
distance by luna

His Broken Luna

His Broken Luna

Rumors had it that Melissa Eugen, the fiancée of Murray Gibson, was an ugly and illiterate girl who grew up in the village. However, everyone was slack-jawed when Melissa showed up at a banquet. "Seriously? She is nowhere near ugly!" "It is said that she is the boss of Jaylin Segar, the great actor!" "Her father is the richest man in the world!" "She is Loe, the mysterious fashion designer!" The exposure of Melissa's multiple identities dumbfounded the crowd. Even so, they believed that she couldn't earn Murray's love. Nevertheless, on that day, the official account of the Gibson Group tweeted, "We are deeply in love and about to get married." Everybody was shocked.
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1711 Chs
Alpha's Unexpected Luna

Alpha's Unexpected Luna

The woman is the lowest Omega in the pack, a little dwarf, because she is weak and incompetent, enslaved by everyone. Until Alpha of another pack arrives in search of a mate, finds her and discovers that she is a fox. The man is strong, saves her from the original pack and shows her meticulous care and love. The heroine is healed and gradually adjusts to the role of Luna. She later learns that she is one of the few members of the Old Kingdom who are hunted by hunters and rogues. Despite caution, the hunters managed to kidnap her and torture her, but she persisted and finally escaped to alpha with the help of one of the kidnappers. This incident also solidified her luna status among the pack.
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1234 Chs
Esperando el Regreso de la Luna en la Ciudad Sureña

Esperando el Regreso de la Luna en la Ciudad Sureña

Eve Thompson se encontró despertándose en la cama del soltero más codiciado de la Ciudad S con su brazo alrededor de su cintura, pero solo tenía en mente las palabras de su madre. —Asegúrate de que nadie descubra que estás disfrazada de tu hermana —le dijo, mirando la marca de nacimiento falsa dibujada con maquillaje en la cara de su hija restante—. ¡Tienes que conseguir que el Señor Charlie se case contigo, todo lo que tenemos depende de ello! —dijo ella. Era una lástima, pues el hombre a su lado se parecía mucho al hombre que había perdido hace muchos años. El favor de Anthony Charlie con las mujeres era notoriamente difícil de obtener, pero en un estupor etílico, se deslizó bajo las sábanas con la mujer a su lado, seducido por el recuerdo de alguien que había perdido hace mucho tiempo y a quien esta mujer se parecía. Sin embargo, ella nunca tuvo una marca de nacimiento. Nunca podría ser ella. ¿Fue su encuentro coincidencia? ¿Qué revelaría su pasado oculto? ¡Únete a Eve Thompson en su emocionante viaje de cortejo y espionaje político mientras se pone en los zapatos de la vida ahora abandonada de su hermana gemela y trata de salvar a su familia ganándose el corazón del misterioso soltero, Anthony Charlie!
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845 Chs
El legendario escultor de luz de luna

El legendario escultor de luz de luna

Descripción El hombre abandonado por el mundo, el hombre esclavo del dinero y el hombre conocido como el legendario Dios de la Guerra en el muy popular Continente de Magia MMORPG. Con la mayoría de edad, decide decir adiós, pero el débil intento de ganar algo por su tiempo y esfuerzo se convierte en un efecto que nadie podría haber imaginado. A través de una serie de coincidencias, su legendario avatar se vende por 3 mil millones de wones, lo que le brinda una gran alegría, solo para sumirlo en la desesperación de perder casi todo por malévolos prestamistas. Con la revelación de dinero a través de los juegos, se levanta del abismo con una nueva resolución y avanza hacia la nueva era de juegos liderada por el primer MMORPG de Realidad Virtual, Royal Road. Esta es la leyenda de Lee Hyun en su camino para convertirse en Emperador con solo el corazón amoroso de su familia, su deseo ilimitado de dinero, su mente inesperada, su cuerpo forjado diligentemente y el talento del trabajo duro que lo respalda.
706 Chs
Keep Distance, Mr. CEO!

Keep Distance, Mr. CEO!

