------- " I Sell Blind Boxes in Qixia Town " was a novel written by Tongtong's nanny. The general plot of the novel was: Zhang Yang brought the Infinite World Blind Box System and transmigrated to the Nine Regions. Zhang Yang said," Come and buy a Blind Box. There is a chance to get the Nine Yin Manual and Nine Yang Divine Skill." Passerby A: " Shopkeeper, what is this?" "Congratulations, you have obtained a top-grade hidden weapon: Desert Eagle." "Shopkeeper, what is this fruit?" Passerby B asked. Zhang Yang said,[Congratulations on obtaining the Fruit of Splitting. Stand still and let me slash you a few times.] ---------------------------- " Uncle Nine: Opening Coffin Shop, Killing Specters " was a mystery novel written by the author, Little Hamster Wang. The general plot of the novel was: Chen Tian came to the Zombie World and opened a coffin shop next to Ninth Uncle's memorial house. System Notification: Create Coffin, Suppress Zombies, Reward Chen Tian with various treasures! Crafting wooden coffins, obtaining equipment, spells! Forging a Golden Coffin and obtaining a Heaven-Connecting Talisman! Forge the Purple-Gold Divine Coffin and obtain the Seven Kill Token of Gods and Ghosts! In the future, Chen Tian would create coffins to nurture Corpse Immortals, Corpse Kings, and Ghost Kings! Uncle Nine thought,"Other than being handsome, Chen Tian is invincible in life-saving!" Ren Tingting, Ma Xiaoling: Brother Chen is the man I admire the most in my life! [Wencai, Qiusheng: Senior Brother Chen Tian, with the body of a mortal, suppressed countless evil ghosts!] ---------------------------- " The Arrival of the Ninth Uncle at the Beginning " was a fantasy and oriental fantasy novel written by the author, Xiao Bai Ai Qin Qin. The general plot of this novel was: " Note: The new book, Journey to the West: My 81 Difficulties in Creating a Hell Level, has been released. Dear lords, you can enjoy the moment Ren Tianba transmigrated into Mr. Zombie at the beginning of the game. He even became Master Ren's youngest son. By the way, doesn't Master Ren only have one daughter, Ren Tingting?" What would happen if the bullets were blessed? What would happen if he used an invulnerable zombie on the battlefield? Let's see how Ren Tianba stirred up the storm in the Republic of China era, and what kind of power would be produced by the combination of Daoist techniques and firearms! [P.S. The new book has been released. The protagonist's identity is still the same, and his personality is also similar.] ---------------------------- " Where Are the Demons Going?" was a suspense novel written by the author, Full Metal Shell. The general plot of the novel was: It was a new book, Taoist Priest, Times Have Changed. Please pay more attention to it. Human path declined, evil path ran rampant. Hundreds of ghosts were traveling at night, and the common people were suffering. I, Wang Qilin, am willing to use a Ghost Slaying Saber to carve out a path for the human race in the midst of demons and devils! QQ group number: 853332369, everyone who likes to chat in the water group, come together. ---------------------------- " The Strongest Berserk System " was a fantasy novel written by the author, Jiu Kuang. The general plot of this novel was: He held the Immortal Slaying Sword in his left hand and the God-Destroying Saber in his right. He wore the Nine Dragon Armor and wore the Supreme Shoes. Zhang Tianhao had accidentally crossed the True Martial Continent. Awakened the strongest Berserk System. His slogan was to beat up all kinds of geniuses, deal with all kinds of unconvinced people, and be the strongest man on the continent. If they were not convinced, they would all be trampled to death.
Please recommend a dark sci-fi time-travel novel, similar to the horror ghost ship.
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:20
I recommend a sci-fi futuristic novel called " Deep Sea Ember ". The protagonist becomes the captain of a ghost ship and faces a completely overturned and fragmented world. The fleet that challenges the sea has become the only light in the civilized world, and the shadows of the past are still stirring in the deep sea. The book was filled with dark, absurd, and terrifying plots that made one's hair stand on end. I hope my recommendation can satisfy your reading needs.
Can you recommend a novel about a scholar? I forgot the title of the book, but it's not about time travel.
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:20
I recommend Scholar Han to you. It's a traditional wuxia novel that describes the path of a scholar in Jianghu. After the protagonist sobered up, he began to escape. He entered the martial arts world after holding the sword. After killing people, he realized his friendship. He experienced hardships in the martial arts world and grew up until he finally became a martial arts master. I hope you like this fairy's recommendation. Muah ~😗
I'm looking for the name of the character in the novel. It's nice and handsome. Everyone, please help…
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:20
Alright, let me think of a few names for you. 1 Night God Wings (Y's Black Wings) 2 Sword Soul (Sword of X) 3 Apocalypse (T's Eye of Light) Night Shade (Y's Shadow) 5 Snow Eagle (Eagle of X) 6. Berserker (Tanker's fighting style) 7 Wind Eagle (Y's Eagle) 8 Mysterious Guest (X's Mysterious Identity) 9 Starry Sky (T Sky) Sword Saint (X's title) I hope these names can satisfy your needs. If you need anything else, feel free to let me know.
Please recommend a novel with the male protagonist named Shiina Eka.
