

Renascer da Vilã: A Perversa Esposa do Jovem Mestre Lu

Renascer da Vilã: A Perversa Esposa do Jovem Mestre Lu

Em sua vida passada, Su Xiaofei perdeu tudo quando a outra filha do seu pai chegou, arruinando, essencialmente, sua vida. Somente no fim da sua vida é que sua meia-irmã Ye Mingyu revelou a verdade. Su Xiaofei não era a filha biológica de seus pais, mas uma órfã que eles escolheram adotar ao descobrir que sua mãe adotiva não podia conceber um filho. Depois de perder sua mãe adotiva e sua própria vida, Su Xiaofei recebeu uma chance de acertar as contas! Voltando aos dias antes da mãe e filha arruinarem sua vida, Su Xiaofei decidiu que ela não seria mais uma filha obediente para seu desprezível pai, e prometeu não amar seu detestável marido. Justo quando pensou que seu coração se tornara frio e imune ao amor, um certo Jovem Mestre Lu decidiu lhe professar seu amor eterno. Nos últimos momentos da sua vida passada, Lu Qingfeng foi o único que segurou seu corpo inerte de perto e derramou lágrimas quando ela partiu do mundo dos vivos. "Minha decisão já está tomada. Além de você, eu não me casarei com mais ninguém. Além do mais, nesta vida e nas próximas, eu só terei você como minha esposa." Nos olhos de todos, ela era a perversa vilã, mas para Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei era sua deusa pessoal. Enquanto ela navega por sua segunda chance na vida, será que Su Xiaofei seria capaz de ensinar seu coração a não se deixar levar pelo amor dele? Editor/revisor: ninaviews Aviso para futuras cenas e temáticas r18 não apropriadas para o público jovem. Ilustração da capa do livro por Snow Le Art Direitos autorais2022 anjeeriku
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662 Chs
Renascer nos Anos Setenta: Esposa Mimada, Dona de Algumas Terras Agrícolas

Renascer nos Anos Setenta: Esposa Mimada, Dona de Algumas Terras Agrícolas

O novo livro foi lançado! Meng Yunhan reencarnou de volta à época do 'período das cartelas de racionamento', uma época em que as pessoas lutavam contra a falta de comida e roupas. Mas desta vez ela não tem medo. Equipada com um 'código de trapaça', ela está pronta não apenas para começar seu próprio negócio, mas também para agarrar seu irmão de rosto impassível e até mesmo sustentar Baozi, seu filho. Irmão de rosto impassível: "Esposa, vamos pegar o Baozi e sair!" Ele afirma que ter um filho mais apegado à esposa do que ele mesmo é completamente sem vergonha! "Mamãe, vamos arranjar um novo papai!" Baozi sugere. Seu papai, um homem adulto, ainda é tão grudento com a mamãe. Que vergonha! Meng Yunhan suspira: Eles são realmente pai e filho.
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497 Chs
Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

