
penyesalan mantan istri

Kisah Istri Bayaran

Kisah Istri Bayaran

Gu Qingqing adalah seorang gadis muda yang telah menikah dengan seorang lelaki bernama Leng Sicheng. Namun relasi mereka sangat rumit, karena Gu Qingqing berasal dari keluarga miskin. Leng Sicheng adalah seorang putra dari keluarga kaya, dan juga seorang yang memiliki perusahaan sendiri. Keluarga Gu Qingqing yang sering menyebabkan masalah, setiap kali akan mendapat bantuan dari Leng Sicheng. Tetapi, setiap kali Gu Qingqing memohon Leng Sicheng untuk membantu keluarganya, ia harus membayar hutang dan harus tidur dengan pria tersebut. Leng Sicheng melarang Gu Qingqing untuk keluar dan bekerja karena akan membuat malu dirinya. Tetapi, Gu Qingqing juga sudah merasa cukup dengan memohon kepada Leng Sicheng dan tidak ingin kehilangan harga dirinya lagi.
2698 Chs
Istri Kecilku Sudah Dewasa

Istri Kecilku Sudah Dewasa

Liu Li Guoguo seorang anak berumur lima tahun berlutut di depan halaman rumahnya sambil menjinjing ember berisi air panas. Dia melakukan itu untuk menyelamatkan ibunya yang ditangkap oleh pengambil jiwa, ayah Guoguo yaitu Liu Li Fu berjanji kalau Guoguo berhasil menjinjing ember berisi air panas selama habis terbakarnya tiga dupa maka ayahnya akan menyelamatkan ibunya dari pengambil jiwa. Sayangnya ucapan ayahnya itu hanyalah cara lain ayahnya untuk menghukum Liu Li Guoguo. Kedua kakaknya Guoguo, Liu Li Fangfang dan Liu Li Pingping dan ayahnya Liu Li Fu selalu memperlakukan Guoguo dan ibunya dengan tidak baik. Di dalam keluarga itu hanya kakak keduanya saja yaitu Liu Li Tian yang selalu ada di samping Guoguo dan ibunya. Ketika Guoguo berlutut di halaman, datanglah Kaisar timur Xuan Yuan Pofan yang terkenal dengan sebutan Raja Hua You dan adiknya pangeran kedelapan Xuan Yuan Poxi mengunjungi kediaman Cheng Zhu yaitu kediaman Tuan Liu Li Fu. Awalnya Xuan Yuan Pofan melihat Liu Li Guoguo yang dianiaya dia tidak merasakan apapun, sampai akhirnya Guoguo menabraknya dan memohon Xuan Yuan Pofan untuk menyelamatkan ibunya. Saat itulah Xuan Yuan Pofan melihat mata dan wajah Guoguo dengan jelas, barulah dia sadar dia telah menemukan orang yang dicarinya selama 10 tahun ini.
2550 Chs
Cinta Rahasia yang Sempurna: Istri Baru yang Buruk itu Sedikit Manis

Cinta Rahasia yang Sempurna: Istri Baru yang Buruk itu Sedikit Manis

Seberapa buruk selera Si Ye Han? Dia masih menginginkanku yang terlihat seperti ini? Beranjak bangun, Ye Wan Wan melihat pantulannya pada cermin: rambut palsu eksplosif, tato, dan riasan wajah seperti iblis. Siapapun dengan penglihatan normal akan terbakar jika mereka memandangnya lebih dari sedetik. Sebelum Ye Wan Wan terlahir kembali, ia jatuh cinta dengan lelaki yang berbeda, sehingga semua yang dia ingin lakukan hanyalah melarikan diri dari Si Ye Han dan sangat membencinya setelah terbelenggu olehnya. Setelah ia terlahir kembali, Ye Wan Wan melihat perubahan pada Si Ye Han, berpikir bahwa mungkin SI Ye Han sudah berubah menjadi lebih baik? Dulu, pikirannya begitu kacau balau. Ye Wan Wan melepaskan sosok suami yang mengagumkan, disakiti oleh baj*ngan dan pengkhianat lalu terlebih lagi, telah dicuci pikirannya oleh teman yang paling dipercayainya. Pada akhirnya, dia benar-benar sendirian. Di kehidupannya sekarang, terdapat beberapa orang jahat yang begitu licik dan begitu semangat menunggu kehancurannya. Maaf, tetapi gadis ini tidak akan terjatuh dalam tipuan yang serupa untuk kedua kalinya!
2490 Chs
Istri yang Sangat Dimanjakan: Nona Muda Kelima Dokter Ilahi

