The story of 'Clash of the Titans' is set in the world of Greek mythology. It mainly revolves around Perseus. He is a demigod, son of Zeus. Perseus embarks on a dangerous journey. He has to face numerous mythical creatures like Medusa. Medusa has the power to turn people into stone with her gaze. Perseus manages to slay her and uses her head as a weapon. Along the way, he also battles other terrifying foes and overcomes various challenges to prove himself and ultimately save the day.
In 'Clash of the Titans', Perseus is the central figure. Zeus, his father, has his own agenda which is often at odds with the other gods. Perseus is raised as a human but discovers his true heritage. His adventure begins when he sets out to stop the Kraken, a huge and terrifying sea monster. To do this, he first has to find and defeat Medusa. He gets help from some allies, including a beautiful woman. There are many battles and tense moments as he traverses through different mythical landscapes, all while being hunted by some of the vengeful gods.