

Der stärkste Assassine wird in einer anderen Welt wiedergeboren

Der stärkste Assassine wird in einer anderen Welt wiedergeboren

Aiden Nightshade wuchs auf und lernte, wie man der beste Attentäter der Welt wird. Seine tödlichen Fähigkeiten brachten ihm den Titel "Reaper" ein. Doch eines Tages klopfte der Tod unerwartet an seine Tür... aber das Universum war noch nicht fertig mit ihm. "Moment, wie kann ich noch leben?" murmelte Aiden und öffnete erneut seine Augen. "Die Menschen hier können fliegen? Sie können sogar Feuerbälle schießen? Was ist das nur für ein Ort?" Er fragte sich, wie er solche Kräfte erlangen konnte, und erfuhr von der Anderswelt - einem Ort, an dem er Prüfungen in verschiedenen Welten absolvieren musste, um stärker zu werden. Dann erschien eine Nachricht vor ihm. [Du wirst in fünf Sekunden in die Anderswelt gerufen werden.] [5...4...3...2...1] [Beschwörung...]
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446 Chs
Wiedergeboren in den siebziger Jahren: Verwöhnte Ehefrau, Besitz von Ackerland

Wiedergeboren in den siebziger Jahren: Verwöhnte Ehefrau, Besitz von Ackerland

Das neue Buch ist da! Meng Yunhan wurde in die Zeit der "Lebensmittelgutschein-Ära" zurückversetzt, eine Zeit, in der die Menschen mit Lebensmittel- und Kleiderknappheit zu kämpfen hatten. Aber dieses Mal hat sie keine Angst. Ausgestattet mit einem "Betrugscode" ist sie bereit, nicht nur ihr eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen, sondern auch ihren bekifften Bruder in den Griff zu bekommen und sogar Baozi, ihr Kind, zu unterstützen. Stoned-face Bruder: "Ehefrau, lass uns Baozi einpacken und abhauen!" Er behauptet, einen Sohn zu haben, der sich noch mehr an seine Frau klammert als er selbst, sei absolut schamlos! "Mami, lass uns einen neuen Papa suchen!" schlägt Baozi vor. Sein Vater, ein erwachsener Mann, ist immer noch so anhänglich an Mami. Wie schändlich! Meng Yunhan seufzt: Sie sind tatsächlich Vater und Sohn.
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447 Chs
Der Mythos des Wunders: Wiedergeboren, um meinem Schicksal zu trotzen

Der Mythos des Wunders: Wiedergeboren, um meinem Schicksal zu trotzen

Xiu Wanxue wachte auf und stellte fest, dass sie wiedergeboren war. Dieses Mal erfuhr sie, dass sie nur ein Niemand in dieser Welt war, in der die Tochter und die Söhne des Schicksals existierten. Wenn sie an all die tragischen Ereignisse in ihrem früheren Leben zurückdachte, seufzte sie bitterlich. Kein Wunder, dass sie so sehr gehasst wurde, obwohl sie nichts falsch gemacht hatte, sondern nur "ihre" Fürsorge und Liebe bekommen wollte. Kein Wunder, dass sie sie alle so sehr liebten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass Xiu Wanxia, ihre Zwillingsschwester, die Tochter des Schicksals war, die von himmelstürmenden Gelegenheiten, außergewöhnlichen Männern und den mächtigen Partnern der Bestien umgeben war. Der Himmel und die Erde gaben ihr die Chance, ein neues Kapitel aufzuschlagen, und sie wird nicht noch einmal denselben Fehler machen und die Menschen falsch einschätzen. Sie wird nur zu denen freundlich sein, die sie freundlich behandeln, und diejenigen bestrafen, die ihre Lieben verletzen. Das alte Armband, das sie am Handgelenk trug, war in Wirklichkeit ein tragbarer Raum mit einer kleinen Welt darin, in die sie alles einpflanzen konnte. Alchemie lernen, Runen malen, mit Bestien in Kontakt treten, Schätze erforschen... viele weitere spannende Dinge werden hier geschehen. Mit Blut und harter Arbeit machte sie sich auf den Weg zur Unsterblichkeit und schwebte über den Himmel, um ihre Freiheit zu finden und ihrem Schicksal aus dem letzten Leben zu trotzen. Doch irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Was würde passieren, wenn sie herausfindet, dass alles ganz anders ist, als es zu sein scheint? Als die Geheimnisse langsam ans Licht kommen, entpuppt sich alles als so....... Dieses Buch ist für die Teilnahme am Webnovel Spirity Award 2024 bestimmt. HINWEIS: Dieses Buch ist ein Reverse Harem Roman, das Ende ist absolut Reverse Harem. Cover von: Webnovel AI Generator Charakterbild: Pinterest, Credit goes to all original owner Die Zitate der einzelnen Charaktere, sind nicht von mir. Ich habe sie von einer Website recherchiert. Credits gehen an die Besitzer der Zitate. Mein DISCORD-Benutzername: littlecarrot6510 https://discord.gg/8tn2JkKs Mein Instagram: Littlecarrot006__ #ReverseHaremFL #Reborn #Portablespace #Cannonfodder #Romance #Beastpartners #Adventures #Darkromance #ImmortalWorld #Xianxia #TwistedPlots #Fighting #DetailNovel #Mysteriouspast #Previouslifemememory #Novelwithmoral #Inspiration
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332 Chs
Wiedergeboren als Succubus: Zeit, mein bestes Leben zu leben!

Wiedergeboren als Succubus: Zeit, mein bestes Leben zu leben!