Renascer como Companheira do Alfa Amaldiçoado

O que acontece quando uma deusa se apaixona por um shifter? Asara, a deusa do amor, foi punida por seu pai, o deus do trovão. Seu crime foi se apaixonar por um mortal Alfa shifter. Para pagar por seus pecados, ela renasceu como Cassandra LeBlanc; uma mortal Princesa no mágico Reino de Speldaria. Sua família e seu reino, exceto sua irmã do meio, rejeitaram-na pois ela nasceu sem nenhuma habilidade mágica e não tinha recordações de sua verdadeira identidade. Seu prometido, o poderoso comandante mago de Speldaria, estava indiferente a ela. Ele desejava alguém forte. A vida de Cassandra foi revirada quando ela recebeu um escravo guerreiro pelo poderoso Alfa de Dusartine. Ela foi convidada a participar do Evento Anual da Arena colaborando com o guerreiro. Cassandra, que odiava 'A Arena' com todo o seu ser. Um lugar onde o sangue fluía como vinho e a vida era mais barata que o próprio ar que respiravam, não entendia seu propósito ali. Além disso, o misterioso guerreiro a afetava de maneiras inimagináveis. Seu olhar hipnótico a desestabilizava. Sua essência rara a sobrecarregava. Seu corpo musculoso e bronzeado a consumia com pensamentos pecaminosos. Até mesmo os sonhos de sua vida passada a atormentavam. Quando 'A Arena' começou, as agendas ocultas e verdades subjacentes vieram à tona e Cassandra foi jogada em um destino traçado. Sem escolha, ela teve que ceder e escolher um caminho. A questão seria. Como Cassandra vai lidar quando descobrir sobre a maldição sobre ela? Será que ela será capaz de obter suas habilidades mágicas e enfrentar seu pai? Quem irá ajudá-la em sua jornada? ~Trecho~ Então ela o sentiu, todo ele. Toda a sua aspereza. A força de seu braço. A maciez de seus lábios. O aperto de sua mão. O calor de sua respiração. Cada músculo de seu corpo ficou tenso diante da implicação de dormir nos braços de um homem. Ela nunca havia dormido no abraço de um homem antes. Sua pele inteira formigava como pequenas faíscas dançando nas partes que se conectavam com ele. As fendas de seu cérebro tinham essas memórias que não eram dela. Esse toque de alguma forma não parecia estranho para ela. Ela se sentiu segura em seu abraço calmante e não desejava afastá-lo, mas sabia que isso estava longe de ser apropriado. Cassandra tentou se livrar de seu aperto, seus braços pareciam ser feitos de ferro pois não cediam. A leve vestimenta que ela havia vestido levantou-se de sua coxa leitosa expondo-a enquanto a musculosa e bronzeada dele estava drapeada sobre ela. E agora ela podia sentir algo a cutucando nas costas. Seus olhos de repente se arregalaram com a realização e Cassandra entrou em pânico total. “Solte-me!” Ela disse, pesadamente. Siroos lentamente levantou sua perna e afrouxou seu aperto em sua cintura para que ela pudesse se afastar. Ele havia despertado quando ela endureceu pela primeira vez, mas quis ver o que ela tentaria. Com os olhos arregalados, ela roubou um olhar em direção ao homem que a mantinha envolvida em seu abraço como um tesouro precioso, o tesouro dele. Seus olhos de ouro fundido haviam se aberto e havia essa suavidade e desejo com os quais ele a encarava. Aqueles cachos castanhos macios caíam sobre seus olhos enquanto ele esquecia de piscar, observando a beleza atemporal que ela era. O perfume único dela era uma tortura para os seus sentidos. Como ele desejava agarrar seu tornozelo delicado, puxá-la por ele e tê-la espalhada sob ele. Beijar a própria pele que exalava tal aroma que estava enlouquecendo-o. No lugar disso, ele dobrou o braço e o colocou sob sua bochecha, usando-o como travesseiro para observá-la com olhos cheios de desejo. O silêncio constrangedor entre eles se prolongou enquanto Cassandra limpava a garganta. “Você tinha que subir em mim para dormir?” “Não foi intencional, mas foi certamente tentador e definitivamente não será a última vez.” Sua voz profundamente hipnótica era ainda mais atraente nesta manhã cedo, ressoando ao redor dela. A capa do livro é minha.
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264 Chs
Renascer como uma Imperatriz Leitora de Mentes