Istri yang Sangat Dimanjakan: Nona Muda Kelima Dokter Ilahi

Ia merupakan seorang Nona Muda Kelima dari Kediaman Jenderal yang dihormati, tetapi dianggap tidak berguna seperti sampah. Karena terlalu nakal dan genit, akhirnya ia terbunuh secara tidak sengaja oleh para pengikut dari laki-laki yang ia kejar; Ia adalah seorang jenius kesayangan Langit tetapi pada akhirnya dibunuh oleh sebuah rencana jahat yang tersembunyi dan semua orang yang masih ada hubungan darah dengannya dikejar dan dimusnahkan, yang membuatnya bernafsu untuk balas dendam yang dibayar dengan darah. Di hari si jenius tersebut tanpa sadar mengambil alih tubuh sampah yang tak berguna itu dan membuka matanya, nasibnya benar-benar berubah!!! Menyempurnakan eliksir dan meleburkan senjata itu sulit dilakukan? Hal itu tidak membuatnya gentar. Penjinak Binatang itu langka? Ia dengan mudah meraih gelar Kaisar Penjinak Binatang! Pernikahan paksa!? Para laki-laki yang sombong karena mereka tampan? Ia mengulurkan tangan dan dengan mudah menarik para laki-laki yang luar biasa tampan: Raja Iblis bersaudara akan dengan mudah menggantikan mereka. Sekilas pandangan jahat, sedikit gerakan, dan sesaat kemudian lelaki itu tiba-tiba menghilang. Laki-laki itu membalikan badannya, senyum jahatnya memikat: Mari kita lanjutkan pembicaraan kita, ayo punya anak! Ini adalah kisah menarik lainnya tentang transmigrasi dan karakter-karakter menyenangkan yang akan memikat Anda.
2319 Chs
Tutorial Menjadi Istri

Tutorial Menjadi Istri

Gu Xiaoxiao awalnya datang untuk merayakan ulang tahun kekasihnya, Mu Yunfan. Namun, ternyata malam itu Mu Yunfan malah bertunangan dengan perempuan lain yang juga satu universitas dengannya, yakni Jin Jing. Tiada yang menyangka bahwa malam itu adalah sebuah awal dari kehidupan Gu Xiaoxiao yang mendadak berubah 180 derajat. Keesokan paginya, ia terbangun di tempat tidur pria yang tak dikenalnya dan tidak bisa mengingat apapun selain momen saat Jin Jing memaksanya untuk minum anggur di perjamuan semalam. Pria yang bernama Chu Yichen itu langsung memperjelas bahwa Gu Xiaoxiao telah dijebak oleh mereka berdua. Perasaan Gu Xiaoxiao hancur, namun ia segera bangkit dan ketika ia ingin meninggalkan apartemen Chu Yichen, sebuah pemikiran gila muncul di kepalanya. Gu Xiaoxiao tiba-tiba menawarkan Chu Yichen untuk menikah dengannya dan, lebih gilanya lagi, ternyata Chu Yichen menyetujuinya. Kegilaan belum berakhir karena ternyata Chu Yichen adalah kakak kandung Chu Xiaoxi, sahabat baik Gu Xiaoxiao.
2300 Chs
Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Pesolek

Istri Liar Kaisar Hantu: Nona Sulung Pesolek

Yun Luofeng, si jenius dari Sekolah Medis Huaxia, meninggal karena suatu kecelakaan, dan jiwanya menempel pada Nona Sulung yang tidak berguna dari Kediaman Jenderal di Benua Longxia. Tidak hanya si sampah yang tidak mempunyai bakat di bidang seni sastra maupun seni bela diri, tetapi Yun Luofeng juga berdada besar tanpa mempunyai otak, angkuh dan egois. Tidak cukup bagi Yun Luofeng dengan hanya memiliki tunangan yang sempurna seperti Putra Mahkota. Dia juga menarik paksa seorang pria tampan di depan umum, menyebabkan Putra Mahkota membatalkan pertunangannya. Namun, si sampah Yun Luofeng tidak bisa menahan pukulan ini, jadi dia gantung diri untuk mengakhiri hidupnya. Ketika membuka matanya kembali, dia bukanlah nona sulung yang tidak berguna seperti sebelumnya. Dengan kontrak Kode Dewa Medis, kepemilikan ladang herbal spiritual, dan tangan ajaib yang dapat menghidupkan kembali orang mati, keahlian medisnya akan mengejutkan dunia! Mulai dari keluarga kerajaan, bangsawan di atas pedagang dan keluarga yang tua dan berpengaruh, semua akan bersaing untuk menjilatnya. Bahkan Yang Mulia Putra Mahkota, yang sebelumnya membatalkan pertunangannya, datang kembali mengetuk pintu Yun Luofeng dengan keinginan untuk kembali? Dalam hal ini, seorang pria misterius akhirnya tidak bisa menahan lagi dan menyatakan, “Siapapun yang berani datang dan mengganggu wanitaku, biarkan mereka datang tetapi mereka tidak akan pernah kembali!"
2262 Chs
Perkawinan Paling Indah dalam Sejarah : Istri Manja Tuan Mu