Alice ist eine 28-jährige Softwareentwicklerin. Sie verdient Geld, spendet für wohltätige Zwecke und gibt sogar Obdachlosen Essen. Aber in Wahrheit könnte sie nicht trauriger sein. Sie hat keine Freunde, und sie und ihre Familie haben sich entfremdet, seit sie sich ihnen gegenüber geoutet hat. Sie versucht, sich von ihren Problemen abzulenken, bis sie plötzlich stirbt. Doch das ist nicht das Ende. Alice wird gebeten, 3 Wünsche zu äußern, 3 Dinge, die sie sich wünschen würde, wenn sie wiedergeboren werden würde. Alice wünscht sich so viele Liebhaber wie möglich, eine Rolle in der Welt, die etwas bedeutet, und eine Familie, die sie umarmt. So erwacht Alice in einer anderen Welt als Melisa Blackflame, die erstgeborene Tochter einer Sukkubi-Familie. Sie beschließt, das Leben hier in vollen Zügen zu genießen, und schwört sich, dass sie vor allem ein sinnvolles Leben führen und endlich, ENDLICH die Liebe finden will! Was sie jedoch nicht weiß, ist, dass sie bald mehr davon finden wird, als sie verkraften kann. --- GL/Futa Harem! Tägliche Updates um 12 Uhr MEZ.
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292 Chs
Wiedergeboren als Gefährtin des verfluchten Alphas

Wiedergeboren als Gefährtin des verfluchten Alphas

Was passiert, wenn sich eine Göttin in einen Shifter verliebt? Asara, die Göttin der Liebe, wurde von ihrem Vater, dem Gott des Donners, bestraft. Ihr Verbrechen war es, sich in einen sterblichen Shifter-Alpha zu verlieben. Um für ihre Sünden zu büßen, wurde sie als Cassandra LeBlanc wiedergeboren; eine sterbliche Prinzessin im magischen Königreich von Speldaria. Ihre Familie und ihr Königreich, mit Ausnahme ihrer mittleren Schwester, mieden sie, weil sie ohne magische Fähigkeiten geboren wurde und sich nicht an ihre wahre Identität erinnern konnte. Ihr Verlobter, der mächtige Magierkommandant von Speldaria, war von ihr unbeeindruckt. Er wünschte sich eine starke Frau. Cassandras Leben geriet aus den Fugen, als sie vom mächtigen Alpha von Dusartine eine Kriegersklavin geschenkt bekam. Sie wurde gebeten, an dem jährlichen Arenawettkampf teilzunehmen und mit dem Krieger zusammenzuarbeiten. Cassandra hasste die "Arena" mit ihrem eigenen Atem. Ein Ort, an dem Blut wie Wein floss und das Leben billiger war als die Luft, die sie atmeten, verstand sie nicht, was sie dort sollte. Hinzu kam, dass der geheimnisvolle Krieger sie in unvorstellbarer Weise beeinflusste. Sein hypnotischer Blick beunruhigte sie. Seine seltene Essenz überwältigte sie. Sein muskulöser, gebräunter Körper verzehrte sie mit sündigen Gedanken. Sogar die Träume aus ihrem früheren Leben quälten sie. Als "Die Arena" begann, kamen die verborgenen Absichten und unterschwelligen Wahrheiten ans Licht und Cassandra wurde vom Schicksal in die Hände gespielt. Ihr blieb keine andere Wahl, als sich zu fügen und einen Weg zu wählen. Die Frage wird sein. Wie wird Cassandra zurechtkommen, wenn sie von dem Fluch erfährt, der auf ihr lastet? Wird sie in der Lage sein, ihre magischen Fähigkeiten zu erhalten und sich gegen ihren Vater zu behaupten? Wer wird ihr auf ihrem Weg helfen? ~Auszug~ Dann spürte sie ihn, ihn ganz und gar. Seine ganze Schroffheit. Die Stärke seines Arms. Die Sanftheit seiner Lippen. Den Griff seiner Hand. Die Wärme seines Atems. Jeder Muskel in ihrem Körper spannte sich bei dem Gedanken an den Schlaf in den Armen eines Mannes an. Sie hatte noch nie in der Umarmung eines Mannes geschlafen. Ihre ganze Haut kribbelte wie kleine Funken, die auf den Stellen tanzten, die mit ihm verbunden waren. In den Spalten ihres Gehirns waren diese Erinnerungen, die nicht die ihren waren. Irgendwie kam ihr diese Berührung nicht fremd vor. Sie fühlte sich in seiner beruhigenden Umarmung sicher und wollte ihn nicht wegstoßen, und doch wusste sie, dass dies alles andere als angemessen war. Cassandra versuchte, sich aus seinem Griff zu befreien, aber seine Arme schienen aus Eisen zu sein, denn sie ließen sich nicht bewegen. Das leichte Kleid, das sie getragen hatte, hatte sich von ihrem milchigen Oberschenkel gelöst und entblößte ihn, während sein braungebrannter, muskulöser Schenkel darauf lag. Und jetzt spürte sie, wie etwas in ihren Rücken stach. Ihre Augen weiteten sich plötzlich bei dieser Erkenntnis und Cassandra geriet völlig in Panik. "Lass los!" stieß sie schwerfällig hervor. Siroos hob langsam sein Bein und lockerte seinen Griff um ihre Taille, damit sie wegschlurfen konnte. Er war aufgewacht, als sie sich zum ersten Mal versteift hatte, aber er wollte sehen, was sie versuchen würde. Mit weit aufgerissenen Augen warf sie einen Blick auf den Mann, der sie wie einen kostbaren Schatz, seinen Schatz, in seine Umarmung gehüllt hatte. Seine geschmolzenen goldenen Augen hatten aufgeflackert, und da war diese Sanftheit und Sehnsucht, mit der er sie anstarrte. Die weichen braunen Locken fielen ihm über die Augen, während er vergaß zu blinzeln und die zeitlose Schönheit betrachtete, die sie war. Ihr einzigartiger Duft war eine Tortur für seine Sinne. Wie sehr wünschte er sich, ihren zierlichen Knöchel zu packen, sie von ihm wegzuziehen und sie unter sich auszustrecken. Die Haut zu küssen, die diesen Duft verströmte, der ihn in den Wahnsinn trieb. Stattdessen legte er den Arm unter seine Wange und benutzte ihn wie ein Kissen, um sie mit begehrlichen Augen zu beobachten. Die peinliche Pause zwischen ihnen wurde noch länger, als Cassandra sich räusperte. "Musstest du auf mich klettern, um zu schlafen?" "Es war keine Absicht, aber es war sehr verlockend, und es wird bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal gewesen sein." Seine zutiefst hypnotisierende Stimme war so früh am Morgen noch verlockender, als sie um sie herum erklang. Das Buchcover ist von mir.
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264 Chs
Wiedergeboren als Gedankenlesende Kaiserin