Renascer como uma Imperatriz Leitora de Mentes

Ao se apaixonar pelo toque quente dele, apesar de sua frieza usual, ela o amou apenas para se decepcionar e ser traída no final. Quando o amor se transforma em escuridão, ele se torna venenoso e consome a alma. A ingênua Arabella evoluiu. *** “Obrigado por se tornar minha esposa,” foram as últimas palavras de seu frio marido antes de morrer, acompanhadas de um sorriso que nunca havia surgido em seus lábios. Nem no dia do casamento deles. E nem mesmo no nascimento de seu único filho. O Imperador Ferdinand, alguém que Arabella amava tanto, matou o filho deles. Ela se tornou uma vilã e jurou vingança pelo filho amado. Por uma década, ela usou tudo que podia para fazer Ferdinand pagar. Até que, finalmente… ele caiu em ruína! Com sua vingança completa, a vida de Arabella logo terminou, com o marido morto em seus braços. Mas o destino ainda não havia terminado de brincar com ela. De repente, ela estava de volta duas décadas atrás, logo após o casamento deles. Era uma maldição ou uma bênção? Não importava. Porque havia apenas uma coisa que ela precisava fazer. “Eu vou arruinar você nesta vida também!” Essa foi sua promessa odiosa a si mesma ao perceber que havia renascido. Mas em sua segunda vida, Arabella recebeu inesperadamente um dom para descobrir a verdade. Quem estava errado e quem estava certo? Somente o tempo dirá.
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262 Chs
Renascer como uma Falsa Herdeira Casando com o Magnata

Renascer como uma Falsa Herdeira Casando com o Magnata

Guzi transmigrou para um romance e se tornou um personagem em uma história sobre uma herdeira rica verdadeira e falsa. Enquanto outros que transmigaram para romances se tornam a verdadeira herdeira, ela se tornou a herdeira falsa. Para piorar as coisas, tanto ela quanto a verdadeira herdeira estão noivas. Ela estava noiva do filho de um líder militar, enquanto a verdadeira herdeira estava noiva de um homem divorciado com três filhos do casamento anterior. Os pais de Guzi, cuidando da verdadeira herdeira, decidem que Guzi se case em seu lugar. No livro, o personagem "Guzi" ficou furioso e tentou o suicídio, mas falhou. Como resultado, ela perdeu o amor e o favor de seus pais. Depois de casar-se com o homem divorciado, "Guzi" culpou-o por todos os erros e maltratou seus filhos. Eventualmente, ele não conseguiu mais tolerar suas ações e se divorciou dela. "Guzi" se tornaria uma mendiga indigente e morreria miseravelmente na rua. Depois de transmigrar para o livro, Guzi deixou sua família e se casou com o homem divorciado. Quando ela enfrentou o homem e seus três filhos, Guzi acreditou que o dono original de seu corpo cometeu um grande erro. Esta foi uma experiência sem dor de ser mãe sem nenhuma dificuldade para suportar! Por outro lado, a verdadeira herdeira teve que lidar com o filho ilegítimo de seu marido e lutar por bens familiares. Ela levaria uma vida diária cheia de dificuldades. A verdadeira herdeira consolava-se, pensando que ainda estava melhor do que Guzi. Ela teve que criar o filho de outra pessoa e cuidar de um homem velho. No entanto, um dia ela vê Guzi saindo de um carro luxuoso com a barriga protuberante, apoiada pelo homem mais rico da cidade. Parecendo ressentida, Guzi saiu do carro e disse: "Concordamos em não ter filhos!" O homem ao seu lado respondeu ternamente: "Desculpe, meu erro."
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206 Chs


Three boys live in an apartment and finds supernatural things happening with them selves and trap into it.
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2 Chs
Crestfallen Reverence

Crestfallen Reverence

In the heartwarming tale of 'WhisAndIzabeLovSto,' follow the captivating journey of William and Isabelle as their destinies intertwine against the backdrop of complex emotions, unforeseen challenges, and the enduring power of true love. A tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the beauty that arises when two souls navigate the unpredictable currents of life together. Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions in this modern love story that transcends the ordinary.
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9 Chs
Siren's Serenade