Perkawinan Paling Indah dalam Sejarah : Istri Manja Tuan Mu

“Nyonya, saatnya kamu melakukan tugasmu!” Mu Yuchen memerintah Xi Xiaye sambil menarik pinggangnya dan mendekat erat dalam pelukannya. --- Sebuah pesta yang sudah direncanakan dengan matang untuk sang penguasa. Tunangannya sudah bertekuk lutut dan malah melamar kakak perempuannya. Merasa terampok hak-hak warisannya, ia telah mempersiapkan pembalasan dendam kepada keluarga Xi. Saat ia menghindari keluarga yang telah mengkhianatinya, dia menemukan – Mu Yuchen, lelaki sederhana, sopan dan baik hati yang memerintah Kota Z dan memimpin Korporasi Glory World. “Mu Yuchen, mari kita menikah!” Sang lelaki melihatnya dan lalu berdiri. “Mau kemana kamu?” “Ayo. Sebentar lagi kantor KUA akan segera tutup”
2092 Chs
Pernikahan Elite Penuh Cinta: Suami Licik, Istri Manis Penyendiri

Pernikahan Elite Penuh Cinta: Suami Licik, Istri Manis Penyendiri

Wen Xuxu adalah seorang wanita ulet, berbakat, cerdas dan berani yang diasuh oleh keluarga Yan pada usia empat tahun ketika dia kehilangan kedua orang tuanya. Dibesarkan untuk menjadi penerus konglomerat besar, Yan Rusheng adalah seorang pria penyendiri, cerdas dan sombong yang merupakan seorang bujangan paling dicari di ibu kota. Meskipun tumbuh bersama, keduanya seperti saling memperlakukan dengan buruk. Wen Xuxu mengecap Yan Rusheng sebagai seorang yang berengsek dan penakluk wanita, sementara di mata Yan Rusheng, Wen Xuxu adalah seorang wanita pemarah. Seiring waktu, mereka saling jatuh cinta, tetapi mereka tetap menyembunyikan perasaan mereka satu sama lain. Karena sebuah nasib, mereka dipaksa untuk menikah. Dan tidak diketahui oleh orang lain dan Yan Rusheng, Wen Xuxu telah menyembunyikan rahasia yang mendalam selama bertahun-tahun .... Kata kunci: Kekasih masa kecil, Penakluk Wanita, Penyendiri, Belahan Jiwa, Pernikahan Paksa, Anak Yatim, Sekretaris Adegan Manis: Tiba-tiba, Wen Xuxu mengulurkan tangannya untuk mencengkeram dan menarik pergelangan tangan Yan Rusheng dengan paksa. Yan Rusheng tertangkap basah dan dia kehilangan pijakannya. Dia jatuh di tempat tidur dan kemudian napasnya melambat. Tuan Muda Yan takut bahwa dia mungkin kehilangan kendali atas dirinya dan melakukan sesuatu pada Wen Xuxu ... wanita yang dibencinya. Oleh karena itu dia buru-buru mengangkat kepalanya. Tetapi dia belum sempat bergerak menjauh ketika Wen Xuxu mengulurkan tangan dan melingkarkannya ke leher Yan Rusheng. "Jangan pergi."
1998 Chs
Istri Galak yang Provokatif: Atasanku adalah Seorang Pemarah yang Penuh Kasih Sayang

Istri Galak yang Provokatif: Atasanku adalah Seorang Pemarah yang Penuh Kasih Sayang