This text has been published under the name "Amidst the Falling Stars". "President, I've found a little Baozi who looks a lot like you." "President, Baozi says he doesn't have a real dad; he's a test-tube baby!" "……" He'd only been gone for two days, only to be told by his secretary that he'd been high-grade counterfeited, and it was a mini version of him! Test-tube baby? Thud! One phone call, city-wide search for Baozi, and also Baozi's... mom... Half an hour later... "President, we've found Baozi's mom... it's just... the young assistant you just fired." "……" Before meeting Ou Mucen, Ye Ning was both the inconspicuous adopted daughter of the Ou Family and the true hidden master of the Antique Circle. She was exceptionally talented and intelligent, content with living a simple life. But after meeting Ou Mucen, her persona collapsed...
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606 Chs
Zweimal Luna abgewiesen, der Wunsch aller Alphas

Zweimal Luna abgewiesen, der Wunsch aller Alphas

Valerie, die Tochter des ermordeten Alphas des Yellow Stone Rudels, konnte das Rudel nie anführen, weil sie einen Luna-Wolf hatte. Ihr Gefährte Tristan wurde an ihrer Stelle zum Alpha ernannt. Nachdem sie den Titel des Alphas angenommen hatte, wurde Valerie reingelegt und brutal zurückgewiesen, nicht nur von Tristan, sondern auch von ihrem ganzen Rudel und ihrer kleinen Schwester Scarlet, mit der Tristan heimliche Affären hatte. "Ich lehne Luna Valerie als meine Gefährtin ab. Sie wurde im Bett mit einem Fremden erwischt, was bedeutet, dass sie das Rudel verraten würde. Die Strafe für Verrat ist der Tod", verkündete Alpha Tristan herzlos. Die Rufe der Rudelmitglieder und der anwesenden Alphas, die zur Alphatagung gekommen waren, zogen sie zu dem Urteil hin. Niemand hätte gedacht, dass Alpha Denzel, dessen Name ihnen wegen seiner Rücksichtslosigkeit die Haare auf der Haut zu Berge stehen ließ, es zur Konferenz schaffen würde. Valerie schöpfte Hoffnung, als sie erkannte, dass Alpha Denzel ihr Partner der zweiten Chance war, aber sie wurde schmerzlich zurückgewiesen. Die doppelte Zurückweisung führte dazu, dass sie ihren Wolf verlor und von allen anwesenden Alphas zum Tode verurteilt wurde. Sie dachte, ihr Schicksal sei besiegelt, als Alpha Denzel ging und ein Krieger bereit war, sie hinzurichten. Alle waren schockiert, als Alpha Denzel sich plötzlich umdrehte. "Halt! Die verräterische Tochter eines verstorbenen Alphas sollte nicht getötet werden. Sie erwartet noch mehr Leid", erklärte er. Valerie fiel das Herz in die Hose, als sie seinen finsteren Blick sah, der wie ein bodenloser Abgrund war, und sie wurde vor Erschöpfung ohnmächtig. Ein paar Monate später entbrannte ein Krieg zwischen den Alphas, die Anspruch auf die zweimal abgewiesene Luna erhoben. Wird die Mondgöttin ihr nach dem Tod ihres Wolfes gnädig sein und ihr einen anderen Wolf geben? Und welcher Alpha könnte ihr nun kaltes Herz zum Schmelzen bringen?
504 Chs
Two times rejected Luna, the desire of all Alphas