Wiedergeboren als Gedankenlesende Kaiserin

Sie verliebte sich trotz seiner üblichen Kälte in seine warmen Berührungen und liebte ihn, nur um am Ende enttäuscht und betrogen zu werden. Wenn sich die Liebe in Dunkelheit verwandelt, wird sie giftig und verzehrt die Seele. Die naive Arabella hat sich entwickelt. *** "Danke, dass du meine Frau geworden bist", waren die letzten Worte ihres kalten Mannes vor seinem Tod, gepaart mit einem Lächeln, das nie zuvor seine Lippen zierte. Nicht an ihrem Hochzeitstag. Und nicht einmal bei der Geburt ihres einzigen Kindes. Kaiser Ferdinand, den Arabella so sehr liebte, tötete ihren Sohn. Sie wurde eine Schurkin und schwor Rache für ihr geliebtes Kind. Ein Jahrzehnt lang setzte sie alles daran, Ferdinand dafür bezahlen zu lassen. Bis er schließlich... ins Verderben stürzte! Als ihre Rache vollendet war, endete Arabellas Leben bald mit ihrem toten Ehemann in ihren Armen. Aber das Schicksal war noch nicht fertig mit ihr. Plötzlich war sie zwei Jahrzehnte nach ihrer Hochzeit wieder da. War es ein Fluch oder ein Segen? Es spielte keine Rolle. Denn es gab nur eine Sache, die sie tun musste. "Ich werde dich auch in diesem Leben ruinieren!" Das war ihr hasserfülltes Versprechen an sich selbst, als sie merkte, dass sie wiedergeboren war. Doch in ihrem zweiten Leben wurde Arabella unerwartet die Gabe zuteil, die Wahrheit zu enthüllen. Wer hatte Unrecht und wer hatte Recht? Nur die Zeit wird es zeigen.
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230 Chs
Wiedergeboren als Fuchs mit System

Wiedergeboren als Fuchs mit System

Als Tang Li Xue versehentlich als Fuchs wiedergeboren wurde, erhielt sie als Entschädigung ein System, das ihr helfen konnte, sich zu entwickeln und eine Gottheit zu werden. Wie könnte Tang Li Xue in der weiten unsterblichen Welt voller mächtiger Kultivatoren, dämonischer Bestien und mysteriöser Geister als Fuchs überleben? Es gab keinen anderen Weg: Tang Li Xue muss weiterhin aufsteigen, lernen und sich entwickeln, bis sie zu einer unbesiegbaren Fuchsgottheit wird, die über allen steht! Begleiten wir Tang Li Xue auf ihrer Reise, um allen Gefahren in der weiten unsterblichen Welt zu begegnen und Schritt für Schritt stärker zu werden!
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204 Chs
Nanomancer Wiedergeboren - Bin ich ein Schneemädchen geworden?

Nanomancer Wiedergeboren - Bin ich ein Schneemädchen geworden?

Ich bin gefangen? Na gut, ich kann nichts dagegen tun, da ich mich nicht bewegen kann. Experimente an mir? Gebt mir wenigstens etwas Betäubungsmittel. Ich bin befreit? Lasst mich etwas Rache nehmen. Willst du um dein Leben betteln? Tut mir leid, diese Dame hier ist nachtragend. Ich habe das Labor zerstört, also lasst mich diese Welt frei erkunden. Irgendwie bin ich der Gruppe von Herr Held beigetreten. Gut, er scheint Spaß zu machen. "Ach je, wie grausam. Für die Ehre, ein Held zu sein, würdest du dieses Fräulein töten, hm?" Sie lächelte, während sie verblutete. "Tze, du hast jetzt noch Lust zu scherzen?" Er sagte es mit einem finsteren Blick. "Was ist das Leben, wenn man nicht jeden Moment genießt? Da ich sterben werde und mich nicht rächen kann, hoffe ich, dass es jemand anderes tut." "Niemand wird das tun. Du warst die Einzige, die mit deiner Nanomancy mächtiger war als ich. Jetzt, wo du weg bi-" "Pst, Kind. Ich versuche hier in Frieden zu sterben." "Aber ich bin äl-!" "Ap! Gute Kinder stören ihre Älteren nicht." "Aber du-!" "Tschüss~" Sie grinste, bevor sie die Kraft verlor. "VERDAMMT!" ... Warum schlafe ich in den Schneefeldern? Herr Wolf knurrt mich an. Hungrig, hm?... Ich auch. Dies ist mein zweites Buch, bitte habt Erbarmen mit diesem Autor. Viel Spaß.
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204 Chs


Maximilian, brought into a God's rat race to fill the numbers, was transported into another world. Nothing like the brilliant contestants that fill the other spots, Maximilian was an afterthought in the God's game. Confronted with the frustrating reality of being boiled down to three statistics, Maximilian needs to get his act together, or the worlds he's found himself in might very well suffer for it.
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92 Chs