Setelah serangkaian peristiwa yang mengubah kehidupannya, Pei Ge memutuskan untuk memulai kehidupannya yang baru dan menemukan kembali posisinya di dunia ini. Dia mendapatkan pekerjaan baru, teman-teman baru dan … atasan baru yang semula dia salah duga sebagai seorang pria penghibur! Atasannya membantu Pei Ge membalas dendam terhadap teman yang mengkhianatinya, mendukungnya ketika dunia pun sepertinya sudah menyerah terhadapnya, mendorongnya untuk menjadi lebih yakin akan dirinya sendiri dan bahkan … mengacaukan kencan butanya. Dengan kemampuan kerjanya yang kuat dan sikapnya yang bersemangat, dia berhasil meraih prestasi tingkat atas di perusahaan tempat dia bekerja (di bawah skema licik seorang CEO) dan bahkan mendapatkan seorang gadis penggemar yang tidak sabar untuk menjadi saudara iparnya. Saat Pei Ge menjalani naik turunnya politik kantor, drama keluarga, menemukan pasangan yang tepat, dan harapan masyarakat, dia menyadari bahwa segala sesuatunya tidak sesederhana kelihatannya dan semua yang ia yakini sedang diuji …. Kesalahpahaman Besar: “Kamu brengsek! Mengapa tidak menggunakan pengaman?! Aku hamil!” “… Dia bukan anakku.” “Brengsek! Kamu benar-benar berani tidak mengakuinya?! Aku berikan semua pengalaman pertamaku padamu! Kamu bajingan!” … Di dokter kandungan, dia membaca laporan laboratorium kehamilannya dan terpana: Haid tidak teratur. Pria itu mengangkat alis dan menyeringai, “Bukankah kamu membuat keributan dengan mengatakan telah mengandung anakku? Di mana anak itu ?! ” "..." Siapa yang takut pada siapa? Mari bertaruh!
1966 Chs
Nyonya Muda yang Kaya: Istri Tersayang Tuan Muda Xie