Two times rejected Luna, the desire of all Alphas

Valerie, the daughter of the murdered Alpha of the Yellow Stone Pack, could never lead the pack because she had a Luna wolf. Her mate, Tristan, was made the Alpha in her stead. After assuming the title of Alpha, Valerie was set up and brutally rejected, not only by Tristan but also her whole pack, and her kid sister, Scarlet, with whom Tristan had secret affairs. “I reject Luna Valerie as my mate. She was caught in bed with a stranger, meaning that she would sell the pack out. The punishment for treachery is death,” Alpha Tristan announced heartlessly. The chants from the pack members and visiting Alphas who had come for the Alphas' conference attracted them to the judgment. No one thought that Alpha Denzel, whose name caused the hairs on their skin to stand straight due to his ruthlessness, would make it to the conference. Valerie found hope when she realized that Alpha Denzel was her second chance mate, but painstakingly, she was rejected once again. The double rejection caused her to lose her wolf, and she was condemned to die by all the Alphas present. She thought her fate was sealed when Alpha Denzel left and a warrior was ready to execute her. Everyone was shocked when Alpha Denzel suddenly turned around. “Stop! The treacherous daughter of a late Alpha should not be killed. More suffering awaits her,” he declared. Valerie’s heart dropped when she saw his dark look, which was like a bottomless pit, as she blacked out from exhaustion. A few months down the line, there was a war among the Alphas as they began to lay claim to the two-times-rejected Luna. With her wolf dead, will the moon goddess be gracious to give her another wolf? And which Alpha would be able to melt her now cold heart?
507 Chs
Dua kali ditolak Luna, keinginan semua Alfa