Sipnopsis: sekelompok orang yang haus akan darah munculnya menjadi malaikat penyabut nyawa, kekejamannya mampu membuat orang ketakutan. Namun mereka tertutupi dengan wajah poos serta ketampanan bak dewa yunani yang mereka miliki. Juga tidak ada satu hal yang janggal saat kamu melihat mereka bahwa mereka seorang psikopat. Panggil dia Williem. Williem Fred Margeyunga. Tenang dia ga gigit kok cuma suka darah kamu aja. Hehehe Williem kerap dipangil dengan sebutan Willi atau ga ya Williem, benamakan panjang Williem Fred Margeyuga, keluaraga Williem yang berada di Amerika dan Williem di Indonesia, Willem blasteran antara Indonesia Amerika Korea maka tidak heran dengan kegantengan Williem yang sudah turun temurun dari orang tuanya. Williem mempunyai sebuah perusahaan yang cukup besar bernama Wllycrop, yang dibangun dengan bantuan ayahnya. Williem mempunyai dua orang teman bernama Ray Mbayang Pasmakassa dan Punjan Maharaja Sawa mereka mempunyai sifat yang sama namun berbeda tugas. Williem sangat menyukai darah, dirinya juga bukan vampir namun kesukaannya dengan darah seperti seorang vampir yang haus darah. Berbeda dengan Ray, Ray tidak suka darah dirinya lebih suka meneliti dan berexperimen, namun yang membuat gila adalah experimennya dengan menggunakan bahan dasar manusia, yang entah tubuh manusia otaknya atau organya. Untuk Punjan dirinya berbeda, punjan lebih memilih untuk berjualan, tetapi yang membedakan dengan orang adalah dirinya berjualan organ dalam manusia, untuk kelangsungan hidupnya, Punjan kaya, bahkan orang tuanya berada namun Punjan pernah bilang jika dirinya ingin mandiri dan mencari uang sendiri. Williem bergabung dengan gengster ayahnya saat dirinya masih terbilang muda dengan umur belasan, ayahnya yang bernama Xiander Fred Margeyuga menjadi penerus pemimpin gengster dengan Williem penerusnya. Williem juga mempunyai kakak bernama Tera. Suatu hari saat Williem sedang duduk didepan rumah ada sosok cewek bernama Navinka yang berhasil mencuri pandang dirinya, Navinka yang lemot, telmi membuat Williem exstra sabar menghadapinya, Navinka yang sudah membuat Williem jugkir balik untuk mendapatkan hatinya dibuat emosi saat melihat Navinka bermersaan dengan teman lama Navinka bernama Aksal dan itu sukses membuat Williem dan temannya mempunyai rencana untuk memusnahkan teman Navinka dengan tugas mereka masing-masing. Aksal yang sudah berada ditangan Williem dan temannya, membuat Navinka murka saat tau beredadaan temannya. Dan semenjak saat itu Navinka mmbenci Williem, namun bukanya Willeim meminta maaf atas apa yang dirinya dan temannya lakukan, Williem melancarkan aksinya yang ke-dua untuk mnjadikan Navinka kekasihnya dan seutuhnya. Selang beberapa lama Navinka dan Williem luluh mereka yang akan berbaikan mendapat petaka sebuah musuh gengster dari ayahnya akan membunuh Navinka dan Williem untuk membalas demdamkan kematian Aksal angotanya. Navinka kembali ketakutan, dan berfikir apakah dirinya akan kembali kehilangan orang yang dirinya cinta?.
20 Chs
There were the top ten modern romance categories, the entertainment celebrity novel rankings, 300,000 to 500,000 words, and even a complete series. Would you recommend female novels that were publicly acknowledged to be well-written?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:35
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " The Undead Army Traversing the Fantasy World " Author: Invincible Emperor, Category: Fantasy, Oriental Fantasy, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. 2. " Bringing League of Legends to the Other World " Author: 20 +, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. " The Undead Army Roams the Fantasy World " It was the year's most popular novel, the invincible novel! Bring a [Undead Ruler] game to the fantasy world, unlimited summoning, unlimited crushing. " No matter if you're a peerless genius, a peerless expert, an ancient emperor, or an ancient taboo, you'll be crushed by my endless undead. 2. " Bringing League of Legends to the Other World." Wang Xiaomao was playing League of Legends in an internet cafe. An accident had brought him to a different world and transformed him into An Pingrui. It was a world where mages and martial artists coexisted, the place of origin. As he was born into a magic family in the kingdom, he was despised by others because he was born unable to practice magic. However, he was unexpectedly discovered to have the powerful League of Legends with him! All kinds of unexpected experiences that were unacceptable to the world had allowed him to step onto the peak of his life… These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten major categories of sci-fi tomb raiding, the futuristic world novel rankings, 300,000 to 500,000 words, complete versions, and recommendations for female novels that were publicly acknowledged to be awesome?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:35
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " Grave Robbing Online Games " Author: I Smoke Nicotine, Category: Game, Virtual Online Games, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. There Is a Confinement Hall in the Human World Author: Cat Lao Jiu, Category: Suspense, Adventure Survival, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 3. " Grave Robber: I have Coffin Opening Critical Hit Compensation!" Author: Xiao Fei, Category: City, Superpower, Completed, Can be enjoyed at ease 4. " A Thousand Years Later " Author: Liu Liu Yuan, Category: Science Fictional Space, Future World, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 5. " Playing Games to Guru " Author: Drunken Love Coffee Cat, Category: Science fiction space, future world, completed, can enjoy with ease. 6. " Longevity Ancient Collection " Author: Yue Changsui, Category: Suspense, Adventure Survival, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Online game: Grave Robber" Where there were people, there would be Jianghu. Zhao Gao, who had been reborn, had returned to the beginning of Wind and Cloud. He thought that with his knowledge of the game from his previous life, he would be able to flourish in this life and dominate the world. However, he unexpectedly became a grave robber… 2. " There's a detention hall in the human world." One day, the demons of this world would descend. There was a detention hall in the human world. Those who were disappointed and died with grievances would eventually appear here… Thus, I embarked on a legendary life of exploration and embarked on the road to unraveling the mysteries of the world. [PS: This novel focuses on exploring the ruins left behind by previous generations of civilizations. I hope you like it.] 3. " Grave Robber: I have Coffin Opening Critical Hit Compensation!" Fang Ye's soul transmigrated into a