Siren's Serenade

Gems, spices, gold! Adventure, battles, freedom! The Age of Exploration has arrived! Rob the Pope's throne, engage in PvP with the invincible Spanish fleet, treasure, power, abilities, fame... everything belongs to Barbarossa Halledeen, the man truly worthy of the title of "Pirate King" in history. This is the best of times: the Age of Exploration, the New World, technology, art, gold, maritime supremacy. This is also the worst of times: pirates, the Papal States, witches, the Black Death, inquisitorial trials. A romantic saga of blood and fire, a concerto of light and darkness, this is—the Age of Exploration. A mysterious young man wielding a giant scythe brings forth a storm of blood and chaos, and the Pirate Emperor's black flag and curved blade dominate the Mediterranean. From the moment Nick and Halledeen meet, a legendary era of a pirate ruling the world unfolds. Born in the wilderness, an emperor among blue-blooded nobles, a twisted ship's doctor, a loyal knight... the dark flowers that bloom in the foul soil gather on the Sea Serpent. A magnificent canvas of the 16th-century Age of Exploration unfolds before your eyes. What are you waiting for? Sea Serpent is about to set sail, so quickly buy your tickets and board—no waiting after the deadline!
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2 Chs


A group of maniacs organized a dangerous game approved by world governments. The game was to help reduce the world's population. Maxwell Rogers was invited into the game to save his girlfriend by those who organized the game. What could they possibly want from him??
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5 Chs