Dua kali ditolak Luna, keinginan semua Alfa

``` Valerie, putri dari Alpha yang terbunuh dari Kemasan Yellow Stone, tidak pernah bisa memimpin kemasan karena dia memiliki serigala Luna. Pasangannya, Tristan, yang diangkat menjadi Alpha untuk menggantikannya. Setelah mengambil gelar Alpha, Valerie dikhianati dan ditolak secara brutal, tidak hanya oleh Tristan tetapi juga oleh seluruh kemasannya, dan adik perempuannya, Scarlet, yang memiliki hubungan rahasia dengan Tristan. “Saya menolak Luna Valerie sebagai pasangan saya. Dia tertangkap berada di tempat tidur dengan orang asing, berarti dia akan mengkhianati kemasan. Hukuman untuk pengkhianatan adalah kematian,” umum Alpha Tristan tanpa belas kasihan. Teriakan dari anggota kemasan dan Alfa yang berkunjung yang hadir untuk konferensi Alfa menarik mereka ke pengadilan. Tidak ada yang menyangka bahwa Alpha Denzel, yang namanya membuat bulu kuduk mereka berdiri karena keganasannya, akan hadir di konferensi. Valerie menemukan harapan ketika dia menyadari bahwa Alpha Denzel adalah pasangan kedua yang diberikan kesempatan, namun dengan menyakitkan, dia ditolak sekali lagi. Penolakan ganda membuatnya kehilangan serigalanya, dan dia dihukum mati oleh semua Alfa yang hadir. Dia berpikir nasibnya sudah ditentukan ketika Alpha Denzel pergi dan seorang pejuang siap untuk mengeksekusi dia. Semua orang terkejut ketika Alpha Denzel tiba-tiba berbalik arah. “Berhenti! Putri pengkhianat dari seorang Alpha yang telah meninggal tidak seharusnya dibunuh. Lebih banyak penderitaan yang menantinya,” dia menyatakan. Valerie merasa hatinya terjatuh ketika dia melihat tatapan gelapnya, yang serupa dengan lubang yang tak terdalam, saat dia pingsan karena kelelahan. Beberapa bulan kemudian, terjadi perang di antara Alfa saat mereka mulai mengklaim Luna yang ditolak dua kali. Dengan serigalanya yang sudah mati, apakah dewi bulan akan murah hati untuk memberinya serigala lain? Dan Alfa manakah yang akan mampu melelehkan hatinya yang kini dingin? ```
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504 Chs
Duas vezes rejeitada Luna, o desejo de todos os Alfas

Duas vezes rejeitada Luna, o desejo de todos os Alfas

Valerie, a filha do Alfa assassinado da Matilha Yellow Stone, nunca poderia liderar a matilha porque tinha uma Loba Luna. Seu parceiro, Tristan, foi feito o Alfa em seu lugar. Após assumir o título de Alfa, Valerie foi armada e brutalmente rejeitada, não apenas por Tristan, mas também por toda a sua matilha e sua irmãzinha, Scarlet, com quem Tristan tinha casos secretos. “Eu rejeito Luna Valerie como minha parceira. Ela foi pega na cama com um estranho, o que significa que ela trairia a matilha. O castigo para traição é a morte,” Alfa Tristan anunciou sem coração. Os cânticos dos membros da matilha e dos Alfas visitantes que vieram para a conferência dos Alfas os atraiu para o julgamento. Ninguém pensou que o Alfa Denzel, cujo nome fazia os pelos da pele se arrepiarem devido à sua crueldade, compareceria à conferência. Valerie encontrou esperança quando percebeu que Alfa Denzel era seu companheiro de segunda chance, mas dolorosamente, ela foi rejeitada mais uma vez. A dupla rejeição fez com que ela perdesse sua loba, e ela foi condenada à morte por todos os Alfas presentes. Ela pensou que seu destino estava selado quando Alfa Denzel partiu e um guerreiro estava pronto para executá-la. Todos ficaram chocados quando Alfa Denzel de repente se virou. “Pare! A filha traiçoeira de um Alfa defunto não deve ser morta. Mais sofrimento a aguarda,” ele declarou. O coração de Valerie afundou quando ela viu seu olhar sombrio, que era como um poço sem fundo, enquanto ela desmaiava de exaustão. Alguns meses depois, houve uma guerra entre os Alfas, pois começaram a reivindicar a Luna rejeitada duas vezes. Com sua loba morta, será que a deusa da lua seria generosa a ponto de dar a ela outra loba? E qual Alfa seria capaz de derreter seu coração agora frio?
504 Chs
Dos veces rechazada Luna, el deseo de todos los Alfas

Dos veces rechazada Luna, el deseo de todos los Alfas

Valerie, la hija del asesinado Alfa de la Manada de Yellow Stone, nunca podría liderar la manada porque tenía un lobo Luna. Su compañero, Tristan, fue nombrado Alfa en su lugar. Después de asumir el título de Alfa, Valerie fue acusada y brutalmente rechazada, no solo por Tristan, sino también por toda su manada, y su hermana menor, Scarlet, con quien Tristan había tenido aventuras secretas. —Rechazo a Luna Valerie como mi compañera. Fue sorprendida en la cama con un extraño, lo que significa que vendería la manada. El castigo por traición es la muerte —anunció desalmadamente Alfa Tristan. Los cánticos de los miembros de la manada y los Alfas visitantes que habían venido para la conferencia de los Alfas les atrajeron al juicio. Nadie esperaba que el Alfa Denzel, cuyo nombre hacía que los pelos en su piel se erizaran debido a su crueldad, llegara a la conferencia. Valerie encontró esperanza cuando se dio