
pengantin hantu

Raja Vampir Bertopeng Pengantin Wanita Kecelakaan

Raja Vampir Bertopeng Pengantin Wanita Kecelakaan

``` (Konten dewasa R-18+ Berisi adegan kekerasan, tanpa drama wanita kedua atau pemerkosaan.) Cinta saya tidak mengenal akhir, tidak ada benar atau salah. Karena saat saya mencinta, saya ingin kamu menjadi milik saya seutuhnya seperti saya milik kamu - Angelina Bhardawaj ~~~~~~ "Saya sudah bilang saya ingin merusakmu," dia menopang dagunya sambil menekannya ke dinding. "Dan kamu sudah cukup melakukannya. Sekarang saya pergi," dia membalas dengan tajam. "Kamu tidak mengerti kata-kataku, Putri," dia menyeringai dengan dingin. "Saat saya bilang saya ingin merusakmu, saya ingin mengikatmu di ranjangku dan mengisimu sampai wangi kamu menyatu dengan diriku dan setiap orang sialan di dunia ini tahu siapa kamu... Bahwa kamu benar-benar milikku!" Dia mendorongnya ke dinding, menciumnya dengan penuh gairah. ~~~~~~ Elliana Heart, putri tidak sah dari Raja Kota Heart Moon dengan keturunan pemburu hanya menginginkan satu hal dalam hidupnya; untuk mengetahui dan bertemu dengan ibu kandungnya. Tidak berdosa dan cantik, Elliana sering menjadi korban rencana ibu tirinya dan saudara tirinya. Sebastian Marino, Pangeran Vampir bertopeng yang terkenal, tidak mendapatkan apa-apa selain kebencian dari semua orang di sekelilingnya. Setiap orang takut kepadanya karena dia memiliki kekuatan yang tidak bisa diremehkan. Setelah menghuni penjara selama satu tahun menggantikan saudara tirinya, Elliana terkejut saat dibebaskan. Namun, kebahagiaannya berubah singkat saat dia mengetahui bahwa dia harus menikah dengan Pangeran vampir tersebut menggantikan saudara tirinya. Elliana tidak tahu apa-apa tentang vampir, dan Sebastian membenci segala sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan manusia-manusia jahat itu. Apa yang akan dia lakukan saat dia menikah dengan monster yang dinamakan dari dunia gelap yang mengambil dan berburu tanpa belas kasihan? "Kamu tidak penasaran bagaimana wajah saya?" Dia memegang dagunya dengan sakit. "Tunjukkan wajahmu kepadaku saat kamu percaya padaku," dia tersenyum lembut. 'Hal itu tidak akan pernah terjadi,' pikir Sebastian. Baginya, dia tidak lebih dari sebuah alat untuk membalas dendam pada manusia. Baginya, dia lebih dari apa pun yang pernah dilihatnya, bahkan lebih dari kebenaran eksistensinya sendiri. Ada kekuatan yang bahkan lebih besar dan lebih kuat dari segalanya dan kekuatan itu disebut takdir. Akan kah mereka mampu melawan takdir mereka untuk tetap bersama atau menyerah padanya dan kehilangan segalanya? Kisah penyihir paling mematikan yang menyamar sebagai manusia dan pangeran prodigy paling berbahaya yang bertahan hidup pada darah vampir. Penyangkalan- Buku ini dibangun di sekeliling dunia sihir dan fantasi murni. Romansa ini akan membuatmu merasakan kupu-kupu di perutmu sementara beberapa adegan mungkin membuatmu mempertanyakan kewarasan tentang cinta. 50 bab pertama akan membangun dunia di sekitar buku. Saya berjanji, jika kamu tinggal, kamu akan menyukai bukunya, sampai ini bukan genre yang kamu sukai. ~~~~~~ Ikuti saya di media sosial saya. Facebook - Penulis Angelina Bhardawaj Instagram - @angelinabhardawaj ```
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604 Chs
Pengantin Setan

Pengantin Setan