Nyonya Muda yang Kaya: Istri Tersayang Tuan Muda Xie

Yun Bixue mengalami kesulitan yang serius— Tunangannya meninggalkannya demi sosialita teratas di negara itu. Yang paling parahnya, keluarganya dinyatakan bangkrut, dan media masa membuatnya putus asa. Dalam kesedihannya, dia mencari bantuan dari Tuan Muda Xie yang mempunyai kekuasaan, dan mendapatkan kekuatan melalui pernikahannya dengan pria itu saat berada di titik terendahnya. Sejak hari itu dan seterusnya, dia menyemangati diri sendiri untuk menjadi lebih kuat dan menjadi istri terbaik untuk suaminya. Novel ini adalah buku yang manis, dan cantik. Tidak ada adegan yang menyayat hati atau salah pengertian. Adegan Manis Yun Bixue: "Limo, tidakkah kau akan bertanya siapa yang aku temui hari ini?" Xie Limo: "Tidak masalah siapa yang kau temui. Yang penting adalah kau di sini, di sisiku sekarang." Yun Bixue "Limo, ayo membuat janji. Di masa depan, aku akan memercayaimu, dan kau juga akan memercayaiku. Kita tidak akan membiarkan hal-hal luar memengaruhi rumah tangga kita, dan kita akan seperti kata pepatah 'jika kau tidak meninggalkanku, maka aku akan selalu berada di sisimu sampai akhir hayatku'." Xie Limo bertemu dengan tatapan penuh tekad Yun Bixue dan tanpa berpikir, pria itu mengulurkan jarinya dan menyegel janji sebelum menjalin jari mereka bersama.
1848 Chs
What is the plot of 'Paha Istri a Naruto Fanfic'?
2 answers
2024-11-06 19:48
I'm sorry, without actually reading the 'Paha Istri a Naruto Fanfic' it's hard to say exactly what the plot is. It could potentially be about a new character named Paha Istri's adventures in the Naruto world. Maybe it involves her interacting with the main characters, getting involved in ninja battles, or even falling in love with one of the Naruto characters.
Who could be the main characters in a 'lubang istri a naruto fanfic'?
3 answers
2024-11-14 16:44
Obviously, lubang and his wife would be the main characters. Lubang could be the character who is initially clueless about the Naruto world but gradually gets drawn into it because of his wife. His wife, on the other hand, is the Naruto fanatic, constantly sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm about Naruto, whether it's about Naruto Uzumaki's journey or Sasuke's redemption arc.
What could be a good plot for a 'lubang istri a naruto fanfic'?
2 answers
2024-11-14 13:24
A plot could revolve around lubang's wife's Naruto fanfic writing. Lubang might accidentally discover her unpublished fanfic where she creates an alternate Naruto universe. He gets inspired by her creativity and decides to help her bring her story to life, perhaps by making illustrations or helping with plot holes. This could lead to a whole new adventure in their relationship as they collaborate on this creative project.
Are there any good 'Paha Istri a Naruto Fanfic' stories you can recommend?
1 answer
2024-11-06 22:28
Well, 'Naruto' has a vast fanfic universe. You could try looking on popular fanfic platforms like FanFiction.net or Archive of Our Own. Just search for 'Paha Istri' within the Naruto fanfic section. There might be some interesting stories there that explore unique plotlines or character relationships.
Can you recommend some of Zhizhi's works, such as 'Good Things Take Many Millsts',' Harmony Is Priorite','Flowers Bloom and Splendid Embroid',' Resurrection of Noble Yingmen','A Slimming Concubine's Daughter' and 'Golden Jade Mantan'? I urgently need it!
1 answer
2024-08-12 23:05
😋According to the information you have provided, I recommend the following works by Zhizhi: Good Things Need More Grind, Harmony Is More Precious, Flowers Bloom and Splendid, Resurrection of the Noble Yingmen, Svelte Concubine's Daughter, and Golden Jade Mantang. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
There were the top ten sports categories, the sports competition novel rankings, one to two million words, a serial novel, and a male novel that was recognized as literary talent?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:37
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " The King of the Net Begins with Breathing Technique " Author: Nanke ol, Category: Sports, Sports Event, Finished, Can be enjoyed with ease 2. " The simulator: I can modify the world line." Author: Poor and humble can't be moved. Category: fantasy, oriental fantasy. It's finished. You can enjoy it with ease. 3. " All-around Legendary Life " Author: Slightly plump literary man. Category: Sports, Sports Event. Finished. You can enjoy it with ease. 4. " Personal Sword Style " Author: Outside Wei Court, Category: Wuxia, Wuxia Fantasy, Completed, You Can Enjoy It With Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. " The King of the Net: Starting with the Breathing Technique " The Phoenix of the Equal Court, Tezuka Kunihikari, Atobe Keigo, the Three Big Bosses of the Sea, and Echizen Ryuma… This was the golden age of tennis. Stars shone! As for Shangshan You, who had accidentally come to the Net King World and obtained the inheritance of the Ghost Blade Breathing Technique... In this world where tennis was king, what kind of waves would it cause? 2. " The simulator: I can modify the world line." When Zhang Qiang was on the verge of death, the golden finger that he had been waiting for fifteen years finally arrived. After surviving, his Goldfinger abandoned him, leaving behind only a piece of Goldfinger Armor… Relying on the half-broken simulator, Zhang Qiang worked hard to survive in the simulations. Only when he felt that he could openly announce his existence to the world did he realize. He was not in the martial world, but there were legends about him everywhere in the martial world. Then, he looked at the bunch of characters in front of him that he thought were simulations and felt a chill down his spine. The simulator, you've done all kinds of bad things! 3. " All-rounded Legendary Life " A new journey has begun. This will be a brand new story and a brand new style. Welcome to the new book," The King Kong of Basketball." 4. [Personal Sword Guard] The famous sword appeared, and the martial world was restarted. The daily life of Xing Chuan, the waiter of Yi 'an Restaurant, was disrupted. He set off on a journey to find a sword together with Leng Yue, the young lady of the Mo Family who was looking for a sword… These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten categories of ancient romance novels about ghosts and monsters, the ranking list of palace novels, 500,000 to 1,000,000 words, and even the complete series. Would you recommend female novels that were publicly acknowledged to be well-written?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:37