parallel tomb raiding world and was chased by a giant python at the beginning! At the critical moment, Fang Ye activated the Critical Hit Compensation System! As long as he opened the coffin, he would be able to obtain a random critical hit reward! Looking at the unknown coffin in front of him, Fang Ye gritted his teeth and gambled! …… " You have activated Xi Shi's Tomb. You have triggered a 100 times critical hit compensation and obtained the Psychic Body!" " You have activated Xi Shi's Tomb. Triggered 10,000 times critical hit compensation. Obtained max Xi Shi's favorability!" At this moment, he looked at Xi Shi's soul that had awakened quietly behind him. Fang Ye knew that it was a sure thing! From then on, with the Critical Hit Compensation System, Fang Ye embarked on the path of no return. Opening the coffin felt good for a moment, and opening the coffin felt good all the time! 4. "A leisurely thousand years later." Love and humiliation are not shocked, watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; There is no intention to stay or go, looking at the clouds in the sky! He abandoned all worldly things and lived leisurely among the mountains, rivers, plants, and vegetation, living a peaceful life that his mind had yearned for for a long time. They had space, fought through the apocalypse, but lived in the future. 5. Playing games to get close to the Almighty. "Sister-in-law, Boss is already yours. You can't just deny it." The Almighty's brother said. Yue Yue roared," I just touched it…Although it feels good…I definitely didn't eat it!!!" "You really don't feel the need to take responsibility for me?" The Almighty laughed dangerously. Now, did I hook up with the Almighty or did the Almighty set me up? ------------------- ---------------- The book has been completed, and Cat has published a new book," Rebirth of Ancient Medicine ". I hope everyone will continue to support it. As the new book is in the PK period, I hope everyone can go over and support the PK votes and pink votes. Of course, clicking, recommending, and collecting are also good, haha! 6. [Longevity Ancient Treasure] Half a century ago, my grandfather was squatting in the mountains in the northeast. After squatting for three days and three nights, there were no tigers, leopards, wolves, bears, roe deers, or wild rabbits. Instead, there were eight hunters covered in blood. Fox, wolf, snake and tiger, brown bear, wild boar, rat and swimming dragon-the eight beast pictures on the hunter's back outlined a curse called " longevity." Half a century later, my father disappeared in the northeast ridge where my grandfather once lived… These works all have good reputations for your reference.
Is there a list of the top ten metaphysics novels in the reality category, with 500,000 to 1,000,000 words, a complete novel, and a recommendation for a classic male novel?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [The Heavens Seeking Daoists] Author: An Ping Mu Dao, classification: The Heavens are infinite, the Heavens are finished, you can enjoy them at ease. 2. [Wandering in the Vast Daytime] Author: Mei Shiniang, Category: Reality, Human Beings, Finished, You can enjoy it with ease. 3. "The Fierce Taoist of Online Games" Author: I love to make things up. Category: Game, Virtual Online Games. It's over. You can enjoy it with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. "Seeking Taoist Priest from the Heavens" (Group 859565020) Traversing through the Heavens, the story of a Seeker. All the obstacles and obstacles along the way will only be my stepping stones. Starting from a single person, Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio, Battle Through the Sky, Covering the Sky, Journey to the East and West, Sun God, and the Supreme One (The main character is alone) 2. Wandering in the Vast Daylight [He won the first prize in the 7th Reality-themed Online Literature Essay Competition] (The new book "Wandering in the Long Night" has been released. Welcome!) His eyes were healthy, but he existed as a blind masseuse. Every day, he wore a pair of sunglasses and held a blind cane as he walked in this colorful city, feeling the joys and sorrows. 3. "The Fierce Taoist Priest of Online Games" Two main streams, two catties for those who have never tasted it! Xianxia + Western Fantasy, Hidden Profession + Hidden Lifestyle Profession, I guarantee you a refreshing experience! Fresh and sweet! "GM, come out! Hurry up and take in that monster Zhou Xing!" The victims cried out in unison and wept bitterly. Everything seemed normal until the "Lord System" was officially launched… Pure and refreshing, fast-paced, and constantly updated! More votes and more updates! Reward and update! These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten categories of college students 'short stories, poetry, prose, and novel rankings. There was no limit to the number of words, and it was a complete novel that was recognized as super good male novels.
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. Wolf King Black Spot Author: Hu Tu 2018, Category: Short Story, Poetry and Prose, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 2. "I am Dorje" Author: At the foot of Mount An, Category: Short Story, Poetry and Prose, Finished, You can enjoy it with ease. 3. "Drunken Flower Shade Reflects the Fleeting Years" Author: Cai Xiaotian, Category: Short Story, Poetry Prose, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 4. "Mingchuan Ghost Elder's Essay and Poetry Collection" Author: Mingchuan Ghost Elder, Category: Short Story, Poetry and Prose, Finished, You can enjoy it with ease. 5. "Willow Color Frost Cold" Author: Lu Yazi, Category: Short Story, Poetry Prose, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Wolf King Black Spot This was a collection of short and medium-length animal stories. The Wolf King's Black Spot, Gaxian Cave, Tiger Baby and Muntjac Baby were all worth reading. 2. I Am Dorje A stray dog slowly grew up under his mother's care. He liked to stroll on the streets, enjoy delicious roast duck, and hang out with his friends. He yearned for a carefree life. However, life was always about one problem piling on another, one difficulty piling on another. Even for an unremarkable puppy, it was no exception. It grew in pursuit, and pursued in growth. In the end, it chose to live the same life as its mother, wandering around Mount Shogunate with its beloved little friend. 3. "Drunken Flower Shade Reflects the Flowing Years" The trivial essays in life were sentimental, recalling the past, sighing about life, grasping the present, revealing the fluttering memories, leaving a mark on the dream and heart... 4. 