*Novel Fantasi Sejarah Slow Burn* Elise hendak berganti pakaian dengan gaun yang tergeletak di pojok tempat tidurnya ketika ia mendengar ketukan ringan dari pintunya. Penasaran, ia memutar gagang pintu hanya untuk mendapati seorang pria tinggi menjulang di hadapannya. “Tuan Ian!” Serunya. Ian tersenyum dengan tatapan nakal yang selalu dia gunakan. Matanya yang berwarna krimson melintas sejenak di atas ruangannya dan melihat gaun hitam di atas tempat tidurnya lalu memindahkan pandangannya ke wanita di hadapannya. Ia maju selangkah dan bertanya, "Darimana kamu mendapatkan gaun itu?" “Tuan Harland yang memberikannya padaku.” Jawab Elise dan merentangkan lehernya untuk melihat alis Ian yang terlipat dalam keanggunannya. “Tahukah kamu mengapa seorang pria ingin memberi wanita sebuah gaun?” Ia memberikan teka-teki yang selalu harus dipikirkan dua kali sebelum dijawab. Namun kali ini, ia tidak menemukan jawaban dan malah menggelengkan kepala. “Saya tidak tahu.” Senyumannya bertambah memikat seolah sesuatu tergerak di dalam dari mata merah menyala yang ia miliki. Ia perlahan menggeser tangannya melewati kerah gaunnya, mengirimkan rasa dingin yang membuatnya terperanjat sesaat karena suhu yang beku. Setelah membuka dua kancing pertama di kerahnya, ia menundukkan kepalanya, berbisik ke telinganya, “Karena mereka ingin menjadi orang yang melepas pakaian tersebut.” Ia berhenti dan mencium lehernya, mengubah kulit pucat menjadi merah sebelum menarik gerakannya untuk memperbaiki tatapannya pada Elise dan menjawab dengan santai. “Sayangnya, kamu tidak bisa memakai gaun itu di sana dengan ini.” Ia tertawa kecil dan menyerahkan sebuah kotak ke tangan Elise. “Dan kabar baiknya adalah saya telah menyiapkan sebuah gaun untukmu.” Elise adalah gadis kecil terkutuk yang bisa melihat hantu. Keluarganya membencinya dan melemparnya dari satu keluarga angkat ke keluarga angkat lain. Namun, kesialan tidak berjalan sendirian. Ketika ia dibesarkan oleh bibinya, ia dijual sebagai budak. Ketika ia mengira bahwa ia tidak akan menjadi apa-apa selain korban bagi penyihir, ia diselamatkan oleh seorang pria yang identitasnya jauh berbeda dari makhluk mitos biasa. *** Buku ini ASLI dan bukan Terjemahan Bergabunglah dengan diskord Penulis: https://discord.gg/YPKueb4
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599 Chs
Pernikahan Kontrak: Pengantin Pengganti

Pernikahan Kontrak: Pengantin Pengganti

Beberapa menit sebelum pernikahannya, Jeslyn mengetahui bahwa calon suaminya hanya mengincar keuntungan yang akan didapat dengan menikahinya. Patah hati dan merasa dikhianati, dia memilih satu-satunya pilihan yang ada pada saat itu, yaitu untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan pria yang bisa ia temukan, atau jika tidak, kekayaan keluarganya akan jatuh ke tangan musuh. … "Tuan, tolong, maukah Anda menikahi saya?" Dia bertanya padanya. Seorang pria yang dia lihat masuk ke kamar kecil tempat pernikahan. 'Dia pasti salah satu tamu,' pikirnya. Maverick terkejut dengan proposal itu. Dia melihat Jeslyn mengerutkan dahi ketika dia menoleh untuk menatapnya. Jelas dia ketakutan padanya, namun dia menenangkan diri, siap untuk melompat ke misteri di hadapannya. "Ini akan menjadi kontrak pernikahan. Kita akan bercerai setelah satu tahun," katanya. Dia juga memerlukan seorang wanita untuk anak nakalnya, jadi dia menjawab, "Deal." Tanpa sepengetahuannya, dia baru saja membuat kesepakatan dengan setan termanis yang pernah ada. ... Dia adalah mimpi buruk negara M, negara di mana kejahatan memerintah. Dia adalah kelinci kecil yang dibesarkan dengan cinta dan kasih sayang. Membunuh lalat? Tidak, dia belum pernah melakukan itu sebelumnya. Namun, terpaksa menjadi istri iblis, dia tidak punya pilihan selain melepaskan kepribadiannya yang palsu. Kelinci kecil apa? Siapa bilang dia tidak bisa menginjak jari-jari tangan seorang pianis dengan tumitnya dan pura-pura seperti tidak bermaksud melakukannya? Ha, selebriti ini ingin memainkan kartu kasihan? Apakah mereka ingin mendapatkan simpati masyarakat? Nah, mengapa lagi dia disebut 'kelinci kecil'? Bukankah itu karena dia terbaik dalam berakting imut? Apakah tidak ada yang memberi tahu teratai putih ini yang ingin menyelam ke tempat tidur suaminya bahwa dia mencuri jiwanya ketika dia menampar anak nakal itu?