cuenta de que Alfa Denzel era su segundo compañero destinado, pero dolorosamente, fue rechazada una vez más. El doble rechazo le hizo perder a su lobo y fue condenada a morir por todos los Alfas presentes. Pensó que su destino estaba sellado cuando el Alfa Denzel se fue y un guerrero estaba listo para ejecutarla. Todos se quedaron en shock cuando Alfa Denzel de repente se dio la vuelta. —¡Deténganse! La hija traicionera de un Alfa difunto no debe ser asesinada. La espera más sufrimiento —declaró. El corazón de Valerie se hundió cuando vio su mirada oscura, que era como un pozo sin fondo, mientras ella se desmayaba de agotamiento. Unos meses más tarde, hubo una guerra entre los Alfas a medida que comenzaron a reclamar a la Luna rechazada dos veces. Con su lobo muerto, ¿será misericordiosa la diosa de la luna para darle otro lobo? ¿Y cuál Alfa será capaz de derretir su corazón ahora frío?
504 Chs
In the Distance
1 answer
2025-01-14 22:50
In the Distance was an urban start-up drama directed by Chen Kunhui and starred by Liu Ye and Ma Yili. The drama mainly told the story of Yao Yuan in the express delivery and Internet start-up waves. Yao Yuan was a low-level courier. After he was intercepted by the law enforcement of the post office, he set up a trap to get to know the daughter of the head of the state-run post office, Lu Xiaoou. He started a series of exchanges with her in exchange for information. The plot also depicted Yao Yuan's perseverance and ups and downs in his life. You need to watch the series for more details.
In the distance
1 answer
2025-01-13 13:15
The cast list in Distance included Liu Ye, Ma Yili, Mei Ting, Bao Jianfeng, Zeng Li, Zheng Qi, and Xue Haowen.
Is there a novel similar to "The Closest Distance and the Furthermost Distance"?
1 answer
2025-01-24 20:28
There were novels similar to The Closest Distance and The Furthermost Distance: Book of Troubled Times, Author: Ji Cha 2:"Spiritual Realm Walker", Author: Xiao Langjun 3: The Tang's Table, Author: Jie and 2 4."King of Familiars", Author: Light Spring Flowing Sound Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation, Author: Mi Tian Building National Forensic Medicine, Author: Zhiniao Village 7:"Wait, Heroine." Author: Guan Guan Gongzi 8: Mantang Colorful, Author: Weird Cousin 9:"Hidden Dead Corner", Author: Get Lost Final Divine Duty, Author: Tuoba Goudan Beyond Time, Author: Er Gen "This Game Is Too Real." Author: Chen Xing LL Red Heart Sky Patrol, Author: What's the Matter? Ring of Destiny, Author: Squid Who Loves to Dive National Master of Ming Dynasty, Author: West Lake Encountered Rain Choose a Day to Ascend, Author: Otaku Pig 17:"Who's in Love After Rebirth?" Author: What's Wrong? Deep Sea Ember, Author: Yuantong Chapter 19: Cultivation in the Chaotic World of Demonic Martial Arts, Author: Wenplagiarism 20:"Who told him to cultivate!" Author: The Whitest Crow The following is a detailed introduction of these novels: 1."Book of Troubled Times": Ji Cha's book, anyone who understands it will understand o(*^▽^*)o 2."Spirit Realm Walker":"Spirit Realm Walker" was a fascinating novel. The author's writing style was excellent, and he had his own unique way of describing the characters and scenes. The theme of the story was very attractive. In addition to the author's pen strength and imagination, the plot was arranged very well. It was very worthy of a five-star rating. In the novel, the famous and elegant scholars of the past dynasties had different views on the concept of the spirit realm, and these views were vividly displayed in the novel. The entire story was filled with the legends of the Spirit Realm from ancient times to the present, making people unable to help but have endless fantasies and curiosity. The author's writing level and creativity were admirable, and people would never get tired of reading them. All in all,"Spiritual Walker" was a fascinating novel that was worth reading. 3."The Tang's Dinner Table": It's written very well. I'm a godly author, and the content is guaranteed. There's no need to talk about the writing style or the plot. It's just that the updates are a little slow, and the story development is also a little slow. Anyway, I'm just keeping it for now. I'll read it when it's published. (I've been reading it for more than a month. I feel that there are more and more problems with the writing. I can't even understand what I'm writing.) King of Familiars: Familiar original The light spring sounds like a new work, worth looking forward to. Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation: Fairy, Please Listen to My Explanation is a surprising novel. The story was set in time travel. The main character's soul traveled into a game world and became the third son of the Xu family, the villain who would be killed at the beginning of the game. However, as the protagonist explored, he discovered that the good in the game was actually the evil side. How the protagonist would reverse the future and complete the reform of the sect and the imperial court was something that everyone looked forward to. Although there were few emotional scenes, each female lead was clearly portrayed. In addition, the author's intelligence was on the line. The male lead did not lick the female lead every time he saw her. Overall, this novel was worth reading. 