There was a girl and her grandfather that were just having fun venturing and hunting in the mountain that the gramps owned when a group of mysterioo black creatures ruined it. "Raliz run!" Raliz's grampa said and they started running. They ran fast as they could and got far away from th mysterious black creatures. They stopped at a splitted road with two directions. "Raliz, take this. This will protect and help you survive in the world that is new to you. Take the right and I take the left. You go find a dragon snake statue and pull the fangs. And then find the dragon snake statue again after the result happen. Do you understand!" Grandpa said to Raliz and she nod. She understood but it's still confusing to her especially the the gem that her grandpa gave her, statue and finding it. Raliz run and her grandpa shouted, "I'll be alright! I'll just distract them! And remeber, choose the right path!" Those are the last words that she heard from Grandpa and tears was falling in her eyes. After a while, she saw the statue. But she also heard something behind her, The mysterious black creatures! She reached the statue and pull the fangs on it and.... -------------- A voice called out from the universe. " I have my heir! The new and powerful god will rule everything and its my heir! All of the Universe will bow before her! Behold!" and it travelled across the Universe and could be heatd by other gods ang legends and it send chills and happiness in theirs. In a world where you have to be stronger than anyone to survive. Raliz was transported there. Surviving, evolving, and discovering mysteries along the way, Raliz will encounter such this path of survival. She will meet friends and families there and improve herself as a human being.
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40 Chs
Which one of the official residences in the new Song Dynasty looks good?
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
I can't provide any information about the novel 'New Song Dynasty Official Residence' because I'm just a person who likes reading novels and can't access online literature works. However, I can tell you that reading novels is a personal interest. Everyone has different preferences for novels, so there is no fixed answer to your question. You can try reading different novels to find something you like.
Journey to the West
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
Journey to the West was a famous Chinese novel that told the story of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Monk Sand, and Tang Sanzang (also known as the "Journey to the West"), who went to India to retrieve Buddhist scriptures. On their journey, they met many monsters and devils, and also got to know many immortals and heroes. They overcame many difficulties and challenges and finally succeeded in obtaining the scriptures. Journey to the West was not only an important literary classic, but also an important part of Chinese culture. It was widely praised and had a profound influence on Chinese novels, opera, music, dance and other art forms.
What kind of novel was 'Silent Flute'?
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
" Meeting You, Meeting the Most Beautiful Love " is a modern romance novel written by the author, Shang Yu. The general plot of this novel is as follows: When she said the sentence," Qin Zheng and Zhao Wu, play the sheng and play the reed ", Mr. Qin looked up at her… Wen Liang couldn't understand why Mr. Qin would treat her so well. Compared to the millions of people in this world, she was too ordinary. Little did he know that Mr. Qin cherished nothing more than the only warmth in the world. ---------------------------- " Sweet Pet: The Jealous History of Big Boss Lu " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yisheng. The general plot of this novel was: It was about how Mama Luo had teased him, causing her to go on a blind date with a childhood sweetheart whom he had not seen for many years. Luo Zini smiled at Lu Mohan." I think freedom is very important. As the best young people in the 21st century, we should understand." In the end, a person's life is still for themselves. Parents 'expectations for their children to get married and have children, and social speech's moral and emotional kidnapping of people should not stop us from pursuing the life we want." "Don't you think that it's not something you want to pursue when you're in a relationship with someone at your parents 'behest?" "A person's freedom depends on his independence." Lu Mohan smiled. economic freedom, financial freedom, personal freedom, freedom of thought, and so on." "Based on the above, I've never felt that I'm not free," he added after a moment. In other words, liking her was his own choice. ---------------------------- " The Sound of the Flute " was a romantic and youthful campus novel written by the author, Qin Ba's son. The general plot of the novel was: The iron-blooded him had risked his life for an empty promise, and the sharp blades of time had turned the tender her into a cold and ruthless one! A thousand years of waiting, a thousand years of anticipation, he finally held her in his arms! She asked him,"Is all this important to you?" He looked at the green and orchid water in the pool, speechless, but his chest rippled with lofty sentiments! A purple bamboo flute played a thousand years of sorrow! Heartbroken flute music lingering, Qin Shi's moon merciless cold. ---------------------------- The book," The Joy of the Sheng ", was a modern romance novel written by the author, Ye Yilan. The general plot of the novel was: Seven years ago, they left because they wanted to reduce the harm they could cause each other. Seven years later, leaving is just a form of release. Ah Sheng, guess if I will come back this time… ---------------------------- " Crossing Mountains and Rivers to Marry " was an ancient romance novel written by the author, Warm Smile Wushang. The general plot of this novel was: West Qin had a Thirteenth Prince named Qin Se. Yansheng asked him if it was Qin Se who played the zither harmoniously, and he said it was Sheng Se who played the sound of sensuality. The Thirteenth Prince Qin Se had disregarded the law and killed people on the streets. After two years of reflection at the Thunder Bluff, he had finally returned. The Emperor once said that Qin Se had no faith in his heart, and human lives were nothing more than ants to him. Qin Se was only suitable to be a blade, a sword, and a shield. He was not suitable to be the heir, to control the country, or to rule the world. However, no one knew that the only faith in his heart was called Yansheng. [Floating Life] was just a floating life after all. It was a dream, and when he woke up, he dispersed. You've disappeared. [This wine is brewed for you. It is called the Floating Life [Jiuqin]. Sitting in the Five Emperors and Four Dynasties, I don't feel the vicissitudes of life. After suffering nine hardships and ten difficulties, I know that the world is unpredictable.