'Mingchuan Ghost Elder's Collection of Prose and Poetry.' A simple life. A different vision, daring to see things, heart following hand 5. "Willows, Frost and Cold" gently Under the twilight of the willows Walking in the sunset give a wee smile These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten major categories of soft-rice-style military novels, the ranking of military war novels, 300,000 to 500,000 words, serials, and recommendations for male novels that were recognized to be super good?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " Snow Eagle 1 " Author: Sha Po Lang 1, Category: Military, Military War, Completed, Can be enjoyed with peace of mind 2. " Starting from the Fire Phoenix " Author: Nalan Lingyun, Category: Military, Military War, Completed, Can be enjoyed at ease 3. " My Commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Force " Author: Walking Goat Legs, Category: Military, Military War The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Snow Eagle 1 Song Ning, who had gone from a rich second-generation heir to a military veteran! He was also an outstanding son and a soldier king! He inherited his father's position and left his blood wherever he went. In the end, he still destroyed his biggest enemy and became the eagle of a military region and the king of soldiers in a military region. 2. "Starting from the Phoenix." I only want to die for my country on the battlefield. Why do I have to return in a horse's leather? Han Shuang transmigrated to the Special Forces world and received the support of the engine fragment. In this world where danger and opportunity coexisted, He was using his life to interpret a bloody legend that belonged to soldiers! 3. " China Expeditionary Army: My Commander " Liao Mingyu, an elite of the Southwestern Special Forces of China, accidentally transmigrated to Chan Da during a mission, which was also the world of my regiment commander, My Regiment. Long Wenzhang, Meng Fan, Mi Long, Bu La, Yao Ma, Bean Bean Cake, Veterinarians, Officer Ah Yi, Death Star, Krupp... Each and every one of them appeared in front of him. Would they continue the tragic fate of their cannon fodder regiment, or would they awaken their courage to make a different achievement? Everything depends on Liao Mingyu's decision "I am your Guild Leader! If you want to live, follow me. I'll take you home! Cannon fodder regiment? Bullsh * t cannon fodder! My regiment will definitely be an iron-blooded regiment that dares to fight and fight. I will definitely forge you into an invincible sharp sword, a steel army that will march forward bravely!" These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten modern romance novels by doctors, the entertainment celebrity novel rankings, 500,000 to 1,000,000 words, and even the complete series. Was it a recommendation for female novels that were publicly acknowledged to be awesome?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. "Blade Mystery" Author: Lost Peanut Road, Category: Suspense, Adventure Survival, Completed, You Can Enjoy It with Rest assured 2. "The Heavens Are Invincible" Author: Where's the Seal? Category: Science fiction, Time Travel. Finished, can enjoy with ease. 3. "Mad Doctor Genius" Author: God of War Reveals, Category: City, City Life, Completed, Can Be Reassured to Enjoy The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Blade Mystery The darkness struck, and it was strange and grotesque. Evil spirits caused trouble, and people's hearts were strange. Deep in the mystery, fate swirled. One side of the sentient beings, one side of the sentient beings. This article's style keywords: suspense/mystery/puzzle/wits/survival/science fiction/dark/infinite flow Comic works of similar styles: As God Said/Alice in the Dying Nation/Real accounts/Darwin's Game/Deception Game [Promise: The protagonist and villain will always be smart.] Book Group [1045295348] After Yi Sikai was attacked in the bathroom at home, he was brought to a wonderful jade cocoon space. There was actually a life-threatening cube here that could kill anyone who touched it! At this moment, a strange voice announced to everyone that this was actually a strange game called the Thousand Building Block. If he wanted to return to reality alive, he had no choice but to solve the death puzzle in the game… 2. "Invincible in the Heavens." You bring the Death Courting System and travel through the gamified movie world. In the face of a terrifying instance dungeon, teammates who had never watched a movie would find it difficult to walk. Therefore, in the Survival mission team, there was a guy who was courting death everywhere. "Slayer Tyrant, lend me your gloves!" "Little broken ball, let's rush out of the solar system together!" "Sadako, let me help you escape from the clutches of the television!" "The facehuggers have six times the protein of beef!" "Yi Zhiping, I've confiscated your crime tools in advance!" It was a cheerful, relaxed, and funny story. 3. Genius Mad Doctor He was a fake doctor without any documents. He was a wastrel who had gone through a myriad of flowers and was covered in flowers. He was our widely known dear Brother Pao. His motto was,"Go your sister's way and make your sister have no way out!" These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were ten historical categories of appraisals, a ranking list of folklore novels, 500,000 to 1,000,000 words, a complete book, and a male novel that was recognized as having good writing.
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " Traversing the Other World to Refine Divine Artifacts " Author: The Age of the Wind, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. " Giant Hero's Cheat Life " Author: Ten catties of wood, Category: Wuxia, Wuxia fantasy, completed, can enjoy with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. [Traversing Otherworld Divine Artifact] Ding! System activation successful! [Congratulations, your forging ability has increased to the maximum!] [Congratulations, your alchemy ability has increased to the maximum!] [Congratulations, all your attributes have increased to the maximum!] Congratulations, you have completed the novice mission and unlocked an invincible ability! Ye Fan transmigrated and obtained the heaven-defying system. He instantly embarked on an invincible life of cheating and walked towards the peak of his life! 2. The Cheat Life of a Giant Hero [Body protection vest: modified from " Tough Bone Armor ". The design concept is based on the popular model of a certain treasure from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai that costs 5 yuan for 3 pieces.] The product was simple and elegant, could be worn inside or outside, had good breathability, and had a total of four big holes. It was the best item for street chatter, construction site moving bricks, business negotiations, and attending banquets in the hot summer. [Rarity: Broken] [Defense: +3] [Special Attribute: True Qi Protection] In the world of Wuxia, equipment was king. Young man, wear this and go save the world! These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top 10 categories of LOL games, the top ranking of sports novels, one to two million words, and a complete female novel that was recognized as good?