6.<National Forensics>: I didn't expect to be attracted to it just after watching it. He wasn't sure if he was an old author, but his writing style was really experienced. He used humorous language to write professional knowledge. His skill was obvious. It was a rare online novel that could be read word by word. The plot was also very smooth. Whether it was handling cases or daily life, it was orderly and comfortable to read ~ Looking forward to the follow-up ~ 7."Wait, Heroine": A new work by Young Master Guan Guan, the favorite minister of the empress, the lover of the rebel leader, and the young master of a famous Jianghu family. It was a combination of various identities. Each female character had a distinct personality. It was a love scene that was written better, and the feeling of pushing and pulling between the man and the woman was full. The results of the previous book,'Prince is Fierce' were not bad. I hope I can achieve greater glory again! 8."Mantang Colorful Colors": In the fifth year of Tianbao, when the Du family of Jingzhao Prefecture was involved in a conspiracy, Xue Bai, who was saved by the Du family, began to save the Du family based on the principle of returning the favor and paying the debt. Then, he slowly unveiled the painting of the Tang Dynasty. 9."Hidden Dead Corner": A New Style for the Big Opening? New setting, not bad! 10."Final Divine Duty": A pretty good Deep Blue work. Goldfinger was a dark blue system that could add points to attributes and skills. If he was not mistaken, he was a smurf, and his writing skills were relatively skilled. The world view was set better, and the various concepts and factions were richer. The timing of the introduction was also good, and there would not be a stiff feeling of changing maps. Currently, the main character was about to change maps and enter the official faction for the first time. The next part would be more difficult to write. It was very easy for the main character to lose the challenge because of his unparalleled strength. Hopefully, the author had written a good outline. 11."Beyond Time": Er Gen Xin Shu. Keyword: Cataclysm, mutated beast, wasteland, cultivation. In the world of immortal cultivation, there were great changes, strange invasions, and few people left. The protagonist hunted vultures and other living creatures in the beginning and survived for several years. After obtaining the energy amethyst related to the cataclysm, his strength soared. In the process of collecting the bodies of the victims, he happened to encounter a team of scavengers. What kind of sparks would the two collide? Should they be enemies or should they join? Please look forward to (ー), the new book of the great god, come and try it quickly! 12:"This Game Is Too Realistic": S (Player Flow Wasteland) He transmigrated to the wasteland of a parallel world and used the players to develop his farming. Although it was an old trick, the wasteland background was still interesting. Plot: Brainhole ***** Setting: Character **** Red Heart Sky Patrol: Rating: There were very few novels that could be finished at the moment, so this book caught up with the latest update. To be honest, the book was a little slow to read and the pace was slow. He had watched the beginning a few times before, but he didn't continue. Recently, the book famine had reopened. He did not expect that after patiently reading the beginning, it would be out of control. Xianxia. A real world with flesh and blood. There were almost no logical problems with the plot. Ring of Destiny was a long-awaited new squid book. It was the continuation of the Lord of the Mysteries. The first book was written very well, making people look forward to this new book. The story was set in a mysterious world, which made people feel excited and filled with endless fantasies. The author used his passionate and passionate strokes to describe the story of a young man's unyielding struggle, making people feel infinite passion and strength. I'm looking forward to the release of this new book. I believe it will be even more exciting. "The Great Ming State Preceptor": The Great Ming State Preceptor was a novel with a rich plot, profound characters, and a wonderful historical background. The main character of the story, Jiang Xinghuo, not only had modern knowledge, but he had also experienced many reincarnations. He had a deep understanding of ancient society and empathy, which enabled him to better benefit the people of the world. The villains also had their own characteristics. They were cunning, sinister, or arrogant, adding more layers and interest