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501 Chs
Pengantin Aneh Pangeran Terkutuk

Pengantin Aneh Pangeran Terkutuk

``` Kesalahan terbesar dalam hidup Alicia adalah mencoba untuk bunuh diri. Ia mendapati dirinya dalam tubuh seorang putri berusia 19 tahun yang sedang dalam pembuangan, di zaman pertengahan. Lebih dari itu? Ia dipaksa untuk menikahi Pangeran Harold; Pangeran berambut putih yang terkenal berapi-api dan tidak akan keberatan membunuh seseorang atas alasan paling tidak penting sekalipun. Sekarang, pernikahannya hanya tinggal beberapa jam lagi dan 'putri', yang kebetulan adalah Alicia, seharusnya menunjukkan beberapa keterampilan 'kesatriaan' kepada para tamu. Pertanyaan cepat: Apakah twerking diizinkan di zaman pertengahan? Ia tahu satu hal pasti, pernikahannya akan menjadi bencana dan pangeran yang berapi-api itu akan membunuhnya sebelum ia menemukan jalan pulang ke rumah. Tuhan Tolonglah Dia! ThatAmazingGirl bekerja sama dengan Miss_Behaviour (Penulis In Love With A Klepto) membawa Anda sebuah buku lain. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika tiba-tiba Anda mendapati diri Anda dalam tubuh seorang putri di zaman kuno? Lebih dari itu, dia bukan hanya manusia serigala, dia juga dikutuk oleh dewi bulan. CUPILKAN: Apa yang harus dia lakukan? Dia bingung dan tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Pernikahan di zaman pertengahan itu aneh! Apa itu 'Pembacaan Keutamaan'? Haruskah dia berpura-pura pingsan? Itu adalah satu-satunya pikiran yang masuk akal. Jadi itulah yang dia lakukan. Perlahan-lahan dia terjatuh ke tanah dan mendengar bagaimana semua orang mulai terkejut dan berteriak. Alicia menginginkan mereka untuk membawanya keluar dari sana dan kemudian dia akan mencari cara untuk melarikan diri. Tapi mungkin dia hanya tidak beruntung, karena ketika dia mengintip di bawah bulu matanya, bertanya-tanya mengapa tidak ada yang datang untuk membawanya keluar, dia melihat sebuah jubah emas, sebelum orang itu jongkok di hadapannya. Dia menutup matanya dengan erat dan menghentikan nafasnya. Dia adalah seorang aktris, setelah semua. Dia bisa melakukan ini dengan sempurna. "Itu akting yang buruk, nyonya." Suara dalam itu berbicara, membuat bulu kuduknya berdiri. Menakutkan. "Aku hanya akan memberimu tiga detik untuk bangun." Suara itu tidak benar-benar mengancam, tapi entah bagaimana dia memerintahkan rasa takut, terutama dengan cara bicaranya yang lambat dan hati-hati. Dia pernah mendengar dia mudah marah. Apa yang akan dia lakukan setelah tiga detik berlalu? Apakah dia akan membunuhnya? Lalu apakah dia akan mati di sini? Bagaimana dia bisa tahu dia hanya pura-pura? Apakah orang-orang di zaman pertengahan biasanya cerdas? Dia membuka satu mata untuk mengintip pangeran itu dan melihat dia menatapnya dengan senyum mengejek. TIDAK MUNGKIN PERNIKAHAN INI TIDAK JADI. DIA BENAR-BENAR AKAN MATI! ******* Manusia serigala (Check) Pangeran terkutuk (Check) Transmigrasi (Check) Komedi (Check) Romansa (Cek Dua Kali) TAMBAHKAN KE PERPUSTAKAAN ANDA! ```
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499 Chs
Istriku Adalah Pengusir Hantu

Istriku Adalah Pengusir Hantu

Song Yan menjalani hidup yang menyedihkan. Ia lahir dengan keberuntungan besar tetapi 'keberuntungan' nya 'direnggut' oleh saudara tirinya. Adalah takdirnya untuk menikah dengan Fu Yusheng, CEO dan pemilik Fu corporations. Namun, saudara tirinya yang cemburu, mengganggu takdirnya dan merebut 'keberuntungan' baiknya, sejak itu Song Yan menghadapi masalah tak terhitung, dia mengalami kecelakaan, kehilangan naskahnya dan akhirnya meninggal setelah mengalami kecelakaan di jalan. Namun, ia tidak mau menyerah, tidak mau karena ia mencintai Fu Yusheng dan anaknya yang ditinggalkannya di keluarga Fu. Jiwanya yang seharusnya berpencar dan dibawa ke Neraka di hadapan Raja Yama, berubah menjadi hantu yang kejam. Hanya setelah menjadi hantu, ia menyadari jenis penipuan sempurna yang telah direncanakan saudara tirinya untuknya. Beruntung sebelum jiwanya semakin gelap dan menjadi roh jahat, ia bertemu dengan seorang master Surgawi yang menjanjikan kesempatan baru selama ia bersamanya dan belajar tentang supranatural. Maka, Song Yan menjadi murid master Surgawi dan terus melayani master Surgawi dan keluarganya sebagai Hantu. Setelah lima ratus tahun mengabdi, ia dibebaskan oleh masternya dan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk bereinkarnasi. Ia bereinkarnasi pada hari ia mengalami kecelakaan mobil. Dalam kehidupan ini, ia dianugerahi kekuatan supranatural untuk melihat kebenaran surgawi. Ia bersumpah untuk membalas dendam atas dirinya dan anaknya yang mengalami kematian yang tidak menguntungkan karena saudara tirinya. Namun, mengapa suaminya yang apatis yang tidak pernah peduli terhadapnya, datang mengejarnya?