[Xudu] You are my gentle ideal that I want to cover up.[Qin Se] I like you because I am sick. Medicine can't cure you.[An Ge] This man is always gentle and sweet. He always speaks gently. He seems to be very serious, but he also seems to never care about you. Has he ever been desperate? ---------------------------- Xi Xi Bu Gou was an ancient romance novel written by Zhi Fengyue. The general plot of this novel was: The little vixen who seemed to be whining on the surface was so soft and easy to bully. He had long bared his fangs and treated them as prey. It was his nature to do whatever he wanted! She had wanted to hide her life to lower the attention of others so that she could secretly cause trouble, but who knew that she would become a dog if she hid. She pretended to be so real that she believed it… ---------------------------- The book," Dark Marriage ", was a modern romance novel written by Gu Nanxi. The general plot of the novel was as follows: The title of the book was Sheng Sheng, Sheng Sheng, Sheng Sheng…He always called her that, gentle and loving. How did others describe him? He was a man of noble and elegant bearing. He had a gentle name, Shi Jin. He said,"A doctor can't treat himself. I'm a patient." He said,"Shengsheng, save me." She had never loved someone so much that she was willing to accompany him to hell. He had never loved someone so much that he was willing to lay down his knife for her. [Note: 1v1, rock star and genius doctor love each other.] ---------------------------- " The Paranoid Brother Is the Big Boss " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yan Wen. The general plot of this novel was: The first five chapters of this love story were just a little "sour" after the reunion of the male and female leads. He Yixiao was proud from the bottom of his heart. He was stubborn, possessive, and cold, but he would also go crazy for the girl he liked. Back then, peach blossoms bloomed everywhere in Taoyuan Town. It was like a paradise that made people gentle and intoxicated. A young man met his light here and made him spend his entire life. He Yixiao approached Qin Yisheng step by step just to possess him, but he did not expect that she was also approaching him step by step with a motive. Qin Yisheng listened to He Yixiao. However, Qin Yisheng still left He Yixiao. Later on, the boy became a man and they met in a different place. Qin Yisheng saw a strange He Yixiao. The man had a buzz cut and exuded a cold aura that kept people a thousand miles away. His peach blossom eyes were fickle and he looked at her like a pool of stagnant water without any ripples. He said to her," Qin Yisheng, you disgust me." "Sister, to me, you are my god." " He Yixiao, you don't have to do anything in the future. I'll be your light and illuminate you." ---------------------------- " Young Master He's Instant Marriage and Wife Warmth " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Qin Ye. The general plot of this novel was: Qin Yiyue didn't understand why He Qiaoyan had dragged her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificate the moment he saw her. After they got married, they couldn't wait to be together. Qin Yiyue's face was full of tears." He Qiaoyan, what do you see in me?" Can't I change it?" "No!" He Qiaoyan looked at the messy little woman in the wind and pulled her into his arms. To be He Qiaoyan's woman, she had to fulfill three conditions-like to be cared for, like to be loved, and like to be taken care of meticulously. This woman had fulfilled all his requirements, so she had to have the awareness that only he could have! ---------------------------- " Music and Shadows " was a modern romance novel written by the author, Feng Xiao. The general plot of this novel was: Music and music, shadows on the temples, life in troubled times. She was the courtesan of the brothel, and she was welcomed with smiles. Her gentle words were sharp and pierced into his heart. He was hurt by love and was unrestrained. He wandered around the flowers but carefully peeled off her disguise layer by layer. Fake feelings and true feelings, body and mind intertwined. As they exchanged gunfire, he hugged her waist." You're my woman." She smiled at him." Second Master, you're still a wolf even if you don't wear a military uniform." An arrow shot at him. She blocked in front of him. He hugged her and kissed her lightly.'You look even better when you're baring your fangs and brandishing your claws.' A line of northern geese autumn wind, small courtyard half idle Chu Tian wide.
An introduction to a world-class author, something funny, something easy to memorize, for speeches, the funnier the better.
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
Alright, let me introduce you to a world-class player. His name is Jack London. Jack London was a famous British author who wrote many humorous, adventurous and wild novels such as Love of Life and Call of the Wild. There were often humorous scenes in his works. For example, in his novel Love of Life, the protagonist was fighting with a wolf on the grassland. The wolf finally said,"You are not a hunter." There was another time when the protagonist was lost in the forest and called his family for help. His family told him,"You shouldn't call. You should write a letter." These humorous scenes not only made the readers laugh but also reflected the author's writing style. If you want to listen to Jack London's speech, I can give you a suggestion. You can ask him to talk about some writing skills, such as how to write an interesting story and how to resonate with the reader when reading it. Not only will you be able to listen to Jack London's humorous speech, but you will also be able to learn some writing skills.