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " My Body Has a Defensive Tower " Author: Writing as a Dream, Category: Light Fictions, Derivative Doujinshi, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 2. " LPL Heroes " Author: Yan Zhanqing, Category: Gaming, E-Sports, Completed, You can enjoy it without worry. 3. " The Game of the Cloud Top from the Death of the Ghost " Author: Rain Strikes the String, Category: Light Fictions, Derivative Doujinshi, Finished, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 4. " I'm in the Creation World of the Heavens." Author: Autumn Night Listening to the Rain. Category: Game Competition, Sports Competition. It's over. You can enjoy it with ease. 5. LoL Coach's Thing Author: Hai Tian I Chase You, Category: Gaming, E-Sports, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 6. " The Remnant Party of the Old Era of the Alliance " Author: News and Faith, Category: Games, E-Sports, Completed, You can enjoy it with ease. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. My Body Has a Defensive Tower Li He had long heard of the way the people of Zuan greeted each other and was fascinated. He hid his identity as the King of District 1 and headed to Zuan. Unfortunately, The Strongest King had been defeated by All Mouthy King in the end. Lee Hyok, who was known as "522 Little Faker" and "522 Lee Sang-Hyok", was angered to death and took LOL to explore the other world. "Eh, why is there a Defensive Tower inside my body? Wait, how did the shop grandpa become Orne!" P.S.: The new book," The Rebirth of the God of War Is My Son-in-Law," has been released. 2. LPL Heroes In the S7LPL Spring Finals, a young girl walked out of the stadium with determination in her heart. This summer, she stepped onto the LPL stage and continued to work hard. Xiye, Clearlove7, UZI, Doinb, Theshy, Rookie, Smlz. Some were disappointed, while others embarked on the road to legend. From the desperate situation of the intercontinental competition, the redemption of a division began. The S8 Alliance was reorganized, and the capital was rampant. Behind the shattered dream was a huge driving force. RNG,IG,EdG, RV, and DG were shining stars. In this glorious era, a team that was once unknown stood at the top of the world. Fair play, home team SES Tobo 3. " The Game of Yunding, Starting from the Destruction of Ghosts." He reopened his new book, My Reincarnation Can Add Points. From the moment Gui Mie fell, from the moment Gui Mie began. 4. 'I'm in the Heavens Creation Realm.' My name is Luo Jia, and I have ascended. Here, the myriad worlds were connected to the myriad worlds. Earth had become an illusory bubble and needed a lot of world providence to nurture it. Only by participating in the Heavenly Tournament could one obtain the world's luck. Thus, I used my left hand to fly while my right hand combined spells. I created realms while flying, competing with the immortals for first place. To become the strongest champion of the heavens and nurture the strongest Earth! 5. "LoL Coach's Thing" After Su Hang's Rebirth S5 Spring Competition ended, Royal reorganized into an RNG, joined the team as a new coach, and formed his own team style step by step. Train every player and win League of Legends. The dynasty was opened, and a legend was born. This time, the RNG no longer left any regrets. 6. " Remnants of the Alliance's Old Era " I believe that there really is a God. I believe that God will only bleed, but God will not be knocked down. The remnants of the old era have risen again. People of the new era, Your God, He was back! This time, Gallio was no longer protecting the broken dynasty, but the glory of the LPL! There was only victory and defeat in e-sports, and they would cheer for the winner. Rebirth S10, the last spot in the World Competition, I want it. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were the top ten exotic beast genre reality categories, the youth story novel rankings, 300,000 words or less, the complete novel, and the publicly acknowledged excellent male novel recommendations?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. [Eight Bowls of Orcs] Author: Ran Gongzi, Category: Suspense, Adventure Survival, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured. 2. "I've Become a Spotted Hyena" Author: Yaoyao Meow. Category: Sci-fi. Evolution and Mutation. Completed. You can enjoy it without worry. 3. Big Country, Small Business Author: Floating Melbourne, Category: Reality, Youth Story, Finished, Enjoy with Rest assured 4. "Reborn Jaguars" Author: Heavenly King Two Days, Category: Fantasy, Otherworld Continent, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured 5. Midnight Circus Author: Snack-tailed Fox, Category: Short Story, Short Story, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest in Mind 6. "18 Years of the Legendary Wave" Author: Fan Jia, Category: Reality, Youth Story, Finished, You can enjoy it without worry. 7. "From Pokémon Master" Author: Yuan Yuan is very cute, Category: Light novel, derivative doujinshi, completed, can enjoy without worry. The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. Eight Bowls of Orcs The eight bowls of beastmen used the craftsmanship of the palace to gather the essence of the four seas to do folk business. Orc, beast as a verb, is the meaning of hunting people; The word comes from the Rites of Zhou, which is the name of the official position. There were still orcs, and the Eight Bowl Orc was one of them. They specialized in the "eight bowls" among the people. Immortal meat, the Three Snakes, Dragon, Tiger, and Phoenix Assembly, Snow Mountain Macaque, Deep River Longevity Turtle, Xiangxi Old Cat, Thousand-Year Spirit Mushroom, Blood Vine, Western Region Buddha's Hand, and so on were all placed on the banquet table by the Eight Bowls Beastmen. The main character was the owner of a restaurant. He led the sous-chef and followed the mysterious Eight-Bowl Beastman on a journey of no return in search of rare dark ingredients. 