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449 Chs
What are the characteristics of the ghosts in Hantu Malaysian Ghost Story?
2 answers
2024-11-30 19:43
One characteristic is that many of the ghosts have a strong connection to nature. For example, some are associated with specific trees or bodies of water. Another is their appearance. The Pontianak often has long flowing hair and a pale complexion. And they usually have a certain behavior pattern, like the Toyol being mischievous and stealing things.
Tell me about Hantu Malaysian Ghost Story.
3 answers
2024-11-30 15:35
Malaysian ghost stories, or 'Hantu' stories, are often deeply rooted in local culture and superstition. There are various types of 'Hantu' like the Pontianak, a female vampire - like ghost. These stories are passed down through generations and are used to both scare and educate. For example, they might teach children to be home before dark or not to wander into certain areas.
Should he recommend some stories where the female lead transmigrated and disguised as a man?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
😋I recommend the following novels to you, I hope you will like them: 1. "The Supreme God of War of a Woman Disguised as a Man" was an ancient romance novel. It told the story of the female lead being reborn into the body of the useless Feng Lige. The woman disguised as a man and walked step by step on the path of the Supreme God. At the same time, she had emotional entanglements. 2. " The Peach Blossom Parting " was an ancient romance novel. The female protagonist traveled to an imaginary dynasty and faced all kinds of complicated love relationships. She was entangled with the royal family. 3. " Defiant Concubine: Demon Emperor, Please Stay " was a fantasy romance-Eastern fantasy novel. The female protagonist was a bounty hunter, and after transmigrating, she accidentally appeared as a beautiful master, and the story of her counterattack. 4. " Lovesick Moon " was an ancient romance novel. In order to survive, the female protagonist disguised herself as a man and was entangled by a group of handsome men, triggering a series of emotional entanglements. 5. " The Phoenix Descends The World, A Woman Is Not To Be Trifled With " was an ancient romance and classical fictional novel. The female protagonist transmigrated into a woman disguised as a man and gradually grew up in the emotional struggle with The Preceptor. I hope you like my recommendation.😗
What was the title of the novel that Song Xiting and Zhan Tingxiao wrote together?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
It might not be exactly what you need, but I'll try my best to recommend a novel that is most relevant to your description: "The LoL Top Female Demon King" is a gaming and eSports novel written by the author, Tangli Bujianxue. The general plot of this novel is: Reborn as a cute girl. He was the starting top laner of the UEFA EDG in the S7 Summer League. He was submissive in the interview and attacked heavily on the field! I'm Yu Hui, the new version of Akari, Arilia's face model. Salefany's real life prototype, the entertainment industry's lifelong enemy. The defending FVP of S League, the Valkyrie of the LPL, Asuna! ---------------------------- The book,"What's a Pretty Girl Top?" was written by the author, Hot Tea and Coke. It was a gaming and e-sports novel. The general plot of the novel was: This book was also known as "About My Blocking of the NG Contract" and "I, Who Led the NG Championship, Was Retired". Golden rain fell from the sky above the bird's nest and onto Song Wen's shoulder. "Xiao Wen, congratulations on leading RNG to the S7 Global Finals. As an MVP player, do you have anything to say to the audience that has always supported you?" The girl was expressionless, like a block of ice. "No, I haven't." "Uh…the fans have always had a wish. At this happy moment, can you fulfill the wish of the fans?" "You can't." "It's actually very simple. I just hope that you can smile…" “…” "Alright, actually, I heard something interesting before I came. I heard that contestant Xiao Wen has never been serious in the past, but in the Summoner's