to the story. The entire book was rated very high. I personally gave it a 9. On the label were the words Ming Dynasty, transmigration, and management, which were the characteristics of the book. Different from other Xianxia novels, this book not only expressed immortals and cultivators, but also showed the life and historical background of ancient society through the protagonist's transmigration experience, giving people inspiration and thought. As an experienced transmigrator, the protagonist only needed to transmigrate nine times to return to the modern world and become immortal. However, the author did not let the protagonist pass the test easily. Instead, he set up more challenges and adventures. This made the story even more fascinating, and it made people look forward to the next development. The author's writing was smooth and easy to read. There was no heart-wrenching plot, and the reading experience was very good. I personally recommend this book, and I believe that readers will like it too. "Ascending on a Day": Otaku Pig's new book, Ascending on a Day Beyond the Heavens, I'll kill you bunch of dog immortals. With me here, no one can think of running to the Immortal World. Stay in this human world for me. "Who's in Love After Rebirth?""Who's in Love After Rebirth?" was a light-hearted and funny novel. The author attracted the attention of the readers with his unique writing style and colorful plot. This book was particularly fascinating and immersive. Whether it was a book shortage or a reader interested in the story, it was worth reading. The author's style was grand and admirable. At the same time, the writing style and plot were excellent, leaving a deep impression on people. I hope the author can get better and better! After reading this book, I felt the author's feelings and the charm of classical Xianxia literature. The author's writing style was completely passable, and people were full of praise for his writing skills. This book could be said to be the recent leader of the sweet literature world. The interaction between the two characters, Feng Daidai and Jiang Liuliu, made people feel warm and tempting. He hoped that the author could continue to maintain this level of writing and bring more excellent works to the readers. "Deep Sea Ember": -[Continuing-]--Top 3500 likes next time! Although his works were mainly fantasy and science fiction, the scenes he wrote were very realistic and the details were handled quite well. This book was no exception. At the beginning, he wrote the scene where the protagonist was in an abnormal space very well. The subsequent scene changed to the process of the ship without being abrupt. His description of the characters 'expressions and language was not inferior. Every sentence he wrote fit the atmosphere at that time, and it would not make people feel out of character or confused. The book combined elements such as strangeness and navigation. At the same time, in the strange atmosphere, it was mixed with the usual serious humor of the distant pupil. Especially the pigeon that appeared later, it made people laugh and cry. What was even more interesting was that the appearance of such a humorous plot in the Distant Pupil Book did not affect the perception of the book and did not make people feel fragmented. The book's worldview structure was also very outstanding, and the distant pupil described the worldview bit by bit in the plot, so there was no need to spoil the story here. Overall, this book was a top-notch work. Whether it was the character creation, the worldview structure, or the control of the rhythm, it was all first-class. It's getting better. I recommend it. Chapter 19:"Cultivation in the Demonic Martial World": The plagiarist's new book explodes with popularity. The protagonist kills decisively! The average order was 60,000 +. This was the best work of plagiarism. The theme was of high quality, the quality was high, the updates were large, and the rhythm was stable and refreshing. I recommend it! "Who told him to cultivate!" Joyful Criticizing Immortal Cultivation was more about standards. Fortunately, this book had a very high standard. It was as high as two or three floors. You can read these novels on Qidian Chinese Network.
Gundam Luna Doujin novel protagonist is Luna, or the protagonist's wife is Luna
1 answer
2024-08-12 07:21
Gundam and Luna Doujin novels are usually literary works that are creative adaptation of the Gundam series and the Luna series. The protagonist can be a reader who likes the Gundam series or the Luna series, or a character with a specific plot or background. The main character could be a person with a Gundam or Luna Body, or a professional warrior who used a Gundam or Luna Body to fight. In some cases, the protagonist may develop a love story with another character, which is usually an important element in the story. Some Gundam or Luna Doujin novels may have fictional Gundam or Luna characters. These characters may be new characters created by the author or adapted from existing Gundam or Luna characters. Gundaluna's Doujinshi novels could cover a wide range of topics and styles, including science fiction, fantasy, romance, and so on. If you like the Gundam or Luna series, reading the Gundam and Luna Doujin novels might be an interesting choice.