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [The Battle of the Noble Family] Author: Qin Xi, Category: Ancient Romance, Palace Quarters, House Fighting, Finished, Can Be Reassured to Enjoy 2. "Imperial Man" Author: Emei, Category: Ancient Romance, Palace War, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 3. [This Taoist Master is a Monster] Author: Climbing the Blue Cloud Ladder, Category: Xianxia, Fantasy Immortal Cultivation, Completed, You can enjoy it at ease. 4. The Daily Life of the Monster City Lord Author: Blue Sky, Category: City, City Life, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 5. Midnight Story Vending Machine Author: Prisoner Zero. Category: Suspense, Mystery, Suspense. Finished. Enjoy without worry. 6. "Being a Demon Hunter in Tokyo in the World of Manifestation." Author: Rahu the Little Taoist. Category: City. Superpower. Completed. You can enjoy it without worry. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. The Battle of Noble Families The new book "Marrying a Powerful Man" has been released. Welcome to the pit ~~~ Song Chuyi, who had no shame and stuck to the British public for his entire life, was dead. On the day of her death, the British government invited a troupe to celebrate her sister's birthday. Song Chuyi, who was all alone, felt no longer attached. Who knew that when she opened her eyes, she would return to her premarital state. He asked her if she still wanted to pursue her so-called true love regardless of everything? She said calmly,"If it's not mine, I don't want it." Everyone was at fault in the previous life. Live well in this life. Who knew that someone who had also been reborn would be like a stinky plaster that disturbed her peace of mind. XXXXX! Song Chuyi could no longer restrain himself. You're a thousand-year-old fox, why are you playing Liao Zhai with me? If I don't play with you until you find your teeth, my surname won't be Song! Fan group number: 592275461 Welcome to play 2. "Imperial Man" If he didn't abduct them, how could there be so many talented people and herds of cattle and horses? How can we revitalize the economy and increase the employment rate without corruption? If he wasn't black-bellied, how could he support the weak and trample on the powerful? As a young girl from a good family who had ideals, pursued correct values, and had a successful career, Bai Fulin felt that what she needed was a loyal dog man that she could bully. He wasn't this kind of black-bellied man who tormented and bullied her for fun! Faced with a ferocious demon that she could not afford to offend or hide from, she could only use her ultimate skill to control people and fight him to the death. ...... A happy and sweet favorite novel, 7 completed published articles verified as excellent works, clicked on the [Author Information] above to see. The other four books in the "Imperial" series,"Imperial Buddha","Imperial Husband","Imperial Master", and "Imperial Pet", welcome to taste them! 3. 'This Taoist Master is a Monster.' "Master Zhang! His Highness has invited you to pray for blessings and eliminate disasters. He wants to build a new Celestial Master's Residence for you!" "We'll talk about it later. This poor Daoist regards the four seas as his home." "Master Zhang! The emperor invited you to concoct immortal pills, he wants to recruit you to be his son-in-law-the princess cried and cried that she wouldn't marry anyone but you!" "... I have seen through the mortal world." "Master Zhang! Evil spirits have appeared in the northwest and brought disaster to the world. The world begs you to save the world!" "It's my duty to subdue demons and devils!" After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little guilty. He seemed to be a monster too… 4. "The Daily Life of the Monster City Lord" He was a real man who had turned into a legendary monster in his sleep. Nie Su thought he was going to turn into a monkey, but he never expected that he was just a stone, the kind that birds stood on top of their heads and used to clean their asses... Nie Su had no moral integrity. He lived a life of being a messenger for two people and even became the city lord of the monster city! 5. Midnight Story Vending Machine In the middle of the night, after a feast that only belonged to non-existent things, Kuang Chen found that his life was rapidly changing in an uncontrollable direction. An old, uninhabited house; an overly intelligent vending machine; an exorcist couple returning from overseas; the tarot cards and blind girls of fate; the broken limbs of the crying dolls in the wax museum; the cello that played automatically in the middle of the night... Shadows extended from the dark corner. The light of hope disappeared. Fallen people fled in panic. That was the perfect moment to encounter the midnight story vending machine! 6. "Being a Demon Hunter in Tokyo of the Prominent Divine World." After crossing over, it's still Earth It's just that this Earth is a little different In the airspace of China, cultivators are racing with planes on flying swords Europe's Holy See, the Dark Congress, and the Mages coexist The superheroes of the United States of America and the bioweapons are fighting aliens on the streets of New York. Meanwhile, the monsters and ghosts in Japan went to work and lived like normal people. Lin Yuan, who had transmigrated into a parallel world, stood on the streets of Tokyo. He looked at the monsters in school uniforms with tails growing behind their butts and ordinary human students walking and discussing the game strategy intensely. He was in a daze… These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten categories of unlimited short stories, the American travel novel rankings, 300,000 to 500,000 words, complete novels, and male novels that were recognized as good writing?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:36