Canyon, she's a notorious troll. May I ask if this is true?" Song Wen's lips twitched imperceptibly. "I don't believe in rumors, I don't spread rumors." Time travel to 2017, obtain the system, and become a professional player. But this system… He couldn't laugh. Most importantly, she had actually become a beautiful girl… ---------------------------- "The Reborn Concubine Is A * As one of the eight great families of the Song Family, Song Cailin was a good-for-nothing since she was young. Her bloodline was blocked and she couldn't cultivate. If she didn't release the seal in time, she wouldn't live past the age of 25. Song Cailin came from the twenty-first century. She had turned from a despised lone star into a peerless master that everyone respected! With his hot-blooded and heroic spirit of not admitting defeat, even if he was destined to have a trashy physique that could not cultivate, what kind of physique was that? Who did she think she was? I'm sorry, I just want to counterattack! My fate is up to me, not the heavens! ---------------------------- "The Rebirth of the National Goddess of a Strong Marriage" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Qiao Shuangshuang. The general plot of this novel was: She was an internationally renowned ace agent. She was a queen who ran amok everywhere but was still worshipped as a myth. She closed her eyes and became a little gangster who was casually stepped on and insulted. Miss Song, who was forced into a desperate situation by her shameless father and ruthless stepmother, and surrounded by wolves, smiled evilly. From then on, the king returned with an unstoppable force, establishing his might in the world and shining brightly. He was the heir of the most powerful family. He was handsome, noble, indifferent, and unattainable. He used to be a workaholic, but recently, he often came late and left early. Everyone was puzzled, but his subordinates were used to it. After all, President Mu had to send Madam to school in the day and tutor her at night. "I'm a lady." "My big brother is right," the bully covered his face. "I'm new here, you can't bully me." The big shots who had been taught how to behave nodded one after another. Miss Song was asked about her relationship with Mr. Mu at the fan meeting. "Rumors! It's definitely a scandal. It doesn't count if there's no scandal…" A deep and noble voice suddenly sounded from behind him. "That's not what you said last night." Everyone in the upper class knew that Mr. Mu doted on his wife like a daughter. "A certain physicist once said that there are no absolutes in the world, only…" "Nothing is absolute in this world," Mr. Mu interrupted mercilessly."I'm the only one who absolutely likes you." Strong man, strong woman, 1v1, clean body and mind, good article, welcome to the collection! ---------------------------- Dressed as the Secret Boss's Favorite "was a sci-fi space-time travel novel written by the author, Dai Mei. The general plot of the novel was: Song Ning had transmigrated into a melodramatic novel. She became the vicious supporting actress in the book and ended up with a bad ending. Song Ning decided to fight against the plot to the end! Divorce, stay away from the scumbag male lead, counterattack, and abuse the white lotus female lead, do business, and become a legend in the industry! As time went by, Song Ning became the group's favorite in the book. Her brother said that she was weak and could not take care of herself, so she protected her everywhere. Her grandmother said that she was pure, kind, and caring. Even the legendary mysterious big BOSS was hugging her in his arms, his hot breath blowing on her neck. "I heard that you're going to have a kissing scene?" ---------------------------- "Reshaping the Resplendent Starry Path" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Little Mai Hua. The general plot of this novel was: What was a best friend? It was a stepping stone on the road to fame. At a banquet, she was framed by her best friend. From then on, her best friend rose to the top and became a real Diva. And she jumped off a ninety-nine-story skyscraper and wouldn't let her off even if she died! However, when she opened her eyes again, she was 20 years old again. At that age, she had become an idol in the online live broadcast room. From now on, he would tear apart the green bitch and step on the lotus. He would definitely torture the scum to the end. Vase Duck! After Song Xinran was reborn, she had