2. "I've become a spotted hyena" He had turned from a puppy to a famous butcher. I'm a dog, but I won't be careless. Whether it was the strong zebras, the violent buffaloes, or the ferocious lions, in front of me, they would all put the overall situation first! My fame spread across the grasslands, and my skills terrified all the animals. No one dares to raise their tail proudly in front of my Brother Dog! Although everyone affectionately calls me the second brother of the grassland, my dream is to be a big brother! I am the cleaner of the grassland, and also the best hunter of the grassland! I will clear my name! 3. Big Country, Small Business Overnight, the youth tide had fallen from the clouds to the bottom of the valley. They needed to find their own direction in life again. Through the perspective of a teenager, it tells the development story of two generations of Chinese manufacturers, from the old generation of ribbon processing to the new generation of clothing brands. 4. Jaguars Reborn I'm a fierce, strong, and intelligent jaguar! He had just become an adult and had already reached the peak! However, he did not expect that the peak was just the beginning. Everything was evolving! [Animal Home: 298837112, welcome to chat. What kind of evolved species do you want to be?] 5. Midnight Circus In the backstage of the circus, a group of birds and beasts that could speak human language were brewing a strange war by relying on a strange ancient book. A bat and a civet cat had stirred up all the strange beasts in North China. The five young men and women were deeply involved in this vortex, and each of them grew up wantonly in the vortex. In the end, he found that he was just a drop in the ocean-a story about growth and regret. 6. "Eighteen Years of the Legendary Wave." [Winner of the 5th Reality-themed Online Literature Essay Competition] After entering the year 2000, due to the rise of online games, many legends and countless dreams emerged on the Chinese Internet. It had been a dream for eighteen years. The protagonist, Su Qingyue, came to Pingjing alone from a small city in the south. He started as an ordinary department manager and experienced cold treatment. He also experienced love and hatred, burning incense and kowtowing, cutting off his robe and cutting off his friendship. He was like walking on thin ice, trembling with fear, and finally became a top-notch talent. This article covered the inside story of the game production and distribution, market public relations, operational activities, to the capital market, crazy M & A, gambling agreements, and many other real content. The practical cases and heartfelt reflections in the article also had extremely important inspirations for readers who were about to enter the workplace! This article is purely fictional, and any similarities are purely coincidental. [Legend Tide group: 596267648] 7. "Starting with Master Pokémon." This was the story of a young man who was at the peak of his looks. With his peerless beauty, he led Pokémon to overcome all obstacles and difficulties, and finally achieved the throne of Master Pokémon. These works all have good reputations for your reference.
There were 10 categories of intrepid games, the game system's novel rankings, 500,000 to 1,000,000 words, and even a complete serial novel. Was it recommended for male novels that were recognized to be super good?
1 answer
2025-02-21 15:34
I haven't been able to find all the novels that you want to match, but I've tried my best to find some related books. Here are a few related novels I found for you: 1. " What the hell is the titan's fall when we agreed to make a lousy game?" Author: Ibuprofen Warrior, Category: Game, Game System 2. " I asked you to make a game, but you directly shot a blockbuster?" Author: Diving Rice Crust, Category: Game, Game System 3. "One Yuan Martial Saint" Author: Dr. Beiguo Tea, Category: Xianxia, Fantasy Immortal Cultivation, Completed, You Can Enjoy with Rest assured The following is a brief introduction of these novels: 1. " We agreed to make a crappy game. What the hell is the Titan Fall?" [I, Shen Miao Miao, was forced to take over a game company at the beginning.] Fortunately, the Rebate System was awakened in time. As long as the company suffered losses, the system would compensate them with ten times the amount! Therefore, my goal is to bring down the company! Wealth and freedom! [I, Gu Sheng, transmigrated to become a game designer at the beginning.] Fortunately, the Game Treasury System had awakened. As long as he continued to produce explosive games, he would be able to ascend to the throne of the King of Games! Therefore, my goal is to become bigger and stronger! Create another glory! …… When the CEO met the sixth designer, the company's style gradually became abstract. "Didn't you say that no one is playing the mecha game? What the hell is this Titanfall?" "What happened to the horror game market? What's with Outlast?" "Didn't you say that second-generation shooting is easy to lose? You're remaking Call of Duty?" Looking at the financial report of the full line of profits, Shen Miao Miao's head was buzzing. She could not lose a single cent, so she could only make up her mind! "From now on! Torment the players!" She did not believe that she could not lose this money! Hearing this, Gu Sheng unfolded the stack of proposals in his hand. "Boss, what do you think? Black, Blood, Benevolence, Wolf…Which one should we do first?" 2. " I asked you to make a game, but you directly shot a blockbuster?" " As a professional video game designer, it shouldn't be a problem to make the CG animation look better and the special effects more realistic, right?" "Don't misunderstand. That's really just a promotional video." Chen Lin said seriously to the camera at a large-scale game exhibition. Player A: " No, it's just a 2D game promotional video. You're making it into an epic blockbuster. Is that really good?" Player B: " Other people do CG to promote the game, but you do the game to promote CG, right?" The players were almost convinced by Chen Lin's words. However, when it came to Resident Evil, Big Cousin in the Wild, Cyberpunk, Wolf, and Interstellar Exploration…After this series of promotional videos were released, they couldn't take it anymore. After buying the game and movie, earning two sets of money at once, was this something a human could do? ...... There are already 2 million words of the completed masterpiece,"National Lord: My Military Type Mutated". Please read it with confidence. 3. One Yuan Martial Saint. The story of Gao Tai becoming the supporting role template Reincarnator in the Wuxia Samsara Space. At the All-System Samsara Space Awards Gala, Gao Tai held the Best Supporting Actor Award and said," I've never seen a man riding a horse, but I've never seen a horse riding a man. I'm a wonder that blooms in the world of Wuxia. I only bring salt to the world of Wuxia!" The Centaur Chieftain's face was ashen and filled with hatred. Reader group: 125450435, welcome to join These works all have good reputations for your reference.