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [The Heavens Begin From Charging] Author: Yuanfeng, Category: The Heavens are Infinite, The Heavens are Over, You Can Enjoy It With Rest In Peace 2. " Having Two Timelines at the Same Time " Author: I Have Been Confused. Category: Suspense, Secretive Suspense. It's over. You can enjoy it with ease. 3. " Beast Taming Begins from Hanba " Author: Gentle Pu 'er Tea, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 4. [I'm Really Top] Author: Beside the text, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Finished, You can enjoy it without worry. 5. " Overlord Havoc in History for 3,000 Years " Author: Yan Long, Category: History, Illusionary History, Completed, You Can Enjoy It With Rest In Mind The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. " The Heavens Begin From Charging " A magical phone at the beginning, leveling up all by sucking... He would first cover the sky, then sweep through the marvel realm and dominate the myriad worlds. [Thanos: I can destroy a planet with a snap of my fingers!] Ye Feng: I'll bet one yuan that your gloves do not have an Infinity Gem. Pudu Cihang: Namo Elysian World, the Buddha of the Western Heaven is here. Ye Feng thought,'Monster, I can tell that you are not human at a glance, Mighty Heavenly Dragon!' This is a brand new version that you haven't seen before. If you're brothers, come and collect it! 2. " Having Two Timelines at the Same Time " The demons invaded, and everyone was panicking. Despair grew in the shadows. As a transmigrator, Wang Han not only had the face of a protagonist. It also had a bug-like ability, which was named Save. Change began at this moment! This book was also known as " I Think I Have Two Files "," I Have Two Timelines ", and " I Really Have Two Lives ". 3. "The Taming of Beasts Begins from the Hanba." Beastmasters were divided into three stages. Before level 50, one could tame one beast, before level 80, two beasts, and after reaching level 100, three beasts. Zhou An had awakened his Mythical-level spiritual power and could communicate with darkness-type creatures. When other people were contracting ordinary spiritual beasts, he directly contracted the female corpse Hanba and brought Hanba to kill in all directions in the mystic realm, opening the path of endless harvest! When the foreign tribes invaded, everyone discovered that the invincible Hanba was actually Zhou An's weakest spiritual pet! When he summoned the other two spiritual pets, the entire world trembled… 4. "I'm Really Uproar" Welcome to the Source Land. Here, one had to experience the great danger of the wilderness, the cruel struggle of the apocalypse, the mechanical revolution of the future city, the end of the judgment of swords and magic, the twisted madness of the past, and the dusk of the gods… Of course, if one was strong enough, one could treat this place as an interesting and fun tourist attraction. Shi Ding, who possessed the 'Thick Skin' talent, boarded the carriage midway and began his journey. 5. " The feudal lord wreaked havoc in history for 3,000 years." The new book," The End of the Three Kingdoms ", had been published. The wandering youth that he transformed into unified Shang and Zhou, the overlord of West Chu ruled the world, Marquis Lu Wen laughed arrogantly at the Three Kingdoms, the prince of West Jin turned the tide, the romantic Emperor Yang fought back, Yue Wumu pulled the emperor down, and the young Chen Lihan rose up to help Chongzhen restore China. From the time he built his first city in the wilderness of the Shang Dynasty to the steam city on the coast of the Bohai Sea, he created historical forks again and again. Only after accumulating three thousand years of dominance did he succeed. From the Bronze Age to the Post-Steam Age, the well-known military equipment and battle formations in China and abroad would appear one by one during this period. This was a different kind of history and a different kind of war history. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Are there any female novels that are ranked among the top ten university students 'mystery novels, with a total of 500,000 to 1,000,000 words, complete, and recognized as literary talent?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:36
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " A Million Poor Singers in Tokyo " Author: Tao Xiaotao, Category: City, Entertainment Star, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. "Bloody Sesame Candy" Author: Night Crossing of Ninghe River, Category: Military, Anti-Japanese War Beacon, Completed, Can Be enjoyed with Rest assured 3. " Aya, I Wait for You in the Time of Light " Author: Jiang Xiaobei, Category: Reality, Family ethics, Finished, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured 4. "My Wife Is the Number One Scholar" Author: Zhen Yu Chang Li, Category: History, Empty History, Finished, You can enjoy it with ease. 5. " The Lord is a Vampire " Author: Anisan, Category: Fantasy, Sword and Magic, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured 6. " The Journey of the Great Han in the Online Game of the Three Kingdoms " Author: Xia Qing, Category: Game, Virtual Online Game, Completed, You can enjoy it without worry. 