a face, a butt, a chest wall, and acting skills. She was so popular that she was a mess. However, Goose, the peak of her life, finally met with a stumbling block. She was the box office queen and was finally passed down by Lu Ziyan as the vase queen! However, the genius Lu Ziyu had won many awards since his first movie. He had tens of millions of fans on Weibo, and even spitting on him could drown him! Song Xinran was furious. She couldn't win against a duck! However, one day, Song Xinran received a movie. The director was Lu Zihao, and the male lead was Lu Zihao. Lu Zihao, who was sitting opposite her, was naughty and mischievous."I'm looking forward to Miss Song's performance." Song Xinran hugged her chest and said warily,"Lu Zihao, you can't do this." ---------------------------- The book,"The Might Flies By" was a short story by the author, Frost Withered Lotus. The general plot of the novel was: Song Yating had seen many different kinds of men. There were handsome male celebrities, rich second-generation heirs, greasy and cunning businessmen, and childish but deep young boys. However, the person in front of him was different from those people in the past. There was righteousness in his deep thoughts, wildness in his rationality, and sharpness in his gentleness. Especially that pair of eyes, the light flickered, it was soul-stirring. "The scandal with the male celebrity is just a smokescreen?" Tong Wei leaned over and hugged her waist. Song Yating nodded. "Then can I assume that you actually like me very much?" She nodded again. Tong Wei laughed out loud. His laughter was a little wild."In order to not let you down, I will definitely work hard and devote my entire life to our love." ---------------------------- The book,"Quick Wear Big Boss, She's Peerless in Beauty" was a sci-fi space-time travel novel written by the author, Song Miaoran. The general plot of this novel was: Song Xinxin, who was on vacation, was suddenly brought to a dark enclosed space by an evil force. She remained calm and did not move at all. If the enemy did not move, she would not move to respond to any changes. He had thought that he was about to face a fierce and powerful opponent, but he did not expect that it would be an unknown creature with the appearance of a little boy who was pretending to be fierce on the surface. "Why aren't you afraid?" the unknown creature asked. He claimed to be the system and even said that he wanted to take her flying. Song Xinxin laughed. It's hard to say who'll bring who. Thus, the system and the man began their journey of rapid transference. However, the more Song Xinxin thought about it, the more she felt that this was a trap. This was because she was getting more and more familiar with this person who had been following behind her! This book was also known as "Quickly wear it and I will fly with the system." ---------------------------- The book "Why Did Big Boss Come Back After Retired" was a gaming and e-sports novel written by the author, Qing Zhou Zai Chou. The general plot of the novel was: Abandoning all hope and returning to China, Song Yu never thought that she would be pestered by a shameless and stinky man. And what was even more infuriating was that this beast in human clothing who was regarded as the "eSports god" actually publicly tarnished her reputation on all the major platforms? Uncle can tolerate it, but Auntie can't! Therefore, after being chased and scolded by the entire Internet for an entire day, Song Yu returned to the team base that night and was punished…Song Yu was arrogant. Tell me, what do you mean by a toad lusting after swan meat? Are you a toad or am I a swan?" Fu Mingchuan was humble."…Although there's no difference, what you said is right." The next day, the entire internet was in an uproar because of the announcement of the evil cult officials! ---------------------------- "War God's Wife Has Space" was a modern romance novel written by the author, Yuan Shiting. The general plot of this novel was: "Boss! A newcomer has broken all the records you set on Hanchen planet!" "Yes, my warrior." "Boss! That person is a woman!" "What?! Say it again!" "Report! She's a pretty girl!" "Well done!" [PS: Male and Female Lead 1v1!] This was a hot-blooded interstellar battle novel, a growth-type female protagonist who became stronger when she met someone stronger! Male protagonist ~emmm, living King of Hell? Special forces? Interstellar Overlord? He was also a cute little puppy!