If there is a miracle in the distance
1 answer
2025-03-07 00:47
If A Miracle In The Distance was a well-known online novel, its main content could be summarized as: The novel was about a young man named Li Mo who accidentally transmigrated to a different world. In this world, he saw all kinds of magical creatures and worlds, and also experienced many dangers and challenges. Li Mo began to adapt to this world and gradually became a powerful warrior. He explored this world with other adventurers, defeated all kinds of evil forces, and protected the world's peace. In the process, he also made many good friends, including a mysterious mage and a brave warrior. However, this world was not perfect. Li Mo found that the lives of the people in this world were very difficult, and the evil forces had been trying to rule the entire world. In order to save this world, Li Mo had to keep fighting and find a solution. Eventually, he became the savior of the world and brought his new friends back to the original world. The whole novel was full of adventure, love, friendship, and fighting elements. At the same time, it also expressed thoughts about human nature and the world.
Home in the distance
1 answer
2025-01-19 08:31
The Faraway Home was a tourist accommodation option, providing tourists with a poetic and distant living environment. These homestays were usually located in Hunan, Zhangjiajie, Shaoshan, and other places, with unique architectural styles and environments. For example, the old courtyard house in Hunan featured Chinese architectural style, decorated with green bricks, vermillion checkered wooden doors, and rosewood furniture, creating an ancient and elegant atmosphere. Zhangjiajie's Faraway Homestay was located in the mountains and provided various facilities and services, allowing tourists to enjoy the mountain life and the beauty of nature. The Faraway Homestay in Shaoshan was located in the core scenic area, very close to attractions such as Mao's former residence. It provided modern Northern European courtyard-style accommodation. In general, a homestay in the distance was a unique accommodation choice, allowing tourists to feel the warmth of home and the poetry of the distance during their journey.
Looking into the distance, 2005
1 answer
2025-01-12 11:35
" Gaze " was a musical piece by the Hong China Hong Kong rock band Beyond. It was written, composed, and sung by Wong Ka Ju. The song was included in Beyond's 1992 album, Continue the Revolution. In 2005, at Beyond's farewell concert, Ye Shirong sang " Far Away." This song could resonate strongly with people because it was born naturally and sincerely. More information about " Gaze ", such as the MV and live version, could be found on related video and music platforms.
The furthest distance
1 answer
2025-01-12 03:42
The cast list for The Faraway Distance was as follows: Jiang Shuying as Jiang Xiaoyu, Dou Xiao as Cheng Zhan, Tian Lei as Liu Xiaodong, Xu Yue as Qian Xiaoqun, Li Xinze as Han Ming, Feng Hui as Xiaoyu's father, Ying Zi as Han Ming's ex-girlfriend, Liu Chang as an invited actor, Li Jun as Guan Yue as an invited actor, Zhong Chuxi as Su Ying, Zhang Yunlong as Qin Yunsheng, Li Xirui as Du Huixuan, Liu Yuhang as Xu Mingshi, Zhang Tao as Yang Zhengwen, Tian Yitong as Tian Mei, Guan Zijing as Zhang Yisen, Cai Yao as Cai Chen, Cao Yixin as Cao Xiaoye, and Liu Tianzuo as Brother Hai.
The furthest distance 1
1 answer
2025-01-12 01:48
'The Faraway Distance' was an urban romance drama. It told the story of the love story between Su Ying, an interior designer who had been hurt by love, and Qin Yunsheng, an affectionate and devoted emergency doctor. Su Ying was a successful interior designer, but she was hurt in the emotional world. She met Qin Yunsheng again on a reality show," Building a House." The two of them started interacting because Qin Yunsheng's house needed to be renovated. As time passed, Su Ying gradually opened her heart, but she realized that Qin Yunsheng still missed his deceased ex-girlfriend. In order to bridge the seemingly furthest distance between the two of them, Su Ying took the initiative to attack. In the end, she successfully influenced Qin Yunsheng and helped him let go of the shadow of the past. At the same time, Su Ying also achieved a leap in her career with Qin Yunsheng's support. She became a designer with both commercial value and human feelings.
The furthest distance
1 answer
2025-01-11 09:03
The movie 'The Furliest Distance' was not mentioned in the search results. Therefore, I don't know anything about the movie resources from the furthest distance.