Can you recommend some Xianxia novels to me?
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
😋I recommend the following Xianxia novels to you, I hope you will like them: 1. " From the Conquest of the Journey to the West "-Humans entered the Starry Sky Age, and supernatural beings pursued their dreams and possessed infinite power. With the awakening of the extraordinary physique, countless secret realms of the starry sky were explored, opened, and proved eternal. It began with the conquest of the Journey to the West! 2. "Peerless Immortal Light"-A girl embarks on the path of immortal cultivation. She walks forward with the help of an ancient divine artifact. Watch how she blooms her unique immortal light step by step. 3. << Immortal Road Fuyao >>-A story about a human youth, Zhou Fuyao, who first obtained the Golden Lotus, cultivated the ancient top-notch cultivation techniques, cultivated her power, fought in all directions, and finally reached the peak of the human race. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
Please recommend a novel in which the male protagonist is named Beret. He is a vampire, and the female protagonist used to be a maid in his house. In addition, the male protagonist also became friends with a werewolf.
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
I recommend the book "Vampire of the Tang Dynasty" to you. The male protagonist is called Nan Yue, a vampire. The female protagonist used to be a maid in his house. He even became friends with a werewolf. I hope you like my recommendation. Muah ~
Seeking Excerpt Notes from Notre-Dame de Paris
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
Notre-Dame de Paris was a Gothic cathedral in France. It was located in the center of Paris and was one of the important symbols of French culture. The following are the notes from the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris: 1. Notre-Dame de Paris is a building with a long history and cultural heritage. Its construction began in the 13th century and ended in the 18th century. It was built by a team of architects, engineers, and artists. The architectural style of Notre-Dame de Paris was unique. It was a gothic church with high vaults, thick stone walls, and gorgeous decorations. The main building materials of the cathedral were stone and wood. The roof was made of stone and wood, while the walls and vault were made of glass and metal. The clock tower of Notre-Dame de Paris is very tall, with a complex structure and exquisite decorations. When the bell rings, it can spread throughout the entire city of Paris. The cathedral also has many precious cultural relics and works of art, including sculptures, paintings, porcelain and glass. The most famous one was the statue of the Hunchback of the Bell Tower, which was one of the masterpieces of French Romanticism. The Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris is not only a religious building, but also a source of culture and art. It has attracted many artists, writers and philosophers to visit and create. For example, Victor Hugo wrote the famous novel," Notre-Dame de Paris." Notre-Dame de Paris is a building with historical, cultural and tourist significance. Its importance and value have been widely recognized and appreciated around the world.
What was the name of the novel with the female lead, Hua Jue, and the first story, which was a fake eunuch?
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
I don't know what the name of the novel with the female lead called Hua Jue is. But I can tell you some possible novel names, and you can try to search the names of these novels to find it. - The villain dressed in white moonlight: Hua Jue - Quickly wear it to save the scumbag girl: Hua Jue - The all-purpose female supporting role is the protagonist: Hua Jue - Villain Female Lead: Hua Jue - The novel after wearing white moonlight: Hua Jue - The Counterattack of the Female Supporting Character: Hua Jue - Saving the Villain: Hua Jue - The Journey of the Villain Female Supporting Character: Flower Jade I hope these names will be of some help to you.
Can you recommend some good agent transmigration novels?
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
😋As a professional novel presenter, I suggest that you take a look at the following good agent time-travel novels: 1. "Reborn Carefree Agent Abandoned Concubine": This is an ancient romance novel. The female protagonist is the country's ace agent. After transmigrating, she became the wife of the proud Fourth Prince. However, she was demoted to a concubine because of jealousy. Later, she escaped from his side and was reborn. When she met him again, there was a great change. The female lead is very strong. If you like it, you can save it and vote for it. 2. "Special Agent Medical Concubine: The Evil Emperor's Loving Wife": This is a fantasy romance-Eastern fantasy novel. The female protagonist is the chief physician of the special forces. After transmigrating, she becomes the eldest daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion. While she completes her investigation in the palace, she also has feelings for the male protagonist. The male and female protagonists are both physically and mentally clean. It is definitely a good book worth reading. 3. "Special Agent Time Travel: Overbearing Prince Seizes His Favorite Concubine": This is an ancient romance novel. The female protagonist is the reincarnation of a ruthless secret agent king. In the process of gradually avenging herself, she began to pick up her relationship with the male protagonist. The male protagonist is domineering and strong, and the female protagonist also has her own opinions. The emotional line between the two is very exciting. These are my personal recommendations. I hope you like my recommendations. Muah ~ If you are interested in other novels, please feel free to tell me.😗
Is it the same as Doujin novels?
1 answer
2025-03-09 20:54
No, it wasn't. Nami usually refers to a character in Japanese manga and anime, while doujin is a form of creation that refers to the creation of one's own novel based on the characters, story lines, or elements of a fictional work (such as manga, novel, anime, etc.).