Can you recommend some good fantasy web novels that have already ended?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
I recommend the following novel to you, xo xo: 1. [Goddess and Demon Empress, She Reveals the World in Medicine]: Strong Woman, Strong Man, Sweet Favor, has been completed. 2. [Eternal Overlord: The main character is Jiang Yunchen, who has become the number one and strongest overlord in all of history. It has ended.] 3. [Shura Martial God: Palm Splits the Heavenly Palace, Suppresses the Sun and Moon, Sword Slashes the Netherworld, Tramples the Nine Heavens, completed.] 4. [My World Assassin System: Dark, Hot-blooded, Cool Story, completed.] 5. [Eternal Divine Rune: Survival mission for newbies, leveling up of magical beasts, completed.] The above is my personal recommendation. I sincerely hope you like it ~
How to evaluate Yu Hua's Brothers?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
Yu Hua's Brothers is a novel full of emotion and depth of humanity. Through the story of two brothers, it profoundly reflects the social changes and changes of human nature in China from the 1930s to the 1970s. The novel narrated the experiences and emotional entanglements of the brothers in the process of growing up in the first person. Through the delicate description, Yu Hua portrayed the living conditions and psychological changes of ordinary people in that era, showing the good and evil, sincerity and hypocrisy of human nature. The novel was famous for its profound thoughts and reflections on social reality. In the novel, Yu Hua used the story of the two brothers to explore human nature, family, society, history and other issues, and deeply reflected on the historical background and reality of that era. Brothers is a novel full of emotion and humanity. Through the story of two brothers, it reflects the living conditions and psychological changes of ordinary people in that era. It has a profound meaning and literary value.
"Half a degree of cool, cool gives birth to the first rain, hibiscus in the past…" What was the meaning of the idiom?
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
This idiom was called " Muye Qiufeng ". It meant that the leaves turned yellow with the autumn wind, and the scene was very beautiful. It could also be used as a metaphor for the passage of time and the changes in the world.
A book with a powerful protagonist.
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
Let me recommend you a few novels about transmigration to satisfy your needs. First of all,"Modern City Cultivation Diary" was a very good modern cultivation novel. The protagonist traveled to the cultivation world to train, but eventually returned to the city and real life. Also,"Abandoned Cultivation Young Master" was a good urban cultivation novel. The protagonist, Venerable Dongyang, transmigrated to the abandoned son of a cultivation family and finally returned to the modern world. If you like fantasy and oriental fantasy novels,"The Little Buddhist Monk" is also very good. The protagonist accidentally becomes a monk and returns to the human world to cultivate and become a Buddhist disciple. I hope you like my recommendation, Mwah ~😗
I want to write a fantasy novel. Everyone, help me think of the name of the protagonist.
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
The name of the protagonist in a fantasy novel was very important because the name would accompany the protagonist for the rest of his life and also affect the reader's first impression of the protagonist. Here are some suggestions for the main characters 'names: - Yi Yun thought, This name is simple and easy to remember. The character Yi represented change, and the character Yun represented the sky. This name made people feel that the protagonist had extraordinary abilities. - Tianyu: This name has the meaning of sky and feathers, giving people a sense of lightness and freedom. It is suitable to describe the character of the protagonist. - [Purple Wings: This name has the meaning of purple and wings. It gives people a mysterious and powerful feeling. It's suitable for describing the background story and strength of the main character.] - [Blazing Flames: This name has the meaning of flame. Blazing Flames gives people a feeling of passion and burning. It is suitable to describe the personality and emotional state of the protagonist.] - [Sword Soul: This name has the meaning of sword and soul, giving people a sharp and mysterious feeling. It is suitable to describe the main character's skills and combat abilities.] - [Wushuang: This name has the meaning of 'unique' and 'matchless'. It gives people a unique and powerful feeling. It's suitable to describe the background and status of the protagonist.] These are some suggestions that I hope will be helpful.
Please recommend a novel with a theme similar to the fairy or magic. Thank you!
1 answer
2025-03-07 07:17
😋This is a Xianxia novel, which tells the story of the protagonist's continuous growth and counterattack in the cultivation world. In addition, I would like to recommend " Rebirth of a Concubine's Daughter " and " The Black Dragon of Escaping Marriage ". Although their categories do not completely meet your needs, they are also very exciting novels! I hope you like my recommendation.😗