7. " Descending of All Worlds " Author: Handsome Purple and Green, Category: Xianxia, Modern Cultivation, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Million Poor Singers in Tokyo" Back in 1993 in Tokyo, during this period of economic depression, Matsumoto Kazuki was a genuine " negative second generation ". He was being "greeted" by debt collectors every day, and his life was about to be lost! In order to pay off his debts, he started singing and entered the music industry... Life in Tokyo was nothing special. It was nothing more than watching a million-dollar night scene and being a million-dollar singer. PS: This work has a Japanese style of healing and warmth, but there is also no lack of hot-bloodedness and justice. It is funny and chuunibyou. The content is relaxed but also heartfelt. In the growth of Matsumoto Kazuki, we will experience the taste of life together. Reader interaction group number: 375620487 2. Bloody Sesame Candy A piece of sesame candy changed two families. A trip had changed a life. The Lin family's old servant, Uncle Fu, led Yang An and Lin Xiaohe to travel to Shanghai. It happened to be a war. The hatred between the country and the family was intertwined. Yang An went deep into the front line and was involved in the flood of war. He had no way to escape and had been fighting at the forefront of the anti-Japanese war. The mountains and rivers were broken, the joys and sorrows were separated, and the love between children was mercilessly buried by the flames of war. In the confusion of the war, Yang An had a narrow escape, where would he go next? 3. "Aya of the Light Era, I'll Wait for You" New book, Thirty Thousand Bodhi Hearts, please collect and review A melancholic girl, lost in that empty city. A melancholic girl, a deep emotional complex, a family history, where should she go? Ji Nanzhi said,"Aya, I'll wait for you here." Cheng Haoran said," Aya, can you wait for me?" What would the young girl Aya encounter after leaving her hometown? 4. "My Wife Is the Top Scholar." A young web novel author who had suffered a lot and fell from the top of a mountain to another world. What was the probability of hitting a top scholar? How much pleasure was there in marrying a top scholar? 5. 'The Feudal Lord is a Vampire.' Ye Ren, who was once known as a child prodigy, was murdered and reincarnated in another world. He was turned into a vampire by the silver-haired girl who was not afraid of sunlight or silver. Thus, the first Vampire Lord was born in the history of the Meath Kingdom. Ye Ren's goal was to build an ideal place where humans and monsters coexisted! Ye Ren's creed was to develop in a wretched manner, stabilize yourself, and become a super god in the later stages! 6. " The Journey of the Great Han in the Online Game of the Three Kingdoms " At the turn of the century in the history of this game world, Lin Ran entered the game " Journey to the Empire ". His dull and peaceful school life had undergone a tremendous change. At the same time, in this era of highly developed economy, a financial storm caused by the game industry was rapidly brewing. The strength of the whole country, thousands of miles, drinking horses in Western Europe, pacifying the southern barbarians. The new book,"This is the Real Total War of the Three Kingdoms" is released. I hope everyone will support it. 7. " Descent of the Myriad Worlds " When we are in trouble, we hope to have magic to make our wishes come true; when we are bullied, we dream of having superpowers to make our enemies look for their teeth; when we are in danger, we hope to have magical power to save us; when we are sick and injured, we hope to have a panacea to make people healthy... One day, the novels, movies, and games created by humans would all become reality. We would obtain the power and magic treasures that we wanted, and resolve the crisis in front of us. However, the various immortals and demons would also descend on Earth… All the cultivation techniques, characters, and events in this book were made up by him. They were all fake! Don't follow the same practice. If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten ancient romance novels, the business and farming novels ranking list, one to two million words, and even the complete series. Would you recommend female novels that were recognized as good writing?
1 answer
2025-02-19 12:36
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [Blacksmith Has Gone Crazy Again] Author: Fat Cake in Pants, Category: Game, Game Otherworld, Completed, Can be enjoyed with peace of mind. 2. "Beautiful Farmer Girl Farming Busy" Author: Peak Xiaoyu, Category: Ancient Romance, Business Farming 3. "Suddenly Becoming a Super Magician" Author: Old Dog in Water, Category: Fantasy, Modern Magic, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 4. "Super God Great Qin Conquers Ten Thousand Worlds" Author: Lu Youerlang, Category: Science fiction, Time and Space Travel, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Blacksmith Has Gone Crazy Again (The new book,"This Damned Main Character Model" has been released. It's the same relaxed and funny style. Come and play!) Augustus: Three years, three years! Do you know how I've lived these three years? I have to forge iron for the damn players every day. Without sleep or rest. Without sleep or rest! I still have to be teased, ridiculed, insulted, and watched. I really can't live my life anymore… Player: Is this the reason why you smashed my weapon just because you enhanced it by +1? Augustus said,"It's just a meal. Please understand." Player's psychological shadow +1. [Mission completed. You can return to the real world for 24 hours.] 2. "Beautiful farmer's daughter is busy farming." The fat and stupid ugly girl, Yang Ruoqing, was ridiculed in the village. She was forced to jump into the river by the man who was engaged to her. When she woke up again, the soul in her body was replaced by a top-notch agent. Faced with a poor family, she led her family from farming bit by bit and gradually became rich. While working hard at farming, she had healed her internal injuries and her figure had become better. She had become a great beauty. The hunter in the mountains had never left her, from ugly to beautiful. He doted on her endlessly, much better than the weak scholar. Who knew that the hunter was not simple. His identity was not ordinary. (The new book,"Rebirth of the Medicinal Fragrance of the Farming Sect" has been released. Please support!) 3. "Suddenly Becoming a Super Magician" "How did you become a mage?" "Would you believe it if I ate a few stones?" "How does it feel to suddenly become a super powerful mage?" "I don't feel anything. I'm just a little worried that my hair has turned white." 4. 'Super God Great Qin Conquers Ten Thousand Worlds' When Tian Ye brought the Divine College's genetic technology to Great Qin, the myriad worlds appeared before him! (Even though there are many powerful Dynasty Legatees, the Dynasty with the most fighting power is definitely Great Qin!) These works all have good reputations for your reference.