1 answer
2025-03-16 20:19
" Kiha: From the moment I was adopted by Tsuneo," this book is a light novel by the author, Dizzy Water Singer. It is a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of this novel is as follows: Natsume, who had transmigrated to Naruto, did not panic at all. He already had a backer anyway. Changing the fate of a storyline character would reward them. Very good, in order to become stronger, let's do it. The man who wanted to be Naruto would let Tsunete be the fifth generation Naruto in advance. However, after Naruto went on maternity leave, he could only play on his own. Appoint Sunset Red and Ino Yamanaka as Naruto's secretaries, pleasing to the eye. The disciples Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha were farming Fate Points. The dragon vein transmigration was entangled by the three-no-big girl, the big tube wood Hui Ye. He could barely be the father of the Six Dao. If he didn't have the money, he would use another method to repay the debt. After going through all kinds of hardships to help Uchiha Mikoto open her eyes and beat up her dutiful son Uchiha Weasel. ---------------------------- " Tokyo Swordsman Master Instructor " was a light novel written by the author, Bujiyu. It was a fantasy novel. The general plot of the novel was: Natsuki Hanai had a series of flashy titles such as [Japan's Most Handsome High School Student],[Sakuragawa Academy's Dominator],[Working King],[Underworld's Dragon Son-in-law],[Tokyo Swordsman's Chief Instructor],[Creator of the Mythological Era], and so on. He was a man who stood at the top of the world. His initial dream was to get into Eastern University and play a happy game as an otaku. ---------------------------- The book," Tokyo Entertainment Writers ", was a light novel written by the author, Summer Haidilao. It was an original fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel was: The Three Heavenly Kings of Japanese novels, Haruki Murakami in the field of literature, Keigo Higashino in the field of suspense novels, and Makoto Shinkai in the field of animation. This was the pinnacle of business writing and the pinnacle of Japanese novels. The Forest of Norway, a book bought by one in ten Japanese, tells the lost dreams of a generation of young people. Suspect X's sacrifice-a conscious sacrifice, a crazy love. Stone God vomited out his soul. 'Child of the weather---Compared to the blue sky, I prefer Yang dishes!' A love that betrayed the entire Tokyo... However, for Shinichi Manita, who was reborn in Tokyo, it was a huge problem to overcome the limitations of primary school students 'writing style and create these works. ---------------------------- " The Love Master of Muye " was a light novel written by Xiao Cangming. The general plot of the novel was: A strange young man from the Hyuga clan who had awakened the Shura Eye and was passionate about ambiguity stirred up a storm in the leaves. --------。 ---------------------------- " The Empire of Japanese Entertainment's Wenchun " was a light novel written by Million Ma Li. The general plot of this novel was: From AKB48 to Nogizaka, Gusaka, and Hinazaka…Akira Uesugi swore that he would destroy everything about that man. ---------------------------- " I'm in Tokyo, Professional Boyfriend " was a light novel written by the author, Seven Bone Umbrella. It was a daily romance novel. The general plot of this novel was as follows: Travelling across Japan, getting into university. Iori Shiina, who had thought that she could become rich from her studies and earn an annual salary of 20 million yuan to pay off her family's loan, had finally waited for the System, which was 20 years late. Along with the system, he also received the bad news that he would only be 24 years old in this life. In order to prolong her life and pay off her loan, Shiina Iori embarked on a path of suffering that would never return. "So, can you accept that I can only be your boyfriend for an hour a day?" Which hour?" ---------------------------- " The Perfect Male Lead Cultivation Plan " was a light novel written by the author, Jiu Gun. It was a fantasy novel. The general plot of this novel was: " As an ordinary shut-in from the 21st century, how can you become the perfect 2D protagonist without mastering cooking, musical instruments, etiquette, history, writing, illustration, programming, flirting, and more than eight languages?" Natsume Ryuya: "..." This was the relaxed and happy daily life of an all-rounded male protagonist who was invincible at the beginning. Ps1: This book is also known as " The Perfect Male Lead of the Second Dimension ". In fact, it is a daily story of the Second Dimension in the guise of a system. The system will occasionally show off its existence. The beginning is a hot-blooded high school plot. If you don't like it, you can choose to skip it... Ps2: The plot involves " The President is a Maid "," The Ways to Cultivate Passerby Female Lead "," Ice Fruit "," Sword God Realm "," Hot-blooded High School "," Natsume's Friend's Tent ", etc. It is not a harem stallion. [Book Friend Group: 704849858 Salted Fish Author Often Comes Back to Life Emmmmm…] ---------------------------- " A Good Time in Manasumi " was a light novel by the author, Not Far From Dreams. It was a derivative doujinshi novel. The general plot of the novel was as follows: Reaching out, Manatsu is the season for love! Good Times in Manatsu! ---------------------------- " Manga: Becoming the Head of the Uesugi Family at the Beginning " was a light novel written by the author, Corgi's Short Tail. The general plot of this novel was: Xia Ge had been adopted by the Sheqi Eight Families since he was young. As the adopted son-in-law, he was destined to support Shang Shan's name. The usurper on the throne, the doomsday of the nine giants, the master of the changing dolls, the best friend of Spider, the demon king who benefited the people, and the mortal enemy of the original creator. When Gungnir stabbed into Herzog's chest, Shag realized that the journey had just begun. [Dragon Clan][One Piece][Dragon Clan][Slaying Crimson Pupils][Spring Creature + Wild God][Reincarnation Without a Job][Wasteland Tokyo Villain's Love Daily][Undead King] ---------------------------- Today's Wooden Leaves Are Very Peaceful " was a light novel by the author, I couldn't speak since I was young. It was a derivative Doujinshi novel. The general plot of this novel was: From the moment 'peace' began to spread in the Ninja Realm, no one would have thought that it would one day become the spear of the greedy. A flashbang that deprived one of their sight and hearing. It was a burning incendiary bomb that could not be extinguished. A super-particle beam that penetrated beyond the world. When technology reappeared in the Ninja Realm, Kazuki Shiina stood on top of the space-time torpedoes in her shining mech Suza." Peace is created by these hands, one cannonball after another!" " No one can shout for peace in front of me. For those who start war lightly, I can only send the words 'nuclear peace' to be engraved on his tombstone."