There are several places to find 'Robb Stark fan fiction'. AO3 is a great resource. It has a well - organized system that allows you to search specifically for Robb Stark - related stories. is also popular. Many fans post their works there. Additionally, some dedicated Game of Thrones fan forums may have links or even host their own fan fiction about Robb Stark. These forums often have a community of fans who are passionate about sharing and discussing such works.
You can start by looking on fan - fiction websites like Archive of Our Own (AO3). It has a large collection of 'Robb Stark fan fiction' sorted by various categories such as genre, rating, and length. Another place is, which also has a good number of stories related to Robb Stark. Wattpad might also have some, though it has a more diverse range of content, so you may need to do some more searching there.