You can look for published short stories fiction at used bookstores. These stores sometimes have rare or out - of - print collections that you might not find elsewhere. Another place is at book fairs. There are often booths dedicated to short story collections. Also, don't forget about digital libraries like Project Gutenberg. While it mainly focuses on older works, it has a decent selection of short story fiction that is freely available for download.
You can find them in libraries. Libraries have a wide collection of books, including anthologies of short stories. You can also check out local bookstores. Some independent bookstores have a great selection of short story collections. Additionally, online platforms like Amazon offer a vast range of published short story fiction in both e - book and paperback formats.
There are several places. First, literary magazines often publish short stories. Subscribing to well - known literary magazines such as 'The New Yorker' which regularly features high - quality short fiction is a good option. Second, many publishers have their own websites where they sell or promote their published short story collections. Third, some universities also publish collections of short stories written by their students or faculty, which can be found in their university libraries or on their official websites.