One common theme is the exploration of love across different species. Since Star Trek has a diverse range of alien species, Jim often finds himself in relationships with beings that...
Well, writing an 'aggressive love fanfic' requires you to really understand the concept of aggressive love. You should show the characters' love as something that can't be contained or ignored....
There may have been horror stories regarding the quality of the facilities provided by the project. If the living or rehabilitation facilities were sub - standard, it would be a...
In many of these fanfictions, a common plot point is Gamzee's unique personality. For example, his clown - like nature and his complex relationship with the other characters in the...
In the full story of 'Wuthering Heights', Heathcliff is central. He is the orphan turned vengeful figure. Catherine is a complex character, torn between her love for Heathcliff and the...
Ayn Rand's life had several crucial events. Her upbringing in Russia during the revolutionary period was important as it shaped her views. Then, her emigration to the US was a...
For Naruto, you can show his growth in accepting the female demon. He could start off being cautious but gradually open up. The female demon can be developed by showing...